Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e05 Episode Script


[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it.
[all cheering]
We found the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree on everyone
wearing condoms, please,
then everyone can have sex
with each other and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them
what sounded like
the best trip they could possibly imagine
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] and then told them
that in this paradise,
almost everything is allowed, except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws
a wrench in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no fooling around here,
my darlings.
[Davi] I feel like crying.
[Matheus] Fuck, my heart is racing, man,
I'm so horny, I'm shivering. For real.
[Bruna] Our guests
will have to stick it out,
unless they want to see a R$500,000 prize
vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana is following them around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
Do not misalign my chakras!
You were a douchebag so many times.
I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] Uh, I don't think so
I'm pissed 'cause I worried
a lot about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us.
We look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me.
Because all I'm feeling
is just disappointment, you know?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able to build
stronger relationships?
- We're in this together.
- Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool and help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
[Lana] You are not allowed to engage
in any type of sexual activity
from now on.
It's something [grunting]
[Lana] For each infraction you commit,
money will be deducted
from the total prize.
The money will be gone like that
I was sure I would have
something very strong with you.
We both were open to it.
- But I think the affection
- It didn't happen.
We went our separate ways
and the friendship continues.
It may happen again
along the line. I don't know.
I'm confused about Leandro
I stopped seeing him
not because I don't like him,
but because I was standing in the way
of his relationship with other people.
[Thuany] Out of nowhere,
Lana, I love you.
[Lana] The balance of the prize
is now R$388,000.
From now on, whoever commits an infraction
has no excuse.
[Lana] Would you like to spend a night
all by yourselves in the suite?
Of course I fucking want that!
Thank you, Lana!
[Lana] The rules of the retreat
continue to apply while in the suite.
[Brenda shrieking]
Look at this, it's open air!
- Wow.
- No way, look.
I've been waiting for this since day one.
Look at my smile. [laughs]
[Bruna] Looks like it's smiles for some
and envy for others.
I saw that you got a little upset
about Matheus and Brenda's night out.
[Thuany] They shouldn't even
have won that reward.
It's crystal clear to everyone else
there's no real connection,
at least not the the one Lana mentioned.
They're living this thing.
You have to live yours.
This is a personal experience.
For me, it's become meaningless now.
Because my self-improvement process
from the inside out, has been real.
How are you gonna get
this deep connection with me
if you don't talk to me?
So you would say
you and I oughta fake it too?
Oh, my God, you're so difficult.
You're a very difficult person.
It's gonna be complicated,
now I can see it.
I'm really lost.
Now, tell me something.
What's my favorite color? Do you know?
Favorite soccer team?
Where I live, other than Rio?
What do you know about me?
It's only what is on the surface.
You get me?
If you don't want that, that's okay.
Just don't let me be
in this place that I am now
of having hopes
about the incredible person that you are
and limiting the incredible person
that I am.
I wondered a lot about it
because it looks
like the kiss we had on that date
was superficial.
- I'm in shock.
- [giggling]
Jeez, bathtub with rose petals,
champagne, ocean view,
full moon, a wonderful atmosphere.
Wait, look.
Oh, I got it.
- Oh, no, so that's mine?
- Yeah.
That's it.
[Bruna] Darlings, it's just
one night in the suite.
You don't have to start practicing
for the wedding.
- A kiss? To top it all off?
- Seriously?
- It's just a little kiss.
- Which costs R$10,000.
That's right, okay.
Oh, let's do it.
- Huh?
- [giggles]
[Bruna] Well, if it's just gonna be
one little kiss,
I'll talk to Lana to see
if she can give you a discount.
Guys, look on the bright side.
Tomorrow, we'll know how much sex costs.
[Kethellen] Do you think so?
Are they gonna have sex?
No, I don't think so, I'm sure.
I think that tomorrow,
we'll wake up a bit poorer.
Let's see what's gonna happen.
But I think I'm gonna leave here
owing money.
[Bruna] Yeah, Igor.
Maybe you're clairvoyant.
We deserved it, right?
- Yeah.
- This moment
Kissing is free, right?
Since we kissed once,
we gotta kiss a bunch.
We're, like, on the edge of horniness.
But we might still respect the rules.
So we don't know. Let's wait and see.
Thank you, universe. Thank you, Lana.
"Thank you, Lana?"
But come to think of it,
if Lana gave us this gift, it's because
we've matured.
Or not. [giggling]
- R$40,000. We spent it only by kissing.
- Can we stop counting?
Okay, I stopped.
[Bruna] When you stop counting,
I feel sorry for our friends
going through the dry spell.
It's like my own life.
[Kethellen] It looks like
their attraction is still mostly sexual.
For me, I got to know Matheus better,
being close to him from the start,
I see that he really changed a lot.
- [Kethellen] It's fake.
- I think they're being sincere.
[Kethellen] When it
really happens, we feel it.
Your gut tells you.
But they're real, I'm sure of that.
I may sound biased
talking about Matheus and Brenda.
They're like parents to me,
they're my family here.
I cover for them. [laughs]
Hey, let me tell you something.
Living a dream alone is very good.
[Bruna] Oh, no.
But sharing it with someone,
that's priceless.
[Bruna] What's with all the romance?
Sharing it all with the person
that you are in love with
- Are you in love with me?
- I am.
I'm not afraid of saying it anymore,
or accepting it.
- I think they're not gonna have sex.
- Yeah, I think so too.
They might think,
"No, we're at the retreat."
Matheus and Brenda,
the horniest couple in the house?
But guys, why not just have sex?
- Why not?
- We won't have any money left.
Forget it.
- Wow, the lights went out.
- That's perfect.
Oh, God, thank you! Holy Father!
I was in great need, you know?
Like, I don't know if you know,
but if a man doesn't do anything,
or just ejaculate, he gets sick, you know?
So I was about to get pretty sick.
Stop, Matheus! Honey
Come here.
Throwing us into a suite like that,
with a hottie that I have feelings for
[Bruna] "Then fuck all this." Right?
