Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Se Gyeong Leaves the Country

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
Help me!
Help me!
Mom! Mom
Mom! Mom!
Help me
Mom! Dad!
Mom! Dad
Dad, who would you save first if both Hyung and I were in danger?
Of course, it's you, Eun Gyeol.
Because you're the voice that connects our family to the world.
Because you're an angel.
You're lying.
You couldn't even hear me yelling out for help.
You wouldn't know even if I died.
So this is what it's like not to be able to hear.
Feeling like being drowned deep in the sea.
[Episode 5]
Why did you come out?
Are you guarding me?
You must've been so scared earlier.
I'm sorry.
You can't even hear.
How did you know I drowned?
I might not hear you, but I can see you.
The Little Mermaid gave her voice to the witch,
but she gained two legs instead.
I lost my voice,
but I begged to God over and over again
and I got one, two, three. The third eye.
It's a mighty eye that can watch and protect you guys anywhere.
This scar is the evidence of that.
He got that scar for losing his voice.
Hold on.
Hey, watch out.
If the accident that gave Dad the scar involved a gun
My gosh, my gosh. Hey!
Hey, what are you doing?
Are you crazy? Are you a pervert?
He doesn't have a scar.
The accident Dad mentioned hasn't happened yet.
What scar am I supposed to have?
If I prevent that accident, I might be able to change his fate.
What's with your fiery eyes?
Why are your eyes all fired up?
Listen to me carefully right now.
Be careful from now on.
Don't get distracted by silly things
and just focus on me.
By from now on, how long do you mean?
Just a year.
Geez, you mean you'll leech off me for a year?
What are you trying to pull exactly?
Just for a year.
Don't get out of my sight just for a year.
Don't go far away or disappear.
Stay right next to me.
Excuse me.
Did I tell you I like Choi Se Kyeong?
How many times did I say she's no good?
Am I supposed to get your approval or something?
Please. Listen to me just this once.
You just need to be safe this year.
I'll make sure to protect you.
Please don't.
I'm begging you. You don't have to protect me.
I like women, okay?
You said Hyung and I are gifts from the Heavens.
It's an order from the Heavens. It's a divine intervention.
So listen to me, please!
- What the hell are you talking about?
- Watch out for the cars.
I can take care of myself.
Don't run!
The accident definitely happened this year.
What kind of accident was it?
When did it happen?
I need to stay by his side until I find out.
Shut up.
I haven't said anything.
I'm telling you to keep your mouth shut.
You'd better not cross this line.
I'll break, cut off, and destroy you if you cross it.
- Let's do it together.
- Do what?
Starting a band.
I'll make the best band for you.
I'll make your youth shine like you wanted so badly.
Instead, under one condition.
What is it? What's the condition?
Just for a year. Stay on my radar for just a year.
Grandma. Grandma!
I'll change his future no matter what.
That's the reason why I traveled to the year 1995.
[Kimpo International Airport]
Choi Se Kyeong, you'd better not find another guy.
I'll be joining you next semester.
You'll come out during breaks, right?
No, I'll never come back to Korea.
Se Kyeong, you need to get going now.
Thank you for seeing her off today.
Safe travels, Ma'am. You, too, Se Kyeong.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
Hey, did you forget the promise you made with Choi Se Kyeong?
The festival is next month.
If we don't form the members by next week, we'll get disbanded.
We're desperate for one more. But you rejected the one who wanted to join?
I didn't reject him. I haven't given him the answer yet.
Gosh, you need to hold onto him.
You have to recruit him no matter what. You said he's an amazing guitarist, too.
His eyes get fired up all the time.
He's like a firebomb. A firebomb.
I love his passion.
It's a firebomb made out of butter instead of paint thinner.
Huh? What?
When I see him, my toes curl up like buttered squid on a grill.
Just accept it. You can just look at him squinting like this.
It's easy for you to say.
They say, "Fight a tiger, but don't even make eye contact with psychos."
You said he promised you the best band.
And you believe that?
That psycho can't create a band.
What? What?
What's going on?
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hold on.
- What? What? What?
Where are you going? What's going on?
Let me have a sip of your milk.
It's my milk.
The great Kang Hyeon Yul is having a battle with some bastard.
- Kang Hyeon Yul?
- Yes.
- With whom?
- I don't know. I'm leaving now.
What battle?
Live Popularity Battle on the fourth week of April.
What's he doing there?
A battle of the century to determine the fate of the school band is starting now.
I introduce you to the two geniuses who will steal your hearts.
