Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5
Are you the head guard?
I am, Melik Hadrath.
You are not a man of the state,
but a spy who infiltrated amongst us.
This is not the truth, Melik Hadrath.
You are a traitor, who betrayed Selcuklu.
This is the truth!
Put up your sword.
My child. My child.
My child.
My son.
My son.
Why isn't he crying?
Tell me.
Why isn't he crying?
I'm sorry for your loss.
No, no, no, no
No. No.
No. My child.
My son. My son
Make him live.
Make him live.
Make my son live.
Make him live. Make my child live.
I beg you, make him live.
No, no, no. No! No! No!
My child!
My son!
They made me come here, my Sultan.
I wasn't able to let you know.
How he infiltrated among them,
he knows about their dirty works.
I say we raid them and
destroy all the Batinis, my Sultan.
This is not the solution for
the matter, Melik Hadrath.
All of them are not traitors, my Sultan.
There is an organization among
them growing up like a boil.
We need to learn everything about
it, and then cut the head of that boil.
We need to learn everything about them
and cut their hands they
put forward to cause trickery
to stop the Anadolu
campaign, like Sencer said.
For this reason, if you order me,
I want to get back among them.
How do you do that? If you go
as the only survivor, they'll kill you.
There is only one way to
clear the suspicion, my Sultan.
I need to take the
sacred relics to them.
So, they will keep trusting me.
Call the healers quickly!
Do you know what you want?
Sacred relics are important
both for Islam and us!
If anything happens to them,
we cannot give answer for that!
My Sultan, it is of course dangerous
that sacred relics will be taken away.
But we need to take this risk for our goal.
If that is the only way, then we should
create fake ones, so he can bring them.
They will bring the sacred relics to
their Head Dai for sure, my Sultan.
If we bring the fake
ones, they will realise it.
I will learn the location of
sacred relics, and inform you.
If anything wrong happens, everyone
responsible for it will pay the price.
I promise you with my life, my Sultan.
I trust you, Sencer, no matter what
happens, protect the sacred relics.
After all this fighting, they wouldn't
believe you if you went there without a wound.
Now they will believe you.
But not only the sacred relics, I
want you back safe and sound too.
Is there anyone with him?
The healer.
Then tell him that Terken Hatun
is having a mental breakdown,
and Seferiye Hatun is
calling for all the healers
so he needs to go there as well.
Come on.
We saw that you are a traitor, you
spy of devil! You cannot go anywhere!
Drop your weapon immediately.
If you are so eager!
Do you think Head Dai will
let you get away with this?
I will send him to where
you are going soon.
You will get the answer then!
Your friends are dead and you'll live?
We'll both finish what we started
You betrayed us.
Seljuks set us up. All the
other warriors are dead.
I was given the task of bringing the
sacred items back when the fight broke out.
I barely got them out.
I got wounded during the fight.
That devil, Meliksah.
Let's not let the iron rot your flesh.
Thank you. You accomplished
a great duty for our cause.
Our other warriors have served
for this success by being martyrs.
I'll keep the sacred items. Seljuks
will leave no stone unturned.
Let's not keep them in the neighborhood.
Let me stay with you. I'd like to protect you and
the sacred items till the last drop of my blood.
You've done your job. Now
treat your wounds. Get some rest.
Ustem, take him to our neighborhood.
Disguise as a shepherd and
investigate the fighting place.
Let's see if this man is lying or not.
My sultan
What happened, Mother?
My Sultan.
Terken Hatun gave birth.
We lost your child after the birth.
According to our traditions
we announced the news
to the public for their prayers.
I'm sorry for our loss.
Nizamulmulk Hadrath.
I have something important to tell you.
We're going to have a son.
May it be possible to give this head scarf
I made with my hands to our son, Inshallah.
Let me go.
Don't take my son away!
Give me my son!
Please, my Sultan.
Don't take him away. Give him to me.
Please, my Sultan.
Let me go. Don't take him away from me.
Please, stop.
My Sultan.
They're taking my son away.
Please tell them to give me my son.
I'm in pain.
He was our only hope after the son we lost.
My heart can no longer heal
I can't close my eyes at nights and
open them to the new days anymore.
There is pain instead of hope now.
This pain that bums your heart bums me too.
We will ask Allah for strength and
patience to turn this fire into ashes.
We will bear the pain of our son together.
Now it's time to bid farewell to
him as he goes Allah's presence.
My son. My son.
My brother.
Who managed to to defeat your strong hand?
It’s a sad day.
I'm sorry for our loss.
We treated him, but the
wounds were too deep.
It was a miracle that he
managed to come here.