Without money, we arrived,
without money, we'll leave.
Thank you, universe.
[Bruna] Wow, look, it's already morning.
Gross, I love it.
[Brenda] They sent the wrong couple
to come here.
[Thuany] Will they have breakfast there?
- Yeah, in bed.
- Oh, girl, how beautiful!
They'll try to build suspense.
We'll be able to tell
by Brenda's smile, though.
- I bet we lose 50 grand.
- Maybe more.
I believe what they said before they left.
That they're going there with a purpose.
[Bruna] With purpose?
[Bruna] Oh, they had a lot of purpose.
Is there any more where that came from?
Everyone wanted
to be in our place, didn't they?
- Yeah, but I'm a little afraid.
- Oh, stop that, don't play dumb here.
Ugh, I need to take a shower.
- No, we can't shower.
- Why?
- It'll look like we had sex.
- Oh, please.
- [laughing] I'm kidding.
- [giggling]
I think we lost money
with their little night out.
[Ronaldo] Nah, he'll have thought it over
and ended up just kissing.
[Igor] He'll have thought it over.
I don't know.
I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
You seem trustworthy.
So don't betray my trust.
I won't ever do that to you. I won't.
Don't worry.
- I'm serious.
- I swear.
I don't wanna regret
giving myself away again.
Listen to me, look at everything
we're experiencing here.
Matheus and I have a strong connection.
It's been strong since day one.
But we never had a date,
we never had anything special
just for us alone.
To say "I love you" is very superficial.
"I see you" means
that I can see your imperfections.
I can see your bad side, your good side
and I still love it.
So I see you more than yesterday
and less than tomorrow.
[both laugh]
I see you.
[Bruna] I see you too, I'm here watching.
And what I see is that you better
stop with all that romance
because I'm getting jealous.
Brenda, look at this.
Mmm, please, Brenda.
Put that away.
Lana said, "Make deep connections."
Matheus and I understood
exactly what she meant.
Yeah. Going deep is our thing.
[Bruna] I don't even know
what else to say.
I can only feel sorry for the others.
[Thuany] What's up, Lana?
[Kethellen] Every time I sit here
[Leandro] Every day
it's a new level of nervousness.
[Kethellen]I get butterflies every time.
[Igor] Always a different emotion.
What's up, fam?
- It took a while, huh?
- Your skin is glowing.
- Sit down here.
- May we sit here?
Cool if we sit here?
Of course, be my guest.
There's a lot I wanna know.
[Igor] I think
Matheus and Brenda are sort of serious,
or they wanna make fun of us.
I really don't know.
They've both got a poker face.
Did Lana say anything?
- [Ronaldo] Nothing yet.
- [Lana chimes]
[Ronaldo exclaims]
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
[Lana] Today will be serious.
- [all murmuring excitedly]
- Oh, boy.
I'm nervous.
[Lana] The suite is the perfect location
to deepen and strengthen the bonds
between a couple.
Fair enough.
[Lana] To get to know each other better
without interruptions or distractions.
Matheus and Brenda
I saw in you two clearly
in the blossom of a true romance.
[Brenda] Oh, I'm very tense.
Very, very tense,
because we know
that we went a little too far.
[Lana] But what you did in the suite
would only be appropriate
if this show
were on a very different channel.
Weren't they supposed
to respect the watch?
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and incurred the maximum penalty.
- Oh, my God!
- What is that?
A fine, the max penalty!
- You've got some nerve.
- This is a mess.
[Lana] Would you like
to tell your friends what you did?
If you want to, go ahead.
I'd prefer if you do it, Lana.
Yeah, I'd prefer if you tell them, Lana.
Me too, Lana. I like your voice better.
[Lana] I would prefer if you tell them.
- What did you do?
- [Igor] Do you always need a spokesman?
Speak up, get it out.
Yeah, we did it five times.
- Are you serious, Matheus?
- [Davi] Damn, the money's gone now!
- Bro, I thought it was just gonna be once.
- That's bullshit!
But I've spent the least money so far
out of anyone in the house.
- No, Matheus, no.
- No excuses.
No, there's no excuse.
But Brenda's already spent a lot of money.
I haven't spent any either.
I know, I know, okay?
I had sex five times,
but I'm the best in the house.
That's once for each couple.
We could have all had sex.
You also kissed while having sex, right?
Yeah. Sex is the whole thing.
No, kissing is different from sex.
You can have sex and not kiss, right?
Jeez, Rita, what kind of sex
are you having?
[Leandro] Seriously, Rita?
No! I'm just saying that the kiss
and the sex will count.
- If we think
- Guys, let's see how much it costs, relax.
Lana, how much is left?
In this case, breaking the rules
has cost R$200,000 off the final prize.
[Ronaldo] This is crazy.
- Holy shit, R$200,000, dude.
- Five times?
- R$200,000 buys a fancy car, bro!
- They didn't even talk, they just had sex.
For the time they had,
they didn't even talk, they just had sex.
So, Lana, tell me, how is this a romance
if they need to have sex
five times to emotionally connect?
That's just sexual attraction.
It doesn't prove it was just sex,
of course not, you guys
- [Thuany] Oh, no, Matheus, don't.
- [Caio] Matheus, stop it!
Do you have sex five times
with someone you don't like?
You've lost the moral high ground,
you never had it.
[Thuany] Matheus, you're on a show.
[Marina] You've never had it
and the time has passed now.
It's fair for them to say
what they want about me,
but it's also unfair,
I think they're crossing a line.
Leandro, tell us what you think about it.
You have to speak now.
Leandro is minding
his own business, leave him alone.
I got very sad, very upset.
I was following their footsteps,
I told myself,
"Wow, I wanna find
that connection myself."
Then it all went downhill.
And I kinda broke down.
I'd be cool if you had just done it once.
I told everyone,
"If he has sex, I think it's cool,
because they needed to connect more."
But I think by doing it five times, bro,
you clearly forgot about the partnership,
about everyone else.
