Triptych (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Agua y aceite

Aleida, Eugenio.
The board's waiting.
- This way.
- Of course.
- Come. Come, Aleida.
- Yes.
- Laura.
- Rogelio.
- How are you?
- Good, you?
Better, fortunately.
- Hello, Laura.
- Sir, nice to see you.
Your chair.
Of course. That's so silly.
- It's jet lag.
- Sure is.
Where do I sit?
Folks, the financial statements
are being circulated.
I need to take a minute really quick.
Start without me. Excuse me.
Thank you, Sol.
We have an emergency.
She was here.
At my office.
We have to talk.
She's alive.
What happened? What?
Hey, tell me what happened!
You said you saw Aleida's body?
What methodology are you using
to evaluate the share price?
I confess, I'm unclear.
Are you using book value
or some liquidation discount?
And what multiplier have you used
to revise dividend rates
to our shareholders?
Magnificent questions. I'm so pleased.
Pleased particularly as one
of my announcements relates to this.
Everybody's heard the rumor
of the takeover at Áurea
by our friends at Global Group.
And the first thing I want you to know
is that despite the deceitful efforts
of some who are present,
it won't succeed.
Today, I've made arrangements
to have all trading
in our company stock suspended.
Only until we can arrange
for the buyback of all controlling shares.
This is nuts. How is this possible?
And and how do hospital records
just disappear?
Could they have kidnapped her from there?
Becca, Becca, I understand.
I know you want your sister to be alive,
but I ID'd her body.
I was there when Eugenio
and her mother identified her.
Then it was Tamara.
You can't make this decision.
You may be the president, Aleida,
but the whole board should vote on this.
Very well, Laura.
If that's what you want, we will.
But first, please permit me to impart
the second announcement
I have to share.
Mr. Mendiola, please, join us.
I believe you all know him.
This is Mr. Mendiola.
Our public notary.
While I was traveling in the orient,
I had the opportunity
to reassess some aspects of my life.
when one spends time alone traveling solo,
one may have epiphanies.
I realized
what's truly important in my life.
The document that I've just signed
gives total ownership of all my shares
to my husband Eugenio Sáenz,
giving him a majority 66% of the stock.
If you'd still like to call
for a board vote, Laura,
please proceed now.
It's certainly within your rights.
But we all know how it will turn out.
In conclusion,
I want you all to know
I'm resigning definitively
as president
of Áurea Talent International.
My resignation will be effective
at the end of this meeting.
my husband and controlling shareholder,
will advise you all
as to the future direction
of this cherished company.
That was awesome!
- Oh!
- Careful, they're watching you.
I am so stoked!
I love it here.
Nice chair.
Don't you think your star
deserves some applause?
Or maybe a corporate pat on the shoulder?
Do you know her?
Do you know her?
No, I don't know her.
But the resemblance is surprising.
Do you know her or not?
I don't!
I've never seen that woman before,
and I reacted strangely
because she looks just like me.
I don't believe you.
You told her you'd be here.
I said, "No, I don't know her".
I've never seen that goddamn woman before.
Listen to me,
if she knows who you are,
she might've followed you.
She had no idea, but so what?
We got what we came for, right?
-We're not done yet!
- What is this?
How long have those two
been working together?
What's next, then?
Quezada will solve this.
Who's Quezada?
I don't like where this is going.
- Shh.
-What do you mean?
I'll have them investigate her.
Eugenio, I'm confused.
The receptionist said that
Who's that?
Aleida's mother.
Who is this woman?
let's go somewhere private,
and I'll explain.
This explains a lot.
Her feigned indifference,
and the fact
that she knew Aleida passed away,
even though it was never made public.
Let's go over what happened
the day that Aleida died.
You said that you reviewed
the medical reports
and nothing was unusual.
No, everything was straightforward.
- Shit.
- What?
At the time, I didn't know the link
between Eugenio Sáenz
and the hospital where she died.
This was all in the works for a while.
I'm starting to think he knew we existed
and may have told Aleida.
Could be why
he took her out of the clinic.
But he didn't expect her
to unravel the way she did.
No one could have.
But the rest was all thought through.
Grab your wife from the hospital
using all your contacts,
who also help you cover up her death,
and then you bring in the double.
