Totally Completely Fine (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

You're a Sexy Fucking Mess

[siren blaring, muffled]
If you could just sit tight,
I'll take your statement
in a minute, love.
Hey, Viv?
It's okay.
Just breathe. Breathe.
Now come on. Come inside.
Right now.
[woman screams]
[Amy, muffled]
Let's go.
Let's go inside, yeah?

If I had known ♪
It was the last time ♪
[knocking on door]
[door opens]
[man] Hello.
We're so sorry to disturb you.
I'm James
and this is my mum, Nina.
We're Louis' family.
The police told us
someone was here when
Someone was his friend?
That we could speak to her?
I'm so sorry for your loss.
It was Vivian.
She's in bed, I'm afraid.
Just might need
a little more time--
[Vivian] It's ok.
I want to talk to them.
- [James] I guess
- We want to know what happened.
Of course you do.
I was standing out by the ledge.
I'd just come back
from being with family and
I heard this rustling
noise behind me.
Look, you have to know.
He was in a bad mood
the day before.
He told me
the world was going to shit
and I didn't correct him.
I agreed.
I agreed.
And I told him
he'd have to accept how it was,
but I didn't realise
My brother was unwell.
He'd been unwell for a while.
I didn't know.
Not many did.
The '50s thing was fun, but
it was his way of simplifying
a world he didn't understand.
That he felt like
he didn't fit into.
I'd come home
from boarding school
because it wasn't working.
He was in a very bad way.
And last week I just lay there
next to him thinking
"If only I could
If only I could get up
there in your head.
Hear what you hear.
Maybe worry about
some of it for you."
Mum. Mum!
[Nina crying and wailing]
[wailing] My Louis!
[wailing continues]
My Louis!
Come back to me, Louis!
My Louis.
Oh, my Louis.
[Nina sobbing]
- Come on, mum.
- [whimpering] No, no, no.
- Come on.
- I don't want--
- I don't want to leave my son.
- Neither do I, mum.
Come on. I've got you.
[Nina wailing]
This is his.
What's wrong with you?
Why did you say
those things?
Why did you say
those things to my son?
You should've grabbed him!
Why didn't you grab him?
Why didn't you grab him?
[Nina wailing]
[Nina sobbing]
- Vivian?
- Yep?
You know this isn't
your fault right?
She's grieving,
she's in pain,
but I know you've been
through so much as well,
so things are gonna hit you differently.
Where are you going?
I'm totally, completely fine.
What? Wh

[door slams shut]
[breathes heavily]
- Hey. Morning.
- Hi.
I wasn't expecting
to see you?
What's up?
Nothing much.
Just my day off.
- How have you been?
- Great. Let's have sex.

Listen, this is really nice,
but this has probably been
a really hard few days for you.
And I think we probably need
some time to process it.
I think you probably
need some time.
It's nice you think
you know what I need, Dane.
But in my experience
this is what I need.
Sex from you.
Sex. Cool.
Or we could just kiss?
I like sex.
Or-- Or we could dry hump?
I thought you said
you liked me?
This is what people
who like each other do.
- Where's your room?
- We should We should
Jesus, you're even more
ripped up close.
I I jog when I'm anxious.
You look really nice.
You look
even more nice now.

Hold on for one second.
I like you.
Right. I thought
we'd covered that.
I know. I just--
I thought I'd say it again.
[both moan]
I just-- I just
I think you're sort of
an amazing person, Viv.
And I'm just really glad
I'm doing this with you.
- Stop. Just stop.
- [Dane] I'm sorry?
What the fuck
are you doing, Dane?
- Umm. Is it in the wrong--
- No!
I'll tell you when to
touch my face, weirdo!
And why are you saying
all this weird shit?
It's not what I need right now.
I thought you said that's
exactly what you needed, Viv?
Yeah, before I realised you
were fucking in The Notebook !
[door creaking]

