Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Viva Vagina

Good morning.
This is your favorite alarm clock.
-Good morning, Lana.
I have an important update for you guys.
You have already completed 50%
of your sex-free adventure.
Although some of you
still need to develop to 100%.
Too bad.
Yep, because even if half of the retreat
is already over,
kissing, petting, moaning, stroking,
groping, rubbing and G-spot searching
have already cost the group
an inconceivable €138,000.
And honesty, seeing that empty bed
makes me pretty nervous.
Lana has sent our biggest money burners
to the private suite.
For a chastity test.
This is really nice.
Let me take one more cuddle with me
for the day.
My night was hot…
…but well-behaved.
"Hot, but well-behaved."
How is that supposed to work?
I hope they made it.
It can't be that hard to just lie down
and go to sleep.
I think it would be very difficult
for all of us in that situation.
But I still wouldn't forgive them for it.
I hope Kevin and Emely stayed strong.
If not, I would be very disappointed.
Then it is their job to just say,
"Hey, we're really keeping
a grip on ourselves
because we've already fucked up."
I would like to trust them both,
but I don't.
Come on, Tobi. Believe in the good!
Hello? Kevin? Where is your underwear?
Maybe Tobi is right after all?
The night was very hot, very intense.
We got closer to each other.
I'm getting the feeling
a lot of money got burnt here.
It's done now.
I think we did our best to show them
that we didn't want them to do anything.
I hope they didn't sleep with each other.
That would definitely be one
of the biggest setbacks we ever have had.
It's time for the result
of the private suite test.
Let's meet in the palapa.
Just follow the smell of the burnt money.
Or is that just the breakfast bacon?
Let's hope so.
If we don't have any money left now,
I think we'll all be pissed off.
I would just be disappointed,
because I trust them.
Especially after they were responsible
for losing so much money already.
And then put one more on top.
I think the trust in us from the group
is not all that great.
I'm starting to get scared
thinking about last night.
If we had been smart,
we would have just cuddled for a bit,
turned around and been like, "Good night."
But no one here said that we are smart.
Either they left each other alone
or they totally escalated things,
there is no in-between.
-They made it through.
-I trust Kevin, but not quite Emely.
Of course. Blame it on the lady. Men!
Hey! Hi!
I am getting nervous,
because all eyes are on us.
You mastered the challenge?
-It's really hard, I have to admit.
There is massage oil, handcuffs…
-We're going broke.
-Like 20 condoms.
It's a whole production.
You got a tub, champagne,
shower with a starry sky.
I'm starting to get nervous.
It's clear this is going to be expensive
for us today.
Has she said anything?
Hello, participants of my retreat.
Hi, Lana!
Hello, Emely and Kevin.
You spent last night alone
in the private suite
and had the opportunity to get to know
each other better on a deeper level.
My analysis shows
that you deepened your connection a lot.
Yes, it was a romantic night.
And we tried our best like crazy.
Be that as it may…
It wasn't just your emotional connection
that you deepened last night.
Your exchange
was mostly of a physical nature.
-No! Guys!
-You can't be serious.
During your night in the private suite,
my sensors registered the following.
Massages with the assistance of lubricant.
-There was no oil.
There was no oil.
Furthermore, naked and close body contact.
And the misuse of candle wax.
Just what did you get up to?
In addition,
Kevin's lips were close to Emely's lips.
Well, close. Wow.
And it wasn't the lips on her face.
God, you can't be serious.
-This is just a joke.
It was a bit embarrassing
to have it listed, itemized again.
Oh, so you don't like lists?
All right, I'm sure there are pictures.
Oh, no.
Excuse me? Guys?
Okay, now you're just overdoing it.
Hello? No…
With his mouth?
Guys, you do know
there's a camera rolling, right?
Go in there first,
don't look at me like that.
We used everything that was given to us.
Sorry. We'll try to
behave better next time. Promise.
This rule violation is costing the group…
Not again, guys. I thought for once
you wouldn't disappoint me.
Fuck, dude.
Well, I think it sucks.
These two really are too hot to handle.
Your current account balance is…
For that much money
they could've slept with each other.
No difference.
Simply nothing left.
Yeah, the money, that hurt.
That was bad.
Emely and Kevin,
you have therefore not passed
the ultimate test of abstinence.
Quite the opposite.
This was the heaviest petting
I have ever registered.
And I mean worldwide.
You've surpassed the Brazilians, have you?
Congratulations. You can hang that record
over your mattress.
I have no words.
