Valley of Tears (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Stuck on the Hill

Come on.
Come on down.
Whoa, Careful, careful.
Pine-nut, Pine-nut!
Make sure he's okay.
I'll help you.
Come on.
Take my hand.
Come on.
Stay close. Come on.
Why'd you kill him?
What is this an interrogation?
You could've just shot him
in the kneecap or something.
Oh, yeah?
So I should shoot him
in the elbow, huh?
The point is a wounded soldier
is more damage than a dead one.
A wounded soldier needs medical care,
delays the troops,
and also hurts morale.
Is that what they teach you
in intel class?
They teach us everything
Infantry tactics,
armored strategies, submarine combat.
- Everything.
- Good.
I learned something.
Next time I'll shoot him
in the kneecap.
That guy didn't even have a weapon.
Are you serious?
Do you really think
I enjoyed killing? Huh?
You think I enjoy any of this?
That seeing my soldiers die
right in front of me
makes me want to take revenge
and kill all the Arabs?
You really think so?
That it turns me on?
If I see a Syrian soldier
next to you, he's gone.
I guess they don't teach you that.
Come on.
Go, go, go!
- Keep moving!
- Coming through!
When Yoni was little,
his favorite book was
"The Seagull and the Fish."
You know it?
What, is that some white people book?
Obviously it's about
a seagull and a fish.
So they're an odd couple.
They're in love,
but of course he's
down there underwater
and she's up in the sky,
so somehow they have to find a way.
I used to read it to him every night
and it was the only thing
that could put him to sleep.
When his mom and I split up,
she and the boy moved to Paris.
One night they just took
the suitcases and bailed.
And I
It didn't even occur to me
to go after him.
You know that?
I gave up on him.
So anyway the years go by, and this kid
starts calling me almost every week.
Most of the time I don't even pick up.
He wants to see how I am,
tell me about himself.
Then a few months ago
he knocks on my door.
I hadn't seen him in 15 years.
Suddenly here's this kid
I don't even know
insisting on coming back to me.
Instead of being happy
for a chance
to make amends
..the only thing I could feel
was anger.
And I don't even know
if it's him I'm mad at
for suddenly barging into my life
or myself for not being able to
to feel close to him.
There are 200,000 dads
whose kids are fighting this war, Meni.
I don't see too many searching
for their kid,
trying to get 'em out.
I was so happy they left.
I remember thinking to myself:
The kid is healthy, sensible.
Not like his dad,
who is screwed up from four wars
Those shocks to the brain
Who found too late
this is no way to live.
I told myself
he won't see this darkness.
He'll be someone
who never killed anyone
and didn't die at 18.
- Guys, give him some air.
- Move away.
Maybe he needs some water.
Tell us what's going on at home.
We've been off the grid here
for two days.
It's bad news.
Tell us what's going on.
In the Sinai
the outposts at the Canal collapsed.
The Egyptians are on their way
to seize Sinai.
The Golan Heights have been evacuated.
The kibbutzes, too?
- The kibbutzes evacuated?!
- Yes. Kibbutzes,
the bases
hundreds wounded and dead.
The General Staff must have
some plan in mind, don't they?
There's no plan.
No one's coming.
It's just you guys out here.
Our troops are scattered
all over the place.
No more magic tricks.
I guess it's combat day.
Why isn't the air force doing anything?
Where is the air force?!
Half my squadron's gone.
The Syrians hit us with missiles.
We weren't ready for them at all.
What's wrong with him?
How far did the Syrians get?
Approaching the Sea of Galilee.
- Sea of Galilee?
- Let him talk.
- At the Sea of Galilee?!
- Stop it!
My kibbutz is right next to it!
- Caspi, enough. Calm down.
- Are you serious?!
Syrian tanks headed this way.
Looks like a division.
Geva, go back and keep watch.
If anyone approaches this hill,
you come let us know.
Now go, get back there.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
pilot, pilot, Look at me.
Look at me!
What's wrong with him?
Everyone's counting on the reserves.
We have to
hang in there a few more hours.
Do you know anything
about our division?
- Hey, hey, pilot, pilot.
