Trese (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[children snoring]
[door opens]
[uneasy music]
[irked sigh]
Let me know if they try anything.
[indistinct chatter]
[wind tribe leader] Let us see
what the lakan has to say.
But they are children.
Once again, you put all of us in jeopardy,
so you can assume
some sort of moral high ground, Anton.
[hard thump]
I was under the impression
that the accords were set up
to protect us.
If we cast out the innocent,
we set ourselves down the path to ruin
toward the outcome we all dread.
The children of Talagbusao
can hardly be considered innocent.
We aswang aren't part of this Council
to soothe our conscience.
Tell me if our purpose has changed.
The tribes and I will gladly leave
this little club if so.
The accords are in place
not only for our protection,
but for peace and order.
A better world for our children.
- The Lakan speaks the truth.
- [aswang leader] Ever the smooth fucker.
Perhaps there is merit
in the Lakan's words.
Better to simply wipe the blood
from the blade
than to go to war without.
It would do us good to fight fire
with fire if the God of War returns.
"If"? More like when.
We need to tie up all these loose ends
before that happens.
I will take responsibility for them.
The moment that those two
pose a threat to our safety,
I will put them down myself.
Surely this is acceptable to you all.
I accept the Lakan's offer.
As do I.
Then it is settled.
May we all be in balance.
[all] May we all be in balance.
[fire crackles]
[Anton] It wasn't their fault, Alex.
- [pen scribbling]
- I still don't trust them.
[uneasy music]
[book thuds]
Those two were raised to believe
that violence and murder
are games to be played.
We can show them
there is a better way to live
by giving them
what they need most right now.
What's that?
[Anton] A real family.
They will be guided by these.
All that death just hurts, Papa.
Of course, it should.
It is always painful
when something is lost.
[chair creaks]
But it is that same pain
that reminds us of what is at stake,
not just for us,
but for everyone we protect.
[Anton] Now, go on. It is late.
[somber music]
[theme music]
[eerie whispering]
[whispering in Latin]
- [pot boiling]
- [splashes]
[man groaning]
Do you believe in second chances?
Before I came to this place, I didn't.
I thought it was the end of the line
when they caught me.
Someone or something
was going to get me in here.
[Mayor Santamaria]
Before that could happen,
someone found me first
and granted me the means to change myself.
In doing so, that made me realize
it must be broken down and rebuilt.
- [light splash]
- [man gasps]
That's what I want to give to you.
The means to change yourself.
A second chance.
[nervous breathing]
- [slashes]
- [Mayor Santamaria exhales]
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[nervous breathing]
[man retches]
[deep exhale]
Sic itur ad astra.
[in English]
Manila remains under a state of emergency
as several more explosions
have rocked the city this week.
[reporter] After taking credit
for the attacks
and inciting the ongoing riots
at the New Bilibid Prison,
Mayor Sancho Santamaria's
recent statement
has left citizens
fearful for their safety.
[Mayor Santamaria] These first
few attacks are only the beginning.
A demonstration of our power.
More buildings will fall.
More lives will be lost.
It is only when we have lost everything
that we can truly begin anew as a country.
To forge a new and brighter destiny.
Change is coming.
Our ascent to the stars
cannot to be stopped.
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[in English]
In light of these events
[man] At least now we know
who to blame for this mess.
Aww, you think you can
actually take me on?
I don't have time for your games, Maliksi.
Say what you need to say.
My father sends his regards and a message.
The human bombers have hit
many of the tribes' places of power.
[Maliksi] The Armanaz building,
the aswang market,
and the higante armory.
Mayor Santamaria
has effectively declared humanity
an enemy of the Council.
Señor Armanaz wishes to inform the Lakan
that the Council has met
and made their decision.
The accords will no longer be honored.
The tribes must keep
the peace as they see fit.
By casting aside humanity?
By standing apart?
And the attacks were on both sides.
There's something bigger going on here.
And if we all want to survive,
the tribes need to be united.
I get that and I'm with you there, Lakan.
But my father was outvoted.
It's getting worse and worse.
They're even targeting the minor players
from the Underworld.
Jobert's place was just hit.
[Maliksi] He's fine.
You can't kill a ghost.
It's really every tribe
for themselves now.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for the message.
May the tribe of the Tikbalang
continue to walk in Bathala's light.
If anyone else from the Underworld
still owes you a favor,
I'd call them in now.
[Maliksi] And while the Tikbalang
can't officially say,
we will continue to support you.
I won't tell if you won't.
[uneasy music]
[siren wailing]
[machine beeping]
[magical ember crackles]
[dramatic music]
Jesus, bossing,
you look worse than I feel.
I think Amang Paso's dead.
He sacrificed himself to put up a barrier.
He was telling me that
It was Mayor Santamaria!
He's the guy pulling the strings.
