Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Temple of Doom

[tense, dramatic music]

I told you, Elida,
an ejector seat
was a stupid buy
for a frickin' spaceship!

[music swelling]


[mechanical whirring]
[dramatic music]
[music stops]
Could be worse.
[suspenseful music surging]
Hey ♪


-[discordant music]
-[creature hissing]

-[creature growling]
Holy shit.
That reeks.
[soft electronic music]
[Isaac] "Don't be a lawyer,"
my dad said.
"Why do you wanna
work in a boring office?
Where's the adventure in that?"
Well, check. It. Out.
[Anna] Wow.
It's beautiful, babe.
I lost you again.
-[woman] Oh, my God.
-Anna, babe.
I'm frozen
in a freakishly weird position
and you're taking
a screen capture, aren't you?
-I would never.
-You hear that, baby?
Your dad
thinks he's so funny.
But, he forgets all
of those photos I took
of his drunk ass
at his last birthday party.
You are teaching our child
how to blackmail already.
-God, I miss you.
-I know what else you miss.
[upbeat electronic music]

-[music dies]
-[Isaac] So mean!
That's way too far.
We miss you too, babe.
[Anna sighing]
Just one more week.
-How's the deal going?
-Eh, there's some push backs
on some terms,
but that's why I'm here.
-This is the last time, right?
No more solo trips
when Jackson arrives.
-Nope. [laughing]
-Copy that. Sorry.
Mr. Stelling,
message from dispatch.
-Your meeting's been delayed.
I am not gettin'
rescheduled again.
I know someone who's gonna be
really pissed if I'm late home.
-That's an understatement.
-Sorry, sir. Foreman'’s orders.
Uh, winds have picked
up to unusually high speeds
over the Red Spot.
But, hey, no bother.
We'll just
continue your tour.
They are overly cautious here,
it is incredibly annoying.
Anna? Babe?
You're breaking up.
I'm gonna call you back, butI love you and Gertrude so much.
-Definitely not.
-Gertie for short, eh?
We love you, bye--
[pensive electronic music]

[futuristic electronic music]

[Elida] Amae?
[ship crackling]
Amae, are you okay?
I Oh.
Feels like
someone is sledge-hammering
my brain,
but--oh, I'm okay.
The others?
Everyone is
here except Isaac.
His stupid ejector
seat threw him further away.
Dengar's out
searching for him now.
-[sighing] Okay.
-In the meantime,
I could use your steady
hand and a first aid kit.
-[Krob screaming]
-[Hath] Hurry.
-[Elida yelping]
We're gonna pull it out.
Hold him still.
-In five, four--
-[Krob wailing]
[Krob crying]
[tense music]

[Hath] He did well.
Let that settle for a moment,
he'll be able
to put weight on it soon.
In the meantime,
let's prep our supplies.
The rest of the journey
will have to be on foot.
[suspenseful electronic music]

-[creature tittering]
-Sure, you look all cute now.
And then your
face is gonna open up,
revealing a million
sharp frickin' teeth!
Or, you're gonna vomit
up some gross green turd
that will
just explode on me.
So, which one is it?
Come on, then!
Do you wanna join your friend?
-You slimy, ugly piece of--
-[Dengar] It's a dunkrum.
[music dies]
That's pretty
much all it does.
[dunkrum chittering]
-Where are the others?
-They're okay.
Krob needed a patch-up.
Looks like
you do, too.
[gasping] Not enough
to slow Isaac Stelling down.
-Let's hit it.
Oh, and over there, uh,
that's where we keep
the compressed fuel rods.
Transporting those guys, they'redelayed until the storm's over.
Oh, sir, we only have
one rule over here, remember?
-Helmets on at all times.
-Yeah, I got it.
But no fear,
you're safe in here.
These atmospheric runabouts,
they're engineered
to handle anything.
Called this one Boofa.
a really funny story.
we can't send messages now?
-What the?
Don't worry, I'm pretty
sure it's nothing, sir.
Our lines of communication are
down with, uh, the main base.
I'll get in touch with them
on the old radio over here.
That's, uh,
Runabout 33 to base camp, over.