- I think you were a little selfish.
- No, a lot.
I don't have much to say,
because they didn't think about me at all.
And I was like their son.
They made five children in one night
instead of just one,
which I was happy to let slide.
But five times is complicated.
- Shameful, man. It's shameful.
- I'm hurt.
So bizarre. So bizarre,
that I'd prefer to say nothing.
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment.
The word is disappointment.
[Thuany] I'm glad they're silent,
there's nothing they can say.
Don't even try to justify it.
because It's unjustifiable, period.
[Marina] You were
the first couple in the suite,
so we thought there was an improvement.
Obviously not, huh? There wasn't any.
I think they regressed,
they went backwards.
They may have improved as a couple,
but not as part of the collective.
No, Davi. No.
No! That's not the point.
- I don't think it's right, bro.
- You're trying to cover for them.
I don't think they're right, either, man.
Davi, take this to cover it all up.
- There you go.
- When did I say it was right, Caio?
[Caio] But you wanna soften it.
I wanna hear
what Lana's gonna say and that's it.
- Why keep fighting?
- You wanna soften it.
[Thuany] What hurts is knowing
that I questioned myself so many times:
"Was I really taking this seriously?"
Now we look like a bunch of idiots.
I'm sorry, but I'm clapping for that.
Thuany, go up there and talk
No, dear, because we're
talking about you right here.
Don't do that, Matheus.
Defend yourself, but don't hurt anyone.
- [Matheus] The question is
- [Brenda] Just be quiet.
Tell Thuany to go up there again
and see what I do.
[Caio] Thuany can go whatever she wants.
- Kiss me, Thuany.
- [Caio] Kiss me, exactly.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] The balance of the prize
is now R$188,000.
- [Igor] "Fuck all y'all."
- [Caio] Short and sweet.
[Ronaldo] Bye, Lana, thank you!
[Thuany] No,
I already said what I was feeling.
Man, five times.
Five times.
You only thought about yourselves.
You have to think differently now.
[Brenda chuckles]
- So what do you think?
- We're wrong, we have to accept it.
That's it.
Not even Leandro wants to talk to us.
Give them time.
I have mixed feelings.
Happiness, joy and regret.
[Bruna] At least
you're not horny anymore, right?
Let's look on the bright side.
It's shameful, man, I'm embarrassed.
I'm feeling stupid.
You remember what I told you,
because besides sex,
kissing all the time? That'll also count.
Ridiculous, absurd, ugly and shameful.
They disappointed everybody.
I hadn't thought
about the five times thing.
One or two would be forgivable. But five?
But now is the time
for you to be quiet, understand?
Just be quiet, we can't undo it.
Fighting them
while being wrong will make it worse.
I know I'm wrong, but I get angry
when someone says something unfair,
something they have
no right to say, you know?
Like, the judgement
has to end at a certain point.
But they're adding
commas and commas, you know?
[Bruna] I know, like five commas?
No, that's too much, right?
- [Gabriela] Guys, five times is surreal.
- That's just sexual attraction.
I really believed they were trying
to connect in a less shallow way.
But now I see that they weren't.
So, for me, it remains a question mark.
Dude, "we did it five times."
Man, I wouldn't even be able
to walk back into the room.
- I'd just leave.
- It's shameful, bro.
I'd just leave!
And it defies
the purpose of everything here.
- Never mind that
- It screws up everything.
We start to wonder
if it's even worth abstaining.
If it's even worth
waiting for this watch to turn green.
We get into this conflict of,
"Hey, if he can do it, why can't I?"
[Bruna] Yeah, it looks like our couple
"Bratheus" is the five-time champion,
but there was someone who felt
the real weight of that 7-1 loss.
- [Brenda] Leandro, can I talk to you?
- Sure.
[Brenda] I have
a lot of affection for Leandro.
He was the person who was the most happy
when we were called to the suite.
But he gave me a look that destroyed me.
Meaningless sex is one thing,
but having sex when you're here
What I learned here,
when you're in a situation here,
"Man, they're gonna have different sex,
not how they're used to
that once would have been enough."
I know, you're right.
But it was different.
You know what I mean?
I know something happened,
I know it's different,
but five times
doesn't show that, you know?
It doesn't.
They were the couple
that connected from the beginning.
Not the one that Lana proposed,
but another kind of connection.
And, damn it, I really liked them,
they were really an inspiration.
[Bruna] Seeing a horny couple
inspired you? Was that it?
And it's not just me who's confused.
Marina's pretty annoyed too.
Did he put so much faith in them?
It's not that he was pissed,
he was sad because they let him down.
Are you serious? For real?
"Man, I don't believe in love now
because one couple did something."
Come on!
Do they think they are
the King and Queen of England?
[Bruna] They apparently seem to know
how to spend money like royalty.
It feels like both of you
stabbed me in the back.
There is no excuse, we went overboard.
It hurts me to hear people saying
that there was no love.
That it's just physical attraction,
it's all fake.
Well, it will hurt, Brenda, it will.
It's been like this since day one.
Unfortunately, you have to put up with it,
because no one is letting it slide.
It's really bad when we disappoint
people we care about
and those who care about us.
[sobbing softly]
I'm willing to make it right
and reflect on it.
- Are you okay?
- [Brenda] Yeah.
Want anything?
[Matheus] My feelings for Brenda
weren't a result of chance.
What I feel for her is very pure and true.
I see you.
Judging my feelings,
when there's a true connection
It's unfair.
[Matheus] Caio, can I talk to you?
- Me?
- [Matheus] Yeah.
In a minute. When I'm done here.
- [Matheus] I'll wait in the living room.
- Deal.
[Caio] Man, I don't know
how I'm gonna react.
[Marina] Go talk to your best friend.
- It'll be good.
- Faith, faith, faith.
Just don't lose the argument.
Matheus called me over to talk
and honestly, I didn't want to.
Everything you said to me
bothered me a lot
because I think
you have the right to put me down.
But for me, some things cross the line.