We couldn't get much information from him.
But before he passed out,
he said all his squad was killed.
And he said that they were betrayed.
Those brave ones were our backbone there.
The special task force
that no one knew for years
how was it revealed?
Who is the traitor?
While our Sultan is going through
the pain of the loss of his son
how are we going to
tell him about the martydom
of Yalman, whom he sees
as his own son and the task
In the name of Allah, the
Merciful, the Beneficent.
Don't move.
You came right on time Thank Allah.
If we did not brand the
wound, it would be bad.
Don't move, or the wound will
open again and start bleeding.
But not only the sacred relics, I
want you back safe and sound too.
Don't let me stay with Behram.
It might make him suspicious.
But we need to learn the location
of the sacred relics, no matter what.
I gave a promise to our Sultan.
I delivered the sacred relics to them.
Tell Bozkus to be ready, and
send news to Nizamulmulk.
Start the search.
Until your wound gets
healed, rest, brave one.
We will need you in the future.
And you come with me,
there are things we need to do.
I will learn the location of
sacred relics, and inform you.
I promise you with
my life, my Sultan.
We sent Yalman's body
to his family, my Sultan.
And I tasked a squad aroud
Kuvel Castle to bring our martyrs.
We can only ease this pain by taking
revenge for our martyrs, my Sultan.
Andreas, who killed our brave soldiers!
Even though he left no trace behind,
it's obvious it was done by him!
This will cost him dearly!
And that traitor who
revealed our brave ones
I'm going to find him and
punish him with my own hands!
we need to pay our respect
to our martyr one last time.
I would like to see how
Meliksah’s face darkened,
when he hears about
the death of his squad.
He will come against
us stronger than ever, sir.
He cannot, be crippled Meliksah.
He has no proof to attack us.
And the Empire is sending us help.
Outstanding soldiers?
Yes, outstanding soldiers and good weapons
are coming here from Constantinople.
And they are are commanded by
Emperor Kommenos' nephew Theodor.
The great warrior Theodor?
When they arrive, we
will be more powerful.
Then Meliksah can surround us as he likes.
With God's help, we will become
a fire to reduce them to ashes.
We not only lost a great soldier serving
us today, but also a brother dear to us.
As his friends, we are ready
V to do what's necessary.
The fire in your eyes is just
alike your father Yalman's.
You stand reserved in spite
of the fire burning in your heart.
What's your name?
My Yalman saw our Sultan as his
father, and our state as his family.
That's why he named our
son with our state's name.
Yalman was not only my
soldier, but also my friend.
You are his entrustment to me.
From now on, the protection of
the state will always be with you.
I won't separate your
(children from my own.
This is my promise to
you as Sultan Meliksah.
My Sultan, forgive me.
Calm down.
I didn't come here as a Sultan today,
but as someone that lost his friend.
Do you wish anything from us?
We ask for nothing but your health
and the well being of our state, my Sultan.
My Sultan, I have one wish.
What is it, my brave one?
Take me in your army too, my Sultan.
Give me a sword.
I want to be a soldier like my father, so I can
find and punish those who martyred my father.
This belonged to your father.
Just like how your father
made our state proud
when the time comes, you
will make the state proud..
But now is the time for these
hands to hold a pencil, not a sword.
You should be at ease Seljuk.
It is my responsibility to find
those who martyred your father.
You ordered for me, Terken Hatun.
But you should be resting,
you went through a1 lot.
What resting are you talking about Tacul?
My child has died because of Elcin.
I feared for my life in the accident.
That damned woman's will has
disappeared. Find it immediately.
I'll send men to look for
it in the place of accident.
Leave no stone unturned. Tell them
to don't come back unless they find it?
Where is the will, Burcak?
It was here, my lady.
I swear I hid it here.
Do you know what will happen if it's found?
Terken Hatun.
Terken Hatun must've taken it. Her maid
Firdevs convinced me to get out of the room.
Forgive me, my lady. It's my mistake.
So that's why she was coming
to the hunting ground full speed.
She must've lost the will in the accident.
Or else she would've given it to Meliksah.
And he would have our heads.
It's not the time to grunt, Burcak. Get ready
quickly. We're going to the location of the accident.
Sencer? What are you doing here?
Sencer, you're hurt.
I handed over the sacred relics near the
Boru slope. Send the news to Hace quickly. |
Sencer, you're not well. Go
back to the neighborhood quickly.
Don't worry about me. Come on.
Send the news
to Hace quickly.
Come on, Bozkus.
We've taken the sacred relics from
dirty hands but we were ambushed.
Many servants have died here.
