Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e05 Episode Script

El descubrimiento de Almudena

We're going to burn down
the house with you inside.
I have orders to close down the place.
None of this would've happened if
you chose your company better.
Cesar, we have visitors.
They closed down the brothel.
And someone told them
that you needed help.
I'm going to help Lobo
catch those bandits.
First eat something and then
Mother, mother!
What do you want?
The hand of your daughter Nieves.
It seems that now Mr. Sagasta
is going to marry Nieves.
Anibal, thank you so much.
Go marry the man that
your father chose for you.
I'm not that man,
and never will be.
Goodbye, Elena.
You're leaving?
I've seen father.
(Whistling a song)
Still doing that?
It was father's.
He was always whistling it.
Roman, don't start.
I heard him, really.
Don't you remember?
Of course I remember.
So what?
Many people know that song.
It wasn't the song.
It was the way he whistled.
You have a house full of women.
Leave it.
Just hearing it,
made my hair stand up.
It was him.
Father is dead.
-And what if he isn't?
First, you find father's bones
and you're the only one to see them.
And now this.
Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you?
So it was a fucking ghost then.
You're obsessed, Roman.
Maybe you're seeing
things that aren't there.
I'm crazy.
Stay with me.
I need you here, by my side.
And I think you should
drink a little less.
(Wolf howling)
(Music box chimes same song)
Without studies,
physical or mathematical calculations
we'd have never found it.
Behold the wonder of science.
Water comes in, water comes out.
I don't see much science.
Ignorant Iberian!
Say that again! Say it again!
Stop fighting, ladies.
Well, it was hard
but the spring of the
Bravo brothers is now open.
The day after tomorrow the first
shipment will be on it's way to Switzerland.
20 quintals.
And if all goes well,
we will be their only suppliers.
What a funny little stream!
Just to hear it makes me laugh.
The girls left.
They seemed happy.
They said you've been very kind.
And to stop by Rosario's place
to celebrate, whenever you want.
What are you going to do?
Rest up a bit. My ankles
are as swollen as sausages.
Very well, and then you leave.
Didn't you say
you'd make room for me?
When did we say that?
It wasn't really said.
But that's what I understood.
Well, you understood wrong.
We don't have room, Lola.
You have to leave.
Don't do this to me,
I can curl up anywhere.
As if I wasn't there,
like a little dog.
He told you to leave
and you'll leave. No?
Out, out.
Ok, but when you find me dead,
with my eyes ripped out by vultures
my corpse will weigh
heavily on your conscience.
There you go.
Count it if you don't trust me.
Good morning Anselmo.
-Good morning Herminia.
Mr. Lobo's newspaper arrived.
-Thank goodness, I thought
it wouldn't get here this month.
Do you have beans?
Red or white?
How much do you want?
A quarter bushel.
This land was expected to
give us ferruginous water.
I failed once.
It wasn't my fault, evidently.
It was because of a fool
that couldn't tell left from right.
Hey guys, We have to go home.
There's work to do.
We told the girls we'd stop by.
Yes, we told them
it's not polite to stand them up.
Go ahead!
What's going on here?
I saw him with another woman.
What a bastard!
With whom?
I don't know. With someone.
Well that's enough. I don't want you
suffering over that idiot anymore.
I thought he cared about me.
Sorry, but I'm glad.
Now you know how he is.
Surely, Felix wouldn't
have done that to you.
You're going to forget him,
do you hear? It's over.
What we need to do is
think about our weddings.
(Roman whistles)
Come on, to the Bravo's first shipment.
It's nice having you here again.
Especially you.
Can't do anything, huh?
Anything you need, ask me directly.
I'm leaving.
No, no, no, you're staying.
A round of wine for everyone.
The one day I'm having fun.
Go ahead!
Again with that song.
Now it's stuck in my head, damn you.
Anibal, please.
Sit down and don't
cause a scene.
Hey, you.
Leave them and
let's go have some fun.
I don't want to.
I'm ok right here.
I didn't ask if you wanted to.
I said, let's go upstairs.
I said no.
Find another girl that
doesn't mind your breath.