He can play any music with just the bass.
The indie rock scene in Hongdae wants him.
Gwanggaetone the Great!
The genius bassist, Kang Hyeon Yul.
Let's move on. His vibe is epic, and his face is a genre itself.
The mysterious genius guitarist.
Ha Eun Gyeol.
I'll explain the rules for the battle.
When the person who leads starts playing,
the other one will play following the concept. It's a jam-style battle.
You'll fail if you stop playing.
And it's a success if the collaboration goes well.
It's time to determine the order.
Front or back?
- Front.
- Back.
Kang Hyeon Yul will lead.
Let's do it well, kid.
Don't just play hard. Do it well.
You're so cute, like a puppy.
I suppose you aren't old enough to be afraid of the tiger.
I think he'll really get you a band.
How did he bring the best guitarist, Kang Hyeon Yul, here?
Is he the fake Yoon Dong Jin?
You're not too bad for an imposter.
I thought you had left the band.
Well, this is my personal hotel room.
You'll become homeless soon. I think it's getting disbanded.
By the way, what was that method just now?
I've never seen that before.
You expect me to just tell you?
You're so cute. You know how to say no, too.
Gosh, whatever. I can't be bothered.
There's a way to learn my method and secure your hotel room.
Do you want me to tell you?
I guess you know how to talk your way out of trouble.
It's kind of intriguing.
Tell me how, then.
Here. I'm listening.
Rejoin the band with the Baegwang band members. That will solve all the problems.
Was it Ha Yi Chan or Hachaneun?
(Means insignificant)
I'm not interested in being in a band with him.
What if I replace Yoon Dong Jin?
You'll replace who?
Yoon Dong Jin. This happened because I'm not him.
I'm saying I'll replace him.
I can prove myself if you want me to.
What a brave puppy.
But would you be able to handle my bass?
I don't think an imposter could keep up with me.
What's this?
It means the deal has been made.
You can choose the date for the battle.
[Watermelon flavor]
Wow, seriously.
[Baegwang High School - Club Registration Form]
How many times did I say no to you?
You need at least five members
so it gets recognized as a club. You little
[Baegwang High School - Club Registration Form]
[Guitar - Ha Eun Gyeol]
Six people?
You'll be finishing this masterpiece by signing it, sir.
I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
Don't get scared. Look at them intensely.
We can't let them overpower us.
Hey, brothers. You came.
Welcome to our scamming organization.
Aigoo, have you eaten, Hyungnim?
Geez, what are we, the offering to Buddha?
You made the bet and want us to jump into the ocean, too?
His name is Lee Shi Guk. His nickname is Manguk.
He looks like he'd play mahjong in Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong,
but he's a church boy.
Surprisingly, he was raised Christian since birth.
But if his rocker spirit is released
Welcome to hell.
he becomes the drummer from hell.
Calm down, Manguk.
He's not Yoon Dong Jin,
but it's true that you brought someone as good.
His name is No Se Beom. His nickname is D & O.
He went to Germany to become a classical pianist when he was 13,
but he failed and returned. He's an ill-fated genius.
The reason why he failed is
his stage fright.
Whenever he makes mistakes, gets nervous
or scared, the pores on his face release oil instead of sweat.
That's why his nickname is Dry and Oily. In short, D & O.
A bet is still a bet. I'll accept it.
So you're the brain of Baegwang Band.
we'll still be called Baegwang Band.
What are you saying?
We got approved as Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
Change the frontman, then.
- What?
- I told you.
We're not a lounge band.
Brain, it's because I'm immature-
You aren't just immature. You're not qualified, either.
I'm not qualified? Why do you think I'm not?
I'm the one who started this band.
Hey, be reasonable. That's not true.
It was 99% his contribution.
You're right. I'd prefer that bastard to be the frontman.
Well, I don't even go to this school-
What will it take to accept me as the frontman?
Tell me. Brain.
Hyeon Yul. Shi Guk.
What can I do to get your approval?
[Walk to the Sky]
Snowy nights always bring back memories that I can't hold back ♪
Makes me think of you, whom I have hidden deep in my heart ♪
Okay, go a key higher.
In the past where I have wandered in the dark maze ♪
I didn't know the reason I was living ♪
Okay, go a key higher.
The reason I was able to live a day was because of you ♪
I want to give it all to you ♪
For you ♪
Until the last- ♪
Yi Chan, are you okay? Hey!
Get up. Will you give up on the frontman position?
Damn it.
Why do I have to audition in front of them? Why?
