Trackers (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Someone is
targeting our witnesses.
Heading for the container yard!
He's got the man in front of me.
Looks like a white male,
Lucas Becker is now
our main priority.
Who is that?
We stick to the plan.
And we do what must be done.
Hey Osman,
get in the fucking car.
I need an ambulance.
Make it quick!
We have a mole
feeding information to the CIA.
Looking for someone?
Unlock the doors.
Took your time
finding me.
Just want my gun.
-This isn't it.
-I know.
Okay. Drive.
How is he?
He had a heart attack.
They think he was robbed,
then left at the entrance.
Get out.
You can lose the gun 'cause
if I was gonna take it off you,
I would've done it by now.
Okay, so here's what
I'm thinking
Boy's dead because of you.
What happened to Lourens
had nothing to do with me.
Yeah? How do you figure that?
The gangster who jumped
us killed Lourens.
I didn't know he was
gonna pull the trigger.
Could've just as easily
killed you or me.
Yeah, he was called Nkunzi.
-I was just a courier--
-That's bullshit.
If I knew that was
going to happen,
I would've given him
the fucking stones.
I still have to
make the exchange.
-Yeah, what do you want from me?
-I want you to cover my back.
Ride shotgun.
The people I'm supposed to
deliver the diamonds to have
-already double-crossed me once.
-It's not my business.
They sent Nkunzi
to hijack us.
I'm so fucked.
You help me
and you can get the guys that
were behind Lourens' death.
Mrs. Osman?
I'm Dr. Sali.
May I have a word
with you in private?
He can stay.
Your husband is in a coma.
When he arrived, he was
really suffering from hypoxia.
-I know what it is. I'm a doctor.
Was. Research.
Well then, you'll appreciate
it's still early days.
-Where's his things?
-Mr. Osman's
cell phone and wallet
are in the safe
-at my station.
-And his briefcase?
I don't think he came in with one.
I can check with admissions.
You're welcome to stay with your husband
as long as you'd like.
Lucas isn't involved
with Allajna.
-He wasn't even
a person of interest
when I met him.
Lucas Becker was
making phone calls
to a primary target
of our investigation.
An individual you were
tasked to research.
Mrs. Strachan,
don't play me for a fool.
Who are you working for?
I work for you.
Lucas didn't murder Nkunzi.
Why should I believe you?
We were together.
He was with me that night.
And you can prove this?
I give you my word.
Mrs. Strachan, I am going to
ask you this for the last time.
Who are you working for?
- His people?
- No.
I work for you, only for you.
So, it's pure coincidence that
you meet and fall for a man,
that just so happens to be at
the center of our investigation.
It wasn't
it wasn't like that.
You know
20 years ago,
we would've treated traitors
like you very differently.
I'm not a traitor.
Then you're even more
stupid than I thought.
- Baboo?
- I can't find his briefcase.
I looked in the car.
It's not there.
-How is he?
-No change.
-Is that good?
-No, it's not good.
How's Nazli?
She just wants to know when
her Dedda's coming home.
So do I.
She's been
there all night.
All night.
We need to know what
Mrs. Strachan's role
is in all of this.
Do we really think
she was planted here?
You don't think so.
She's rattled.
Let's put a tail on her.
She's either gonna
crawl under a rock,
or she's gonna lead
us straight to him.
-Then what?
-We prove that Langley
is running covert operations
on South African soil,
and we figure out why.
Anything on the boats?
Van Jaarsveld?
The diamonds?
The imam called
the police yesterday.
He was flagging his
unease about Osman.
He said he was worried
about his state of mind,
-about what he might do.
-And how is
-our patient?
-No change,
but everybody
seems to be worried
-about his missing briefcase.
-Yeah, but
do we really think
the diamonds were in the case?
If they are,
all the more reason
to find Becker.
-Where, here?
-No, just up there.
Yeah, stop.
Pick a different spot.
I don't get to
choose the location.
I'm exchanging
the diamonds for cash here.
-Tomorrow night.
-Flea, this road is impossible to secure.
-You can cover me.
-You can run.
These aren't the kind
of people I want chasing me
for the rest of my life.