I was very angry with this guy.
Nobody was in my shoes.
And nobody is experiencing
what I'm experiencing with Brenda.
And the rudest things I heard
came from you.
So I got really upset
and that's why I asked to talk to you.
I wanna listen to you now.
I said, "Bro, I can't do it."
Whatever I said about him behind his back,
I'll also say it to his face.
You're not the only one here.
You have to understand
that a lot of what you say,
the way you talk, is sexist.
What you say, the way you say it
You got it all wrong.
But you need to understand, bro:
Don't yell at the chicks,
don't belittle the chicks,
don't diminish them.
But I never did that to anyone here.
When you tell the girl
who's giving her opinion,
"Do you want to get up on stage?"
You're belittling her.
No, I'm not
It would be like this,
"Do you wanna be the clown?"
Yesterday, we won
the night out in the suite.
- Yeah.
- But, man, Leandro's eyes were
- They were
- Trembling with tears.
Trembling with tears of happiness.
Thuany was sitting
on the deckchair like this. Look
With a negative energy,
a spirit of envy, it was crazy.
What happened with you and Thuany
is something personal that started before.
The way you speak
is disrespectful, it's offensive.
[voice breaking] I can't see that, man.
You will see it, dude. You will see it.
[sobbing] I can't see it, man.
I couldn't take it, I got emotional,
because realizing
something you've never realized before,
that's really painful, you know?
I don't see any of the behavior
you're talking about, at least I didn't
It's okay, man.
That hurt me a lot.
That made me afraid. It made me worried.
- But it's hard for me
- It's hard, yeah.
Nobody said it would be easy.
All these things you're saying
I must be a douchebag.
You were a douchebag so many times.
A douchebag, I'm saying it to your face.
A douchebag so many times.
[Bruna] I counted five "douchebags."
Is he trying to say something?
There's something in there
that you know you can change.
I think he's really trying,
but there's a lot of bad stuff inside him.
And to take it all by himself is worse.
This is when you have to apologize
for the guy you were on the first day,
for the guy you were on the second day.
But then I'll end up there again, saying,
"Okay, guys,
I'm sorry again for doing this or that"
But, dude, this is what
being a man is about.
It's about you saying you're sorry
and people saying, "No."
And you take a breath
and say, "Guys, it's okay."
Whose time is it? Theirs.
And how am I supposed to know
the right moment to talk to the girls?
Hey, bro, now the battle
is entirely yours. I don't know either.
[Caio] After that,
I started to value this guy.
I really saw a light
at the end of the tunnel.
[Bruna] Well, Igor is also trying to find
that light
at the end of the tunnel with Rita,
because in the morning, she said
We can give it a try
and if it doesn't work out,
we gave it our best shot.
[Bruna] And last night she said
Yes, they did, they did.
Now that I know Leandro
is connecting more with Marina,
I'm actually going to give Igor a chance.
[Bruna] And now, in the afternoon,
it seems she's already changed her mind.
- Can I sit here, mermaid?
- Sit wherever you want.
[Igor] My thing with Rita is confusing.
She seems to be open,
but then she gets closed again.
I need to understand her better
for me to know
if I oughta keep investing in it
or if I should go back
to being single and ready to mingle.
So I don't get hurt too much.
[Bruna] So will this romance
develop or not?
Really, what are y'all even doing here?
Lana, for the love of God,
please help this couple out.
[Lana chimes]
- Hi, Lana.
- [Lana] Hello, Igor.
I've been closely following your attempts
to connect more deeply with Rita.
I believe
it's a very honest process for me,
wanting to get closer,
and for her, having her insecurities
and whatever.
[Bruna] Is it insecurity
or is she just dragging her feet?
[Lana] Would you like
to share a moment by yourselves?
Of course, I'd like that, I need it.
[Lana] In that case, feel free
to invite her out on a date. Good luck.
Thanks, Lana. Thank you.
I'm really looking forward to this date.
I've been waiting for this opportunity
for a long time.
Everyone, look here.
- Will you go on a date with me, mermaid?
- Sure.
I think this date will be good
for us to clear things up,
to get to know each other better.
Don't spend money, guys.
We're R$200,000 down.
- No, relax, we won't.
- We'll do the right thing.
[Thuany] That's right, with purpose.
I won't spend anything,
you can rest assured.
[Bruna] Less honesty next time, Rita!
You know Igor can hear you, right?
[upbeat music playing]
[Igor] There,
where the river meets the sea,
me and my mermaid, Rita,
the hottest chick in the house.
Couldn't be better.
[Bruna sighs] A couple in tune
is a beautiful sight.
One goes to one side,
the other goes to the other side,
yet manage to keep going
in opposite directions
even when they're in the same boat.
Kayaking is a little difficult.
We ran aground three times,
but Igor's good with his arms
and he was able to paddle us out,
because if it depended on me
[Bruna] Let's see
if he's also good at seduction.
Because we've already seen
that if it depended on you
[blows raspberry]
- First, a toast to you, gorgeous.
- Of course, to this incredible tour.
We needed our moment, you know?
For us to talk.
And our story is the craziest, you know?
When you arrived,
that thing happened with Davi,
and I think that was more
due to everyone's excitement.
And we made out,
and you kinda got scared of me.
- You scared me, right?
- Exactly.
[Rita] You're a very emotional person.
Because I can be a bit intense.
Too affectionate.
But then, you hooked up with Leandro.
But I told him
I was confused between you two.
At the same time
that I really wanted to be with him,
I also really wanted to be with you.
You're a person who's good for me,
who makes me laugh and I love to laugh.
How nice
that I make you laugh. Delightful.
[Bruna] Listen, Igor.
Do we really hook up with people
because they make us laugh?
I'm really relaxed about us, you know?
- I think friendship comes first.
- And we already have that, you know?
- When Gabi joins us and we chat
- Oh, I love our trio.
Yeah, our trio is great.
[Bruna] This is the time
to speak your truth, Igor.
Have you paddled all this way
just to say you love being their BFF?
