ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra,
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[wrench torquing]
There we go.
With those ThunderTank repairs
out of the way, I'm done.
I can't remember the last time I didn't
have anything to fix around here.
- [alarm blaring]
- [computer] Max speed exceeded!
Max speed exceeded!
Oh! Looks like I'll have to
fix the ThunderTread again.
And the ThunderFridge.
- [meowing]
- And the Thunder
Uh, actually, I forgot what
Thunder-thing it was.
And another
ThunderSecurity Camera.
- What the
- [Lion-O] Panthro.
- [screams]
- Can you fix my blow-dryer?
Oh! Lion-O. Let me see that.
There. You're not supposed to
get it wet. That's dangerous.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I
- Can you fix the refrigerator?
- Can you fix the gymnasium?
[all talking at once]
[chuckles nervously] Okay. Okay.
You win. I'll get to work.
Thanks, Panthro.
How can we ever repay you?
The appreciation I get from
the team is thanks enough.
- Hot!
- [electricity buzzing]
It's okay, Lion-O. That was
an easy mistake to make.
[objects clattering]
Heh. Sounds like someone
just made another job for me.
But who? We're all right here.
Oh, yeah. That's,
uh, that's weird.
That's extremely weird.
And bad.
[alarms blaring]
The lair is under attack.
ThunderCats, panic!
[all screaming]
Something drilled through
the council room.
Something drilled through
the weapons room.
Someone ate my cake!
It's on the roof. Follow me!
- [gasps] The rest of my cake?
- What? No!
The culprit who did this
to our base.
Oh! Do they have
the rest of my cake?
No? [stammers] I mean,
I don't know. Maybe.
Just, uh, forget it. Let's go.
Over there.
- [all gasp]
- Who dat?
Oh I still don't know
what that is.
Initiating scan.
Must continue search
for diamonds.
- Stop right there, miscreant.
- No.
Oh, the miscreants
never stop right there.
Well, we better stop it quick.
That thing is headed for
the Thundrillium core!
And my bedroom!
That's where I keep my stuff.
Listen to me. Thundrillium is the
fuel that powers the Cats Lair.
If that thing drills through the control
room and punctures the core underneath,
- the entire lair will explode!
- [all gasp]
Including your stuff.
ThunderCats HO!
He's too fast for us.
He's too fast for you.
Hey, there.
Surprised to see me?
Wait. You do see me?
Yeah! This ought to hold him.
[Wilykit and Wilykat yelling]
Hang on. I'll save you!
[both groaning]
- [both yell]
- [thudding]
[groans] We shouldn't
have eaten that cake.
You ate what now?
I'm gonna be sick.
- [retching]
- No! I just showered!
He's right above the
[Lion-O sobbing] No!
- He's right above the core.
- [device beeping]
We can stop him
together, Tygra.
Me with my super-strength
and you with your
[balls clatter]
Uh, doing your thing.
I have a Bolo whip and it's a lot
more effective than super-strength.
[whip cracks]
The whip is useless,
we're doomed!
A-ha! The whip has
redeemed itself.
- [whirring]
- Um
Rethinking the whole
whip plan.
Tygra, let go.
- I should
- [Panthro] Let go, Tygra.
- Maybe if I just
- Let go of the whip.
[whirring stops]
Oh, yeah. Bolo whip.
Never doubted it.
All right, pinhead.
Time to talk.
Who are you
and why are you here?
My name is Driller.
I'm here to drill.
But why?
I drill for diamonds.
There are many diamonds here,
and I need diamonds
to sharpen my drill.
Without diamonds,
my drill would become dull.
And I would not be able
to drill anymore.
You need to drill
for diamonds
so that you can drill
for more diamonds?
That's silly.
My shampoo bottle tells me
to lather, rinse and repeat.
But that doesn't mean I have
to keep repeating it forever.
You could just stop!
If you only drill
so that you can keep drilling,
you don't need
to drill at all!
He's right.
Just like I don't need
to shampoo at all.
Well, that's not
Drilling, like shampoo,
is completely pointless.
[Driller powering down]
Driller is pointless?
Looks like I really helped!
You're welcome, everybody.
Hey, it's not so bad.
Look at me.
These guys keep breaking my
things and I keep fixing them.
Break, fix, repeat.
It never ends.
So, Panthro is pointless, too?
No, I I wouldn't say
[both groaning]
Glad that's over.
Who's hungry?
I feel completely
empty inside!
[both groaning and whimpering]
[crunching and humming]
We need to talk
about Panthro.
