Uspjeh (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

We were never here.
We know nothing, we saw nothing.
If they find my prints,
I'm the one who's screwed! Not you!
-Do you know who Lujo Kralj is?
-You've helped me a lot. Thank you.
Why the fuck is Jasna's sister
is looking for fucking hammers
and murderers in my office?
-Where were you? Where are you going?
-I want you to move out.
Hello, Mrs. Čorić.
Please come with us to the station.
I killed Viktor Batur.
You can let Vinka Čorić go.
She has nothing to do with it.
If you cooperate and admit everything
The confession is worth nothing if
he doesn't have a lawyer, Gordana!
Mrs. Čorić.
Nice to meet you. Lujo Kralj.
-Good morning.
-Please, get in the car.
Hand over your badge and gun.
No problem, Nikola. Whatever you say.
The fifth step to success
Surprise them. Face your enemy.
Let them think you're weak,
and then fuck them over.
If you don't have one, find an
enemy. It's your best investment.
Pretend that you're a victim
And be a bastard.
I'm introducing a new rule.
Until the project is passed
by the City Assembly,
you'll do only what I tell you.
Otherwise, she's going to
pay for any shit you pull.
She's got nothing to do with this.
You sacrificed yourself
for her for no reason?
We've got to help
close the investigation.
You won't let her go to prison,
I won't let you.
Little Blanka'll go then.
Did she kill the man?
-Who then?
I did.
The hell you did, you wouldn't get
your hands dirty. Who killed him?
I did.
Actually, you're right.
It doesn't matter.
We just need to produce
the suspect and two witnesses.
No one must mention you.
You'll both talk to the cops
only with Dijana present.
I promised the judge.
And you know I keep my promises.
-Dijana, where's the girl?
-We can't find her. At this time.
Lujo, there's got to be another way.
They're just ordinary people.
When have you ever met ordinary people?
At your French kindergarten
or piano lessons?
I was born an ordinary man.
I know what we're capable of.
Nail yourself to the cross if you want,
but only after the Assembly
passes my project.
Dijana, call the judge. Let them
arrest and charge that girl.
Wait, wait. She's just a kid.
She's not guilty.
Who is then?!
Am I guilty?! Am I?
You have this one here,
the girl and that other guy.
Do you want me to pick or will you?
Kristijan Mihletić.
Promise me you'll get him
the best lawyers
Money An apartment for his
family A reduced sentence.
If he cooperates, he'll get it all.
Where can we find him?
I'll talk to him.
-Hey, where are you?
-I told you I had to leave.
I don't know when I'll be back.
I'll call you later.
Alright. Bye.
How is he? Is he better?
-Our neighbor, Hrvoje.
-Is something wrong with him?
-He's in the hospital.
Hey. Can you meet me?
I need to talk to you.
Yes, I know it's a mess.
It's important, I need a favor.
Where? Okay, see you there.
I can't do this anymore.
I don't know who to, why
or when I'm lying anymore.
I was there, I wanted to confess.
I was this close.
What were you doing at the police?
What was I doing there?
Do you want to go to prison?
But Kiki can?
-You saved Kiki's life.
-Oh, come on.
I wanted to go, I tried.
Lujo won't let me.
He bought the judge, that's it.
What are you on about?!
I'll talk to Kiki.
Lujo will give him the best lawyers,
money, an apartment
Kiki's reasonable.
We have to be smart. All of us!
-You really trust him?
I trust him. I know him.
If we do what he asks,
everything will be fine.
But if we don't
Think of your child, Vinka.
Think of your child.
I understand.
You know all this
and you keep working for him.
How does this work?
-You light the candle now.
-What the fuck? You scared me!
Are you Franka's kid?
You don't look anything like her,
but you swear like her.
We were schoolmates.
Let me remember Branka, right?
-Blanka, but whatever.
-Blanka, that's right.
It's odd seeing you here.
-It's been an odd fucking week, lady.
-Have they arrested you?
I called Haris as soon as I saw the pigs
taking you.
-Listen to me.
