Toughest Forces on Earth (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Cartel Street Fight

- [tense music playing]
- [electronic warble]
[car honking]
- [electronic warble]
- [birds chirping]
[Dean] Visibly, you can see three guys
with weapons at the moment.
Two on the roof, one on the ground.
[Cameron] We're gonna give
this town back to the civilians.
- [tense music intensifies]
- [electronic warble]
[bomb exploding]
[car engine revving]
[Cameron] Don't do it. Don't do it.
- [opening theme playing]
- [blades whirring]
[Ryan] We are three former
Special Operations soldiers
on a mission to go deep inside
the most elite and secretive
fighting forces in the world.
[Dean] I'm Dean Stott,
former SBS, British Special Forces.
Times like this,
you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
[Cameron] I'm Cameron Fath,
former United States Army Ranger.
- Not bad for a day's work.
- [gun cocks]
[Ryan] And that guy, at home in the swamp,
that's me, former Navy SEAL, Ryan Bates.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a big deal.
And these are
the Toughest Forces on Earth.
- Good to go.
- [gunshot]
[blades whirring]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] All right, boys.
Bienvenidos a Mexico. Welcome to Mexico.
We're gonna meet up with
the Mexican Special Forces.
Do you know much about them?
They're an elite unit
that battle the cartel.
[Cameron] Mexico's Elite Special Forces
unit is on the front line,
fighting a war in towns and villages
against the cartels
who control a multibillion-dollar
illegal drug trade.
[tense music intensifies]
Hey, we're over the camp now.
Look at this.
[Cameron] All right.
What sort of training
do we think we should we expect?
I'd expect a lot of urban combat,
because they're always fighting in cities.
- [Cameron] Yeah.
- [Ryan] Let's go meet these boys, huh?
All right, Mexican Special Forces.
- [Ryan] Whoa! Whoa!
- [Cameron laughs]
[Western music playing]
- Look at these guys. Jesus.
- All right.
- [man] Good afternoon, gentlemen.
- How do you do?
- [man] I am Major Morales.
- Nice to meet you.
[Morales] Welcome to the Mexican Army
Special Forces Training Center.
As you can see,
for personal security reasons,
all of us, we must cover our faces.
On the following days,
you will train with our special operators
on tactics, techniques, and procedures
in order to accomplish
our final training mission.
From this moment
till the end of the training,
you'll be treated
as a part of the brotherhood.
So I hope you feel at home.
- All right.
- Thanks.
- Let's get into it.
- [Ryan] Let's go.
- [Cameron] Okay.
- [Morales] Come on.
[upbeat music playing]
[Dean] Before getting stuck in,
we need to get settled in and kitted up.
[Dean] These rooms are very familiar
to when I was in training, hey?
- Yeah.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
The barracks-type layout.
Sleeping next to your buddy.
- Yeah. The enemy's just outside the gate.
- Really?
Yeah. This is one of the most
dangerous areas for cartel.
Normally we fly to a different country
and find the enemy.
- It's literally just over that wall.
- It'd be crazy to fight your countrymen.
You don't know who's a bad guy
until they've got the drop on you.
[Ryan] Yeah. 100%.
The first thing the Mexicans have
in store for us is a bit of a surprise.
Driving quickly through
congested towns and villages
is essential for
a Special Forces operator.
So we're going back to driving school.
- [tense music plays, stops]
- [electronic warble]
[man in Spanish] The activity we're going
to do will be a slalom driving activity.
We're going to do
both forward and reverse.
- Oof.
- [in English] It's hard.
If you're in the military,
you need to know how to drive.
But if you're in
the Mexican Special Forces,
you need to be able to drive
in urban environments
that are extremely confined
and riddled with obstacles.
[in Spanish] We'll be watching closely
to see how you do.
And at the end we'll see who does best.
[in English] Okay.
[in Spanish] Are you ready?
- [in English] Ready.
- Yes.
[in Spanish] Let's go.
- [in English] Right. Vamos.
- [Ryan] Where's the car? I want a Porsche.
[tense music playing]
All right. Look at this one.
[Ryan] Look at this bad boy.