Thanks to our servants
blood, those sacred relics
..are not with the sinners.
Now, Behram has the sacred relics.
When we bring them over here
no power can take t
them from us, Hasan.
I've told my suspicions
about the ambush many times.
The loss of our many
servants have shaken us deeply.
Are you
accusing me of making
a mistake, Hasan Sabbah?
Never. Our Head Dai, who stands in the shadow
of our Great Imam, is immune to making mistakes.
If you didn't believe that
you wouldn't be here, Hasan Sabbah.
We'll get the military
power from our allies.
According to the priest, new
special warriors and weapons
from Constantinople is
on the way to Kuvel Castle.
When the time is right, this power
will also serve us to shake the Seljuks.
Until those warriors and
weapons get to Kuvel
nobody can know about them.
And how will we bring the
sacred relics into our safe place.
The Seljuk soldiers' are everywhere.
We will prepare equipment
chests in our neighborhood.
We'll hide it in them,
so nobody will see them.
from now on
we will unite the people
under the flag of our Great Imam.
Get some hay between the jars. We don't
want them to hit each other and break.
The poison in them will
melt anywhere it touches.
Brother Rustem
why are we preparing these?
Orders from our Head
Dai. They will be shipped
tomorrow to be distributed
to places in need.
The will Emir Tacilmulk
mentioned is not here either.
I got it!
Here it is.
Terken Hatun knows our intent.
She won’t stop.
She will try to do more evilness.
What will we do?
We have to go to the palace quickly. Reach
out to our spies in Ispahan before tomorrow.
We have no time to waste. We will
get my brother and get out of here.
How did I get here?
What happened?
You passed out on the road. A bit later
and you would be in critical condition.
Who walks around with such a wound?
I owe you my life all the time.
I don't need these kind of words.
Don't bother yourself.
Why are you saying this?
A brave man does not hide the
truth from the person he fights along.
What are you doing in Salemzar
with this wound? What are you doing?
I've declared your enemy my enemy.
If you care about me a
little bit, tell me the truth.
I told you. I cannot share this secret.
If you don't find me worthy, you
don't need to see my face again.
My truth goes hand-in-hand
with the state's destiny.
To put light on invisible dangers.
This is all you need to know.
Do you trust me now?
I do.
That's why I keep the
flower you gave me alive.
The word spoken from the
heart gives a lot of joy.
Wherever its told, flowers bloom there.
There's a truth that
keeps that flower alive.
The brave person is the one
who speaks without hesitation.
Tell me what that truth is.
The truth cascades in my heart
spreads in waves in my
eyes every time I see you.
That is
Emir Ilteber Hadrath.
My father shouldn't see you here.
This medicine is for your
wound. Don't forget to apply it.
Our conversation is not over, yet.
Come to the streamside, tomorrow evening.
I'll be waiting for you there.
I'll come. Now go.
Don't forget your medicine.
You weakened the holy flag of
the Great Imam before the Shaitans.
Lying and deceiving are like
shadows that cover the truth.
When the sun of the mind, enlightened
with the light of Allah, rises on you
that shadow fades away.
You know that there
is a punishment for this.
How can you let that man called Ghazali
humiliate the Great Imam in the square?
You disgraced us in front of everyone.
Forgive me, Head Dai.
I have no right to forgive you.
Great Imam can forgive you.
Great Imam can forgive you.
I'll kill that man called Ghazali, too.
Do the necessary
research on Ghazali, Hasan.
Don't organize a condolence ceremony.
We can't delay state affairs.
We have matters to settle
and a vengeance to take.
As you command, my Sultan.
Leave us alone.
Sencer handed over the sacred relics
around the hillside of the Boru, my Sultan.
They'll obviously take
them to a secret place.
I have charged the soldiers to track them
down, but no important news has come yet.
Time is running against us.
We must reach a conclusion
against us as soon as possible.
As you command, my Sultan.
The destruction of the special
unit interrupted our conquest goals.
But we have the power to recover from this.
We'll establish a new order.
What is your new move, my Sultan?
The Crescent will surround the Cross
in such a way that
they will be out of breath.
We will slow the preparations
of the Anatolian campaign down.
But no one will know about it.
If they find out that we're slowing down
they'll understand
we'll attack the Batinis.
Even Taculmulk will
continue the preparations.
Nobody will know this
information except us.
As you order, my Sultan.
Now it's time to reveal the
betrayal Yalman mentioned.
Bring Hasan Sabbah here.
Deputation is not enough in
Anatolia, I want full authority.
I did everything I need for this.
I gave information to the Sultan
about the rebels but it wasn't enough.
Melik Tapar wants Anatolia, too.