I conclude that, starting right now,
you need even more help from me.
Here is my plan for you guys.
It will help you
to not lose any more money.
And it will give you important insights
on your way to real emotional connections.
That does sound good.
Anna, open the basket in front of you.
They're watches!
I hope you can register my heartbeat
when I am with Emely.
As soon as two people establish
a real connection to one another,
I will give them the green light.
It will look like this.
When the light is green,
my rules do not apply
for a limited amount of time.
I swear, we needed that
just a tiniest bit earlier, Lana.
If the thing lights up green,
of course the first thing I'd do
is start kissing.
When this watch turns green,
I'm going to grab Tobi,
no matter where he is at the time,
and start wildly smooching.
Those who don't receive a green light
have not come far enough
in their relationship yet.
-Yeah, understood.
-Okay, Lana.
For me,
there's still some work ahead of me.
But I will definitely
get a green light soon.
Don't waste time
and always keep an eye on the watch.
I wonder who will get a green light.
Kemely, our infernal duo diablo?
The two who wasted almost half
the prize money all by themselves?
Maybe rather Stella and Tobi.
In our no-sex academy, they are slowly
becoming the model students.
Or Anna and Fabio?
But only if Fabio makes a decision
against Sophie, that is.
After all, she could make a dream couple
with Akka.
And how about green for Onyi and Oli?
Lana, I'd hate to be
in your cone-shaped shoes.
We're almost broke.
How many slip-ups have there been?
Twenty one.
Or as I would put it, "Shame on you!"
Look, the thing is, the watch tells you
that you have established
an emotional bond with the other person.
-Something like that.
And that's really cool,
because if it glows green,
then you know that you're ready.
Yeah, true.
Maybe from now on
we should have Akka explain the rules.
Let's see who's first
to get the green light.
I have to say,
I do hope that it lights up for Anna,
and with that
we can go one step deeper again.
When it goes green,
what will you do first?
Just kissing.
I think I would also just kiss.
How about you, Oli?
I really get along great with Onyi.
We have to make sure
that we deepen our conversations more.
Why is Onyi giving those yearning looks?
Oh, after last night's kinky party,
there was also the shower party.
It's definitely time
for something to happen with this thing.
It's like a new goal,
a new challenge now in a way.
To get your act together
and as a motivation
to see if you can open up a little more,
emotionally speaking.
Every couple will want their watches
to light up green.
-And you'll just have to work for it.
Lana, we're friends after all.
One hand washes the other.
There are clear signs that my guests want
to form emotional bonds with one another.
But their physical urges
are still dominant.
Today, I will observe them
more closely than ever
to analyze which watches deserve
to light up green,
and which do not.
Tobi and I had a little bit of time,
just the two of us, to talk last night.
I think that with me,
he really is ready to take that next step.
Which of course gives me a good feeling.
I already expected Stella and Tobi
to continue to make positive progress.
It would be a dream if it could be similar
for me and Fabio as well.
I realize that there is something
with Fabio and Sophie after all.
It feels like I was in some kind of game
and I can't do anything.
I just keep hearing things and then I have
to try to keep my feelings in check.
He just really seems like a total fuckboy.
It feels good with all that emotional
stress to get some exercise, right?
Eye gymnastics, for example.
Hold your gaze.
Sophie is really hot.
Yeah, I do notice how Fabio
is looking at Sophie and drooling, but…
That's what you think.
What's with those claims of ownership?
But hey, what's going on with Anna?
I mean, until Sophie came here, it went
really well between you two, right?
I like Anna a lot,
she is such a great person.
And I get along incredibly well with her.
We really have a very good connection.
But the question is
just whether that connection is enough.
Yeah, but the weird thing is
that you two were so close.
And every day you were like,
"Hey, I have strong feelings
and we can't keep our hands
off of each other",
and talking the whole night and stuff,
and then suddenly
from one day to the next…
Between us,
things are not as they should be.
So, am I getting this right?
You're missing something about her
that really blows your mind.
No, not even necessarily that.
It's really hard to put it into words.
Words. Can someone bring over some words?
I think if Fabio had a chance
to get Sophie,
it's safe to say he wouldn't be with Anna.
But what's much worse, though,
is noticing him pulling away.
Then when he gets attracted,
that feels really shitty.
I will definitely confront Fabio.
I don't yet know how.
I first have to gather myself
and feel strong enough,
otherwise I don't think
I can go through with it.
Oh… Time-out for Fabio.
A break from thinking about Sophie
will do him good.
Until Sophie shows up.
