Trust Me (2009) s01e05 Episode Script

Way Beyond the Call

Trust me
s01e05- Way beyond the call
I'm sorry, honey. I only loved you
for your paycheck.
Can i do that again? I just
didn't real in my head.
She's good enough.
No likes her, she's too go on.
I still can't believe that arc mobile killed
all our castings selects
The day before we shoot a comercial.
I know.
- Idiots.
I'm gonna call L.A. and
postpone the shooting.
Ev. What? No.
Don't do that. It's a bad idea.
I want this to be great.
- I'm hearing a lot of "i. "
Whatever happened to "we"?
Oh, wait, no, that's right.
This is the spot you pitched
without your partner.
When are you gonna let that go?
- Maybe never.
Maybe never let it go.
I'm sorry, honey. I only loved you
for your paycheck.
Ha! There she is. This is a woman
Born to play the wife of the man
who loses everything.
She's great. She's real, aspirational.
I can relate to her plight.
- She looks like a pussycat doll.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Gordon, explain it to him.
Actually, i just came by
to let you know i'm leaving.
A little less breath. Flight doesn't
leave till 6:00. -No, i'm leaving rgm.
Sorry, honey. Wait. You're leaving leaving,
as in not working here anymore?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, 14 years -
It's time.
- What are you talking about?
Well, i'm, uh, pursuing other oportunities.
Anyway, i just wanted to say thanks.
Good luck on the shoot.
Gonna be a great spot.
I'll never forget
that pitch you made.
Neither will i -
When the tag line flew in right at the end,
Sealed the deal.
- It's classic.
- Brilliant. Aw, thanks.
That's why i got in this business.
- I can't believe it. That's it?
Hey, come on down to our floor later on.
I heard we're having cake.
- Ah, i love cake.
What kind - Chocolate?
It's a surprise.
I'll save you both a piece.
That wasn't about race.
- What wasn't about race?
That was about cake.
I love chocolate cake.
- Everybody loves chocolate cake.
I also love vanilla cake. I love
chocolate cake and vanilla.
I don't want there to be some kind of cake
confusion being the last thing he rembers,
You know, on the day he gets fired.
You think he was fired?
- Pfft. Totally fired.
Booted, ex-Employee, pink-Slipped.
You heard him -
"Pursuing other opportunities. "
Famous last words, my friend.
- You don't think he quit?
In today's economy? No way.
- Can they fire him?
I mean, it's not like we have
a lot of gordons around here.
Makes you wonder who's next.
What difference does it make
where i heard it?
The point is, i didn't hear it from you.
I'm her father.
Don't you think
That this is something i would like to know?
No, don't put this on her, elaine.
Th- Look, i realize she's not
my biggest fan,
But we both know that's
not entirely my doing.
And if you are - What?!
Denise just called. She wants to see
you in her office.
Is everything okay?
I'm gonna have to call you back.
And you're riding the bike,
and you're texting.
You hit "send," and you raise
your arms in triumph,
And you get hit by a bus.
Aah! Ow! Oh! -Are you all right?
Oh, good.
- I like him. Let's hire him.
He's definitely not afraid to commit.
Hi. -Hey. Here you go.
They're still delivering
your mail to my office.
Oh. Thank you.
Krajicek-Hunter stepping it up.
It's my birthday.
Happy birthday.
- Thank you.
Big date?
- With my ex-Husband.
Small date.
- It's not a date.
It's just two adults enjoying
the night out together.
Isn't that like the very
definition of a date?
What's that?
- Nothing. It's just a book.
Really? We're hiring?
I didn't know we were hiring.
No, they're - It doesn't -
- Ah, come on. It -
This is your book.
You sent your book to a headhunter?
A long time ago. They're just
returning it now.
You know how headhunters are -
Never returning books.
Always finding people jobs.
Yeah, i know how it works.
You trying to find a job without me?
- Not without you.
No? No?
"Mason mcguire"
and no one else.
