Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

What happened?
I puked it all out.
Body is rejecting everything.
Oh, damn!
Take some.
You'll feel better, believe me.
- Please listen to me.
- No, it will hurt.
Take me to the Blood Bar.
Human blood won't help against garlic.
Hurry or it will be too late.
Rumi, do it now. Now! Don't waste time.
Are you lost, Doc Roy?
You stay away from me.
Stay away from me.
Is anyone around? Help! Help!
- Help me!
- Don't be so dramatic, Roy.
There's no one. The last metro has gone.
The station gates
are locked from outside,
but I will keep some distance
from you to make you feel safe.
Will you bite me?
To be honest,
the original plan was to
bite you and draw your blood.
Your virgin blood, you know.
How strange!
This virginity will kill me.
I'll break it.
Stop being scared of me, Roy.
I'm still the same Rumi. I won't hurt you.
Are you a monster?
I heard your police friend say it.
How lovely!
So I'm only a monster
for you and nothing else?
What else?
What else are you, Rumi, tell me?
I should have sensed something's amiss.
When this love story
turned from one sided to two,
I should have known.
Baba was right.
I'm not destined for anything good.
- Your father knows nothing about you.
- And you know everything?
I've seen you naked, remember?
You've only seen how lousy I am.
You fixed my tooth, Roy.
How many dentists in this city
can boast of fixing a "monster's" tooth?
Anyone could have done it.
But you had to mess with my fate.
It's not just about the tooth.
I met you even before and after that,
didn't I?
Why? Why did you do that?
You should've left
after getting the tooth fixed.
My feelings were real, Roy.
Meeting you
I felt happy.
And I haven't felt this way
in my last ten years Neeche
or even before that when I was human.
And now that I'm not even human,
I am in love with you.
What did you say?
You're in love with me?
Can you hear yourself?
I really love you, Roy.
I don't know much about you all,
but I know that you guys
fall in that ghost and devil category.
Those who come out at night
and hunt down humans.
And the last time I checked,
I'm a mortal being.
I'm a human!
Rumi, you and I,
you know, we're like
we're like fire and gasoline.
We shouldn't be anywhere near each other.
Enough, Roy.
If you have no feelings for me
I do, and that's what hurts.
I do have feelings for you
and you know that.
But that was when
I didn't know who you exactly are.
You're a monster, Rumi.
A monster.
The first train is at 7:00,
the station gates will open before that.
You can fuck off then.
Everything that was scripted
During the night
Will be rewritten in the light of day
Leaving everything behind
The mind drowns in fear
But still stays alive
A handful of dreams
All these hopes
All these desires
Even in the garb of lies
Make them come true
My dear
Is love nothing else but pain?
Hey, you, Prince of the Land,
is this a time to come back home?
- You have gone completely out of hand!
- Will you stop?
You still have no clue about love.
Weren't you with Rumi all night?
The girl is really nice but
don't you do things before marriage.
What are you trying
to teach a grown-up guy?
You keep quiet!
The time has come to have this
kind of adult talk with your child.
The time has gone
Now he is
What's your age?
- Twenty-six.
- At his age, I was
Yes, say it. Say say
When you were his age,
what were you up to?
Only I have done things?
What were you up to with
that guy in the green Ambassador car?
What is it?
Did he get embarrassed?
It didn't really work out last night.
Stop it!
Inspector Pal, what brings you here again?
That's what I used to call your father.
Even when he wasn't an inspector.
Is your investigation over?
No, it's still going on.
At the moment I'm reading another book.
All that is fine.
Is there any update about the dentist?
I had gone to meet him.
He got away.
Maybe I need to pay him a visit.
My teeth needs some cleaning anyway.
Don't do anything silly, Haru Uncle.
At my age,
there isn't much difference
between being smart and being silly.
Even if I can get rid of one more of them,
I'd consider my life
to have been worthwhile.
I thought I found my dream girl.
Forget dream, she's not even a girl.
She's not a human.
I should have known that it's
my love story, so it has to be sad.
I like your ability to laugh
at yourself,
but clearly you are overreacting here.
I'm crazily in love
with a monster for whom
I'm just four bottles of blood.
