TVF Pitchers (2015) s01e05 Episode Script

Where Magic Happens

So, Karunesh invited his girlfriend over
I told him to use the lower bed frame
of the bunk bed and I'll use the upper one
You enjoy your privacy
He agreed
But Mohanti made an MMS clip of them in the night
And forwarded the clip to me
He became upset in the morning
and started yelling at me
It wasn't even my fault
Listen Rastogi!
Have you heard of Ronald Wayne?
Ronald Wayne, ever heard of him?
Was he Batman's father?
He was an entrepreneur
40 years ago he started a company
with his 2 friends
Today that company is worth billions of dollars
But Nobody knows him
Do you know what is the name of that company?
Everyone knows who Steve Jobs was
Many people might know about Steve Wozniak too
But no one ever remembers the name of
the 3rd guy
And look I'm the 4th guy
Yogi said something?
Don't be antsy about what Yogi said,
He is probably annoyed with his hairfall
What could he even say?
I'll whoop his sorry ass someday,
He hasn't seen my livid side yet
But Jeetu?
I told him on the phone last week
that its a bank holiday on the 1st of next month
Following with a weekend
So his salary would be 3,4 days overdue
He disconnected the phone halfway
How rude!
Do you know what Naveen said
when I told him about this?
I'm busy Mandal
I'll talk to you later
Go make some tea for me
Is this a way to talk to a CMO?
Not at all
Sometimes it feels like that
I'm nothing, Rastogi
I mean
Naveen gives presentations
Jeetu does coding
Yogi gets to meet with vendors
No one gives me any work to do
I think I'm a zero
Don't fret over these stupid little things
Look at me, I've been fighting for 14 years
Look at you, who is gonna bag seed funding
in just 6 months
From none other than Plutus atlantic
You're only left with the partner meeting now
Then everyone will acknowledge your reputation
in the market
I don't need any respect from the market, Rastogi
I just want my 3 friends to respect me
Then show them your dedication
Give your blood, sweat and tears to this startup
Go the extra mile and they'll
start respecting you
How else am I going to show them dedication?
I am the one who works his ass off
for Jeetu 5 days a week
I get exhausted by the evening but
I still cook dinner for Yogi and Naveen
I go around all day with this pen drive clinging to me
If this isn't enough dedication then
I don't know what is
What's with this pen drive?
All the company's secrets
Everything important to the company
is in this pen drive
This is what will make our company big
I update it after every meeting
I was in New York last year,
got it from there for $5
But I'm sure that this same device
will get us 5 Billion dollars one day
Why don't you drink this?
Yeah Chill out!
No no no no
I will drink only beer
I have a digestion problem with these
inferior quality drinks
Drink up, there's nothing wrong with it
This is Rastogi's special
This is what we were selling in
our 6th startup venture
Colombo Tsunami
The title is a little insensitive
Otherwise Tiger Global would've been onboard
just like that
Just for you, I'll have one sip
Okay, two
Jeetu's wife is so hot man
And so cultured
I don't know where my mom finds these dumb bimbos
and insists me to meet them
I once asked a girl,
"What do you like about Avatar?"
She said, "Rajesh Khanna(Actor in Avtaar) is so cute"
I mean what the fuck girls?
Sorry, I'll be back in 2 minutes,
Nature's call
Come back in a jiffy
You have to pay the bill
Of course, I had a good time
Thank you!
No no, thank you
If they ask you about the salary,
tell them to give you a minute to think
Tell the HR that you'll manage your
own transportation
They'll be as pleased as punch
Guys, Uber is booked
Cab will be here in Five
Hurry-up Naveen!
We have to double check
If it weren't for my VP promotion,
I wouldn't be fighting for you
I'm doing this because your
product is promising
Stop yammering, I've been ready since last night
I even slept wearing the tie
Jeetu, come along now
Hold on a minute
Check in the closet drawer,
there must be a white carry bag
Yes the one with Kalyani sari
You'll find your certificate, passport,
checkbook and every document in it.
What is he up to?
Soumya is interviewing for a job today
He's been blabbering about his
postmodern post-marriage love story for 2 hours
Hey Yogi!
Have you seen my pen drive?
Which one?
The same with
Yogi has already taken 2 or 3 backups
of the presentation
Oh hello!
Six backups
No its not here
Mandal, sit your ass down
Mandal, sit down there
What are you doing?