Shall we see what it will be like
if they're finally honest with each other?
Editors, help me out here.
I wanna know if I can wake up
in the morning and caress you, kiss you.
- Much more fire.
- No way. Not in this or any other life.
- I know you don't like it.
- It was just a fling.
It didn't flow.
It didn't flow,
I think that friendship comes first.
That's how you keep me under your thumb.
Well, some people are blind.
They don't see things
right under their nose.
[Bruna] It would be nice to see
a conversation full of truth, right?
But we don't manipulate our videos
like that over here.
Now back
to our regularly scheduled program
in which Rita
is being anything but direct
and in which Igor is ignoring the signals
and listening only to his own lust.
I need to know more about you, babe.
I wanna know what you expect from us.
'Cause I know I'm fucking clingy
and you don't like it.
I feel you.
No, but you've been managing
to keep it in bounds.
When I say, "Don't get too clingy,
don't get too close."
Because it scares me a little.
I wanna know if I can wake up
in the morning and caress you, kiss you.
- Depends on the day.
- It depends on the day, exactly.
He's very clingy,
so if I tell him that I'm 100% willing,
he gets emotional and it gets in the way
of the whole process.
I mean
I like, but I don't know,
I'm not in love with you.
But, like, I really enjoy being with you.
You're a person who makes me laugh a lot.
You know, it's something
that I can't even explain.
[Bruna] Friendship, guys.
What you're describing
is called friendship.
And that's why I ask you to take it slow,
because if we go at my pace,
it'll be better for us.
Yeah, sure.
I really wanna go at your pace.
I told you.
Set my watch according to yours.
- Wanna make it work? We'll do it right.
- I wanna try it.
Exactly. You wanna make it work,
let's do it the right way.
Yes. And if it doesn't work out
- If not, we remain friends.
- I still want you to be in my life.
- I want the same.
- Really?
[Bruna] Please, Igor,
just say that you understand
that Rita doesn't feel
the same way about you.
Now things are clear.
And for me, it's great.
She said, "I wanna be with you
and try to do the right thing with you."
So it's perfect.
[Bruna groans] I give up!
But at least the rest of the house
can relax a little bit.
No infractions are gonna be coming
from this couple.
And it's not just Igor
who's not getting any love.
I'm a bit nervous about talking to him.
I always want to show that I'm strong,
that I never give in, that I'm proud.
So, you need to talk to me?
I think it's gonna be difficult.
I felt bad after we parted ways.
And I was jealous the day I saw you
talking to Rita on the couch.
Then I went to the bathroom
and I was like, "Am I jealous?"
Is this really just friendship,
like we said?
So I got really confused.
But I need to be honest
about what I'm feeling.
I'm very confused.
I'm not sure what's going on in my head.
Did it affect me? It affected me.
Was it cool? It was cool.
[Kethellen] I just want one thing.
That you tell me,
"Keth, don't get your hopes up,
it won't work."
I'll understand.
I'm a person who always understands.
[Bruna] Hmm
Sensual suspense is in the air.
I'm glad you came
to talk to me and listen to me.
You are a person who, through you,
I got in touch with a side of myself
that I didn't know existed.
It helped me to improve a lot.
If we think of giving it another try,
think about having something,
I would be a little more open.
I can't believe it.
We went through
our first crisis successfully.
[Bruna] Oh, Lana, give them some help.
- [watch chimes]
- [Kethellen exclaims, chuckles]
[Davi] Nice! Green light again!
Thanks, Lana.
You're helping me to really connect
like no one has ever done before.
[Bruna] That couple is slobbering
I mean, "connecting" a lot.
I think they're improving.
[Lana chimes] It now appears
that my guests
have finally learned a valuable lesson.
For that reason, they can be rewarded.
If they are able to abstain
from breaking any rules at today's party,
they will get
some of the prize money back.
Let them fight for it.
[Bruna] Even the SAT would be easier.
[upbeat music playing]
[all cheering]
[Matheus] Now,
after everything that happened,
I think the party will promote unity
and bring the group some peace.
[Bruna] It's not a diplomatic meeting,
Matheus, it's a party.
[all toasting in Spanish]
[Bruna] Pay attention to the booze,
or all your money you will lose.
But it seems they have no clue.
Good-looking ladies, butts on the floor,
butts in the air, all that stuff.
I like the mess.
[Bruna] Something tells me
today's the day they declare bankruptcy.
[Ronaldo] Here we go, Davi, what you got?
[yelling in Portuguese]
[in English] We're getting
so horny, the desire
- I can't, guys, please
- [all screaming]
[imitating Brazilian funk beat]
Now, Marina and Leandro!
[all cheering]
[Davi] Look here.
I stretched, got prepared, did my best
And look
- [Marina] I love it so much!
- Leandro!
[men yelling in Portuguese]
[in English] Yeah,
Leandro knows how to dance.
- [Ronaldo] Go, go!
- [Gabriela] Fuck, yeah!
[Bruna] Watch out,
go-go boys of the world,
nobody can stop that man.
[Caio] I think Thuany
is very distant from me.
I don't know if I was clear
about what I want with her.
[all screaming]
[Bruna] Well, if you weren't before,
I think it's crystal clear now.
I had to act, you know?
- [Caio] That's it!
- [all yelling]
Hey, hey! [laughs]
[Bruna] I get it, a mating dance.
[all screaming]
[Bruna] Hmm,
I've never seen a bird do that.
[Thuany] My God, Caio dancing
[inhales deeply]
It's very difficult not to
break the rules today, huh, Lana?
[Bruna] Stop thinking about sex, Thuany,
and take a look
at that peacock next to you
who's doing everything he can
to get your attention.
What is it, Thuany, what is it?
Oh, my God, guys, stop it!
I wonder if he bangs as good as he dances.
[Bruna] Girl, behind that dancing body
there's a soft heart beating.
I get a little discouraged
by the situation.
Dude, Thuany is really awesome,
but I think this isn't the place
for us to get closer.
