Titletown High (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Out for Blood

[dramatic music plays]
[Propst] Sixteen years old is too young
to be dealing with
girlfriend-boyfriend stuff.
Explain to me why
she makes a statement that
"I'm first and football's not first."
She know football come first.
I'm not sure she does.
- [Robin] That's a problem.
- [Propst] That's a problem.
I'm hearing it from teachers
in the hallway,
of how y'all argue all the time.
That will ruin you quicker than anything.
And And it all boils down to your focus.
If that's draining your focus up there,
in the time you get here,
you're thinking about what happened
third period or second period
or in lunch or in the hallway.
So, we just gotta
get this stopped right now
before it gets too volatile.
Now, I'm not gonna stop it.
All I'm telling you is, again,
you cannot be my quarterback and do this.
So, I think you need to sort of
just start backing out of that.
So, with that being said,
Mom, you got anything?
Well, I'm gonna say this here ends now.
I told you never to start it,
'cause you do not have a girlfriend.
- Yes, ma'am.
- You need to be focusing on school.
'Cause last I checked, you did not have
a 100 average in your classes.
So, therefore, you need to be focused.
- Understand?
- Yes, ma'am.
And the conversations stop.
- I told you that before, correct?
- Yes, ma'am.
[Propst] But anyway,
- we're all on the same page, right?
- [Amari] Yes, sir.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Cameka] What's going on?
- [Morgan] He broke up with me over text.
Amari's coaches and mom
all think I'm a distraction to him,
so they made him break up with me.
What do First of all,
what do you mean, you're "a distraction"?
I'm a distraction.
So, you're the reason he
The team isn't winning?
- I guess. That's how they make me feel.
- How
I'm I'm speechless.
It's just He had no, like
He had nothing to do with it.
Like, he was forced to do it.
So, I can't be mad at him.
It just, like, stopped.
I told him I'd support him all season
even though we're broken up
and go to all his games and support him.
So, you would rather
your feelings be hurt,
and you still protect him,
'cause you want to support him?
But this whole while,
your feelings are hurt?
Completely hurt.
But you wanna run
to a football game to protect him,
and show him some support,
when nobody showed you any support?
Nobody was there for you?
[emotional music playing]
I don't wanna hear
any more taking up for him, at all.
I don't care and you know I don't care.
You are wrong.
There's no way possible, Morgan,
you could think that it is okay
to put your feelings down for him.
It's football.
You can't, sweetie. You can't.
[crying] I'm not trying to protect him.
I'm sorry,
but it doesn't make me feel good either.
Because somebody's
not winning at football games?
It doesn't feel good.
[melancholy pop song]
Did you ever really care? ♪
Ever really listen to a word I said? ♪
Were you blowing up the phone
Just because you didn't wanna be alone? ♪
Thought we could have been
Thought what we had would be enough ♪
Oh, but it wasn't, oh, no ♪
But it wasn't, oh, no ♪
[phone chimes]
[Amari] If Coach Propst and my mom
didn't tell me to break up,
I wouldn't have broken up.
Of course I'm not just gonna
not love somebody that fast.
She was a good support system.
That was my dawg.
[Beckham] Well, we've got
Houston County this week,
and if the Cats win,
they lock up a playoff spot
and a chance at the Region Championship.
[players and coaches chattering]
- [coach] Alert! Alert!
- Alert.
Blue-dot bunch, storm right plus. Ready?
[Amari] Let's go! Let's go!
[players grunting]
Good, good, good.
Hey, ace fish,
ace fish, ace fish, ace fish.
Step inside that, Sam!
Great look. That's a great fricking look.
[Propst] Good! Let's go, let's go!
[Amari] There's always competition
when you have another quarterback,
so I gotta do what I gotta do.
I wanna be playing.
[Sutton] That's it. Right there.
- [Sutton blows whistle] That's right!
- Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger!
[Sutton] Don't throw it left.
[Sutton blows whistle]
Sam, learn the plays!
[player grunts]
[Propst] I think he's trying.
He's doing everything he can do.
I think there's a lot of pressure on him.
I think that,
you can say what you want to him,
when you break up
with a girlfriend the first time
We can sit there 'cause you and I
are older. We been through that.
But with a 16-year-old kid,
it's just different.