Naveen, what the hell is going on?
Naveen, come along
What are you even doing here?
I could only sleep for 4 hours,
At least let me wash my face
We're finally getting the funding today
My luck is shining and so should my face, No?
You guys are taking this meeting very lightly
I'm telling you since day 1
everyone in the firm is liking your idea
but this has nothing to do with seed funding
All that matters is whether
Bhardwaj likes it or not
We've just 30 minutes left,
Come along now come on come on
You guys are so tardy
Turn it off
Alright I'm sitting down
No no get up
Just be punctual,
Temples can wait
Alright I'm hanging up
Hey listen, breakfast is in the fridge
Eat properly, Okay?
Oh and have some sweet yoghurt,
it'll bring you good luck
All the best
Wish her good luck for me
Naveen wishes you all the best
Wish her for me too
Just say it simultaneously
and be done with it guys
No its nothing, Puneet wishes you
all the best. I'll talk to you later
Do you guys know that Ideally
I shouldn't even be here
Why did I come here?
The most important
With whom are you guys meeting?
Ankit Bhardwaj, senior partner
Plutus Atlantic
Do you guys have any idea who is he?
He's known as Midas Bhardwaj
in the VC circles
Is it Midas or Midaas?
Shut up you benighted fool
He has 17 multi million dollar companies
in his portfolio and zero in his anti portfolio
What's anti portfolio?
What is investor's portfolio?
The companies he chose to fund
and they became successful
Then what is its ANTI?
The companies he chose not to fund
and yet they became successful
Bhardwaj doesn't have any header of
anti-portfolio in his profile
Now if he rejects your idea today
then mark my words no one will give a
flying fuck to your idea in Bombay or Bangalore
Now you don't want to go to Delhi
and I don't want to remain as an analyst forever
So let's focus on it together,
Those 30 minutes inside that room
can take your lives in two
completely opposite direction
You have an impressive product
and you did a lot of elbow grease on it
This is what it boils down to
And don't forget to lick his balls
the minute you enter there
Alright guys, cab is here
Let's leave
Naveen, button your shirt to the neck
Mandal- I couldn't find it
Puneet- Guys hurry up!
Jeetu- Let me put on my shoes
Jeetu- Mandal did you wear my socks again?
Mandal- No, I'm wearing my own
Jeetu, your demo is ready?
What about FB login?
Oh, not yet
I'll do it in the cab
Yeah okay
Should I wear a tie?
You can wear boxers in their
let alone tie
Ankit, Naveen and team
Sir, I saw your TED Talk
it was very thought provoking
Which one?
California or Vancouver?
Both of them
Really? Vancouver is next month
Puneet, you want anything?
I'm sorry guys but
No no its okay
feel free
Missed the breakfast, now my
wife is making me eat oats as a punishment
You guys are married?
Only me sir
Oh, so girlfriends?
Sir, Naveen has one
So Ankit, should we start the presentation?
Uh no wait a second
Hold on for a minute
on my way back from bangalore today
And I must say the idea has
lot of potential
The targets that you guys have mentioned
are quite realistic and achievable
And the revenue model is also
very impressive
Thank you sir
And I say the BUT in capital letters
Couple of days back,
few guys presented me
the exact same idea with the
exact same targets
and the exact same revenue models
Now I'm not sure how this has happened
Hold on a minute, Ankit
I've been with these guys for last 3,4 weeks now
I'm pretty convinced that its their original idea
I don't think they have stolen it or..
No no I'm not accusing anybody
Even for me this is a unique situation
But two teams with exactly the same idea..
can't just be a coincidence
But we have this idea since college
But Ankit we've been on this since college
If you want I can also show you our chat
and conversation over mail
We've been planning this for 3 years
Guys guys I'm not a detective
I'm an investor
And the same product has been pitched
to me twice by 2 different teams
Sir, I mean can you disclose their names?
I can't reveal their names at this point of time
This changes few things for you guys
Let me explain you how the investment
process really works
So, in this sea of unknown
You guys are sitting here on this island
Comfortably with your idea
Let's call this island..
