Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Yuichi-kun, You're Pretty Dumb, Aren't You?

I have the right to take
everything from Shiho-chan.
Her smile, her trust, her friends
Because she robbed me of the most
important thing in this world.
Yuichi, if you try to get in my way,
I'll crush you with all of my strength!
parent and child crooks
here we go!
whoa lol
no way!
you're done
hype lol
god round
what a bombshell
Episode 5: Yuichi-kun, You're Pretty Dumb, Aren't You?
Episode 5: Yuichi-kun, You're Pretty Dumb, Aren't You?
Hey, hey, Shibe,
is it true that you've
actually killed a person?
How could it be?! It has to be a lie!
Yeah probably.
Thinking about it, regardless
of what his dad did,
there's no way a guy like
Shibe could kill someone.
So Yuichi is undoubtedly the one
who bad-mouthed him
Does that mean he has some kind of plan?
Manabu-sensei! That bad-mouth is a lie!
That means the person
who wrote it gets a penalty!
Oh? Is that right?
That's it!
(if the lie is revealed, you'll be forced one space in front of the lead player)
If Yuichi gets slapped with a penalty,
we'll know he's the one who wrote it.
Okay, if you say it's a lie,
then prove it to us.
P-Prove it?
I'm telling you I didn't do it!
That's what they all say. Are you dumb?
Um, fine. So find out if I have a record, then!
Huh? Even when there's a good chance
you had your papa cover up the crime?
How would that prove anything?
Then how can I
Well, if the person who wrote the lie
comes forward, it's a different story.
Okay! When you're in a pinch, ask the gods!
Q: Do you believe what Shibe said?
Don't Believe
Let's take a god survey to decide
if we believe Shibe.
If the "Believe" side gets over
50% percent, we'll call that proof.
Q: Do you believe what Shibe said?
Don't Believe
u dumbass lmao
murderer lol
this is pissing me off
god round lol
no chance lol
are you dumb lol
gross lol
no way do we believe you
I didn't do it! Believe me, gods!
Why would I have any reason to kill someone?
My life honestly hasn't been
that hard so far.
Whenever I've had trouble, my dad's
taken care of everything for me!
Q: Do you believe what Shibe said?
Don't Believe
this guy's a total idiot lol
he looks like he'd cover it up
you're screwed lmaooo
did you really kill someone?
can't believe a word
hell yeah
I'm pissed lol
1% is naive
Too bad!
17 spaces - 1,500,000 yen
Period 07 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
19 spaces - 2,000,000 yen
11 spaces - 900,000 yen
10 spaces - 1,300,000 yen
10 spaces - 800,000 yen
With that, Shibe moves five spaces
and jumps into the lead!
22 spaces - 1,600,000 yen
Yikes! What a way to put it!
Well, they probably wouldn't have
believed Shibe no matter what he said.
Nothing smells as fishy as an
excuse from a rich person.
In this country, the speaker is
more important than their words.
So you can't really prove anything's
a lie without clear evidence.
Could Yuichi have calculated that far ahead?
Don't worry, Shibe. I believe you.
There's no way you could kill someone.
But this bad-mouth made it clear.
One of us is a traitor, and is deliberately
trying to destroy our friendship.
And I've figured out who that is.
What?! Did he catch me?
That culprit's written all of the really
nasty bad-mouthing so far.
No way. Are you
So can we stop fighting
among ourselves, guys?
It's all a single person's fault.
I see now.
He's trying to blame it all on the traitor
to bring everyone together.
If he does
Who's the traitor, then?!
I can't tell you yet.
So, you were bluffing after all?
Most likely. I haven't made any mistakes.
Well, to be more precise,
there's no need to say any more,
because I figured out
a strategy to win the game.
A winning strategy for this kind of game?!
One thing's been bugging
me since we started:
The fact that this game isn't fair at all.
In the first few rounds, we trusted
each other and kept pace together.
But after just two spaces, our total
debt went over 3 million yen.
Players who stop on this space will
"Lose your wallet on the way home from school"
- 100,000 yen
For a game that only gives
2 million yen for winning,
Players who stop on this space will
"Buy a painting of a dolphin from
a beautiful woman on the street"
- 500,000 yen
that was totally unfair.
Of course, we're the ones in debt.
We have to deal with some
of it being unreasonable.
