Troppo (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[siren wails]
Off the record.
Things have changed.
You found something
that indicates homicide.
Wasn't a croc.
Park was dead before he hit the water.
It's murder.
Joanne. It's been a while.
You planning on staying?
Yeah, I am.
Somebody painted a little message
on my house last night.
You give 'em my address?
Do you know where
you're standing right now?
Get the fuck out of my face.
I told you about that guy
to protect you, all right?
Not so you can go and pay him
a bloody visit with your mates.
I was accused of a sexual assault,
sent straight to lock-up.
The victim's name was Claire,
and I was the last person to see her
on the day that she was taken.
Dad, I got my freestyle and backstroke.
-[Ted] Wow!
I'm selling the house.
That wasn't the agreement.
I'm breaking the agreement.
I'm going to Sydney. I'm leaving tonight.
We've got a murder case on our hands
and you just leave?
[engine shuts off]
[phone rings]
Hey, Jo.
No, it's okay. You all right?
Yeah. No. Of course, I'll come over.
Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there soon.
Lou, it's 2.00 in the morning.
I have to go.
You don't.
Yeah, I do.
Jo, it's Lou.
[Jo sobbing]
I'm sorry, I can't. I
I know I have to let her go and I just
I can't. [sniffles]
You just got here.
You don't have to put a clock on it.
Yesterday it was her necklace,
and tomorrow it's gonna be something else.
You've made a start.
That's what counts.
It's so late. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I saw her.
I saw her the other day and she's just
running around town,
living her life like an ordinary person.
How do you stand it?
By reminding myself that Pharrell
isn't ordinary. She never was.
Making sure no one ever forgets that,
including her.
-It's all right. It's all right.
[lizard chittering]
What are you, a lizard alarm clock?
[lizard chittering]
I'm up! I'm up.
[lizard chittering]
[lizard chittering]
[lizard chittering]
[lizard chittering]
[pop music playing]
Dad! Look what Frankie got me!
Oh, I see that!
I nearly popped a lung
inflating the damn thing.
You used to be fit.
Hey! See that?
It's steel, solid steel.
-You wanna have a go?
-Oh, yeah, mate!
[all laugh]
So, uh, what about, uh these?
Has he told you where he got these from?
'Cause he won't tell me.
Mm, Ted thinks that by not telling me
the details, I'm not gonna worry as much.
Of course he forgets
that I have a vivid imagination.
Hey, hey, all you need to imagine
is the guy who did it,
locked in a cell somewhere,
right where I put him.
Hey! Watch out for those teeth, pal.
I'm gonna hold my breath.
Count how long.
All right.
Set? Go!
So how's the boys' club?
OT's been a punish.
Beckett wants to jump the gun
on this lab bust
'cause he thinks
we have enough to go on.
Yeah? What do you think?
I think we need more time.
Yeah? You tell him.
He doesn't listen to a word I say,
unless I'm taking lunch orders.
How long was that?
That was 20 seconds!
-[Ted] You wanna go again?
-All right.
-[Lilly] Ready?
[chuckles] What can you do? [sighs]
You know, Beckett's a good cop.
If you bring him something solid,
he'll listen to you.
He'll listen to you.
This is the job, Frank.
All we have's each other.
Something don't sit right, you say so.
[pop music continues playing]
[music slows down and distorts]
You could have just asked
if you wanted a feed.
Who's this for? The hat?
Ted's dead. He's dead to me.
It's for the geese.
If you've got geese living in there,
I'm gonna have to charge you more.
The dog I could let you get away with,
but geese is a whole other thing.
Speaking of dogs,
do you have Daisy's old bed?
My niece is the proud owner
of a new puppy.
Daisy might still come to visit me.
Well, she might not. Come on.
Are you gonna say no to an eight-year-old?
Ease up on
the emotional blackmail, woman.
Oh, you're a pushover.
So what's the story with Ted?
He's pissed off to Sydney
and he's left me to look after his geese.
-What, for good?
-I don't know.
So tell him you're not gonna do it.
It's not your responsibility.
I'm not committing poultricide
just because he's an arsehole.
So what does this mean for your case?
More money for me.
[gosling chirping]
Mate! Come here.
What have you done to yourself, hey?
[suspenseful music playing]
I told you there is no number.
It's the last house by the water.
The pink one.
Yeah, it's his face and his head.
Yeah, there's blood.
There's a lot of blood.
[opening theme music plays]
[paramedic] Yep.
[indistinct radio transmission]
Jump in. You can ride with him.
Nah, I'll meet you there. Go.
[siren wails]
[Damford] Cause of death,
blunt force trauma to the head.