A promise is still a promise.
So, let's practice one more time.
If I practice
A frontman should know how to play at least one instrument, right?
Would I be able to do that?
If you want to be the vocalist, you should be able to sing in three octaves.
How could I do that in three days?
It'd be faster to be born again.
You'd still be you even if you're born again.
Or I should give birth to a son and bring him somehow.
You'd still share the same DNA.
What if you end up with a son like you?
Gosh, it's cold.
M-My gosh. W-Where did that come from?
Was it you?
What the heck?
Well, I'm sorry.
Hey, what if we audition people and recruit new members instead?
Oh, that's it.
What do you mean, that's it?
Don't forget the festival is next month, please.
- Ma Ju.
- Huh?
Don't stop me.
I'll get born again.
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, Ha Yi Chan!
Yi Chan!
I'll teach you.
Teach me what?
Anything. Whatever it is.
I'll teach you everything you need to know.
[Seongmoon English Textbook]
What's this?
Is it my first birthday? Should I grab one of them?
No matter which one you choose, you'll have to do the other, too.
Excuse me.
Would it kill you to explain it the way I can understand it?
Yi Chan.
Do you want to be the frontman that much?
You saw that I almost threw up blood at the karaoke, right?
Why do you think I did?
Okay. Got it. I'll help you, then.
I'll be in a band with you, teach you how to play the guitar, and everything.
Instead, you
are going to college.
Why are you bringing that up suddenly?
I told you. I'll make money as soon as I graduate-
It's Grandmother's dream.
What's this?
There's a tiny bit in there.
No, Grandmother. I'm just thankful you provide food and lodging.
It's a tiny bit, I said.
This isn't for the lessons. It's just spending money.
No, no, no. Think of it as a donation and take it.
Yi Chan is my dream.
And I'm donating this for my dream.
Because there was a bit of a situation at home,
Yi Chan grew up without his parents' love since he was a kid.
He used to get pretty good grades, but because of me,
I guess he thought an old lady was suffering.
So he's been saying he'll make money instead of studying.
He keeps saying that's what he's good at.
He thinks he's doing filial duty that way.
Running a boarding house for decades,
I've been doing laundry and making food for college students.
There isn't a college graduation cap I didn't wear at graduations.
But actually
I don't hope for much.
I just want to see my grandson wearing a college graduation cap.
That's one thing I want to see.
Would that be possible?
Will the colleges even accept me if I try?
I'll tutor you.
You can do it if you try starting now.
Why? You don't want to?
You can at least give it a try.
I've been curious for a while.
Why are you being so nice to me, anyway?
- Huh?
- Just think about it.
You showed up and helped me when I almost humiliated myself in front of Se Kyeong.
You saved my life.
You're saying you'll create a band for me.
And you're saying you'll tutor me and teach me guitar, too.
Are you worried you'd get kicked out of the boarding house?
- No.
- If not, do you want to sell me something?
You saved my life several times in my previous life.
I did?
I mean it.
In the fire,
in the water,
Open the book.
Right now? Just like that?
This is our Day 1, okay?
No, no. Please, please. Grandma!
Grandma, help me! Damn it!
Look at the book.
- You're hitting me again!
- I like a girl. I like
Hey, what are you guys doing there?
I have a dream that one day this na-
- Nation.
- Nation
will rise up and live out Live out
Why is "that" in there, by the way?
Haven't you learned about relative pronouns yet?
What do you mean, relative?
Why are you crying about something like this?
It's not like Chan got accepted at Seoul National University.
Chan will easily become a judge or a prosecutor.
I said he'd become successful.
Hi, I'm in New York.
Did you miss me a little bit?
I was sad you didn't come to the airport,
but I'll forgive you since I'm nice.
I'll write a longer letter once I finish unpacking.
I'll just let you know I'm alive today.
I included my address. Write me sometimes.
Se Kyeong.
P.S. Everyone must've found out I left to study abroad.
It's so obvious.
They're happy they have one fewer competitor, right?
Is anyone actually sad that I left?
Tell me about loneliness ♪
This must be a feeling like a wind blowing ♪
I'll tell you about sadness ♪
The left hand
only supports.
That must be a feeling like a sleeve that's getting wet in the rain ♪
In front of the days I let go ♪
I'm stopping right now ♪
Which way should I go? ♪
I'm actually afraid ♪
If only I had you to hold my hand warmly ♪
Aren't you going to go in and out through that door today?
I'm sorry about last time.
I came to buy a book today.
Oh Ma Ju.