Comfort zone
And I'm here on this island
Where magic happens
This is where big companies are formed
Now you guys have to reach here
There are 2 options
You step out of your comfort zone
and start swimming
You'll have to face the waves of uncertainty,
the tides of sacrifice
The unpredictable climate change
of destiny
And I'm not sure if you're
gonna make it to there
But luckily for you guys,
there's another option
I have a boat named as
$$ money
I can send this boat to
you guys
You can hop into that boat and
can easily make it to this island
But herein lies the problem
A replica of your island is at
this end of the sea
And I can send my boat in
only one direction
But sir shouldn't we get the investment
since its our original idea?
But guys..
Because I own the boat
Only I can make that choice
And as unfortunate as it may sound
The ball right now is..
..completely in my court
I know its confidential,
that's why I called you
Your promotion's on stake? I'll
call you later then. Okay bye
Guys, thing is that Bhardwaj is not gonna
disclose the names
And Bangalore team is also uncommunicative
Realistically its tough to get the names
Puneet, can you work something out?
I'm trying but there's another problem
Bhardwaj is leaving for Dubai day after tomorrow
What then?
I'll sort it out in a 2nd meeting tomorrow,
Don't worry I have some contacts
I'll call them and get back to you
Shit man
Are you sure that Puneet didn't leak our idea?
No no his own promotion is on stake,
he didn't do it
What's the matter Shreya?
You know I have a meeting today
Then why are you calling me over and over?
I'm facing a huge problem here,
I can't come right now
But at least tell me what's the matter?
Alright I'm coming,
Yeah I'll be there
Guys I'll be back in 20,
Call me if Puneet comes up with anything
We should make a list of probable suspects
Would that help?
I have a lot of experience with larceny
When I was in MBA 1st year,
someone used to steal my water bucket on
alternate days
So I formed a list and applied base theorem,
Turned out culprit was from my wing
I have a hunch its somebody we know
Mandal, where's your pen drive?
I don't know,
couldn't find it
I met Rastogi last weekend,
since then its
Each and every demo and templates
were in it
Call that Rastogi now
Call him you moron
I'm sorry
Put it on speaker
He's in Bangalore,
That's where he pitched our idea
Shit, do we have to go to Bangalore now?
Wanna go to Bangalore motherfucker?
Yeah Rastogi might be sitting in a coffee shop,
jerking off to your name
Please don't talk to me like that
I'll beat your ass you cunt face
All you had to do Mandal was nothing
That's all you had to do and
you shit in that too
I've been telling Naveen since day 1
that we shouldn't include him
I can tolerate his zero contribution
But I can't put up with his negative contribution
We would've gotten the term sheet by now
Who gave you the right to fuck with our lives?
Yogi, why are you speaking like that, bro?
I'm already feeling guilty
I didn't do it on purpose
Yeah you can't do it on purpose,
you know why?
Because you're a cunt
Yogi its enough
Hold on a second
You're a cunt
The whole world knows that you're a cunt
And you also know that you are a cunt
Stop talking to me like that Yogi
Yes I know I made a mistake.
But we are friends
Then where are your other friends besides us?
And why did you find Rastogi, of all people
to drink beer with?
Do you know why it was always your bucket that got stolen?
Because you're a pussy
You're the biggest douchebag out there
This ordeal that we are suffering is a punishment
for involving cunts like you in our team
Okay then
You won't have to suffer because of me again
It was great working with you guys
I quit
Yogi you shouldn't have
- Mandal
- Get lost
Take a stand in your life just this once
and don't ever come back you damn sore loser
What are you doing Yogi?
Hold on a minute
Just a sec
Aunty, can you move it?
Who are you calling aunty?
Madam, can you please move it?
Come on that side
What is this nonsense?
you've never been so unreasonable
I was in the middle of a meeting
and you kept calling over & over
Remember Rio?
That job interview I had?
Yeah, what about that?
You rejected it.
Yes but they have new vacancies in
their London office
And they want me there ASAP
Infact, I have to get back to them by tonight, latest.
For how long?
I thought you were happy here?
I am
Ofcourse I am, but
Naveen, its a dream job in a dream city
Its like a once in a lifetime opportunity
Have you decided then?
I don't know
I can't believe I have to choose between
My future and our future
And I don't want to make that choice all by myself
What can I say now,
its your decision
What would you have done if you were in my place?
I think you should go
Mandal's phone is switched off
Why do you flip out so much Yogi?
He's not gonna go anywhere,
he'll be home after a couple of beers
Yogi, He's Mandal
Will you take responsibility if he did anything stupid?
