Uncle Samsik (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Sir, we will deal
with the Busan district electorates.
Why don't we change the subject?
What are you reading?
An Minchul, Liberal Party Assemblyman
An Yosub's eldest son
You like history books?
Kang Seongmin, aged 16
Why bother reading about kings?
A prince only has two options in life.
He either becomes his father's lackey,
or he kills his father
so he can take the throne.
Which would you choose?
I don't like either option.
Come here.
Weren't you taught
to respect your elders, you punk?
If you don't want to be king,
you've got to be someone's servant.
You brat!
What do you think you're doing?
I'm sorry, Mr. An.
Your son's quite a feisty one.
He's the one who hit me first!
It doesn't matter.
He hit me first though, I swear.
Oh, you're hilarious!
Daddy, where are you going?
Oh, my goodness! Who are you, darling?
Oh, that depressing
little bastard. He's… he's…
Is he your son, oppa?
He's quite the cutie.
Ah, so depressing!
I heard this is
where your mom killed herself.
Don't glare if you're going to look away.
All right…
What the hell?
Mr. Kang, your son almost killed you.
You little shit. Come here.
Come with me, you bastard.
Goddammit! Come here!
You dirty bastard!
You still don't get it, do you?
You're a worthless piece of shit!
Just like your mother!
The Sineui Alliance
opposes the authorities and powers
that oppress our people and our nation.
"The Sineui Alliance
opposes the authorities and powers
that oppress our people and our nation."
The Sineui Alliance
fights against injustice.
Our violence is a necessary evil.
"The Sineui Alliance
fights against injustice.
Our violence is a necessary evil."
Our first target is…
Mr. Kang Ilsik.
Kang Seongmin
Cha Taemin, aged 25
Uncle Samsik
Uncle Samsik
Hypocrisy Disguised as a Dream
Kim San joins the Democratic Party
as Head of the Economic Policy Committee
Choo Intae! Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae! Choo Intae! Choo Intae!
Choo Intae! Choo Intae!
Choo Intae! Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
Thank you, everyone!
- Thank you all!
Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Innovation is
the only way forward!
- Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Please, excuse me.
We will win the election!
- Why are you here?
- I'm sorry for intruding like this.
Can you please give me a moment?
We'll do this later.
What is it?
I intend to do whatever it takes
to support Mr. Choo Intae.
And being with the Democratic Party
won't change that.
Is that what you came here to say?
I admire and support Mr. Choo Intae.
So can you go out there
and declare
that you're Choo Intae's son-in-law?
Can you say
that you support the Innovation Party?
That you're done
with the Democratic Party?
Yes, of course.
Of course.
I love you very much,
and I'm sure you know that.
I have this dream.
What dream is that?
There's a version of South Korea…
that I want to create.
Except that's not a real dream.
That's hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy dressed as a dream.
Thank you!
Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Choo Intae!
Yeah! You get that area!
Hey, you sons of bitches!
Hey, what the hell?
- Yeojin!
- Why are you doing this?
Oh, please stop!
Are you all right?
Bring him some water.
Why'd you come back here?
To see Choo Yeojin?
- You said you'd date in secret.
- Yeah, but I still need to explain to her…
why I joined
the Democratic Party, don't I?
You came here to tell her that
with all these people around to see you?
I'm going to stop, starting now.
I've just…
promised Yeojin so many things
that I need to keep my word to her.
Yeah, and what about the promises
you made to me?
What, 'cause Choo is like your father,
and Samsik is just an uncle?
Who is he to you?
Who is he to you?
What has that man ever done for you?
Noble politicians. Yeah.
Were they able to feed their children
during the war?
Choo Yeojin isn't going to be
some politician's wife.
Why aren't you smart enough to get that?
It's still not enough to break things off
with her like this.
Why not?
- Because it's cowardly.
- Ah!
I refuse to let her see me as a coward!
So you want more money,
and you want more power,
and you want all this respect,
and you want to be the good guy.
That's not how it works,
you can't have it all.
Yeah, well, I quit.
You're clearly not ready for this yet.
I can give you
all the money and power you'd like.
But if you want to have
honor, love, and respect,
- then you're out of your mind.
- No.
I don't need any of that crap.
Will you just let me show you my plan now?
No, I don't care!
100 from the Liberals,
30 from the Democrats,
and 20 more to win over individually.