- [grumbles]
- Oh, jeez! There goes the floor again.
Whew! This is exactly
what I'm talking about.
It's been a week and he still
hasn't fixed anything around here.
The lair is a total disaster.
I love the new design.
- Watch this.
- [yells]
- [Lion-O laughs and groans]
- [Snarf purrs]
See how easy it is
for me to get to the kitchen?
Cheetara, what were you
doing in my bedroom?
- Just passing through.
- [bouncing]
- Hey, guys!
- What the
[whooping and cheering]
[both laughing and whooping]
I'm not using the shower, so I used
the curtain to make a jump pad.
[high-pitched voice reading]
[both] Whoo-hoo!
This is awesome!
- [jump pad rips]
- [both yelling]
- Ah, they'll be fine.
- [yelling continues]
I will say, it's concerning
that they haven't landed yet,
- but
- [crashing]
There we go. Totally fine.
- [floor rumbling]
- [all yell]
- [yelling]
- [thuds]
[all grunting]
Someone needs
to fix the holes.
I haven't seen Panthro
in days.
What about the Berbils?
They've helped us
rebuild before.
[groans] I tried the Berbils,
but they're busy
with another project.
[Berbils] Ding, ding,
ding, ding
[Slithe] Castle Plun-Darr
nears completion!
These friendly fools will
build anything for anyone!
- Yes!
- [all laughing maniacally]
[Berbils laughing]
[Berbil] What nice men.
Well, someone needs
to find Panthro
and let him know how
important he is to our team.
- You're standing on me.
- Whoops.
We need you back, Panthro.
I need you back.
My back needs you back.
My back, Panthro.
My back hurts.
What's the point?
It's just break, fix, repeat.
Break, fix, repeat.
It never ends.
I'm not important.
You are important
and I'm gonna prove it.
Jump pad!
Taking the stairs.
Come on, Panthro. How could you
think your life is meaningless?
This place is falling apart
without you.
And what's that smell?
It's not me. I'm the only one
around here who still showers.
[all coughing]
It's coming from
the reactor room.
[all gasp]
[in sing-song voice] Breaking some stuff!
Yeah, yeah!
Jam a bunch of cookies
into a vent!
Elbow-dropping science!
Cut a bunch of wires!
Lion-O, what are you doing?
[in normal voice]
Snapping you out of it.
Look, everyone,
Panthro is back in action!
- Hip hip
- [alarms blaring]
You've disrupted
the Thundrillium core.
This place is gonna blow.
Let's get down there
and stabilize the core.
There's too much
rock to dig through.
There's no time.
[narrator] And now back
toBuilding with Berbils.
Greetings, builders.
Today, we are going to
build with a drill.
- Oh, the drill doesn't seem to work.
- Oh?
Let's see what the problem is.
Oh, dear.
This drill is
completely empty inside,
making it pointless.
I know how that goes.
Now, to put this useless
drill where it belongs.
[drill thuds]
- Driller, we need you to drill.
- [groans]
I'll handle this.
Driller, what is drilling?
What is life?
These are questions
that everyone must
There, I rewired you so that
you'll be happy forever.
You altered the fundamental
core of my identity
just to bypass
my emotional instability
And I am feeling
great about it!
- Yeah!
- Good. Now, let's ride.
Keep going, Driller.
They're almost at the core.
Wait, I thought we didn't want Driller
to hit the Thundrillium core.
[alarms blaring]
[all screaming]
The lair's going to explode!
What about my stuff?
Will it be okay?
What? No!
Well, it looks like
we blow up now.
[chuckles heartily] But I'm
still feeling great about it.
Nothing's blowing up as long
as I'm around to fix things.
[all cheering]
He stabilized the core by
unstabilizing it in reverse!
Now, that's how science works!
- Yeah!
- [high-pitched voice reading]
It was a pleasure
working with you, Driller.
- Yeah!
- [high-pitched voice reading]
Before you go, would you like me
to rewire you back to normal?
No. I feel like I have
a new purpose in life.
In fact, I would like
to return the favor.
Driller will rewire
Panthro now.
No, no, no, stop.
That's okay, Driller.
Unlike you,
I don't have any wires.
But what we do share
is a sense of purpose.
If I wasn't around
to fix things,
this whole place would
literally fall apart.
So the more things
my fellow ThunderCats break,
the more useful I become.
Get ready to be super useful
'cause while you guys were
talking, I broke everything!
[all laughing]
What? He can teleport?
Seriously, what is
the point of that guy?
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