Runabout 33
to base camp--
-[Isaac] Oh, shit.
-What was that?-Came from the storage facility.
-Put your damn helmet on!
-[Isaac] What's going on?
[dramatic music]

Such extreme measures
you will take
to get outta carrying gear.
-[Isaac] Hey
-Amae's handiwork.
-What's next?
Hath said they're holding
my mom in the sovereign tomb.
It's gonna take most
of the day for us to get there.
What is that, like,
a prison-slash-Temple of Doom?
Come on. We watched
that one on movie night.
-[gasps] Indy!
what I don't get is how
he could escape snakes,
but not carbonite?
Okay, we havetalked about this so many times.
Actors, they
this ancient royal tomb place,
what is it exactly?
It was built by
my ancestors millennia ago.
Hath said the Republic
decided to hold my mom there
for some
twisted retribution.
Hey. What are you,
having second thoughts?
-You can stay back
with the Winni
and rest up if you want.
What, are you kidding?
You need my heroics.
If we had to crash, it could've
been a little bit closer.
I guess it
could've been worse.
Who are you?
And what have
you done with Elida?
We're on the final stretch.
[pensive music]
Hey, I, um
I never got tothank you for coming to find me,
and then
helping me get here, and--
You're welcome.

And if you're coming,
I'm not carrying your shit.
[Isaac laughing]
[Winnibot] The Druboscian vines remain a low level threat,
assuming their roots
are in no way disturbed.
Stay away from the Clabvrok,
their venom
is highly neurotoxic.
The carnivorous
Vermis Harenae are found
-So basically avoid everything?
-[Winnibot] Unless you have
an exoskeleton, which none of you do, then yes.

[Amae sighing]
-You gonna be okay, Winnibee?
-[Winnibot] Yes.
By my interpretation
around the parameters of okay,
-meaning satisfactory, not good.-Aw. I'll miss you too.
I offered
Isaac an out.
Wouldn't be fair
if I didn't offer you one too.
Phew. I didn't know
how to tell you, but
I can't do this.

One of us falls,
we all fall.
[funky electronic music]
moms love me.

[Admiral Rykal] Just--just
so I--I've got this straight,
Lazaro failed to capture
the queen in close range twice,
ignored orders
to return multiple times,
damaged a border port,
pissed off Xija station,
and has now gone rogue?
It would
appear that way, ma'am.
he was your hire.
Uh, well,
he led the revolution.
-You think you know a guy
His title
has been revoked.
We currently have an outlaw
commandeering one of our ships.
Send an army.
He either
comes here in chains
or dead.
[Elida] So Hath
I was thinking, you know,
depending on the amount of
security around the perimeter,
we should
send a team in from behind.
We'll assessthe situation when we get there.
We have no intel
of what awaits us at the tomb.
Look, whoever
told you my mom was here
had to have some kind
of intel or something, right?
I'm afraid not, Elida.
But, rest assured.
When we're closer,
we'll make a plan together.
We'’re entering Druboscian
vine territory, stay alert.
Oh, how's the eye?
Meh. You should've
seen the other guy.
I hope I do. There's
not many people I fantasize
about shooting,but Lazaro is high on that list.
Oh, nine o'clock!
The other clock!
-[Amae] Oh.
-[Isaac] I'm pretty sure I saw
in Winnibot's presentation.
-[Dengar] We should run, right?
-We can't outrun them.
-Oh, my God.
-Just keep it slow.
[suspenseful electronic music]

Stop moving, you little shit!
What he means is, we don't
want you to get eaten, friend.
[Amae] Wow.
Smart little guy.
[soft thuds]
Maybe-- don'!
-Oh, my!
-[Elida] Okay, I vote
we try
to outrun them. Now!

[Amae panting]
[Krob grunting]
[Amae screaming]
[all shouting]

[all grunting
and yelping]
[Amae screaming]
-[Isaac] Ahhh!
[stirring electronic music]

[all panting]
[Hath] We should
be out of their range now.
-Thank you, Isaac.
-[Isaac] Any time.
Let's not do that again.
-That's the last of it.
-No more wrestling plants.
Got it.
[soft music]
I've been
in worse spots.
[Elida clears throat]
Good job.
[dramatic music]

[frenetic beeping]

[Isaac panting]

-[static crackling]
Come in!
[somber music]

[music crescendos]

[wistful music]

[dramatic echoing]

-How you holdin' up?
-At this point?
I'd feel anxious
if I went through the day
and something
wasn't trying to eat me.
[mysterious music]
One moment, Your Majesty.