Fidel, brushing twice
a year isn't enough.
She said no twice.
Don't meddle, boy.
Fidel. Come and play.
Stay with this kid
If he wants,
I'll give it to him for free.
Thank you.
-To us.
(Drunken voice)
I like them all, Roman.
You know what?
I think I'm going to throw up.
No, no, man, no.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, stay a little longer.
I have to sleep, darling.
Come on, don't leave us like this.
Don't tempt me.
The way it's going.
The three of us could
have so much fun.
Okay let it be as god wants.
Sure thing, Roman.
You stayed!
-How's it going?
So, you're staying after all.
Why would he leave?
It's much better here.
No, I stayed
to help my brother the spring.
Yeah, I can see how well you're helping.
Let's go, Miguel.
Come on, big man.
Come here.
Bye, Roman.
And I'm glad you stayed.
"You're going to look very beautiful".
Dressed up, and with cleavage.
You won't be going to my wedding as a nun.
Whatever you want,
I'll wear whatever you want.
After what you've done for me
A Millionaire,
and on top of that, old.
I'll be the youngest
and richest widow in Spain.
Go ahead upstairs,
I'll be right there.
Aren't you going to say anything?
You haven't even congratulated me.
I'm not saying you should be happy
for me, but it seems like you don't care.
What do you want?
The fact that I'm getting married,
doesn't mean that things have to change.
I'm still here.
You and I can keep seeing each other.
I knew you were a slut,
but I didn't know how much.
Anything else?
-Hello, doctor.
Look who's here!
You come full of shame, huh?
Good day.
What are you doing here?
Well, when I get to it, I get to it.
Come, sit down to eat.
Fine hour to come home, huh?
Looks like someone
had a wild night.
Lola, I thought I made it clear.
I know, I got the message.
Go on, sit down.
The message was,
that you leave.
I had to go in a hurry,
and look what I've done.
I'll leave the cabin spotless.
She wants to take my place.
You weasel!
Having a woman around
never hurts, right?
A woman?
This is not a woman.
Hey, I have my little heart!
Give me a kiss.
-Shoo, you drunk!
Drunk, he calls me!
If I throw a match at you, you'll ignite.
I only drank a little bit.
Don't worry about a thing.
I'll treat you like princes!
What was that?
-Shit, no
Jesus, Jesus!
Those foreign machines!
Who messed with it?
Someone messed with it!
Maybe you installed it wrong.
That can't be!
Well, it can be.
But you're not helping me at all.
I have to do everything.
Everything, Jean Marie!
And above that, there's this drunk woman,
that won't let me do my job.
Now it's my fault that
Frenchy's an idiot.
Jean Marie, let's fix it.
It can't be fixed.
-What do you mean it can't?
It burst, there's no fixing it!
What about the shipment?
And the Swiss?!
-And the money?
Well, I'll go on with my work
while you get over this unpleasantness.
Above all, listen to him.
Make it seem like you're interested
in everything he has to say.
And smile, smile a lot.
Well, I'll leave you two alone.
It's time for my piano lessons.
Do you want a tour of the garden?
The stables are over there.
There must be 15 or 20 horses.
Yes, don't you remember?
I came here twice, as a child.
Everything impressed me.
The horses, the servants,
your father.
My father's still impressive.
Well, not so much.
He asked me to examine Rosa.
Rosa's very young and that could
help her respond better to treatment.
There are cases where
tuberculosis has been cured.
It's rare,
but I will do everything I can.
She's the sister of my future wife.
Isn't it boring, coming back
here after being in Madrid?
I was told that the most
beautiful girl lived here.
That, was worth seeing.
It's the first time I see
you smile and I like it.
Let's go back to the house.
As you wish.
I don't know.
I don't see myself.
What do you mean you don't see yourself?
You look gorgeous.
All you need now, are some curls here
bows here and some earrings.
Not earrings.
-Yes, earrings.
We saw you through the window.
-Yeah, and you looked very lovey-dovey.
I kissed him.
Yeah, we saw that.
Good, good. That's progress.