And you become
the master and lord of it all.
But what about Tamara?
I don't think Tamara wants to be Aleida
for the rest of her life.
And Quezada.
How does he fit in?
What kind of information
does he have on you?
What's that?
I'm seeing Dr. Bátiz.
- I'll take you.
- Mmm.
No, no, no, no, no.
Absolutely impossible.
was an only child.
She had no siblings.
Your theory is wrong.
Pilar, it's the truth.
Aleida knew it.
She had hired a private investigator
to locate her two sisters.
Federico and I
expended great resources to adopt her.
It was handled through
the best agency at the time.
It was private and professionally done.
If Aleida had had siblings,
I'm certain they would've informed us.
I can't believe any of this.
it doesn't matter now.
Like it or not,
Tamara is the best option we have
to keep Aleida's company
from those vultures.
This woman is a drug addict
who pales in comparison to Aleida.
Everyone is bound to notice.
Please don't!
Pilar, without her signature,
we would've lost control of Áurea today.
The company's reigns
can't be left to that
I used her to prevent a hostile takeover.
It's what Aleida would've wanted.
I'm saving her name and her company.
Had I not witnessed over the years
how much you loved my daughter,
I'd be going to the police now.
And how much are you giving her?
I don't need to know the number.
But you best protect yourself
from becoming a bottomless pit.
She could extort you
for the rest of your life.
I'll ensure that Tamara sees this through
and disappears forever.
Eugenio knew. Tamara knew.
The only person who had no idea
we were triplets was me.
It's hard to believe that Aleida
didn't tell him what she found out.
Why wouldn't she want him
to know about us?
And you made him believe
her feelings were hallucinations.
Unless, of course, all of this was some--
Sinister plot Eugenio and I hatched
to have her locked away in the clinic.
That's what you were getting at, right?
Is it true?
Did you help Eugenio get rid of my sister?
Rebecca, I don't think
I deserve this interrogation.
But I get it.
If I were in your shoes,
I'd feel suspicious too.
The husband and the shrink
make his wife lose her mind
to push her out of the picture.
- Is there another explanation?
- Yes.
Aleida didn't tell us about you
because Aleida
Well, she didn't even know you existed.
And Tamara?
All those phone calls?
If you think this through,
there is one person
who'd want to find Tamara,
and that would be Eugenio.
I had a call from this number.
Who is this?
Your speculation
is understandable.
You were accustomed
to thinking as a policewoman.
You can strut scenarios that
might not necessarily reflect reality.
I didn't make this up.
Tamara masquerading as Aleida
right beside Eugenio isn't my imagination.
What would you like me to do, Rebecca?
I don't know.
I have to start over.
I have to go back to the day we were born
and find out what happened.
Why we were put into
such different situations.
Why were we separated?
And I want to know how Eugenio's family
is involved with all of this. Hmm?
Maybe you can help me with that angle.
You think?
I'll do what I can.
But I'm going to need you
to tell me all about your adoption.
I need the whole story.
What time is it?
- Did my mother leave?
- Yeah, she's been gone a while.
She didn't want to disturb you.
I bathed the kids,
gave them dinner, and tucked them in.
And I made you dinner.
I'm not hungry.
Okay, but you have to have a few bites.
I'm not hungry.
- How about some ice cream, then?
- No, please don't. No, don't do this.
- Stop it, please.
- Stop taking care of you?
- No, quit the charade.
- Huh?
Stop pretending we have a perfect,
loving marriage and you're a good husband.
- Marifer, please--
- Marifer what?
Marifer what?
We're done.
I know about your affair, Humberto.
The crazy thing is
you're not even trying to hide it.
You're wrong.
You've been seeing her.
How you doing?
You landed yet? Hmm?
Get away, you bitch!
What the fuck, dude?
- You're a fucking traitor.
- I didn't do nothing.
Let go of me!
Get off of me! Get off of me!
- Get the fuck off!
- Tamara, what the hell?
For what it's worth, they weren't supposed
to bring you here against your will.
Thank you.
You're a gentleman and a gangster.
I'm not a gangster.
And you're free to go.
I didn't know how to reach you.
If I walked into the police station,
I'd risk getting arrested
for everything that's been going on.
