Vampires (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Everything Is Possible in This World

Mom, please answer.
Answer, please.
[recording] The voice mailbox
cannot record new messages.
Maybe she turned off her phone.
Still no news?
[Rad] Andrea took off. Don't count on him.
[phone beeps]
It's Marion.
The Community.
- [gasps]
- What?
What's going on? What's up?
[Doina] I don't believe it.
Sons of bitches.
She'll make it, right?
Rad, will she make it?
What do you mean? That's your fault.
That's your fault, and yours, too.
Why did you go to this ball?
You couldn't listen to Mom?
For once, you couldn't listen to Mom?
Irina. Irina.
We're going. Get ready, we're going.
We'll comb through Paris.
We'll go to hospitals, police stations.
We can't let her down now.
Let's go find her. Let's go right now.
- Is she here?
- Yes. They won't let me see her.
You'll see her later. What matters
is that she's being treated.
We have to get her out now.
Don't panic, Andrea. They'll treat her.
It's the best place for burn victims.
You don't get it. They'll kill her.
Meaning what? What are you talking about?
My mother's not like us.
Her body won't take the medication.
Imagine if they try
to feed or intubate her.
We have to get her out.
But I can't treat her.
I don't have what's needed.
You have no idea.
My siblings will know.
Let me have your phone.
[phone ringing]
- Who's that?
- I don't know.
- Hello?
- Doina, it's Andrea.
Rad! Come back. It's Andrea.
Where are you?
- Are you at home?
- [Doina] Yes.
- Are the big kids there?
- They are.
Listen, Mom's had an accident.
Tell them to get ready. We're on our way.
- What?
- We're bringing Mom back. You got it?
They found her.
But who is "we"?
[theme song playing]
Hi. Agathe Roger, St. Louis Hospital.
How is she?
I've never seen this.
It's carnage. It's awful.
Yes. We've decided to transfer the patient
to another unit.
Really? When?
Nobody said anything.
It was Pitoune. It's just been decided.
Do you have her latest labs?
Would you get them?
[Elise] Go get me a gurney.
Find a gurney.
[ekg flatlining]
[Moji] I can't believe you said yes.
This dog's freaking me out.
Look at his eyes.
He doesn't look right in the head.
He's got eyes Look at it.
He's giving me the stink eye.
Doina, you heard from her?
Nothing. It's weird, right? Not her style.
Although, in the end,
I'm not too sure what her style is.
You think at her house
they do weird stuff to her,
- like hit her or?
- I have no idea.
Everything's possible in this world.
I have to see her.
I must know where she lives.
Where she lives, well
Over that way. Belleville Boulevard.
- But where?
- Belleville Boulevard.
Over that way. You go and you see and
You see and
You don't want to tell me?
You guys grew up together.
Yes, since kindergarten.
You don't know her address?
- I don't. She's just my bud.
- Don't you have a meeting point?
No. We don't have one. But, like,
you know the furniture store
that's all purple?
Sometimes we meet in front of it.
But, for real
if she hides stuff from us,
maybe she has good reason to.
I respect that, okay?
Because she's my friend. She has the right
not to tell us everything.
[dog barking]
No. No.
[Doina] Easy.
What is she doing here?
She's a doctor. She treated me.
No strangers in here. Get her out.
Without her I'd never have gotten Mom out.
- Your mother trusts me.
- [Andrea] Get lost.
Come on.
What are you doing?
What I must. There's one way to save her.
[Irina] He's right.
Our blood. That's the only thing.
I want to give mine, please.
Sorry. You're mixed. You can't.
It's too risky. It could kill her.
Please understand.
Your blood could be dangerous.
Mom, it'll do you good.
It'll be okay.
Come on. Drink.
Come on.
Make an effort. Go on.
It's not working.
Why is it not working?
It should work. Why isn't it?
I don't know, Rad. I don't know.
Why isn't it working?
[Irina] Stop it.
You'll empty yourself out.
Come on, damn it.
Damn it.
Irina, please, do something.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Don't mind my brother.
- We really need you.
- He's right.
We can't manage on our own.