You are a distant relative
with the Kutalmisogullari.
Being a distant relative isn't enough
Melik Tapar is one of the dynasty.
I need to find a way to react him.
There is only one way to do this.
It is establishing a closer
kinship with the dynasty.
Are you telling me to marry
a woman form the dynasty?
Why not?
Mahmelek Hatun is at the marriageable age.
And you saved her and
Terken Hatun. You're strong.
I served this state
loyally for years but
wanting to marry the
Sultan's daughter is not easy.
You are in this palace,
you'd know how to do it.
Terken Hatun is the key to Meliksah.
And Taculmuk has the key to Terken Hatun.
Hasan Sabbah
Our Sultan wants to see you.
Apparently, the chests you prepared
will stop by Behram on the way.
Sacred relics will be hidden among
them and taken to the Head Dai.
This is how we'll find their
secret places and their Head Dai.
Are we going to follow the caravan?
The caravan wouldn't leave
traces in such important deliveries.
If we get caught, they'll
understand that we're the spies.
The important thing is not
just finding their secret place
but also getting in there.
The more the jackal cheats,
the more the wolf knows.
When the night comes, we'll go with them.
But they won't realise.
Terken Hatun.
Bandits attacked our men
who went to search for the will.
What are you saying Taculmulk?
What about the will?
They lost it.
It's not something the bandits would do.
It is surely that Shaitan called Elcin.
She might think that she's
saved because she has the will
but that will, is going to end her.
The rook took our bishops, Hasan Sabbah.
It was hard to happen without
making a mistake in the move.
Did you ever see our
private unity around Kuvel?
We were betrayed.
didn't, my Sultan.
I came back as soon as I finished my duty.
You couldn't accomplish your duty.
We sent you to cripple them
yet, they hit us at
our most crucial point.
I warned them about not
doing anything on Seljuk lands.
Yet, they take their men
around the Kuvel Castle-
Are you hiding your
inadequacy with excuses?
They destroyed our special force
and you neither did what you need to
do, nor brought any important information.
Legation doesn't only mean to
do the duty you were assigned.
You don't even have crucial
information in your hand.
According to the priest, special
soldiers have been sent to Kuvel Castle
from Constantinople.
When the times comes, this force will
also be beneficial for us to shake Seljuk.
Until those soldiers and
weapons reach to Kuvel
no one needs to hear this.
You are dismissed from your-
My Sultan, they said soldiers and weapons
has been sent to Kuvel from Constantinople.
Moreover, they've been
leaded by the Emperor's nephew.
When I went to Kuvel, I got
this information from the traders.
got it confirmed. It is true.
They are in one days
distance of north road.
I think it's time to use this information.
Constantinople doesn't send all
these soldiers and weapons in vain.
However the special force
was so important for us
obviously the soldiers and
weapons are also important for Kuvel.
Your fate in the palace
depends on the trueness of i
this information, Hasan Sabbah.
Don't you know I want to be alone?
How dare you to come here?
It's the order of the Head
Hatun, Terken Hatun.
We need to take the belongings.
never let this happen.
But Seferiye Hatun
I said I'll never let this happen.
No one
No one touches my child's belongings.
My heart would want
tot console Terken Hatun.
Yet, you know she
doesn't like to see me at all.
Her pain is great, Elcin Hatun.
You shouldn't feel bitter towards
a mother mourning for her child.
Of course. Set aside being bitter
I need to make an effort to ease her.
While you need to have some rest,
what are you doing here, Terken Hatun?
They said you wanted my
child's belongings to be taken.
They are all left overs from my child.
I won't let this happen.
Every time you see
your child's belongings
the wound on your heart
bleeds again, Terken Hatun.
Your rage is because of your pain, I know.
It's hard but
I wanted your pain to stop and so,
you ease your heart as soon as possible.
This is my goal.
I'm sorry for your loss, Terken Hatun. -
You are right, Hatun Ana.
My pain is for my child.
But my rage is not.
The reason of my rage is the
cursed ones caused my child.
Until this curse around us
is ended, my rage won't stop.
Your child's’ death is act
of Allah, Terken Hatun.
There's no need to
search for external reasons.
- The ones caused it-
- It's enough, Terken Hatun!
Because of your suspicions, you stood up by
objecting me and the nurses, Terken Hatun.
The price of this mistake
became so heavy for all of us.
Now, pull yourself together. .
- Hatun Ana.
- Terken Hatun!
Until you pull yourself
together, you won't do anything
And now, you'll go to rest.
What happened, ma'am?
I have to get busy with this, as
if my child's pain wasn't enough.