Then Mom's going hard on him,
we're hard on him,
so he's getting it from both ends.
[coach] Go. Sam, back.
[Sutton] No, Sammy!
Get out! Get the frick out!
[Moody] How's Sam coming?
Ah I mean, he's not better than Amari.
I mean, this game is
a two-game swing for us.
I mean, Lee County is
a distant memory until we
- We gotta get through Houston first.
- Yes, sir.
Just gonna boil down with y'all now,
based on how bad you wanna play,
and how bad you want it on Friday night.
Everyone's talking about next week's game.
Hell, I ain't worried
about next week's game.
We gotta win this one.
This is the game you gotta win.
How we handle the trip,
and how bad we want a home playoff game,
and how bad we want to play
for a State Championship,
based on how you approach
Friday night at Freedom Field.
[commentator] Valdosta comes to Houston
with a record of three and three.
A big win tonight
would put them in the GHSA playoffs
and potentially a matchup
for the Region Championship
next week with Lee County.
No matter what, play the next play.
Whether it's good, whether it's bad,
no matter what happens,
play the next play. Okay?
Let's go!
Get it, get it, get it!
Amari Jones takes the shotgun snap,
drops straight back,
throws a deep ball in the end zone.
It's caught by Aalah Brown,
and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
[coach] Way to get us in the end zone!
- Great job by Amari Jones.
- Attaboy.
[Morgan] I feel like coaches
need to stay out of kids' business.
I ain't did nothing wrong.
So, I'm kinda hurt
for the fact he broke up with me.
What a throw! What a fricking throw!
[commentator] The Cat defense
has been strong all night,
forcing another field goal try
for Houston County.
Field goal! Field goal!
Houston County kick is up and it's good.
That makes your score Valdosta 10,
Houston 6 going into halftime.
That's the deal the Wildcats have lost,
is the toughness part.
That's what everybody's talking about.
What everyone
in the whole state's talking about.
How we're not
a tough football team anymore.
We're finna find out.
We're fixing to find out.
And the second half is underway
as Houston kicks to the Wildcats.
You got to win leverage on this.
Don't try to do too much, okay?
Wildcats look good so far.
Let's see if we can keep
the momentum going.
Amari Jones takes the shotgun snap,
drops straight back,
throws a deep ball over the middle.
It's caught by Sherman.
Sherman goes up, strong hand,
pulls that ball down. What a catch!
Let's see if Jones
can take 'em on in the end zone.
Hands it to Chris Wolfe up the middle.
He's in the end zone,
and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
Move. Let's go!
Had a little fun there now,
a lot of fun right there!
Good job!
I dunno what was said or done at halftime,
but these adjustments are paying off.
These Cats are on fire!
[Propst] Mm-mmm. Not bad, though.
Jones takes the shotgun snap,
drops straight back,
looks over the middle.
Got a wide open receiver in the middle.
That's Aalah Brown,
and he walks into the end zone.
And that's another Wildcat touchdown!
Talk about choose your poison.
This shit's too easy!
Aalah right down the middle,
nice pass and catch.
Of course,
the game after I break up with Morgan,
I go 13 for 14,
with about 250 yards
and throw two touchdowns.
Coach, he just, like,
"See what not having a girlfriend
does for you?"
It looked like he was right.
And that'll do it from Houston County
with a 31 to 14 win,
but more importantly,
going to 2 and 0 in the Region,
and headed towards
another State Championship.
[Propst] I told you, I been telling you!
The best team in the state of Georgia
is sitting right here!
Next week, I promise
you'll see me happy-as-hell when we win.
When we go on the road
We beat a team
like Lee County, on the road,
that will prove to everybody in the state
that we're the team to beat.
Hey, get your partner
and you split a pizza.
Bus One first!
[players chattering]
- [Lenley] Can I talk to you?
- [woman] Yeah, what's going on?
I texted Grayson and I was, like,
"Hey, I got invited to Sweet Sixteen,
do you wanna go?"
And he was, like,
"No, I don't really care."
Kind of saying it was stupid or whatever.
So I was, like, "I'll just tell her no."
Then, like, 30 minutes later, he texts me.
He's like,
"I just got invited to Sweet Sixteen."
And he was like,
"Do you care if I just go with Sam?"
And so, I got all upset,
and he was kind of
turning it on me, acting like
"Like, why are you mad about this?
