Tiger & Dragon (2005) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Thank you all for coming today.
That was an impersonation
of the Fifth Shinshou!
I guess young people
don't know who that is.
I'm feeling nervous.
Is this the camera? Is it rolling?
Hello! I'm Ta-chan.
I'm 40 years old, divorced,
and looking for a woman
in her early 20s who doesn't bear a grudge
after a relationship!
There's a guy named Hayashiyate Kotora,
a new rakugoka that I like.
He's been promoted to second billing.
What's rinki again?
-It means envy.
-And senki?
-A disease of the lower body.
It means STD.
Then why don't you say you have STD?
I don't get this crap!
Unlike curtain raisers,
there are a lot of second billings.
They don't perform every single day,
and they don't get paid either.
So their life becomes
tougher after the promotion.
In Kotora's case, he has a second job
so he has nothing to worry about.
Who gave you the right
to sell this shit here?
This is Ryuseikai territory!
He's second billing,
yet he has an expensive car.
That's nonsense.
Master, why did you get married?
Why do you ask?
I'm learning a story from
Donkichi about a married couple.
But I don't get it at all. I'm single.
And I lost my parents when I was 12…
Don't cry! I just want you to tell me.
What does it mean to be married?
To be married?
Falling in love is a temporary feeling,
but there comes a time
when that feeling never seems to go away.
So then you have children,
and then you get a family.
How should I put this?
You could say it's unconditional love.
-Are you crying?
-No. Don't be so serious.
It's creepy.
An expert storyteller rambling
on with a story without a punchline!
Besides, you can't protect
your wife or make her happy.
You make her cry all the time!
You're all talk!
See, Kotora doesn't really have
a sense of pathos or humor.
He doesn't have
what it takes to be a rakugo performer.
But somehow, you can't hate the guy.
Oh no! I've got to go open the store!
See you soon! And come for some soba!
We're nearby.
Yup! Tiger and dragon!
Was that good?
I'm back from my break!
You can go home now.
Do you have a date today?
It's not like that.
Tell me when you'll be back.
I'll watch the shop.
No way. It wouldn't be
a date if I knew when it ends!
Going somewhere?
He's got a date!
Could it be Megumi?
You got a problem with that?
Not if you're going dressed like this.
What do you mean?
Okay, everyone. Come over here!
I'm sorry! I couldn't
get anyone to cover for me today.
No problem! I love Tokyo Tower.
I still think it's a date.
Young man, will you take a picture for me?
Let's go.
Sorry, Ryuji!
She finally memorized my name!
That was so close.
Don't run on the field!
Will attend… Will not attend…
Nakatani Ken?
Who's Nakatani Ken?
It's Pops!
He's organizing a reunion
for members of his old college club.
Club? A gangster club?
Did he even graduate?
Help me out if you're free!
I am not free!
I don't get to perform often
not because I suck,
but because I'm at second billing!
It normally takes two to three years,
but I got promoted in just four months.
It means I can't perform,
because I'm way too good!
I see.
Will not attend… Will attend…
What is it like to be a newlywed?
Does she do that?
Does she wear your shirts and stuff?
She sure does!
She made me realize
that shirts for men are meant to be…
worn by women.
So true.
What are you two yakking about?
Sorry, boss.
So how's it going?
His love life?
His wife has been dead for three years,
so he must've had a mistress or two.
But I don't think
he's considering getting remarried.
This is so good!
Why don't you try it yourself?
we're in the middle of a date.
Do you know rakugo too, Ryuji?
Rakugo? Well, a little.
Are you better than Tora-chan?
Actually, I've never seen him perform.
He's awful! But somehow, he's persuasive.
You can't help but listen for some reason.
But he's still really awful.
One moment, please.
Can you tell me a rakugo story, too?
I've only heard the one
with the scary manju.
I've sealed rakugo out of my life.
I'm the opposite of Kotora.
I'm good, but I'm not persuasive at all.
That's what I realized one day.
But once you're good at something,
there's no going back.
Enough! This is boring!
It's not boring!
There's much to know about you.
What is it?
It's just…
Your eyes are hard to get used to.
I can't stop looking.
People often tell me that.
Often, huh?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
I'm home!
It's hot pot! Let's eat!
