TrollsTopia (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Manager Poppy - The Snug-a-lug Situation

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else! ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice! ♪
Stand up and sing along! ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now ♪
Our melody's ringing ♪
We're living in harmony ♪
Yeah, we're
living in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger ♪
With every Troll singing ♪
We're living in harmony! ♪
Thundershock! Thundershock!
Thundershock! Thundershock!
Val's show doesn't even start
for eight hours
and look at all these Trolls
already lined up!
Well, yeah!
Word is Val's concerts
are a non-stop thrill ride.
I heard she opens
by dropping from the sky.
I heard she smashes her guitar
into a million pieces!
I heard
the pieces transform into birds
which carry you off
to a city in the clouds
where you're crowned greatest DJ
of all time!
Wait, did I hear that
or did I dream it?
Either way, I'm ready to rock!
Way to show support
for a fellow Trollstopian!
And, speaking
of showing support
Val! I came by to say,
break a hair!
I can't tell if you're upset or
this is just your regular face.
Upset! My band manager,
Demo, had an accident.
Oh, no! What happened?
He was sharpening up his hair
spikes for the big show when
This should be
the most epic night of my
nay, all our lives!
Yeah! Woo! ♪
- Geez! Is he okay?
- Of course I'm not okay!
I can't manage like this! The
show will have to be canceled!
What? No! All of Trollstopia
is lining up to hear Val play!
Besides I can handle not having
a manager for one night.
Oh, really Val?
So, you are gonna handle
all the mundane logistics?
Like scheduling?
- So boring!
- Equipment checks?
- So. Not. Hardcore!
- Promotions? And publicity?
No! Okay, fine!
We'll cancel the show!
Ugh, I can't believe it!
Wait. What if I was
your manager tonight?
You sure about that?
'Cause let me tell you,
this job ain't no glittering
cupcake good-time jamboree!
Or whatever you Pop Trolls do!
- Yeah, yeah, we do that.
- Well, toughen up!
- 'Cause Val is a handful.
- Got it!
It's up to you
to get her ready for the show.
Up to you! ♪
- I won't let her out of my sight.
- Where is she right now?
Welcome, friend,
to Stripe Smiley's Candy Bar!
What'll it be?
Licorice? Lollipop?
Or one of Stripe's
one-of-a-kind taffy sculptures?
Nah, just an Extreme
Sour Blaster Puckerball.
The kind that turns
your face inside-out.
Coming right up!
Ah, Val! What are you doing?
There's so much we have to do
to get ready for the show!
Wardrobe, hair and makeup,
vulnerable manager-to-rockstar
sharing time?
- Huh?
- Sorry, I tried to sneak that last one in.
Sorry, Popsqueak.
That's not how I get ready
for a concert. This is.
- A sweaty crumpled napkin?
- No.
- Val's pre-show agenda! ♪
- Bungee jumping?
- Bungee jumping! ♪
- Volcano spelunking!
- Hot! So hot! ♪
- Arctic slingshotting!
Cool! So cool! ♪
Sticking your head
in a predator's mouth?
The risks are as high
As they are pointless ♪
- Yeah!
- Val, give me a break.
This is nothing but a list
of reckless antics and mischief!
See, my show's raw. Wild.
And I have to do every item on
that list if I'm gonna find
- my edge.
- Sorry, Val. Not buying it.
You don't have to go tornado
sledding to play a good show.
Your friend pulled
the old taffy-and-run! Classic.
What? I gotta find her!
Where are you going? ♪
I gotta know ♪
I need some answers
Before you get out of control ♪
Go, go, go, go ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Go, go, go, go ♪
Yeah, and I keep searching the
Earth Until you are found ♪
I'll keep my eye on the prize
And feet on the ground ♪
I'll keep on running and running
And running around after you ♪
I won't be stopping
Until such time that I do ♪
Oh, I'll be
ch-ch-ch-ch-chasing ♪
After you! ♪
- Oh. Val, where have you been?
- I've been
Finding my edge, yeah! ♪
We've been over this! ♪
Ah! Fine, but your concert
is in less than a half hour.
We have to get to the venue,
so we're taking
The Dune Huggy.
Ah! Hardcore!
- Wow! This thing really moves!
- Yup! And it really hugs the turns!
- Yeah! Ha-ha! Rock on!
- Oh, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Ha-ha, yeah!
- Yeah!
This is awesome!
See? This is what happens when
you let your manager help you!
Yeah, full disclosure? I didn't
hop in here so you could help me.
- I did it 'cause joyriding is on the list.
- What?
Hey! Val, no!
Stop the car right now!