It's not a big deal."
He should have considered
your feelings there, one.
Because to me,
if you're boyfriend-girlfriend,
you should go to a dance
- with your boyfriend-girlfriend.
- That's what I'm saying.
I kinda told him
I was like, "It just seems
like you're wanting to be single."
What did he say to that?
He was like,
"No. Like, it's not like that.
I just thought
it would be fun to go with Sam."
And I was like,
"But that's really not how it works."
Guys, and girls probably do it, too
But I think sometimes in relationships,
a person will do what they want to do,
then act stupid after the fact.
Like, "Oh, I didn't know."
And it's 'cause they're just
wanting to do what it is they want to do.
And, I think, you know, Grayson knows,
obviously, that you like him,
and I think that sometimes
people will take advantage of that.
I just don't wanna make it seem
like he can just run over me,
and I'm just gonna be okay with it.
Nothing ever works long-term
if there's not mutual respect.
There's no reason to be with someone
that treats you poorly.
Pretty sure practice
is not gonna be crazy today.
Boy, you're crazy.
Gonna be full pads, all gas, no brakes.
Where's Amari?
Don't be doing Amari like that, for real.
[Grayson] You got Amari
to come sit over here?
He's sitting right next to you.
- I'm just playing.
- We just playing.
- I don't wanna be by him.
- [Grayson] We gotta talk about shit.
[Morgan] I don't wanna talk
about anything.
[Grayson] Why?
He's so fricking aggravating
and stupid, like [groans]
[Grayson] What happened?
I don't wanna talk about it,
'cause I'm ready to go off on him.
[indistinct announcement over PA]
I'm leaving.
No, you not, bruh. Where are you going?
- I'm not sitting near her.
- Then sit here. She's gone.
Seeing Amari around school
after we broke up was heartbreaking.
On the outside, I'm a tough person
'cause I hold in a lot of stuff,
but, like,
in the inside I'm just, like, crashed out.
Like, I don't know.
[Peak] What did you do to her?
Honestly. I saw her
posting about you the other day.
- It's not crazy. What happened to y'all?
- Yeah.
- We broke up, what you mean?
- Why y'all broke up?
She was a distraction.
You still had them females up in the A.
That's not why we broke up.
I swear to God,
that's not why we broke up.
When I broke up with Morgan,
everybody was telling me
that, you know, I made her cry.
I mean, that hurt me inside,
'cause I still love the girl.
But I gotta be a G about it.
You're gonna have to play a lot of kids.
I mean this
We have to be careful with substitutions.
If we're gassed in the fourth quarter,
we won't beat 'em.
Dunno if our kids
can handle what we're doing right now.
[rapping on table]
I don't know.
I mean, I dunno what else to do.
I mean, we're not there yet,
and we're tired.
The Valdosta Wildcats
won their last three contests,
and this week
they will play for the Region title.
Valdosta hits the road to meet Lee County.
A win would give Rush Propst
his 300th career victory.
Everybody up!
[Propst] This is my sixth school.
Going into this season, I won 295 games
in 30 years, so, you know,
I'll be going for 300.
[Beckham] Rush Propst is so egocentric
that everything he does
goes around winning football games.
[Propst] Back it up!
Fifteen! Overtime kick!
It's about getting it to a height
of greatness again.
[man] They're building a tradition
in Lee County.
They've won, I believe,
two consecutive region titles.
Winning the region will assure us
a home field advantage for the playoffs.
every game leading up to the state title.
[man 2] As far as
the Lee County game is concerned,
these kids are out for blood
when they both get on the field.
- [player] 1, 2, 3!
- Defense!
- 4, 5, 6!
- Valdosta!
- [Malia] Is Grayson about to come over?
- [Lenley] Yeah.
Just make sure that he doesn't try to
If he tries to make you feel bad for it,
don't, like, crack.
Like, keep your points
and make sure you get
what you need to get.
Grayson and I, we never really
understand each other in texts,
because we always get confused
and don't know what each other means.
And so, he was like,
"Can we just talk in person about this?
Like, it'll make it so much easier."
- [Malia] Hey, guys!
- Smells good in here.
- Is that Malia?
- Yeah.
- I'm leaving.
- Okay. I gotta go.
[Grayson] Where'd I put my phone?