- The tires are balder than you, Dean.
- [Ryan laughs]
[Ryan] Okay.
[man in Spanish]
I'm going to demonstrate first.
[Cameron in English] The secret
to slalom driving is keeping a tight line
and staying as close
to the cones as possible,
cutting down on distance traveled
and steering effort.
[tires screeching]
Now we've got to do it in reverse.
[Cameron] We have to take care
as every cone is a civilian.
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[Ryan] No cones. Yeah, buddy!
- [captain] Yeah!
- All right, good job!
We've got a good understanding.
I think we're ready.
- [Dean] Who's going in?
- [Cameron] You're closest.
- Let's do it.
- [Cameron] Vamos!
[Dean] During my time in the military,
I attended specialist driving courses.
- [Cameron] All right. Pull up.
- Good, Dean, dude. Get it, buddy.
[Dean] Because Special Forces operators
need to be skilled
in keeping that vehicle mobile
in order to pursue or evade an enemy.
- [Cameron] All right.
- Dean. That was fast, buddy.
[tires screeching]
[Cameron] Hit that one. [laughs]
Don't mind that.
It was just an old A sweet old lady.
[Ryan] Okay!
- The windshield wipers activated.
- [Cameron, Ryan laugh]
[tires screeching]
[Ryan] Oh, he keeps hitting them. Oh.
[Cameron] Yeah, baby!
Oh my God.
- [Cameron] Okay.
- [Ryan] Oh my God!
- I'll go next.
- [Dean] Let's do it, buddy.
[Ryan] Let's do it.
That was a good J-turn.
[Cameron] It was solid, yeah.
It came out of nowhere.
[captain] Go.
[Dean] Go on, buddy.
You've got a bit more juice in it,
you can cut closer to the cones.
[Dean] I can't hear the wheels squeaking,
buddy. Bit more speed.
[funky music playing]
Come on Driving Miss Daisy.
[Ryan] When you're working
in congested areas,
you're gonna be pinning,
blocking, doing J-turning,
plus moving, and shooting.
- Are we nearly there?
- [laughs]
- [Cameron] Let it roll, dude. Oh!
- [Dean] Oh!
Come on, do it.
[Dean] Oh, bull!
[Ryan chuckling] The reverse is hard.
Reverse is hard.
All right, so Dean went for speed.
Ryan went for safety.
Let's do a nice little blend of both.
[car engine revving]
- Yep.
- [captain] Stop.
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
- Okay.
- [captain] Are you ready?
I was born ready.
- [Captain] All right. Let's go.
- Okay. All right.
During my time in the military,
I took specialized driving courses
aimed at off-road driving.
But during my time as a civilian,
I've taken a few stunt driving courses.
[tires screeching]
[Cameron] So I'm feeling pretty confident.
[Ryan] Hey, come on, buddy. Come on.
Jesus. Come on. There we go.
Get it fast. Come on.
Put your foot on it. Oh shit.
Oh. Oh shit. Come on. Oh God!
Oh man. That was shit!
- [engine revving]
- [Dean] Let's do it.
- [captain] Right. Left.
- [Ryan] Faster! Faster!
There's Whoa. Come on! Faster!
Come on, dude.
Oh. Oh. Oh. Whoa!
- Damn it.
- [Dean] Jesus!
[Ryan] Missed that cone even.
- [tires screeching]
- [Ryan] No! [laughs]
There goes the GoPro.
[laughing] He killed the GoPro!
- Bad.
- [laughing] Oh my God!
Lost I lost it. [laughs]
- [Dean] Get me out.
- [Ryan] Oh man.
I lost it a little bit.
[Ryan] Cameron, you suck.
[Cameron] I don't know. I, uh
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
- [captain] Good job.
- Thank you.
[Dean] I did hit more cones,
but I was the fastest.
[captain in Spanish] Moment of truth.
Here are the results.
For each cone that is knocked over,
there is a ten-second penalty.
- Okay.
- Yes.
[captain] Dean's total is 89 seconds.
[Ryan laughs]
Ryan's total is 67 seconds.