In spite of knowing that
I can't stop thinking about her.
My life feels all
My mother
My mother wants to make Rumi
her daughter-in-law in just two meetings.
She and Baba are listing names of
their unborn grandchildren
and their dental college.
And you're saying I am overreacting?
Am I overreacting?
You know, Roy,
the best coffee beans in the world
are found in the poop of the Civet cat.
My heart is broken like
a jigsaw puzzle
and you're talking about cat-shit coffee?
What exactly are you saying?
I am saying that
the test of the pudding is in the tasting,
not in the making.
What are you saying?
Would you have advised the same thing
if your son had wanted to marry a monster?
You are correct.
I have a son.
Just that I don't even know
if Ryan's married a human or a monster.
I shouldn't have
I'm sorry.
I know your heart is broken.
But now you have to decide
what you want to do.
All I can tell you is that
just having two sharp teeth
doesn't make you a monster.
What's important is what's within her.
If this girl has made you happy
then she surely has some humanity in her.
Isn't it?
What happened?
Why are you looking so lost?
Didn't David tell you what happened?
I haven't met him since last night.
What happened?
A human had come Neeche last night.
Where is he?
He's gone.
He'll never return again.
But who was he?
Doc Roy.
Meera. Meera.
Meera, he won't utter
a word to anyone. I trust him.
Didn't I teach you anything?
Come on, Meera. Didn't you ever feel
anything for a human in all these years?
I did. But none of them
came down here with me.
Meera, I didn't bring him here. I swear.
He followed me.
And you "trust" him?
He's harmless. He won't do anything.
In fact, I'll never meet him ever again.
You've stopped feeling for him?
He knows my truth.
He saw for himself who I am.
Who are you, Rumi?
A monster
from the ghost and devil category.
Very far from his world.
Does your mirror show you that?
His eyes tell me that.
Then his eyes
don't have the right to see you.
You will meet hundreds
and thousands of humans.
Every night Upar will be a new adventure.
There are so many of them
to tap and taste.
Why limit yourself to one man?
Rumi, what brings you here?
Can only policemen
find out someone's address?
Actually, I got your address
from your police station.
You were at my Police Station?
This is nice.
It's nice that you are here.
What happened to your investigation?
Did you find out what those
oldies were doing in Roy's clinic?
I thought she came in as a friend
but she had other ideas.
Why are you so interested
in this case anyway?
It's so weird.
I mean, two people just walked
into a doctor's clinic randomly.
They must have lost their way.
As it is nothing was stolen
except for that heirloom pen.
And if the dentist isn't bothered
then why are you overthinking, Rumi?
Let it be.
How did you get together
with that dentist anyway?
Perhaps you don't know him
as well as you think you do.
Maybe he is very dangerous.
Roy and dangerous?
Not possible.
The ones who look simple and innocent
are actually the crooked ones.
Even if he is, I'll handle it.
- You needn't worry about me.
- The worries have started, madam.
They won't stop now.
Can I say something?
Don't take it to heart.
You and him I just don't get it.
I can see what sort of girl you are, Rumi.
You have seen the ugliness of this world.
What I see in you, no one else can see.
Your pain reminds me of mine.
Only pain can recognize pain.
You are different.
We are different.
Very different.
What are you doing here?
These pajamas of yours
will be the end of me.
Come inside. Come on.
My feelings are real.
If this girl has made you happy
then she surely has some humanity in her.
I really love you, Roy.
You're a monster, Rumi.
A monster.
Sorry, my father has Alzheimer's.
And he doesn't remember most things.
- That's why I came here from Faridabad.
- Good.
I mean, it would be problematic
if he remembers what
he saw in the balcony.
If you want, I can drop you home.
It's started raining and
it's also quite late in the night.
This night is all we have.
Hello, Doctor, won't you have
your favorite fritters today?
No, I'm actually a tad downhearted.
Oh, poor heart!
Come eat a couple of these.
Tomorrow will be a better day.
What are you frying there?
Get me a couple
of those eggplant fritters.
Can I ask you something?
Did we complete what we just did?
I mean, right till the end?
What to say now?
I was so excited and
it all happened so fast.
I didn't realize.