Take it easy, Hank. Everyone knows.
I'm just sick and tired
of being the last one that does.
Do you remember anything about the bomber?
[pained groaning]
It's a blur.
He said that weird phrase. What was it?
Secure sad bastard?
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[in English]
"This way to the stars."
Anything else?
His eyes were weird.
They didn't look natural.
Like they were white.
[in Filipino]
[in English]
It's not the first time Mayor Santamaria
has used black magic.
[Alexandra] The mermaid bones.
His deals with the aswang.
Someone's always backing his play.
We get to the Mayor,
we'll know who that is,
then we find out
why all of this has been happening.
Oh, shit.
Let me get the car,
so we can ice this bastard
- [groaning]
- Rest up, Hank.
[Alexandra] It'll be a while
before the spell fixes you up.
I'm going to end this.
- [low static]
- [Jobert] There! You see?
- There!
- [loud explosion]
[keyboard clacks]
And you're all standing in the latest one.
[eerie music]
[digital whirring]
I'm glad you got me all this
temporary equipment for this little caper,
but would it have killed you
to get me a faster data plan?
Can I see the last one again?
- [keyboard clacks]
- [video rewinds]
[Guerrero] That's one
of the missing prisoners.
Two to one, if I check
on the rest of these men.
They'll all be from the prison.
What the hell are we dealing with?
Magic, Captain.
Far stronger than I would give
Mayor Santamaria credit for.
So it's pretty bad, then.
Well, at least we know the bombers
are coming from the prison.
But they keep getting past
the military perimeter.
Whatever defense they have set up,
it isn't good enough.
General Villar is the one in charge of it.
He's old-school and by the book.
Marco just got assigned to his staff.
I'll give him a call.
We'll meet you there.
I'm gonna take a friend's advice
and call in some favors.
[keyboard clacking]
This feels off, Alexandra. Are we ready?
[dramatic music]
[Anton] Can you hear me, Alexandra?
Are you ready?
[pensive music]
What if I fail?
Our lineage has a stand in between
the world of man and the supernatural.
But only when we have proven
ourselves worthy
by facing the trials
at the Great Balete Tree.
- [closet door opens, closes]
- [dagger swishes]
I don't feel ready.
You are the sixth child
of the sixth child,
the babaylan-mandirigma.
Healer and warrior.
You were born ready.
I wish I could go in with you.
She will have to do.
- [dagger shimmering]
- "She"?
[Anton] Sinag.
She's your twin, Alexandra.
I don't understand.
You told me my twin died at childbirth.
In a way.
I did everything we could
to save your sister.
[soft ringing]
[Anton] Forging that blade meant
that a part of her would always stay
and watch over our family.
Why are you telling me this now
when the trials are hours away?
This is when you need
your family the most.
The trials may seem daunting.
[Anton] But with Sinag,
you won't be facing them alone.
She will always be there beside you.
Your family will always
be there beside you.
[dramatic music]
[haunting music]
[haunting music continues]
[tense music]
[haunting music]
[music intensifies]
[vines rustle]
[aswang leader] Anton!
[aswangs growling]
[wings flapping]
[tense music]
Hold fast.
Remember why we are here.
[tense music continues]
[thunder roars]
[pelting rain]
[dagger slashes]
[groans, gasps]
[fatigued groans]
[somber music]
[gentle music]
[Hank] I knew it.
I knew you were still alive.
I never stopped believing,
not even for a second.
How long have I been gone?
Five years.
Felt like a hundred.
Where's Papa?
[Hank] He died protecting you.
We held the line at the tree.
Not all of us survived.
[Alexandra] There are so many things
that I didn't get to say.
I never even told him that
[shower running]
[emotional music]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music continues]
[pages rustle]
[hard thwacking]
[hair rustles]
[tense music]
[cloth rustles]
[tense music continues]
[ominous music]
[grub squelching]
Not that I'm ungrateful
for the back-up, ma'am,
uh, but I was hoping
for a lot more than magic.
I had hoped that after
we rescued your friends,
you'd have a little more faith in magic.
No offense, ma'am.
You serve long enough, you learn to trust.
- But it's important to verify.
- Sir, we shall stop to bust out some grub.
Good to know I have your trust.
General Villar is a stubborn one.
I can be very convincing.
- [hard thump]
- The Mayor's got
all the disposable bombers he needs.
If I don't go in there and stop him,
he will make good
on all of his insane threats.
You expect me to let you walk in there
because the Mayor has been
controlling the prisoners with magic?
Black magic, to be exact.
White magic respects free will.
Black magic enslaves it.
If you go in, you go in
with military escort,
and you answer to us.
Too many eyes on this thing
for me to make a mistake.
This is bigger than all of us, General.
I'm going in there with or without you.
[loud explosion]
[tense music]
[smoke hisses]
Oh, my god.