Vivian! Oh, mum!
Why aren't you at Zumba?
[door closes]
Vivian, what the hell happened?
Did you just
Was Dane okay?
Why don't we go home?
Have some tea.
I have plans.
- Ok, well--
- [horn honks]
Don't wait up.
Well, it's just that
we were gonna pickup my
furniture from George's today?
I can cancel, it's fine,
but you booked the truck, so
Shut up! Read the room.
I want to be alone.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
[birds chirping]
Come in! It's open!
Are you turning your house
into a vagina?
Have you been around
many of those?
- Point well made.
- [chuckles]
It's for the Twins'
birthday party.
I have made
an executive decision.
Inspiring Women from History.
Mmhmm. Yeah.
Hendrix! John is here!
[Hendrix] Coming!
- What's this?
- Boobies.
What's all this?
Oh! I don't know.
A little
party planning, maybe?
I know.
Oh, Babe, it can't be!
Inspiring Women
from History?
- I don't get it.
- It's my Pinterest pipe dream.
I've been wanting
to pull this out of the bag
ever since the girls were born.
- So three years?
- Ah, it's
very, very complicated, though.
It requires
a lot of research,
lots of punning.
You sure you've got time?
Yes, of course.
- Seriously?
- Yes, yes, yes.
You always do birthday parties
and the girls will love it.
So you boys
go and have fun.
You're the best.
She's the best. Ah!
Ok, we'll get out
of your hair.
Okay, bye. Oh!

- Bye!
- Yeah.
Let's do this!
So, um, ready to hit
this green, mate?
- Yeah. Sure mate.
- Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

So call her.
[Vivian on phone]
Hey, you've got Viv.
I'd say leave a message,
but no one listens to those.

You're probably
not there, but
In case you are
My first time was
in a break room
of a Greek restaurant.
His name was Elias.
He had nice eyes
and wore a lanyard.
- I have a thing
for lanyards.
- [chuckles]
I think it suggests
a certain level of competency.
We watched Dawson's Creek
while we did it and
it was over
before the theme song ended.
I cried, because it hurt,
so he gave me
some pita bread to take home.
I just know
how much it can suck.
So I hope you're ok.

[sighs deeply]
I must admit, man.
I was pretty surprised
to get your call.
- Yeah?
- Why's that?
You hate golf.
You've avoided coming
for ten years.
You said it was
for rich pricks
who weren't fit enough
for contact sports.
Okay. I don't think those were
my exact words. But
I know granddad used
to take you out here
and I thought
that it was something
we could maybe try and
keep up.
I like that. Cool.
[blows raspberry]
He used to talk
to you about
the big stuff
Yeah, you know like
Like man stuff?
Define "man stuff"?
I dunno. Stuff
Stuff that stays
between us men?
Oh, he just used to talk
about golf a lot.
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Although there was this one time
where he told me he had
really bad haemorrhoids,
and we had to stop gameplay.
Is that the kind
of thing you mean?
Yeah. Yeah. Ballpark.
Yeah, no. I thought we could
maybe talk about Laura or
- Right. Okay.
- Mmm. Mmm.
- What about Laura?
- I dunno.
How you guys were doing?
We're doing really great.
Thanks, mate.
- Okay. Okay, you're great.
- Just said we were great.
- Yeah, 'cause if you weren't--
- John, will you shut up
and just let me take the shot?
You hit me in the face.
No. No, I didn't.
No. No. I was exasperated,
with my hands,
and the club accidentally
flew into your face.
I can taste metal!
I can taste metal, and
- grass!
- Well, I don't know why that is,
because the club
didn't make contact at all.
Okay, what is
going on, Hendrix?
What do you mean?
Nothing is going on.
Vivian told me that you guys
haven't fucked in a year.
- Fuck man, don't say "fuck".
- Why not?
You guys get to say it.
What's going on?
Do you need help?
Do you need sex tips?
If so, I can help you.
- It's very simple. First off
- No!
No, no, no!
- Please God, no!
- Well then tell--
That's not what it's even about!
Okay then what is it
about, Hendrix?
- Get off, John!
- Stop it!
Listen to me. Listen--
- [grunting]
- What are you doing?
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
- You're hurting me!
- You're hurting me!
- You can end this!
- So can you!
I told you,
there's nothing going on.
No, no, no!
You said it wasn't about sex.
What is it about?
- What is it--
- [blowing air]
- What the fuck?
Come back here! Hendrix!
- Hendrix!
I'm gonna kill you.
- [panting]
Stop! Stop!
Time out. Time out.