Can you help us?
First we have to stop the infection.
I'm going to try something,
but I make no promises.
Three wars, and here I am.
Stop bitching, Rad.
[Rad] I don't trust the female doctor.
Are you done with the fish skin?
[Andrea] Yes.
We put her in the tub.
It will lower her temperature, but
we must do what Elise says, act quickly.
Don't look at me like that. It will work.
It has to work.
I don't get what Mom could do to Csilla
for it to go sideways like this.
It's a totally crazy situation.
Even for her.
[Rad] Mom and Csilla,
it's always been volatile.
It's not Mom.
It's me.
I killed the Elder.
I stabbed her. It's
[Rad] What are you talking about?
You what?
Wait. I don't get what happened.
Why did you do that?
Because I got scared.
She was feeling me up.
I thought she was going to rape me.
It's my fault.
You had to defend yourself.
[Doina] Now Mom's going to die.
You know what, Doina?
Don't tell anyone.
Anyone. Or we will be hunted like rabbits.
They probably already know.
Where's the house, Shogun?
Find it.
Go on, find it.
Find it.
[man] Try our kebab sandwich!
It's her.
It's the kid.
What are you talking about?
The Elder woke up.
Doina attacked her.
Not Martha.
Who else knows?
It will be easy to buy his silence.
He's so venal.
I worry about you.
You shocked everyone
with Martha's execution.
If it's known you got the wrong person
It's dangerous.
Were you the one who helped
Martha and Doina get away?
Why would I do that?
You play with me.
But never against me.
What do we do?
Seduce her.
She already likes you.
We have to turn her to our side.
[Elise] With burns this serious,
even organs are at risk.
But your mother is tough.
Pass me a fish skin, please.
It's very good to treat burns.
I saw it done in Brazil.
You've been to Brazil?
- Yes, I lived there.
- Ah.
When was it, after Redouane?
When you left Paris?
To forget the guy who came at night
wearing a mask
and his blue eyes nasty.
Stay here. What's going on?
What's happening?
You recognize me now?
Back then, I think I was too nice to you.
But maybe it was good.
If you save my mother, that's your chance.
You save her, you save yourself. Get it?
Is it a deal?
And do it right.
- [barking]
- Shogun.
Go on, Shogun.
Is it here?
All right.
Come. I have to talk to you.
It's him.
Calm down.
Your brother.
It's him. He told me so.
Told you what? I'm confused.
When Redouane disappeared,
Rad came to my house
several times at night.
[stammering] He
He told me that if I ever
published anything,
if I finished my dissertation,
he was going to kill me.
That's why I stopped everything.
Come on.
I knew he was hiding something.
He was sketchy.
I'll find a solution. I promise you.
Meanwhile, don't go anywhere.
Stay here with me.
He's a dangerous lunatic.
You think you'll get out of it that way?
You won't leave me, right?
You're not leaving me with these nuts,
are you? I need you.
You were right. I don't feel like
ending up like them.
Come back, Mom.
I can't live without you.
I can't abandon you.
Go ahead.
That's good.
Yes, that's right.
[man on TV] Get her!
That's not an impulsive vengeance.
It's an execution squad.
In front of witnesses in broad daylight.
The news is spreading.
There are comments. Look.
[phone chiming]
We've never been so exposed.
It's beyond Mom. It's beyond us.
The whole Community's in danger.
What's with the text messages?
Who is it?
It's nothing.
- Who is it?
- It's nothing.
- It's Ladislas.
- It's Ladislas?
Are you insane?
What? He's asking how Mom is?
[Rad] Doina, don't tell him anything.
If they learn Mom's alive, what do we do?
He helped us. He's on our side.
On our side?
Ladislas, he likes you.
He does like you. Do you like him?
You know what, call him.
[Rad] No, you don't call him.
And tell him what?
Nothing. He's a Nemeth.
Don't talk to them.
Set up a meeting.
No meeting. Nobody gets out of here.
I know what I'm doing.
If we have her son,
Csilla will be forced to listen.
[Rad] Carry on your bullshit.
It will end badly.
[Doina] I know.