The Park case
is now a murder investigation.
I want fresh eyes on every statement,
every interview, every shred of evidence.
Milbee, Budd,
I want you out knocking on doors.
Start with the neighbours,
anything they've seen or heard
in the last few weeks.
Strangers coming and going,
arguments, anything unusual.
How wide a net are we talking?
Tell your families
you'll see 'em in a few weeks.
I could have a word to Wayne Druff.
He's always out on the river.
Maybe he saw something
that didn't seem important at the time.
There you go, Milbee. See that?
That's called initiative.
Familiarise yourself.
I've heard of it.
You look like shit.
I feel like sunshine.
[Damford] If you need to take a break,
you just let me know.
We'll take all the time you need.
What I'd like to do is just go over
your previous statement,
ask a couple of questions,
things that weren't relevant at the time.
You said that your husband,
Jong Min,
returned home from work the night
that he disappeared at 7.30 pm.
Is that still your recollection?
Yes. He didn't stay long.
No more than an hour.
And can you confirm where,
uh, where he was going?
I believed then that
he'd been called back to work.
And what do you believe now?
I'm sure you heard what happened
at the funeral, Detective.
What should I believe?
And what'd the two of you
talk about before he left?
We didn't.
He was aggravated when he arrived,
and unhappy that Ah Rah wasn't home.
He wanted us to eat together.
For any particular reason?
I wonder now if it was to discuss
the future of this family.
And where was Ah Rah?
As you know with Georgie
and their friends, they ate at Charlie's.
I didn't expect Jong Min would be home,
so I allowed it.
So Ah Rah didn't see
her father that night?
She was enjoying her freedom.
I am very grateful for your daughter.
She has been a loyal friend.
[knocks on door]
See you for a minute?
Be right back.
Budd called.
Wayne Druff maintains that he was home
the night that Jong Min disappeared.
Heard nothing. Saw nothing.
Said he did a cook-up for the kids.
Confirms that Charlie dropped Ah Rah home.
All right, let's, uh,
let's pull some phone records.
We'll put the family to bed.
Something else.
The hospital just reported
a serious assault.
Well, I'm kind of busy in here, Carrie.
It's Conkaffey.
[siren wails in distance]
[door opens]
What did you do?
What do you think I did?
What is it, Val?
I'm-- I'm working with him.
What reason would I have--
You've never needed a reason, Amanda.
You wanna know why I'm here?
Why are you here, skulking around
like the fucking Grim Reaper?
He ain't dead yet.
I am the Senior Physician.
Would you prefer
that I let him bleed to death?
I wanna see him.
You're not family.
He doesn't have family here.
Do you have a number for his wife?
Then I suggest you give it
to a staff member.
I ain't handing that over, and I'm not
making that call until you let me see him.
[machine beeping]
Why is he attached to that machine?
He wasn't getting enough oxygen.
The machine sets a rhythm.
Stops him from inhaling fluid
into the lungs.
And what about his head?
[Val] There was no brain bleed
detected on the scan.
We're running more tests.
If he doesn't improve
in a couple of hours,
we'll transfer him to a hospital
with neuro facilities.
I suggest you contact his wife.
You got a ride?
I don't think your bus is gonna make it.
It's broken down a ways back.
Look, I'm a cop. You wanna hop in,
I'll give you a ride home.
I don't do cars.
What was that?
Are you really a cop?
Hop in.
Throw your stuff in the back.
All right.
-You good? You got a key?
Thanks for the lift.
You take care.
[suspenseful music playing]
Hello? Can I help you with something?
I'm Ted Conkaffey's next of kin.
I'll be sitting right over there.
And if I'm not,
you can catch me on this number.
Can someone take those
to his room too, please?
-Like now!
-Okay, Okay--
Can someone take them
to his room now? Thanks.
Yeah, hi. I'm not sure if I've, um,
if I've come through to the right place.
Someone has just left a jacket in my café
that belongs to your school.
The name's a bit faded.
It looks like Conkaffey.
No, no first name.
Definitely a little girl,
uh, maybe seven or eight.
Well, can you check again, please?
Lilly Travers? I see.
Uh, could I grab that number?
I could give her a call.
I'm sure she's not far.
She could come back and pick it up.
[line out ringing]
[Kelly on voicemail]
Hi, you've reached Kelly.
It's your turn, baby.
[Lilly on voicemail]
Leave Mum a message, please!
Hey, Kelly, this is Amanda Pharrell.
Uh, you don't know me. I'm a
Uh, I need to talk to you about Ted.
If you could give me a call back, please,
on this number? Thanks.
