Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Girls of the Olston Family/A Feeling I Won't Give Up/Heart-Pounding! A Gaming Overnighter

What time are we meeting
at my place this weekend?
Misuzu, when did you agree to that?
I didn't. Wasn't it you?
I just brought it up now.
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"The Women of the Olston Estate"
This is one heck of a map Carol handed us.
Calling that a map is laughable.
It should be around here
but all I see is this long fence.
Must be an establishment of sorts.
This can't be it, right?
I certainly hope not.
Oh, you two.
What are you doing in front of our house?
You here to cause trouble?
There's no mistake.
This is definitely someone from her family.
Carol–chan's friends?
Is that true?
Especially you, big one.
You have lewd intentions?
I know all about your type!
Men are all
Oh, boobies.
Well, I am a girl, for what it's worth.
Oh I see. Welcome.
I want to go home.
Don't! You can't leave me here on my own.
Getting to house like a maze.
Don't fall behind, okay?
I get lost sometimes too.
Today should be fine.
I hope so, at least.
We're doomed.
Maybe I should turn back after all.
Welcome home, Mummy!
I'm home, Carol–chan!
I miss you so much.
I love you so much.
Yay, Tomo–chan's here!
Thanks for coming!
You too, Misuzu–chan.
We have matching braids.
The heck is this joint!?
It's my room.
What are you, some kinda princess!?
Are you!?
Huh? Yeah.
That's insane!
Calm down.
She's just rich.
This was when I was small.
Wow, I see you're always wearing ribbons.
Yup! Cause Mummy keeps telling me
that I am pudding.
You're what?
That's why I must always
wear adorable, fluffy clothes.
I mustn't forget the ribbon
is the cherry on top!
But most important of all..
Is to not let yourself be eaten?
How did you know? That's amazing.
Excuse me while I use the restroom.
It's over
I know where it is. I saw it on the way.
Uh, is there anything I can help you with?
You were mean to Carol–chan.
You a bad girl?
Oh, I see.
What if I said that I'm befriending
her for her money?
Sorry, you are just a cutie!
What is this defeat I'm feeling?
Tomo–chan, let's play Othello!
Sure, I won't go easy on you!
I'll play white.
"5 minutes later"
Is that Othello?
My Misuzu's really good at this!
Prepare yourself!
I suppose I can't say I've lost often.
I'll play white.
"10 minutes later"
What is with this mother and child?
What's this about?
We're off now, Carol!
See ya at school!
Thank you for having us.
Come again, yes?
You too.
See you again!
I wonder about that.
Last is
Let's go.
Yeah, uh, let's.
"Unyielding Feelings"
Hey Misuzu, did you hear?
Tomorrow's the midterms.
I'm more surprised that you're even asking.
I totally forgot. I'm so screwed.
Sounds like the time for a study session.
You sure? Don't you have to prepare yourself?
I don't mind. Let's have it at my place.
Can I come too?
I suppose so.
Thank you very much.
Stop that.
Let's study together after school!
I'll teach you.
You, teaching Tomo?
Someone thinks he's so smart.
Do you recall your placement
in our final middle school exams?
Huh? I think it was around 30th place.
What about it?
I placed first.
Damn it!
Gotta say I didn't expect that.
Expect what?
You know. You're always
trying to pair me and Jun up.
Why the change of
Can't I have you for myself sometimes?
Do me next.
It's been a while
but things sure are different.
Does Tomo–chan not come often?
When we were kids
she told me not to come over.
Can't seem to remember why.
You forgot?
It's because you kept destroying our things.
Oh yeah, t–that's it.
You never were one to sit still.
I'm still worried you'd do something.
That was a long time ago!
I'm home.
Could it be
Misuzu brought her boyfriend over?
Welcome home, Mum.
Thanks for having me.
Umm, I'm her daughter.
You're so much like her now.
Please let the resemblance stop at the looks.
Nice to meet you! I'm Carol!
You're awfully close
to someone you've just met.
She's like Misuzu–chan. That's cute!
I can't stand her.
Neither can I.
I don't get it.
The equation's long but simple.
Don't let it put you off
and tackle it in order.
Is it half of root 10 subtracted by root 2?
She's right.
It may be simple but it's not something
you get off the top of your head.
I did.
You a genius or what?
How'd you do it?
Well, these ones are friends, so you
turn them around and crash them together.
If that works then we wouldn't need teach
Whoa, awesome! I got it!
Hot damn, I might be a genius!
Tomo–chan the genius!
I don't know how you did it,
but the process is just as
important as the answer in maths.
You're not getting any marks
without the equations.
What a pain.
You said it.
That's so inefficient.
Alright, playtime's over.
Same here.
That part's jumbled up
so just put an X over it.
Hey, that works really well.
Misuzu–chan's a good teacher!
