Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e05 Episode Script


[foreboding music]

- Twitch!
[voice echoing]
- Robby!
- [panting]
Oh, oh, oh, oh! [grunts]
- Robby, help us.
- No, I won't let
them take you away!
- You can't trust
happiness, Robby.
Nothing is forever.
- What? No, no!
- Another nightmare?
- Yep.
- Want to talk about it?
- Nope.
- Want to go look at baby foxes?
- Absolutely.
[animals chittering]
[mellow music]
- Aw. No babies?
The mama fox must have moved
them since we kept showing up.
- They can't have gone too
far on those tiny legs.
Let's split up and keep looking.
- On it.

- Slug sandwich!
- ID yourself, small citizen.
- [gasps] Robby!
- Decepticon, 12 o'clock!
- Ah!
- Sir, that was a
Decepticon at large.
- That just kidnapped
a civilian child.
You could have blasted him
halfway past Harrisburg,
and yourself out of a job.
Stand down, cadets.
Until I can trust
you in the field,
I want the best agent
pursuing this Con
[electricity warbling]
[electric crackles]
[birds chirping]
[mellow music]
- Whoa!
- Wow.
- This is your office?
- Mm-hmm. Welcome
to my happy place.
- [gasps] [stapler clicking]
I did all the staples.
Can have more? Now, please?
- Thrash, how
about you check out
the nature displays
instead, kay?
- So many animal facts.
Did you know
squirrels can't burp?
Robby is definitely
not a squirrel.
- [burps]
But I definitely
am taking a nap.
- You mean hibernation!
- [grunts]
- Robby, look.
A monster catcher. Remember?
Pinch and disappear.
- That's baby stuff, Mo.
Get me when it's
time to go home.
- Careful with that, Mozie.
I need it to walk Mr. Slithers.
Ooh, which reminds me, if
anyone finds Mrs. Slithers,
let me know.
[foreboding music]
[elevator dings]
- Hmm?
- Stand back, citizen.
- [yelps]
- No barricade on Earth or its
moon can stymie GHOST's best.
Oh, this is putting
up a fight, though.
- Mom, there's
somebody in there.
- Mrs. Slithers!
- Kids, outside. Now.
Hold it, sir.
How'd you get inside
my ranger station?
And who are you?
- Special Agent Jon
"no H" Schloder,
Global Hazard and
Ordinance Strike Team.
"GHOST" to civvies.
- And I suppose the
reason I suddenly have
an elevator is GHOST, too?
- That's classified,
Ranger Malto.
But since you're what passes
for Witwicky law enforcement,
you'll be working with
me on my new mission.
- Which is?
- On a need-to-know basis.
- Well, I need to know,
or I'm not helping.
- Okay, fine.
This round to you.
There's a rogue
Decepticon in the area
capturing young civilians.
- Can you give me a minute?
- Twitch, that creepy guy
from the forest is inside.
He's a GHOST agent!
- Do you think he
knows we're here?
[phone chimes]
- Robby,
Mom says we should go home
right now with no emojis.
For her, that's like yelling.
- Mom never yells.
Getting the seriousness
of the situation.
[soft suspenseful music]
[engine turns over]
- Better go this way.

- You'll receive
your mission briefing
after official GHOST training.
First, I need you to
assist me in the next step
of my investigation.
- Let me guess.
It's classified.
- Au contraire.
You'll be driving me
to your residence.
Your file states you
have two children.
I need to question them.
- Uh-uh.
[tires screech]
Agent Schloder, I
may work for GHOST,
but my kids don't.
- With a Decepticon
targeting youngsters,
they may have heard
something from their peers.
Playground chatter
saved my squad
in the Knee Slapper
Valley incident.
[bird chirping]
- [groans] [phone chimes]
- Now Mom says don't go home.
Why are you so nervous, Robby?
- Oh, I know this
one. It's because
- Because my little sister
won't stop bugging me.
- Okay. Then why
are you so grouchy?
- Wait.
Something's wrong.
The nuthatches stopped chirping.
- What's a nuthatch?
- Was I the only one who
looked at the nature display
[all screaming]
- A hologram pit trap?
Mom said Cons used these
in the Transformers war.
- Yeah. In fact,
the top was
[electricity crackles] [yelps]
- Like that.
- You just got to
get more momentum.
[tires screech]
[electricity crackles] [yelps]
Gotta take a moment
on the ground.
- Maybe we'll never get out.
Maybe we're stuck here.
Maybe those people that
attacked us last night
set this up to catch us.
- Someone attacked you?
- And you didn't invite us?
- It was no big deal.
- Spill.
- I couldn't sleep, okay?
Twitch and I went
for a walk and ran
into some GHOST creeps.
That's it.
- Why did you keep it a secret?
- Because I knew
you'd overreact.
- Don't feel bad.
We've only gone on night
walks four times this week.
- This week?
Why didn't you tell me?
- I don't have to tell you
every little thing in my life.
[tense music]
- Uh, too many feels.
I'm getting dizzy.
- Angry, hurt, sad,
pensive, scared.
- Scared yeah, getting
that one, loud and clear.