And Cameron's total is 69 seconds.
- Ah!
- [in English] Oh, you won! Safety first.
Wait. Wait. The two Americans beat
the Brit. Oh fuck, yeah!
- Oh God. America, baby!
- Shake and bake, baby!
Shake and bake, baby.
[captain] Bueno?
- [Cameron] Bueno, muy bueno.
- [Captain] Good job.
Basically, when you're in a situation with
the enemy engaging, you get out quicker.
That wasn't five cartel people.
That was five babies you hit.
[Cameron] Yeah.
- You're an international criminal now.
- [laughing] Yeah.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] Okay. That was awesome,
but now it's time to do
some good old war fighting.
- [Cameron] All right.
- [Dean] Hola.
- Hola. Buenas dias.
- [man] Hola. Que pasó?
- [Ryan] Hello.
- [Cameron] That's a lot of firepower.
[Cameron] Special Forces operators have
numerous mission sets
that require different tools of the trade,
and the armory is where
that operator gets given
the best tool
suited for the mission ahead.
All right.
- [Dean] You used that before?
- [Cameron] Oh yeah. Very familiar.
[Cameron] I've been given
the MK16 SCAR assault rifle.
Designed specifically for Special Forces,
it's fully customizable
and quickly adapted for any mission.
The stock is telescopic and foldable,
ideal for the close confines
of the urban environment.
- [man] British guy.
- [Dean] Gracias.
[Dean] So Ryan and I have been given
the American Army standard issue M4.
It's a very reliable weapon
and something I'm comfortable with.
- All right. Thank you.
- [man] Okay.
[Cameron] First up, the Mexicans want
to test our shooting skills
at their specially built
Urban Combat Center.
The buildings are designed
specifically to emulate those
that the Mexican Special Forces
may encounter on operations.
[electronic warble]
[man] When you are in an urban situation,
you have to move.
When you're moving and you shoot,
it's very difficult.
We're going to see how your body reacts.
Let's do this.
[Cameron] We'll be moving
and shooting through three positions
[Cameron] shooting each target twice,
all while fighting the clock.
So, incorporating speed, as well as
accuracy and putting stress on the body,
it really lets the operator fine-tune
his ability to be able to slow down,
take accurate shots, and then
switch back on as quickly as possible.
[captain] Stand by.
[tense music playing]
[captain] Up.
- [Dean] Oh, oh.
- Oh.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
[tense music intensifies]
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
[captain] Okay. Time, 29 seconds.
- It's good?
- [captain] It's good.
[Ryan] Okay.
- I slipped. Did you see that?
- [Cameron] Yeah, we saw it.
It was hard to miss.
He's big guy,
so it's a lot of mass to move.
The hard part isn't shooting.
The hard part's coming
bringing all that mass to a sudden stop.
- Twenty-nine seconds, buddy.
- Twenty-nine seconds.
- [tense music playing]
- [Cameron] All right.
[captain] Stand by.
- [Ryan] Damn, he's good. Whoa.
- [Dean] Whoa.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
[Cameron] In these environments,
you're likely gonna be on foot.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
So to be able to send accurate shots
and move from place to place
as quickly as possible
is an extremely important skill
to have here in Mexico.
- [gunshot]
- [Dean] Whoa.
- Two hits.
- [captain] Two hits.
Did you hit full auto in the end?
Yeah, just a little [exhales]
razzle dazzle.
- What was my time, Capitan?
- [captain] Twenty-two seconds.
Damn. You beat me by six seconds, dude.
[captain] Stand by. Up.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [gunshot]
- [captain] Hit.
- [captain] Hit.
- Did he miss that first one?
- [captain] So 24 seconds.
- [Dean] Twenty-four?
- [Captain] Yes.
- I beat Ryan.
- Did you? You had a miss.
- [Cameron] You had one miss.
- No.
- [Cameron laughs]
[captain] The the winner
was the fastest guy.
- Is that me?
- [captain] Yes, you.
- Okay. I am the fastest.
- [Ryan] Good job, Cam.
I was the slowest but the most accurate.
As you get older, you get slower
but more deadly. That's what I've heard.