But a game that's totally
unfair is boring to watch.
we're watching lol
keep going!! lol
we're watching lolol
we're watching lmao
make it more fun lol
too much talk
The Tomodachi Game has an audience.
we're watching lolol
we're god lol
I always enjoy this
I'm a regular lol
what's the point of this?
whens the next surprise?
we're watching
hurry up and make it fun!
It's the management's job
to make it fun for the audience.
If the game isn't fair on
some level, it won't be fun.
Games are fun because you
don't know how they'll end.
All of that leads me to one conclusion.
Do you remember what
happened in the sixth period?
Fifth Period
Period 05 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
Sixth Period
Period 06 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
13 spaces - 1,800,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,000,000 yen
8 spaces - 1,200,000 yen
7 spaces - 1,200,000 yen
5 spaces - 700,000 yen
That was the first time we
got a space that lowered debt.
18 spaces
10 spaces - 800,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,500,000 yen
9 spaces - 1,000,000 yen
8 spaces - 1,300,000 yen
Kokorogi's debt went down 200,000 yen.
And remember what Manabu said at the start?
Other than the bad-mouthing to get ahead,
"It's just normal Sugoroku."
Normal Sugoroku would have spaces
that are positive and negative.
If that's how the game keeps
things fair and interesting,
then if you make it from start
to finish in Bad-Mouth Sugoroku,
shouldn't your wins and losses
balance out at the end?
First Half
minus (-) zone
Second Half
plus (+) zone
In Bad-Mouth Sugoroku, to discourage
people from moving in sync,
the negatives are
mostly in the first half.
But in the second half,
positive spaces increase.
It's just like he said.
If you add up all the spaces on
the board, you come out even!
0 yen
But so what?
You figured it out too late.
I think you're probably right, Yuichi,
but doesn't that just mean it's hard
to get more debt in the second half?
That's right.
Even if we turn in blanks and move space
by space now, it won't close the gaps.
Period 07 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
22 spaces - 1,600,000 yen
19 spaces - 2,000,000 yen
11 spaces - 900,000 yen
10 spaces - 1,300,000 yen
10 spaces - 800,000 yen
Shibe will reach the goal alone
and the game will end.
The trouble with this game is that
you don't know who wrote what.
But, what if we made it so you could?
Listen. From here on, all of us
except the person in the lead,
should bad-mouth ourselves.
1st Place Shibe = blank
2nd Place Shiho = self
3rd Place Yutori = self
4th Place Yuichi = self
5th Place Tenji = self
If we promise to play the rest of the game
so that everyone except the leader
only writes about themselves,
4th Place Yuichi = self
1st Place Shibe = blank
2nd Place Shiho = self
3rd Place Yutori = self
5th Place Tenji = self
then if the traitor breaks that promise
and writes about Shibe,
4th Place Yuichi = Shibe
this will happen.
1st Shibe - yes
Shiho - yes
Yutori - yes
Yuichi - no
Tenji - yes
Yuichi's the only one who isn't bad-mouthed.
Right. This way you'd immediately
know I'm the traitor.
Mikasa Tenji
Sawaragi Shiho
Basically, if we promise
to play the game like that,
Katagiri Yuichi
Shibe Makoto
Kokorogi Yutori
it's essentially the same
as signing our votes.
1st Shibe - yes
Shiho - yes
Yutori - yes
Yuichi - no
Tenji - yes
The traitor won't be able
to betray us any more!
I get it! That's why we don't need
to say who the traitor is.
This way, we'd have to
move one space at a time.
If we follow each other in order
and share our own secrets,
it should be possible to catch
up to the same space.
Possible, you say
Yeah. It's not a perfect strategy.
But at least
we could stop trying to hurt each other.
I know we've all been through a lot, but can
we try to work together one more time?
Our debt shouldn't increase
from here on out.
Wouldn't it suck if our
friendship ended like this?
When you put it that way, Yuichi
I'm against it!
Why, Tenji? Everyone else is on board.
Or is there some reason why
it wouldn't work out for you?
Yuichi, do you really know
who the traitor is?
O-Of course I do.
Why are you so intent on asking?
Then spit it out!
That way everyone can concentrate
their votes on the traitor
and make them finish first.
Isn't that the best strategy?
B-But then, I know he's the traitor,
but he'll be sent to the third game alone.
That's too cruel—
Don't be dense!
Yuichi, at this point, I think
it's stupid to trust anyone.