I believe you, Ladislas.
We should meet, you and I,
to calm things down.
- Yes. Tonight? Does it work for you?
- [Ladislas] Totally.
- Is 10 p.m. okay?
- I'll pick you up.
No, don't bother.
I'll find a way.
No. You know what?
I'm texting you the address. Okay?
I'm happy, too.
Calm down.
[Andrea] I can't believe
what you're saying.
I'm so stupid.
Rad was involved
in my father's death, and I saw nothing.
I hate myself.
When someone's close,
you don't see what they hide.
[Irina] Young Nemeth
won't be coming anymore. It's 11 p.m.
He's no fool.
He suspected something was up.
He suspected a trap.
Or he doesn't like me that much.
Come on.
[phone chimes]
[Ladislas over phone]
Doina, what are you doing?
- Irina?
- It's great.
- What's up?
- It's so cool.
- Come.
- All your friends are here.
I love it.
That's Clarisse's place.
- Come on over!
- Fuck!
- Fuck!
- He'll bite your friends.
It's incredible.
We had a deal.
You want me to get angry?
Gun crime into your right and
Drugs and violence into your left ♪
Before our headphones flooding the order
Into a subconscious waves you accept ♪
You're sitting on the fall back home
Where you at G answer your phone? ♪
Pulls the poison to answer his message ♪
Your voice sounds rush
fists for his adolescent ♪
Into strobe lights
What have you done? ♪
Into strobe lights
There's no need to run ♪
If you've done nothing wrong
Blue lights should just pass you by ♪
Tall black shadow
As you're getting off the bush ♪
Shadow shows no emotion
So what's even the fuss? ♪
But the face saw you boy
'Cause a darker picture ♪
Of the red handed actees
Gonna whisper ♪
No blood, I'm sorry
'Cause I know you got my back ♪
He was running, I couldn't think
I had to get out of there ♪
[Nacer] Doina, I saw you.
I saw you drink blood.
I was at your place, downstairs. I saw it.
Stop. Why are you here?
You ate a pigeon.
What did you say?
You like blood, right?
Your boyfriend likes it, too.
The blond, who was here earlier, Ladislas.
He's upstairs with Clarisse.
Stay here. I'm talking to you.
What are you doing here? Get the hell out.
[Clarisse] You're completely insane.
What's your problem? Get lost!
Move it.
I swear it's for your own good.
Doina! Open the door!
At least give me my stuff.
What's your game?
Are you jealous?
Don't go near my friends.
But I was invited.
You weren't, however.
I had to tail your boyfriend.
That took a while.
He walks slowly.
Let go.
[Irina] Don't make a move.
[Ladislas] Okay. You're into threesomes.
Let's take him.
[Clarisse] She threw me out. I was at
the door in my underwear. She's nuts.
No way. Are you joking?
Someone lend me their shirt.
[girl] Maybe you should take pictures.
You never know.
[whispering] I love you.
Mom, I love you.
I love you.
[Martha groans]
[in normal voice] Mom.
Fuck, she did save you.
Go get the door.
[Doina] How long do we keep him?
Until his mother calms down.
We're leaving him here?
Nobody ever comes. It's abandoned.
[Ladislas in muffled voice] Doina! Doina!
[French oldies playing]
- You like that?
- More.
[Rad] You came through with the doctor.
I didn't think she'd save Mom.
I hope you gave it to her good.
[whispers] You really scared me.
What's going on?
- Girls, it's a miracle.
- I'm dreaming.
- Unbelievable.
- Look.
My goodness.
I don't believe it.
You look so good.
Calm down. Slow down.
What's going on?
What happened to Elise?
What do you mean?
I did nothing.
She left earlier, didn't you see?
If you did anything to her, you're dead.
Wait, Andrea. You're totally off base.
No. I did nothing.
- Rad?
- If she left, you must be a lousy lay.
What's up?
She's all better.
What did you give her?
Andrea, come over. I don't know.
Come on, little brother.
My loves.
Thank you. You saved me.
- [Andrea] What did you say?
- [Irina] Doina?
You did something?
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