Seferiye Hatun blames me for everything.
She is still protecting that cursed one.
Elcin Hatun?
Who can it be, Firidevs?
While that shaytan is trying to destroy the state,
Seferiye Hatun is trying to keep her in the palace.
She doesn't know she is a snake. She
finds beauty in her words all the time.
Yet, I won't let her.
What do we do, ma'am?
They brought down a curtain
before everyone's eyes.
First, we'll open those curtains.
We'll expose how she is a shaytan.
You will keep your eyes on that hatun
callled Elcin, Firdevs. Do you understand me?
As you command, ma'am.
The chest with the poisonous jars is there.
They are not put here in vain, Arslantas.
Obviously, they have a plan.
I'll go there inside this chest.
This means simply risking your life.
The ingredients inside the chest is deadly.
Because there is poison
inside of it, they won't check it.
But if you don't get out of the chest
in time, you won't be able to survive.
I promised the Sultan at
the risk of my life, Arslantas.
The rest is not important.
Let me come with you.
While you put yourself into
danger, I can't wait behind.
You need to stay here.
Following my words, is enough for you.
Someone is coming.
Don't let anything happen to this chests.
We'll hide the sacred relics among these.
Don't touch it.
There are poisonous
ingredients inside. Never open it.
Now, everything depends on you, Sencer.
Don't forget.
If you can't get out of the
chest in time, you'll die.
Who are you?
You are coming from
Constantinople with all these men.
But you don't know your
enemy, whom you will fight.
Andreas was right.
The Kuvel lands will satisfy
my thirst for Turkish blood.
And the first one will be you.
Tell me your name, so I
know, with whom I start.
Don't worry.
You'll see my name on
the heads of your men.
Because, I scratch my name on the
heads of enemies I killed with arrows.
Kill them!
Cut all of their heads!
Attack, my braves!
For Yalman! For the
vengeance of our martyrs!
Seljuks search everywhere.
I had to get away from Boru Fall a bit.
Head Dai Hadrath is waiting for us.
Put the sacred relics undefined manner.
Then, set out. I'll catch you.
As you command, Dai Hadrath.
Do you know on whom you put your sword?
I am the nephew of Emperor Kommenos.
So, so you also learn who
puts his sword on your neck.
The son of Sultan Muhammed
Alp Arslan, Sultan Meliksah.
If the Emperor learns what you
did, you can't get away with this.
Let the whole heathen
states unite and come to me.
Only for one of my martyrs, I'll
drown you in the sea of blood.
You will never be able to
take Kuvel Castle, Meliksah.
That castle will turn into a dragon,
which will swallow your lands.
By killing me, what can you
even do to our cause anyway?
Of course, it won't end with you.
We sharpened our swords with vengeance.
And we won't stop until we remove
the head of every last one of us!
Head Dai Hadrath.
It will bring people around us.
It will give us the power to spread
our cause around the whole world.
This sacred box.
Now we hold the power
to destroy the Seljuks!
Help us in our cause, Great Imam.
Tell our companions to hide the
poisonous stuff in a private place.
We will need them for our
weapons that will terrorize them.
As your order, Head Dai Hadrath.
Now the reputation
of Seljuk will be ruined.
And when we take the
transfer documents from llteber
no one will be able to stop their fall.
Ilteber is furious against the Seljuks, since
Sultan didn't allow him to raid the neighborhood.
He thinks he is disrespected.
If he can gather the necessary strength, he won't
hesitate to get separated from Seljuk Empire.
And this strength can be
acquired by finding a strong ally.
Kuvel Castle is a
suitable ally for llteber.
Kuvel Castle would accept an
alliance such as this without hesitation.
In the end, we will keep all
three sides under our control
and take everything we want.
I will send the necessary information.
Kuvel Castle getting
stronger is important for us.
So the weapons and the soldiers
that's going there are also important.
You know best both sides.
The soldiers and weapons that will come
from Constantinople will strengthen them.
Right, Hasan?
I trust you, Sencer, no matter what
happens, protect the sacred relics.
I sneaked deep into you.
Now let's learn where is your
hideout that we are going to ruin!
Head Dai Hadrath, those soldiers and the
weapons may not be able to reach Kuvel.
What does that mean?
I gave the information about the
soldiers and the weapons to Meliksah.
He was going to discharge me from my duty if I
didn't give him important information about KuveL.
And that would hurt our cause.
And you said anyone could be
sacrificed for our sacred cause.
You are an admirable man, Hasan Sabbah.
Like you said, anyone can
be sacrificed for sacred goals.
I asked around about Ghazali.
This person is more
dangerous than we think.