- What's wrong with him, Eran?
Come on, this is important.
What's with the commander,
the deputy commander?
Take it easy on him, Marco.
I'm with Marco.
Let him tell us.
Yeah, but we need to know!
I don't know much.
- It's just rumors.
- What?
Come on. Tell us.
There's nobody coming.
You're alone out here.
Are you in pain?
He's spitting up blood.
Hey-hey-hey, he's choking.
Undo his jumpsuit.
Whoa, whoa, what's going on?
- Move out of my way.
- Can anybody help?
- Just take it easy.
- Something's wrong.
- What is this?
- I examined him.
You didn't see this?
Shit, he has internal injuries.
If he's not evacuated now, he's dead!
But he was fine.
He ran all the way here.
He ran on adrenaline.
- Eran, you have to do
- We have to save him!
Does he have a pulse?
Does he have a pulse?
Stop, stop.
I think he's gone.
- Caspi, stop! Come back here!
- Aaagghh!
- Caspi
- Aah! No!
- Caspi!
- He can't be dead!
He can't be dead!
Fuck them!
- Fuck all those bastards!
- Giora Zamir.
Caspi, calm down, man.
We have to evacuate him.
Come help me.
We'll stop here and take a break.
How do you do it?
Keep all that information in your head?
You eat an encyclopedia?
It's just what I'm like.
Since first grade or
kindergarten, I don't know.
Were you building
models of enemy tanks in kindergarten?
I memorized the license plate numbers
of the cars in my neighborhood
until I knew them all by heart.
Really? Aah!
Yeah. I have methods
for memorizing things.
I know the number on
the mailman's license plate
was 72946.
And the school principal's car
was 52998.
And your Uzi
Yeah, what?
Check it for yourself.
You're a genius, huh?
Thanks, but no,
I just developed methods.
I always took the long way to school
so I had time to think up
ways to remember.
You wanted to avoid school
for some reason?
It's complicated, complicated.
What's complicated?
Some of the kids at school
bullied me for being different.
Sometimes they beat me up.
I get it.
- You didn't have any friends.
- I managed.
Uh, my best friends
were books, not people.
More than friends. I used
to travel the world with them.
I learned Arabic when I was 11 or 12
and then I started to travel the world,
- with the atlas.
- Damn.
I talked to sheikhs in Saudi Arabia,
oil merchants in Dubai.
It was more interesting
than those idiots
who just liked to play ball
and get into fights.
You're right.
They're idiots.
So then
when I enlisted
I felt like I finally
belonged, you know?
I could use all my skills.
You're where you ought to be.
We have to get moving.
We have a hedgehog to get home.
What's his name?
Just a sec.
Giora Zamir.
Tokyo, this is 87.
The pilot you were looking for,
Giora Zamir.
We've got him.
Whoa! Whoa!
Thank God!
Good job, 87.
Let me talk to the pilot.
87, let me talk to the pilot.
87, do you read me?
How is the pilot?
Heavenly Israel wants an answer, Marco.
87, what's going on?
He's all right.
Good, then let me talk to him.
Get him on the radio right now, over.
He's being treated.
He can't talk right now.
Send somebody and get us all
out of here, over.
87, a rescue crew is on the way.
Get him undercover in the meantime.
Keep him safe.
And you, too.
Do you copy?
Copy that.
That's great news, everyone,
great news!
All right, inform the air force.
And let's get some troops out there,
either the air force or us,
whoever can get there first.
This is Panther 1.
How did your fast go, my foxy mamas?
Hey, you better get
all prettied up for me
before I come out there
to save your sorry asses.
Do you copy?
Get those party clothes on.
You lazy bum,
didn't they kill you in jail?
No way, buddy.
I barely got raped.
How are you doing, Marco?
Hey! What the hell are you
doing with my radio?
- I wasn't on your radio.
- Get out of the room.
- I wasn't on the radio.
- Just get outta here.
- Hey, I didn't do anything.
- Get out and stay out.
- How did he get to Nafah?
- How should I know?
Good job, Marco.
There are APCs in Safed.
At least six ready to go.
But we don't have drivers.
Ten reserve drivers are on the way.
