Undead Unluck (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

United We Negate

[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[muffled sobbing]
[crying continues]
[dramatic piano music]
Gena always had a death wish.
Sure, she put up a hell of a front,
but every time she came over to my cell,
she had reservations
about killing to stay alive,
saying she'd probably be better off dead.
So one day I told her,
"If you wanna die that bad,
"then once I get outta here,
you're gonna be on the top
of my hit list."
I was joking, of course.
[Gena Chamber] Oh, my gosh,
you will? Promise?
[Andy] But looking back on it,
I think she really meant those words.
Your unluck was Gena's salvation.
You have my thanks.
- Hey, Andy?
- What is it?
I have a favor to ask.
Can't we make a change so
that no one else suffers
like Miss Gena did?
Can't the two of us change the Union?
Aww, hell yeah! I'm in!
That'll make it easier to charm
the pants off ya, too.
[Fuko] Y You mean it?
You really think that we can do it?
The Union's welcome wagon
will be showing up soon.
First order of business
is scopin' out the joint.
Anywho, let's toast to the dead.
Right. Let's do that.
- To Gena.
- Yeah.
[glass crackling]
Gena, here's to ya.
- [both] Gone but not forgott
- [screeches]
[Move] Nine, Ten,
I've come to pick you up.
You got here sooner than expected!
[glass crashing]
Wait, is this [gasps]
- [grunts]
- Whoa, what are you
- Gettin' ready to say hello!
- Huh?
Let's off them all!
[scoffs] You guys would have saved us time
if you'd just dropped dead.
I guess that was wishful thinkin', huh?
See? Aren't they a riot?
You two are as the reports detailed.
I welcome you to the Union,
Undead and Unluck.
This is sick. Wicked sick!
Cool your jets, Tatiana.
[Tatiana] This is the guy
that killed Miss Gena!
True, but fighting among members
- is strictly forbidden.
- [Tatiana] I know, but
- That one's got a quick temper!
- Huh?
- [Tatiana gasps]
- [snickers]
[Tatiana] [grunts] Why, you lousy
Stop this now.
[Tatiana gasps]
Huh? Is it hot in here?
[Andy] My hand it's acted on its own.
[Tatiana] I'm sorry, Boss!
Please, I don't want to kill Mr. Billy!
Huh? Am I going to die?
What about you, Undead?
Fine, you win. I give up.
Just make it stop.
How noble.
- [exhales]
- Sorry.
But, hey, it did get us some results!
[groans] Right.
Could you maybe stop it
with the sudden surprises?
What's the point
if a surprise ain't sudden?
[Juiz] I take it we're all seated?
Apocalypse, we're ready to proceed.
[Apocalypse snarls]
- Fresh blood, huh?
- [screams]
[Juiz] Apocalypse.
[Apocalypse groans]
Quest open!
There are six quests this time.
Quest one:
capture of the UMA Burn.
Participant count: six.
Reward: addition of 11th seat.
Quest two: capture of the UMA Eat.
Participant count: five.
Reward: location of Negator Unburn.
Quest three:
neutralization of UMA Language.
Participant count: one.
Reward: Unification
of all world languages.
So these quests,
I guess they must tie in
with the quota Gena told us about.
Hey, um, what's that book
talkin' about right now?
Focus on the conversation's details.
Try to remember everything he says.
R Right.
[Top snarls]
[Apocalypse] Quest four:
overcome and capture of Negator Unseen.
Participant count: one.
Reward: location of UMA Call.
Quest five: capture of UMA Past.
Participant count: three.
Reward: location of Artifact Rebellion.
Quest six: capture of UMA Spoil.
Participant count: three.
Reward: location of Negator Unrepair.
You have until August 31st
to complete all quests.
If that is not fulfilled,
the penalty will be
The addition of UMA Galaxy!
Now, choose!
[Fuko Izumo]
What does he mean by "galaxy?"
No clue. Save your questions.
- Pay attention.
- [Fuko] Oh, okay.
Nico, run a comparative
analysis with our data.
Ah, there. I see now.
Looks like what we can handle
are the first three.
Investigators helped us determine
the UMA habitat and how to counter them.
[Nico] Burn takes highest priority since
the reward is the most worthwhile.
[Apocalypse] Addition of 11th seat.
[Nico] We should give up on the last one.
We're lacking relevant data.
We'd only lose our members.
Very well. So first,
we'll mobilize all members
towards clearing quests one,
two, and three.
We'll accept the penalty.
The trade-off will
be strengthening our forces.
Now, then, we'll divide
the quests among us.
- Uh, 'scuse me.
- [Top] Hmm?
You mind explaining what that book is?
Huh? Are you talking to me?
Indeed, I am.
Just making sure.
That's Apocalypse,
the first artifact found on Earth.
When Negators sit in every seat
at the Roundtable, it opens
And forces a few unreasonable tasks on us.
We're rewarded if cleared.
But if we fail, we're hit with a penalty.
[Fuko grunts]
I see, but do we have to do what it says?
Is it really worth doing even
if we just end up getting hurt?
Miss Gena said it herself!