[Cameron laughs]
Now we've proved
we can handle our weapons on the streets.
The next step
is to take the fight to the narcos.
First, breaching, getting through
the narcos' first line of defense.
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[in Spanish] In Mexico, narco traffickers
have many tactics
to protect themselves from the army.
They can have very thick reinforced doors.
[Ryan in English] So the narcos' homes
and compounds are virtual fortresses,
built to slow down
the Special Forces long enough
so they can escape in secret tunnels.
- [Morales] We'll see how you do.
- [Cameron in English] Okay.
[foreboding music playing]
The Mexicans here, they're
in built-up areas alongside civilians.
Explosive method of entry
probably isn't an option for them.
You don't want
any collateral damage at all.
So today we're gonna do
a manual method of entry
with mechanical tools,
enabling us to get inside, uh, a building.
[in Spanish] When you arrive
at the breaching point,
you must maintain security.
[in English] You don't know
what you're gonna come across,
whether it's padlocks
or metal doors that's being reinforced.
So you have to take all the tools
on the ground with you.
Yeah. If you see the hinges,
the door opens to you.
If you don't, the door opens that way.
[Ryan] I spent four years as a breacher.
Uh, breaching's an art.
So you've gotta read the door
depending where you see the hinges,
reading the door with the sledge
to make sure you see if there's
any reinforcements on the other side.
Depending on how you read it, um,
is what you're gonna use to breach it.
[Morales in Spanish] The technique is
to hit the door straight on.
- Si.
- [Morales] We're gonna see how you do.
[Ryan] Okay, let's do it.
So, I'm first up to breach.
I'll breach the door, get out of the way,
and Cameron'll enter
with his bulletproof shield.
This shield is very heavy.
[Cameron] Weighing in at nearly 12 kilos,
it's made from a combination
of metal plate and aramid,
a synthetic fiber that is
five times stronger than steel
and can stop a high-velocity round
at point-blank range.
[Dean] My role is to check the state
of the door and initiate the operation.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] Clear.
[Dean] Next, breaching a wire fence.
[Morales in Spanish]
The saw has to go full speed
so it doesn't get stuck while cutting.
[Cameron in English]
If you don't have a battering ram,
you can always use a shotgun.
[Morales in Spanish] The next breaching
will be the bolt cutters.
[Ryan in English]
See if we can get through.
[Ryan grunts]
[Ryan] I think I bent the freaking
I broke the bolt cutters.
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
- That lock's no joke, boys.
- [Cameron laughs]
[Dean] Where's that circular saw?
- [circular saw whirring]
- [Cameron] Let's get this door open.
[circular saw stops]
[Ryan] Open.
[Cameron] Clear.
Well, that's breaching for you.
- There you go.
- If one fails, use another.
[in Spanish] The saw is noisier
and breaks the element of surprise,
but that's what needed to be done,
so well done.
[Ryan in English] All right.
That steel was pretty strong.
- I gotta buy a couple of those locks.
- I know, man.
[Cameron laughs]
[upbeat music playing]
- Yeah, buddy. Hell, yeah.
- [man 1] Tacos.
Pass them on down.
Keep 'em coming. Keep 'em coming.
You know, on our side of the border,
we hear about the narco traffickers
and just how dangerous
the cartel truly is.
So what made you want to join the Army
to fight them?
- [man 2] Well, I didn't like them, so
- [Cameron] Yeah.
[man 2] I wanted to be with the guys
who fought them.
Because your A lot of your war is fought
within your borders,
I would be nervous a lot. You know,
I understand why you cover your face.
Do you get nervous about your families?
[man 2] It depends
on where your family lives,
but if nobody knows you,
what you do for a living
So you guys don't tell anybody
you're Special Forces?
[man 2] No. Nobody knows what you do.
It's too dangerous. Too dangerous, right?
All right. Thanks.
- [man] Thanks.
- Thanks, buddy. Yeah.
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[birds chirping]
[Cameron] The killing house is used
by Special Forces around the world
to practice room clearing.
You can usually expect to shoot
anybody inside that's carrying a weapon.