Just you -
That's interesting.
You have a logo?
- Well -
You designed your own logo?
Were you ever gonna tell me about this?
Look, conner, stu made no secret
of how little he thought of me.
I was just taking precautions.
- Ah, again with the "i. "
Are you planning to take a
j b in chicago without me,
or are you gonna move
out of state without me?
It's not like that.
- What's it like?
It look, if i'd gotten the job, i would
have taken you along, you know? -Mm-Hmm.
You know, it's like being on an airplane.
They always tell you, "put your own
mask on first, and then help your - "
Your? "Your - "
- Your?
In this scenario,
i'm a child,
And i need big, strong mason
to take care of me?
I don't think so.
I can take care of myself.
You know what?
I'm gonna take my own cab
to the airport.
- And when i get to I.A.,
I'm staying at shutters.
- We're both booked at the four seasons.
You'rebooked at the four seasons.
I'm staying at shutters,
If they allow children.
I try not to neglect my music
as much as the stairmaster.
Might as well keep
something in shape.
I can't picture you
letting anything go, denise.
How's the mink group?
Oh. I'm not sure what to tell you
that you don't already know.
The dove hair-Care work
is improving.
I like what sarah's doing.
- Sarah krajicek-Hunter.
Right. We start shooting
the arc mobile tomorrow.
Now, gordon's working with you
on that, isn't he?
Yeah, like he has been
for the past three years.
Except he left rgm this morning.
You're surprised?
So, we have a new account
manager on arc mobile?
Is that what this is about?
- I had a little talk with your client
Peter derby this morning.
It seems that the arc mobile
account is going into review.
Does it matter?
It's in review, and
I wanted to tell you in person
before it went to the press and
Ask you to please stop spending
any more of your group's time or money
On arc mobile business.
- No, t-This can't be about the work.
My guys are doing great stuff.
We're about to shoot an award winner.
Come on, tony. We both know
why accounts go into review.
Clients get bored.
New guys come in.
Maybe there's someone
on our team they never liked.
There's no point in sitting
around, wondering why.
It is what it is.
Denise, this is gonna be
devastating to my guys.
Arc mobile's our biggest account.
- Well, they will get over it.
They're young.
So, conner, i have you at s utters, and,
mason, you're still at the four seasons.
You'll need two cars, then?
- No, we will not need two cars.
We don't have the budget for that.
- So, one car?
What do you care about the budget?
You're leaving.
He's leaving. You know he's leaving, right?
Fancy new job. Big, fancy travel budget.
You'll be missed.
One car or two?
Two. -One.
Two. -One.
Tony, hi. Can i help you
with something?
Uh, no. I got it.
Hi, guys.
Listen up.
I need everybody's phones.
Everybody who has an arc mobile cellphone,
i want you to put it here in this bag.
There you go.
Very good.
What do we got?
There you go.
Hi, guys. -Hey. How's
it going? -Good.
Hi, sarah. You look pretty.
Are we getting new phones or
Happy birthday, by the way.
Thank you.
Get you. Jim.
I got you already.
Thank you, guys.
What do we got?
- Hey, conner. I'm not arc mobile.
Aha! Good for you.
Really? Tony -
- Mm-Hmm. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Just move this aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah!
We're not working
on arc mobile anymore.
Tony's still in there, you know,
with the door closed.
At least now i know
why they fired gordon
And why you've been so focused
on your secret escape plan.
Stop. I didn't know anything
about this, all right?
And if i did know we
were losing arc mobile,
i wouldn't have given
tony my phone to destroy.
Oh, really?
Well, i didn't give tony
my phone.
I'm calling gordon to see
if he knows what's happening.
Probably has something to do
with you killing that tag line.
I had to kill "do thumbthing. "
You stole it.
I didn't steal "do thumbthing. "
I quoted it, unconsciously.
My first line was better,
I'm going down there.
Good. I'm gonna stay here,
Put my portfolio together,
send it out without telling you!