Yesterday you didn't
even want to see him, and today
Yes, but I didn't feel a thing.
You must've felt something.
When I kissed Cesar, everything was
I don't know
You kissed Cesar?
With Cesar, it felt like
something grabbed me here.
My knees got weak.
Forget about Cesar.
(Knock on door)
Are you still like this?
Please go downstairs
before your father gets home.
The table is ready.
We'll be right there.
Can we talk?
I know nothing's clear now,
but Felix is a good man, he'll treat you well.
He'll make you happy,
I'm sure of it.
Why are you telling me this, Tata?
Because love is beautiful at first.
But everything changes
over the years, believe me.
It's this piece here.
I can't do anything.
You can't, or you won't?
Either way
it can't be fixed.
-I have a lot of work, so get out!
We're leaving.
But, if something could be done
what would you do?
Find something that
serves as a patch.
If you could draw it for me
Now, get out!
I have work to do!
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
That's a coil for a safe box.
And who has one in this town?
You're crazy!
Bother. One last time.
For old time's sake.
The next one can wait,
I'm not finished yet.
I'm not in a hurry.
We don't open until the evening.
I know.
Get out and close the door.
You've behaved badly towards me.
I sleep with whoever I want.
Oh, yeah?
Well now
you will want to.
Not so clever now, huh?
-I'll scream.
Even better.
I like it better that way.
Let go of me.
Let me go!
Clara, what's wrong?
-Let me go!
Leave me alone!
What's happening?
-Let go!
Very well.
Open wide.
What's going on,
by god?!
(Pounding on door)
(Crying and screaming)
Clara! Clara!
(Playing piano)
I need to talk to you.
Earlier, in the garden
I had the feeling that you
weren't comfortable with me.
But when you kissed me
I know that I have to marry you.
I will never love you.
I'm sorry.
I've tried, but I can't.
I will do whatever I must, but
I prefer that you didn't give me flowers or anything like that.
They're for your sister Rosa.
Your father asked me
to come see her today.
"We've been robbed".
We haven't been robbed.
Alcohol is very bad.
She might be dead.
Lola, Lola.
(Drunken voice)
Ther whole thing for half price.
Weeds never die.
I heard that.
Hey, that was wet!
Get out, Lola.
There's no need to be rude.
If you want me to leave you can tell me.
But to me with subtleties
and half measures
Tell me things directly.
Should I leave
or should I stay?
Cesar, don't you think
you've gone a bit too far?
If we're going to steal Lobo's safe
we have more
important things to focus on.
What's that?
-To see inside the ear.
You have the most beautiful
inner ear I've ever seen.
Now we're going to
draw a little blood.
It might hurt a bit.
Don't worry.
I'm not scared.
I'm very strong.
Rosa has to get out of that room.
That environment isn't good for her.
Excuse me?
I don't know who told you to,
but that girl can't be under those conditions.
The doctor that treated
her is one of the best.
With plenty of experience.
Well, he's wrong.
Being locked up makes it worse.
Rosa need sun.
The latest research
I will not allow you
to experiment on my daughter.
Your daughter is dying.
But there is still a chance.
If you will allow me
-Rosa will continue to be isolated.
I thought you wanted me to cure her.
How dare you?
-If you don't trust my judgment
then it's best I leave.
You don't think I'm doing
what's right for my daughter?
In regards to her illness?
Very well.
From now on,
you will be in charge of her treatment.
Thank you, sir.
I assume all the responsibility.
You won't regret it.
Excuse me.
If you're finished,
they need you in town.
A woman was injured at Rosario's.
It's an emergency.
She's lost a lot of blood.
But we didn't know what to do.
You've done well.
Excuse me.
Who did this?
I don't know.
See what you can do.
It's a clean cut.
Don't talk.
It's best not to talk.
Boiling water, please.
Come on.
She needs stitches,
but it doesn't look too good.
Who was it?
I don't know what you're afraid of,
but you should notify the Civil Guard.
Whoever did this, must pay.
Doctor, just do your job,
and leave it, ok?
Rich figs!
I bring figs!
Very tasty figs.
