Ultraman (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

City of Aliens

There he is again.
Why do people
write this crap?
Why do they write this shit?
The victim is Takeo Ichikawa,
a 21-year-old part-time worker.
According to the neighbors,
there was a loud explosion in the night.
I heard this is the fifth death this month
that happened this way.
Seriously, Mr. Endo?
Yes. HQ is keeping it under wraps though.
I really wonder how you kill someone
that makes them end up like this.
Wait! Hey!
Who are you guys? What's this vehicle?
We'll be handling the crime scene.
I don't think so.
This is police jurisdiction.
-Jurisdiction has changed.
-It's changed?
Let's go.
What? But
-It's a pop idol's blog.
I guess HQ is getting involved.
Who are you people?
Sorry, but you need to leave.
We'll take over from here.
Yes, sir.
You're not from HQ, are you?
What department
What's going on?
Don't tell me you guys are
Mr. Endo?
Let's go.
Mr. Endo.
Mr. Endo, who were those guys?
They're the SSSP.
This is insane!
They were supposed to be disbanded
over a decade ago.
So, how come they're sticking
their noses into this?
You know, the other day,
some guy dressed like Ultraman showed up
at a crime scene and caused a commotion.
I wonder if this is related to that.
Hearing the name Ultraman
makes my blood boil.
Don't you ever say that name.
I had a look at
photos from the scenes of those
serial murders we're checking on.
What did you find?
Judging from the method,
the only thing it could be is an alien.
I see.
By the way,
is Shinjiro doing all right?
If Rena Sayama found out
that I was Ultraman
What are you so happy about?
Mr. Moroboshi?
More than likely, after giving your enemy
a thorough thrashing,
you're basking
in the feeling of being a hero.
-No, I'm not!
I guess that eliminating a scumbag alien
that was feeding off humans
was more than enough
to satisfy your puny pride.
But, even if it was an alien,
killing someone
weighs heavy on your heart.
You must be the type of person
who feels sorrow over
the corpses of dead cicadas that litter
the ground at the end of summer.
But cicadas don't kill or eat humans.
I'm saying it's no different than that.
At any rate,
you need to remember this one thing.
Whether it's a scumbag alien or a cicada,
when you're Ultraman,
you're still taking away their life.
It means, there's no going back.
What are you doing? Let's go.
Go where?
I'll show you something interesting.
Just shut up and follow me.
Now it's time for a talk with a guest
we've invited onto the program.
I'm talking to the pop idol famous
for her extensive knowledge of Ultraman,
Rena Sayama.
I'm Rena Sayama,
the Ultraman-loving pop idol!
Thank you for having me!
Nice to meet you.
Okay, first I'd like to ask you,
was that incident the other day actually
caused by an alien going on a rampage?
Yes. No doubt about it, that was an alien.
I see. Well then,
tell me about
the man who looks like Ultraman
who fought the alien.
He's become quite a hot topic lately.
That is Ultraman!
-Excuse me?
-He doesn't just look like Ultraman.
He really is Ultraman.
The next time I see Ultraman,
there's something
that I just have to ask him.
I can see that you truly are a big fan
of Ultraman, Rena.
I'm sure you want to know
who Ultraman really is,
but what's the question
that you want to ask him, Rena?
I'll tell you!
There's another favor I want to ask.
-What is this place?
-It's just like how it looks.
-An alien town.
-"It's just like how it looks"?
I can only see ordinary people.
Quit staring.
They'll think you're a country bumpkin.
Really? I was born and raised in Tokyo.
That was an Alien Sepekku.
He's quick-tempered,
but good-natured.
An alien?
Let's go!
-Yes? What?
Those were Alien Toriuses.
They're actually three meters tall,
even as children.
What are you talking about?
Almost all the aliens have the ability
to transform into Earthlings.
The ones that don't,
use a transformation device instead.
Hurry up. Let's go.
That's not why I brought you here.
You mean there's more?
We're here to investigate
the recent serial murders.
Serial murders?
No doubt about it,
an alien is involved in those murders.
You mean that this town
and those murders are somehow related?
If an incident involves aliens,
then the easiest way
to gather info is here.
I see. Mr. Moroboshi!
I'm meeting my informant.
Informant? Those really exist?
This place is kind of scary.
It's an alien gambling joint, after all.
That's him.
You mean the informant is that thing?
-That guy is an alien too, right?
He's an honest-to-goodness
Then he's human?
Even though he was born human,
this is the only place he can survive.
He's a rare breed.
-You can do it!
That's his name.
I'm investigating this case.
Do you know anything about it?
Some news I heard recently
might have something to do with it.
-If I can confirm it, I'll let you know.
I heard you pulled
quite a number the other day.
You may be heartless, Moroboshi,
but you're prudent.
That was an awfully crude way
for you to go about it.
It wasn't me. That was this guy.
Oh, really? Well, that's pretty amazing.
So, you're the new Ultraman?
If you're interested in this guy,
could you watch after him for a while?
That must mean that
you're Mr. Hayata's son, right?
Yes. Do you know my dad?
Well, he is rather famous,
for many reasons.
He is?
You sure look down in the dumps.
I bet Mr. Moroboshi has been
lecturing you.
He can be quite a nag.
-His hobby
is hassling people
until they can't take anymore.
I wouldn't let him bother you.
it's true that I lack confidence.
I mean, do I deserve to be Ultraman?
Have you thought about this?
When your father fought,
what were his feelings about it?
I'm hardly one to talk like a know-it-all
when this is the only town I can live in.
What is that?
That moron is walking around
without transforming again.
It seems to me like he's looking at us.
Let's go.
Now, come on.
This is not the place
for that kind of thing.
Come on.
Jack, is he saying something?
He says you smell like Ultraman.
Long ago,
one of his buddies was killed by Ultraman.
Hey, now.
What are you doing?
I believe you were told
not to remove your transformation.
You really are something, Mr. Moroboshi.
I thought I asked you to look after him.
Oops. Sorry about that.
We're leaving.
Jack, let me know when you get that lead.
You got it.
We're on our way back now.
Get things ready.
I'm returning to the base now.
I don't need to see you home, right?
What is it?
Why did you bring me here today?
Mr. Ide asked me to.
I had no choice but to bring you here.
To be perfectly honest,
I don't like you.
What's more,
whether you become Ultraman or not
doesn't matter to me.
Feel free to worry over it
as much as you like.
But let me tell you this one thing.
If you can do something,
but you don't,
that's a crime.
What the heck is with that guy?
We really shouldn't be doing this,
Mr. Endo.
Since the SSSP snatched this case from us,
there have been more murders.
Which means they can't figure it out.
All we're doing is lending them a hand.
Lending them a hand?
This is out of our jurisdiction now.
I doubt we'll find anything.
Mr. Endo, is there something to this case?
Something to it? What do you mean?
Well, I mean,
this isn't like you, Mr. Endo.
It seems like
you're really obsessed with this case.
There's something
that bothers me about it.
What? Wait, Mr. Endo.
It looks like the SSSP cleaned up nicely.
I knew it.
Rena Sayama?
Mr. Endo, isn't that
Wait! What are you doing?
-I'm going after him!
I can't believe I'm doing this.
-What's with that guy?
He's too fast for us!
You fucking idiot!
Why did you jump in front of me like that?
Hey! Wait!
Are you all right?
What the
Mr. Endo, what about that guy?
That's an alien.
So, that's why the SSSP is involved
in this case.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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