What did you get me?
- Yeah, look in your garage.
I take it you didn't get my message.
Hey. What are you doing?
That is my champagne.
Put it back. Conner!
Champagne? Did you send yourself
a gift basket again this year?
I'm worth it.
- Look, sarah
I may need to work late.
Oh andrew, it's my birthday.
Look, i'm as disappointed
as you are.
Just don't make me feel
sad and guilty.
Um, then what about tomorrow?
See, this is why i have a whole birthday
week - For situations like this.
Ah, i remember.
Um yes, of course.
Let's - Let's do it tomorrow.
Are you sure?
You don't have to.
It's just a birthday.
- I will see you tomorrow night.
I'll check my garage.
Love you.
Love you, too.
Do it tomorrow.
Is he still in there?
Whoo! Yeah! What the hell are you doing?!
- We're grieving.
By building a bonfire in my office?
- No, it's a funeral pyre.
Bonfires are more celebratory.
- Thank you. Mm-Hmm. To arc mobile,
A great client.
May you go out of business
As soon as we finish shooting
one last commercial. That's it.
Hey! This is serious.
I just came from 24.
Gordon's already gone.
He's cleaning out his office.
They fired gordon?
- Uh-Huh. Oh, yeah, yeah. Guys,
Don't mind all the water seeping
in underneath the doors.
Guess that makes me the last
bastion of diversity.
Well, here's to boredom.
I mean gordon.
And to mason. Mason is leaving, too.
- I am not going anywhere.
Now, look, we got to figure out
what's going on here.
As soon as tony gets out of his office -
- Tony's still in his office?
I just checked. His door's locked.
- What? Whoa.
Guys, don't you remember
what happened the last time
We left someone locked
inside their office?
Give me the keys.
- I'm trying.
Try faster.
What else is there to say? The account's
dead. Everything's on hold.
Okay, okay, but what about the review?
- We're not participating.
It's a fool's errand.
Incumbents never win.
Sometimes they do.
Look, i know this sucks,
But we got this great spot
going into production -
What is it about "everything is on hold"
that you don't understand?
We are not shooting
your commercial.
Nobody is gonna put one more
dime into arc mobile.
It doesn't make sense, though, tony!
I mean, they're already into this
thing for more than $100,000.
They're not gonna want to just eat that.
Besides, peter derby loves it!
Peter derby can go screw himself.
I've had it with those people.
Tony everything's ready to go.
- Well, then it's your job to stop it.
You got to pick battles
you know you can win, mason,
And we're not gonna win this one.
So go call the producer.
Tell him to cancel the shoot.
Then go round up the boys
and go get drunk.
Tony says the account
and the spot are dead.
We lost the commercial.
No. No, mason.
Look. Right here.
No. Tony was very clear.
I have to call and cancel
the shoot tomorrow.
Right now?
Just like that?
You're just g- Did you
even fight for it?
Huh, mason? Did you get angry?
Did you get pissed?
It is out of our hands!
- You know what?
Maybe it's out ofyourhands.
- What are you talking about?
Let me fix this.
I'll take the heat.
Will you just - Can you just not
make the call? Okay?
Can you do that much?
- What are you gonna do?
You're gonna shoot the spot
on your own dime?
Well, technically, mason, it's gonna
be the agency's dime.
No, it is -
No, it is no- Ok-
All right. Think about what you're
saying, okay?
Yeah, yeah. Let's say you shoot the spot.
Spend, what, 100 grand
of the agency's money.
Tony's pissed as hell. You're
on the hook for 100 grand.
You lose your job.
- I'm gonna lose my job anyway
If i do nothing!
With arc mobile gone,
i'm a sitting duck.
I don't have my book together.
I'm not like you. Good for you.
I'm not gonna sit around
here and get popped in
The back of the skull. -We have
other accounts. It'll be okay.
It'll be okay? Great. And for how long?
And who wants to be just okay, man?