I'm sorry, Lola, but we
don't want anything.
Miss Lidia.
Lola, I've said no.
Well, don't buy any, if you don't want to,
but could you give me a glass of water?
I feel faint from the long walk.
So now you sell fruits.
Best to sell fruits than my fruit.
I left that life behind me.
It's too sacrificing.
Wait here,
I'll bring you some water.
God bless you!
There are still good samaritans.
Miss Lidia.
Could it be tea instead?
You don't ask much.
Hot water settles the stomach.
Lola, here's your
Where did this woman go?
I can't believe this!
Lola, get out of there immediately.
By god, what a big house!
It's just that
I didn't feel well.
The figs, they
loosen up the stomach.
But I'm better now.
don't make me search you?
"This is Lobo's house".
So, we will enter through here.
We go in with our faces covered,
we threaten them, and they'll give us the safe.
Like we did with the jeweler, remember?.
-Do I remember?
It hurts every time I laugh.
Are you listening to yourselves?
If they catch you, they'll hang you.
Shut up and let me think.
They'll kill you, and even worse,
they'll kill me for being an accomplice.
The Swiss is right.
Listen to your brother, huh?
We must get in without being seen.
-No, no, no!
Stealing is a crime.
Crime, prison, death.
Does that tell you anything?
Let's see.. Roman,
you'll distract them over here.
I go inside
find the safe and take the coil.
I don't want to know anything.
And we must do it all
in a short time.
But the problem is,
that we don't know where the safe's at.
Behind the painting,
behind the desk in the office.
Use the back door.
20/20 vision.
I believe there's two compartments.
What is she doing here again?
She's like a plague.
Well done, Lola, well done!
We'll do it tomorrow,
in broad daylight.
They won't see it coming.
Mr. Lobo,
thanks for coming.
They've informed me.
What will you do?
They told me she's out of danger, no?
Out of danger?
Have you seen her?
I don't like men who
beat women, Rosario.
But your girls expose
themselves to this.
He left her without a face.
-But she can still work.
No one will want to come near her.
I see.
Misfortunes never come alone.
They close down your brothel.
Leave you without merchandise
I'll send you a case of wine.
Is that what this girl's worth to you?
A case of wine?
I'm sending you two cases of wine,
but you're not getting anything more.
Oh, Rosario.
You like to be independent,
but you always come to me.
And you know well, that those who are
with me have nothing to worry about.
I am with you.
Let's go to the bedroom.
(Hums song)
What the hell is that?
A song.
Where did you hear it?
One of the girls has been singing it all day
and it stuck.
The youngest Bravo keeps whistling it.
Roman keeps asking about
Fernando Bravo, and about the song.
He thinks his father's still alive.
Anything anything that has to
do with the Bravos, you'll tell me.
Is that clear?
You're leaving?
I'm not in the mood.
(Bell chimes)
How is the girl?
She'll live, although I
don't know what's best anymore.
For two cases of wine.
Sons of bitches.
What did you want me to do?
Defy Lobo?
To have him close the place again,
and leave us homeless.
This time it was Clara.
Next time it could be any of us.
That's true, Rosario.
We're not safe.
Above that, no one cares about us.
Yes, that's right.
And the sooner you realize it, the better.
Cristina, why don't you talk to Lobo?
Maybe if you're the one to tell him
Oh yeah
so he can take it out on me, right?
You're all crazy.
Clara's not the
first this happens to.
Nor the last.
Since they'd never hurt you
-Shut up!
They can kill us.
They can rape us bury us alive.
They can do whatever they want to us,
because we're worth less than a mangy dog.
We should pay someone
to kill that son of a bitch.
I have this.
I have some saved.
Me too.
I can add this.
Now we just need to find
someone with balls.
So, that water that even cows won't
drink we're selling it to the Swiss.
What do you think?
They're so strange.
Have you seen Jean Marie?
(Mimicking Jean Marie)
I'm Swiss.
I'm Swiss.
(Door opens)
I better go.
Goodbye, Elena.
Good morning.
My newspaper arrive?
Here it is.
Oh, and your mail.
How's everything going?