They'll be here in an hour.
Get Safed on the radio.
Tell them the drivers
will be there in one hour,
so be sure to have their APCs
ready to roll.
- Good work.
- Mm-hmm.
Wait up.
Wait up, wait up.
Just a little more.
We're close.
We're almost there now.
No, no, I can't.
Here, drink.
Isn't he thirsty, too?
Give him some.
Hold this a sec.
Come here, buddy.
Can you pour it?
- Good boy.
- You're all right, Avinoam.
Ahh! How'd you end up
with a hedgehog?
Uh, I
I got him as a gift.
He's cute.
Who gave him to you?
Are you in love?
It's complicated.
Try me.
Those kids that bullied me?
In eleventh grade
Well, she went up to them and
got 'em to stop.
Somehow. I don't know
what she said or did,
but it worked, whatever it was.
And ever since then
we've been good friends.
I I fell in love.
I haven't told her.
Too bad.
Too bad.
If you don't dive in,
you'll never know.
Is that what you did?
You just dove right in, hmm?
- Huh?
- Uh
It's just the ring.
I saw you have a ring.
I didn't mean to
- Sorry, I didn't mean
- Don't worry about it.
Let's go, kid, we've gotta keep moving.
Come on.
It was my grandmother's ring.
When I was born,
I was stuck in my mother's belly
for two days in the hospital.
No one could get me outta there.
So the doctors decided to operate.
But then my grandmother
walked in, stopped them,
and she yelled,
"Let me! Let me! Let me!
Let me try!"
The doctors gave her this look,
you know,
this little old Tunisian woman,
screaming her lungs out.
So she went ahead
and she took the ring,
that one you saw,
and she put it on my mother's belly.
And then she started reciting
Psalms and ancient recitations,
all in old Tunisian.
Then she went and walked
around the bed a few times.
In less than five minutes, I was out.
No operation, no nothing.
For years I used to say,
"Memeh, when I'm 120 years old,
I swear,
that ring will be mine."
And I made a promise to her
that I would put this ring
on my future wife's finger.
Yoav, when you missed the ride
were you on your way,
uh to propose to her?
Could say that.
- Sorry.
- What for?
Why be sorry?
None of the big commanders up there
even had a clue there'd be a war.
None of them.
All of the generals,
all of those smart-asses up there
Not one of them figured out
what you figured out.
So don't be sorry.
Beautiful here, isn't it?
Yeah, it is.
- Avinoam, hold still.
- What's wrong?
- We're in a mine field.
- What?
You have one minute.
I'm ready to go.
Stay safe out there.
I'll stay here and wait
for word from Yonatan.
Trust me, you'll find
your son alive, Meni.
When Melakhi has a feeling,
he's always right.
Will I see you again, Seagull?
If you come back alive,
I'll testify at your trial.
I'm coming back, all right.
And when I do, Meni, nothing's
ever gonna be the same again.
After the war we're gonna shut
down this country and rework it.
Social justice, equality, everything!
But here's a tip from an old socialist
to a young socialist.
You need to try to not always
be so trusting, all right?
Be careful.
What do mean by that?
They're waiting for you.
I'm coming, sweetie, hang on.
You said during the protest
you were in a back alley
and no one saw you.
But they arrested you
'cause the Molotov.
Golda and the government are
scared of the Black Panthers.
So now they've got their agents
and spies everywhere.
Somebody ratted you out.
Ah, no way, Meni!
Hey, get going!
Move out now! Come on!
Get your ass on that jeep or
they're leaving without you.
- I'm coming, man.
- Believe me, kid.
That big heart you try
so hard to hide
It's a blessing and a curse.
Get me the pilot.
No excuses, all right?
I'm clearing us a path.
You just have to stick to it.
Step where I step.
Got that?
You hear me, Avinoam?
No, no, no.
I-I-I can't do it.
Yoav, I'm staying here!
No, wait. Wait!
Don't sit down!
- Don't!
- What?
You can't move at all, understand?
As little as 9 kilos of direct pressure
can and will activate
an anti-personnel mine.