There's your asshole
Must be Soumya, I told her to come here
after the interview
Listen, keep your trap shut,
I don't want her to get in a stew
I got it
Interview was amazing, they are gonna send me an offer letter
and I'm gonna join by next week
Congrats Soumya
I'm sorry Yogi, I didn't see you
No no, you guys carry on
I'll be inside
No no, its allright
Actually this is for you
What's in it? sweets?
No, these are visiting cards from Vista prints,
they delievered it in the morning
Actually he told me that the quality of previous cards
was quite shoddy so
How did the meeting go?
It was great, presentation went pretty well
Demo was amazing so..
We pitched it well, he liked it
Yeah meeting was great
Did you talk to Dad?
Actually I could talk to my Dad only
He was asking about you and dad
I have a hunch that dad knows about it
So, I think first I should talk to you and then dad
Why? you should talk to dad first
How can you married couple can tell the difference
between whose dad we're talking about
Okay, I'll talk to dad but should I say?
Say what you always say
I know we disagree with him but we
don't disrespect him. You should call him
Puneet is calling
Yeah, hi Puneet
Its Yogi here
Yeah look Yogi, I couldn't find the name directly
But I have Bhardwaj's last week schedule
right in front of me
I have the details of all of his previous meetings
Can you check if he had any meeting with Rastogi?
Yeah, check for a Rastogi
No no Rastogi with an R, yes
There's no Rastogi here Yogi
No Rastogi?
Why don't you check alphabetically?
and tell me the names starting from A
There are almost 80 names here,
I have already cross checked the list
Either they are big companies or already funded startups
There's only one slot left with no name
but just an Email ID
What is the Email ID?
Some peculiar ID, yes
there's an underscore between dungeon and master
Oh fuck!
Why did you choose this place
to talk about such an important matter
We could've gone to a restaurant
Maybe because I wanted to walk
down the aisle with you once
Good to know, that your sense of humour
is still intact
And good to see, that your "career comes first"
ideology is still intact
Please say it
Just say it once that I love you,
I can't live without you, please don't leave me
Shreya, I love you,
I can't live without you
But please go
We'll try and figure out something
Like what?
Long distance?
You know that never works
I might never come back
You can't move there
and I can't be here
Let's not try to take the easy way out, okay?
There's still time. I'll give you a coin,
make the trial room your jury room
That is not gonna change anything
I know you too well
you know thats the problem
You're getting very predictable you know
You're not instigating me, please stop trying
Listen, really?
You're letting me go? me?
You're letting this and this and
these and that go?
Do you realize how tough it is to get this combination?
It won't be tough, it will be impossible
But its your job
You have to do it
You know that your work is the only thing that will
be here long after you're gone
Naveen, that's just a figure of speech
We're not Gandhi, Newton or Shakespeare
Our work is just gonna get buried with our graves
Its as simple as that
That is not true Shreya
Hold on a minute
What is this?
Your head
What nonsense?
Go on tell me what's this?
Its a bottle, what else?
Who built it?
How would I know?
You know when man used to live in caves 1000 years ago
Are you kidding me?
We are going that back, are we?
Yeah we are going that back
Listen to me
He would find it arduous to draw
water from the rivers
Then someone made a water container made of leaves
But it wasn't durable
Then someone noticed that exposing wet soil
to direct sunlight turns it into clay
And then someone else made a pot from
that very clay
But that wasn't durable either
Then someone invented plastic
And then someone else thought
plastic would make a durable container
Then someone else designed its shape,
another person made it transparent
Someone discovered the caps,
and someone designed the threads of the cap
And someone made a whole factory
to manufacture bottles
in which thousands of people work
just to make these bottles
Millions of people have been
working for so many years, Shreya
so that we can make use of these bottles
Maybe we don't acknowledge it but
there work is still here
long after they're gone
And this is just a bottle, Shreya
look at your surroundings
You're standing at a museum of human work history
Just look around
And what better place to prove your point, right?
Like always
you're right Mr. Bansal
Will you miss me?
On some lonely nights, maybe
Every night
Pervert prick
Well, I'll have to do something
Promise me that you'll give me a window
of 3 months before you start seeing someone else
Okay, and you also don't go on a selfie spree
once you're in London
Okay done
We were sort of a soulmates type, right?