I don't know
if she's really involved with me,
or with the experience
here at the retreat.
- I feel weirder about Caio.
- Yeah, right?
And a sense of wanting
to be closer sometimes,
because I feel like he's really great.
He is, girl.
I don't know if I should try.
I'm not very confident,
I think it might be her turn.
I'm not on that level with her,
like, chasing her.
"I'm gonna be with you,
I wanna connect with you."
That's not the case.
Man, I like Thuany, the person she is.
If we're just meant to be friends,
that would be awesome.
If we hook up, that would be awesome too.
But I don't think she's into the vibe.
I value reciprocity.
So if it's not mutual
[Bruna] At least Thuany's hang-ups
can help you earn
a little extra cash on the side.
It's better to settle down
and let this night go by
without too much excitement.
[Caio] Mari, with all due respect,
how horny are you?
[Bruna] Or not.
[Marina] How horny? I woke up today
and said to Kethellen,
"Babe, I need to flick the bean."
I'm struggling with my sexual abstinence.
It's difficult.
I need to!
[Kethellen] I don't need to say anything.
The desire to kiss, to do something
and not be able to do it is so tough.
But we're trying.
What if everyone has sex today,
would everyone be more relaxed?
[Kethellen] Yeah.
[Bruna] Is that
what you call "trying," Keth?
[Marina exclaiming]
- Not you, dude?
- Not me.
- You'd be really upset.
- It's okay.
Where are you, Lana?
Show up, for God's sake.
[Bruna] Lana must be fast asleep by now.
Fight it out yourselves.
My love!
It seems that a collective outbreak
of sexual abstinence
is about to occur.
[chanting in Portuguese]
[all exclaiming]
[Davi in English] I think Lana
turned off the light after that.
Lana, help me, please!
If you keep playing like that,
we're done for.
Lana, seriously,
I'm gonna sleep on my stomach.
Oh, God, Leandro.
He's helping me,
he's keeping his distance,
he's keeping me away.
Yeah, I'm, like, torturing myself.
The problem isn't
not being able to have sex, I think,
but I can't solve this
on my own, too, you know?
[Bruna] But nothing stops you from trying,
right, Marina?
- [Leandro] My Lord
- [Marina squeals]
I miss my vibrator!
I don't know what to do today,
it's really hard, I can't deny it.
[Thuany] I don't accept anyone having sex.
Let's sleep.
[Bruna] That's it, Thuany.
Keep a lid on this mess,
because you've only got a few hours to go
until you can get back
a chunk of the money you lost last night.
Be strong, guys.
[uplifting music playing]
[Marina] So did you break
any rules last night?
[Kethellen] Davi put
a lot of pillows between us.
I went crazy in a way
that was really out of character.
[all laughing]
[Marina] But yesterday, I was thirsty.
[Bruna] We noticed, Mari.
Marina was in need,
Keth was in need, what a night.
It was tough to hold Mari back.
Was it?
She turns into the devil.
It was one of the most challenging moments
at the house.
I think I'm able to handle it.
- If I make an effort, I can do it.
- Nah, I'm sure I can hold on.
But I won't be able to hold Mari back.
I feel like crying.
It makes you wanna cry.
When I think about it,
I almost start to cry.
[Davi] There are moments
when it's really tough.
Especially being so young,
I'm practically still in puberty,
so I'm in a pickle.
[Bruna] Oh, Davi.
But it's better to to feel desire
than to feel nothing, right?
Then only Lana can help us.
[Lana chimes]
Hey, sweetheart, how are you?
[Lana] Hello, Gabriela, I'm okay.
- You?
- Everything is great.
[Lana] The purpose of the retreat here
is to help you and the others
to open yourselves up
to effective relationships.
Sometimes, I get the impression
that you in particular
aren't so open to this process.
I am, oddly enough.
But I got disappointed
with some things
that happened in the meantime.
[Bruna] What, for example?
With Ronaldo.
The conversation with Lana
was a bit tense,
because I let off some steam.
What I did was honest.
But our ideas didn't match.
And in the end, he acted in a way
that I think wasn't cool.
So each of us followed our own path
and it's all right.
[Bruna] "All right"
is an exaggeration, isn't it?
[Lana] It seems like you have
built up a shell to protect yourself.
This could be one of the things
for you to focus on during this retreat.
What do you think?
Yes, there are a few things.
[Lana] Would you be open to an opportunity
to talk alone with Ronaldo?
Yeah, let's see what happens.
[Lana] I'm not sure I believe
your interest in Ronaldo is genuine.
And how is this thing
with Ronald McDonald?
[whispering] And how is this thing
with Ronald?
I don't wanna give attention to it.
- Don't wanna give it attention?
- No, I'm fine.
- [normally] It really doesn't sound fine.
- I don't wanna talk about it.
We know there's a connection,
but maybe one of us isn't trying
as hard as the other, you know?
Girl, let this defensiveness go.
Like, "Oh, don't talk to me anymore,
I don't wanna know."
Do you get how that's also a defense?
But Thuany, this is still so difficult.
I won't be able to fix it here, sorry.
We'll leave it for the next season.
Yes, it's genuine.
I'm just upset with him.
I don't wanna talk to him.
[Lana] It's okay,
I will arrange this conversation for you.
Okay. [laughs]
[Bruna] Okay. Help me help you.
Cheer up, Gabi.
- [Kethellen] Were you talking to Lana?
- Yeah.
[Matheus] Sweet Lana.
- Fuck.
- Your deal?
So you want us
to die of curiosity or what?
[Thuany] I identify a lot with Gabi.
I'm always saying
we're similar in many aspects.
But I feel like she's
more defensive than me?
I think you should drop your guard.
That's a habit of ours.
No, but it isn't. Girl, there's no guard.
There is, we've seen it.
Girl, but I can't be false.
And it's a very strong defense system.
To the point of being aggressive.
I just want some peace.
- Try to get rid of this barrier.
- But I don't have a barrier.