Can I sit here?
You can.
I'm trying to talk to Fabio.
There's something in the air.
I don't know what it is.
You have, or had,
such a strong bond with Anna.
And now I come in
and we don't even talk to each other.
-Because I wanted to avoid the flirting.
And why do you assume
that I would flirt with you?
You can tell.
-You can tell?
-I can tell. I'm not stupid.
Sophie is the kind of person
who likes to flirt.
I'm trying to stay out of that situation
as best I can.
I've spoken two sentences with you.
You have already caused a lot of trouble
between the couples here.
-But without…
-Without you actively doing anything.
Really, Sophie!
Stop all this doing nothing.
-It's not because of your personality.
You can imagine the rest.
It's her body's fault?
-Is it okay if we do this?
Now you have Lana's undivided attention,
For all of us, for all the men in here,
you are, in some shape or form,
seduction personified.
That's just not Anna,
but I can't tell her
that she's not my type, physically.
I just can't do that.
That's absurd.
First of all, you're hurting yourself,
and you deprive yourself of the chance
to maybe meet the person
who really is a match for you.
-And her, as well.
You're right.
Now you know.
Now I know.
But now I'm supposed to act like…
You didn't know.
Wow. That smells like trouble deluxe.
I'm looking forward to seeing
if Sophie can keep that secret to herself.
And if she wants to.
I see someone not playing fair.
And I think
that needs to come to light now.
Oh, exciting! Let me go get some popcorn.
How are you all doing right now?
Well, it has been pretty difficult
for me lately
because I just don't know anymore
what the truth is.
-What isn't actually real.
Because I've heard something different
from all sides
and I have no clarity for myself.
No wonder! It's one word against another.
But what I do have to say is
that she tries to flirt with me.
-Just so you know.
-I know.
She always tries when she gets a chance.
I just want to talk openly about things.
I don't want to not get along
with another girl
because Fabio has a problem with himself.
But getting such negative vibes from you,
that also upsets me.
My negative vibes are down to the fact
that Fabio comes to me and tells me,
"Man, Sophie is always hitting on me,
she's so aggressive about it."
It's the exact opposite.
I would never hit on Fabio
behind your back.
When we were alone,
he told me,
"Yeah, you know exactly
why I'm avoiding you".
And I was like,
"No, that's why I'm asking you".
And he goes, "Yeah,
because of what would develop
and how we would flirt
and what would start between us…"
-He did not say that.
-He did, and I was all, "Huh?"
Oh, what an ass!
-That's a real bombshell right now.
-It's crazy.
Totally disrespectful.
I think Fabio just thought that Anna
is the safe option right now.
-And you are way too good for that.
-And you don't have to put up with that.
I have no reason at all to flirt with him.
And once when we sat up there
in the palapa,
I noticed that he stared at me
making eye contact…
I saw that as well!
-You see? I didn't initiate that.
Let's verify that.
Yes, Fabio has been watching Sophie
more than Lana.
And that's saying something.
-He doesn't want to open up.
Instead he wants control
and to pull all the strings.
-And ideally play us against each other.
-That's just not on.
-Oh, man, I want to hug you, Anna.
Sophie opened my eyes
because she explained to me
that actually she didn't seek out contact
with Fabio
and it was actually the opposite.
I asked Fabio 50,000 times about it,
because I always felt
that there was still something.
And he's just not honest with me.
But then he does his dirty talk
and you forget about the rest.
As soon as the dirty talk starts,
all lights go off.
It would be best if Fabio just went home.
-I agree.
-I'm sorry, but…
He really tried to manipulate everything.
-Like crazy, putting on a show.
-Trust me, Lana sees everything.
-And hears all.
And hears all.
With me and Tobi,
I basically always had a good feeling.
And then of course you came
and you also asked him on a date.
But did he mention me on your date at all,
or was he really all like,
I'm single and I feel like having fun?
Well, he said that of course
couples had already formed,
but you were all still handling it
pretty openly.
That you weren't 100%
in a relationship yet.
It does hurt me
that he didn't mention me at all,
because I thought
that we were already pretty close.
I hope that Tobi realizes
that he has become important to me.
The relationships are unfortunately
not developing as they should.
Some of the girls
just can't fix their issues with the guys.
That's why Lana is giving the couples
a little space
and arranged a ladies only workshop.
To make progress in my retreat,
the female contestants have to learn
to connect with themselves
as well as others
in order to be able to make
better decisions in their relationships.