We would be marrying for sure if I had been here
Thank god it didn't happen
So, technically we're breaking up
We never got into technicalities baby
No, I'm saying that because
it makes for a breakup sex for one last time
I'm leaving for home tonight for one week,
We'll get to that once I'm back
Anyway, I'll be leaving next week
Okay, listen
I think I should go now
I have a flight to catch in the evening
and I haven't even started packing yet
I'll talk to you tomorrow
Here, keep this
- What's this?
- 1767 (PIN no.)
Why are you giving me your credit card?
what nonsense?
Don't be a hero in front of me,
I know your financial situation
Groceries are on me for a month, okay?
And its not a gift,
I'm giving you a loan
You can pay me later
Naveen don't do this,
not here, okay?
You know I can't leave like this
What happened?
I had to do a lot of sacrifices
for the startup
I gave up a decent job, decent salary,
good stantard of living
And it never bothered me
But now you are sacrificing for my work
It hurts me a lot
Hurts like hell
But if didn't hurt then its not
gonna be a sacrifice, right?
And there'll be a time when you're gonna be
on the cover of TIME magazine,
then this'll all seem worth it
But just please make sure that happens, okay?
For us,
Bye, I'll call you
Thats why I was getting a lot of Emails lately
regarding Hair therapy
He's been fucking with me since 6 months
And you were gonna replace me with him?
Yeah because of financial crunch
Learn to apologize, Yogi
Nah, apologies are stupid
But I'm sure these assholes will be grovelling
when I'll stamp their asses with my shoes
Yogi please, you ought to be calm
You're in a black mood since morning,
let me handle this with patience
Okay but if they aggravated me,
I'll fuck their shit up
They are only 17 years old kids,
I'll talk some sense into them
Allright, you talk and I'll kick
Okay? lets go
And they're lucky that I didn't put on
my woodland shoes today
The fuck happened here?
Where are those blockheads from last time?
What's that?
Looks like someone took a shit here
Come on hurry up, lets do our business
Come Yogi, come
we were waiting for you
you guys knew we were coming?
No no, we just like to sit like this
everynight from 8 to 10
We got a hold of main gate's CCTV surveilance
right here
Baby, you got your dramatic entry,
Can I go now?
Yeah okay
you're taking me to spa in the evening, right?
Banali, I'm working
Look guys
You know why we are here
It took a lot of elbow grease for us
to make that product
You guys did a mistake
and its illegal too
And you guys are just kids in college,
we're not gonna lodge a complaint against you
You made a mistake, its alright.
You just need to call Bhardwaj and backout
Relax, we're not taking any action against you
Jeetu, this guy is very cute
If you'll track the IP address,
you'll get Mulund's cyber cafe
You ain't got shit on me
Look, we have all the proofs which claims
that this is our idea
I'm telling you for your own good,
you guys are in college
You'll get into trouble when
your parents get to know about it
i'm not scared of my parents
If our parents had enough time to
reprove us
then you wouldn't be dealing with
a brat like me
Hold on a second, Jeetu
Give me your phone
Give me your phone and I'll tell these fucks
who to call. Ambulance or Bhardwaj?
Give me your phone
have you met Reddy?
Reddy was very fond of video chatting
He cajoled a Bulgarian girl on omegle
And then every night he used to skype with her,
doing some nasty nasty
But little did he know that I was
recording all the chats
And one day
I uploaded all the video chats on the internet
It took him a lot of grovelling to do
for me to take those videos down
And this is my best friend we're talking about
While you are a mutual friend of my father's third cousin
You gonna login at 1 AM tonight, right?
Svetlana is a single mom
And also an entrepreneur in many ways
41gb material,
Reddy just got a new hard drive for it
It helped a lot during dry day,
say her thanks for me
Dare not touch, Yogi
Got a free router with my new computer
Wanna test the upload speed?
Guys, please
Bill stomped on Steve to create Microsoft
Then who are you?
Go back the same way you came
If you even tried to contact Bhardwaj
then Yogi-Svetlana's folder
won't only be in Reddy's hard drive
Okay, lets go
Telling me to backout
Hey Jeetu, come on I'm not convinced yet
Come and convince me that I should backout
Convince me asshole
What did you say?
Convince me
Convince you?
Out of the way
What are you doing?