What am i supposed to do?!
- Fight!
Fight, mason!
Damn it!
Stu would.
Remember reebok?
Client killed it.
Stu shot it anyway.
Client saw it. They loved it.
They paid for it.
Yeah, i heard that story, except stu
never did that, conner.
It's a myth.
- I know that, mason.
And yet people believe it.
And that's why they respected him.
Come on.
Come on!
Mason, derby loves this spot.
We know that.
Let's show it to him.
He's never seen what we can do. "We,
"Mason - That's right. We can turn
this whole thing around.
We show it to derby.
He loves it.
He pays for it. We save the account.
Everyone comes out on top.
We walk out of here like butch cassidy
and the sundance kid.
They died in the end.
- Everybody dies in the end.
They became legends.
Let's go save our jobs
and be legendary.
I can't. I have a family to think about.
I'm sorry.
"I." "I."
"I." "I." "I."
Always with the "i. "
Though. I did that because, of all the
vegetable soup mixes in the marketpla-
You think you can nice-Guy
And soft-Pedal your way
up the ladder around here?
- Why are you such a pussy?
Such a pussy.
Pusoir! Pusoir!
Why are you such a pusoir?
- Shut up, stu.
Pusoir! Pusoir! -You're not
my boss anymore! You're dead.
You can't yell at me anymore.
- Pusoir!
Stop yelling at me!
- Pusoir! Mason place.
Mason. Honey.
Wake up.
Oh, god, what time is it?
I got to make that call.
You still haven't called?
- I have till midnight.
It's 11:00, so you still have time.
- Okay, okay, good.
What's going on with you?
Why haven't you called?
Conner doesn't want me
to call off the shoot.
Oh, so now you're taking
career advice from conner?
No, i just -
He thinks the spot is great,
you know? I do, too.
I just - What do you think?
Is - Is this commercial good enough
to risk losing my job?
What? Wait. What spot
are you talking about?
The one where the guy
can't think of the big idea,
So he loses his wife and his
kids and his house and his job,
And then he thinks of
the big idea, and he texts it.
Then he saves the meeting. Right. He gets
hit by the bus. And mike ditka catches him.
Right. Come on! Mike ditka?!
- No, no, i like it. It's cute.
What? No. No, no, no, no, no.
Don't you put this on me.
- No, you said "cute. " No.
Stop. Hang up. So you think
we should shoot the spot?
No. -So you think
i should call it off?
I think you should stop looking for
someone else to make this decision for you.
Look, honey, whatever you decide,
just make sure
When you wake up tomorrow you don't
regret what you decided to do.
Rise and shine, sport bag.
What are you doing here?
What - What time is it?
- Time to go to I.A.
Come on. Come on. Our flight leaves
in 40 minutes. -What?
I thought you called it off.
- Uh, no, i did not.
Come on. Come on.
City of angels awaits.
No. No, no, i can't do this.
What? -No, i can't do that.
You can't do that.
We can't do it. It's a bad idea.
You were right.
You're always right. Bad idea.
- It was your idea,
Conner. Butch cassidy,
sundance kid, remember?
Yeah, well, that was the
champagne talking, all right?
Champagne makes me grandiose.
- Grandiose and right.
Buddy, we got to fight for this.
If we don't, we're gonna regret it.
Okay, well, what if we're wrong, mason?
You ever think about that, huh?
What if we're wrong, and what if
peter derby doesn't like it?
- Pusoir!
I - What are - This is our chance to
ride like we've always wanted to ride.
No client on set
making inane comments.
We make this commercial the way
we want to make it - Our way!
Look, think about what you're
saying, all right?
You have a family to support.
I have - I have the gibbons
at the lincoln park zoo.
Think about what they would say
if we do this.
"Conner's a legend -
A ballsy, reckless legend. "
But you still have the number
of that headhunter?
Not gonna need it.
Not gonna need it. Hmm?
Come on! Get going!
I can't believe
we have to cover for them.