[dramatic music]

- Not who I was expecting.
- [sighs]
- We could say the same thing.
- GHOST is sweeping the area
for a dangerous Decepticon.
You are not our intended quarry.
- Like accidentally
catching chum
when you're fishing for bass.
Nature displays?
- Mr. Optimus?
- Whoa!
- I'm glad I was the
first to check this trap.
If GHOST had gotten to you
Terrans before I did
- They'd take you away forever.
- Fortunately, I always
prepare for the worst.
Uh, not that you're the worst.
I'll park you somewhere
GHOST will never
think to look for you.
- Good, 'cause we can't
go home right now anyway.
- [grunts]
["Jingle Bells"
playing on doorbell]
- Heh.
- Is that "Jingle Bells"?
- Oh, my favorite song all year!
Whoo. Heh.
["Jingle Bells"
playing on doorbell]
- Hide the bots,
hide the bots ♪
[gasps] Hide the bots!
Shh, shh. Bumblebee,
get in the barn.
- Sweetheart, we have company.
- [softly] The kids?
- [whispers] With Optimus.
- What?
- Ah, yes.
Early 20th century
craftsman aesthetic.
Big on charm, not defensibility.
You are?
- My husband, Doctor Alex Malto.
This is GHOST Agent Schloder.
- Oh, good good to meet you.
Nobody home but me,
and we definitely shouldn't
go into the backyard or barn.
- Hah. That's oddly specific.
[whirring noises]
Ah, yes.
The music of my quarry.
Well, I say let's dance!
[suspenseful music]
- Bee's in there.
- So stop him.
- How?
Wait, don't go in there.
It's my man cave.
- [grunts]
[electricity crackles]
- Oh.
- [whistles]
- Hah.
- The X-12 limited edition,
custom paint, turbo ejection,
seats that shift to
cradle your buttocks.
Yeah, I'm going to
have to commandeer
your vehicle for my mission.
- Oh, this car
is Is sensitive.
I'm the only one that
can drive him it!
- Not a problem.
That frees Ranger Malto
up for her GHOST training.
- Yippee.
- This will give you
access to the elevator
at the Ranger station.
Orientation is on level five.
Better study hard.
There's a test, a tough test.
It's called life.
[dramatic musical sting]
Let's roll.
Ah, cushy on my tushy.
[engine revs]
[car honks]
- Don't worry.
We'll use your cup
holders for drinks
and we won't eat
anything with crumbs.
[engine revs]
We won't eat anything. Got it.
- [sighs] We haven't
moved in a long time.
- Mr. Optimus said
he'd let us know
when it's okay to come out.
- It's never going to be okay.
GHOST already tried
to capture us twice.
- Then maybe you shouldn't
have been out with Twitch
in the middle of the night.
At least she doesn't
act like a whiny baby
when things go wrong.
- I am not a whiny baby!
- Are you two,
like, forever mad,
or you need a snack mad?
- [gasps] Giving
us superpowers mad!
- You have to be kidding me.
We couldn't be GHOS
without your spirit.
Mm, mm, mm.
- Ranger Malto, welcome
to GHOST orientation.
- Should have known
you'd be part of this.
Where are my kids?
- The safest place
I could think of.
Uh, help yourself
to some brochures.
- "How to con a Con,"
"Steel Handshake: The
Tale of Friendship."
"So you know how to transform.
Now how do you rebuild?"
Optimus, are you
serious with these?
- Mm, after decades of fighting,
humans have reason
to fear my kind.
We found that visual
aids and cheerful slogans
make us less scary.
Welcome, new recruit.
GHOST's main focus is
human-Autobot relations,
creating a safer planet for all,
and finding ways
that Cybertronians
can help Earth's communities.
Laugh, then cool pose.
Enjoy this informative film.
[bright music plays]
[birds chirping]
- I can't believe you're making
me be Schloder's errand boy.
- Whatever it takes
to keep this creep
away from Dot and the kids.
- Oh, powdered sugar
is not happening.
Picked up intel and snacks.
Multitasking at its best.
[car honks]
- Oh, sorry.
Just a short in the wiring.
- Ah. Not a problem.
I'll just give it the
old Poughkeepsie tickle.
[grunts, groans]
- [chuckles] Tickle that.
[computers whirring]
- Whoa.
- What is this place?
- My new favorite hang!
Ah ooh.
[device beeping] [whimpers]
[computer beeping]
- Whoa!
Bot sized, GHOS
logos everywhere?
I think we're in their HQ.
- Robby, Mr. Optimus
said stay put.
- This is why I hang
out with Twitch.
- Aww.
Did I miss Bring Your
Kid To Work Day again?
- Whoa!
- Thrash.
- Huh.
- Sorry.
- Never seen those bots before.
- Hey, hey, down there.
Show us your badges.
- Call back-up.
- Run!
- Get me Agent Schloder.
We have eyes on the
rogue Decepticon,
and now there's two of them.
- Close the door, close
the door, close the door!
- [grunts]
- [sighs] That was close.
- Okay, who's making
the ground move?
- Welcome back, Megatron.
Training level
set to Unicron 14.
- Help. Help me.
I need help!
- I'm not so sure he's
the one that's in trouble.
[devices whirring]
[mellow music]
[phone rings]
- Oh, pull over here.
[tires screech] both: Ugh!
- Easy on the brakes Alex!
[laughs] That's me.
- Classified call, civilian.
This is Schloder. Report.
- Sir, we have two
Cons in custody at HQ.
One matches the description
of the perpetrator
Small stature, Cybertronian
drone alt mode.
- Hold them there. I'll be
[screaming] Ugh!
Charles Dickens,
this car has issues.
Yeah, all right.
I'm on my way.
You're off the hook. I need
a more dependable ride.
My quarry awaits.
[synth music]
[tires screech]
Drive like it's the
salmon shortage of 1779.
[tires screech]
- Help. Help me.
I need help!
- It's not working.
Do buttons take days off?
- Help. Help me.
I need help.
- And then will you let us out?
[whirring] Whoa. Oh.
- Take cover!
- Oh.
- No reception.
I told you we should have
stayed in the trailer.
- And get caught
by GHOST out there?
Look around.
We have to protect
ourselves, Mo.
There's no promises for safety,
no guaranteed happy ending.
Grow up!
- I hate it when they're
mad at each other.
- We can use this to fight.