This motherfucker asked me to convince him
First I convinced my wife, then my dad,
then my family
Son of a bitch is just 17
Motherfucker, my i7-4790k edition
What are you? some gangsters?
We're not gangsters
We are entrepreneurs, motherfucker
You know how much it costs to
get your child into junior KG?
Do you have any idea about house mortgaging?
I went to the grocery store yesterday
You know how much does baby corn cost?
Rs 120 per 100 grams
Oh my, Rs 1200 per kg? Damn!
What did I want?
That you get your seed fund and I get my promotion,
Is that too much to ask for?
You hardly faced a challenge and 25% percent
of the team has resigned already
Puneet, he has switched off his phone,
how is that our fault?
Naveen, talk some sense itno him dude
I'm tired of talking now,
you should do it
Is this the team that I've advocated for?
This CEO attends meeting without even
taking a shower or freshen up
This CEO curses and bullies people
This CTO vandalizes the computers
This seems like a million dollar team,
howcome no one has decided to fund you yet?
Puneet, he's coming
Alright let bygones be bygones,
just don't say anything to Bhardwaj
I'll do the talking, okay?
Okay lets go
Are you alright? you seem gloomy
Hi guys, sorry I got stuck on a call
How're you guys doing?
Good, sir
Where is uhh
Uhh Mandauhh Saurabh is unwell actually
so he won't be joining us today
Okay, no problem
Ankit, I was talking to Naveen and
these guys really want to renegotiate the terms
Puneet, can you sit this one out?
I'm really sorry but I want to talk to
the guys directly
So, if you can take a break,
it'd be great
I know this means a lot to you,
you've worked very hard on your product
And, I really appreciate the amount of
hard work that you've put in
Last night I had a chat with the other team
They are offering me a much better deal now
From here on I can virtually own that company
So I have no reason why I shouldn't
invest in them
But don't you think sir its..
what they have done is illegal?
Like we've got our product registered and
there are copywrite laws
You can copywrite a product but you
can't copywrite an idea
Selling goods online is an idea
But Flipkart, Snapdeal, Amazon
they are all selling it
I think sir its extremely unfair to us
-Like we've been working on this for
-Look guys
As a human being, I genuinely
feel sorry for you
But as an investor, I can't let
that feeling come in my way
And if I want to do a business
then I ought to look out for my self interest, right?
Sir like, Puneet knew about it since the beginning
May I come in, sir?
I thought you were sick
Too bad you came all the way because
I have nothing but bad news for you
Its okay sir, but can I give you a presentation?
Presentation? I just told them that I've
made up my mind and there's no point in
Please sir
I spent Rs 35000 to make this presentation
I know you have seen all the company documents
but sir this will make our company really big
I'll need just 2 minutes sir
Alright, go ahead
Naveen's Team by Saurabh Mandal
This team consists of 4 members
Naveen Bansal
Jitendra Maheshwari
Yogendra Kumar Pandey
And me, Saurabh Mandal
Let's begin with Jeetu
All of us have a Mr Sharma's son(Stereotypical intellectual son)
in our life
But in Bikaner's Government high school,
there was a Mr Maheshwari's son
Jitendra Maheshwari
Sir, I've never seen a live performance of
Backstreet Boys
But I've seen Jeetu writing code
Continuously for 36 hours,
without any sleep
He could've easily gone to US to
work for facebook
But he didn't leave India for his family's sake
Afterall he is a family man
And now for the first time in his life he went
against his family for this startup
Why? Why did he do it?
Sir, some people know very few people
Some people know most of the people
But Yogi knows everyone
Naveen told me that when they visited Gujarat(Dry state)
Yogi arranged for a beer at 4 in the morning
I learned more about Cost cutting from Yogi
than from my MBA lectures
He bought a cake of just Rs. 25 for his birthday
He had a CGPA of just 5.3(out of 10)
But he got a salary package of Rs 2.2 million
He would've been the Mumbai regional head
in just 2 years had he been working there
But then why did he leave his job for this startup?
Why is he fighting tooth and nail for this startup?
Only to let his hair fall?