I can't believe
they actually went to I.A.
That takes huge "kajonays. "
Cojones, man.
Your spanish is horrible.
Hey, guys.
Where's mason?
Oh, hey, tony.
- He's not here.
I mean, he's here.
He's just not here here.
Yeah, i know that.
I can't reach him on his cell.
It's probably because -
- I know.
You know what? You didn't
break conner's phone.
Call him.
Maybe he knows where mason is.
How is that covering?
We can still make the first shot.
Thanks, uh - Bjorn, was it?
Nice hearing about your family.
Keep the change.
- Did you have to tip him 20 bucks?
Oh, yeah, tip big on the way in, tip big
on the way out. It's good luck.
Yeah, well, we're gonna be on the hook
for our expenses here. Every dollar counts.
Whoa. It's the office.
- Don't answer it.
It could be tom and hector
with an update.
It could be tony.
It could be tom and hector.
- It could be tony.
Tom and hector.
- Tony.
Hey, tony.
- I'm looking for mason. Is he with you?
Mason? Yeah, he's right here.
But he's busy.
He's very busy. He's in line.
- Where are you?
Where are we? We're at mr. Beef.
We have an internal new-Business
meeting at 6:00, and i need him there.
Roger that. -Oh, and get me a mr. Beef
while you're there -
Extra hot peppers.
- Yes, sir. You can count on mason.
So, apparently, you're supposed to be in
at a meeting with new business at 6:00.
Yeah, i might have
a little conflict with that.
Also, tony would like a mr. Beef
with extra hot peppers.
- Hey, sarah, it's mason.
Could you pick up?
I'm kind of in the middle
of something.
Uh, look, i have a bit of a situation
here. It's a crazy thing.
My son is having
a bit of a dental cris.
Please, mason. I know you're
in I.A. Shooting that spot.
Tom and hector are so fired.
- Roger.
Look, i need - Weneed your help.
Uh, you know how you say
sometimes, just on occasion,
You'd rather not work
in shampoo?
Hair care. What do you want?
Well, there's a new-Business
meeting at 6:00 tonight.
Then you better get on a plane.
I'm not getting on a plane.
I'm not leaving the shoot.
Sarah, i need you to cover for me.
- No, mason. The answer is no.
It is my birthday.
- I thought your birthday was yesterday.
I had to push it. It didn't happen last
night, so it has to happen tonight.
The way my birthday goes
is the way my whole year goes.
You are not asking me to ruin
my whole year, are you?
Look, it's one meeting, sarah.
And the way that meeting goes
Could make your whole year.
New business, remember?
New, as in less shampoo.
- Why are you doing this to me?
I just want to go bowling. -Well, con-
Conner will take you bowling.
- Look,
Sarah, i ju- Help me here!
You know, i'm trying to save
this group from going under.
Fine. Just stop talking.
It's fine.
- Thank you.
Thank you. Conference room at 6:00.
- Hey. Uh, me again.
I almost forgot.
Tony wants a mr. Beef.
Extra hot peppers.
Just kill me now.
Cut! Okay, got it.
Moving on.
No, uh, alden, i don't really
think we got it.
No, we got it on three cameras.
- I know. I mean, i just -
It seemed kind of, um
- Yeah.
He's getting hit by a bus.
- I know, i know.
Mm-Hmm. But we're not supposed to worry
about actual brain damage.
You know?
It's supposed to be funny.
He's about to land
in the arms of mike ditka.
You guys hired me to shoot
a guy getting hit by a bus.
I just shot a guy
getting hit by a bus.
Uh-Huh. If you're worried getting hit
by a bus is too scary,
Maybe you should have written it
as a mini cooper.
I think the problem
is his arms.
He needs to fl- Have him
flail around, like a muppet.
If he doesn't flail, it's frightening.
If he's floppy, it's funny.
Can he be floppy, like a muppet?
- Like a muppet.
Guys, it's close enough.