I'm close protection.
Any cover that I can
provide in this area
is what we refer to as
tactically fuckin' far away.
You know that they don't
expect you to walk away.
There's gotta be
something we can do.
He's gotta come
up this road.
You force the exchange
to happen over there.
At least somewhere a little
closer to civilization.
And where will you be?
Jess, wait.
I've done nothing wrong.
I didn't know. I promise.
What are you gonna do?
I don't know.
Be careful, yeah?
I wasn't expecting to see you here.
Your tragedy
is my tragedy, Teliha.
Shaheed was robbed.
His briefcase taken?
And his laptop with it?
You need to tell me
all you know.
Let's take a walk. Outside.
Wait here, brother.
Hey, baby. Mm
Dedda's gonna be just fin.
will you take the children
out to play in the garden?
You were right.
To let Daoud know
about the laptop.
We just can't lie
to him anymore.
Shaheed's laptop is
-password protected--
-Stop talking. Shut up!
Whoever has the laptop
the moment they
connect online,
its position will flash up
on Shaheed's cell.
His phone is at the hospital.
I think I'm being followed.
- You think or you know?
- I know.
They were outside
my flat in a car.
They-they turned my entire
place upside down.
Okay. Get rid of your phone,
find another way of calling m.
Alright, gentlemen, let's spread out
and let's cover the area,
two men that way,
two men that way, okay?
Adam! Let's go. Alright?
- Are you on a cell?
- Not mine. What now?
Are they still on you?
I don't know. I think
I've lost them for now.
No, wait. They're here!
Okay, you gotta change
your appearance.
Find some clothing.
-Bright colors, if you can.
I have her. She's headed
toward Table Bay Hotel.
Talk to me, Milla.
I'm still here.
I've done what you told me to.
Okay, good. Now, don't rush.
Just walk normally, alright?
Don't turn around, don't stop.
Quinn, do you have eyes on he?
Quinn, I've got
nothing on CCTV.
-You clear?
-I think so, yeah.
We've lost her! She's fucking
gone! We've lost our woman!
How did you lose her?
Hey. Hey, come here.
You're safe now. It's okay.
They're using me
to get to you.
The Presidential
Bureau of Intelligence.
The PBI?
They bugged my flat.
They're following me
-'cause they wanna get to you.
-Slow down.
I work for them.
Worked for them,
but they fired me when
they found out about
I'm sorry.
-I'm so sorry.
-It's okay, it's okay, it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay
Alright, take a breath.
And tell me everything.
Why did you kidnap Osman?
Nkunzi told me
Osman had his money.
So, if I wanted mine,
that's where I'd get it.
But why take him off
the street in broad daylight?
Are you crazy?
There's going to be
a terrorist attack tomorrow.
Right here in Cape Town.
PBI is trying to stop it.
So, why are they after me?
Osman's behind it.
A weapon's coming
into the country,
and he's using blood diamonds
to pay for it.
But you know that
already, don't you?
I didn't know you were PBI.
-I don't believe you.
-I swear.
Well, they know you're CIA.
You are CIA.
Hope the couch
was comfortable.
Do you want some juice?
No, I'm good, thanks.
-I'm taking a shower.
-Help yourself.
-Yeah, will do.
What happened?
I've got a feeling
Becker was helping her.
Or she's better trained
than we thought.
Which is why you were
supposed to keep her close.
Jesus, Quinn!
The CIA are making us
look like amateurs!
I'm not the only one making
mistakes here, Janina.
The Yanks have been
playing us from the start.
We can't count on them.
We never could.
They have their own agenda,
but I should be able to count
on my own team.
Can I count on you, Quinn?
I'll meet you at
the drop tonight.
No, wait, hey hey!
We should stick together.
My next stop
is my cousin's.
If I show up
there with you,
she'll think twice
about helping me.
What is she
helping you with?
Someone had to look
after the diamonds.
Yeah, I searched that
place, top to bottom.
Think I'd be stupid
enough to keep them there?
I'll see you tonight.
What if I don't show?
Then I'll have no backup.
Is that Osman's?
Yeah. I figured
maybe it can help us.
