Trickster (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

We lure trickster here.
And kill him right this time.
There was a
time when we were all family.
Witches, tricksters, ancients.
There's a rite of passage.
An ancient ritual.
One day you must kill me.
Here you go.
Want me to eat this for you too?
When were you gonna
tell me that I'm a freak?
You're not a freak.
And I didn't know you were a.
Well until you had your.
Sprouted feathers?
Yeah, that was real deadly, hey?
You know, I can't wait
to show all my friends.
I wonder if I should
pull a raven out for them.
Before or after I kill my dad.
You know, I don't
need your shit right now.
I have other things
to worry about.
What a surprise.
Where you goin'?
I'm not letting you
out of my sight.
Sit down.
Back off!
Morning everyone.
Where the hell are they?
You did a number on them, mags.
They're probably still
lickin' their wounds.
Well so will you if
you don't get out.
Well, if he goes, I go.
Cute, jared.
Actually, that's what I
wanted to talk to you about.
You're leaving?
So while you're
getting outta town,
I'm gonna go hunt
those rat bastards down.
And finish 'em off.
Sophia's right.
Don't go anywhere near them.
They're dangerous.
So am I.
I'll drive him to school.
Probably the
safest place for him.
You watch him walk
through those doors.
Tick tock.
I need to take
jared to vancouver.
The fuck you are!
Thanks for the ride.
I'm sorry I wasn't around.
I shoulda been there for you.
For your mom.
Why'd you leave?
I was running from me.
Thing is, wherever
I went, I showed up.
I had this anger that
was burning inside.
It started when they
took me to that school.
I was angry at the
nuns and the priests.
My parents for lettin'
them take me there.
The booze put out
the fire for a while but.
Eventually it stopped working.
Was it hard to give up booze?
Next to leavin'
you and your mom,
It was the hardest
thing I ever did.
Turns out it was also the best.
Do you have a lighter, dude?
Yeah, I got one. Here.
I just wanna be a normal kid.
You're still you, jared.
There's no escapin' that.
That's also the secret.
I'm glad you're back.
Me too.
How goes?
Didn't think I'd see you today.
Why not?
Figured you had
something else to do.
Yeah, plannin' on flyin'
south for the winter.
Hey man, you wanna play
some video games after school.
Or something like that.
I can't.
Hey, you didn't
tell anyone did you?
Tell who what?
What am I gonna tell them?
You know I'm still me, right?
Are you?
I need to train jared.
Teach him how to protect
himself from the ancients.
What do those things
want with my boy?
Not just
jared, they're after me.
They hunt tricksters.
Don't fuck with me.
I haven't had my morning coffee.
They're from another realm.
They're desperate
to get back home.
What's stoppin' 'em?
They need trickster blood.
To open the door between
this world and their own.
As soon as they recover,
they'll come for jared.
But I know how to stay
one step ahead of them.
And I'm the only one who
can teach jared how to do that.
But I need to do it
before he takes over.
Before he kills you.
I'm telling you the truth.
Let me help our son.
I just want what's
best for jared.
Me too.
You slippery fuck,
you're lying to me!
Metal bonds.
You're late.
I'm sorry.
Wake n' bake?
Bold, I like it.
I'm just tired.
Dude, tired of
being level-headed.
This town ain't the same.
Without your eight-hour
bean rides, man.
Get back with the shit.
Flip that candy,
Move hearts and minds.
Dylan, just leave me alone.
Bro, just knock it off.
Bro, be quiet.
Dude, what up?
Jared, are you all right?
There he goes.
Rough day?
No I'm fine.
Where are you going?
Wherever you're going.
Can't you take a hint.
Or do I need to
put it on a poster?
Is that a peace offering?
It's supposed to help you relax.
Seems to work for me.
You know, I've had
it with this place.
My mom, my dad, my dads.
My work, my school.
Fuck 'em all.
Yeah, fuck 'em all.
You know, I should just
do what you do and leave.
Where to?
I'll go anywhere but here.
I'm an expert at getting lost.
Maggie, calm down.
Calm is for pussies.
They want a trickster,
I'll give 'em a
goddamn trickster.
I'm gonna cook a
massive batch of e.
And then I'm gonna
sell it to the chronics.
And I'm gonna ditch this town.
And go where?
I don't know.
Anywhere where I
can hide in a crowd.
Maybe vancouver.
How are you getting there?
You got a place to stay?
In a hostel and then I'll
move into my own place.
To get your own place
you'll need a security deposit,
Deposit for utilities,
Definitely references.
Wait, references?
Duh, you're native.
Most landlords don't
want to rent to us.
Can you do a white
person's voice?
It's a stupid plan.
Jared, what is going on?
You know, my
grandma she hunts and traps.
Elk, rabbits, otters.
She kills 'em, skins
'em, and cooks 'em.
Food and clothing,
stuff like that.
You know, when I was
a kid she told me that.
The animal will only
offer you its body.
As a gift if you honour it.
And she said,
'that the animal
is giving its life
'so you can live'.
You know, I couldn't do it.
Look an animal in its eyes.
And see it looking back at me.
You know, and just kill it.
All right, captain bring down,
Take off your clothes.
Mom, call me as
soon as you get this!
Jared, do not leave that school.
Not for anything,
A joint, a cigarette, nothing.
I will pick you up
right after school.
Hey, what the
hell are you doing?
I'm givin' 'em what they want.
Pull over, let's talk.