But here in Mexico, where there could be
civilians around any corner,
techniques are slightly different.
[Morales in Spanish]
Criminal groups usually have people
working for them who are non-combatants.
We have to firstly pay attention
to our surroundings.
And then we react
according to the reaction
and aggression of the enemy.
[Cameron in English]
Now, this is gonna be a challenge.
For years, we've been taught anything
with a weapon is considered fair game.
But here's the catch.
We're only allowed to shoot bad guys
that present their weapon
and point it to us first.
Are we gonna be able
to overcome years of training
in order to do it the Mexican way?
- [Morales in Spanish] This way.
- [Cameron, Ryan in English] Okay.
- [gunshots]
- [Cameron] I'm the first one in.
[man] Go.
[Cameron] Drop it!
This guy tries to grab our weapons.
But because he's unarmed,
we cannot shoot him.
- [gunshot]
- [Cameron] Go!
[Cameron] And Dean can't shoot this guy
because even though he had a weapon,
he did not raise it to use it.
[man in Spanish] Turn around.
[Cameron in English]
This guy might be unarmed,
but he's still putting up
a hell of a fight.
Ryan can't shoot him,
so he must wrestle him to the ground.
Arms, arms out.
[man 1 in Spanish] No, stop.
[man 2] You can't kick.
[in English] Why not?
- [in Spanish] Less injuries.
- [Ryan in English] Less injuries.
- [man 2] Uh-huh.
- [Ryan] Sorry. That's how I was trained.
So apparently my technique
was a little bit too aggressive.
So they're gonna pull me out,
teach me the Mexican way to grapple,
and then I'm gonna reinitiate.
[man 2 in Spanish]
In Mexico, it's like this.
[Dean in English] Below the knees.
[Ryan] Okay.
[man 2 in Spanish] Not too aggressive.
[man 2] Oh.
- [Cameron in English] How it'd go?
- I was too rough with the combatant.
Uh, from now on, I'll take his legs down
and hold his legs like a
Like a proper
Mexican Special Forces operator.
I tell you what's not natural though
is seeing someone with a weapon
and not engaging.
Yeah. That's the biggest difference,
I think, between us.
But, I mean, this is why these guys
have to do this so much because
they have to push the brakes
and wait for that split second,
which makes the job harder
and these guys even better.
Yep. 100%.
[upbeat music playing]
- [Morales] What do you think about it?
- You've got a great training facility.
There's been differences in the training.
[Morales] Here we have special conditions.
We operate in towns, buildings.
So we try to adapt
and do our best to keep safe our country.
Why would somebody
consider joining the cartel?
[Morales] Sometimes they are forced.
That's the reason that we try to respect,
- almost to the limit, uh
- [Cameron] Yeah.
a person
because they are forced to do it.
Sometimes they say, "It's not my fault."
They actually may not
even wanna use that weapon.
Whereas the enemy we come across,
if they have a weapon, they wanna use it.
[Morales] Yeah. All of us,
we know that we are in danger.
[Cameron] Mm-hmm.
But here is the country that we live
with our wives, sons,
sisters, uh, parents.
- So we have to do something.
- [Dean] Yeah.
Yeah. Of course. Of course.
[crickets chirping]
[upbeat music playing]
[dog barking]
- Look at those locks. Yeah.
- Thank you.
Rule number one, always look cool.
[Cameron laughs]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] We've mastered combat skills
inside of the building.
Now it's time to catch a narco on the run.
[electronic warble]
[man in Spanish] The next exercise's we're
going to perform a vehicle immobilization.
We do this to catch a criminal who's fled
or trying to escape law enforcement.
It has to be done with a lot of precision.
- [in English] Okay.
- Let's do it.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] Dean and I are part
of the assault force
riding in the back of the trucks.
You ready?
[man] I am ready.
[Cameron] Meanwhile,
Ryan is in the vehicle
that will force the narcos to a stop.
[Ryan] So it's a maneuver
that requires speed and precision.
It's my first vehicle interdiction.
In this urban environment,
there are cars everywhere,
and the bad guy's
not always gonna be on foot.