And finally
Naveen Bansal
I love watching movies
In the end of every movie,
there's director's name written under "A film by"
I used to get angry by seeing that
I mean
Actor acts, writer writes and cinematographer
shoots the film
Then what does the director do that
he gets such a special attention
All he has to do is to make a choice
Good or bad
But Naveen has realised me that choices
are the most challenging things in life
Sir, this whole idea is Naveen's
This is his product
This is his team
If there's anyone in this world for whom we
all can take a bullet
This is the gentleman sitting over here
For this team, he made our home office
and his own home was turned itno a warehouse
This is the man who didn't like to iron his own shirts,
who now volunteers to launder all of our clothes
All of us have done a lot of sacrifices for each other
But Naveen has done a lot more than that to shield us
Why is Naveen doing all this?
All of us
Why all of us are so hell-bent for this startup?
I'll tell you why sir
Because we all want to reach here
And we're not waiting for any boat
We're already swimming in the sea of unknown
We've already left our comfort zone long ago
Now we don't care about the changes, challenges
or sacrifices we'll have to face
No matter what
Our team will reach here,
where magic happens
And what do you do in your team?
Sir, I don't have any value individually
I'm a zero
But the net value increases by 10 times
when I add up
You've made your point
Now let me make my point very clear
No matter which team gets here
It's ultimately going to be me who's going to
shape their idea and make them a bigger company
You need business business expertise to
build this things
And, at the risk of sounding arrogant
let me tell you guys that
The team which I shall support,
that team would be the strongest
And that team will make a bigger company
And I think you guys are forgetting that,
I've already decided to back the other team
Sir, you're also forgetting something
Yours is not the only island in the sea
There are other magical islands
Who'll be more than happy to have us on the shore
So you're saying that
You've offers from other investors as well?
Sir, do you really think that we presented our
product to just one investor?
And who are these investors exactly?
Sorry sir, I can't reveal their names
at this point of time
You know my reputation guys
If I reject your idea, then no one
will dare to invest here with you
And sir you know our perseverance
We'll surely make it up to there
Either in your portfolio or in your anti-portfolio
I play poker a lot
I know a bluff when I see one
You have no other offers
You're trying to play on my fear of losing out
When the fact is
Apart from me
You've nowhere else to go
Sir, the ball is still in your court
Stay here Mandal, where are you going?
No, I'm going home
I have to draft a formal resignation letter
Whatever happened to your "perseverance"
and "making up to the island"?
Now that we're telling you to stay,
you're walking out
No, too much emotional attachment is bad
Whatever happened, happened for the best
Sit-down asshole
Didn't you hear me asshole? come back
Why do you want me to stay if I'm an asshole?
Because you're my friend motherfucker
Come on now, sit-down here
I won't
It was just a presentation,
don't try to be a hero now
I was in a black mood yesterday,
come on back here
I said I won't
I know I overreacted yesterday,
try to understand what I'm saying
understand what?
That I'm saying sorry motherfucker
Now come back here or I'll whoop your ass
It's okay
I forgive you
We got it
We go it Jeetu
Guys put me down
I told you what my pen drive could do
Let's take about 10 such pitchers to home,
we'll get some fine quality beer with a lot of froth
We've only got 10% of the seed fund,
don't fuck this up before paperwork
Says the guy who recently fucked it up in a hostel
It was exhilerating though, wasn't it?
Half of my frustration was because you
broke my phone
Give me your phone,
I need to talk to Soumya
Naveen, I think our new office should be
in the vicinity of Powai lake
The research says that if you see water every morning,
your blood cells are tend to increase by 12%
We can hardly afford 1 BHK there fucker
We need someone for UYOS, Jeetu needs a developer,
we need an office setup, I need an intern
Don't worry, our CEO Mr. Bansal
will give us everything. We'll get everything
No one ever gets everything dude
There are some things which are never
meant to be yours
What the hell happened to you?
No nothing, I'm just kidding
Okay you guys enjoy,
I need to make a phone call
Naveen? hi
Hey Rathore, how are you bro?
I'm doing great,
what about you?
You were in final year,
what are you doing here?
No no, I graduated last year
I have a job here now
That's great. you've grown up
No dude, you're the one who's doing great
I just liked your facebook status
Oh, so you know about it?
Congratulations man, you aced it
I'm feeling very jealous from you right now
Your life is gonna be awesome dude
While we will only get to fill excel sheets
in our office
I've only got weekends to enjoy
Although I also thought about opening a startup
but I couldn't give it enough time
And even if I got enough time,
nobody's luck is as good as yours
Tell me one thing
What are you?
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