The 80 grams of explosives
in an anti-personnel mine
leads to severe injuries in the body
- and can be instantly fatal
- Avinoam, listen at me.
Look at me, don't sit down!
- Don't sit, Avinoam!
- Watch the hedgehog!
Don't panic now
Just listen to me.
You want to make it home, right?
Get home and see your mom again?
If anything happens to me,
my mom will have a breakdown!
- I'm an only child.
- All right, then not your mom!
Think about something else!
Try something else.
I think you like animals, don't you?
Like the little hedgehog
you have there.
Did I tell you I have a horse?
A gorgeous horse.
His name is Black Jack.
Did you ever ride a horse?
Have you ever been on one?
Huh, Avinoam?
We're gonna get out of here.
We'll get out of this,
the war's gonna end,
and you're gonna come
and ride Black Jack.
Just do what I say.
We're all right.
Just a few meters.
Look over there.
We just have to get over to that path,
that's all.
See the path?
That's all.
All you have to do is step
where I step.
Calm down.
It's okay.
Just stay with me.
See here?
I stepped here.
So now you put your foot here, Avinoam.
I think I'd rather just sit down.
One step forward.
Give me your hand.
Come on. Give me your hand.
One step now, together.
Right foot, right foot.
Avinoam, put your foot here.
Look, there's nothing here.
One step right here.
Just one step.
Now wait for me to move my foot.
Wait until I move my foot.
Wait until I move my foot.
Good, now left foot here.
Left foot here.
I move my left foot, you do the same.
That's it.
Stay balanced.
I got you.
I got you!
I'll do it.
Move your foot.
That's it.
You're all right.
That's it, that's it.
You see?
All right, here we go now.
Here's the first one.
You see it?
Yeah, Here's the first one.
I see you.
I've got you!
No, no, no.
Yoav, I'm going back.
Shh. You're not going
to go anywhere, Avinoam!
- I have to go back!
- Don't you dare move!
If you take a single step
it could detonate!
Stay right there!
Don't move.
Avinoam, the horse I told you about?
It's not mine.
It's Dafna's horse.
Black Jack.
It belongs to Dafna.
Dafna is your girlfriend.
You're going to marry her,
with that ring.
What did you say earlier?
It's complicated.
We met on base.
But she already had a boyfriend.
So I didn't say anything.
I longed for her
for a long time, but
only from a distance.
So then you didn't actually dive in.
No. No.
I was sure
a girl like that
wouldn't give me a second look.
How could you be so sure?
What kibbutz gal would bring me
home to her folks?
And my parents
It almost killed my dad.
He was expecting me
to bring home a girl
from the neighborhood.
He figured he'd put us in the backyard,
we'd give him grandkids.
He had the whole thing worked out,
the whole nine yards.
Imagine me bringing home
a kibbutz girl?
An Ashkenazi and a total atheist.
A heretic.
But I bet she's really pretty,
isn't she?
I mean, wow.
She's beautiful.
Black hair down to here.
She's got a small, little, button nose.
But mostly it's her laugh.
When she laughs
I'm on cloud nine.
Okay, another step.
All right
I'm coming to you.
Okay, I'm coming to you.
Give me your hand.
Step here.
It's all right.
Give me your hand.
Trust me, Avinoam.
Trust me.
- Wait.
- Here, here, here, here, here.
You step where I step.
Keep your balance.
Put your foot down.
Left foot, left foot.
That's it.
We're making progress.
We're making progress.
All right. That's it.
We're making progress.
Not too much farther now.
Not too much farther now.
How did it
How did it all turn out?
Her family has a horse ranch.
I already knew that, but then one day
I heard her talking
to a friend about the ranch.
And I heard her say she was
actually a riding instructor.
So I said to myself
That's it, Yoav, you're diving in!
So I went and told her
that my childhood dream
was to ride horses.
I asked her if she could teach me.
- And she said yes.
- Yes.
Yes. She said yes.
Just a bit more.
Here we go.
- Oh, shit.
- What?
- Damn it.
- No, please. Not another one.
So I show up for my first
lesson, all macho-like.
So I'm being all macho,
all psyched up, right?
Ready to look cool.