Someone get the ponzu sauce!
My glasses fogged up!
Not yet! Wait until Megumi comes home.
-Not until Megumi comes home.
Hey! Something's not right.
You're always eating dinner
when I come home late!
-And why is she coming here every evening?
-Hey you! Handsome idiot!
Are you dating Megumi?
How can I, Afro idiot?
I wanted to ask you, too.
What's going on between you two?
You sleep in the same room
but in different futons.
You don't even hold hands. Weird!
You watch us?
Every night! I watch you with a heavy
heart. I lose sleep because of you!
I don't like you being so shallow.
Not you too, Mother…
Say something, master!
So that's why you were
asking me about marriage!
-No! That was for studying rakugo!
You used rakugo as an excuse
to live out your dirty fantasies!
You're only second billing!
Oh no! I'm only second billing, too!
I can't wait to become
the main act so I can hit you!
She might not come back here.
I told her never to come here again.
I'm kidding!
Stop blubbering! It's stupid!
Here's fine. I live over there.
-Me, too.
-Bye bye!
What the…
Megumi-chan doesn't belong to you.
She is…
She's like a mascot for our family.
It's "berry mascot"!
That was lame.
The worst joke you ever told.
So if Megumi-chan
were to bring home a boyfriend,
as one big family,
the Hayashiyate would fight him
like a ball of fire
full of jealousy.
I'm home!
Welcome back!
What's going on here?
I'm starving!
I don't understand what's going on.
Why don't you come in?
If you got something to say, spit it out!
I adore Megumi-chan
as if she were my own daughter.
However, I hardly think
of you as a son anymore.
As soon as I pay off this debt,
we'll be strangers.
That's what you should
understand before you hear me say this.
I won't allow a man like you
to take this
precious daughter as your wife.
I didn't come
to ask for her hand in marriage!
And you should have told me
you were living together!
I brought her here,
because I'm still determined.
tell us how you really feel.
That's right.
Who do you love, Ryuji or Kotora?
Oh, I see… Cut it out!
Perfect! That was noritsukkomi, Saya!
-Can I say something?
-What is it?
I've been meaning to say this.
I think you all misunderstand Megumi.
She's actually been divorced once.
She abandoned her husband in Aomori,
came here and worked at a bar.
She deceived one guy after another.
She's a mean woman.
And it was Ryuji who reformed her.
How awkward…
Shut up.
Show that thing.
Just show them, you idiot!
-Show them yours, too.
Stop gawking!
It's "Gokai Ikishou."
See now?
They aren't fooling around.
They're serious!
If you still have stuff to say,
I'll hear you out.
Let's eat. We'll talk after that.
I'm so hungry! Donkichi, do your thing!
My glasses are clear,
and the pot is clear too!
Yes! Don, Don!
Darn it, Ryuji.
Sayuri-chan is crying.
How dare you do such a thing to
the body that your parents gave you!
-Thought I was a stranger.
-Run, Ryuji!
You ungrateful punk!
Never show your face around here again!
Do you have anything to do later today?
No, I'm free.
I was going to tell you eventually,
but please don't tell anybody else,
not to any of your brothers
and of course not to Sayuri-chan,
about today.
Let's keep this a secret between us, okay?
Found you!
Shou-chan! You've got fatter, haven't you?
Let me introduce him.
This is Kotora, a new pupil of mine.
This is Mizukoshi Koharu,
my girlfriend! Girlfriend…
Nice to meet you!
I am Shoukichi's Kyoto wife!
Wait! Why are you leaving?
This is too much, master.
Why me? Why introduce your mistress to me?
Nothing is going on between me and Koharu!
Yes, our relationship is totally platonic!
Although we might have kissed when drunk!
This isn't good!
I really want to tell someone,
but it might not be funny.
-Don't worry. I'll tell the story.
-It's already funny coming from you.
It all happened
when I was a senior in college…
Oh, that was 30 years ago!
Ken-chan was my best friend at the time.
We managed the college rakugo club
and taught the rakugo club
for an affiliated high school.
What is it, Ken-chan?
They're here!
The high school girls are here on campus!
Thank you for agreeing to teach us!
Koharu was only a freshman
at the high school rakugo club.