So, why are you mad about the dance?
- Explain why
- As if I didn't explain this enough.
Okay, I need you to explain it.
I'mma be straight with you.
You sent me a very long paragraph,
and I had 30 seconds to read it
while I was peeing in the bathroom,
and then I had to go.
Why can't I go to the dance with Sam?
Because! I didn't say you couldn't.
I said I wanted to go,
and you don't wanna go with me.
But I do wanna go.
And, like, last night you seemed like
I was really getting to you.
- Like, really, really bad.
- Yeah, really was.
Because I asked you,
and you acted like you didn't care.
Like, "I don't really care,
it's stupid anyways."
I don't really care.
Then Sam was put in,
like, "It does sound"
Yeah! Sam came along, you're, like,
"Yeah, I wanna go with him!"
That's not what you seemed mad about.
You seemed mad 'cause you think
I'm trying to seem single.
Yeah, because you are.
You know how bad that looks on me?
Like, do you realize how that looks bad?
You only go with your guy friends
if you don't have a date.
No, you go with your guy friends
if you already had a plan.
And you didn't think
about how that was gonna look?
Going with Sam?
Having a girlfriend
and not going with her,
and just going with the boys.
I don't even want to go anymore.
You think I wanna go? No.
Then don't go!
Well, you're not going just with Sam, so
You can go on Zoey's guest list, too.
She said, "You and Lenley
wanna go to Sweet Sixteen together?"
- I'm already on the list.
- You're going?
Whose list are you on?
Okay. I already told you this,
because you didn't tell me
that you were already on the list.
What do you need to say?
I don't want you riding with her.
What's so bad about me riding with Zoey?
- Listen
- It's not.
That feels, like, very demanding.
- It is really demanding.
- It's so demanding.
- I don't want you riding with her.
- Why?
'Cause everyone thinks
there's something going on with y'all.
You always ride together in the morning.
- Yeah. She takes me to school.
- And I know
that she probably talks [bleep]
in that car, doesn't she?
No, she doesn't, Lenley.
- She doesn't?
- She has nothing against our relationship.
- You expect me to stop riding with her?
- Yep.
Okay. Okay.
[Beckham] We're headed to play Lee County
for the Region Championship,
with a lot on the line.
If we can pull this win out,
then we'll have home field advantage
throughout the playoffs,
which is an easier path
to that State Championship game.
[Grayson] So how does Sweet Sixteen work?
Uh, for you? I'm honestly not sure.
- Yeah, Lenley yelled at me about that.
- Why?
That girl's getting pissed at me,
because I was on someone else's list.
I literally asked
if you wanted me to put Lenley on my list.
You were like, "She doesn't wanna go!"
- She didn't wanna go.
- Is she gonna go now?
She didn't wanna be on your list.
What's all the animosity between y'all?
There is none.
- Yes there is, clearly.
- When? Where?
- She doesn't want me to ride with you.
- Where's the animosity Well
- Okay, then.
- I wonder why?
- [Grayson] Well, that's crazy though.
- Hmm.
It's, like, two girls dying to be with me.
It's, like, the best fighter wins.
Who is dying to be with you?
Whoever is dying to be with you is stupid.
I feel like
I had to be here earlier today.
I gotta go, bro.
I gotta go, too, bro.
[Sherman] Hey, let's go to work, bruh.
You hear me, bruh? Let's go.
Hey, let's go, bruh.
I want Lee County ass though, bruh.
Let's go! Four minutes! Weight room.
- This them boys from Lee County.
- [indistinct chatter on phone]
Man, we fixing to whip your ass Friday.
He said my name, bruh.
- Sherm? You sure?
- He said my name.
He said it like that.
Because shit gonna be ugly.
Gonna be the ugliest battle in the world.
Say he gonna put the quarterback
on a stretcher, bruh.
That's the problem right there.
They wanna be on they phones.
- I never
- They should be practicing.
I never saw nobody record themselves
and talk about what they're gonna do.
After we beat them,
I'm gonna post, "What this is about?"
Yeah, I wanna do that.
- "What this about?"
- Yeah, I wanna do that one, too. Yeah.
- Whatever!
- [Sherman] Lee talk trash every year.
Just seeing that, just seeing 'em
talk trash about the Wildcats,
it kind of did something to us.