I can't believe
No. No, no. Why?

[Elida] Hath.
What's going on?
Are we here?

The whole
facility is underground.
It is now.
It was built millennia ago.
I've never seen it
with my own eyes before.
are all the guards?
There aren't any.
I'm confused.
where's my mom, Hath?
She's not here, Elida.
She's never been here.
[dramatic chord]
Whoa, hold on.
What the hell
did you just say?
Yeah, what--
what he said.
-[echoing chord]
-I don't--I don't
We needed you here
to claim something
that only you can claim.
The Sterzaad.
-[Hath] Elida,
the Sterzaad is more powerful
than you can ever imagine.
With it, peace can be
restored throughout the galaxy.
It's why
we trained you so hard.
All of it.
All of it
was to get you here.
[haunting music]
My mother
She's dead?
[ominous music]
But now,
she can be avenged.
Eight years ago,
our colony was attacked
we could tell you our plan.
It took years to rebuild and wenever stopped searching for you.
I wanted to find you.
Tell you everything,
tell you that with this weapon,
you can take down
those responsible,
those who forced you
into this life on the run.
Believe me, Elida,
with this power
you can
make them pay.

Did you?
No, I had no idea.
-He told me she would be here.
-Isaac is innocent.
There are very few people
who know about the Sterzaad,
and even less who
know of its location.
-My own men didn't even know.
-But why didn't you tell me?!
At Kestallan,
at the border, anywhere?
I wanted to,
more than anything.
When I saw you again
after all these years,
it was clear that our
objectives were not aligned.
You had renounced
your own monarchy.
I thought if--
if I could just get you here
that you
would do the right thing
and claim the Sterzaad
as its rightful owner.

It's what your
mother would've wanted.
No! You do not
get to play that card, Hath.
You're a liar! This
dramatic speech right here,
it's nothing but a ruse to hide
the fact that you're just a--
an asshole!
[Amae sighing]
And I'm not
sorry I said that.

Hate me, Elida! I deserve it.
But this power
is too important to give up!
Billions of lives.
If you don't--
If you ever
try to find me again
I will kill you.
Without hesitation.
[wind whistling]
You mean
nothing to me.
Stay. Back.
Let me have this one?
I'm sorry
your leader is such a loser!
[Amae huffing]
[pensive music]

I was really hoping to meet
the woman that spawned you.

I can't imagine what
I would do if it were me, El.
If I thought
I was going home again,
and some old man
with terrible fashion sense
was just lying to me?
You know what
the ironic part is?
It was my motherwho told me not to trust anyone.

Guess she meant Hath too.
And she isright.
Everyone is just looking out fornumber one, so you do the same.
If that thing in there
can really do what they say,
no one can ever
do shit to you again.
All we can do is
the best with what we're given.
-The rest?
You just figure
it out along the way.
Whatever you wanna do,
we're with you.

Even if it's feeding
Hath to one of those sandworms.
If Amae
hasn't done it already.

[mid-tempo electronic music]

Isaac Stelling?

this Earth you speak of?
-You found it?
-We did.
How far away is it?
Where in the Milky Way
-are we right now?
-Yeah, that's the thing.
Uh, this Milky Way?
--we believe that's what
we call
the Scadbury galaxy.
I like Milky Way, though.
Sounds yummy, right?
-Anyway, it's a galaxy out.
I'm in anothergalaxy?
Dude, like,
three million lightyears away.
-Wait, how--how do I get back?
-You can't.
[dramatic music]
We haven't had intergalactic
travel for, like
20 years.
Ever since the Narrows War
the centre of our galaxy.
I don't understand.
I'm here, though.
-I got here.
-So, how can I not get back?
I know!
Crazy, right?
We literally
cannot figure that out.
It's like your
wormhole sucked you into
the intergalactic
tunnel between our galaxies
and spat you out
right here, totally random.
Like, one in a billion
chance of that happening,
how awesome is that?
[discordant electronic music]
Or, you know,
totally sucky. Ha ha
Uh, look, man,
our ship only manages
a few hops at a time, but
if you were to get your hands
on one of those high-end ships,
-maybe there's a way.
-How do I get one of those?
A lotta cash.
Like, a lot.
We'd offer you a job here,
but it's minimum wage.
And if you don't
plan on taking advantage
of the retirement benefits,
there really is no point.
Okay, man.
Make yourself at home.
[awkwardly laughing]
Cool, cool.
[tense electronic music]

[Amae sighing]
I don't know
what the plan is yet.
I don't know what
I'll do when I get it.
It's okay.
You have time.
And us.