[phone chimes]
"Sorry to muck you around."
[metal clanging]
[distant rattling]
[metal clanks]
Ok. You're not meant
to be out here yet.
I [chuckles]
I have a surprise for you.
Just give me one hot second.
So I know Vivian's
not here to help you today.
And I also know how passionate
you are about your sleep,
so I brought you a bed.
It's not your bed.
It's a new bed, but still
I'm just not sure this is
appropriate, George.
Sorry. I was just
in the area for work
and I started thinking about
all the potentially horrific
things you were sleeping on.
I know this is
I guess this is just
my way of supporting you.
You can keep it. I mean,
we got a bunch of free ones
because we partnered
with them for the app.
I guess
you can take it inside?
You sure?
You're here.
You can go after that.
Where do you want it?
Upstairs where
the workbench is.
- You're sleeping
on a workbench?
- Mmhmm.
Dear God,
it's worse than I thought.
Shut up.
- All right. You grab the frame.
- Okay.
I'll grab this mattress.
Lucky I've been working out.
- [Amy] You okay?
- Yeah.
Come back here,
you little sissy!
[Hendrix pants, yells]
Whatever it is,
I can sort it out.
No! We sorted it out.
- She said we were fine!
- Fine?
Charles and Diana had better
chemistry at their wedding!
- Oh? Oh?
- Yeah! Yeah!
Ok, well and you think
your boyfriend's so hot?
Yes. I do, actually.
Okay. Well then.
You may be correct but
- What are you doing?
- [shouting]
- Stop it!
- [grunting]
[both struggling, grunting]
What are you doing?
- [grunt]
- [groans]
Was that sand?
- No! Get off!
- Get off of me!
Oh! Ah! My leg!
[siren wailing]
Stop for a moment please.
- Stop.
- [woman screams]

[rave music playing]
[indistinct chattering]
Oh my fucking God, bitch!
Ritchie said you were dead!
What do you mean dead?
Like, dead. Like, deceased.
He said he was going to your
funeral like, a month ago?
You guys mean
my granddad's funeral?
[all] Oh!
That makes way more sense!
Such a fucking nob
that guy.
We were so devs about it.
We were gonna come.
Oh, we were gonna come.
It's just you know
how triggered I get.
And my psyche says that I need
one day a week for me,
and it was that day.
And I-- I had tennis.
Guys. We don't need
to talk about
my hypothetical funeral, okay?
- Jesus.
- So why haven't we seen you?
- I moved.
- Oh. Where?
- Dalton's Crevice.
- Why?
My nan lives there
and says it's all old people.
And they only have a Coles.
She's right
about both those things.
So, what have
you guys been doing?
We do reels now.
- I'm Candy flipping.
- What's that?
It's where you take
E and Acid together.
It's for my screenplay.
It's mad good for ideas.
It makes
your imagination so vivid.
I mean, my friend Katy took it
and forgot who she was,
then had a full blown psychosis,
but you know I think
that's just her personality.
I'd be down for that.
No peeking. No peeking.
What do you think?
I think
I don't know why you
insist on doing that,
- when I built most of it myself.
- Oh, yeah.
thank you.
So where's Viv today?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
She's gone.
She was
really upset.
And she
Oh, shit. Hey, hey.
What's up?
A boy died here.
Last week.
And he was our friend.
And she left this morning,
and I can't get through
to her
and I don't know where she is,
and I am so worried.
Ames. Oh. Hey.
I'm so sorry.
[sighs, sniffles]
- No.
- Come on. It's okay.
Mm! No, it's not.
I'm sorry. I
You left me because I
treated you badly.
Well, we had faults, but
She's a fucking hurricane, Amy!
I clocked it
the moment I met her.
A boy dies
and she bails on you?
She's upset.
So are you.
Look, I know you like
to see the best in people
and it's very sweet,
but maybe
she doesn't care about you
the way you think she does.
She cares about me
in the way that counts!
She lets me be myself.
I feel like myself here.
Vivian doesn't make me feel
like I'm gonna disappear.
You're wrong.
I love all of you.
And I think you still love me.
I just don't believe you.
I'm sorry.
You should go home.
Hendrix. Hendrix, slow down.
Oh, come on.
This is why
I don't play golf.
Oh my god.
[sighs heavily]
All right,
I'm sorry, Hendrix.
These were
grandad's clubs, John!
I know, I know. I know.
I was just--
I was just trying to help.
Hey listen,
listen to me, Hendrix.
Ever since mum
and dad died,
your grief response
has been to create this, this,
this perfect little family.
Yeah and I get it. I get it.
You lost your last one.
But you cannot keep ignoring
what's going on inside this one
because you're afraid
of losing it too. You can't.
What? Why you laughing?
- What?
- Because.
This is
your grief response, John.
Can't you see that?
When they died,
you latched onto Viv.
Now you're not allowed
to do that, so you went
straight for me.
I mean heaven forbid you
actually feel something, right?
Actually grieve 'em.
At least I did that.