I climb up on the horse and bam!
I fall off the other side,
head first into horseshit.
She looks at me, I'm covered in it.
And then she just bursts out
laughing at me.
And I looked at her.
That was the second I knew.
I said to myself,
this woman will be my wife.
Since then, though, the ring's
just been sitting there
stuck in my pocket.
Why don't you give it to her?
I don't know what to do.
She's the greatest thing that's
ever happened to me but
But I don't see how
how our two worlds can ever
be brought together.
Whoo! A little bit more
and we're out of here.
We're gonna get out of this
in one piece.
We're almost there, just a bit more.
Are you with me?
This is it.
This is it. This is it.
Last few steps now.
Give Pine-nut to me.
- Hand him over.
- Be careful.
Give him to me.
One foot here. Right here.
Give me your hand.
Come on, give it to me.
Come to me, Come on.
Come on, come to me.
Just the right foot.
Just the right foot.
That's it, that's it.
Okay, good. Good.
Good. Good.
Now we'll do the other foot.
Come to me, come to me.
Easy, easy.
Just the right foot.
That's it.
That's it, that's it,
that's it, that's it.
Now, when I move,
you bring your left foot.
I move, you bring up your left foot.
I move, you bring up your
left foot. Careful.
Okay, you're gonna jump over to me now.
Jump to me on the count of three.
Okay, now, one, two
That's it.
There we go.
I told you we'd make it.
See? We made it.
We're safe.
We're all right.
We're all right.
We're all right.
Okay. Sit down.
Let's rest.
Sit, let's rest.
Let's rest here a bit.
Sit down.
has got to be someone special
to have gotten someone like you.
You have to dive right in.
You're right.
We both do.
So as soon as this war is over
Both of us.
No second thoughts.
Head first, into the water.
Catch this.
Pine-nut, Pine-nut, there you are.
Yoav, Yoav, Yoav, Yoav!
No, no, Yoav.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Yoav! Yoav!
Yoav, Yoav, please, stay with me.
Help! Anyone! Anyone!
Army unit approaching.
I think it's the rescue team.
Good job, Netanel.
- Melakhi!
- Marco!
- Look who it is!
- Marco, my brother!
What's up, brother?
How's it going?
Oh, man, oh, man,
why did you come here, man?
It's a mess. Seriously,
you should not have come.
Why didn't you just stay
where you were?
You know Melakhi would never
leave you hangin'.
You should've stayed
where you were, you're insane.
- Something's wrong with you.
- Where's the pilot?
Is that the only thing
you guys care about, the pilot?
You have any idea what we've
been through out here?
Marco, we're here, that's what counts.
That's right.
Where's the pilot?
Hey, guys!
Where are all your helmets?
You men put your helmets on.
- Melakhi.
- Where is he?
I missed you, Marco.
I really missed you.
Me too, brother, me too.
What about me, Melakhi?
Didn't you miss me?
Well, yeah, sure I did.
Where is he?
Over here with the bodies.
He didn't make it.
Why didn't you report that in?
It just happened.
Everyone crouch down,
we're up high here.
Get down.
He had internal injuries.
We couldn't save him.
He's cold, he's been dead for hours.
Way to go.
You brought us all the way
out here for a dead body.
Chofti Melakhi?
So even a dead body's worth
more than we are, huh?
Where's Aviram?
But I saw Caspi's tank.
I thought that Caspi
How are we all gonna fit
into one measly jeep?
I'm only taking the wounded.
And tank crews.
We need every tank crew we can get.
Go get in the jeep.
You can't just go and leave
the paratroopers here alone.
Paratroopers stay.
Marco. We can't leave
the paratroopers behind.
So you want us to stay put?
- Are you leaving us here to die?
- No, soldier.
I'm leaving you here to fight.
We brought ammo, tons of it.
And sardines, canned meat, jam,
and cookies so dry you'll choke.
All the very best that IDF
can offer, huh, Marco?
I'll go load up the bodies, okay?
No, no, no.
No bodies.
There's no room, you got that?
Only the severely wounded
and all tank crews.
- Yeah, Okay.
- Come on.
- Let's do this.