-Show me the way.
-[Hath] Thank you, Elida.
-You're doing the right--
-Don't! Okay?
We're done.
As soon as
the Sterzaad is activated,
the tomb
will start to crumble.
We'll have to
leave immediately.
It's safer for you
both to stay outside.
No way,
we stay with Elida!
It's okay.
I can't
worry about you two.
[wind rippling]
Let's go.
If anything happens to her,
you'll have me to deal with.
And then you'll wish
those vines killed you instead.
[tense music]

You have a pretty impressive
threat game when you try.
I spend too much
time in my brother's bar.
Although, in most
of those fights, they
each other's balls.
-Should I have done that?
Nah. I think
Hath got the message.
[dramatic chord]
[ominous music]

[Dengar coughing]

[Dengar coughing]
[dark electronic music]

Where do we go?
Your mother spoke of a chamber
that would only reveal
itself to those of royal blood.
Royal blood

So stupid.

[dramatic chord]

[lights pulsing]
[door rumbling]

Guess it's that way.

[Amae]Wonder what we'll do after this.
We should
probably head back to Xija.
Give Elida some
time to figure this out.
You can
help me at my shop.
If you can learn
the difference between
a crankshaft
and a carburetor.
Please. I can't even
fly without autopilot.
You'll all be
better off without me.
Have I been
that hard on you?
[Amae sighing]
You, Isaac, are a better
pilot than my brother.
I have no idea
if that's a compliment.
It's-- it's not.
But a team
is like an engine.
Sure, you can get by for a whilewith one less spark plug,
but eventually
your combustion chamber
is just gonna overheat,
and the whole motor will fail.
Point is
we're not better off
without you, Isaac.
[pensive, stirring music]

The next step
seems simple enough.
Wait, Elida!
-You have a better idea?
-I do.
[rousing music]

We don't know
what that thing will do.
We can't have you test it.
That's why I'm here.
It's the least I can do.
Your Majesty.
[dramatic music surging]

[sharp thudding]
[discordant sinister music]
[rocks scraping]
it's a little snug, but
-but how do I look?
[music crescendos]

[Krob gasping]
[gasping breath]
Okay, you can do this, Elida.
You have to do this.

Elida! I wasn't aware
of the consequences.
Your life
is something I will not trade.
Now you wanna
grow a backbone, Hath?
Royal blood, remember?

[climactic drumming]
It's the only way.

-[music cuts out]

[stirring, epic music]

[room rumbling]
We have to leave.
Krob, let's go!
-[Krob panting]
-Come on, come on.
[Hath] Elida,
in order to use the Sterzaad--
Tell me outside.

Queen Eldaya.

So good
to see you again.
I have imagined
this moment so many times,
but this right here
this is better
than I ever could've dreamed.
All this time,
I thought the stories
about the Sterzaad
were nothing but fables.
Meant to scare
those who'd ever dare
stand up
to the monarchy.
But, it makes
so much sense now.
Of course!
Your ancestors
took the throne by force.
[breathing heavily]
[room rumbling]
Hand it over.
-Elida, wait.
-[Lazaro] Now, now, servant.
We'll get to you.
The Sterzaad?
[dramatic music]

[Elida grunting]
[Elida straining]

Oh, goodness.
This is too much fun.
This is supposed
to be incredibly powerful.
-Nothing is happening.
-[Lazaro laughing]
You really kept her
in the dark, haven't you?
I don't like delays.
No, no, no, wait, wait.