[birds chirping]
[crow cawing]
[rave music playing]
[laughing] What'd I say?
This shit's amazing!
Come on!
[speaks gibberish]
What time will you be back?
Louie, I'm so sorry.
- [engine revs]
- [tires screech]
[crowd cheering]
Viv babe!
[Ritchie, muffled]
Mm, yeah,
I love the way you do that.
[muffled male voice]
Yeah. Who's your daddy?
Who's the king? Oh.
Yeah, what's my name?
Ritchie, girl. Yeah.
[Ritchie moaning]
Oh, yeah, baby.
Oh, who's your daddy?
- Yeah, it's Ritchie.
- [Amy shrieks]
- Who the fuck are you?
- Who the fuck are you!?
And those are my Sharecrows!
- [groans] Motherfucker.
- Stop it!
Stop humping them!
- Stop it!
- Ow!
- Amy!
- Stop it!
What the fuck
are you doing?
Vivian, this greasy man
has destroyed our garden!
He's fine!
- [Amy] He's with you?
- Yeah. He's a friend.
- [Amy]
Well, tell him to leave!
- No.
Look, I know
you have had a tough day,
but so have I and now it's time
we come together and sort it.
This chick your mum
or something?
His aura is black
and purple-brown!
What's purple-brown?
Tell him to leave
our garden!
I'm sorry. "Our garden"?
The last time I checked, Amy,
this didn't belong
to you at all.
- [clatters]
- [Ritchie]
Oh shit!
- My bad.
- Oh, leave them!
- Leave them alone!
- What are you doing?
They're a bunch
of fucking rocks,
you space cadet!
I'm out.
So, mystery solved, hey?
Our big message from Walt.
Vivian, stop.
You know,
for a stupid fleeting second,
I actually started
to believe your bullshit.
That we were meant
to be here or something.
But the truth is, Amy
if you'd rolled
just a little further
down the road that night,
you probably would've met
a pigeon outside the 7-Eleven
who told you your destiny
was manning the slushie desk.
No. No, that's not true.
It is.
You just won't
fucking listen to me.
You never fucking listen!
You keep feeding me
this ridiculous lie
that life is
a rainbow destiny sparkle cake.
When it is so not.
I'm not.
I ruin things every time,
and I've done it again.
But this time it just hurts
so much more
than before we started.
So what do we do then?
I really
don't fucking care.
Piss off then.
Viv, babe! Get in here!
I'm as hard as those rocks.
[door unlocking]
Roar! I'm a monster!
You're not a monster, mum.
You're doing it wrong!
Am I?
Um, well,
what would you like me to--
We want dad.
I can do it better.
- Roar.
- You're boring, mum.
Where's daddy?
You're not
our best friend, mamma.
Where's daddy?
- Roar! Roar!
- [Hendrix] Hey.
You okay?
Did you plug the kettle
and the toaster in
at the same time again?
I love you.
From the moment
I saw you naked,
chasing your cling wrap
in that beach in, in Tenerife.
And you have come
so far, querido,
my darling.
[flustered breath]
I'm sorry.