I was going to stop by the boarding house. Where are you coming from?
I'm buying Yi Chan's workbook. How about you?
I have a festival committee meeting at the burger shop.
After a lot of lobbying and staring contests,
I got us to perform the closing performance.
Wow, are we ending the festival, then?
Of course.
Don't you think things will go really well somehow?
Wow. Daebak.
- Hey, hey, did you hear the rumor?
- What rumor?
A new member of the Baegwang Band that showed up like a comet.
It's the new guitarist Ha Yi Chan recruited.
He's apparently amazing.
Gosh, I heard that, too.
There was a battle to decide the band's future
and he turned the school upside down with his performance.
He's a good guitarist, all right,
and he's really handsome.
Really? Should we go to the festival and see him?
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Ha Yi Chan struck gold.
He saved his band thanks to the new member.
So what? Choi Se Kyeong left to study abroad.
The "goddess" won't even see his performance. He's wasting his time.
You're right.
[Snail Boarding House]
He'd be shocked if he found out she left to study abroad, right?
Isn't it obvious?
He'd become such a mess.
- What about the band, then?
- Of course, he'd quit.
He started the band for her, anyway.
He finally formed a band.
I managed to get us to do the closing performance.
He finally set his mind to study, too.
If I back out, the chairman of the festival committee will try to kill me.
But do we really have to rain on Yi Chan's parade?
- Let's keep it a secret.
- Let's keep it a secret.
Geez. Knock, at least.
Can't you tell I'm studying?
Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Ma Ju.
- Huh?
- What are you doing here?
- I
came to eat Grandmother's signature bibimguksu.
Why do you always ask her to make it?
Grandmother, don't make him the noodles.
No, Ma'ma. I'll have the extra large one.
Extra large
I did the homework you gave me.
Wow, you really finished it.
Reward me like you promised.
Good job.
- What?
- You said you wanted to be rewarded.
It's a special compliment.
What am I, a dog?
I finished the homework as promised.
Teach me how to play the guitar now.
Come out and eat the noodles.
Noodles. I want the banquet noodles.
[Snail Boarding House]
I made a lot so eat as much as you want.
Help yourself, sir.
It must be tiring teaching a dumb student.
Your grandson is right here.
I'm her great-grandson, okay?
Here you go.
I'll have a little more, Ma'am.
Hey, Chan.
Is Choi Se Kyeong really coming to the festival?
Of course. She'll come if I prepare properly.
Is that so?
I should bring all of my classmates, then.
I heard she's really pretty.
Hey, I want to come. I want to come. I want to come.
Hearing her name makes me miss her like crazy.
Should I go and take a peek at her?
- No!
- No!
Geez, so gross. What's wrong with you?
Are you making noodles with your mouth? What a waste.
You promised you won't see her before the festival.
A man's word is his bond. Don't you know?
Yes. You have to play hard to get in relationships.
You have to show up as the dark horse so she thinks differently of you.
Dark horse?
He's probably right, don't you think?
Well, I-I suppose so.
- Of course.
- Of course.
You can do it, Yi Chan.
Just wait until the festival.
- Eat some.
- No, I can't.
I'm sorry, Dad.
Ahjumma left to study abroad.
I went to study abroad in 11th grade and lived in the States since.
Until I heard he passed away.
she won't come back.
[International Arrivals]
[International arrivals]
Thank you. I forgot and left the key in the US.
For some reason, I didn't feel like closing today.
You left a few days ago. How come you're back already?
I came back briefly because of an emergency.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I can no longer live as the daughter you want.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
To be honest
I'm not sorry at all.
How ominous.
That was an ominous dream.
Why are you still up?
I need to practice for the frontman audition tomorrow, obviously.
You can't just learn an instrument at the last minute.
It might be better to practice singing-
I should still do what I can do. I promised.
Geez, I'm trying to do what you taught me. Why isn't it working?
It sounds weird for some reason.
Give me that.
Gosh, it's so frustrating.
Did the wood absorb moisture because I didn't care for it for a while?
How can I play like you?
You just need to learn how to talk to it.
How to talk to it?
Watch me.
If you speak sincerely,
it response sincerely.
And if you talk friendly,
it responds friendly, too.
If I get angry,
the guitar gets angry with me, too.
If I get excited,
the guitar gets excited, too.
Wow, that's so crazy.
Wow, it's daebak.
You talk to it with your hand and hear back with tunes.
It's similar to sign language in a way
What about sign language?
It's similar to sign language.
Wow, that's a great analogy.