No, I don't do
no type of Internet talking.
I just handle my business.
- Listen up.
- [coach] Yo! Yo!
Now, I don't mind saying this on camera.
I don't mind saying it.
I went to Lee County, on purpose,
to watch 'em work out,
two days before I got hired.
And they do it right.
But, here's the difference.
They don't act
like you're supposed to act.
If one of you did
what one of them did on social media,
I would suspend you for the game.
Do your talking
with your headgear and shoulder pads.
And I expect us
to play the very best game of the year.
- ["Into the Wild" by Red Means Run plays]
- Twisted metal, concrete, steel ♪
Can you blame me for the way I feel? ♪
We're going into the wild ♪
There's trouble out there ♪
You need the heart of the hunter ♪
We were all making jokes on how you should
put Grayson's number on your cheek,
and then I'll put Sam's,
and Morgan, you should just go ahead
and put Amari's on yours.
[clicks tongue]
I think I shouldn't,
because I'm a distraction.
I'm done crying over Amari.
If he thinks I'm a distraction
like coach says, I mean, so be it.
I ain't stressing over it no more.
There's what you're playing for, guys.
That's what you're playing for.
Everybody's playing for that right there.
Don't need nothing to be said. Nothing.
Let's go kick their ass!
Now let's go! Let's go!
[commentator] Good evening.
Welcome into Lee County
versus Valdosta High School.
[players grunting, chanting]
So, this one again
for the Region Championship
and the number-one seed,
but there's another
big milestone at stake tonight.
Of course, that's for Rush Propst,
who's gonna go for win number 300.
So, a lot on the line tonight here.
It's gonna be taken in the end zone.
We'll see Lee County
go on offense tonight.
Man in the slot comes in motion.
A little flea flicker, gonna throw it,
got a man wide open!
Lee County's
gonna hit an 80-yard touchdown!
And Lee County strikes first.
It's not y'all's fault. There didn't have
enough people in the scrimmage.
It's illegal formation.
Officials didn't see it.
Trip A 33! Low!
- Goddamn!
- Left side got plenty of running room.
Magwood streaking down the far sideline.
He dives on a 36-yard touchdown run.
Why are we playing so bad?
We're not ready to play.
And the Trojans lead it 13 to nothing,
7:23 left to go in the first quarter.
Third down and ten for the Cats.
Jones gonna hand it
to the first man through.
Got a little bit of running room
on that right side,
and he's gonna get to the sticks,
I believe It's a Valdosta first down.
[Propst] That's 15! Hey, that's 15!
You can't let him tackle us
in the dang equipment over there!
[Amari] Hey, let's go!
Big play here though,
third down and ten for the Cats.
Amari Jones gonna step up,
and he's gonna try to run
for the first down.
He's gonna be brought down short though.
[crowd groaning]
Third and 11.
Basically, I'm a distraction to Amari,
but, I mean, he's playing the same way.
He'll punt this one away
from around his own 20.
Low snap.
They blocked it! It's a blocked punt!
And they're gonna run it in!
It's all Lee County at this point.
Your Cats trail it 20 to nothing.
[Amari] Motown, Motown!
Amari Jones trying to step up,
just gets the snap off.
He's gonna be sacked.
[players clamoring]
They giving trouble to the quarterback.
He's digging in my eye.
I didn't see it.
- What's going on?
- [crowd boos]
- [aggressive rock music]
- [punches landing]
[referee blowing whistle]
He slugged him!
- He digging in my eye.
- I know. Coach is gonna argue with him.
That's bullcrap!
That's your butt! You!
If y'all are the A crew,
I'd hate to see the B and C crews.
Second and goal from the five.
JuJu's gonna take it in
for the touchdown.
Lee County now, 27 to nothing.
We can't talk right now,
and it's, like, really bothering me,
but, I mean I can get over it.
I'm sad 'cause they're losing
and I know he wants to prove
to his team that he can win without me.
[Amari] I was getting a play, calm down.
I'll beat the [bleep] out his ass!
He tried to throw the football
and it fell out of his hand!
[bleep] damn it.
Slipped out of his hands,
and they got it. That's a fumble.
I don't know how
you can even possibly do that.
We've come to the end
of the first half of play,
27 to nothing at the half.
Football teaches you to keep battling,
keep fighting back.