I have invited
the relationship and sex coach, Jenny,
to encourage the women
to honor their yonis.
The goal of today's workshop
is for the women to connect
with themselves and their bodies.
So that they're able to make different
decisions regarding their relationships.
Hello, everyone.
Today, let us not beat around the bush.
This is all about our yoni.
So you all know what's meant by that,
-Which is?
-Our best part.
-Our vajayjay.
For the first part of our workshop
we'll be forming our own yoni from clay.
Feel free to be abstract.
You can sculpt anything you see
in your yoni.
Let's start, have fun.
I really enjoy using my hands to do stuff.
How nice.
Vaginas being happily kneaded.
And it's not a rule violation.
I can definitely see Stella's heart.
So you'll definitely get a heart
as a gift today.
Or maybe
they have to make their own "onis".
-The yoni, you mean?
-The yoni.
Onyi. Yoni.
Do not mix up.
Onyi, Yoni, Oli.
It's so complicated.
Thank you for your creativity.
And I'd like you all to introduce us
to your yonis now.
So, I made a heart because I love her.
How nice.
Then here a clit,
so someone finally finds it, okay?
But I just don't have a clit
as large as the one I molded there.
And yet Kevin has surely found it.
Hell of a guy.
Very cool, thank you.
I made a woman's body.
It's supposed to stand
for female empowerment in general.
Very nice, thank you.
I also formed a heart.
The gold kind of represents preciousness,
the rays stand for my radiance,
for the sun,
that I'm always happy
and stand up for myself.
Beautiful, thank you.
My yoni is a seashell.
And it has these flowers on the outside
that do have some thorns,
because it's also able
and supposed to protect itself,
so only special people can get in.
-Honestly, that's so beautiful.
-Yeah, totally.
My yoni is a lotus flower.
Oh! Wow!
My yoni smells like paradise on earth.
Oh, how nice for you.
That's supposed to represent
that inner values are much more important
than outer values.
And that the secret lies within,
so to speak.
-It turned out really great.
The second part is
about the relationship to our bodies,
the relationship to our yonis,
that connection that we have with it
or maybe sometimes don't have with it.
Put one hand on it,
or you can also put both hands on it.
If you like, you can also put one hand
on your yoni and one over your heart.
That works, too.
So get a sense of what feels good for you
and what you would like to do.
What are you feeling?
Is it warm or soft there?
Or what can you sense through your hand?
The first touch in a long time.
She's just tense. Just kidding.
And now I want you
to start communicating with her.
So prepare yourselves and image
that you address your words to her.
What comes to mind for you?
I want to thank my yoni
for the greatest, hottest orgasms
in the whole world.
My wish is to be able
to properly masturbate again.
Maybe Lana will give you
the green light for that.
And what, maybe,
is your wish in terms of relationships
and relationship dynamics?
I have actually worked extremely hard
over the last couple of years
to only let people in there
if it feels 100% right.
Because it used to be that I would often
feel so terrible afterwards
that I really just wanted to shower
for 100 years.
A hundred percent.
I also want to apologize
for sometimes being wasteful
with my yoni, so to speak,
just because I thought
that I had to say yes,
even though I could always say no.
Yeah. And you, Emely?
Oh, I could cry.
I also want to apologize
because I so often…
did not respect her at all,
and said yes a lot more
even though I meant no.
And the feeling afterwards
is pretty… Yeah.
-And you feel bad afterwards.
I am astonished how much
I could really let myself go with this,
but I am also super proud of myself.
Laura, and you?
I want to say thank you
for when I really had good partners
and feeling this femininity,
this sense of connection with a partner,
and also this strength
that you have as a woman.
That's what I'm thankful for.
I wish for my yoni
to have a lot more fun in the future,
but also to only do what she wants to do.
Yeah, very nice.
What message
are you getting from your yonis
when you're thinking about the man
that you're currently getting closer to?
Anna, how is it for you regarding Fabio?
Last night,
when we were still sharing a bed,
actually was the first time that I felt,
even in my yoni as well,
that something wasn't quite right.
And the next day it turned out
that she was right.
And Sophie, what about you?
Probably something would have
already happened with Akka outside,
but in here it didn't happen.
That shows me that it makes sense
to get to really know someone first
and not just to look
at physical appearance.
Between me and Akka, it's like,
I don't know where this is going
or where we're at right now.
I am so torn.
I've never been
in a situation like that before.
I have only good feelings somehow, like…
No weird yoni feeling?
No weird yoni feeling at all.
Just this need to get even closer
than you already are, on all levels.