You might wanna
cross your fingers.
All of his documents
are in the cloud.
I can't retrieve anything
unless I go online.
Do it.
-He's awake?
-Mm-mmm, but his laptop is.
-Where's Baboo?
-He just stepped out quickly.
Take this to him.
Go. Go.
Looks like they've
been tracking a ship.
We thought that's how they
were bringing in the weapon.
Look at this.
Granger Bay?
It's a small harbor
near the stadium.
That's where they've
set the exchange.
Diamonds for the weapon.
I'm gonna check us out.
Get ready.
-We need to move, now.
Why? What's going on?
Come on.
Let's go!
Come on.
Get the laptop!
Come on, brother. Come!
Come on! Let's go, come!
Come on.
Shoot him
Milla, get in the car!
You did great.
-They were trying to kill us.
but they didn't.
It's okay.
Alright? We're gonna
be okay, yeah?
Go get Janina.
On it.
What's going on?
Looks like they've had
an encounter with Becker.
That's Osman's laptop.
Show me playback.
Here we go.
It looks like they've
been in a firefight.
Ask Jessica to scan police
reports of a shootout.
-I want to know where and when.
-Yes, boss.
Looks to me like they're
waiting for something.
We should move
a tactical team into place.
Okay. Go, but I may
need you elsewhere
-if we find Becker or Mrs. Strachan.
-Copy that.
The fuck, Flea?
Come on, move
Looks like our courier here
has kept some for herself.
Come here.
Where are you hiding them?
Come on.
Where the hell is it?
Come on, tell me!
Fuck you! Fuck!
112. How can I assist you, caller?
Uh, a woman was just murdered.
Sir, could you please wait
while I connect you to--
Yeah, her name's Flea, uh,
Cornel "Flea" van Jaarsveld.
And where is
the victim now, sir?
In the boot of her car.
Was last seen
headed towards the city.
And the plate's CA574892.
And can I have your name
and current location, sir?
We've got ourselves some company,
ladies and gentlemen.
We see them.
One of them looks injured.
Hang fire. We've gotta
see what's going on.
Take him to the cellar.
What happened?
We had unexpected company.
-But the diamonds?
-Suleiman has them.
What about the courier?
Is no longer of
concern, alright?
Do you have the laptop?
Got it.
Can I trust you also
to deal with this?
Of course, my brother.
Is that brother Daoud?
We will make
the exchange tomorrow.
And his contact, the broker,
has just confirmed
we must be ready to move
earlier than planned.
You have everything prepared.
Alpha One, the boss
says stand down.
We move?
We stand down.
-But, they're all in there!
-No, they're not.
We don't know
where Daoud is,
we have no idea
what happened,
and we don't know
where the diamonds are.
-They could be in the house.
-We don't know that.
We don't know that because
when the exchange happened,
we were looking in
the wrong fucking direction.
Uh, a woman was just murdered.
Sir, could you please wait
while I connect you to--
Yeah, her name's Flea, uh,
Cornel "Flea" van Jaarsveld.
-And where is the victim now, sir?
-In the boot of her car.
Was last seen headed
towards the city.
And the plate's CA574892--
Uh, a woman was just murdered.
Sir, could you please wait
while I connect you to--
Yeah, her name's Flea, uh
Okay. She's in here.
-What is this?
-Nina, not here, please.
There was a shootout yesterday.
-Lucas Becker.
-Your agent.
Lucas Becker
and your operative
Milla Strachan's fingerprints
-were found all over the scene.
-The terrorist group
you've been tracking.
It involves them, correct?
Janina, Lucas Becker
is not one of ours.
We have to presume
that Allajna now
has the financial resources
to launch their attack.
It's all on you,
and you alone.
Agent Makebe,
you'll endeavor to bring
our friends up to speed.
Bruno, you have
our full cooperation until
the matter is resolved.
Pending inquiry,
you're suspended from duty,
with immediate effect.
Janina. Janina
I want all the members of
Allajna and their associates
in custody by the end
of play today.
It's okay. It's okay
I didn't expect
you to come.
Yeah, I didn't
expect you to call.