[machine beeping]
Who called it in?
Who do you think?
What's his condition?
He was hit from behind.
Nasty head injury.
Contusions to the arms, face and torso.
A couple of cracked ribs.
Nothing more which, quite frankly,
is a miracle.
Any idea what they hit him with?
More than a fist.
Something hard.
Same MO as Park's killer.
They were both hit hard, from behind.
I can't tell you any more
with any certainty.
Well, he and Pharrell have been
sniffing around that case all over town.
Maybe they found something.
Find his attacker, find Park's murderer.
I never would have thought
he'd turn out to be so useful.
He was released from prison
for a reason, Lou.
Yeah, it's called a fuck-up.
It's called lack of evidence.
[siren wails in distance]
Thanks, Constable. Morning.
[indistinct chatter]
I thought Kelly was more of a wine girl.
Yeah, thought I'd do something
a little different this time.
What, they're not okay?
Mate, I know nothing about flowers.
They look, uh, nice.
-Yeah, I get it. Switzerland.
Happy anniversary, Eduardo.
There's been a development, Conkaffey.
I'm gonna need you in room three.
Great, you got a suspect?
You're wanted for further questioning.
I already told you everything I know.
You should be out there,
looking for the son-of-a-bitch, right?
You really wanna do this here?
Do what?
Are you fucking kidding me?
[Morris] Detective Senior Sergeant
Edward Conkaffey,
I'm placing you under arrest
for the abduction
and sexual assault
of Claire Bingley.
I must inform you,
you do not have to say or do anything,
but anything you say or do
may be given in evidence--
No, no, no, no, no. I'm not doing this.
You may communicate with a friend
-or relative
to inform that person
of your whereabouts.
You can communicate
with a legal practitioner.
Don't fuckin' do this.
Ted, there's been a mistake.
Somebody's just screwed up.
You were identified in a line-up.
-Your photo.
Didn't hesitate.
Yeah, because I gave her a ride home.
Get the fuck off me!
Get your ass out there
and do your fuckin' job!
You're not putting them fuckin' handcuffs
on me, you son-of-a-bitch!
No, they're not.
Francine, make the arrest.
A senior officer just gave you
an instruction. Make the arrest.
It's okay. Frank, just do what he says.
You're done.
[handcuffs click]
[birds squawking]
So you found him in the house?
Dragged himself there from the driveway.
That's a pretty impressive effort.
When'd you last see him?
Last night.
Before his flight to Sydney,
which I guess he didn't make.
Leaving town.
Was he concerned about something?
Or someone?
He mentioned you hassling him.
The highway in front of Park's car.
Anywhere you could get your hands on him.
Is that an accusation?
Was it you?
Look, we're never gonna like each other,
Amanda. We don't need to.
But what I do need
is for you to tell me
if there's anything the two of you
dug up on Park's death
that might have landed
your buddy in there.
Park's murder.
Maybe it hasn't sunk in yet.
Park's killer might be the one
who just bashed your partner.
Now, that could be a warning.
Could be they tried to kill him.
You really wanna withhold information
that could help us
find the person responsible?
You don't give a shit about Ted.
It's just a means to an end for you.
Helps you find out who killed Park,
and you claim the credit.
You realise he's got a family, right?
They're gonna want some answers.
Well, sometimes they just don't get them,
though, do they, Pharrell?
You have a long, hard think
about where you were,
what you saw,
and who might have seen you.
And I'd start wearing that helmet.
You might be next.
[suspenseful music playing]
[knocks on door]
You know what I'm looking at?
I'm looking at a woman who was unfaithful
to her husband and lied about it.
A woman who keeps secret addresses
in a puzzle box
that lead to strange places
where strange men get up to strange
and probably very fuckin' illegal shit.
A woman who paid a stack of cash
to one of those men
just after her husband was murdered,
and just before someone
put my partner in the hospital.
What was the money for, hmm?
Payment after the fact for Jong Min,
or payment in advance for Ted?
It has nothing to do with any of this.
Then what?
What little privacy I have left,
I intend to protect.
I won't be needing your services anymore.
I'm sorry to hear about your partner.
[birds squawking]
What is that?
I don't know.
Why did you take that?
What do you know about him?
He's a customer.
He came in to buy bird food.
What about you, JayJay?
What do you know?
He's a pedo.
Guy whose house we tagged.
I told you, both of you,
to stay away from him.
I didn't know who he was
when he came in.
Tell me you have not
been back to his house.
We haven't.
What about you?
Where were you yesterday,
after the party wrapped up?
What? Are you for real?
Yeah, I'm for real, Jay.