We're getting into the final rounds.
If we waste a valuable period on
this strategy and it doesn't work,
I'm gonna make you tell us who the traitor is.
If you identify the traitor
without any kind of proof,
I'm never listening to you again.
Is that all right with you?!
That's fine with me.
Is it?
Eighth Period
Did everyone bad-mouth yourselves?
Except Shibe, since he's in first.
Of course.
There should be exactly
four bad-mouth cards.
Even if there aren't that many,
we should know right
away who didn't write one.
Let's see, this time there are
ten cards in total!
Ten cards?
There were ten cards in the box!
Ten cards?
Sorry, Yuichi. There were holes
in your plan from the start.
I'm honestly disappointed in you, Yuichi.
I was surprised when you said
you had a strategy,
but your plan was so weak!
Sure, if you could only write one card
each time, your strategy would work,
- You can write as many things as you want about each person
but you have to remember the rules.
One of you probably put in
a whole lot of cards.
Yuichi-kun, you're pretty dumb, aren't you?
I saw this coming,
but you said you were confident,
so I thought you had
something up your sleeve.
No, I had no idea this would happen!
Fine. No turning back now. You promised.
This will be our final duel, Yuichi!
Which one of us is the traitor?
If you say my name, you'll win.
But if you say nothing, I'll be
the victor of Bad-Mouth Sugoroku!
I-I'm sorry. I was bluffing.
I don't even know if
there's a traitor or not.
Let's go, Shiho-chan.
But Yuichi did all of that to help us
You always say things like that!
That's why you keep getting
hurt, over and over!
I-I'm sorry.
You have to accept it.
Our friendship is already totally ruined!
Mikasa Tenji
If we stay in denial, we're just
going to keep getting beaten.
Don't worry, though. I'll keep
protecting you, no matter what.
Come with me.
I've won!
Now there's no one standing in my way.
It's been two years since you stole
what was most precious to me.
Finally. Finally.
I've been waiting for this chance
for a long, long time.
I've waited so long for vengeance
Now, all I have to do is set the stage
to lay you open for everyone to see!
Senpai, it looks like Group C
is finished, doesn't it?
Yes, you might be right.
The rest of the game horribly slogged on.
Ninth Period
Tenth Period
Eleventh Period
Twelfth Period
Thirteenth Period
Fourteenth Period
Fifteenth Period
Sixteenth Period
Seventeenth Period
Eighteenth Period
Nobody spoke to or even
looked at anyone else.
The game proceeded as the traitor
had likely intended.
Nineteenth Period
Aw, you're back in first place
again, Shiho-sama.
And you're only one space from the goal!
By the way, to reach the goal
you have to jump off the edge.
Don't worry! It's a little scary,
but you won't die.
I'm sorry, Shiho-chan! I wasn't
strong enough to protect you.
If only I had given up on trusting everyone
sooner, this wouldn't have happened.
Come on, let me hear it.
Tell me how you really feel now that
you're backed into a corner!
Aw, this group ended up
just like the others.
It was all over too soon.
That's true.
Period 19 Spaces Moved Debt Amount (game 2 only)
59 spaces - 100,000 yen
52 spaces - 300,000 yen
49 spaces - 200,000 yen
44 spaces - 400,000 yen
32 spaces - 800,000 yen
Goal: 60 spaces
At this point, no matter what people
write, they'll never catch up to Shiho.
Even if they're all blank,
she has to move one space.
Sawaragi Shiho is the single
confirmed loser of this second game.
The traitor's persistence
beat out Katagiri Yuichi's wit.
But what is this?
Something in the image doesn't feel right
Quick! Rewind the video!
Huh? Okay.
It can't be.
Could this really have
We may have let a human
abomination play the game.
The game isn't over yet!
I might have an idea.
Sorry, Yuichi, but I have
no interest in hearing you out.
Even so
I just thought of a way to make
the traitor expose themselves.
Are you serious, Yuichi?
Yeah. This time it'll totally work.
Yuichi, are you going to talk crap
and try to confuse us again?
No way.
Confused or not, even if we
figure out who it is now,
we can't stop Sawaragi
from reaching the goal.
W-Well, I guess you're right.
But why would you want to
figure out the traitor now, then?
Well, that's because
You remember there's a penalty
if you're caught lying, right?