It don't always go your way.
Quit all this arguing and screaming
and all that stuff, guys.
Let's go play the game of football
like it's supposed to be played.
[commentator] Well, I know Valdosta.
They don't wanna panic.
You gotta make up 27 points somehow.
[commentator 2] If I'm Propst,
I'm getting with my coaching staff.
We try to muster something.
The way it's been all year long.
It's mistake after mistake after mistake
after mistake after mistake.
Zoey said she was
gonna get back with Grayson.
No, I did not.
[boy] There's rumors about
Zoey and Grayson attending Prom in April.
- Oh my God!
- Yeah.
- Prom?
- I'm giving 'em
- And we're going to Sweet Sixteen?
- Weren't you with him Sunday?
Do y'all date?
[boy] They haven't sealed the deal.
[commentator] Trying to find
some kind of offense.
Look Oh my God!
It's a fumble. It's a fumble.
Lee County gonna pick it up.
Fifty-four-yard fumble recovery
for a touchdown.
That's the worst [bleep] I've ever seen.
What did your friend ask you
about Grayson?
- What y'all doing
- I don't know.
I was like, "Beth-Ann, please shut up."
[Morgan] I was just making sure,
just 'cause if y'all was going
I was gonna tag along.
No, I will not be
anywhere with him tomorrow.
You know that's a lie 'cause she said,
"What are y'all doing tomorrow?"
And tomorrow he's gonna be with you.
Next time she says [bleep] like that,
I'm gonna cuss her out.
Has Grayson even played yet?
Apparently, he got in.
I dunno, I didn't see.
When did Grayson play?
[announcer] The pass is incomplete.
That's gonna bring up
4th down for Wildcats.
That's why I never [bleep] come to games.
[commentator] Snap.
Again a running play, JuJu McDowell.
There goes JuJu McDowell!
[crowd cheers]
It's a footrace.
JuJu McDowell takes it to the house.
[Zoey] I think they're all mad at me,
for no reason.
I get irritated
when people wanna be like that.
I feel like I'm nice to everyone,
then people have a problem with me.
[commentator] Well, Daryl, Fred,
I think that might just about do it.
Lee County 41, Valdosta 7.
[player] Some boys said all that trash
and they still whupped our ass.
- [Grayson] We got embarrassed.
- [Sam] Yeah. More than that, bro.
[Amari] It was bad to be a part of,
if you were a Wildcat. It was bad.
[Nelson] This loss to Lee County
was just embarrassing.
It's just not
Not what I came to see tonight.
[commentator] PA announcer just announces
that Dean Fabrizio
just secured his 100th career victory.
[Propst mumbling] Win 300 ballgames.
[Propst] Embarrassing. Embarrassing.
We needed to win Lee County.
We needed to, so we could get
the number-one seed in the region.
[Aalah] Now we gotta hit the road
after the first round.
Five-hour drives,
six-hour drives, four-hour drives,
like, back to back to back.
And I know it's gonna be
just draining on us.
Hey, Coach.
You gonna have to get better, son.
Lord mercy.
- What's that?
- You gotta get better.
You were just terrible tonight. Terrible.
It ain't all on you,
but it's just not good.
Stop dressing! Everybody up!
Well, there you have it.
Four ass-whippings in a row,
by Lee County,
who's won the Region now
back to back to back to back.
Look, I've been in
five high school programs
and I've turned all five of 'em around.
Now I'm at a place
that's supposed to be the best one,
and this is the worst one
I've walked into.
There's so many things broke
inside this program,
I can't even start to tell you.
But this right here
is exactly what happens to a program
with a bunch of wannabes.
You're not gonna like me a lot,
I promise you, these next two weeks.
You're not.
And I don't really give a [bleep].
Any questions?
It's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
And all we got is some mom-and-pops ♪
Smoking ribs in a tin-roofed pit ♪
Yeah, I got a few good friends ♪
Yeah, I got a beautiful wife ♪
Yeah, I got a picket fence ♪
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
Where a little bit of money
Goes a long, long way ♪
And a little bit of seed
Makes a whole lot of grain ♪
A little piece of heaven's
Where I'm trying to stay ♪
'Cause yeah, at the end of the day ♪
It's a tire swing by a river stream ♪
That's running down behind my house ♪
Yeah, it's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
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