Girl, you can't just say,
"I don't wanna discuss it and that's it."
Okay, okay.
[Bruna] Oh, okay.
So everything is solved, then. No?
It's just about to start.
When I think about things,
when I make mistakes,
I'm talking about me, okay?
It's hard to talk to you when you think
I'm talking badly about you.
I'm talking about me.
Girl, stop saying
that it's hard to talk to me. Seriously.
No, Gabi, it's because
I'm also having
a hard time talking to you,
but I'm not telling you that.
Criticism can also be constructive.
Especially when you're friends
with someone.
I do that with you
and you don't absorb it.
- For example?
- You won't let me speak.
I let you speak,
but I have to keep trying
to explain myself
so you can understand
what I'm trying to get you to understand.
You don't have to
explain it to me. It's fine.
[Bruna] I'm not falling for this anymore.
When Gabi says she's fine,
she's not doing well.
I've been feeling
this difficulty for a while,
I'm expressing it
I have a lot of things I could say,
but I keep it to myself.
Come on, Gabi.
Because I really have
a hard time talking to you.
So complicated. Okay, then.
I understand what she means,
but I also think she can't hear me.
You said it very clearly,
"I have trouble talking to you.
You won't let me speak."
"I have a lot of things to say,
but I'm quiet." That's a problem.
No, not for me. For me, it's avoid
[Bruna] Dealing with
an unpleasant situation?
I do this so I don't have to
[Bruna] Confront your own issues?
be accused, you know?
I do, but there's just
a little something I'm gonna say.
But, girl, do you feel sometimes
that I don't want any advice?
- You never do.
- Do I have to?
This conversation
is over for me. Let's relax.
What upset me was when
she turned her back on me and left.
That, for me, was the worst.
I think she sometimes
wants to be the center of attention.
She wants to speak up,
to give her opinion.
She thinks she's always right,
"My advice" I didn't ask for that.
When it comes to advice,
I have a lot to give her.
[Bruna] The perfect friendship for Gabi
is what she's got with Rita.
She doesn't open her mouth
to agree or disagree.
She doesn't open her mouth at all.
She has a very strong defense system.
It's absurd.
She already used it with everyone else,
now she's using it with me.
It's one of those reasons
why Ronaldo distances himself.
Yes, Ronaldo said the same thing!
He said it wasn't working.
Ronaldo says she has a barrier,
it's like a shield.
And I'm saying it as her friend.
If you ask her,
"Do you like the color blue?"
She's like, "What if I don't?"
"Jeez, I just asked if you like blue."
That's it, it happens a lot.
She even created a problem with me.
What's the main purpose
of this retreat for you?
It's self-improvement.
Engaging in better relationships
in general.
[Caio] The moment you
close yourself off to other opinions
and you bring that mood to the house,
gossip, intrigue
You know, I don't think you can achieve
that purpose.
Pretty soon she'll start seeing
no one wants to talk her.
Even her friends.
Ronaldo and I say that Gabi and, uh Rita
They think they're here on vacations,
you know?
[Bruna] Hmm. I smell truth in the air,
and I'm not gonna lie,
I love it!
- Hey, what's up?
- [Ronaldo] You all right?
[Gabriela] Look,
I even brought you a beer.
Wow, what an honor.
- [Gabriela] You think you deserve it?
- Yes, I think I do.
[Gabriela] Ronaldo and I
had a lot to talk about.
We've been here for a while,
so there's a lot to sort out
and a lot to be said.
Yeah, you were sort of an asshole.
If we weren't having this conversation,
I wouldn't bring this up,
because for me, it was resolved.
And it really is. It's fine.
[Bruna] Shall we place bets
on how many times we think Gabi will say
"everything is fine"?
- I usually give one chance
- Cranky, grouchy.
I'm not one to keep insisting.
If a person says everything's fine,
then it's fine.
And there's no reason to
because I'm the one who doesn't want it.
That's fine, I just don't want it.
[Ronaldo] I came here
open to relationships,
to evolve as a person.
I will connect with anyone
with good energy.
She can't do the same, and at
a certain point, she was kinda stuck.
I think that's what caused us
to drift apart.
We're always trying to put an end to this,
but we're always putting a comma
instead of a period.
When you criticize me like,
"Dude, I tried to get close to you
but you're always with Rita."
- I get it.
- Yeah, right.
But then you turn it around on me
like I'm not doing this or that.
But you don't either, so
- If you don't, I won't.
- I'm not throwing a tantrum.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
Look at you. The smile on your face.
- From my view?
- Yes, you are.
Look at your fucking stubborn face.
She makes me ask myself,
"Is it really worth it?"
And then I end up being cold
and even more direct.
You take off your armor?
I'm just minding my own business.
You come up to me
No. Let me tell you about me.
You wanna talk about Ronaldo?
- I'm gonna talk about me.
- I'm gonna sit down to listen.
- Okay.
- It's just that you're on the defensive.
- No, I'm not.
- "Did you take off your armor?"
No, no
Okay, just say it.
- From here, so I don't need to scream.
- Stay back.
- You're always like this in your corner.
- No, I don't do that.
Curling your lips every day
- Of course you do.
- We have to talk about it later.
No, let's talk now. Not later. Now.
You have a posture that
prevents other people from talking to you.
In my view.
I'm trying to let my guard down
so he can say whatever he wants.
I'm making him feel comfortable.
I think he's doing the same,
so we can resolve things.
And I'm sure that everything will be fine.
You'll realize it in your own time.
It's up to you.
I can see what you're trying to do.
Cut loose, dude.
- You're still too uptight.
- With you?
- You have the balls to say that?
- Yes, I do.
- The courage?
- The courage.
Oh, man, it's fine. It's fine.
You're terrible.
I don't even know what to say.
Terrible? How come?
Because you change your mind
just like that.
- No, I haven't changed my mind.
- So?
I haven't changed my mind.
Tell me what you're fucking feeling.
You keep it to yourself. That's bad, dude.
You keep your feelings to yourself.