Techniques aren't important.
Sincerity is what matters.
If your emotions and sincerity reach the audience,
there's no better music than that.
Yes, sir.
[Snail Boarding House]
Grandmother, can we have more omelets?
Here you go.
Thank you.
What's this now?
You're acting like you're related.
Come to the ice cream shop when I get out of school.
Why would I go there?
You asked me to get you a part-time job.
Did you find it already?
I'll tell the manager. Just show up on time.
Okay. Good luck with the audition.
It means I love you.
Yes, that's right.
Together. Bounce.
Bounce, good!
- Pull it. Pull it.
- Push it.
Your pants fit so perfectly.
He's crazy, huh?
Choi Se Kyeong left to study abroad. How could he not be?
She left without a word.
He must've gone crazy already. Don't you think?
Let's do it one more time.
Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.
What did you just say?
went where?
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
A moment I've been waiting for ♪
Erase the times that have already passed ♪
We're here on this shining stage together ♪
Don't look back, you won't have any regrets ♪
No need to hesitate ♪
This chance won't come again ♪
So let's begin ♪
The days that shone so bright ♪
All our full dreams (shining, shining) just like now ♪
Don't stop here like this, right now ♪
Run without looking back ♪
So you can dream again, higher, higher, fly higher ♪
I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
[White Night]
You were looking at the guitars, right?
Which kind? Acoustic or electric?
Or classic?
What kind?
I want a dreadnought body with a low saddle.
And I want one with pickups, too.
There's a nice one.
I'll bring it over. Just wait a second.
Wait, sir.
Can I just browse today?
I started a part-time job today.
I'll make sure to buy it next time.
Okay, then.
It's for you, right?
No, I want to buy one for my dad.
We're practicing in a band together.
Wow, your dad sounds so cool. He's in a band with his son.
Look around, then.
Choi Se Kyeong?
- Oh, this!
- Crazy.
Classic, huh?
You don't like this, either?
- How about this?
- 5,000 won. It suits you perfectly.
1,000 won? Should I get it if it's 1,000 won?
The shoes finally met their owner. Enjoy.
They're definitely authentic, right?
Of course. If you don't believe me, take it to the luxury goods shop and ask for service.
They're just so cheap. I hope you sell a lot.
Yes, have a nice day.
Wow. Not too bad.
Let's see.
Choi Se Kyeong?
You're Choi Se Kyeong, aren't you?
No, I'm not.
You're Choi Se Kyeong. Don't you know who I am?
Geez. Am I supposed to know?
I don't care if you don't know who I am.
But I need to know what you're doing here.
Can't you tell? I'm selling stuff. It's a flea market.
That's not what I'm asking.
You left to study abroad without a word. You weren't supposed to come back.
You weren't supposed to come back.
But you did. You're here.
What's going on right now?
Who told you that? That I'm not supposed to come back?
- Huh?
- Is there a reason I shouldn't come back?
Do you work out?
Work out? Why do you ask?
How fast can you run 100 meters?
When people say that line in dramas, you usually have to run.
You think I'll run?
You probably have to.
You want to know why I'm in Korea.
Bring all of my stuff and meet me at the park cafe in 30 minutes.
- Fighting.
- Hey.
Hey, what am I supposed to do?
Evacuate right now.
Ha Yi Chan must be so anxious right now.
You never know. There might be a miracle.
Don't sound so amateur.
How can a miracle happen in three days?
Why are we bothering with an audition, then?
It gives us a reason. A reason to purge him.
It gives us a reason to fire him and recruit the new frontman.
Gosh, you're seriously so clever.
- Where's that coming from?
- Who's singing so well?
- It's the band practice room.
- It's the band practice room.
Let's go.
I cried so much ♪
While getting rained on ♪
I got rained and snowed on ♪
In the rain ♪
I pictured you faintly ♪
Our last words ♪
Your last words ♪
I love you, I love you, I love you ♪
I love you, I love you, I love you ♪
I love you, I love you, I love you ♪
You're in.
Thank you. You didn't leave anything behind, right?
Tell me why you're in Korea.
The reason why I came back to Korea is
because I was on a flight to Korea.
- Hey!
- Happy? I'm off.
I never liked you, but you're really the worst.
Don't you feel guilty toward Ha Yi Chan at all?
He formed a band for you, and he's practicing day and night, singing his heart out.
How could you leave without a word?
Is it fun to make a fool out of someone?
Is your life easier now?
You're right.
I did a bad thing.
Let's go. I'll treat you to a refreshing drink.