- You may lie
(if the lie is revealed, you'll be forced one space in front of the lead player)
And if you combine that with my earlier
strategy to only bad-mouth yourself,
everyone except the traitor will be
able to go to the next game.
Everyone except the traitor
reaches the goal?
Can they really do that?
This will be our last round
of bad-mouthing, so
Katagiri Yuichi
We use these bad-mouth cards
with names on them
Shibe Makoto
Kokorogi Yutori
Mikasa Tenji
and all write the exact same thing.
Sawaragi Shiho
The same thing?
There's only one person it'll be true for—
the traitor.
Can a bad-mouth can do that?
Sure, it can.
Just write this on the bad-mouth card:
"I'm the one who applied to
play Tomodachi Game."
I'm sure the traitor chose to play the game
in order to destroy our friendship.
Basically, the applicant
must also be the traitor.
applicant =
Y-You're right!
So if we all write the same card
with our names attached,
the real traitor will actually have
written the truth, and won't get a penalty.
But the others will be penalized for lying.
No penalty
As a result, everyone except
the traitor will be forced
to the space after Sawaragi
and will reach the goal.
That makes sense!
No wonder you waited until Shiho
was right in front of the goal.
B-But how are you going to prove
the lie? If you can't—
Not a problem. This way,
we don't need to prove the lies.
We're talking about whoever applied
to play Tomodachi Game.
Management obviously
already knows who that is.
Isn't that right, Manabu-sensei?
Hmm. Yeah, I guess.
If possible, I wanted us all
to reach the goal together.
But it's been such a mess
so far, I figured it's better
to leave the traitor in this game,
and clear it without him.
Then only true friends will be left
to play the third game together.
W-Wait! You can't guarantee
everyone will write the same thing!
If someone doesn't write it,
we'll know he's the traitor.
If we keep going like this, Sawaragi
will move on to the third game alone.
Anyone okay with that is
the just as bad as the traitor.
Right, Shibe?
Y-Yeah! I'll totally write it.
Don't you agree, Tenji?
You said you're on Sawaragi's
side no matter what, right?
O-Of course I am!
All right. Why don't you go first, then?
Sawaragi trusts you more than anyone.
Better to reassure her sooner
rather than later, right?
Mikasa Tenji
Mikasa Tenji
God damn it! I'm screwed!
I never saw that coming!
I'm out of time! There's gotta
be a way out of this!
I know!
I'll write the card like he said.
When they figure out I'm the traitor,
I'll feed them a conspiracy theory!
I'll admit that I applied,
and then say that someone else
blackmailed me into doing it.
It'll take some effort,
but it's already half-true.
I can take my time figuring out
a good excuse later.
I wrote it.
Great! I'm up next.
I'll do it just right.
What's with him?
Okay. You all wrote that you
were the applicant, right?
Now it's just a matter of my acting.
The instant they realize it was me,
I'll start crying!
I'll weep, cling to them,
have a total breakdown
Yuichi's so dense, I'm sure
he'll at least listen to me.
All right. Are you ready
for the final round?
Pay close attention. We should see
something very interesting happen.
Let's see.
In total, this time there were
There have to be five! Hurry it up!
I can't hold back the tears!
What? There's just one.
The rest are all blank.
And it says, ahem,
"I am the one who applied to play
Tomodachi Game. —Mikasa Tenji"
Mikasa Ten
Mikasa Tenji
Why am I the only one who turned one in?!
Tenji, didn't I tell you?
"I thought of a way to make
the traitor expose themself."
E-Expose? No, I'm not
Damn it!
I have to cry to get their sympathy!
I-It's not like that
Will you just hear me out, please?!
Don't cry, Tenji.
You really are dense!
You can make all the excuses you want later.
But for now, you'd better spit it out.
The truth was gonna come
out sooner or later.
Let's hear your answer
to my question, Tenji.
W-What the hell is this?
Is this the same Yuichi?!
Are you the one who applied
to play the Tomodachi Game?
You're scaring the hell out of me!
I applied to play the Tomodachi Game.
What's going on?!
Did Katagiri Yuichi realize that
Mikasa Tenji was the traitor?
If you rewatched from the start of
second game, you'd understand, too.
There were three clear abnormalities.
You should be able to find three traps.
Three traps?
Katagiri Yuichi
And if you do, you'll understand
how unique Katagiri Yuichi really is.
NEXT: I Really Can't Be Friends with a "Murderer"
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