She was adorable!
Shou-chan, how do you feel about Koharu?
She is cute.
-But she's only 16! It's illegal!
If loving a 16-year-old is illegal,
I'd rather be a criminal!
Screw the law!
Could you ask Koharu
how she feels about me, Shou-chan?
I went to give her
the love letter that Ken-chan wrote.
I'm sorry.
I like someone else.
Is it…
You can't do this, Koharu!
No, Ken-chan.
Wait, Ken-chan!
You idiot!
What the hell?
I love her way more
than you do, Shou-chan!
But I love Koharu, too!
We were so young then.
I thought I was the best
performer and man, but so did he.
So neither of us wanted to give her up.
So we always fought
but somehow remained good friends.
You could say we were
the Showa Tiger and Dragon.
As soon as Shou-chan graduated,
he became Donbei the storyteller.
But Ken-chan repeated school
until I came to college.
That's right.
He said he wanted to wait for Koharu.
He stayed in college for eight years!
As for me, to get over Koharu,
I started dating
my Kouta master's daughter.
That's my wife, Sayuri-chan.
I always assumed that you
and Ken-chan would end up getting married.
Well, it's all in the past now.
Are you going to the reunion?
I'd like to, but I can't.
I was looking forward
to seeing the three of us together again.
Things have changed so much since then.
I am in debt…
-Poor Shou-chan.
What's with that smirk?
By the way, the Ken you're talking about.
It's not someone I know, is it?
he's your yakuza boss.
That's why I was going to tell you…
Boss used to do rakugo?
-Yeah, it was in the Kamigata style.
-I don't care if it's Kamigata.
Can he do rakugo or not?
Yeah, he can.
They were called Shou from
the East and Ken from the West.
People said they were going
to be famous masters!
What the hell?
If boss can do rakugo,
I don't have to study under you!
I could've learned rakugo from him!
You have a point.
What was I doing?
What the hell was I doing?
Yanaka Shoukichi…
It's probably best for you not to come!
Me too, Koharu-chan…
So you met Koharu?
You know about her?
He wants to introduce her to everyone.
It was when I was second billing too…
She gave me pocket money.
Donta and Donkichi also went.
So he just shows her off to everybody?
How stupid of me to get so nervous.
Anyway, did you see this?
Chibi-T gave it to me.
It's Awashima!
Yo check check
One two check one two, uh-huh
Hey yo! It's Club Yose!
It's the finale, yo yo!
Yo finale!
Don, don, don!
It's his part-time job.
He really does everything.
Everybody! A round of applause for…
Jumptei-Jump! Come on!
They say women should take care
not to be taken over by jealousy…
Hey, hey.
Is he going to tell a classic
in this noisy place?
Some are so jealous, they file
their nails as they wait for their man.
"What should I do when he comes home?"
"This is what I'll do to him"
They're loving it!
On the other hand,
some women never get jealous.
It's "Gonsuke's Lantern"!
This man had such a woman as his wife
and a mistress in another neighborhood.
The mistress
was not the jealous type, either.
With neither wife nor mistress
getting jealous over him,
things seemed to be going well at first.
It is getting windy outside.
I hope it doesn't start a fire.
We have many young workers in this house.
So even if there were a fire,
I think we would be able to deal with it.
However, the young woman
there has no one but a maid.
You should go to her house
and spend the night there.
Then I'll be able to sleep in peace.
That's what I think.
That is so gracious.
Your generosity impresses me.
Then I will leave now.
It's so dark out here.
I want someone to carry a lantern for me.
Who should I take?
The cook is still awake.
No, not him.
What are you looking at?
Well… I'm leaving, Gonsuke.
Get ready to go with me.
Sounds stupid!
Who goes out this late at night?
-"Just light the lantern!"
-"Yes, sir."
Kotora, I'm leaving now.
"Wake up, honey!
Hey, wake up!
Wake up!"
"Wake up!"
Wake up, master!
It's 3:30 a.m. in the morning!
Tell that story tomorrow!
-The one with the lantern…
And the cook.
-You mean Gonsuke's Lantern?
-Yes! Do Gonsuke's Lantern!
I saw Awashima's performance.
It was a riot!
Everyone… Wake up.
All these kids were laughing hard.