Damn it!
You shouldn't have given him the illusion of hope by betting.
If you were leaving to study abroad, you should've told him and made him give up.
He's an easy target, but you should have basic manners. Don't you think?
You're right.
Geez, what a terrible person.
- talking about you right now.
- I know.
Listening to you makes me feel guilty.
I'd better see Yi Chan and apologize in person-
Don't ever show up in front of Yi Chan.
Something's up, huh?
What are you talking about?
The reason I shouldn't have come back.
The reason I shouldn't see Yi Chan.
Whatever. It's your turn now. You promised.
Tell me. Why did you come back to Korea?
Would you be able to handle the truth?
It's too unrealistic that you'd find it hard to believe.
It can't be as bad as mine.
I can handle it. Tell me.
I came to die.
I went to the US and learned my dad had another woman.
My mom is about to go off like a ticking time bomb.
I'm sure she'll start drinking again.
And she'll obsess over me even more.
And I'll have to live as her doll again.
That's why I ran away.
To die.
To end everything.
- Well
- But
I ran into a variable.
It's a very interesting one.
I'm still considering if I should live or not.
So you'd better not tell anyone that you saw me.
Unless you want to die.
I'm sorry.
I'm here.
Aigoo, you've been so upbeat lately. Why are you so down now?
Don't you make fake first-love memories for girls anymore?
The girl I wanted to make fake memories for left.
Right, the girl. The girl. The girl.
The girl who left just now is the one who gave you the ticket.
Didn't you see her? You wanted to know who it was.
Geez, I don't know her name.
Hey! Seowon Arts High School's storage room!
You remember me, right?
Did you give this to me?
You wrote this, too?
I'm asking you why you wrote a fake letter to screw me over?
Do you think I'm a joke?
Did you find me pathetic for pursuing the goddess of Seowon Arts High School
when I'm just a commoner?
Is that why you made fun of me?
Is that why you screwed me over?
If so, congratulations.
It was a huge success.
Thanks to you,
Se Kyeong thinks I'm a total loser.
Are you happy now?
Answer me.
You should answer when someone's talking to you.
Are you happy now?
Hey, be careful. There's a car behind you.
Hey, be careful. There's a car behind you!
Are you crazy?
You should move when there's a car behind you.
Are your ears just accessories?
Are you deaf? Are you?
How rude.
Did you miss her?
No, I saw her.
But I shouldn't have.
I might as well not have seen her.
She won't answer when I ask her a question.
She never thanks me for helping her.
And she always ignores me.
How could she be so rude?
Yi Chan, didn't you know?
Know what?
She can't hear.
Are your ears just accessories?
Are you deaf? Are you?
Sir, I'll step out for a second.
How strange.
She definitely said she hadn't come back to Korea until
she heard about her grandfather's passing.
I came to die.
- Well
- But
I ran into a variable.
What's going on?
What is it?
It doesn't matter. I just need to prevent Dad's accident.
How did you and Mom first meet?
At a sign language class at the Association of the Deaf when I was 20.
I went to learn sign language and fell in love with her at first sight.
What about her made you fall for her?
Her face?
She was pretty, but it was her voice.
Her voice?
She looked so pretty doing sign language.
That's her voice, you know.
Hold on.
Dad learned sign language
because he lost hearing from an accident.
If I prevent the accident, he won't go to the sign language class
and he won't meet her there, either.
Then Hyung and I won't be born
This is no good. I need to find Mom and make them meet before that.
Take this. You'll catch a cold.
I'm alone on top of the clock's hand that stopped ♪
I came too late.
I came too late.
Se Kyeong.
Hi. Long time no see, Yi Chan.
Se Kyeong came back.
It's happening in front of me right now ♪
[When life gives you lemons, make lemonade]
[We'd like to thank Park Ho San and Oh Hyeon Kyeong for the special appearance]
Even if I look more tired than usual ♪
I'll be fine ♪
My tomorrow will shine even brighter ♪
Wait for me and keep an eye on me ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
If I didn't lend Se Kyeong that T-shirt,
would I be standing in front of you now?
Yi Chan, hi.
Are you really the Choi Se Kyeong I know?
How could you change the song over what she said?
I'll do anything Se Kyeong wants.
Is this band a joke to you?
Fine. I'll leave, then.
Don't do anything you'd regret.
I won't take you back if you leave like this.
Did you figure out why you ended up here, sir?
I don't care why. Everything is such a mess.
Nothing is going the way it should.
Everything started changing the moment you arrived here.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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