My professional assessment,
shit hit the fan.
[Mayor Santamaria] Let all those
who still doubt fear our retribution.
The winds of change
have finally blown in our favor.
Today, we burn down Malacañang.
Tomorrow, everything else.
[Villar] Incoming.
I want suppressing fire now.
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[in English]
Get down!
[soft ringing]
[ominous music]
All units, take down that son of a bitch.
[machine gun clicks]
[suspenseful music]
[stomach grumbles]
[flesh squelching]
What the hell are you all waiting for?
Take cover.
- [gunfire]
- [soldier groans]
[gunfire continues]
Not the best odds, bossing.
- We can totally take them.
- [sack rustles]
I think.
I don't have it in me to shoot
any of our people.
Isn't there anything we can do for them?
We have to end this quick.
We take the Mayor down,
we dispel the possession.
Non-lethal shots, then.
This isn't going to be easy.
It's the job. Cover me and try not to die.
Come on, boys.
- [slashes]
- [aggressive grunt]
- [gunfire]
- [soldier groans]
Is it always like this with her?
Pretty much.
[foreboding music]
[pained groan]
- [thuds]
- [metal clanks]
Free the men now.
Those men are free,
as you will all soon be.
Had you not exposed me
and sent me to prison,
I would have never met my benefactor.
Seems like a real nice guy.
Scoff if you must.
I made myself anew in prison.
Thanks to him.
This change would not come
overnight, though.
I needed a few items
to make things permanent.
[Mayor Santamaria] Tikbalang hair.
The ashes of a god.
The bones of the innocent.
The tears of a sinner.
All ingredients to give me
the power I have now.
I used what connections I had
to push things where they needed to be.
I suppose this benefactor of yours
had you test out your powers
by blowing up all those locations.
You're as sharp as they say.
Your friend at the parlor, he was a bonus.
[magical humming]
- [grunting]
- [earth rumbles]
Hey, little Trese.
Can't have you hurting my familiar.
[Basilio] That sneaky little shit.
[Crispin] Straight up,
I'm just going to kill him.
I know, I know.
Hurts not to see things coming.
We had an understanding, Nuno.
Only way a guy like me really thrives
is if nobody talks to each other.
The accords were bad for business.
And I was granted the power
to raze this country to the ground
and rebuild it back up again.
A mutually beneficial partnership.
The same partnership I once offered
to your father and the Council.
I could have lived with a "no."
All of them just have to laugh.
It's nothing personal, Lakan,
just revenge.
You hurt Hank. You made it personal.
[eyes zapping]
This ammo's not going to last.
[hooves clopping]
[guns clanking]
[Hannah and Amie whoosh]
See, girls, that's the look
I was talking about.
[wind blows]
- [groans]
- [smashes]
[tense music]
- [gunshots]
- [men groaning in pain]
[tense music continues]
[energy humming]
[earth rumbles]
[magical shield swishes]
[grunts, groans]
[heavy footsteps]
A righteous man has no weakness to show.
[earth rumbles]
[Crispin] Hard to get
a clean shot, bossing.
[Basilio] Can't we just blow them up?
[Crispin] Gago, they will
just put up their shields again.
You're both right.
Come around from behind, boys.
Make sure you distract the Mayor
and make those Laman Lupa
put up those shields.
[Alexandra] I'm on Nuno.
And whatever you do, don't stop firing.
[Crispin] What are you going to do?
Call in my last favor.
[Alexandra grunts]
[tense music]
[Mayor Santamaria laughs]
Give up this useless struggle.
Yeah, this guy's practically impenetrable.
- [energy humming]
- [yells]
That's what I'm counting on.
[suspenseful music]
- [phone beeps]
- [grunts]
[line dialing]
[Santelmo growls]
[fire roaring]
[loud explosion]
[deep exhale]
Close call, bossing.
They're all close ones.
[tranquil music]
No telling who else the Mayor and Nuno
roped into their scheme.
- We have
- Bossing, we just won.
Can't we have a drink and call it a day?
[Alexandra sighs]
Okay, but you two are buying.
We start first thing tomorrow.
[man] I don't think you'll need
to wait any longer.
[both gasps in surprise]
- [thumps]
- [swishes]
[both groaning]
Nuno and the Mayor
have served their purpose,
as have you all.
I commend you, little Trese.
I didn't think you'd make it this far.
It has been amusing watching you struggle,
but it is time for you
to face your true destiny.
[flesh squelching]
[Villa screaming]
[flesh rips]
- [blood splatters]
- [Villar shrieks]
[ominous music]
Sometimes at night ♪
I toss and turn ♪
Did I make ♪
A mistake ♪
Regret fills me up inside ♪
I won’t waste ♪
The legacy you passed on to me ♪
Be careful ♪
What you promise ♪
I fear no one ♪
When I feel you next to me ♪
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