- [shouts]
Oh, yeah!
Feel the steel of
my third wheel!
- I don't want to be
mad at you, Robby.
- [shouts]
[both sigh]
- Aww, I liked you guys angry.
- Then you'll love us as a team.
[victorious music]
- Highlight of
orientation, right?
- Cheesy footage of Autobots
helping humans build a bridge?
Hmm. Not very subtle.
And what exactly does GHOS
do with the Decepticons
you catch?
- That's classified.
I'm sorry.
- So am I.
Bots and humans working
together is wonderful,
but why the secrecy
and the hard sell?
You sure you're on
the right team, OP?
- I wasn't always a
warrior, you know.
You humans have a saying.
When life gives you
lemonade, make lemons.
- Hmm.
- Point is, after the war,
GHOST was our best option
The only humans who
gave us the space
and the resources we needed
to keep this planet safe,
for us and you.
- Huh, it's like taking a job
with people you don't trust
to protect your family.
Maybe we have more in
common than I thought.
- Then let's go downstairs
and get your kids.
- Uh-uh. You
brought them here?

[both gasp]
- Uh, guys?
- Whoa!
- Gotcha!
- Thanks.
Something tells me this game
doesn't come with respawns.
- And it won't
stop until we win.
- Win how?
- Help.
Help me. I need help.
- I think Help Me
Kid might know.
- Then let's go say hi.
[devices chirping]
- Hey, look at me.
Game on.

[engine revs, tires screech]

[both grunt]
- Victory complete.
Would you like to play again?
Both: No!
[devices whirring]
- Yeah!
- All right, we did it!
- That's how you do it.
- Whoo!
[all cheering]
- All right!
- Freeze, Cons!
- Nice job, cadets.
Stand down. I'll
take it from here.
- But Special Agent
Schloder's orders were
- Are to leave Con
arrests to Bots.
You've done well.
Head to the mess hall.
Tell them lemons are on me.
- Hm.
- Mm.
- Lemonade.
- Right now, I
want all the hugs.
You can give me the
full story at home.
- Sorry, Bee. I
was in orientation.
It seems I missed your 28 calls.
- Optimus, it sounds
like GHOST has Twitch.
They think she's a Decepticon.
Schloder will be
at HQ any second.

- Oh.
Just like my sixth birthday.
- Secret exit.
I'm trusting you with
something not on the tour.
- Are we still inside GHOST?
- We make compromises to
protect those we care about.
I am not proud of this,
but I know no better option
to keep your planet safe.
I promise you I will
never stop seeking one.
[owl hoots]
[tapping on window]
- Huh?
Who is
[mellow music]
- Hey, Mo, want to
go monster hunting?
- I can tell something's
bothering you.
- [sighs] It's bad dreams.
Why I can't sleep.
I didn't tell you 'cause
I shouldn't be scared.
- Who says?
- I'm the big brother.
It's my job to be brave for you,
like when I used to catch
monsters under your bed.
- I stopped being scared of
monsters when I was three.
But I never told you 'cause
it was our special thing.
You don't have to
be brave alone.
You have me, and we
have Mom and Dad,
and all of us have the Terrans.
- What if we lose them?
- That's the scary part of love.
But it's still worth it, right?

Want to take Twitch and
Thrash monster hunting?
- With all of us together,
those monsters don't
stand a chance.

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