I think it's important
that first you really see
that the person respects you,
your inner self too.
And then my yoni feels respected as well.
I really hope that Tobi and I
can keep growing together
and that we can leave
that thing with Sophie behind us
and that nothing else
will stand in our way.
I think this workshop
has strengthened you as a group,
as a group of women.
I really enjoyed it.
Maybe this connection will help you
to listen to her more in the future.
-Thank you!
-Thank you!
Thinking about the workshop
still makes me emotional,
but it also gives me resolve,
because it is time to talk.
It's clear to me that my gut feeling
about Sophie was right.
She has a cool aura and is really nice.
I honestly feel super empowered
for my conversation with Fabio.
Lana, I would like a solid 25 minutes
of green light, okay?
What do you have there?
These are our yonis.
That look!
We all made a representation of our yonis.
And then we were allowed
to touch our yonis.
-Masturbating. Just kidding.
-And talk to them.
It certainly sounds good.
This one is nice,
but the real one is even prettier.
What a statement.
It did make me a little horny.
It all has meaning.
What we did today was really profound.
It's shaped out of clay and…
Explain your meaning.
My yoni is a seashell.
It can also close down and protect itself
if that's what feels right.
And if it does open up,
then there is a pearl inside.
I don't know,
maybe you can't see it that well.
-But yeah.
-Wow, okay.
Watch out, Fabio.
Anna is showing her pearl to another man.
My yoni is a lotus flower.
Amazing, right?
And that stands for life, for growth,
and for growing as a person.
So much thought behind it.
What a story. Yeah, very cool.
Who are you?
What did that workshop do to you?
-What did you think of the workshop?
-I was bawling.
It was pretty great.
I think it brought us closer together
as a girls group.
We also learned
that we should respect our yonis now.
Yes, definitely that.
And not giving it to everyone.
-Should we go get ready for the evening?
-Good idea.
-Okay, sure.
The remedial course Vagina for Beginners
has finished, guys.
I hope you learned something as well.
-Well, that was a bit much. At once.
But how cute were they just now.
Presenting it all proud.
-Crazy proud.
Very emotional, right?
Everyone gets one
on their bedside table now.
Yeah, man.
Spill the tea. How are you?
What's going on?
I have to say, when I see you as couples,
I do feel a bit lonely.
I want a boy too. My bed feels so empty.
But girls, it is definitely better
to just be alone and to be happy
than to have problems with guys
just because they don't know
what they want.
And again, the girls take another step
in their development.
Very good.
I did feel somewhat manipulated.
And now there's suddenly
this kind of awakening.
Finding out about it indirectly,
not from him, but from you guys.
-That's really hard for me right now.
Between me and Akka,
it's also a bit difficult.
I'm currently still trying to figure out
how to sort it out.
I was hopeful
that something more would grow,
but it's friendship, nothing more.
it's just not supposed to happen.
Then you just have to accept that.
The workshop
definitely gave me the strength
to finally have a talk with Akka.
Visually, Sophie is my dream girl.
And character-wise, she is too.
I definitely want to get a green light.
And I think Sophie has other plans.
What is that?
Okay. I'll show you. This is…
This is my yoni.
Do you know what yoni means?
Explain what a yoni is.
Don't you know what a yoni is?
-No, explain what it is.
-Yes, you know.
Have a good look, Akka.
This might well be the first
and last time you see her yoni.
That's what the workshop was for.
We were up here wondering the entire time,
what are they doing, what's it all about?
The workshop was also
about what we want in the future.
And that also kind of reminded me
about our situation.
I think it's time for us to decide
whether we will complete phase one
and go on to phase two.
I think that you also noticed
I have been a little more distant.
The thing is you are so totally my type
and especially on that first night,
we totally clicked.
-That's why I wanted to kiss you.
But I feel like the romantic component
that you need to have more,
that's just not really there.
I'd just like to know right now
what path we're going to go down.
I don't feel any emotions from you.
Not at all.
And because I don't feel that at all,
for me it's kind of in the friend zone.
Don't cry, Akka.
I feel very emotionally shaken right now
and, yes, a little bit guilty.
-But we are friends regardless.
That sounds like we're going
our separate ways now.
-Just like, bye.
-No, not at all.
Yeah, that's really important to me.
I'm definitely not sad
that we are now going forward as friends.
Because that was something
I wanted to mention too.
As if. But nice try, Akka.
-Oh, my God, it was so uncomfortable.
-I can imagine.
I was really cautious
in the communication with him.