So we have to utilize a PIT maneuver
to immobilize the vehicle
and stop them in their tracks.
[Cameron] There's a lot of risks.
If that PIT maneuver goes wrong,
you could damage people inside.
Also, if you do it incorrectly,
the bad guys will continue to get away.
[Ryan] Instead of letting them drive fast
and go in neighborhoods
where they could hurt somebody,
we'll push their car,
slide out their back tires.
Once we've slid them out,
they'll turn 180 against the curb,
and the assault team'll take them down.
Hit 'em, baby.
[tires screeching]
[Cameron] Manos arriba!
Manos arriba! Manos arriba!
[Dean] Drugs in the trunk!
[Cameron] By using speed,
surprise, and violence of action,
the narcos have no time to react.
Within seconds, they are
completely surrounded and taken away.
Let's get moving. Let's go, guys.
[Cameron grunts]
[Cameron cheers]
Fun stuff.
- [Dean] How was it?
- [Cameron] Right.
- [Dean] Good?
- [Cameron] Yeah.
- [man] Good job.
- [Ryan] Gracias.
[Ryan] That was a great drill,
but there's no let-up.
We're going straight into
another hardcore exercise.
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[man] Good afternoon, guys.
The mission today
is the security of one VIP.
[tense music intensifies]
[Ryan] Today it's time to put our skills
to the test to protect a real VIP.
This is a job I did for over a decade
after leaving the SEAL teams,
but here in Mexico,
it's on a whole new level.
Anyone who opposes the cartels is at risk.
So executive protection usually falls down
to the Mexican Special Forces.
What level of risk
are we looking at for this, uh, mission?
[man] We have some information
about some potential attack.
Two or three people with fire guns.
This is the principal risk.
We just received
the brief for our mission here.
Uh, it's close protection
and protecting a government official.
We've received intel
that there is a very likely chance
that there will be
an assassination attempt.
[man] Okay, you go to the Suburban.
Driver for the Suburban.
- All right.
- [man] And you, right in the red vehicle.
- Okay, right side.
- [man] You, left side in the vehicle.
- [Cameron] Okay. Sounds good.
- Let's do it.
[Ryan] Obviously, I won the slalom course,
so today I'm in the front seat.
[engine starts]
It's very hectic being
the badass driver I am, but, you know,
in all honesty,
I'm really a slow driver at home.
My wife won't let me drive anything,
because she gets annoyed at me,
but in this situation,
I'm gonna be on point. Okay?
So I'm gonna show
my little bit of excellence right now.
[tense music continues]
[Ryan] To keep a low profile,
we're in plainclothes
You ready, buddy?
[Ryan] in a two-car convoy
backed up by a quick-reaction force.
- Derecha?
- [man] Right, right, right.
So on VIP security,
we always use multiple cars
in a convoy for a few reasons.
One, if the car breaks down,
we can transfer the VIP over.
Two, it keeps the enemy guessing
as to what car the VIP is in.
Three, using blocking maneuvers
to move quickly through traffic.
- Turn around here?
- [man] Yeah.
Okay. Got you.
[Ryan] As the lead driver, I'm circling
the town square looking for threats,
then setting up the car
for a quick extract.
[Dean] We need to make sure
that we cover 360 degrees.
So we walk around the vehicles,
make sure there's no immediate threat.
The commander then opens the door.
- Takes the VIP.
- Act cool.
[Dean] And we walk with him
in a diamond formation,
so should we get any incoming
from any direction,
we can return fire to protect the VIP.
[tense music crescendos]
[tense music continues]
[Cameron] So far, so good.
Dean and I have posted outside
to maintain watch.
The VIP's gonna conduct
and handle his business inside.
Once he comes out, we're gonna
make our way back to the vehicles.
Hopefully, everything goes well.
[Dean] The worst thing that can happen is
we get engaged by the enemy.
This is his biggest exposure, from leaving
this building to the vehicle itself.
Stand by.
[gun cocks]
- [gunshot]
- [Cameron] Nine o'clock!
[Cameron] Go!
- [car engine starts]
- [Ryan] Go.
[man] Adelante.