She sure is!
You could make a good teacher!
Anyone can explain this much.
Don't be so humble!
You got me of all people to understand it!
At this rate I may even be able
to get into the same uni as you!
Is that what you're after?
You bet I do!
We're finally in the same school now.
It's a rough road ahead,
but I'll do it for my best bud!
I see.
Fine, you can come too.
Hell yeah!
"70. Tomo Aizawa"
70th place!
I've never been over the middle line before!
You were on fire this time.
Yeah! What's your place?
That's half–assed.
What a dull guy.
No one retaliates that way.
He does.
What's yours, Misuzu?
Wow, I knew you'd be high!
Wonder who's first
"01. Carol Olston"
"Heart–Thumping! Gaming Camp"
I bought that game you've been
talking about, Winner's Eleven.
Whoa, that's so nice.
My folks don't buy me games and stuff often.
That reminds me, you were a real
gamer boy when we first me.
Hey, gamer boy!
Sure brings me back.
Dude, stop!
Don't ever call me that again.
W–What's your deal?
Wanna come over today?
We haven't played games in a while!
Can I!?
I wouldn't have asked otherwise!
Tomorrow's the weekend too,
may as well sleep over.
We'll be playing until the sun's long gone!
A gaming camp!
I can't wait!
My head was so full of games,
I didn't think
Jun's house Sleepover
Thank you, almighty games.
So, can I join in?
Will you, Carol!?
This is totally where I back off, right?
Don't even bring it up if you know that much.
Yeah, forget it!
I'll tell him I can't.
Hold it, Tomo–chan.
What's the problem?
Just sit down.
Rest that butt.
That thing you're about to do
Don't even think of it.
It's only times like these
that they get along.
Tomo! Let's go home!
Today I'm uh
Going home with Misuzu and Carol
Okay, see you at my place then.
You're delaying the inevitable.
You'll still be seeing him later.
At Jun–kun's house.
Not going with him right away
It's like you're keeping him
eagerly waiting and it'll only
Only what?
Aww geez, give it a rest!
I'm staying over at Jun's place today.
Is that so?
I thought we wouldn't have this talk so soon.
I suppose it's time to be thinking about it.
What'll we name my grandchild
You've skipped several steps ahead!
Pops! I'll be crashing at Jun's today!
That so? Be sure to be
on your best behaviour.
Anything else? You may go.
Not having him fret over me is also kinda
I've been waiting, Tomo!
This is from my mum.
Thanks! I'll let my parents know tomorrow.
Yeah, they're not home today.
They're on holiday.
Why didn't you say so sooner!
Huh? Did you want something from them?
That's not the problem!
You make a killer curry.
It'll be my turn next time!
Oh, I guess I wouldn't
mind your cooking once in a while.
Really? Just say the word.
So, what're you gonna do about your bath?
I bathe at night so I figured
I'd be taking it here.
Then you should hit the tub after this.
We'll be gaming till we drop.
O–Okay, got it.
I had mine earlier so you only
have to warm it up again.
The shower's enough for me!
But why? A nice, long warm bath is
I'll stick to the shower!
I'll leave your towel
What's wrong? Did something happen?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
What's with the cheeks?
They look red.
Huh, why?
This is awkward
Could Jun be conscious about me?
What now
Should I say something first?
Alright, Tomo!
Game time!
Wait, what!?
You haven't played in a while.
Want me to go easy on you?
You'll regret that.
Get going, right there!
My pass worked! You're wide open!
And score!
Not bad.
I'm not losing to you in games either!
I lost again!
It's cause you're always
attacking and never defending.
You have to consider the gameplay more
Put a lid on it, gamer boy.
I told you not to call me that!
Sorry, dude.
How about another round?
Yeah, sure.
It's already 9 PM
What do you want to do? Pull an all–nighter?
Can you even stay awake?
Get this!
I've been up till 11:30 PM before!
That's weak.
once stayed up till midnight.
That's like, the next day.
It was no big deal.
I don't think
either of us will last any longer.
Good night.
Good night.
It smells of Jun
Are we really going to sleep?
Feels like a waste
A waste of what!?
You awake?
What's up?
Wasn't today fun?
If only we could stay
this way
Jun! I
Did he always look like this?
We've been together a lot
but I've never had many
chances to have a good look at him.
Especially at his ears and other places.
I see. That's what it's like.
How's the nose?
Dang, this is fun.
W–What the hell?
What the hell is this!?
Jun, you're an awful sleeper.
Later! See you at the dojo!
That was a fun time.
I'm glad I went over.
But I feel like I forgot something
I went to Jun's
Ate curry
Had a shower
Played games
Slept on his bed
And woke up on his mattress!
After that, we
What's up?
N–Nothing's up.
That so?
Spent a whole week being like this.
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