Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Analysis of the signal is complete,
Lord Megatron.
The death of Ultra Magnus
initiated a protocol
containing a hidden code.
The code was created
to travel from point to point
by piggybacking on core planet processors.
Much of which were built by the Autobots.
Alpha Trion.
It is inconceivable this would evade
our scans of Ultra Magnus.
Obviously, it did evade your scans.
What is its purpose? Who was it sent to?
The complexity of this code
is considerable.
We do not know.
If it's from Alpha Trion,
we have to stop it now!
I have a virus in my project vault
that can be programmed
to eradicate the Autobot code.
[groans] Another one of your secret
experiments that we don't know about?
[grumbles] Tell me more.
The virus will destroy all processors
and mainframes that contain the code.
[Soundwave] A large percentage
of Cybertron utilizes Autobot mainframes.
The Decepticons
would be adversely affected.
you're certain this virus
will destroy the clandestine Autobot code?
Yes, Lord Megatron.
I must caution
planet infrastructure
will be greatly damaged.
How do you suggest we deploy such a virus?
[Shockwave] By utilizing the code's host.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jetfire sighs]
I know it seems foolish
for me to show up here.
-How did you find us?
[Jetfire] No one else knows you're here.
If he found us,
other Decepticons could be on the way.
[Prime] Jetfire, why are you here?
I told you
I want to join the Autobots.
You're the head of the Seekers.
Why haven't you given
our location to Megatron?
-Are you setting us up?
-[Jetfire] No.
The truth, Jetfire.
Why are you here?
I won't help Megatron
wipe out an entire population.
That's not what I signed up for.
Then what did you sign up for?
I'm not sure anymore
but whatever it was,
it's not the same thing
Megatron fights for.
He's fallen into darkness.
It's not about Cybertron or our freedom,
it's about beating you at any cost.
He murdered Ultra Magnus,
a prisoner of war, locked in stasis cuffs,
and Megatron just shot him down.
Look, you don't have to like me
but you have to believe me.
Megatron plans to wipe
every single one of you out of existence.
I won't be part of that.
Let me help you.
[Wheeljack] Think you know a guy,
then he comes back with half
of Alpha Trion's legacy stuck in his head.
I didn't exactly ask for this.
If Ultra Magnus has chose you
to bear this honor,
then I know you are worthy.
I Yeah, worthy.
[sighs] Anyway, back in the golden age,
they had a whole system
for following the Allspark.
Right, and now you have that map
stuck in that head of yours.
We just gotta adjust it
for the current state of the planet,
determine where the Allspark can't go.
[Prowl] Life is worthless to them.
He could have easily murdered that Seeker
just to gain our trust.
I had that concern as well, Prowl.
So, what do we do with him?
Keep him locked in that cell
if you ask me.
[Prime sighs] What have you determined?
[Wheeljack] Yeah, well, maybe.
One moment, almost got it.
And I
Here! I found it, Optimus!
[Prime] Where?
[Wheeljack] The
Sea of Rust.
My recommendation would be to wait until
the Allspark reappears in a safer region.
Obtaining the Allspark, launching the Ark,
and activating the Spacebridge
must all happen in unison
for the plan to work.
That's precisely
why I'm questioning your decision!
Astro-cycles ago
you weren't even sure of this plan!
Please, continue to have faith, Elita.
With the Alpha Trion protocols,
Bumblebee has shown us
the location of the Allspark.
Look around you!
We're as low on faith
as we are on energon!
Need I point out, no Autobot
has ever returned from the Sea of Rust?
Well, no Autobot ever has
but Decepticons have.
[Elita] Did you learn this
from the Alpha Trion protocols?
No, from Dreadwing.
He's an energon scavenger I knew.
Before that, he was a Seeker.
The Decepticon Seekers
know how to navigate the Sea of Rust?
Yeah, they've mapped out the region.
Prowl, bring Jetfire to the bridge.
[Elita sighs]
[Ratchet grunting]
That should do it
for the energy regulation.
What's that mean, Doc?
[Mirage] It means,
we're ready to power this thing up.