-What did they want?
-Are you at the station?
-No, they let me go. Where are you?
-We need to talk.
-I'm not in Zagreb, I won't come back.
-What did the cops want?
-They know we saw Danilo.
It's not over yet.
When will you be back?
Why should I go back
if they're looking for me?
Blanka, you must return.
We must talk.
It's a mess and
we must do something about it.
The cops are not after you.
It's the guy who had me beaten
and who got Haris out of jail.
Please come back home. Bye.
I need the copies.
Boss, I can't. I'm purging the file.
I must remove every lead
and mention of Lujo Kralj.
-There's no case without the evidence.
-I'm doing it for you.
-So you can come back to work.
-Get me the copies.
And a meeting with Danilo.
If we don't solve the case,
Danilo will think I'm hiding the truth.
I'll become a target. I don't want to
spend my life looking over my shoulder.
-We need to talk.
-What now?
Speak, the pizzas are getting cold.
What if we could solve
all your problems?
Get you an apartment,
jobs for you and your wife,
the best doctor for your kid,
get you up on your feet.
Like a loan or something?
Yeah, maybe like
a loan or something.
You must confess to killing Viktor.
All your money woes will be over.
But you must spend a few years in jail.
Lujo'll get you the best lawyers.
Are you fucking with me?
You're really serious?
Because of the fucking hammer?!
-Why me?
-Fuck it, someone has to go.
-Why me?!
-I'd go, but Lujo Kralj won't let me.
-You tell me who.
-I don't know what to say, Haris.
I have to deliver this
and pick up my kid from school.
Five minutes.
-Where's Lopar?
-He's not coming.
Is that kid really in charge
of the case now?
There's no more case.
I tried to find out who killed Viktor.
When I got close, I was suspended.
Now they're sweeping everything
under the rug to protect Lujo Kralj.
If Kralj's involved, this will
never even see a courtroom.
I guess that's why I'm here.
If you can't do it by the book,
you can do without it?
I have just one question.
Why would Kralj or one of his men
want to kill Viktor?
I don't know.
Just a moment.
The padlock on Viktor's garage
was broken with this hammer.
You still think Blanka set you up?
Only Kralj and two of his associates
have hammers like this.
I want you to know that.
I can't prove it, but I know Kralj's
behind this and he killed my sister.
I can't do more than this for Viktor.
-So, did you get what you wanted?
-Yes. Thanks.
See you.
Mr. Mihletić.
My name is Lujo Kralj.
And what's your name, kid?
Don't talk to my son.
Listen, Kristijan, I know what
happened to your apartment.
A real shame. Let's find a way to get
you and your family a new home.
I've already told Haris
I'm not interested.
Why don't you let me help you?
Don't you want your family
to be happy again?
Just leave me and my family alone.
We'll be fine.
I know what you did. I know you
don't have a job, money or anything.
Let's sit down and find
a way to help each other.
Ivor, say hello to your mom.
May I help you?
Are you looking for someone?
-Or are you lost?
-Do I look lost?
You look like you're from the city.
Here, city people are either cycling
or lost.
This is Joža's house?
Come. Come in. I've got elderflower
syrup, you'll like it. Come on.
You think that's fair?
No, of course not.
-What are we going to do now?
-I don't know.
I went to the police,
I almost confessed
They threw me out. Haris too.
They don't want to talk to us.
Inspector Kalić told me
They don't want us, but Lujo Kralj.
I have to go to prison to save him,
you and Haris!
Haris knows him.
The guy's insane.
Haris is afraid, I'm afraid.
I wanted to tell the truth,
but the truth won't save us.
You really think I should agree to it?
It's your decision.
-There's nothing I can do.
-And I can?
Kiki, I don't see a way out.
How will I live with you
going to prison in my stead?
But what the fuck can I do now?
Now, you don't know what to do.
But you knew
how to stab him in the back.
-I thought he was going to kill you.
-He came close enough.
Vinka, you helped me,
you saved me. But I can't do this!
-How can I reach Inspector Kalić?