[Lazaro] Now, now,
Isaac, where are you going?
I couldn't have done
this without you, partner.
what is he talking about?
It wasn't
meant to go this way.
I had my officers search
your Winni-pog ship
on Xija Station.
She's a little outta
your league, wouldn't you say?
[stirring music]
The Republic
are the only ones who have
the technology
for intergalactic travel.
You're wasting my time.
No ships will
leave this port and you
will watch
your friends suffer.
[dark electronic music]
[up-tempo electronic music]
We're headed to Wix.
For Elida's mother.
And who
gave you this intel?
-The Loyalists.
-Well, then I'm doing you
a huge favour
by just killing you all now.
There was something
else they were after,
The Loyalists,
the-- the star--
I really don't think we need
-to do this anymore.
[mysterious music]
-What did you say?
-The Sterzaad. [scoffing]
I don't know
anything else. Sounded like
some sort
of weapon thing. Look--
--I was hoping
to get one over Hath
and take the thing
when we got there, you know?
Elida gets her mom,I get a cool bomb thing to sell.
-Everybody's happy.
-So, that's where it is.
I wasn't even
sure it existed.
The stories state that
only royal blood can claim it.
then you know what it is.
So whatever it is,
once Elida gets it,
I will take off with it,
I will deliver it to you.
And in return,
you will give me whatever ship
you have capable
of intergalactic hops.
There's just one more thing.
Elida, her mom,
and Amae, they go free.
Elida, she doesn't even
want the crown, none of it.
-She's not a threat to you.
-[Isaac scoffing]
[sinister music]
A xifocal.

-[Lazaro sighing]
It's a beautiful device.
A tracker
and a surveillance system.
Now, this is asking for a
lot of trust on my part, Isaac.
[climactic music]
Now, I must dash.
I'm sure that currently
your friends are
mounting a very heroic rescue.
We gotta make this
look as real as possible.
aren't you full of surprises.
[Lazaro]If we must do things your way
[Lazaro] Ooh.
This is a lot
to take in in one day.
First, Mommy
isn't here, and now this.
by your best friend.
[clicking tongue]
It's not true, right?
You were supposed
to have your mom.
I was gonna take it and leave,
and I'd get to go home.
You'd get your family.
I didn't know thatshe wasn't here, I swear to you.
Or, that
hewould show up.
This wasn't the deal.
As enjoyable
as this reunion is,
as you can see,
time's not really on our side.
The conduit.
Hand it over.
I'd die first.
That can be arranged.
[gun zapping]
-[Lazaro] Oops. Missed.
[guns click]
Don't give him anything.

Elida, duck!
[up-tempo electronic music]
[gun zapping]
[gun zapping]

Goodbye, Eldaya.
We have to go! Now!
I'm sorry, Krob.
We have to go now.
[Hath] This way. There
should be another way out.
[Lazaro grunting]
[guns click]

Commander Lazaro.
By orders
of the Council of Admirals,
you're under arrest.

[Sterzaad humming]

-[soldier] Stand down!
[guns clicking]
[epic electronic music]

[Hath] Up ahead!
It'll take us out.
Wait, wait,
wait, Isaac and Amae.
-Come on!
-[Amae screaming]
-Ah! Hath!
[all grunting]
-Elida, go!
No, I told you,
I don't leave anybody behind.
This tunnel.
Follow it.
-It'll take you out.
-[softly] No.
I'm so sorry
I hurt you, my queen.
-[Isaac groaning]
-Don't say that!
I'm so proud
of who you've become.
-Now, go.
-No, no.
-Take her!
Follow the tunnel.
-[Amae] It's too late.
[Elida] Hath!

[Elida grunting]

[tomb crashing]

[Amae screaming]
[tomb rumbling]
[gasping breath]
I'm celebrating.
'Cause today,
my child is born.
And I know
what you're thinking.
Shouldn't I be there?
And yes.
But there
is on Earth.
And do you
know where that is?
It's another
goddamn galaxy!
Oh, hey!
Hey, hey, man!
Why don't we just go and chill
out over here for a minute?
[Isaac] It's a celebration,
'Cause today,
my son or daughter was born.
Or not.
I mean, who frickin' knows?
But, I should be there.
Look, man,I shouldn't be telling you this,
but if you
wanna make enough cash
for an intergalactic ship,
you could start scavving.
-The good ones make a killing.
The bad ones die,
often in horrific ways.
[tense, stirring music]
I will
do anything to get home.
[whispers] Anything.
[mid tempo electronic music]

I wish she'd just yell at me.
Or shoot me.
This is far worse.
Give it time.
She just might.
[Elida] We're done.
[dramatic chord]
For good.
[funky dance music]




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