I want to tell the same story,
using you, Sayuri, and Koharu.
What? Wait!
So make sure you tell
Gonsuke's Lantern tomorrow!
If you don't,
I'll tell Sayuri all about the other day!
"Hey, wake up!
Wake up, honey!"
What are you doing here, dear?
My wife was telling me
that you must be anxious
on such a windy night.
She said that if I stayed with you
you would feel more at ease.
Your wife said that?
That makes me so happy!
Most wives would not
let their husbands go.
How touching of her to say so!
But if I let you stay here,
she might think
that I don't know any manners.
I would be so ashamed
that I won't be able to face her.
I would love for you to stay,
but please go back to your wife.
I see.
You have a point.
You're right.
Turn the lantern on.
"Your wife doesn't want you sleeping here,
and your mistress wants you to go away.
Master, you're homeless."
"Shut it!"
You are back so soon!
Didn't you go to her place?
I did, and I explained everything.
I told her I'd sleep there.
She was delighted!
However, she said
if she let me sleep over,
she would be ashamed to face you.
So I'm back home now.
That is so sweet of her.
That's why…
-I can't let you stay here!
Dear, please go back to her place.
Turn the lantern on!
I left it on!
You idiot! There is light in the house!
One light is enough.
Two lights are a waste!
But you seem to waste a lot of things.
"One wife is enough.
It's a waste to have a mistress, too.
I could light a million lanterns
if you give up your mistress
and bought candles instead!"
That's so true!
"I'm back, honey!
Hey, honey! I'm back!"
You've been going back and forth.
What's the matter?
I told my wife everything you said.
She was very impressed
and complimented you.
But she said, for that reason,
she couldn't let me stay there,
so I came back here.
I'm so touched, I could cry!
Since she insists so much,
I'd love to keep you here,
but the more she insists,
the more I cannot let you in.
I absolutely cannot
let you spend the night here.
Please go back to your wife.
Go back to her again?
Hey, Gonsuke!
-"Turn the lantern back on!"
"We don't need the lantern anymore."
"The sun has already come up."
You're the best, Don-chan!
Seriously, you're the best!
Why is the pupil the most excited?
He can't be helped.
What time should I pick you up tonight?
Never mind! If I knew what time it ends,
it wouldn't be a reunion!
I'll send a car when it's almost over.
I told you, never mind!
The boy has no tact.
I was…
going to tell you eventually…
The story about Shou-chan and me.
Shou-chan was my best friend at the time.
We managed the college rakugo club
and taught the rakugo club
for an affiliating high school.
What's wrong, Shou-chan?
They're here!
The high school girls are here on campus!
Thank you for agreeing to teach us!
Koharu was only a freshman
at the high school rakugo club.
She was adorable!
Ken-chan, what do you think about Koharu?
She's cute.
But she's only 16! It's illegal!
If loving a 16-year-old is illegal,
I'll be a criminal!
Screw the law!
Could you ask Koharu
how she feels about me, Ken-chan?
I went to give her the love letter
that Shou-chan wrote.
The story's a little
different from the master's.
Actually, it's totally different!
The master said you were
the one in love with Koharu,
and you wrote the letter…
Stop the car!
-I said stop!
-Yes, sir.
Shou-chan is seeing Koharu, isn't he?
Tell me the truth!
He's seeing her, isn't he?
No, sir!
Then why would he tell you
about Koharu, punk?
Maybe he ran out of things to talk about.
So to Shou-chan,
Koharu is just something to talk about
when there's nothing else to say?
So I dressed up in a new white tuxedo
just to see this worthless woman?
-Yes, sir.
I'm such a worthless man!
I'm sorry, sir!
The master did meet Koharu.
He took me with him to see her.
I knew it! He's been
seeing her this whole time, right?
Make a U-turn!
I'm not going! Screw the reunion!
It's disgusting! Stupid!
What? Ken-chan isn't going?
But Koharu…
The reunion is supposed
to be as warm as spring.
It doesn't make sense
for the organizer to be absent!
You have to persuade him!
Got it, Shibusawa?
That's what happened!
I never imagined that the boss,
that he'd be so shocked!
Why did you have
to tell him, of all people?