Shut up.
You tagged his house.
-Now he's been assaulted.
This is serious shit.
-I'm gonna ask you again. Where were you?
Dad! He stayed at our place, okay?
It It was after
you got called into work.
-Are you being straight with me?
-Yes, Dad.
All right, love. Go back to class.
[machine beeping]
Some arsehole stole your flowers.
Just another case for us to solve.
All right, so this is what
I've got so far. [clears throat]
Dry biscuit, dried fruit, prunes.
A lot of fibre,
'cause you're gonna need it, yeah?
Um [clears throat]
Leafy greens for inflammation.
You like kale?
You're from Sydney, of course you do.
How's he doing?
He's okay.
Look after him.
[birds squawking]
[goose honking]
[goslings chirping]
[camera shutter clicking]
[camera shutter clicks]
[camera shutter clicking]
[camera shutter clicking]
What do you think you're doing?
What happened here?
Where's Ted?
Some shitbag attacked him last night.
Is he okay?
He's in hospital.
Who are you?
His neighbour.
Who are you?
His partner.
You see anything?
I wasn't home.
And what about this?
What do you know about this?
It was a few nights ago.
Bunch of kids.
Couple of boys. Girls too.
One of them had pink hair.
The others I didn't get a look at.
Have you been to see him?
He's not allowed visitors.
Well, if there's anything I can do--
Yeah, you can wash the blood
off the geese.
Hey, what are you up to?
That's my pizza.
You're lucky to get any
after that stupid photo prank.
That's cute. It's really creative.
I'm actually a huge fan
of your earlier work, guys.
You know, painting catchy slogans
on people's houses.
Listen, you wanna spray 'murderer'
on my door?
That's fine, 'cause I am one.
But what they're saying about Ted,
what you wrote, is a fucking lie.
What are you even talking about,
you lunatic?
There was a witness, guys,
and you're all in deep shit.
Your dad tell you where to find him?
He put you up to this?
You painted a huge target
on my partner's back,
and now he's stuck full of tubes,
probably because
someone saw what you wrote
and decided to bash his head in.
It's hilarious, right?
Does anyone else know?
We don't have to talk to you.
You don't have any authority.
Does anyone else
know where Ted lives?
Nothing to do with us.
Let's go, guys.
Rah, you coming?
You don't have to listen to her.
I know.
All right, well, call me later.
Amanda, we didn't know
whose house it was.
We were just messing around
after the funeral.
I thought it was a joke.
[Ah Rah]
Please, please don't tell my mum.
Look, we were drunk
and it was stupid, but
I've already made things so much worse.
Your dad's been murdered.
How much worse can it get?
[Charlie] Yeah, but if your partner
can't work for a while,
does that mean the investigation stops?
What about her dad?
I'm not stopping.
[machine beeping]
Ease up on the Propofol.
We'll bring him round.
See what we're dealing with.
[breathing shakily]
Dad. I made you something.
[breathing shakily]
[breathing shakily]
Mum? Mum!
[breathing shakily]
Okay. Lilly, go to your room.
It's okay, sweetheart.
Daddy just needs a minute.
Go on. Go on, honey.
Hey, you're home. You're safe.
You're having a panic attack.
Honey, it'll pass.
-[breathing shakily]
I want you to breathe in
through your nose.
Come on, you can do it.
Breathing in, that's it.
One, two-- you can do it-- three, four,
and then hold your breath for four.
Come on, I'm here. Two, three, four.
That's good. Now breathe out.
[Kelly and Lilly]
Two, three, four.
[Kelly and Lilly]
One, two, three, four.
[Kelly and Lilly]
One, two, three, four.
It's okay. Look at me.
Open your eyes.
Look at me, Ted. Open your eyes.
-[machine beeping]
-Open your eyes.
[breathing shakily]
[Val] Easy. Easy, easy, easy.
You're not on my slab yet.
We're gonna take your tube out,
but first, we've got to clear your lungs.
-Can you cough for me?
Good, good, and-- and cough.
Good. Good.
Easy, easy, easy.
-[Val] Settle, settle.
I gotta go.
What [grunts]
What time is it?
We'll get to that. We'll get to that.
[birds squawking]
About time you cleaned out that shed.
Where are you going with those?
Ah, Jo is getting rid of a few things.
I remember we had these
left over from the move.
I thought I'd drop 'em over.
Can it wait till the morning?
Well, I said I'd stop by, check in.
[Anita] I'm happy she's back.
It's just
Every time she calls,
you get dragged back through it all.
It's just a couple of boxes, love.
It's not healthy.
You're awake half the night.