I was like, "You are amazing,
you look great. You've got it all, but…"
-Just missing that certain…
Still, I also feel so bad, because
I totally wanted it to work out too.
But no joke, that's so strong of you.
That's what makes you grow.
And Lana's retreat
isn't about finding couples,
but growing as a person.
-That's what one does the most here.
-I feel like I just grew by ten meters.
-We'll all become giants.
Listen to your inner voice.
It will always tell you.
-Gut feeling.
On the one hand
I'm glad that we sorted it out,
but I have mixed feelings
because I don't know
whether we can really stay friends.
Too bad.
Hopefully, things are going better
for the others.
My guests
have received special watches today
that light up green
if a real connection
between two people is registered.
Tonight, some of the participants
will also go on dates.
That will give them the opportunity
to further deepen their relationship
and give them a chance
of getting a green light.
I'm totally enjoying
the time with you here.
And I'm so glad that you are here.
I mean, really.
I've also really recognized
what I want for the future too.
And of course I'd be very curious
to know where you're at right now.
Sure, we still have our issues.
I still have troubles with my feelings,
talking about them,
but those feelings are definitely there.
I think I am better at just showing it.
I've really changed a lot.
Like, I communicate all day.
That's also why I'm so loud and outgoing.
But as soon as things become deeper,
I take like ten steps back.
And I often just don't allow people
to see that other side of me.
And with you, I have that feeling like…
I just feel like
I can already really trust you.
He already knows me so well
after such a short time.
It does feel nice to be able to open up.
That's a new feeling with a woman.
I hope that Emely has
similar feelings to mine.
We're doing it step by step
and it feels nice.
So, we had that talk
where I said that I felt unsure.
But since then I've really come to realize
that I enjoy it so much
to wake up next to you every day
and the first thing I see
is your beautiful smile.
Really, I'm currently so happy
with this situation,
and that insecurity…
I hope you believe me when I say
that it's completely gone from my mind.
In my mind, there's really only you.
That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
Before, I couldn't even imagine
leaving here with someone and…
-That thought hadn't crossed my mind.
-Yeah, same.
With us it was always step by step.
When I think back to how I came in here…
Playboy! You were like…
I wanted to go totally crazy.
And now I'm having these love talks.
We're having deep talks every evening.
Also me being so cute and stuff,
that's normally not me at all, you know?
And I like your cute side.
-And your calm side.
It's all about this thing.
If you don't glow green,
we're going to have a problem.
Lana, you're a little slow.
Lana, I don't see a green light.
Did you maybe not download a heart?
I am an artificial intelligence.
I do not have a heart,
but I do have rules.
And if you lose €20,000
for the heaviest petting worldwide,
you have to work harder for a green light.
Lana, what are you doing to me?
Okay, I can kind of understand
where she's coming from, but…
I believe I could fall in love with you
really easily.
I think so too.
Stella is turning into the woman
of my dreams more and more.
I told you from the beginning
that you can really talk open and honestly
to me about everything,
even if you're interested in someone.
After that one conversation of ours
you explicitly told me
that you were interested in me
and you wanted to take this journey
with me.
And then you said to me that, no,
there's nothing going on with Sophie.
I did say to you
that she triggered something in me.
I just wanted to avoid the situation,
because she flirted with me
and I just didn't want that,
because I wanted to focus on you,
you know?
There was nothing coming from Sophie,
she didn't want to flirt.
And you told me quite clearly
she's flirting with you.
Well, no matter who said
that she didn't flirt with me,
that is a complete lie.
And why didn't you tell her
why you were being weird,
that it was due to the fact
that you are committed to me?
That takes like two words.
We never had any chance to talk about it
in any way.
You did, often enough.
Okay. So…
I'm not sure if for you it's really about
being interested in me as a person
or if you care about
how you come across to others.
No, I'm interested in you as a person.
Why weren't you honest about these things?
-I wanted honesty, and I deserve honesty.
-Absolutely, but…
-But I didn't get it.
-I wouldn't say that.
I was always honest with you.
In every situation, I was honest with you.
-Wasn't I?
That is my defense mechanism.
It's not my fault, that's just…
Yes, it is.
Yeah, okay, maybe it is on me.
But you can't expect me, within two days…
-I don't expect anything anyway.
-No, not expect.
But for it to just change
within two days in here,
or for me to unlearn that
or to evolve so quickly…
This is so hard. Dude, I'm about to die.
I'm sorry for putting you
into such a position
and that you ended up hurting
because of it.
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