Whoa. Y- You don't understand.
This is not just a commercial, okay?
Close enough is not close enough.
This needs to be perfect.
Every frame needs to be perfect.
We'll pay for overtime,
But that man needs to be floppy
like a muppet.
Definitely floppy like a muppet.
We're going again! Theo!
Get over here!
- Floppy is - Is funny.
Floppy is funny.
New plan.
My daughter call?
- No, not yet.
If she calls and i'm in this meeting,
just yank me out, would you?
Of course.
Hi, everybody.
Oh, hey, tony. How's it going?
- What are you doing here?
I'm just getting ready
for the new-Business meeting.
I have a few ideas i'd like to share.
- Where's mason?
You didn't get his message?
Oh. He said he tried to call you.
He had to run over and deal
with an edit on a dove spot.
Which dove spot?
That 15-Second re-Edit.
- The one i approved yesterday.
Did you like it?
- Is mason in I.A.?
I don't understand your question.
I'm sorry, everybody,
for wasting your time,
But it seems our creative director,
who is supposed to be here,
Is not even in the same state.
3, 2, 1.
Aah! -Cut! -Yes!
Yes! Good job, daniel!
- You the man!
Huh? Sufficiently floppy?
- Floppy and funny.
Floppy! Was it funny enough?
- All right, we're moving on! Well
Sarah. Hey, sarah, you'll never
guess what you missed.
This guy's flopping through
the air like a muppet.
Hey, hey. How was the meeting?
- You - God!
That's the best you came up with?
What are you saying?
Well, how pissed was tony?
- God! Come on!
Well, great. Thanks, sarah.
And have a great birthday.
Tony knows.
- That's unfortunate.
It turns out we have a problem
of a more immediate nature.
Ditka won't do the stunt.
- Why? He just has to catch somebody.
I know. It turns out
ditka is a delicate flower.
He's had three hip
replacements, and he's got
bad knees. And, anyway,
he's not doing the stunt.
He has to.
- Yeah, i know, but he won't.
What does that mean?
- I'll tell you what it means.
It means the commercial we risked our
careers to make does not have an ending.
Maybe he's resting.
So we wake him up.
He has to do this.
We have to convince him.
Come on. We're from chicago.
He'll love us.
- Ah, no!
Wake up mike ditka?
You go first.
Hello? Hello? Hello, mr. Ditka.
Anybody here?
You check the steamer?
- Guys. Hey.
He left.
- He left? How could he leave?
His agent never showed him the storyboards.
Mr. Ditka said he was told
He'd be holding a cellphone, not catching
a human being. Meantime, guys,
We're burning daylight and money, and
i don't have an ending to shoot.
Yeah. I'm
Wait. No.
I got something.
I got an idea.
I don't know.
Could be a -
Could be a brilliant idea.
Could be a terrible idea.
But i do know it's expensive.
Yeah! Eat it, pins. Eat it.
Okay, keep it classy, krajicek. Come on.
Hey, i'm gonna go get
another one. You in?
No, i'm good. In fact, i think i'm ready
to call it here and move on to dinner.
What? No, we just got here.
I already had to miss out
on cocktails at the green mill
'Cause of my stupid boss.
We are not cutting this short.
We might miss our reservation.
- So what? We'll just eat here.
They have great chili dogs.
Now bowl your ball.
Or are you afraid
of getting beat by a girl?
The way you're putting back those beers,
i keep forgetting you are a girl.
What's up?
- Um, yeah,
You did that thing
where you cheated. Yeah.
I don't cheat. You just need to
learn how to bowl.
I'm glad to see you're enjoying
yourself, though.
I know.
Aah! Let's just shave off two frames
after the hit.
Aah! Two more frames.
Aah! I think it's great.
I think it totally works.
I don't know.
- What do you think? You like the ending?
Um it's getting there.
- It's getting there.
The other one was better.
- What was the other one?
After the hit, the guy flies through the air
and lands in the arms of mike ditka.