You think I don't notice?
I'm fine, sweetheart.
I'm fine, okay? Really.
I'll, uh, I'll pick up some milk
on the way back.
[engine shuts off]
-Oh! Hey.
-Hey, Jo.
I should have
I should have called.
No, don't be silly.
It's fine. Come in.
Thank you.
Oh, don't look at that. That's
Gosh, that's so embarrassing.
I've finally got a proper kitchen,
I'm eating a microwave dinner.
I ate a cheeseburger for lunch.
Who're you trying to impress?
Georgie enjoy her big day?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, she loved it. Yeah.
Glad you could come.
Me too.
How're you doing? You all right?
I I was thinking,
and you can totally say no, but, um
I don't think I have it in me
to pack up her things.
Uh, if left up to me, you know,
another 15 years
are gonna go by and I'm
Nothing will have changed.
It's such an awkward thing
to ask someone to do, but I just
-If there was any--
-I get it, Jo. I get it. It's okay.
I mean, any time you've got
a free afternoon or
Well, we have the technology,
so, uh, no time like the present, right?
Okay, thanks.
Finish your dinner.
Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[siren wailing]
Let me out.
Hey, let me the fuck out!
Let me out! Fuck!
Fucking let me out, please!
Let me out, please! Please! Fuck!
Fucking let me out!
I want my mummy! I want my mummy!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
Fuck you! [crying]
I want my mummy!
Please, I'll be good! I'll be good.
Hey, you! You, listen to me!
I'll be good! I didn't do anything!
[Joanne] Hey.
I'm, uh, I'm gonna make a cuppa.
Do you want one?
Uh, no. I think I might call it a night.
I'll pick it up another day.
I just The day's got to me.
Oh, sorry.
Yes, you poor thing. Go.
Um, I'll I'll come back
another time, okay?
-Okay. Yeah.
Thank you.
I hope you grabbed
a shitload of drugs on your way out.
Aren't you supposed to have
someone keep an eye on you
when you get a knock on the head?
Nah, it's just
I'm not gonna ask you to do that.
What if you croak in your sleep?
I'll be fine.
Did you get a look at
the bastard who did this?
[goslings chirping]
Cleaned you up, eh?
Your ancestors guarded temples
in ancient Rome.
You've gotta look out for him, mate.
Even just a warning honk at least.
[vehicle approaches]
[engine shuts off]
[vehicle door opens and closes]
Thanks for the lift.
[Eve] Ted.
[Ted] Yeah.
Don't go orphaning those geese.
Yeah. I'll do my best. Thanks.
[door opens]
[goslings chirping]
[line out ringing]
[phone ringing]
[Ted] Hey.
It's me. I I'm sorry.
Ted, I've heard nothing from you.
Just a message from some woman,
claiming she knows you.
Did you call her back?
After all the prank calls I've had?
No, I didn't.
I don't know, Kell,
if you get a call about me,
do you think maybe
there might be a reason for that?
[Kelly] Look, if she's not gonna give
any information about why she's calling,
or who she is,
I'm not gonna return that call.
[sighs] I was in the hospital.
Oh, my God. What happened?
[Ted] I
It's why I couldn't make it,
but I'll be there.
I'll be there tomorrow.
What happened?
Lilly's not safe if she's with you.
Can you tell me that isn't true?
You wanna tell me
what this is really about? Huh?
Just tell me.
[chuckles] All right.
It's always me, isn't it?
I am always the one at fault.
I am the bad guy.
Every time we talk, it's just like
one more thing you can blame me for.
Just stop, okay? Just stop.
I don't wanna hear this.
I don't wanna be waiting for you.
I don't wanna be worried about you.
And fighting like this?
I mean, if this is it,
there's nothing left.
[phone beeps]
[dramatic music playing]
[goose honks]
[goose honking]
[goslings chirping]
Oh, come on. Come on, huh?
Oh, come on, you fuckers. Come on!
Hey! [grunts] I'm right here.
Hey! I'm right here!
Let's go. Let's go!
Come on! Hey! Hey!
Let's go. Let's go.
I'm right here.
[goose honking]
[goslings chirping]
[goslings chirping]
[goose honking]
[end theme music plays]
What did they do to Jong Min?
Fatal blow with a blunt instrument.
Why did you say 'they'?
[Damford] This is a small town
and now there's been another killing,
and you're poking your nose in it
like it's your fuckin' hobby!
What's in it? Coke? Heroin?
You know, maybe we should pay her a visit.
Confront her.
You're that slasher girl.
You give me something to raise
my fuckin' heartbeat, I'll get it done.
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