-No, no!
You can't go there.
If Lujo Kralj finds out
Give me her number!
-He'll kill our kids!
-I didn't do anything!
You left the hammer at the garage.
It led them to Lujo Kralj.
Okay then.
Every man for himself.
We bought the house in 2014.
Yes, in February.
-When did your mom die?
-A few months earlier.
He couldn't wait to sell it.
All the paperwork's here.
Everything's above board.
But it wasn't his to sell.
It was my grandpa's and then my
mom's house. How could he sell it?
He had all the papers. He was in a
hurry. We settled on the price at once.
Your dad said he was selling
because he needed money for you.
That's what he said.
For your future.
He's an alcoholic, ma'am.
You could've paid him in brandy.
What money, future?
He's already drunk all he got.
And what do I get?
Elderflower fucking syrup.
If you want to kill yourself,
jump out of the window.
It's quicker than lung
cancer, and cheaper.
Better than bother
you with a divorce, eh?
-Seriously, Ivo.
I didn't force you to marry me.
I won't force you to stay.
-I won't be a problem to you.
-The red one.
-The red suitcase.
You asked me what suitcase I wanted.
I'll take the red one.
I'll be moving out soon.
No problem, Vinka.
I'm going to bed.
But it will be as you say.
-Did anyone order pizza?!
-Wash your hands. Use soap!
-We'll have pizza every night now?
-Just until we get back on our feet.
-Come on.
Don't do that, Kiki.
You idiot.
-Have you already washed your hands?
Come here.
-Come here.
-Come, come!
Have a seat. He's on his way.
Lujo Kralj? Is that his real name?
See this guy? It's his face and my body.
He was too fat for his own ad.
So they hired me and I photoshopped
his face onto my body.
You'd be a really good model.
I saw you on the bridge, you know?
Why are you so talkative?
Get up. Stand up
and spread your arms.
What was the plan? Record the
conversation and go to the police?
-Well, I wanted to protect myself.
-I'm your protection.
I can be your friend. I have
a problem that you can solve.
And then I'll solve all your problems.
You'll get the best lawyers, we'll
put a bit of pressure on the judge
We'll put you in a nice jail, your
wife and son will get a new apartment.
We'll get your wife a good job,
and you'll get 100 thousand in cash.
Half when you're arrested,
half when you get out.
I'll think about it.
No, no. We make a deal now
and that's it.
They found your DNA under
the nails of the kid you killed.
They have evidence.
Evidence I was there,
not that I killed him.
That's why I'm offering you all this,
I need you.
You know you can't avoid prison.
I'm offering help.
Don't act like I got you all in this.
You're fucked. Now you have
to take care of your family.
Please don't mention my family.
I'll take care of them
while you're inside.
It's up to you whether I treat them
as the wife and child of a friend
or the wife and child of an enemy.
Kiki, you decide how I treat them.
If I ever see you near my son again
I'll stick a fucking knife in your eye.
I extended my hand to you twice
and twice you rejected me.
Go now, think about it.
I expect you to come back tomorrow
and extend your hand to me.
Kristijan, you're going to need this.
So you can call us.
I have access to his cell.
You think he'll try something?
Just watch it that
he doesn't try to run.
I'm calling the judge. He'll be more
obedient when they arrest him.
-What's your cat's name?
-I don't know, it's not mine.
Need help?
Do I need to have a dick
to know how to use the pliers?
-What's up?
-Kristijan Mihletić.
-Have you ever heard this name?
Topoljak called me last night and said
we had a suspect for Batur's murder.
Kristijan Mihletić. We went to
his apartment, it was empty.
And a huge turd
in the middle of the room.
The DNA sample matches
the traces under Viktor's fingernails.
-The hammer? The rat?
-Never mind that, we have the culprit.
The Batur case has
nothing to do with Lujo Kralj.
You can face the disciplinary
committee and admit you were wrong.
And I pulled out your sister's case.
I read everything about her accident.
There's no proof of Kralj's involvement.
Come back to work.
Why aren't you picking up?!