Tell me, Rumi.
What's done is done.
What will you get by investigating?
Let it be.
You're still thinking
about that dentist, right?
Let me tell you the investigation
report of Roy Dentist Clinic.
- But you said
- That's the official word.
Look, I don't want to scare you.
And this should strictly stay
between us, okay?
This wasn't some case of robbery.
A murder was committed that night.
But we don't know as yet
if your dentist was involved.
So what exactly do you know?
Did you find out who
those two murderers were?
We did. The lady was Luna Luka.
I met her and questioned her.
And came back?
You didn't even arrest her?
How can I arrest her?
There's no law to punish a person
for killing someone who's already dead.
The one who was murdered
that night was a monster.
The one that sucks blood.
Of course.
There are more like her.
They come out at night
and turn humans into monsters.
What, Kartik?
Just because you couldn't solve the case
Rumi, I am not kidding.
I have seen the girl's genome report.
She had various types
of blood in her stomach.
Her skin got burnt because of sunlight.
have you considered involving
a senior in your investigation?
What was his name? Kundu.
Rumi, I even found a tooth!
Remember I showed my foot
to the dentist at his clinic,
where the tooth had poked me?
It's still not healed.
You see.
It was right here.
It was right here.
I have to go.
But can I say something?
Don't take it to heart.
Now onwards, less rum and more water.
You're back early today? Hungry, are you?
Came back home.
Just like that.
Do you know what I saw
in my dream today afternoon?
How will I know?
I saw Rumi Maa.
Rumi's Maa?
No, silly.
I saw Rumi as Maa.
Her hair open, big red eyes.
Looked like she was angry.
Are you lost, Doc Roy?
Yes, I've seen that too.
You've seen it too?
Maa, what are you saying?
Remember I'd told you that
she looks very familiar?
Because I've seen
her my whole life, Babu Shona.
She's not like us.
That bit is true.
She's not like us.
Listen, you should wrap
this up as soon as possible.
Make her yours for this life and beyond.
There are
millions of girls in this world
Girls who are normal human girls
Then why are we after this one
Hold on!
Have you completely lost your mind?
Don't you feel ashamed?
You need millions of girls?
- When did I say that?
- That too when
Maa herself wants to be
a part of your life?
But when did I say that?
Do you have any idea of the
kind of sin you're talking about?
Forgive us, Maa!
Listen, just bring her home.
I don't know anything else.
Millions of girls!
You, here?
I was waiting for you.
Can you please come home with me once?
What's the plan now?
Engagement or wedding night?
The plan is to end this joke.
The longer we let this carry on,
the longer my parents suffer.
But if you come home and
break up with me, then it's over.
I'll come over.
Anyway, I've got to return the choker
your mother gave me.
Actually, yes
About that
choker I wanted
It's not real.
Your garlic did all the work.
Quite a bit of it.
I'm sorry.
I had to test.
Could've just asked.
You say that as if
you answer all my questions.
Everything about you has been a mystery.
From the moment you walked through
that clinic door, everything.
I didn't want to scare you.
Coming to your clinic
again and again was not the plan.
But then Sreela got decapitated there
What did you say?
Who is Sreela?
Doesn't matter now.
Yeah. "Doesn't matter now."
There you go exactly proving my point.
She was my friend.
A monster like me. Whatever.
She was beheaded in your clinic.
How am I supposed to go back there?
Was my clinic the only place you found?
If Baba finds out
what happened at the family clinic
Calm down, please.
Easy for you to say.
You'll just bring out your teeth
and drink blood.
- That's about it.
- I've met you so many times.
Has something like that ever happened?
I ate garlic so that you and
your family wouldn't learn of anything.
Rumi, you've no idea
what you've gotten me into.
I didn't do it intentionally.
What do I tell my father?
What's happening here?
Of all the places in the world,
you found this metro station to romance?
Exactly what we needed.
That was the last metro for the day
Yes, yes. All fine.
Why you two still around?
We have to call the police
Why call the police, Uncle?
How dare you call me "Uncle"?
Do I look like an "Uncle" to you?
Better get out now!
- Yes, we're leaving.
- Get out now!
Mind your language.