I can't.
[door opens and closes]

I'm sorry.
I had to make sure
you were okay.
[car door closes]
How'd you go with Viv?
I'm the only one
who loves all of you.
Even the bits
that are hard to love.
- [both grunting, moaning]
- Vivian, what do
you do to me?
You know, I told myself
I wouldn't go back here,
but fuck, it feels good
to be back here.
You're like a drug, baby.
A special Ritchie drug.
- Tell me you're my drug.
- I'm your drug.
[moaning, grunting]
Tell me you don't
wash your undies.
- I don't wear undies, baby.
- Oh.
Tell me you're
a sexy fucking mess.
A sexy, dangerous,
filthy, piece of shit
who doesn't care about anything.
- Oh, say it.
- Hey.
- Hey stop.
- What?
- Just get off.
- I'm teetering baby.
- I'm about to come.
- Well, teeter on the floor.
What's wrong with you?
I'm just not into it.
But you love it when we fuck.
Yeah, well, we fuck weird.
That's why you love it.
Shut the fuck up for a second!
[both panting]
Can I use your bathroom?
- Yeah.
- Cool.
- I'll go finish in there.
- Don't tell me that!
Oh, my bad.
I was just trying
to be sensitive!
Hang in there.

[knocking on door]
[Dane whispers]
Stay there.
[door opens]
Is that a bat?
It's 3:00 a.m., Viv.
Oh, shit.
What do you want?
I don't know.
Do you want to hang out?
At 3:00 a.m.?
Right. Good point. I'll go.
Look, just--
just so you know
I hadn't had sex
before this morning.
And you just sort of
took it.
That's why you were
so nice and cuddly.
I was being intimate.
That's generally what people do
when they have sex.
It's not what everyone does.
Well, that's what
I wanted to do.
So you're mad at me
for not taking your virginity
in the right way
when I didn't even know
what I was doing?
Well, you should've known.
How the fuck would I know that?
Because you should
know these things, Viv!
You should care enough
to observe them in people!
Like sure, for a second
I thought
that was who you were,
but I guess
I was really wrong.
Can I tell you something?
What do you want to tell me?
When I was younger
there was this accident.
I don't tell many people this
but I lost my parents
and it's made me who I am.
- See-- No.
- Like this is--
An accident
didn't make you like this.
An accident made you sad
and it made you angry,
but you chose how you are.
Just like most of my patients
choose to be kind
and compassionate and hopeful
when they've gone through
the worst things imaginable,
like you!
Maybe underneath
all of these excuses,
you are just a bad person.
You think you're
a good person, do you?
Yes, I do actually.
You're not
a good person, Dane.
You're a judgmental
piece of shit.
You judge me, you judge Amy,
you judge anyone who isn't also
a fucking box ticker.
No, sorry, not a box ticker,
a motherfucking control freak.
You're so scared
of losing control,
you became a psychologist
so you could safety trap
your own brain.
- No.
- Yes.
And the reason
you're so bad at it,
is because
you don't know pain.
You don't know loss,
you don't know anything
except what you've read
in a fucking book.
And maybe you got close
to it with me,
but now I've broken
your dick hymen,
it's all gotten
a bit much for you.

What happened?
There's a sky full of light
and none of them stars ♪
She She
She said
I was a control freak.
And that I haven't lived.
Well, what do you think
about that?
In a crowd unfamiliar ♪
I just wanna touch
your familiar face ♪
And make friends
at the party ♪
I've feared the likes
of an age ♪
Just stand
in the darkness ♪
And laugh with your heel
on its throat ♪
'Cause not everything ♪
Means something, honey ♪
So say the unsayable ♪
Say the most human
of things ♪
And if everything
is temporary ♪
I ♪
Will bear the unbearable ♪
Terrible triteness of being ♪
Alone in my house ♪
Frozen in time ♪
But don't
get me wrong now, honey ♪
I am trying ♪
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