He wasn't on the list of people
you told me not to tell!
You didn't need me to tell you that.
For goodness' sake!
I don't really know
what happened in the past,
but if you ask me,
isn't this dragging on for too long?
You just don't understand, do you?
Classical rakugo stories are
about what it means to be human.
If you don't understand people,
you can never do classics.
Young people
always think that their personality
will round out once they get older.
No way.
In life, there is regret after regret.
Your body becomes older and weaker,
you have less and less time left,
and the only thing that rounds out
is your physical appearance.
Inside, I'm just as rugged as ever,
just like this rock.
That's no rock! It's a potato!
Can't you be more concrete?
I think Ken-chan hasn't seen Koharu
since he graduated from college.
After all, he gave up being a storyteller
and became a yakuza instead.
He must have given
his decision a lot of thought.
That must be why he invited
everybody but Koharu to his wedding.
It's been two years
since Koharu's husband passed away.
He sent flowers to the funeral
but never came in person.
Koharu is a widow?
Yes, she went to live with a professor
20 years older, all the way to Kyoto.
Then why don't they just get together?
Boss is single, too!
You just don't get it, do you?
Human beings are…
They should get together.
They should get together!
That's right! You do understand
what it means to be human!
They should just get together!
-They should just get together!
They say women should take care
not to be taken over by jealousy…
Finally! "Gonsuke's Lantern"!
It's not!
Jealousy may be automatically
associated with women,
but men can be just as jealous.
For example,
the jealousy of a man in his 50s
can be as fiery hot as a boiling hot pot.
Once, there were two best friends
named Shoukichi and Ken.
He's using our real names!
They were both very immature.
Thirty years ago, they fought over
a woman and are still fighting over her.
If they keep on fighting like this,
it will never end.
So to stop the fight,
Shoukichi came up with a plan.
He decided to send Gonsuke, his servant.
See? It is "Gonsuke's Lantern"!
I really am all right!
Are you serious?
This woman Koharu
had some bad drinking habits,
but Gonsuke didn't let it get to him.
He managed to get her into the car.
Make sure you take her
to Ken-chan's house in Hachioji!
-Are you okay?
Your feelings for Koharu…
Don't be silly.
I have my Sayuri-chan,
my beloved family, and my pupils.
Ken-chan has a son, but he's single.
He must be feeling
particularly lonely tonight.
I'm counting on you!
And so tonight
you'll be staying at my boss's place.
I have no idea how to get there.
Why don't you use the GPS?
Koharu told Gonsuke
to use a lantern to light the way,
and they found their way to Ken's house.
So that's what Shou-chan said?
Yes, sir.
Trying to be noble, huh?
She's waiting in the car.
I'll go bring her.
It was Shou-chan
who fell in love with Koharu first.
If I let Koharu stay here,
I wouldn't be able to face him.
So I can't allow her
to spend the night here.
Yes, sir.
Hey! Tora!
Take her to your master's place.
Tell him I ordered you to do so.
That's what Ken-chan said?
What are you going to do?
Take me to Shou-chan's house!
So Gonsuke put the lantern back on,
and they headed
to Shoukichi's house in Asakusa.
Wake up!"
Let her sleep here? You brought her here?
-She's waiting in the car. I'll bring her.
-Wait! Idiot!
I can't hear you! What did you say?
How do I explain this to Sayuri-chan?
You're right.
You can't let her sleep over here.
It was Ken-chan
who wrote that love letter.
If I let her stay here,
he will misunderstand.
I won't be able to face him!
Please understand me.
Oh, Sayuri-san!
Just kidding.
What did he say?
I'll explain later.
We're heading back to the boss's house.
One is a master, and the other is a boss.
They've become high-ranking people.
"I'm human like them,
but things are so different for me.
I'd like to be reborn
as a master storyteller or a yakuza boss.
It's no fun
being a pupil or a subordinate."
This is starting to sound too realistic.
-Where are you going?
-I'll talk to him myself!
Wait! This can't be good!
Pops says he can't
remember writing a letter.
That's a lie! I have it right here!
-You had it! Show me.
Absolutely not!
In any case,
I won't be able to let you in tonight.
I'm sorry, but please go back.
Come on, Kotora!
Sorry. Pops is really stubborn.