There'll be 20 newly-appointed assemblymen
in the next election.
Including you.
How many does that make? A 170.
- I said I don't care.
- With 170 assemblymen,
we could reform parliament.
Then regardless of who's elected,
the National Assembly
will be under Cheongwoo control.
We will appoint a prime minister
and that person will be you, son.
Who the hell…
in the Liberal Party would be
crazy enough to support me?
They wouldn't support you,
they would support Kang Seongmin.
Kang will push to reform parliament
in hopes of being Prime Minister.
Meanwhile, we'll make you
an assemblyman in three years.
And once the reforms have gone through,
we'll make you Prime Minister instead.
Now, think of what you really want.
The Reconstruction Project?
Do you want to be an assemblyman
or the Prime Minister?
Answer the question.
The Prime Minister.
Then focus only on what you want
from now on! Focus!
I want to revive it!
I want the National Reconstruction Project
to go forward!
I'll break up with her.
In life…
when you gain something…
you're bound to lose something else.
You know that, don't you?
Please stay here.
Mr. Yoon.
Wouldn't we be safer
with the rest of the party?
Please… please, just wait a minute.
Let me just… let me go check it out first.
- Hey, who the hell are you?
- Stop right there!
Goddamn it!
I'm the boss, you idiot!
You piece of shit!
What do you think you're doing?
Hey! Actually,
we don't answer to you anymore.
If you touch me, I'll kill you right here.
What are you going to do, huh? Hmm?
Are you crazy?
Go ahead, go ahead and try me.
- Go ahead.
- Yeah?
Just go.
I can do it.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Who the hell are you?
- Get out of my way, you dirtbag!
- Wait-- Ah, shit!
Snap out of it.
I'll finish it, get out of here.
Mr. Yoon.
- Were you hit?
- Yeah…
You're okay, Haejun.
Haejun's just been shot! Jongchul!
Haejun, hey, it's okay.
We just got to get to the hospital.
Hey, Haejun!
Goddamn it!
Oh, Haejun!
Oh, fuck!
Please wait outside, ma'am.
Just a moment.
Oh, minister!
Choo Intae, he's just been attacked.
Who's just been attacked?
He's in critical condition.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Critical condition.
What about Yoon Palbong?
He was found dead at the scene, sir.
Stupid fucking idiots.
A witness says he saw Cha Taemin
from the Sineui Alliance.
Yes. Ah, yes, sir.
We are currently investigating the matter.
The deceased
was a gangster named Gu Haejun.
Hey, look at this.
Hey, hey!
The 4th Sail Salt Farm Association
Manager Cha Taemin
Hey, I'm your hyung.
I got it done.
Shit or get off the pot, all right?
Hyung, my ass.
Let's go.
Ah, jeez.
Goodbye, hyung.
Aemin Daily
Hi, good morning.
Oh, pardon me, sir.
Politics Department
Mr. Minchul, the son of Segang Textiles
CEO An Yosub, died in an explosion.
He'd been gaining notoriety
as the potential new leader
of the Liberal Party.
Who do you think is behind it?
Who stands to benefit the most
from An Minchul's death?
Kang Seongmin?
Is this Taemin of the Sineui Alliance?
If this gets out,
it's over for Kang Seongmin.
Questions arise about Sineui Alliance,
the anarchist terrorist group
Unraveling Sineui Alliance,
the force behind Choo Intae's shooting
"The Sineui Alliance
does not solely target
leftist groups
in their terror attacks. In fact,
- there are also certain political--"
- They're implicating me.
They haven't named anyone.
"The power struggle
between this generation's politicians."
They're implying it.
- They printed this to attack you?
- It's Cha Taemin.
He's the only one who had this photo.
"The explosion in Busan is also linked
to the Sineui Allia--"
That's enough.
Ministry of Home Affairs
We will move
within each department and region
in order to amend
the Local Government Act.
Here's an outline of the voting process.
40 percent will vote early.
Groups of three, five, and nine--
- What is it?
- Take a look at this.
I'm sure you all saw the articles.
The situation is very serious.
But is it… even true?
You saw the picture.
Kang Seongmin did it. Can we agree?
Yes, it had to be Kang Seongmin.
Why would we have this meeting
if it wasn't Kang Seongmin?
In the event that…
Kang turns out to be a member
of the Sineui Alliance,
we need a contingency plan.
We need one now?
Mm, why make a big fuss over this?