Is the town treating you well?
Yes, yes.
I can't complain.
Excuse me.
A woman so young alone
with a child.
Have you thought about
getting married again?
Well, no. No!
The truth is I haven't.
If you need anything else,
my father will attend to you.
I have to find my son.
Don't worry, I'm going.
Thank you.
Can I really go out every afternoon?
Every afternoon.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
You're so lucky, Almudena!
When you marry, you have to buy
a house with a garden and a pond.
And a bedroom for me.
Of course.
Whatever you want.
I've never seen anyone
talk that way to father.
Didn't you say he was too effeminate?
-Not anymore.
Are you ok?
Let's leave them alone.
I've been thinking
about what you said.
Forgive me.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
but I needed to say it.
I'll tell your father that
the wedding is canceled.
My father will never allow it.
He'll kill you, and lock
me up in a convent.
We'll see what happens.
But I can't marry someone
who doesn't love me.
You must understand.
Goodbye, Rosa.
Goodbye. -Goodbye.
(Bell chimes)
Everyone out!
The cattle got away!
Didn't you hear?
The cattle got away.
What are you doing,
that you're not running after the cattle?
The boys are already doing their job.
Ah, of course!
Your job now, is to slice girls faces.
Do you have a problem?
Go gather the cattle,
if you don't want me to beat you up.
And fast.
You've already cost us
two cases of wine.
(Foot steps)
In Mr. Lobo's office now?
Didn't you hear that the cattle got away?
Let's go outside.
Yes, miss Lidia.
(Door opening)
Relax, Almudena.
(Door opens)
It's alright.
The boys are gathering them.
What are you doing in my house?
I'm going to scream.
Don't scream.
What are you still doing here?
Haven't we thrown you out six times?
Lets see.
It has been talked about.
But we haven't reached a conclusion yet.
Jean Marie, I'll serve
you a drink and another for me.
I don't want any.
They'll send us to jail.
Or worse.
They'll consider me the
mastermind of the plan.
Of course.
I'll be bludgeoned.
Open up!
This is the Civil Guard!
(Knocking on door)
What an animal!
What if I aimed to kill?
Come on, Swiss.
See if you can install this piece.
But first go change your pants.
What a fun house!
What a sophisticated
sense of humor!
Come on, we don't have all day.
Can you install it?
I don't know if I'll
be able to install it.
Well, if you don't know how to.
What? What if I don't know?
Well, you don't dig, you spoiled the
machine, and now you can't fix it.
Maybe I'm not the nuisance after all.
That's true,
at least she helped find the piece.
Very well.
She's right.
One of us isn't needed.
Look at how cute he
looks when he's angry.
I'm serious.
If she doesn't leave, I will.
You decide.
Either her
or me.
You better win him over.
We need the Frenchy.
Jean Marie!
Don't get angry,
it was only a joke.
Good morning.
What do you want, boy?
To work for Lobo.
Doing what?
I want to be one of his men.
Like you.
What can you do?
Ride? Shoot?
Can you drive cattle?
I can learn.
Does this look like a school?
Do I look like a teacher?
Let Lobo decide.
I'm foreman of this estate,
and I choose my men.
They don't tell me how good
they can be. They show me.
Sir, if you give the chance,
I'll show you.
Go on, boy.
Go help your mother in
the tavern. It's a good life.
What happened?
It was Fidel.
Son of a bitch!
Are you ok?
(Moans in pain)
Don't talk.
The doctor said you shouldn't.
Lobo hasn't done anything?
-She's worth two cases of wine.
We've gathered some money.
That bastard has to
pay for what he's done.
Of course.
I can pitch in too.
In this town, you're the
only one who can earn this.
I'm very sorry for what
he did to you, but
I can't.
Don't you care?
I can't give her back her face.
And if Lobo hasn't done anything
whoever touches Fidel
will end up getting hanged.
I told you he wouldn't
want any trouble either.
That's enough.
Leave him alone.
We asked him, and he said no.
So, nobody can tell me how my
cattle got away this morning.
The cattle escaped through
the north gate, sir.
The last one to close
the door was Manuel.