-Can you drive the car for me?
I'm so tired going back and forth.
You're so lucky
that you didn't take after Ken-chan.
People say that pretty often.
Your mother must have been pretty.
Not really.
Then why are you so good-looking?
Can I touch your face?
-Watch out!
-Hey, lady!
Did Pops really write that letter?
-I forgot!
Shut up!
I want to find out, too.
That's why we're going back and forth!
It's you, Koharu!
Sorry to bother you so late at night.
You two know each other?
We often talk on the phone!
We keep it a secret from Don-chan, though.
-Come on in!
Hello, everyone!
-What are you doing here?
-I should ask the same.
Your dad ordered you
never to come back home!
I called, and they said he wasn't home.
So I sneaked in for dinner!
The master's not home?
I keep telling you!
Ken-chan wrote the love letter,
and all I did was
give that letter to Koharu!
I think it happened like that, too.
But my dad says he didn't write it.
He's lying!
Even if I was the one
who had written that letter,
I don't want to talk
about it in front of my son.
Did you write it or not?
Just leave me alone!
Does it matter who wrote it?
It was 30 years ago.
-It matters!
-It matters!
I'm sorry.
You're so lucky
that you didn't take after Shou-chan.
People often tell me that.
My brother looks a bit like him, though.
-Why are you here in the first place?
-It seemed like fun!
-Careful. You might break it.
-Don't you have a key?
It was Shou-chan!
Shou-chan wrote it! Not me!
Shou-chan insists
that it was you who wrote it!
No! Just leave! Go back!
Just leave me alone!
Look what you did.
We're smack in the green area.
Sorry. I thought it would be boring
to take the same route again
so I improvised with my driving.
That got us in trouble.
What the heck are we doing,
letting these old geezers spin us around?
You're not the type to get jealous, right?
That's not true.
When I heard this guy was on a date
with Megumi, it did piss me off.
Just a little.
But I'd never been jealous before.
Wow. I'm actually glad.
Glad about what?
I would have been upset
if you didn't feel anything at all!
When I saw you walk out of the hotel
with Megumi the other day,
I was totally pissed off.
I apologized for that already.
It's not about apologies and stuff,
you know.
But now I'm extremely pissed off!
-What's this shit about hotels and dates?
-I've never heard about this before!
-Why should we tell you?
Because it was me
who discovered her first!
Who cares? You're with Risa now.
That's not the point!
What's going on between you guys?
I thought we were
Tiger and Dragon and Silver!
Silver's not even a creature.
It's a color.
Can I say something crazy?
There's a similarity
between Koharu and Megumi.
-That's true!
-Give me a break.
The cheeriness,
and that air of self-centeredness…
When we're old, will we forget
who went to the hotel with Megumi?
No way!
We deserve it, don't we?
We did so much for her.
-What is it?
If the sender is Yanaka,
Ryuji drives us home.
Right! If the sender is Nakatani,
you drive!
Here we go!
-Who is it?
-There's no name.
-Try inside.
-Good idea.
What does it say?
"Even 30 years from now,
I'll still be loving you."
That's so cheesy! It's got to be your dad!
Is it my dad?
Who is it?
-I'll just drive.
-You sure you're okay?
The GPS is useless.
We don't need it anymore.
-It's so bright!
And so the sun came up.
Tiger, tiger, jirettaiga!
Tiger, tiger!
Here's your curry and rice!
Since you gave out our real names,
if the audience hadn't laughed
I would have expelled you.
It wasn't fair on us, but you were good.
Thanks. Here's this month's lesson fee.
Thank you.
Well, here's the money
I'm paying back this month.
Why did you take a bill out?
Gosh, you can tell.
Since I provided a lot of material,
I figured I deserved this much.
Don't be cute with me.
I'm sorry, sir!
-It's Ken-chan's money, after all.
And… about that love letter.
I absolutely can't recall writing it.
-Who cares anyway?
-Yes, sir!
If you come here ever again,
give me a call, not Shou-chan.
Never mind.
It's been 30 years and a few days,
I think I'm still in love with you.
Let's go.
So it was you who wrote it.
-I told you to go, idiot!
-Oh! Sorry, boss.
She should have at least
remembered that much.
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