That's funny.
Why didn't you guys do that one?
'Cause ditka's a pussy.
- Too bad.
What do you think of this version?
It's perfect.
It's fantastic.
It's the "citizen kane"
of cellphone ads.
You have that headhunter number handy?
Aah! Let's, uh - After the hit,
let's, uh, put those frames back in.
Get the bunny with the hat,
please. The bunny with the hat.
Bunny with the hat.
Okay. Bunny with the hat.
No, no, the bunny with the
hat. You're going the wrong way.
Over, over, over. I got to get it.
Ready? - Down, down.
Ohh! Crud! That's not the bunny
with the hat. -I know.
That's a lousy gift.
I'm gonna go for fuzzy dice.
Oh, i don't want fuzzy dice.
I love my sad dinosaur.
He's cute.
I'm going to name him gary.
I should have gotten you
something, and
I know i should have taken you
to a nicer dinner, and
- This is all i wanted -
Just to hang out and eat chili dogs
And get a cheap stuffed animal
out of a germy claw game.
Well, you were always easy to shop for.
Uh, come on. Let's go.
One more drink, hmm?
Someplace swanky, all right,
To make up for how lame
all this was, huh?
No, no, no, no,
i have an idea.
Let's just -
Let's just go home.
Come home with me.
Sarah - What? It's no big deal.
It's just one night.
And it's my birthday.
That was yesterday.
- Birthday week.
It's just not a good idea.
It was fine last time.
No, it - It wasn't.
Look, this isn't good,
this dance we're doing.
What dance? I'm not dancing.
You know what i'm talking about.
We talk every day on the phone together.
We still say "i love you. "
- No, we don't.
We say, "love you. "
It's different.
- Sarah, it's got to stop.
It's time.
Okay, you know what?
You're right.
Then let's just go get a drink.
Where should we go? Maybe somewhere
a little wine-Bar-Y -
Listen to me. Sarah, you have to stop
doing this.
You have to stop pretending
that this isn't weird.
You got to stop calling me.
I'm not the only one.
You call me, too.
I- I do. I do, and i shouldn't,
all right?
We shouldn't.
I'm sorry, but this
is the last time we do this.
I need to move on.
And so do you. You deserve to spend
Your birthday with someone you can actually
be with, you know?
But i don't have
anybody like that, so
Look, maybe it's because
you're still hanging on to me.
Come on.
Messenger delivered the dvd to arc mobile
first thing this morning.
That means derby has it by now.
- Great.
He's gonna watch it. He's gonna love it.
- Tony's still gonna kill us.
Absolutely, but once he sees what we've done
for him and for the group, he'll calm down.
He'll be pleased as punch.
Come on. It's a great spot.
- Yes, it is.
Isn't it?
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
Calm down.
Please calm down?
I've told you
everything i know.
Doesn't look like he slept here.
Oh, here they are. Thank god.
What's up?
We have kind of a situation.
What's going on?
- Tony's wife is on the phone.
Tony didn't come home last night, and no
one's seen him since he left yesterday.
Did you try his cell?
Smashed. Never mind.
We have to find him.
Start calling hospitals
and the police.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Check the bars first.
Well, you're the one who
thought he was dead yesterday.
Could be dead in a bar.
Hey, i know it's the wrong time,
but everything go okay?
Yeah, kind of the wrong time, tom.
But you'll be please to hear
we used your tag line.
You used
"way beyond the call"?
That's awesome.
On the minus side,
we may have killed tony.
Bars close at 2:00 a. M.
Why are we even looking in bars?
Obviously, you've never slept
in a bar before.
Maybe we should call his wife.
- No. No news is bad news.
We'll call when we know something.
You know what we need to do?
We need to think like tony.
Say your number two completely betrayed you
and destroyed what was left of your career.
What would you do?
- Thanks. That's helpful.
- If i was drunk,
I'd be eating at nookies.
That's where i'd be.
Hello? Tony. Hey, tony.