Step into my office.
I heard the call you
made to the police.
Tell me what you know
about Flea van Jaarsveld.
Yeah, what do I get?
Oh, I can tell you
who killed her and why.
She was delivering diamonds
to an extremist cell.
I believe
it was payment for a weapon.
So, why do you need me?
Your precious
PBI handle this?
They're no longer my PBI.
Threw me under
a fucking bus last year.
-You walked!
-I whistle blow Pelindaba with a woman
that I was tasked to protect.
She died because of you.
She died because
no one believed me,
and all of my
resources were pulled.
I had good reason to
believe that there would be
-an attack on the summit.
-Nothing materialized!
Oh! Yeah! Right!
I moved in too soon.
-That's the narrative, right?
We both know I was right.
Otherwise, why was the principal killed
right after your--
The fucking
principal had a name.
Pelindaba was a mess.
I was played.
I'm still being played.
The CIA have been all over this
right from the start.
They killed Julius Shabangu,
one of my key witnesses.
CIA didn't kill Nkunzi.
You can't know that.
Yes, I can.
So, I took this burner off
one of the guys who killed Flea.
GPS app has one single
preprogrammed route.
Wanna take a drive?
-You are not afraid?
-No, brother. I am certain.
We are dealing with
a suicide team.
You need to move.
They will kill you.
Got you.
Just stick to the plan.
The weapon
it might be biological.
- Move.
- We have to go.
Last chance.
It's over.
Stop right now!
Unlock the doors.
I loved working with Trix
and playing the two characters
off against each other.
-I was just a courier.
-That's bullshit.
If I knew that was going
to happen,
I would have given him
a head start.
They're two bulls that are
head to head all the time.
That power play keeps shifting.
You're never sure, is it more
towards the hate side,
is it more towards
the love side?
She finds a way to play
on his emotions
and not just to convince him
that it wasn't her fault,
but secondly to get him
to be involved
in the next step
of this journey.
He can take the gun and leave.
But he's met his match,
so he's pretty intrigued.
Don't play me for a fool.
Who are you working for?
I work for you.
When she gets called out
and she gets interrogated,
it's quite embarrassing for her.
Because she's finally being
respected in her job
and now she has to turn around
and say,
"Well, I slept with the guy."
You know, twenty years ago.
we would have treated traitors
like you
very differently.
But I think in her mind,
she knows that she's only
tried to help, and only tried
to do the right thing
for her job, and for herself.
I think I'm being followed.
You think, or you know?
When Milla tells him
that she's being tailed,
she's frightened. He's able
to assist her over the phone.
Alright, take a breath.
Tell me everything.
When Milla
gets to the safe house,
they have a sort of clearing
of the air moment.
That's a big development
in terms of their relationship.
You are CIA?
In that moment he plays it
pretty ambiguously
having just learned that
the South African feds
are now interested in him.
He just chooses to allow
that misconception
'cause it might serve him
at some point in the future.
-We need to move, now.
So they get ambushed
at the safe house.
I've never shot action scenes
like this before.
So, suddenly, it's just action.
Action, action, action.
So it's a lot of fun.
Milla is the key for that
She just gets dragged deeper
and deeper.
We want to be with Milla,
close to Milla.
And see things
from her perspective
when they are being chased
by the terrorists.
When that scene happens,
Milla just wants to freak out
and run.
She doesn't know how to pull
the gun even.
And here she is,
in the middle of the underbelly
of South Africa, having to
fight for her life.
That is a really hard moment
for him to deal with
when he does really believe
that he's lost Flea.
I think something in him,
at that point, breaks.
And of course that also informs
how he decides to go back to
With Janina and Lemmer,
the first thing they need
to do is get back
on the same page.
Without that there's-- there's
no solving this moving forward.
Tell me what you know about
Flea van Jaarsveld.
Well, what do I get?
Well I can tell you who killed
her, and why.
And once that happens
I think you see
a spark of the relationship
or the partnership
that there was in the past.
There's a shared desire
to fix this, once and for all.
And that's how they move into
the final scene.
So I took this burner off
one of the guys who killed Flea.
You wanna take a drive?
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