Later! ♪
Oh. That. Is. It!
- Yeah!
- Val!
- 'Sup?
- I'm done falling for your tricks.
- We are going to the venue, now!
- Nope!
If I'm gonna get my edge,
I still have bungee jumping,
sticking my head in a predator's
mouth and stunt-flying a flyer bug.
Like that flyer bug!
Val, no!
What is this?
Why, that's Stripe Smiley's
finest taffy sculpture yet, friend!
Consider yourself managed.
But I haven't finished my list!
You are making a huge mistake.
Poppy, I'm serious. Poppy!
Sorry, Val!
Can't seem to hear you!
Poppy, stop. Poppy, no!
Thundershock! Thundershock!
Okay, people, it's show time.
- Queen Poppy!
- Demo! You fixed your hair!
Indeed, your Royal Trollness.
I broke free from my shackles.
And now the great blaze of my
rock spirit shall be unleashed!
Oh, oh, ah!
Hey, hey, hey! Wo-ah, no, no!
So! Looks like you've got
everything under control here.
Yup! I mean,
not to polish my own glitter,
but I got Val into wardrobe,
hair and makeup,
and I got her up on stage,
where she's about to perform her
legendary show-opening guitar smash!
Why isn't it breaking?
- What's wrong with her?
- Ah! I-I don't know!
Val's always ready to rock
by concert time!
She has a whole pre-show agenda
to make sure of it!
Hold on. You mean her list
of reckless antics and mischief?
All of her excuses
about needing to find an edge?
Those were for real?
Of course! What'd you think I meant
when I said you had to get her ready
for the show?
What are we gonna do?
Thundershock! Thundershock!
Uh, actually,
w-w-we're having some
hardcore-centric difficulties,
a-and, uh
I'm afraid the show
will have to
Uh! Ah!
What? What are you doing?
Being your manager!
Now, where's that list?
First, flyer bug stunt piloting!
Whoo! Whoo! Poppy!
Whoo-oh! Whoo!
Next, sticking your head
in a predator's jaws!
So awesome!
Yeah! Woohoo!
- Now, storm chasing!
- What?
That's not on my list.
It is now, Thundershock!
- Ah!
- Now, how do you feel?
- How do you feel!
- I, I feel
- Edgy.
- Great!
'Cause there's only one thing
left on your list!
Let's rock!
Guitar smash! Ha!
Thundershock! Thundershock!
I knew it!
Well, Poppy, gotta hand it to you.
That was some excellent managing.
Thanks, Demo.
- If you ever wanna do it again sometime
- Not a chance.
Whoo, Val!
I knew it!
Trolls, thank you for coming
on such short notice.
Fellow Trollstopian, Lownote Jones,
is in desperate need of our help.
Indeed I am.
In fact, we are all facing
a dire emergency.
Oh, yeah! I love that.
No, really. Don't be misled
by the smooth sound of my voice.
Everyone should be
very, very alarmed.
Now, there's been a dangerous shift
in our planet's groove-itational pull,
and I must fly into outer space
to correct it.
How can we help, Lownote?
Good question,
voice in the crowd.
If my mission has any hope for success,
I need a group of reliable Trolls
to rise to the occasion.
And pet-sit for me
while I'm gone.
What kind of pet, Lownote?
Strong follow-up,
voice in the crowd.
It's called a snuggalug.
- Oh, my guh!
- It's the cutest creature I've ever seen!
So, who can I trust to feed
it, bathe it and play with it?
Me! Me!
Right here, sir!
Oh, and you can never
under any circumstance
give it a hug.
- I'm out.
- Can't do it.
Aren't you curious why
you can't give it a hug?
Sorry, Lownote, but it
doesn't really matter why.
There's not a Troll alive that can
resist hugging that little guy!
- Aww!
- Uh-huh!
Oh, come on!
How hard is it to not hug
something? I'll do it.
Whoa, Branch.
Even you have to admit that
snuggalug is pretty irresistible.
Branch is right.
I could take care of that thing with
one of my hands still doing a solo.
Note: I agree with
the Hard Rock Troll.
Resisting a hug is simply a matter
of maintaining one's objectivity.
And I'd figure if I
can keep law and order
on Free Funnel Cake Friday,
watching a snuggalug
will be a piece of
well, free funnel cake!
Okay! Love the volunteering,
not a fan of the attitudes.
Well, it's settled.
It sounds like Branch,
Laguna, Val and Gust
are the right
Trolls for the job.
Fine. Now there's nothing
else, will someone hold me back?
Because I have to hug that
thing! It's so cute!
Okay, snuggalug sitters, let me
lay down some snuggalogistics.