Great job, Ratchet. You too, Impactor.
I can't wait to tell Optimus.
Don't get your wheels
before your chassis, kid.
It still has to turn on.
Once the Spacebridge is activated,
it's going to draw all the attention
of every Seeker in the sector.
[Ratchet] Can't be avoided.
One fully functional Spacebridge
coming up.
-[Mirage] Yes!
-[Chromia] Yes!
-[Sideswipe] Yes! Great!
-[Impactor laughs]
[Sideswipe] Yeah, this thing's working
but we have incoming!
[jet engines roaring]
How are we gonna hide
a freaking Spacebridge?
-[Mirage] Leave it to me!
Mirage, you can't handle
There's a reason I'm here on this mission.
Maybe this is it. [groaning]
[sighs] Mirage did it!
[Shockwave] Brain module penetrated.
[Soundwave] Initiating counter-protocol.
[Megatron] Mmm Poetic.
Ultra Magnus will now assist
in the total destruction of the Autobots.
[power hum increasing]
[electricity crackling]
Virus has been deployed, Lord Megatron.
[electricity crackling continues]
I mean the Decepticons
mapped the Sea of Rust long ago.
I can help you.
How can we trust you?
I don't blame you for being skeptical
but I assure you, I can help.
Too much is at stake
for us to trust a Decepticon.
You're out of options.
Who else can navigate you through the sea?
Who else can get you safely back?
You were law enforcement in Praxus, right?
Yes until the war.
I know all about
the core override utilized there.
I'll submit to one.
Core override?
It was a dark chapter in Praxus history.
Prisoners outnumbered law enforcement,
so the council created
core override implants as a deterrent.
What does that even mean?
It means we can
remotely trigger brain detonation.
Blow up his brain module?
you can exterminate me
at the first sign of deception.
This way you don't have to trust me,
you can just kill me.
Would be a quick procedure.
I don't like it.
But it's tactically the right move.
[Prime] Proceed.
Do not force us
to use this option, Jetfire.
I won't.
[Wheeljack] Uh Optimus?
We need to talk about
getting me some fuel.
I can get the Ark into the air,
but not without raw energon.
[sighs] If it's raw Energon you need,
I know someone.
Not this Dreadwing Decepticon again.
No, he's even worse than a Decepticon,
but if anyone has the raw energon,
it's him.
Elita-1, assign a detail
to accompany Bumblebee.
Hound, Prowl, and Moonracer
will join Jetfire and myself.
Optimus, it's bad enough
we're depending on a Decepticon
to lead us through the Sea of Rust,
now, we're bartering with someone worse
than a Decepticon for energon?
Oh, there's no bartering
with Soundblaster.
We're stealing it from him.
[Cog] So, you, uh
come here often?
[Bumblebee] Soundblaster's dome
is one of the few places left
that does open trading.
[groans] Don't get me wrong,
I'm thrilled we're just walking
into a criminal black market,
but did we have to bring
the last of the Autobot energon supply?
-[guard] Next!
-That's the only way we're getting inside.
If Soundblaster doesn't think
we have anything to offer,
he'll turn us away.
[guard grunts] You ain't welcome here.
-[Bot grunts]
-Get going!
-Point taken.
-[guard growls] Next!
Hold for weapons check!
-[Bumblebee grunts]
-[guard growls]
[grumbles] Go on!
Stay close.
Optics forward.
And try not to look like you fit in.
[engines revving]
[Prowl] Entering the forbidden sector.
[Moonracer sighs]
I've never seen anything like this.
Makes me miss guard duty back at the Ark.
Watch those electromagnetic bolts!
[Hound] Now he tells us!
[Jetfire grunts]
We must lure that lightning
out of our path.
Hold tight! [grunts]
Now! Forward!
That should take care of the lightning.
Now, we just have to watch
for metallic vortexes.
[Hound] Metallic vortexes?
[thunder cracking]
[Prime] Watch the clouds, Autobots.
We're getting reports from all over.
Three, no, five Autobot outposts down.
-Down? Reports of what?