If Kang Seongmin gets wind of it,
we'll find ourselves
in an awkward position.
True or not,
we ought to have a plan ready.
I think we should look into this matter
more thoroughly.
Wouldn't it be
rather rash for us to suspect
another Cheongwoo Federation member
without knowing all the details?
I will investigate this
and do it discreetly.
Yes, sir. We have just confirmed
that it's a false rumor.
And the press fabricated the story.
Yes, Minister. Yes, sir, we'll be taking
the appropriate actions. Yes.
As for the party, sir,
they will take action
as quickly as possible.
True or false?
Is it true or false?
It's false.
Somebody's trying to defame me.
- Who?
- We're looking into it.
Is the Sineui Alliance
behind An Minchul's death?
I wouldn't know.
That's what it said… in the article.
That's all just speculation.
I expect Mr. An Yosub also would make
the same speculation.
What use are you
if the Federation… doesn't support you?
That arrogant bastard,
I can't wait to kill him someday.
Someone will overhear you.
Call Mr. Pak Jiwook for me.
Oh. Hello, sir.
S… Sir.
Hello, sir.
What brings you here unannounced?
So Cha Taemin, you haven't found him?
Jeon Soyong
Director of the National Security Bureau
He won't be easy to find.
What about the other Sineui punks?
Those guys have been inactive
for over 10 years.
You still got a list? Show me then.
And why does the National Assembly
need that?
Just show me.
10 years ago, we established
all of their whereabouts.
But we let them go.
- Why?
- No idea.
The director at the time told us to,
so that was it.
Our boys just pretend to look for them.
They're hard to catch.
And if we do get them,
we have to let them go.
Yes, sir.
Wait outside, Professor Hwang.
Kang Seongmin
and the Sineui Alliance, huh…
That true?
He and Cha Taemin did spend
some time together back in Busan.
Did Cha Taemin kill him
or did Kang Seongmin do it?
I can't say I'm sure about that.
What are the campaign expenses
looking like this month?
Two million hwan
to the National Security Bureau,
three million
to the Ministry of Home Affairs,
and five million to the Liberal Party.
Let's stop all the transfers for now.
Yes, sir.
You go find Cha Taemin…
and you figure out who killed my son.
- All right?
- Yes, sir.
I'll look for him right away.
Mr. Cha Taemin.
Mr. Cha Taemin.
Mr. Cha?
Here, I've brought you some food.
Here's some whiskey too.
Oh, and…
this is for you. Uh…
it's a ticket for a cargo ship
leaving Busan for Shimonoseki in one week.
Make a note of the time.
Choo Intae…
is he dead?
We don't have any information yet.
Choo Intae…
I didn't mean to kill him.
Don't worry about it too much, all right?
Yoon Palbong is responsible for it.
Keep yourself hidden.
Is Samsik coming?
Of course.
What is it? What did An Yosub say?
He was asking
about what happened in Busan.
I'm getting anxious.
Yeah, you.
Where's Cha Taemin hiding out?
Why would you ask me a thing like that?
Kang Seongmin asked me to ask you.
He didn't turn up
at our agreed-upon location.
And where did you agree to meet him next?
And why is a National Assembly member
interested in such things?
Ah, must be a habit from your days
as a Japanese cop, I guess.
You're right.
Back when I was a junsa,
I should have just shot you
and gotten rid of you.
I… uh…
sorry… I'm sorry.
When is Cha leaving for Osaka?
Next week.
From Busan… on a cargo ship.
Where's his ticket?
Cha Taemin has it already.
Has he left for Busan yet?
I don't know.
Are you all right?
Yoon Palbong…
got himself killed talking back, huh?
Take a look at the addresses.
I want you to tail each of these punks.
What do we do if we run into Taemin?
If there's a chance he's a threat,
shoot the guy.
Where do you think
Cha Taemin's most likely to show up?
I'd start off by searching
Kang Seongmin's property.
Is Taemin really…
that connected to Mr. Kang Seongmin?
Don't ask questions, kid, just go do it.
You know better than to ask about that.
Did you agree to meet Taemin at the villa?
- Yeah.
- Change the location.
Assemblyman, is it true
you were an active member
of the Sineui Alliance?
Can you address the allegations
that you're behind the death
of An Minchul?
You really think it's me in that photo?
I don't see the resemblance.
So, you're saying
the allegations aren't true?