The reason you can never hug
a snuggalug
is because when you do,
it splits into two.
- Pop!
- Aww!
And once you start hugging
Pop! Pop!
More and more hugs,
more and more snuggalugs.
Until the entire planet
is completely overrun
with an unending flood of cute.
Uh, that's not a good thing.
Lownote, one might question
why you would keep an animal
with such catastrophic
True, but one might also question
why I wear a monocle on Tuesdays.
The answer to both?
That's just Lownote
being Lownote, babe.
Now, if you run into any
trouble, just press this button
and Lownote Jones
will come running.
Well, not running,
but I will certainly come
sauntering very, very quickly.
Wow, he really gave us
a lot to think about.
And my first thought?
We won't be needing this thing!
Can you believe the fuss everyone's
making over the snuggalug?
All it takes
to not hug something is this.
Ha! The subject appears to be doing
literally the easiest thing in the world.
Yep, like Lownote said, "We are
the right Trolls for the job."
I'm so good! ♪
Stronger than a snuggalug ♪
I don't even need to hug ♪
Rockin' so I show my lump ♪
It's so odd! ♪
Find you irresistible ♪
Huggable and kissable ♪
To me, you're
just statistical ♪
It ain't worth all the fuss! ♪
Y'all just leave it to us ♪
Toughest Trolls
on the block! ♪
Yeah We're the right
Trolls for the job ♪
Yow! ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the right Trolls for the
job! Yeah! ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the, we're
the right Trolls ♪
We're the, we're the right
Trolls Yeah ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the right
Trolls for the job! ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the right
Trolls for the job ♪
Right Trolls for the job ♪
- Branch!
- What?
- Aww!
- Ah!
I almost hugged it! And I didn't
even realize I was doing it!
Sounds like you're getting soft.
But you don't have any power
over me, snuggalug.
- I don't care how big your eyes are.
- Aww!
Or how your gaze
reaches deep into my soul,
stirring something I never knew
was there until
I just wanna
- Val, no!
- Ah!
What is happening to us?
It seems our prolonged exposure is
wearing down our cuddle resistance.
Isn't it, my cutie-wooty
Stand down, partner!
I'm hugging it!
Perhaps we're combing more hair
than we can style here, Trolls.
- And maybe we should call Lownote Jones.
- No way!
We can't let the others
know we couldn't go
45 minutes without hugging it!
- Now, come on. We can do this!
- Hum!
Oh! Ah!
Whose turn is it?
I'll go.
Ah! Fetch! Ah!
- Ah, he's back!
- Ah!
Hey there, snuggalug.
- Lownote Jones!
- You got that right, baby.
I'm back from saving the planet.
He wasn't any trouble, was he?
- Nope!
- No trouble.
- Not for Trolls like us!
- Stop asking!
Well, all right then. Thanks
again, and always remember
stay funky.
Well, Trolls, it wasn't easy,
but we did it.
To being the right Trolls
for the job.
- Ah!
- Another one?
One of us
must have hugged the snuggalug
before Lownote picked it up!
Who did it?
- Hmm.
- Hum!
- Hmm?
- Okay, I did it! And I'd do it again!
- It was beautiful!
- Dude!
Note: I have never been
more disappointed.
- Okay, we hugged it too.
- Note: I am a hypocrite.
I can't believe this you guys!
After everything we went through?
Yeah, I hugged it too.
We should find that communicator
and contact Lownote Jones.
What? No!
Look, there's only four of them.
We'll be fine
as long as we commit ourselves
to no more hugs.
Ah! They can hug each other?
There, situation contained.
We should've called
Lownote Jones.
Find that communicator!
That way, that way!
Hey, guys!
I know it's pretty lame for me
to show up out of
the blue, but
Never mind!
Go that way! That way!
Oh, oh! I'm so sorry, guys!
My arrogance got us into this!
- Ours too!
- Yeah, it ain't just you.
- Ah!
- Got it!
Branch to Lownote!
Branch to Lownote!
So much hugging! Arrogance!
We did it, gang!
We did it!
Well, the snuggalugs
are safely contained
and headed back to the warm hole
from whence they came.
Thanks, Lownote.
Sorry we weren't the snuggalug
sitters we said we were.
Oh, no harm done, baby.
It'd be a different story
if those snuggalugs
got out in the open,
but we got 'em.
Every last one.
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the right Trolls for the
job! Yeah! ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the, we're
the right Trolls ♪
We're the, we're the right
Trolls Yeah ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the right
Trolls for the job! ♪
Whoo, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
We're the right
Trolls for the job ♪
Right Trolls for the job ♪
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