[smoke bomb explodes]
[car engine revving]
[tense music ends]
[man] Congratulations. Very good job.
It was quick, efficient.
You're well-trained and move fast.
Yeah, most importantly,
the client made it out alive.
Sometimes you can get drawn
into the firefight,
but your main priority is to get him
or her out the way quick enough.
Obviously, I kept him safe
driving too, so
[Cameron] It was more dangerous in the car
than it was in the firefight.
[man] It was dangerous
inside the car to the outside.
[Cameron laughs]
[man] Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.
Guys, jump in the car. Let's go.
- I'm going in this one.
- [Cameron] Yeah.
- I've got a taxi.
- [Dean] Yeah.
- [tense music playing]
- [birds chirping]
Dean's the only Brit that cleans
his teeth. That's why he's got good teeth.
[Cameron laughs]
[Dean] When you join the military,
you do a whole day on hygiene.
And we never had any of this,
and we didn't have hairdryers.
It's hard to find a Navy SEAL
that doesn't have good hair.
They either have good hair
or they're bald.
- There's not really in the middle.
- [laughs]
[Cameron] It's the final day of training,
and the intent of today's exercise
is to collect intelligence
to give to our commanders
in order to plan for the final mission.
[Morales] Good morning, gentlemen.
Take a seat, please.
For this mission,
we're gonna make
a reconnaissance around La Jolla village.
They have cells, criminal cells.
They are willing to fight.
[Cameron] Intel has come down.
A local village
has been overrun by a drug cartel.
They're using this village
to store weapons and narcotics.
The commander's intent for this mission
is simple. Bring them down.
What complicates things is
there are many civilians in the area,
some innocent and some not so much.
[Morales] So you have to establish
your observation points,
get the information that we need,
and then you've got to get away.
Avoid civilians and avoid fighting.
You can't have enough information
to help the commander make his plan.
I did this for eight years, uh,
before I joined the Special Forces.
In the commando reconnaissance.
This is our bread and butter.
[electronic warble]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[tense music playing]
Yeah, baby!
[Ryan] So the helo drops us
a few kilometers from the target
so we can make a stealthy approach.
[Ryan] Reconnaissance is not my favorite.
Long nights, long days.
Pooping in a bag.
Carrying everything out with you.
But, uh, it's got to be done.
We are dangerously close,
and now each team has split off.
[tense music continues]
[Dean] The biggest risk
is actually compromise.
If they see you, you've blown the mission.
I'd rather come out
and have 75% of the information
than go in, try and get 100%,
and get compromised.
[Dean] Visibly, you can see three guys
with weapons at the moment.
Two on the roof, one on the ground.
But the south end of the street
was obscured for me.
So hopefully Cameron and Ryan
are in a good position
that they can fill in those gaps.
Hold on, we've got movement.
We had a van roll into town.
Numerous armed individuals
dropping off packages.
I think it's safe to assume,
since they're masked,
armed, and pretty mean looking,
that they are dropping off narcotics.
[Dean] The guy with the phone
at the blue house seems like a spotter.
So looking out for activity
that's out of place.
We have a white van dropping off
what looks like weapons cases.
[Dean] It's easy to spot the bad guys,
but some behavior is less clear-cut.
[Dean] Looks like the shop owner
with the white T-shirt
might have a transaction
or a meeting's occurred.
- [in Spanish] You good?
- All good, boss.
[in English] We have contact
with the enemy. We can hear them.
We identified one individual
wearing a sombrero
who appears to be the big boss.
[car engine starts]
So hopefully he decides to hang around
so when we hit this final mission,
we can take him out.
I think we're done here.
[Dean] So we'll push back now
and hopefully have enough information
that the commander can make a plan.
[Morales] Welcome again, gentlemen.
We're gonna start with Team Alpha.
We observed, uh, numerous vehicles
entering the objective,
dropping off what we assume to be
narcotics as well as weapon cases.
[Dean] There was one gentleman,
and he was constantly on his phone.
So I classed him as a spotter,
being aware of people
who shouldn't be there, like us.
We also, uh, witnessed
what looked like maybe a cash drop.