-[Ironhide] Total system failures.
Wait, make that eight outposts.
Something's up.
[Shockwave] The virus has achieved
87 percent contamination,
Lord Megatron.
It will soon eradicate Alpha Trion's code,
no matter where it is on Cybertron.
Repeat infected!
Security systems f
Transmit to whoever's left.
"All Autobots report to the Ark."
-Operation Exodus is a go.
-You got it, Commander.
Wheeljack, Autobot mainframes
are going down all over the planet.
Whatever you have to do,
get this ship ready for space.
You get me that raw energon,
and I'll get you into space.
Elita-1 to Optimus Prime.
[sighs] Prime?
we've lost their signal.
[Prowl] Metal vortex?
There's a trick to avoiding the vortex.
We can survive it!
[Hound grunts]
[Prowl grunting]
[Prowl screaming]
[continues screaming]
[Hound grunts]
[Jetfire] I've got him!
[Prowl grunting]
[Jetfire groaning]
[both grunt]
[Jetfire grunts]
[Prowl grunts]
-[Prime] Are you OK, Prowl?
-[Prowl] Yeah.
I think I'm in one piece.
A Decepticon saving an Autobot?
It doesn't feel right
holding on to this thing
after you saved me.
But for the sake of the mission
you will.
[wind gusting]
Autobots, move.
He really does look like Soundwave.
Yeah, I wouldn't bring that up.
He's a little sensitive
about being a clone
and failed Shockwave experiment.
Got it.
If you ask me,
he's also got a few circuits loose.
[Soundblaster] Bumblebee!
Back so soon.
[Bumblebee] Yeah, well I'm on a roll.
You brought friends.
I thought you work alone.
Yeah, business is so good,
I thought I'd take on
an apprentice or two.
[distant voice] No, I must talk
to Soundblaster. Let me go!
He stole all our
[Soundblaster sighs]
where were we?
We have some uh
energon for trade.
Take them down to receiving.
[low whirring]
[Mirage groaning]
[loud thud]
[whirring ends]
Damn fool's nearly drained
his entire spark.
[jet engines roaring]
Show's over.
-Now, we fight.
-[weapons cock]
[loud thudding]
[zapping continues]
Network and mainframes, infected!
Wheeljack, come in! All hands
[Elita grunting]
[zapping continues]
[both grunt]
We've got a complete system failure.
No power.
Cloaking, holograms all down.
We're completely vulnerable.
A unit of my Seekers
have engaged in a fight with the Autobots
at a derelict Spacebridge.
Hmm, we've seen increased Autobot activity
near this Spacebridge.
[footsteps approaching]
[Shockwave] Lord Megatron.
Yes, Shockwave?
The virus has proven most efficient.
Multiple explosions in Sector Seven
have revealed a vanguard-class spaceship.
It was hidden beneath the surface.
[growls] The Autobots.
[Shockwave] We have located their base.
The Autobots are defenseless,
Lord Megatron.
Assemble every division,
every soldier,
every Decepticon we have.
I'll lead the charge myself.
This is the final day
of the Autobot Resistance.
[guard] Energon storage is here.
So, uh, look like enough, Arcee?
More than enough. Cog?
[Cog grunts]
[weapons cock]
[Arcee] Drop 'em.
So, uh, instead of a deposit,
I think we'll make a withdrawal.
[Bumblebee grunts]
[Soundblaster] You insult me, Bee.
You think Soundwave is the only one
with eyes in the sky?
I know who these Autobots are,
and dead or alive,
they're worth way more
than a few lousy cubes of energon.
[Jetfire grunts]
Optimus, the Allspark chamber is below.
Our window to grab it
won't last much longer.
Proceed with caution, Autobots.
[Prime] Something about this place
does not seem right.
What's bugging you, Prime?
A feeling
as if the Matrix itself sends a warning.
[increasing rumbling]
[rusty squeaking]
[Bots growling and gasping]
[Moonracer murmurs in panic]
[Bots grunting]
[Prowl] We're surrounded!
[Bots continue growling]
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