This is an opportunity to let loose.
- There's still time to say, "I messed up."
- But you messed things up.
Now the connection won't come back,
even with a technician.
But it's fine.
What a fucking armor you have.
[laughs] Damn.
[Bruna] And after the saddest toast
I've ever seen and seven "it's fines"
- Are you fine?
- Yeah, sure.
[Bruna] we realize that
Gabi is indeed fine.
I mean, as long as
she's not connecting with anyone.
[Lana chimes]
Hello, people.
How's it going today?
- [all speaking indistinctly]
- It's awesome! All cool.
[Lana] Everything you experience
inside of this retreat
is observed and logged by my sensors.
- We know.
- Oh, yeah.
[Lana] Yesterday was no different.
- Yesterday?
- Something happened at the party yesterday
that we don't know about.
[Lana] At the party,
you were all truly put to the test.
And the result of this test
has far-reaching consequences for you.
Some people started looking at each other.
I looked at Caio,
Caio looked at me, as if to say,
"You did it without me?"
The deal was for the three couples
to do it at the same time.
We didn't. I didn't do anything, I swear.
- [Davi] Anyone do anything in the cabin?
- No.
Has anyone sent nudes to anyone?
Everyone was suspicious of each other.
[Lana] Due to the behavior demonstrated
by the group last night, I have decided
Girl, I'm really nervous.
My heart is like
[imitates fast heartbeat]
[Lana] to give you a reward.
[all cheering]
She's working on
our psychological health, right?
And whoever doesn't have
the nerve for this, will freak out.
Sometimes Lana drives us crazy.
[Lana] I will return
[Davi] Hold.
[Lana] R$48,000 to the final prize.
[all cheering]
Forty-eight thousand real is
a good amount of money.
It's a good start to keep rewarding us
for our good behavior.
So, Lana, keep it up.
[Lana] With that,
the current prize balance is R$236,000.
Congratulations to you all.
[Ronaldo] Thanks Lana!
It's almost half the prize again.
- How can I not love you, Lana?
- Party time!
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] And now, get ready.
You are going to have one more chance
to get to know yourselves better.
I'll still keep an eye on you.
I have no doubt.
I think everyone's really getting
the point of it all now.
Let's give ourselves over.
Let's work hard to get more money back.
[Bruna] Yeah. If you want that money back,
you're gonna have to work really hard,
because the next workshop
will be only about pleasure.
[Bia] I am Bia Neppel.
I am Cleyton Sales.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- We are tantric therapists.
- And sex educators.
I'm Zen already.
Welcome. We work with tantra.
[Bruna] Hey, someone's excited!
[Cleyton] We came to bring
the four elements of tantric massage.
Let's begin with the men receiving it.
Connection, intimacy,
depth, self-knowledge.
Let's dive into sexuality.
To bring more love, awareness
and orgasmic expansion.
[Bruna] Huh? Orgasmic expansion?
They'll all need a cold shower tonight.
Let's start.
[Cleyton] That's the tiger claw massage.
The touch of the earth.
It will bring relaxation.
Touch of the air.
A touch of provocation but also affection.
I was a little afraid to get turned on
in front of everyone.
[Cleyton] Boys, breathe out.
If you breathe through your mouth,
you'll feel it even more.
[Bruna] I think
that's what they're all afraid of.
[Cleyton] Now, with a touch
of water and fire.
Water is the feminine.
It will flow, it'll slide,
and it also starts to heat up.
[Bruna] Whoa, whoa.
Get your hand outta there, Keth.
Look there.
Keth, you're close to breaking a rule.
Just seeing him squirming there,
feeling pleasure
I immediately felt this heat.
Davi and Leandro felt it really intensely.
[Bruna] What did you do to Leandro?
The poor guy's dizzy.
I don't even know how to react to that.
Thanks, Lana.
Girls, now it's your turn.
I'm nervous.
Intimacy gives me butterflies, you know?
[Bruna] Come on, Gabi, give yourself over
to this crazy massage.
[Cleyton] Guys, remember, she's a goddess.
[Caio] It really started to look
very sacred.
And as everyone else realized that,
I think the sexual approach
got less important.
I really did it with a lot of respect.
[Cleyton] The touch of air.
Love and awareness, presence.
I was really connected with myself,
with pleasure, and the moment.
[Bruna] And what a moment it was, Keth.
To be honest, it feels really good.
It reveals everything we're feeling.
[Bruna] Did Gabi fall asleep?
Wake up, girl!
You're losing
this orgasmic expansion thing.
You can disconnect now. Thank you.
I'm definitely gonna take this course.
What's up, girls?
I'm still coming back to reality.
Two people who benefited the most
from the experience
are going on a date tonight.
Kethellen and Thuany.
Who would you like to invite on this date?
- [Thuany] Caio.
- [Kethellen] Davi.
Wow! [laughing]
Dude, is it a date for us?
It's our date.
What [laughs]
There was a menu with instructions
for everything we could do with our dates.
"Who needs glasses?"
"Pour out some sparkling wine
into your date's bellybutton
and quench your thirst."
Man, how are we gonna
"Bendy straws become more intense
when divided by two people."
"It's recommended not to use your hands."
The date is on!
[Bruna] Should I be worried about this?
- [Kethellen] What's this?
- Please, madam.
[Bruna] No! Let's set this date on fire.
No problem.
- We're happy.
- It's our night.
I'm so worried
[Bruna] Some habits
really are hard to break, aren't they?
But after so much pleasure,
there's always pain.
I'm not fighting with you.
No, I know. But you're making
some very stupid comments.
[Igor] I'm here to say what I think.
[Davi] Okay, but you'll listen too.
I think I'm pissed, I'm angry.
Did I suck someone off
under the sheets? No!
- [all exclaiming]
- Wow, man.
What a friendship, huh?
[Lana] Someone is going to leave
the retreat now.
You can say your goodbyes and leave.
[Bruna] This retreat is no joke, baby.
["Behind the Line" playing]
["I Like You" playing]
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