Even better if you shut up.
Why should I shut up?
Just because you're a girl
you'll say anything?
- You girls in your short dresses
- What are you saying?
- being a nuisance in public places!
- Easy
Didn't your family teach you better?
- Get going.
- You talk to me
Don't worry, he'll be fine.
Yeah. He looks totally fine.
I've only mildly deep-hyped him.
I didn't even suck his blood.
He won't remember a thing.
I'll remember everything.
Why did he go to the metro station?
What did he do there?
Whom did he meet?
Why didn't you go down to the platforms?
Luna di, there is no escalator
inside the metro station.
So if I had followed him down,
then I would have
had to climb up the staircase.
I have my asthma problem so
Colonel, why didn't you follow that girl?
For a second it seemed like the same girl
who was with Kartik Pal on the balcony.
But it was so dark,
I just couldn't be sure.
Was there anything
special about that girl?
She had a small bag with her.
The bag had a logo of a bird
flying out of the flames.
Luna, why are we keeping
an eye on Biren Pal's son?
There is something about that man.
I still don't trust him completely.
He has still not decided
on whose side he is.
Incidentally, where is Utpal?
Is he still in the hospital?
Good morning, Mr. Dutta.
Good morning.
How are we feeling today?
Feeling better, now that I see you.
I have to say,
Mr. Utpal, you are one big flirt.
What is this?
This is actually
a magic potion for blood disorder.
Once you take this,
you'll surely come again.
I'll have to come here?
Absolutely. It's not officially out yet.
Thank you.
See, because it is already
such an advanced drug cocktail,
if the results get any better,
people won't need booster shots
and that will put a dent in our sales.
And I'm assuming that Mr. Zhang
and my goals are the same. Profits.
Mr. Zhang is worried
about the production volume.
He says that if you transfer
the technology to him,
then he will be able to produce
Hemalin in large volumes in China.
Even if we transfer the technology,
from where will he source
the raw materials to produce Hemalin?
The raw material of this
miracle medicine is available
in only one place in the entire world
and that's with me.
Ask Mr. Zhang to sign the agreement.
We will increase the production
in due time.
Initially we will
start with smaller batches,
so Mr. Zhang can price it as per his will.
That's good.
Very good!
Hey, Rumi!
I was thinking about you all day.
But my son is not home.
I know. I've come to meet you and Uncle.
Really? How sweet!
But even Uncle isn't at home.
He had some meeting to
attend in a local club.
First, come with me.
- Aunty
- Come.
Dr. Roy, you're back?
Alone again?
Who comes in a group to vent out?
Let me find you a partner.
No need.
I'll be your partner.
You are a divine intervention
for our family, Rumi.
Maa herself came and told me.
- Maa did?
- Yes.
Yesterday afternoon
I'm losing track of everything Wait
What are you doing?
Sit, you came to say something.
I brought this.
This will look good on you.
Let me put it on you.
I became very emotional, right?
I've never received so
much love in my entire life.
Since my life was so sad,
I used to think that
maybe everyone stays unhappy.
Then I met all of you.
All of you are so happy.
So adorable.
I thought
you wanted to say something about my son.
About Doc Roy?
What do I say?
I love him a lot.
I'll keep him very happy
if I ever get the chance.
What chance?
He belongs to you.
You bring your parents
and let's make this official.
There was once a girl
who always stayed happy.
There was a spark in her eyes.
The spark of life.
But she didn't realize when
those eyes got filled with darkness.
Love is a weird thing, partner.
She too fell in love with someone.
So much love that she got pregnant.
When her boyfriend ran away,
she had to abort the unborn child.
Why didn't you drown in the river
before telling us?
Her parents then forcefully
got her married to a person
who broke that girl from inside out.
Forget love, she wasn't
even capable of hating anyone.
And when her second baby
died right after birth,
the girl was left with no reason to live.
And then one night
she took off to take her own life.
Could you save her or not?
It's okay, Doctor, it's okay.
I won't hurt you.
Neither will Rumi.
She's not human anymore
because humans never
showed any humanity towards her.
Yes, that same girl
with the bird logo on her bag.
Outside the dentist's home.
Yes, don't worry.
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