Twilight of the Gods (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

The Scapegoat God

[dramatic opening theme music plays]
[music ends]
[mysterious music plays]
[woman panting heavily]
[groans in pain]
Now, push you hard.
I see her head.
[groans loudly]
[woman shrieks]
- [panting]
- [baby crying]
[ethereal music plays]
There, my daughter.
There, my dear.
[baby continues crying]
[eerie music plays]
Loki, what is it?
Wh I don't hear her.
Is she
[music becomes hopeful]
[baby continues crying]
- Give praise. She is perfect.
- [ethereal music plays]
Fenrir, my son. Come see your sister.
And you, my Jormungandr.
[wind whistling]
[wind gusting]
[crackles, booms]
[lightning crackling]
[baby crying]
[ominous music plays]
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
Loki Liar, who lies with giants.
Who be-soils himself
and makes only spoiled meat.
Odin forbade you to breed with giants!
You have sported with the enemy!
- No, not my daughter!
- And now your spawn is forfeit.
The still-born baby
we'll banish to the nether,
and Hel will be her name.
The wolf pup will be our pet.
[Loki shudders]
And this one we'll
- [groans in pain]
- [woman sobbing]
- [thuds]
- [screams, whimpers]
- No!
- [woman screams]
[suspenseful music plays]
[woman wailing]
[Loki] Wait. This is not right.
I am not here.
- [wind gusting]
- [dramatic string music building]
[music fades]
[Gorm] She is a good woman.
[mysterious music plays]
But you have tried for children.
- And if she cannot
- You need rest.
Völsungs are more than their hearts, boy!
Leave her, before
- [clangs]
- [groans]
No, Father, I didn't
[both grunt]
[Gorm] You laid hands upon your father,
and he died the next day!
[wind gusting]
[sucks air over teeth]
[Leif grunting]
- [tense string music plays]
- [Leif sighs]
What did you do?
You'd add injury to insult?
[Leif scoffs]
I do not even know where we are!
There is wool in my head.
I don't remember
But you must remember,
or here we'll remain.
[suspenseful music plays]
[crumbling, cracking]
[worm chitters]
[Loki] You gave the gods a poisoned gift.
[grunts, groans]
- [Loki] And now
- [grunts]
you pay the price.
They sentenced you and sent you to suffer.
They heaved you into Hoenir's head.
[high-pitched whoosh rising]
- [gasps]
- [whooshes]
See, there, his scraped skull.
[mysterious music plays]
[Leif pants]
In his head? How is that possible?
Size is nothing to such as Hoenir.
Who is he?
'Twas Hoenir breathed sense
into senseless mankind.
And his wisdom helped win the first war.
[solemn music playing]
He was traded for Freya to seal the truce.
A prisoner. To keep the peace.
[blood squelches]
[Loki] Odin sent him half-dead
and with half a head.
And now he is only madness.
Is that what the godhead is doing?
Driving me mad?
Hoenir will woo you with woe and regret.
He will offer absolution.
But you cannot alter what's already done.
Why would you help me?
Without you, Sigrid won't succeed.
And if you fall, she won't forgive me.
[grim music plays]
[wind gusting]
[exciting music plays]
[tense, dramatic music plays]
- [magic whooshes]
- [tense music plays]
[dramatic music plays]
- [whistles, thuds]
- [gasps]
[arrows whistling]
- Run!
- [dramatic music continues]
[music building]
[music crescendos, ends]
- [wind whistling]
- [solemn music plays]
That sky.
I've never seen its like.
The white you see is Wyrding magic.
Which Hoenir bends to his will.
My mother used to say
Wyrding was a man's fate.
I only see my past here.
A man's past is prophecy.
What he's done determines what he'll do.
Wyrding is our deeds, woven, all at once.
It is beautiful and blank.
And when it grows full, it falls as snow.
- [music becomes ominous]
- [rock crumbling]
- [straining]
- [suspenseful music plays]
[gasps softly]
[music fades]
- [whooshes]
- [eerie, suspenseful music plays]
[inhales sharply]
[dramatic drum beat sting]
[mysterious music plays]
We will get him back, my queen.
I am no queen.
[melancholy music plays]
We never finished our vows.
He is not even my husband,
and now
We will get him back.
[low growl in distance]
- [growling]
- [tense music plays]
- [yells]
- [snarls]
- [thuds]
- [wolf whimpers]
[snarls, roars]
[Ulfr grunts]
[Ulfr and wolves growling]
[music fades]
[mysterious music plays]
- [eerie note rises]
- [rock crumbles]
[exciting music plays]
- [people screaming]
- [men shouting and laughing]
[men scream]
[man screams]
I know where we are.
This is the night I took him.
[Loki] Leif.
- [yells]
- [blood squelches]
[man exhales]
Egill, I
[disorienting music playing]
- [groaning]
- [Loki] Be not a fool, Leif!
- Follow me out!
- [groans]
I can help him.
You killed him then.
You cannot save him now.
[scream echoes into distance]
- [dramatic sting]
- [wolf snarling]
[First Wolf] That sin we smell
That skin we smell
How came you by that pelt?
The wolf had no more use for it.
Do you hunt us? Are you Vanir?
We, first wolves, live on Vanir land.
We are older than the gods.
I've heard stories of a man
who killed our kind in battle.
This man who killed and cut and stole.
Is he your enemy?
That skin we smell is kin we smell.
Our pack must grant you one fair boon.
The Oldest Law demands it.
With this, we honor fallen kin.
