Tribes of Europa (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Chapter 5

What will happen to you?
They'll take me
to the Crimson capital tomorrow.
There, I'll be executed.
This mission was the best chance
we've had in years,
and Father blew it.
He wants to bury the hatchet.
But that's good.
Our dear Father
wants to negotiate a truce
with Europe's greatest butchers.
But peace will only exist when the Crows
control the entire continent.
Then we need to prevent it.
We must do something! Tell me what. We--
Kill him.
to save your family,
the end justifies the means.
Sometimes it needs a monstrous deed
to steer history back
onto the right track.
He'll want to talk to you about Grieta.
I know he has plans.
You have to use this chance.
You're the only one
who'll get this close to him.
You hold the power in your hands.
Only you.
My guys will help you.
It's the right thing.
-Watch out. Merk.
Father wants to meet you.
21:00 in the control room.
Yes, commander!
Back to work, soldiers!
Tomorrow we'll go to the capital.
Are you in?
You are his only chance.
Have you heard from Grieta?
No, my Lord.
I need that damn Cube!
Can't be that hard
to find a little boy out there.
Send reinforcements.
You look innocent when you're asleep.
Don't you like it?
Good answer.
Lord Varvara.
What does it take to become a Crow?
How do I get a Boj?
You have no right to ask this, Lubovnik.
Choose a weapon!
No! Don't!
No Cube, no more money,
no women, no fame, no fortune.
And forget about the bike.
Shit man.
That won't help either.
True. But maybe the next one will.
We need to talk to him.
Forget it. That bastard took everything.
I'm lucky I still have my car, at least.
We screwed up. Okay?
Screwed up big time. Hey!
I heard
it's better to get drunk in company.
Let's go.
I'm having a déjà vu.
This reminds me of me and my dad.
Just that you're me, and I'm my dad.
My dad was a drunk too.
Good old Ziggy Sparwasser.
I learned everything from him.
He always wanted to go to Rome.
Thought it was better there.
No idea why.
We were caught unaware by the Red Legions.
I've been on my own since.
You're not alone.
I'm here.
We're a team, just like you said.
The two of us, Elja and Mo.
And you know what?
We'll get what's ours.
-Are you ready?
Why are you giving me that stupid look?
You have something to say? Say it.
Do you want something?
Why is he staring?
Why are you staring at me?
Tell Bracker to come out,
that old cock sucker.
Bracker, you bastard, come here!
What the hell is going on?
It's okay, man.
A neurotoxin, developed by Femen.
It takes effect after a few hours.
Painless cardiac arrest.
An old man passes away peacefully.
No one will suspect a thing.
You don't need to convince me.
I know what I'm doing.
This is a special moment.
Our Kapitan has invited me for dinner.
I expect perfect behavior.
Even the slightest mishap
will be severely punished.
-Yes, Lord Varvara.
-Yes, Lord Varvara.
Kiano is coming with me.
Impressive, isn't it?
It's the biggest city in Europa.
Nearly 80,000 people live here.
Warriors, slaves, lords.
You'll become one.
I'd deserve it.
Hail to the strongest!
Hail to the strongest!
I've already started eating.
I hope you don't mind.
Not at all.
The hover jet.
Karakow has completed his inspection.
Not a single thing could be recovered.
No plasma gun, no ion drive.
The thing is a worthless pile of junk.
how can we gain control of this continent
with a worthless pile of junk?
It's not black magic.
With an Atlantian Cube, we could do it.
Only then would we be able to find the Ark
and destroy our enemies
with Atlantian technology.
do you have it?
A Cube…
lands right at your feet,
and you…
don't grab it?
How are you?
Kiano, where did they take you?
To Lord Varvara.
I'm about to get a Boj, Father.
I'm going to win, and then I will be free.
-Then I'll free you.
-Don't do anything rash.
-Please, don't do that.
-Don't you believe in me?
There must be another way.
We will get out of here together.
But I don't want you to die.
I won't.
One word,
and I'll kill you.
One word,
and she will kill you.
That would be all.
Next time,
we'll go hunting in the Tiergarten.
I have panthers there now.
How nice, Kapitan.
One more thing.
I will appoint Lord Ulrik
to be the seventh at my side.
A wise choice, Kapitan.
I'm sorry.
Dewiat, you're coming with me.
You will be punished, Kiano.
I'm sorry, Sam.
That's his death sentence.
Atlantian mission, saving the world.
The best bluff ever or is it true?
Did you lie to me the entire time?
Tell me!
Of course it was a bluff.
We'll sell the Cube.
Let's get out of here quick!
Yes! Here, you go and start the car.
-Let's get out of here quick.
-It won't take long. Mosian promise.
You couldn't do it.
Father promised me
to exchange Grieta for my family.
I'll go to Brahtok with the delegation.
I am sorry.
Don't apologize for acting
according to the principles of your tribe.
I accept that.
I will always fight
for my convictions too.
No matter what
or who stands in my way.
Will our story end because of idealism?
It's not over yet.
Believe me.
Trust me, please.
I'll see you again, Commander.
She's awaiting you.
Do you like him?
It's a shame
to lose two Lubovniks in one day.
Take it!
I'm giving you the opportunity
to carry out your own death sentence.
Think hard about whether you'll take it
or not.
The heart.
Do it.
And do it with honor.
Or I will strip you of all your honor,
like I did with Dewiat.
Place the dagger on your chest!
And do it slowly.
Bleed like a Crow.
Die like a Crow.
It will be a good death, Kiano.
A Crow death.
A death with honor.
Do it.
My name
You will fight your Boj with this dagger.
Don't disappoint me.
Subtitle translation by Julia Göllnitz
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