Are you denying
involvement with the Sineui Alliance?
- Mr. Kang Seongmin!
- Didn't you say
you spoke to all the news outlets?
I did, but it didn't seem to do anything.
When I don't answer
one of their questions, it becomes fact.
Why haven't the Cheongwoo Federation
campaign funds come through yet?
Doesn't this mean
that Mr. An Yosub can't trust Mr. Kang?
You can't be serious!
Then explain why the money
they promised hasn't come through yet.
This is why Kang Seongmin
is untrustworthy.
There's no need for the party
to be so suspicious of me!
Sir, please.
Why are you all acting like this?
Just wait a little bit
and you'll get the money.
Those lowlifes, right to my face.
I'd go see Mr. An Yosub now.
We don't want additional rumors.
What do I say to him though?
Well, at the very least,
you need to go and beg him to save you.
If we don't get campaign funds
from the Cheongwoo Federation,
we might not be able to pass
the Local Government Act.
Ilmo Hospital
- Here he is now.
- Good afternoon.
We've been doing everything that we can…
Yoon Palbong found dead.
- Is Chairman Kim San here?
- Yeah.
I introduced Yoon Palbong
to the Innovation Party.
How did you two know each other?
The army supply business.
It's weighing on me a little.
- Good job. Here.
Yes, sir.
Looks good to me.
- Looks good.
- Okay.
- Okay, thanks.
- All right, it's nothing. Thank you.
- Enjoy the food.
- See you later. Okay.
Yes, right. Uh… thanks.
Oh, thank you.
Well, I didn't put in any extra for you.
Wait, but you're giving me so much here.
Huh? Hey, you need this much
to raise four kids, man.
I'll try to get you more next time.
Put that away.
Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- All right.
Excuse me, where's Oh Inwoo's desk?
We don't know who sent it.
Is there other evidence
that he was an active member
of the Sineui Alliance?
It's not necessarily proof…
Kang Seongmin's father
also died in an explosives accident.
The Sineui Alliance is known
for using explosives.
And you know what else we found?
Why would Cha Taemin
want to kill Yoon Palbong?
The police report also states
that Yoon Palbong
was the first one to get shot.
It seems that Choo Intae
wasn't their initial target.
So, you're saying…
Yoon Palbong is connected
to Kang Seongmin?
I think so.
- Uncle Samsik.
- Oh.
Phew, you scared me.
Why are you here?
I want to get revenge.
You know who did it, don't you?
You know who killed Haejun?
Have you heard of the Sineui Alliance?
They're known for assassinating
prominent figures,
regardless of their position.
I don't care.
They're incredibly dangerous.
It doesn't matter.
Oh, yeah?
There's something you need to do first.
Whatever it is, I'll do it.
Ilmo Hospital
You should go and chase your dreams.
Sitting next to me
is the worst kind of hypocrisy.
Did you see the news?
Yes. Such a tragic turn of events.
Have you made up your mind yet? Finally?
I don't need nice guys.
And we are waging a war here.
I won't tolerate any tears.
I've already shed all my tears.
I'm done with that.
Do you think you can beat Kang Seongmin?
I know that I have to…
in order to live.
Is the death
of the Seodaemun gang thug, Gu Haejun,
in any way connected to Samsik?
I'm really not sure.
What about the death of Dongdaemun
gang thug, Yoon Palbong?
As far as I know, it was a coincidence.
So it was a coincidence
that a Dongdaemun gang thug
joined the Innovation Party?
Yoon Palbong…
was known to hold
Mr. Choo Intae in high regard.
Samsik had something to do
with Choo Intae's assassination,
didn't he?
It was an accident.
So, you're saying that Choo Intae's death
was an accident?
Choo Intae, Yoon Palbong, and Pak Jiwook.
A coincidence you say?
I'm not entirely sure
if it was meant to be or a coincidence.
I guess…
these are just the cards we're dealt.
If it isn't the traitor, Jang Doosik.
Samsik, I'm… here to bail you out.
Your death isn't in the cards yet.
So how exactly
are you going to shuffle my cards?
Uncle Samsik doesn't believe
in things like fate and fortune.
He puts his own plans into action
and he's extremely determined
to make the world spin in his favor.
If those plans are foiled,
he makes new ones.
That is the nature of Uncle Samsik.
Did I create the world we're in?
Surely, it's the world that created me.
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