And the kin who felled and skinned them.
They will guide us.
[grunting uncertainly]
You ran roughshod, raged, and raided.
But now the brunt is behind you!
[grunts in frustration] Who are you?!
[Leif groans]
[grunting warily]
- [screaming]
- [Leif gasping]
[sinister music plays]
[man yells]
- [Leif grunts]
- [screams]
[disorienting music plays]
We must keep at our climb!
I did all of this.
[people sobbing]
I did this.
No. You did not. I am your shadow.
- [whooshes]
- [ethereal music plays]
The tempter on your shoulder.
- [thuds]
- [blood squelches]
[shouting] When hounds howl at nothing,
they howl at me!
I am treason and treachery!
I am pillage and plunder
and poison thought!
I am what possessed you!
You were there.
You were always there.
And when Loki whispered,
Leif listened.
Allow it. Accept it.
[eerie music plays]
[music fades]
[Leif growls]
Here the Vanir keep the sleeping god.
Kill the god, and free your king.
- [ominous music plays]
- Now we leave you to your fate.
Our fate?
[wolves howling]
The Old Laws,
they did not call for silence.
[dramatic music plays]
[Leif straining]
[music becomes hopeful]
[low, raspy rumbling]
Now, how do we leave this cursed play?
[ominous music plays]
[Jormungandr growling, bellowing]
The oarsmen will call for the Odinson.
They'll beg for better winds.
[all whimpering]
[dramatic music plays]
I would do this deed for you.
You have a choice, my child.
It must be me.
My waves and wake.
The thunder and your Jormungandr.
We ready him for Ragnarök,
the end of all the gods.
Thor's spilled seed will seal his fate.
This is prophecy and portent.
You perish in that prophecy!
Let me prevent it!
Thor's fall will free our family.
Even if we die for it.
[Leif] Loki!
[mysterious music plays]
[people whimpering]
[Leif grunts]
[music intensifies]
[people screaming]
[tense music plays]
[Sigrid] Great Tiwaz.
It was Loki did the poisoning.
Your own servant knows the truth!
Hear them.
[in Vanir] You have betrayed us, Sapling.
[dramatic music plays]
[magic whooshes]
[in English] Do these kill
only certain gods?
Any god will do.
[suspenseful choral music plays]
[Leif grunts]
What is this?
My serpent-child encircles the earth.
But she went to Thor as a woman.
She beguiled him,
and bedded him.
And bound their fates forever.
If this was your plan,
then why do you need Sigrid?!
[Leif grunts]
Loki, come out of this! Come out of this!
I still need you!
- [grunts]
- [clangs]
- [groans]
- [exciting music playing]
- [boar bellows, squeals]
- [grunts]
[boar snarls]
- [boar squeals]
- [grunts]
[boars snarling]
- [groans]
- [grunts angrily]
[footsteps thudding]
[giants yelling]
- [all grunting]
- [ethereal music plays]
Who are you?
We are giants of frost and mountain,
from every Jötunn kingdom.
We heard the story.
What story?
[Egill] Yours.
[hopeful music plays]
I told them of Sigrid Blood-Bride,
Sigrid Glaumar's daughter
Sigrid giant.
[giants yelling]
[giants yelling and grunting]
Go. We will hold them.
[giant woman] Jötunn!
[Jormungandr gasps]
[both moaning]
Loki! You can't change it!
You told me we can't change it.
[Jormungandr] Father, face me.
[fearfully] Huh?
I am marred and marked!
You led me to doom!
And damned yourself!
[both grunt]
[eerie music plays, fades]
[Leif straining]
- [Loki sighs]
- [Leif grunts]
You, you are supposed to be
the root of all that's wicked,
and you cannot accept yourself?
I am only what men have made me!
You lied to me. Didn't you?
You lied to me to keep me going.
Everything that I have done
Those choices
Those choices were my own.
And this choice was yours.
And you must live with it.
I am a beast of unburdening.
I only exist so men may blame me.
So every grinning thief and glutton,
every boy with his bed unmade,
might have a scapegoat god.
- [panting]
- [exciting music plays]
[arrows whistling, thudding]
You crossed the Black Border.
You found us.
It was my hand.
I feel your magic in it still.
It called to me.
[Ulfr snarls]
Come on!
[dramatic music plays]
[magic pulsing]
[boar squeals]
[music intensifies]
- [music stops]
- [whooshes]
- [groans]
- [magic builds, whooshes]
[mysterious music plays]
- [groans]
- [magic explodes]
[high-pitched ringing]
[grunts softly]
[ringing fades]
[grunts softly]
[gasps, grunts]
[Leif] Mm.
You stupid, foolish man.
[gentle music plays]
[Tiwaz speaks in Vanir]
[in English] He says
we all may die together.
- You would give away my glory?
- [dramatic music building]
The poison was carried
by these cunts I cozened,
but the apples, they came from Asgard.
You did this?
On Odin's very orders.
I am but a flint the All-father strikes.
I am fire and flame.
I am Loki!
The loathsome.
The blamed.
- [whooshes]
- [music crescendos, fades]
[Tiwaz in Vanir]
Does he tell the truth, Sapling?
[in English] He does.
We all have claims against the Aesir.
Let us revenge ourselves together.
[tense music playing]
[groans, spits]
[speaks in Vanir]
[in English] We trade
one spit-pact for another.
And go to Asgard for war.
[hopeful music plays]
[spitting continues]
[haunting choral music plays]
[music fades to silence]
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