For fraud and for identity theft.
And kidnapping.
And for racketeering
and for conspiracy and maybe homicide.
I could go on.
Look, don't judge me
until you've heard
my version of how and why
things have happened as they have.
Hear me out,
and then you can report me if you want.
Hey, hang on.
I'm out of here before any of that.
If you end up in jail,
that's your problem.
But you owe me a million bucks,
and I want it.
You're paying her a million dollars
to pretend to be your dead wife,
and you're telling me
you're not a criminal?
Because I'm not!
I did it all for love.
I was in denial a long time.
I believed all the usual bullshit.
That it was just about sex.
That it was a temporary indiscretion.
I thought this would bring us
closer together, but
I have no illusions anymore.
it's all so exhausting.
It is exhausting.
- Hey, do you know what I think?
- What?
Let's not do this now.
This isn't the right time.
When would the right time be?
When the baby's born?
No. I think you want to keep this going
until all three kids are grown up
and out of the house.
That's when you'll go
without feeling guilty for leaving.
You'll do exactly
what my fucking father did.
Don't fucking compare me to your father.
It's not fair.
You're behaving just like he did.
So what's the difference, Humberto?
Of course, you're a cop,
with an excuse to be out all night.
Does that make you less of a liar?
Let's not do this now.
I don't want my children growing up
with the same pain I had.
I will no longer pretend
we love each other.
That we're a perfect couple
and all's well.
'Cause all I want to do when I see you
is beat you till you're dead.
Get out of this house.
She knew.
She tried to tell me about you.
She knew she had two sisters.
But instead of believing her,
you had her locked away.
No, that's not true.
Aleida had been diagnosed.
She was being treated for mental illness.
Her hallucinations
were getting worse every day.
She was admitted
when she had a psychotic break.
She was convinced that this house
was on fire and that our son was inside,
which clearly wasn't the case.
So why did you take her out when you did?
Because I'm an idiot.
I guess part of me
- just wanted to believe in her.
- The doctor says you have to stay here.
I know what she says.
I'm not schizoid.
I don't have
multiple personality disorder.
You don't believe me, but I'll prove it.
I wanted to give her
a chance to demonstrate
that she was still herself.
That's why I took her out
without authorization.
Then what?
And when we were driving home
she wanted to go to the bathroom.
So I turned into a gas station.
Then, out of nowhere,
I was hit from behind
and I blacked out.
When I came to,
Aleida was gone.
And so was the car.
Why didn't you report any of this?
Because I was numb.
And my cell phone was in the car.
I wasn't thinking clearly.
I had absolutely no idea
what Aleida was going to do.
I have to answer this call.
What's up?
Do you believe him?
I actually do.
You believe what suits you.
I don't buy that good husband bullshit.
But I'm not for sale.
If you'll get off your high horse,
I'll give you two reasons
you shouldn't turn us in.
First of all,
we're sisters.
It's really not cool
to rat out a family member.
That sounds like horse shit.
And the second?
You wanna know about us, right?
So think about it.
You'll get more information
if I'm here than in the tank.
What's this?
Anything and everything
you've ever wanted to know about Aleida
but were too afraid to ask.
"State of New York"?
Aleida was adopted in New York?
How about that?
Our little sister's American.
Gonzalo Fuentes Acuña
and Dolores López de Fuentes.
No, the adoption was never finalized.
But they did make several requests
between 1986 and 1990.
Right. what I'm specifically looking for
is the name of the social worker
your department assigned to the case.
Want some?
Dude, come on, let's share.
I don't want any.
I told you I don't drink.
Do you get obnoxious or go crazy or what?
Please let me concentrate.
If Aleida was adopted through a US agency,
why were you and I in Mexico
and adopted under
such different circumstances?
What if we're American citizens?
Hey there, sister.
All right,
what do you know about yourself?
Who were your parents?
What were their names?
I told you I know squat about my dad.
My mother's name
was Francisca Sánchez Rascón.
I have her last name
because she was a single mother.
Are you sure she was your birth mother?
She might've birthed us all.
I'm not 100% sure she was.
Who knows.
Would she have carried all three of us
and only given away two?
Hey, wait.
She sold you.
My mom was an alcoholic,
and, you know, she sold you.