He thought that the books scholars
that wrote about us are inadequate
so he is preparing a
more effective book himself.
He is going to present it to Meliksah.
This book would put us in a hard position.
And it would cause great harm to our cause.
It should be taken care of as soon
as possible, with a suitable method.
There is another topic, Head Dai Hadrath.
I suspect the person
that brought the box alone.
Even though the investigation our companions
made on the battlefield proves him right
I still have suspicions about
him coming alone and wounded.
Maybe you are right k to be suspicious.
But to be certain, we need
to put him into another test.
It will be a test so great that we
will learn whether he is a spy or not
and we will get rid
of the threat of Ghazali.
The doors in important
places have traps like these.
The dagger will fit in easily..
so that you think you found
the right one and fall for the trap.
So, always go for the harder option.
We talked about a very important matter with the
Emir of Anatolia, Ebu'l-Kasim that you should know.
What is that matter?
To make the Anatolian Emirate
timeless and to make it stronger,
Ebu'l-Kasim wants to be closer to the
For that reason, he wants to
marry a woman from the dynasty.
That Ebu'l-Kasim He has the
chair, now he wants to make it stronger.
But the woman he wants to marry
is your daughter Mah Melek Hatun.
So he wants to marry Mah Melek.
Anyone who doesn't know what is going
on here does not step into this place.
If one steps into this
place, you cannot go back.
I'm glad you , declared your death.
Because I'm in a hurry.
Run, run!
Arslantas sent news to the tribe. "Follow
my back behind the caravan," you said.
Thank Allah we found you in time.
You were just in time, brothers. I
got inside and learned about their den.
Now it's time to destroy it. Bury
them and leave no trace behind.
I need to go back to the neighborhood. If I'm
absent for a while, it might come as suspicious.
Tell Nizamulmulk about the
location of the safe place. Come on.
So llteber and Meliksah have
grown distant to each other.
Good. It's a good opportunity to
get our hands on Seljuk lands.
So the God hears us.
I can go to llteber as an ambassador. Besides,
I'll have a lot more to do in those lands.
What is this?
The warriors that were
sent from Constantinople.
They killed them all.
And the weapons are gone.
Theodore. Theodore!
I will make this world a
living hell for you, Meliksah!
Our revenge should be harsh.
When the news reaches to Constantinople,
we will be hit by the emperor's wrath.
They took their revenge
with this blow. But it's our turn.
Either they fall, or us.
And with God's
permission, it will not be us.
The revenge we take will be a
strong intimidation for the Byzantines.
It's not enough.
They sent the special units with ships.
Apparently, it's time to make life
unbearable for our enemies in the seas, too.
Damascus, Beirut, Mosul and Jerusalem.
These lands under our protection, are under
the governance of your brother Tutus Bey.
Send a fireman to Tutus.
Without our permission, not even a
simple raft will sail on the Mediterranean.
Years ago, when I pointed this
sword of mine to the Mediterranean
I said "now we are ruling the world"
Everyone should know that we are the
sword that rules over the Mediterranean.
On the west of the Anatolia, is the Sultan
Alparslan Hadrath's faithful friend Caka Bey.
He is a brave Bey, who is
a great captain of the seas.
Send news to Caka Bey, he should build a
shipyard in the Aegean sea and build battleships.
We will give him the necessary support.
And when the time comes, we will surround
the Constantinople with those ships.
Write a letter to Byzantine
Emperor Kommenos right away.
"We are the ones responsible to
spread the rule of Allah to all world
. . .and the protectors of the Sanjak of
Islam entrusted to us by Mohammad PBUH
the Seljuk Empire."
"Know that, if a single bird belonging
to you flies over the lands we rule
and a raft belonging to you,
swims on the seas we control
our wrath will become a flood
that will ruin you in 7 seasons,
and turn the seas into
a graveyard for you!
I heard that you want
to expand your position.
Whatever I want, I want
to serve our Sultan better.
As far as I heard, you want to
marry a Hatun from the dynasty
in order to strengthen your place.
You want to marry my daughter Mahmelek.
If it's approved.
His services and achievements
to date are admirable.
I don't doubt that.
As you march on the rebels in Anatolia,
Ebu'l Kasim will help you in this matter.
Sure, Terken Hatun.
It is important for us that the
Anatolian affair will be successful.
You deserve to be included in our
dynasty more closely, not distantly.
Don't worry, Ebu'l Kasim
This marriage will make us all win.
The information you provided
turned out to be true, Sabbah.
We avenged our brave martyrs.
Continue your duty.
My services are for you
and our state, my Sultan.
Someone betrayed us.