- Let's go and move our stuff.
Aviram, don't worry.
I'll come back for you.
Come with me, Caspi.
- Go.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Yalla!
- Get moving.
Let's get us some cookies to choke on.
- Paratroopers.
- Yeah, we're going.
Let's go, paratroopers.
Get it done.
Come on, let's go.
Come on, keep moving, come on.
You brought one jeep?
Let's go.
Tank crewmen in the jeep.
Hurry up. We don't have
a lot of time.
Operations Deputy to Tokyo.
- This is Tokyo. Over.
- You got this?
The bird is belly up.
You got it. Here.
What do you mean? Over.
- Here you go.
- Got it.
- Take this.
- Let's go.
And this.
Tank crew, climb on.
Sulami, Pitzi, get on.
Fixman. Get on.
Where's Gutterman?
Get on.
- Let's go, guys.
- Come on, Caspi.
Take some water.
Get on.
Three, four.
Okay, let's go.
- No. You're staying here.
- He's not from here.
He goes with us.
Infantry stays behind here.
Why can't you send
two more jeeps up here?
Send two taxicabs for all I care, huh?
Tokyo to 87,
do you read me? Over.
Go ahead, Tokyo.
Get down off that hill
before that route is blocked.
I repeat:
Get moving, don't delay.
- Copy that.
- Come on, let's go.
- Caspi, Alush.
- We're leaving.
Yeah, you heard.
We have to go. Move out now.
How many Syrians are down below?
Estimated around 3,000.
Plus they have 200 tanks, right?
And not one IDF tank in the sector.
Not one cannon, no APCs.
If the Syrians get to the hill,
every one of these men is dead.
They're coming with us.
You can see there's no room.
And we need to have spotters here,
to direct troops, guide
reserves when they arrive.
How will they survive that long?
With Uzis and cookies?
Don't give me any grief.
Listen up, okay?
All my men, Yoni, we can do this.
Let's fight like lions.
Maybe we can hold off the Syrians,
at least for another few hours.
Keep your heads up, okay?
- Let's do this.
- Yeah, you heard him.
Let's go back into a lovely tank.
- Come on.
- Caspi, Alush.
Let's go.
You guys can go.
I'm gonna stay here.
- You're staying?
- I'm staying.
Alush, go with them.
Go, go, go. We'll be fine.
That is not your call.
I'm staying, too.
We'll stay and fight.
This one can't wait to die.
Let him go, you get on.
You go, Alush.
You're needed elsewhere.
I only have four here?
- Get on the jeep, Melakhi.
- We need more tank crews.
- Come on, let's go.
- You heard the man.
They need us to fight.
Let's fight them with the tank.
I'm not gonna save myself
and leave these men here to die, Marco.
Alush, we're needed elsewhere.
It's not like we're going on vacation.
Since you were 15 you've been saying
that this country doesn't give a damn.
How many Molotovs did you throw
in the name of solidarity, Marco?
Look around you, this is solidarity.
All of us, together, all of us equal.
And if it's so important
to hold this hill
then I'm staying here.
Every person matters.
Who's it gonna help if we die too, man?
I'd rather die with a clear conscience
than live knowing I went
and abandoned my friends.
Alush, Marco's right.
Clear conscience, my ass!
Do you know the whole country's
in danger!
I came to bring you back,
and that's what I'm doing.
Now get on the jeep
and bring Caspi, too!
Hey! I have to move out
right now!
- Alush, we're staying with you.
- Where are you going?
The paratroopers need us.
Yeah, I'll stay, too.
You'll need a doctor.
You bunch of dumbasses.
So I came here for no reason?
No, we needed the smell
of your shampoo.
Take care, brother.
You're making a mistake, Alush.
Let's go, Alush.
Come on.
Let's get ready.
Everyone take up positions.
The Syrians are right below us.
Over here, Sulami.
Get into position.
You got ammo? You too, Yoni.
Netanel, I want you observing
the entire sector. Got it?
Everybody stay low.
We're exposed up here.
Listen up.
You're gonna need to cover
this entire area.
From here to there.
You losers won't last
a minute without me,
so I'm back!
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