It's tony. Here's mason.
Number two - That's you.
- Tony, it's mason.
Mason. How are you, mason?
- I'm fine.
Oh, mason, how did the new-Business meeting
go the other night?
Any exciting new prospects
for the mink group?
Tony, where are you?
- Where am i? I'm in my office.
No, you're not. We were just there, okay?
Everybody's looking for you.
- Oh, that's right. I'm in los angeles.
I'm shooting a commercial
my boss told me not to make.
- Where is he?
Do you know how hard it is
to find a working pay phone?
You know they cost 50 cents now?
Tony, tell me where you are.
We'll come get you.
All right.
I'm in paris.
Hey! Fancy seeing you here.
Nice place, huh?
My daughter's getting married
here next month.
Pretty classy.
- Yeah.
We hadn't heard.
- Yeah, no, neither had i
Until i ran into my old dentist.
He congratulated me
on the happy occasion.
She invited her dentist
Not her dad.
Yeah. Hey, why don't we go get some
breakfast, and we'll drop you home?
You know what i don't understand?
I don't understand
why no one listens to me.
I- I can say whatever the hell i want,
and it doesn't mean a thing.
Uh, tony you should probably know -
Mason here - He didn't want to go to I.A.,
No, don't -
- I- I talked him into it.
I paid for her college.
Not that i mind.
I'm happy to do that,
then when she's ready
to get married and goes off
Meets the guy at the college that i paid for
Does she pick up the phone
and call and let me know?
Nope, nope. Not a word.
You're right.
That's not fair.
All the crap i put up
from you people.
All the
Bullets i took for you.
I got you your promotions and your bonuses,
all the good assignments.
Stu hoffman -
He wanted you gone years ago.
And i fought for you.
I promoted you to make my life easier.
And then for you to go off
and do something like that
Tony, we were trying to save
the account.
Right. Save the account?
What account? It's over. It's gone.
It's out the door.
I told you that.
I - You didn't listen to me.
You see? You see?
Nobody listens to me anymore.
- Let's talk about this in the cab.
Yeah. Come on. You two think
you're bulletproof, don't you?
Well, maybe you are,
and maybe you're not.
But let me tell you something, boys.
People have a very short memory for
the good things you do, but when
When you mess up big-Time
they'll rember that
for the rest of your life.
Look who it is.
How's he doing?
- He's in bed.
You heard from peter derby yet?
- No.
But denise just called. She wants
to see you both in her office.
Aah! Just got your text.
That's a great idea, bill.
I thought mike ditka was in this.
Uh, we came up with a - A different ending.
- A better ending.
Uh-Huh. Did tony know about this?
- Yes.
- No.
- And did he tell you to shoot this?
No. No, no, that w- That was just us.
Oh, well, that's too bad.
It'd be nice to hear that tony was actually
capable of taking a risk every now and then.
So, you like the spot?
You like the new ending?
It doesn't matter what i think.
Peter derby likes it.
He's covering the cost of the shoot.
And he's going to air it, as planned.
Of course, if he didn't
like it, we'd be having
a very different conversation right now.
Of course. Yeah.
- Right. Absolutely.
So, the account's no longer in review?
- No, no. Still in review.
But - Y- You said he liked the spot.
- Guys, this is not your fault.
This isn't about the quality
of the creative. It never is.
It's about money. Arc mobile
wants to cut our fee.
Like everybody else these days,
they want us to do more work for less money,
And i am not interested in that.
Besides, i'm pretty sure that they're just
going to follow gordon over to leo burnett.
- Gordon went to burnett?
You really should talk to tony more.
Anyway, i should let you two get back.
You've got a lot of work to do.
Replacing that $75 million
your group lost
Before the end of the year
is not going to be easy.
I'm sorry. By the end of the year?
This year? That's like a couple of months.
I know.
It's going to be
a very exciting time for you.
Good bye, boys.
That went well.
- Oh, yeah.
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