We have overcome our enemies.
We will find that traitor
and make him pay for it.
My Sultan, there is an
important information.
Sencer found the secret place
where the sacred relics are.
He will inform the day
the ringleaders will meet.
Then, we will attack, take the
sacred relics and catch the traitors.
Catch the Batinis' ringleaders, too.
We'll see if they were the ones that brought
strife between us and Turkmens in Anatolia.
If they were, we won't
need to attack Anatolia
We will use our power to
destroy them with Kuvel.
InshaAllah, my Sultan.
But this strife has surrounded not
only the squares but also the minds.
I went to meet with Yusuf Hemedani Hadrath
to strengthen our knowledge of science.
I met a scholar there.
Not only the Batinis, but all the perverted
sects will be disgraced by his knowledge.
The torch of science will come
alive with him in Seljuk, Inshallah.
Who is that?
He is Ebu Hamid Ghazali, the heir
of Cuveyni and the gift of Hamedani.
I would like to meet him.
Since our struggle will be in the
company of the sword and the pen
it is necessary to meet
the master of the pen.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
may peace be upon him, said
"The evil of the scholar is the
one who go to the Sultans himself.
The best of the Sultan is the
one who visits the scholar himself."
It would be more
appropriate for us to visit him.
You wanted to see us.
Where were you?
No one saw you.
The wound does not heal by
lying down, I walked around.
Because you have a very important duty.
I'm ready to do every duty.
There is a new scholar in Isfahan.
He is trying to provoke the
Sultan and the people against us
by converting the verses and decrees.
It is a must to eliminate this
scholar who harms our cause.
This is an order from Head Dai.
Who is that scholar?
You'll kill him tonight.
When you do it, you'll see the Head Dai.
But first you need to purify your souls.
In the dark, you will get rid
of your dirt, get away from
the evil eyes on you and go
to your duty with goodness.
Now you will be taken to the
cell where you will be purified
And you will stay in the cell until
your friend returns from his task.
And it will purify you too.
It's not the chance given to
everyone to see our Head Dai Hadrath.
Know its value.
It was a good choice
to put them in the cell.
Even if they are spies,
they cannot tell anyone.
These lines are deep and
present great knowledge.
I would like your knowledge
to be heard by all our people.
I would like knowledge to prevail.
As long as you and our state
support us, we will manage, my Sultan.
It is written in Maverdi that the
order of world depends on 6 things.
Religion, Sultan, Justice,
Safety, Prosperity and Future.
Where is the place of the power
of the Sultan amongst these 6?
What do you say?
The Sultan's throne stands on the pillars
of justice, safety, prosperity and future.
And these pillars stand on top of the
ground which is the true religion of Islam.
When these get stronger, the
Sultan will be more powerful, too.
But if he neglects these and
thinks of himself as powerful
..he would be putting out
the candle that gives him light.
When we, Sultans are enthroned,
we swear to not rule over the world
. . .but to be a servant of Allah.
May Allah enlighten our way.
Many scholars have described
what a ruler is up until today.
What do you think a ruler is?
A ruler is like a sun.
He lightens the world with his justice.
He is like a fire, he reduces the mischief
makers, disruptors and traitors into ash.
And he is like water, he is soft to the good
people and merciful to the innocent people.
He rains over the innocent
people like Allah's mercy and grace.
He is the son of our martyr.
He is a gift from the Haqq,
who made us merciful.
Our Yalman's son
From now on, you will train and
educate him to be a good scholar.
The state is the shadow
that protects that innocent kid.
It is what makes the cause, his
father became a martyr for, permanent.
May Allah make our state ever lasting.
And may Allah make you our
companion forever in this cause.
They are suspecting us.
How could we accept a task like this?
You learned their location,
let's go attack their hideout!
How can we kill an innocent person? How?
It was necessary for us to accept
it to reach Head Dai, Arslantas.
Or they would be sure that we are spies.
Even if we saved ourselves, we
couldn't get the sacred relics back.
We need to inform Nizamulmulk
about it no matter what.
How are we going to do that?
There are guards on the door.
We are surrounded by walls.
We need to find a way.
What happened?
Like I told you, if my father asks, tell him that
I went to the healing center to prepare medicine.
What is daughter? You saddled your ’horse,
are you going somewhere at this hour?
I was going to prepare
medicine at the healing center.
And I inspected the healing center while
coming here, there was nothing inadequate.
Emir Hadrath, an ambassador from the
Commander of Kuvel Castle Andreas has arrived.
He wishes to speak to you.
Kuvel Castle?
What do they have to do with us, father?
We all know the enmity
between Kuvel Castle and Seljuk.