And he remembers closing it well.
Then someone opened it after you.
I don't know, sir, I guess so.
I closed it well.
Did you come in the house after that?
No, sir.
I went to gather the cows with Mariano.
Did anyone see anything strange?
Someone wandering around?
All the cows are accounted for.
Is anything missing from the house?
How can anything be missing, Anibal?
Do you really think that someone
can come in my house to steal?
No, sir.
You can leave.
Your fiancee asked to speak with me today.
Do you know what he wants?
No I don't know.
I hope it's not another one of his
innovative ideas for your sister.
That guy's stubborn.
Almudena, for god's sake!
Forgive me, father.
I'll bring you more coffee.
We have the piece.
Where did you get it from?
We have it. Can it work?
I don't know.
You said
You only have to mount it.
I said that without the
piece, it wouldn't work.
I didn't say I knew
how to mount it.
There's a blacksmith in Cabestrillos,
2 days away. He knows more.
We need the pump to work today.
-I said no.
Don't get me into any more trouble.
If you change your mind,
you know where to find us.
What do you have to tell
me that's so important.
Do you fancy a drink?
-No, thank you.
Well, talk.
It's about the wedding.
Almudena and I have been talking.
We barely know each other, but
I can see that she's a fabulous woman.
All of my daughters are.
But Almudena is special.
You're getting a gem.
I have no doubt.
She would make an excellent wife.
we can't get married
-We can't get married so late.
We wanted to get married sooner
If that's ok with you.
That way, our wedding won't
delay Nieves's wedding.
I see nothing wrong with that.
Thank you, father.
This has to go
necessarily, this way.
It's done.
Or not.
Make it work, Jean Marie,
this needs to be ready now.
Tomorrow we make the delivery!
Cesar, I don't know how.
It won't fit anywhere.
And if I mount it wrong,
it could break.
No Cesar! No!
-Break it and I'll kill you.
Sorry, I'm sorry.
Take it easy.
Just relax, until you
can make it work.
but don't get angry at me.
Not like that!
That way, it'll break
in five minutes.
Thank you.
How much do we owe you?
I can't charge for
something I haven't done.
And I haven't helped you.
Is that clear?
I've done you a favor.
Your girl didn't know how to smile,
and now, always, from ear to ear.
Shut your fucking mouth.
Same as usual, Rosario.
From now on, she'll do her job better.
Everything will fit in there.
There's no sense of humor anymore.
All choked up over a whore!
We came here to play cards.
So shut up and deal.
Tell Cristina I'm here.
No more jokes?
Put it away.
Do you prefer to fight,
or should I cut your throat right now?
You should've taken advantage.
This way's more fun.
Don't do it, please.
Please, no.
What were you saying about her smile?
Mr. Lobo.
Lobo, help me.
He caught me off guard, Mr. Lobo.
Mr. Lobo, don't leave.
Mr. Lobo, please, don't leave!
(Fidel screams)
you got cut shaving, right?
I knew we'd get the
shipment out on time.
Well, this hasn't
reached its destination yet.
Take the river passage.
And if you think you're
being followed, go faster.
Yeah, sure.
Run, Sevillano!
Come on!
This better be very important.
Their first shipment is on its way
through the passage of the river.
Is that so?
Wasn't their pump broken?
To my knowledge, yes.
The blacksmith helped them.
Yesterday he went to their well.
I saw everything.
He has chosen his side poorly!
You may go.
What I want is to work for you.
Anibal said that if I
proved myself
And what have you proved?
That you're a snitch?
I don't deal with snitches.
You're not passing through here.
Anibal, they're empty.
That can't be.
Were you looking for something?
Someday I'll wipe
that smile off your face.
Why not today?
In fact, just how you like it.
Four against one.
Go back home.
Let's settle this once and for all.
Fifty liters per hour
24 hours
for thirty days.
A thousand.
Why a thousand?
A thousand what?
A thousand, I don't know.
But since you didn't know.
Why do you talk so much?
If you don't know, then shut up.
And leave already!
Go on, leave. Poof.
I'll leave when Cesar tells me to.