No, we did.
You said those skin
freaks want a trickster,
I'm givin' 'em a trickster.
Mags, you need me.
Jared needs me.
I'm the only one
who can help him.
Tell me where they are!
I have no idea.
Fuck it.
Where are they?
I-I don't know.
I can't kill you for good.
But I sure can hurt you.
Little falls campground!
I'm so sorry.
I don't understand.
You-you want me to sew?
I was scared of water
until I was like 10.
Moved around a lot so I
never learned how to swim.
You're a pretty good swimmer.
For someone who's never learned.
My auntie taught me.
I thought you said you
didn't know any of your family.
Not my biological
one, a foster parent.
Stayed with her
for like two years.
She was legit trying
to adopt me too but.
She died.
I'm sorry.
Ancient history.
My mom threw me
off the end of a dock,
Almost drowned.
Sink or swim.
Story of my life.
Well, you're a
pretty good swimmer.
For someone who never learned.
Yeah, I don't.
I don't know what's
goin' on lately.
I just.
I feel so strange.
I feel like a freak.
You're not a freak.
Hey cal.
Hey maggie.
Haven't seen you around.
Yeah, I was on vacation there.
I went up the coast fishing.
Nothing like some fresh pink.
Yeah, I got some
fillets in my freezer.
I can bring 'em
over if you want 'em.
Remind me again
why I didn't marry you.
Listen, we got a 911
call about a kidnapping.
Description matches this truck.
Cal, you know I'm many
things but, I'm no kidnapper.
It's probably a rat.
You got keys for that?
Um, no, I borrowed
the truck from a friend.
Can't hurt to
take a look, right?
Cagey fuck.
You were right,
It was a rat with wings.
Listen, maggie, it's really
good to see you again.
Yeah, you too, cal.
See ya around, take care, okay?
Do you always
do whatever you want?
Pretty much.
And you don't ever feel guilty?
Guilt is a colonial thing.
There isn't even a
word for it in heiltsuk.
You know, if we
walked the other way.
We'd come by a cemetery.
It's old but not like old old.
Settler disease
almost killed everyone.
Wiped out the wolf and
frog clans completely.
The, overnight
death, they called it.
I shouldn't have
stayed over last night.
No, I, I don't regret it.
Then what?
The foster units,
They're talkin' about
gettin' rid of me.
I like it here.
They can't just ship you off.
Yeah, they can.
But that's bullshit.
Can't you just talk to
them or something?
Come to vancouver with me.
We can leave right now.
All set?
How'd you pay for those?
You have a credit card?
Until the foster units
find out and cancel it.
We gotta document
our adventures.
I won't post 'til we're
lost in vancouver.
I don't need child
services looking for me.
They're like the
fucking gestapo.
Hey, sarah?
What's up?
Come on.
Our future awaits.
Put the gun down.
What the fuck is this?
Put it down.
What are you doing?
What does
it look like I'm doing?
I'm sewing.
I can't wait
to get to vancouver.
I hear there's this
amazing ice cream place.
That we have to try.
What's your favourite flavour?
Lame but okay.
I've never been on a
ferry before, have you?
If you're too chicken
shit just say so.
I'm a trickster.
No, sarah, I'm serious.
I'm a fucking trickster.
I sprouted feathers.
These crazy
creatures are after me.
And my dad says one
day I have to kill him.
For this ancient ceremony thing.
You're an asshole.
They're not our enemies.
The fuck they aren't.
They need trickster blood.
To take them back to
wherever they came from.
Ain't that right?
That's true.
But it's not the whole story.
Enlighten me.
Only a trickster
can kill a trickster.
Yeah, that's why wade
said jared has to kill him.
Except wade doesn't want to die.
Hey mom?
Hello, son.
Hey, is my mom home?
Just us.
It's time, son.
You hungry?
I'm starving.
I know it's hard.
Believe me,
I've been in your shoes.
But it needs to be done.
It's the way it is.
The rules are stupid.
It's not a rule.
It's tradition.
Well that doesn't make it right.
Don't you want me to be free?
It's time for me to
go be with my father.
But you're my father.
And I haven't even
gotten to know you yet.
You're a good kid, jared.
Good young man.
But there comes a
time in a man's life.
When he needs to
reckon with himself.
Accept who he is.
Do what needs to be done.
No, I can't, I won't.
You don't get to choose.
Where are we going?
Not far.
Just to the shore.
Well, you're kinda
freakin' me out.
I'm sorry.
Beautiful day.
You ready?
It'll be okay, son.
Why are we here?
Part of the ceremony.
No, dad, I can't.
I can't do this.
I don't want you to die.
I know.
It's unfair.
That for you to
live I have to die.
Or for me to live,
You have to die.
I'm not gonna die.
You are!
No, please.
No, dad, you-you don't
have to do this, please.
No, no!
No, mom, no!
Ran outta money, finally.
Jared's been lookin' for you.
I need your help.
What's the matter?
Do not freak out.
As if. I've seen a
dead animal before.
What the?
Shhh! He's okay.
You need to trust me.
He-he's not dead?
Jared is a trickster now?
What, are you high again?
We need to call an ambulance.
I need pliers now!
Who shot him?
I did.
- What the hell, maggie!
- Not now!
Holy shit.
You killed me.
To save you.
It was so dark,
everything was dead,
Everything was dark.
Don't talk, just rest.
I gotta go call my mom.
Don't leave his side.
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