Let's speak with the ambassador
first, we will understand their problem.
Emir llteber,
I brought kind regards and an offer for
friendship from Kuvel Castle's Commander Andreas.
Thank him, but we had never
interacted with Kuvel Castle..
Where did this friendship of come from?
Trade, Emir llteber, trade.
You have some products that we need
and we have gold to pay for it handsomely.
There is nothing to prevent
us from being friends.
I think this beautiful
lady is horse butler.
Can I give her my horse?
Horse butler is what they call your men.
I'm his daughter.
I apologize, lady.
When I saw you with the horse..
I guess you've never seen a Turkish
girl who rides horses and draws bows.
No, I haven’t.
I hope you never see them.
It looks like you'll need to know
the people better in these lands.
Come on, let's talk inside.
Come with us, daughter. You are my
heir. See how these things are done.
What are you doing, Sencer?
This is rainwater. They release it
here so the neighborhood doesn't flood.
Since it's clean, it goes to the river.
So? How will this help us?
This is our only hope, Arslantas. We will
give the news to Nizamulmulk through here.
Let's say we sent it. Who
will find it and give it to him?
Someone who cures wounds.
Even though you are
in peace with Seljuks
everybody knows the
bad blood between you.
And you know my loyalty to Seljuks.
This matter requires considering not
Just trade, but the science of politics.
Yes. I told you I came
with an offer of friendship.
Emir llteber, have no
doubt that this deal
is not just about
trade, but also friendship.
Byzantium Empire will be with you, not
just with its gold, but with everything.
What do you say, daughter?
However you see fit, father.
Come in.
Emir Hadhrat, a sick child
was brought to the hospital.
They are waiting for Turna
Hatun. They said it's urgent.
She couldn't get hospital out
of her mind anyway. You can go.
What is your response?
We are bound to the
Seljuks with an agreement.
Wherever we see friendship, we
have the right to make an agreement.
From now on..
we'll be glad to have a
trade network with Byzantium.
So are we, Emir llteber.
So are we.
You are my only hope, turna.
Let's cover it up quickly.
It's time for duty.
Come to the riverbank tomorrow night.!
I'll be waiting for you there.
Purging made you a steel in a fire.
I see the love of cause
in your red-hot eyes.
Burn Ghazali with that fire.
An arrow shot with bow never misses.
As long as you point in
the right direction.
Don't worry.
None of my arrows have ever missed.
It knows where to destroy
when the time comes.
Don't forget that
when you kill Ghazali
your friend will be out of the cell.
More importantly, appear
before the Head Dai.
Two of our warriors
will be with you.
They'll support you if
anything bad happens.
Come on. We expect a
blood-ornamented victory from you
Where are you Sencer?
My Sultan.
I'm thankful to you for giving
me a place in your dynasty table.
The reason why I come to
your presence is to report
the devotion of most of the tribes
under my command in Anatolia to you.
They won't hesitate to serve
you in your campaings in Anatolia.
Everything is reversed. The first
became the last, the last became the first.
We're pleased by your words, Ebu'l Kasim.
We trusted you about Anatolia
and we're right about that.
I'll try to be worthy of
your trust, my Sultan.
However, I can achive unity
in Anatolia if I gain power.
If that happens, I'll unite
Anatolia succesfully.
In this way, we won't be harmed
and we will unite against our enemies.
You're right, Ebu'l Kasim.
What do you want from me?
My Sultan. I want to bring
our distant kinship closer
so that I can bring all Turkmens
in Anatolia under my command.
For this reason, I wish to marry someone
with a blood relationship with the dynasty.
My intention is the salvation
and vitality of my state.
Ghazali will come out of the
madrasah soon. Take aim for him.
You are my last hope, Turna.
Nizamulmuk should get
the news in this bottle.
You should have someone
in your mind. Tell me who it is?
If you allow me, my Sultan
I want to marry Elcin Hatun.
Mahmelek Sultan is the apple of
Meliksah's eye and also my precious one.
We don't want her to get married now.
However, I can recommend
you to marry a Hatun
who is much more suitable
for your rulership in Anatolia.
Who is it, my Sultan?
It's Elcin Hatun, of course.
Elcin hatun hates me. It's impossible.
If our Sultan orders, many friends become
enemies and many enemies become friends.
So you want to marry Elcin Hatun?
If you allow, my Sultan.
Our Sultan appreciates you very much.
You have achieved great
success in a short time.
The enemies won't stop either, be careful.
But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah
is the best of planners, Hace Hadrath.
Where did that arrow come from?
Get the doctor!
Ghazali has been shot!
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