No matter how hard she tried,
nothing ever changed,
and she suffered as a result.
So tell me,
are that book's instructions
really worth all that trouble?
And that fourth quest
It said to capture a Negator.
Are you going to treat more people
like how you treated me and Andy?
Can't you see that aside
from the abilities,
we're just normal people?
And the same goes for all of you, right?
I don't know what's going on here,
but it seems completely insane!
All of this needs to stop right no
98 occasions.
That's the number of instances Rules
were added to Earth.
Sex, language, race,
death, sickness.
These are but a single handful.
And once every three months,
new penalties are added regardless.
So we intervene.
[Fuko grunts]
[Juiz] We must be strong enough
to complete these quests.
To accomplish this,
we capture and utilize those with power.
By gaining these rewards,
we grow in strength.
Our goal: to ensure the maker
of these rules
The god on the other side of the book
is ousted and executed.
Only those seated at this Roundtable
can accept quests.
We need to keep a stock of substitutes
in case of a vacancy.
Leaving you two unchecked posed
far too great of a risk.
Especially you, Unluck.
I was the one who ordered your disposal.
For that, I apologize.
- [laughing]
- [Juiz] But I've invited both
of you here on Shen's recommendation,
so I hope you'll assist.
But, like I said
You're still unsatisfied.
Very well. Then become number one here.
Leadership of the Union is bestowed upon
the person who's achieved
the most results.
Work harder than me
so you can take this position from me.
Wait a sec.
Just how much is that?
[Andy] Hey, cruddy little book!
[Apocalypse grunts]
Which one of those quests is the hardest
and dishes out the biggest reward?
Fess up!
Ah, Andy, wait!
Whoa, what the hell are you doing?
You can't just pick a fight
with Apocalypse!
Have you lost your mind?
[Apocalypse snarling]
[Apocalypse] That would be Spoil, rookie!
Participant count: three.
- Reward is
- Yeah, wicked sick.
I'll take that one!
And joining me will be that girl
And that brat over there.
Hold on, me? I didn't
- [Apocalypse] Request accepted.
- What? For real?
You've gotta be kidding!
[Apocalypse] Let the quest begin!
Uh, it's dangerous to touch me.
I'll dress myself.
[Mui] These were Master Shen's orders,
so please try to feel at ease.
I'm Mui, Master Shen's subordinate.
It's a pleasure.
Oh, um, my name is Fuko Izumo.
Yes, I'm familiar.
Quest preparations are now complete.
You're an official occupant
of the Roundtable.
Your new life starts right now.
Welcome! Good luck on your quest.
[Fuko] By quest you mean
the orders that book gave us?
[Mui] Indeed.
Valuable rewards await you
upon succeeding.
Oh, um, are you not
coming along, Miss Mui?
You see, I do not possess an emblem, so
[Fuko] An emblem?
[Mui] I'm not a Negator nor
a member of the Roundtable
so I cannot possess and emblem
and thus am not authorized
- to participate in quests.
- [Fuko gasps]
[Mui] I implore you, Miss Fuko,
concerning Master Shen,
look after him!
[Fuko] Huh? No wait.
You don't wanna count on me! I'm useless!
Please, stop bowing, Miss Mui!
I see.
There are people who
actually want to be Negators.
- [groans]
- [giggles]
- At least put some clothes on!
- [Mui] Hmm?
- [gasps]
- Huh?
- Huh?
- [liquid splashing]
[metal clanging]
So, uh, what happened
to the suit I just gave you?
It was burned to ashes by magma
that erupted out of the walls.
Where the heck is this base, anyway?
[Fuko] All that from
a little bit of contact?
I'm not a pushover!
I swear I'm not a pushover!
Who cares about a monkey suit, anyway?
Let's get to the quest already!
This just won't do!
You need a suit, necktie, and an emblem!
Why's that?
It may look like cosplay
but a member's suit
is actually useful, you know?
[rapid gunfire]
The suits are bulletproof, stab proof,
- and just sturdy in general.
- [gate beeps]
The necktie grants access
to numerous public services.
It also has the ability to translate
any language under the sun,
and the emblem is necessary
for you to participate in quests.
We'll be traveling around
the world to investigate Spoil.
The gear will ensure a smoother operation.
[Andy] Yeah, I don't need any of that.
- I'll be using my copter!
- What?
The hunters are finally off our tail,
so me and the girl
- are goin' on a cloud date.
- [gasps]
- You're goin' solo.
- [gasps]
Wait, you're leaving me on my own?
We should move as a unit!
No, thanks. Get lost.
- [Shen] Oh, come on!
- [Andy] Hurry up and go.
- He's certainly entertaining.
- [groans]
[Shen] Why should I? No way!
- [alarm blaring]
- [Fuko] Ah?
[operator] [through speaker]
UMA 1129 has taken over
a member of personnel and escaped.
Commence capture immediately.
UMA's currently proceeding
through Hall G on level eight.
- Capture immediately.
- Sweet!
Time to score some nice points!
So what level are we on now?
Are we near eight?
This is eight. Mui, dear?
Yes, sir.
Looking up 1129.
My, this is perfect timing.
Number 1129.