Your dad's had a stroke,
we have to go to the hospital!
I'm busy.
-What are you looking for?
-My money!
-What if he dies?
-I should be so lucky.
I fucked it all up again, sis.
-Inspector Kalić?
Go ahead.
I have info about the murder
of Viktor Batur.
He's just called Jasna's sister.
I'm tracking him,
he's walking to meet her.
Let me hear it.
I have info about the murder
of Viktor Batur.
And you are?
-I'll tell you everything when we meet.
-Your name first.
-Help me, my family's in danger.
-Who killed Viktor?
It's not just about Viktor, it's about
Vinka Čorić, it's about Lujo Kralj.
Pick him up at once.
Recipe for Success
Kiki. Get in.
You called that crazy cop.
You wanted time to think
to fuck me over?
No. I wanted to tell her
I killed Viktor.
Wasn't that the deal?
Yes. The deal That's right.
Take out your phone.
You called her to confess?
She's no longer police.
Call 192 and I want to hear
your full name and confession.
Make the call.
Good evening. I wanted to
My name's Kristijan Mihletić.
I killed Viktor Batur.
I want to turn myself in.
Mihletić. Kristijan Mihletić.
See you at the office.
Gordana Kalić, police.
I'm bringing a man
who was shot in the head.
I'll be there in three minutes.
Where's my money?
I'm Dijana, Lujo Kralj's lawyer.
Do you know who that is?
If he's not a neurologist,
he can suck my dick.
Your father will get the best care.
I talked to the specialist.
He'll inform me about the prognosis.
Come here.
Kiki said yes to that?
He knows that's best for him.
You must get your stories straight.
Haris wasn't there.
Can you do that for your
new and influential friend?
He had a pulse. He had
a pulse just a moment ago.
What are you doing here?
-You can't go any further.
-Will he live?
-Calm down.
-What happened?
Call your specialist!
I'll do anything if he saves Kiki.
She helps no one but Lujo Kralj.
What's next, will you kill her?
Watch your mouth, Goga.
You're just like your sister.
-Let go of me.
-Stop it!
-Now you're fucked.
-What the fuck's the matter with you?
See what you get?
Ah, fuck it I lied.
I'm dead.
Did you really think that I would
push back and fight for justice?
You try it and tell me how you fare.
I told you
Nothing in life wakes you up as a
barrel of a gun aimed at your head.
I'm awake now.
I can see more clearly than ever.
You don't deserve a hero.
They won.
And you
Get down on your knees.
And go back to your hiding hole.
I'm Jana Mihletić,
you called me here.
-Wait here.
-Where's my husband?
-The doctor will be right here.
-What happened?
I'm sorry, ma'am,
we did all we could.
Come with us.
Evening, guys. I'm Gordana Kalić,
I brought him here.
-Who said that?
Call Chief Topoljak,
I wish to speak with him.
He's my precinct chief, call him now.
You knew he was wanted
for the Batur murder?
I'm not sure he's the killer.
-That's not what I asked.
-I knew.
-Why didn't you call Febo?
-I'm suspended.
Yet you arranged to meet the suspect.
-What was I supposed to do?
-For fuck's sake, you knew what to do.
If a suspect calls you, call the police.
You know the procedure.
He was still alive.
Chief, I have a problem.
-This is the murder weapon.
I heard Mihletić's recording,
he confessed.
And three minutes later, someone
reported a man shooting himself.
What is it?
I killed Viktor Batur.
Stabbed him in the back.
Mihletić died a few hours ago
and he's texting me now.
-Maybe it's the network.
-I brought Kristijan to the hospital.
Kralj knows I was there.
But he doesn't know I recorded this.
You gave no statements, right?
That's good.
We'll say we found the gun
next to the body.
What about the video?
Keep it with you. If we give it to the
investigating judge, he'll delete it.
-What should I do?
If this gets out
Go home now.
Lock the door,
don't answer the phone.
Don't talk about this to anyone.
I'll think of something.
Lock the door.
I'll see you in the morning.
-Call if
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