I have no idea
why she didn't get rid of me.
But that story doesn't fit
with what my mother told me.
Dolores said she didn't pay for me.
I don't know, dude.
Oh my God. Wouldn't it be cool
if we were like Pinky and the Brain?
Lab rats, you know what I mean?
What if we're clones?
Imagine if
there are a lot more of us.
Like ten, 12, a shitload.
What if?
Yeah, Tamara, stop.
I need to track down the woman
who delivered me to my parents.
She was a social worker.
Do you have your birth certificate?
Because it could give us
something to go on.
I left it with my ex-neighbor.
But I can't go back there.
You've done all you can for me.
Save yourself.
You still have time.
Did you find it?
Raquel, wait.
When Tamara lived her,
apart from the problem
she had with your husband,
did she have trouble with the police?
Why do you ask?
Because I want to know
the real reason she's in hiding.
Why don't you ask her?
Look, Raquel.
I work for the police.
If you don't want to tell me,
I'll find out anyway.
She set fire to a kitchen.
A kitchen?
They made drugs.
You're saying she torched a drug lab?
You're gonna have to expedite that.
That doesn't make sense either.
Turns out her birth certificate
has more fake facts
than I don't know what.
The civil registry shows no record of her
or the woman she says was her mother.
And apparently,
she's a pyromaniac.
She firebombed a meth lab.
Go figure.
What's wrong?
Marifer kicked me out.
Let me see your outfit.
You look nouveau riche.
Aleida wouldn't wear so much jewelry.
Take that off.
And this, and this, and this.
First up, we have an event at the shelter.
You won't be required to give a speech,
but they want you to read a story
to some children.
Can you read?
Later this afternoon,
Dorita will meet you here
to help you with your hair and makeup
for this evening's event.
You'll be stunning as you officially
renounce your presidency.
Here's a speech I've wrote for you.
You may want to look it over.
- Questions?
- Yes.
Aren't you just a tiny bit curious
to know where I come from?
Who I am?
And why your daughter and I
didn't grow up together?
Those questions do not have
any relevance at this moment.
My mother was drunk all the time.
A car hit her.
What year was that?
In 2005?
How'd you know?
My father died the same year.
He was mugged.
No way.
You had a psychologist boyfriend?
Psychologist girlfriend.
She was great.
And once a month,
we'd have a visit from a social worker
who'd give me a whole lot of tests.
Did she film you?
This is crazy.
This can't be a coincidence.
But what does it mean?
But the dream is not over.
My time at the foundation
will end tonight.
But the good work will continue
under the careful watch of Pilar Mancera,
my dear mother.
Thank you.
Congratulations, Pilar.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Fuck it.
You okay?
What's up? Is it me?
You okay with this?
You're here because you got thrown out.
But I'm here.
Where I want to be, living with you.
Humberto, things aren't what they were.
Things are different now.
I'm not drinking.
I'm not a desperate woman
who's just dying to be with you anymore.
Do you still love me?
My world is no longer just you.
Do you understand?
I'm gonna ask you again.
Do you still love me?
You don't get it.
You know what you mean to me.
I'm addicted to you.
I'm getting a divorce.
Marifer is pregnant.
Yes, Rebecca, I know it's late,
but it's important that I see you.
Can you come to my house?
- Of course we'll see each other again.
- Thank you. See you soon.
Thank you for coming.
- Thank you. Be well.
- Best of luck.
- Um, the meal was good.
- Yes.
- We done?
- Good night.
Take care.
Oh no, you may not leave till we talk.
Patricia, I'm not feeling well.
I just need a minute.
No one can leave until we take a picture
with the outgoing president.
Come on, come on, Pilar.
- Come on.
- Bring the family.
I would love to.
Pilar, you and your daughter.
Here, Mommy.
- Let's do this.
- Of course.
Say, "Whiskey"!
Excuse me. I'll be back.
Is something wrong?
No, she's just emotional.
Where'd you go?
You bitch.
This is why I hate working with rookies.
So sentimental.
Mom, are you in here?
I just want to
cry for my daughter.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Come with me.
This is Beatriz Fonseca.
She was the social worker
who gave you to your parents.
Lovely to meet again.
Beatriz was there when you
and your sisters came into the world.
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