Black vehicle around 17:08.
I think the shopkeeper's quite dodgy,
so I need to keep an eye out on him.
I think it's gonna be
an extremely difficult op,
trying to identify friend from foe,
as well as separating innocent civilians.
[Morales] A great point.
So we've got a lot of information.
We can make the plan together.
Thank you, guys.
[Cameron exhales]
[Ryan groans]
Final mission tomorrow.
There's a lot of armed guys I saw today.
- Yeah. I know.
- Yeah.
I counted at least seven guns
just in that area.
Dude, you are straight sweating.
I'm sweating, dude.
This is the hottest stuff I've ever
- [Cameron laughs]
- [groans]
Oh man, the narcos took me out already.
Put the hot sauce out there.
- I know. We gotta get you some milk.
- Get me some milk.
[men chanting in Spanish]
[Ryan] It's the day of the final mission.
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
We've been greenlit to conduct a raid,
in order to rid the area
of narco traffic presence.
What makes
the situation difficult is the fact
that we have civilians living
within the vicinity of the cartel.
So we can't just come in here
guns blazing.
It's gonna be a very precise operation,
and we'll give this town
back to the civilians.
[man 1 in Spanish]
Today we are going to secure a town.
Step by step.
House by house.
Street by street.
- [in English] Let's load up.
- [tense music intensifies]
[Cameron] We're going to work our way
through the village
securing both sides of the street
before we go to take down
the boss and his men.
[man 2] Abajo! Abajo!
[Cameron] First, we take down the spotter
who we identified during the recce.
[Dean] The team is going to release smoke
into the street,
which gives them a screen
for the four guys to run across.
[Cameron] We split up.
I take the left side,
and Dean and Ryan are on the right.
There's many corners and crannies
that the cartel can hide out.
Your eyes need to be looking everywhere.
We're backed up
by the DN 11 tactical vehicle
produced in Mexico specifically
for fighting the drug cartels.
Its four-wheel drive
gives it high mobility.
Its armored plating makes it bulletproof,
and it packs a punch
with a turret-mounted heavy machine gun.
[Dean] We'll lock down this town,
but it's making sure
we got weapons pointing every direction.
Every threat could be over a doorway,
a window, or as we're crossing the road.
[Ryan] Most of the civilians are safe.
[Ryan] Down.
[Ryan] But the shop owner during the recce
acted a little suspicious.
I'll bring him in for questioning.
We've now secured most of the town.
It's time to move in
on the drug cartel's hideout.
[Cameron] Don't do it. Don't do it.
There were three armed individuals,
but only one raised his gun.
So I could only shoot him.
[man] Granada!
[majestic music playing]
[Dean] The armored vehicle assault team
is on site.
Now it's time to bring down the big boss.
So it seems the patrón and maybe one
or two guys have gone into this building.
Basically, we're about to gain entry.
- [man screaming indistinctly]
- [Dean] Get down. Get down. Weapon down!
Little operational souvenir.
- [Ryan] Did you get him?
- Yeah, I got him.
Good job, buddy.
[Cameron] Listo!
[Cameron] The final mission was a success,
and no civilians were injured
while we took the fight to the cartel.
[upbeat music playing]
[Ryan] Final mission done.
- [Morales] What did you think?
- It was good.
We have different rules of engagement
when we go overseas and fight a war.
You guys have very, very tight
rules of engagement here, and it's hard.
I know I learned a little bit more
to take back home.
You guys are professionals.
Top of your game.
Mexico's very lucky to have you.
- Yeah.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- Keep crushing those narco traffickers.
- [Cameron] Keep it up.
[Ryan laughs]
[Cameron] Here we go.
Oh, we're fist-bumping now.
[Cameron laughing]
[Morales] Todo por Mexico!
[all] Yeah!
[electronic warble]
[Ryan] Next time.
[Cameron] My first time doing
anything like this,
but I'm in good hands with the SEALs here.
I've got Dean and Ryan
who've done this multiple times.
[tense music playing]
The surf is pretty gnarly today,
almost three meters.
It could get pretty dangerous quick.
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
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