The garment UMA, Clothes!
He latches onto people and transforms into
the garments that person most desires.
But once he bewitches you
with those garments,
he takes total control of your body
- and runs wild!
- [metal clanking]
- Cautionary point
- Andy, look behind you!
- Hit the deck.
- Okay!
[bones crunching]
- Dammit!
- [union member gasps]
We got enough problems without you!
Repair Headbutt!
Looks like that hurt.
I didn't kill 'im.
I just knocked his lights out.
Oh, that's not good.
- [Shen] Wha?
- [Andy] Huh?
When the host can no longer move,
1129 will seek out a new host body.
- He'll abandon the current one
- [Shen gasps]
[Mui] And transfer himself
to the nearest person.
Doesn't he become new clothes?
They look exactly the same to me.
I assure you, they've changed.
[breathing erratically]
- [Mui grunting]
- [Fuko screaming]
[Mui grunting]
[breathing erratically]
- Hey, Shen!
- Mr. Andy?
How may I help you?
Constrict that girl already
and be done with this.
While my powers would work on Mui,
Clothes doesn't meet the requirements.
These attacks are from the garment
so it'd be pointless.
Your power is freakin' useless!
Is it, now?
This exact same power
beat you pretty quick.
[Andy] [grunts] Get real.
- We never even finished!
- [Shen] Ah!
Then how about we settle
the score right after this?
- [Andy] Bring it on!
- [gasps]
- [Mui groans]
- [Fuko] Miss Mui.
[Mui] I implore you, Miss Fuko,
concerning Master Shen,
look after him.
[breathing heavily]
- [Andy] Hmm?
- [Shen] Huh?
- [grunts]
- [clothes snarls]
[Fuko] We've only just met
and I barely know you,
but get ready for my unluck.
It'll hurt. There was no choice.
I'm so sorry.
[grunts] [speaking Chinese]
[speaking Chinese] Thank you.
- She's out cold.
- [Andy grunts]
The clothes are on the move again.
[Fuko] I had a feeling it would
come for me next.
It prefers female targets.
Not cool.
Using its female preferences rule
to make you bait? Too risky.
Well, maybe, but I knew
you'd rescue me, Andy,
even if you didn't!
And if he took control of me,
I'd still be a lot easier
to fight than Miss Mui, right?
[Andy] That would give him
control of your unluck!
[Fuko] Oh, wait, yeah. I totally forgot.
- [Andy] Give me a break.
- [Shen laughs]
Not the best time to argue, but whatever.
- Master Shen, I I'm so sorry!
- Hmm?
I've done a disservice
to the one who saved my life!
What are you talking about?
That was some amazing kung fu.
All that daily training really paid off.
Someday you'll be able
to do those moves on your own,
so keep up the good work.
[speaking Chinese]
[speaking Chinese] Understood, sir.
Uh, but what of Mr. Andy and Miss Fuko?
[Shen] Right, those clothes
latched onto Mr. Andy a second ago.
[Fuko] Huh?
They aren't turning into clothes.
- [Andy] Hmm?
- [clothes] Damn!
- Dammit all!
- Mm?
[clothes shouts]
What the hell kind of desire is that?
You want sturdy clothes
that regenerate when ripped off
and rush over when called for?
- That's a tall order!
- [clothes grunting]
Damn, for a UMA
with clothing as their shtick
[clothes] Eh?
- I'm still lookin' tacky.
- Huh?
Oh, yeah? I'll show you, wise guy!
Once I entrance you with my creation,
you'll be my walking mannequin! [chatters]
[Fuko gasps]
The unluck from us touching
a second ago hasn't
- [clothes screams]
- [Fuko gasps]
[rock music]
[Nico] Hey, sorry up there.
[Fuko gasps]
We had a little artifact malfunction.
Anyone dead?
Um, well
[Andy] 15 seconds to regenerate.
Way too slow. Gotta make it faster.
[clothes] What the you're insatiable!
- Hey, Mr. Clothes!
- [clothes] Huh?
Nice to work with ya!
Since you're clothes,
I'm gonna call you Clothy!
[Clothy] Me? [grunts]
- [laughs]
- [whimpers]
- Well, I'll be.
- Uh, Master Shen,
- please let me go!
- They took the UMA
- and made him their servant!
- [shouting]
[Shen] Now we're all in proper attire.
Yeah. I'm not crazy about it, though.
[Clothy] Knock it off!
[operator] [through speaker]
UMA 1129 has just been
successfully captured by Undead.
Crap! Beat to the punch!
- You were too slow, Isshin!
- [Billy] Huh?
[operator] [through speaker]
We have awarded Undead points
for the capture and promoted him to nine.
That's exactly why he was worth the wait.
[blow lands]
Mr. Nico,
we have witness reports of a new UMA.
[Fuko groaning]
[squad member] We have
confirmation of a rotting corpse
wandering around the streets of New York.
We believe this is connected
to the UMA Spoil mentioned
- in the quests earlier and
- Freakin' sick!
I was gettin' fed up with just
how small the burgers
are in Japan anyway!
What? They're bigger overseas?
[Kairi Yagi's "know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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