This is his place.
Jesus, frenchy,
you're always in such a bad mood!
I think it's been a
long while since you
since you did the two-step.
Come on.
What can you know
about my private life?
Since you're such
a mysterious man
Let's see.
Jean Marie.
You and I started
off on the wrong foot.
But I'm stubborn,
and we're going to be friends.
So, just relax
and tell me about yourself.
Let's see.
Do you have a
girlfriend in France?
I'm calculating.
I'll leave you.
It doesn't surprise me.
I've never had a girlfriend.
Are you more of a?
That's what I thought.
No I didn't
I'm not
and much less a
You've danced the two-step?
It's been awhile, but
you have danced, right?
Oh my god, you're a virgin!
You're a little virgin!
Hey, please!
-You should've said so.
You'll see how fast we
solve our problems.
Lola, please.
"Oui!" Yes, Lola, yes!
Do whatever you want with me.
There's someone here to see you.
Come in.
How's it going, gorgeous?
How are you?
She'd be better if she
knew that the bastard
-You don't have to worry.
you've lost a client for good.
I knew it.
Did you kill him?
We knew that
you were different.
Of course I am.
Take it.
It'll be good
for your business.
You've earned it.
No, here.
It's for you.
I was gonna spend it here.
Thank you.
Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Listen up, sweetie.
Would you be so kind
as to refill my cup?
Of course, "mon cherie"
You've left me dry,
from so much passion.
Jean Marie.
Sorry to make you come back
bring me something for the ashes.
Throw it on the floor.
I'll sweep it up.
Hey, Lola.
I have one doubt.
How was I?
How what?
Very good.
Super good.
If you didn't tell me it was your first time,
I wouldn't have noticed.
Imagine when I get more practice.
I'm going to get practice, right?
First, remove the leaves from the entrance,
and clean the bedpan, then we'll talk.
Consider it done.
But why talk? When we can
Jean Marie.
The bedpan.
Good day, family.
You did it.
The shipment was delivered.
They didn't see me leave.
The decoy worked well.
Where is he?
He's not back yet?
I went up to the train
and stopped by the brothel.
Something happened to him.
Will I be healed for the wedding?
It's so soon.
We won't get married then.
So, you must get better.
I'll do all I can.
Yes, he arrived a mess.
Cesar Bravo.
Are you sure?
-Yes, Anibal had it out for him.
He beat him to death.
It can't be.
On the river trail.
You're alive.
Of course.
Come here.
What's wrong?
I know who you are.
And who am I?
A murderer.
The head of a gang of murderers.
Not murderers.
Shut up.
I know everything.
I know about Portugal.
You killed all those
innocent people.
People who were on a procession.
Women, children
I'm a thief.
That's true.
I have been since I
was 14 years old.
But never
Almudena, we never
killed children
nor women.
The newspapers don't
say the same thing.
Listen to me.
We never shot innocent people.
But, yes
those people died because of me.
My men
and those poor people.
That's why I came here,
because I wanted
to leave all that behind
and start again.
And when I met you
I have to go.
I have to find my brother.
The only newspaper
in town is my father's.
And I burned it,
before anyone could read it.
I don't want to give you up.
I can't.
Anselmo is inside!
He's inside!
How did you get in here?
I'm a bandit.
Lobo won't tell me with
whom I can do business.
First Rosa and now Nieves.
Sebastian, you'll kill him!
Let him go!
You have guts, boy.
And I like that.
If my daughter dies, Felix,
I swear I will kill you.
I can't breathe.
I have something for you.
Stay away from my sister.
She's not for you.
There's something I haven't
told you, and you should know.
Are you telling me
we've been working ourselves to death,
and we can't touch that money?
I didn't raise you to
be this way, Sebastian.
If what you want is to get him
into your bed, do it already.
Please, no more.
It hurts a lot.
What happened?
How did you end up
in Tierra de Lobos?
I'll write a letter to Sagasta.
-You're going to sleep with the old man?
Where the hell is your son?
If you want to work for me,
you'll have to pay for what you did.
Almudena Lobo,
will you marry me?
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