Veneno (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Cristina a través del espejo

Come on!
Hurry up! Let's go!
I'm coming, but I'm out of breath.
Look. There she is,
Sara Montiel.
Sara! Sara!
Sara, an autograph, please!
Please, Sara.
Can I please have an autograph?
She's Spain's most beautiful woman.
No lie! They say
she has two boyfriends,
Gary Cooper and Burt Lancaster.
She's dating both? Oh, my God.
- Sara.
- Thank goodness she's here.
I've been here all day.
I'm going first.
You know, Joselito, Grandma
says I'm really entertaining,
that one day, I'm gonna be an artist.
I'll leave the village and
cause a big stir in the city.
I'm María José. I've been
waiting all morning, Sara.
- Please!
- No, no, no.
Please come back.
Hey, isn't that your mother?
Yes, that's my mother.
Please, please.
Come on. Give me a kiss.
What's she doing here?
She once was Joselito,
but seven million have made her
the exquisite treat she is today.
She is La Veneno,
the most provocative, seductive,
and sensual of all transgender women.
She's the queen of the night,
the night in Madrid.
Women envy her,
and men fantasize about her.
What a sick world.
Dear Lord.
- Manola, come on, let's go.
- Yeah.
Drop the bottle, please.
Come in here and see our girl.
Coming, bitch.
Go easy with the wine, my love.
- It's my princess.
- Oh, wow, scandalous.
- Her profession, prostitute
- There she is.
Her price, more than $800 per night.
Amazing, showing the nipples.
What a tramp she is.
Oh, my. Sweetie, come on.
If you talk about sex
- La Veneno has no rival.
- She's a charmer!
Go, baby!
She's the queen of Prostitunia,
a dick-munching monarch,
Quiet, whores! I can't hear!
Ladies and gentlemen,
here at the studio, live with us,
please welcome our guest,
Cristina La Veneno!
Isn't that
Oh, my God.
Eh, do I call you Cristina?
Yes, call me Cristina,
because my name is not Veneno.
- That's a nickname.
- Oh, but that nickname
is because you kill with something.
Pablo, stand by.
No, no, I got it, because when I came
out to the street for the first time
as usual, I was a transvestite,
and they wanted to kick me out,
so I carried in my purse a reaping hook
- that you use to cut grass.
- Really, and you pull it out?
Well, I did a couple of times.
I carried it in a big purse,
and when anyone tried to threaten me,
I would pull it out and say,
"Come on. Come here.
I dare you all."
What were you threatening to cut?
Their throat.
And are you
as much of a woman as you would like?
All the way?
Yes, all the way.
What's so funny?
- Well, you. You are.
- Oh, you think I'm funny, huh?
Finally someone laughs
at what I don't actually say.
Pablo, I need you to zoom out camera one.
I want to see her boobs in the shot.
- There you go.
- Let's have a little tour of
A tour of your life.
In this one,
you were Who were you in this picture?
Joselito? Eh, Juanma?
Eh, wh-what's wrong?
Do we do you have the images or not?
- Shit, play the video.
- What a night.
I-I don't get what's going on tonight.
Come on, Juanma.
- Juanma.
- You're dead on cue, huh?
You are making them nervous.
Two tits, and you're lost, guys.
Now come on.
Focus. Focus. Focus, please.
Oh, good. Good.
There you are.
Your name was Joselito.
You were 23 in this one.
Do your parents approve of this change?
Ahh, it's been a very long time
since since I've seen my parents.
My sister visited me last Christmas
for dinner at my house, and she told me
that my father and my brother
accepted my decision.
But I called my mom because
I wanted to check on her,
but her response was that
I should understand that
- I don't exist to her anymore.
- Hmm.
She doesn't want to hear from me,
and if I'm being honest,
I don't really want to talk
any more about my mother,
because the more I talk about her,
I'll burst into tears.
And did did you feel this feminine
when you were a man?
Yes, exactly the same.
Oh! And since when
did you feel like a woman?
I felt like a woman since I was born.
- Ah.
- Oh, God, guys.
A-a nipple is out.
I see it. I see it.
It just popped out.
- What now?
- I don't know.
- Maybe we should let it be.
- I don't know.
- It's very noticeable.
- I don't know what we
- What's happening?
- Hey, Mari, just look.
She's about to pop out.
Look. You see?
- Oh, dear God.
- things even existed.
But then I Well, I moved to Madrid,
where I made a good friend,
and I said, "Let's do this."
What town are you from?
From Adra, where even
who ain't a bitch growls.
Okay. Well
so, uh
eh, oh!
You have a bra issue.
I don't care.
They like to air out.
Plus, they're paid for and so pretty.
Sure. How much did they cost?
These babies cost me 1.5 mil.
- In one single surgery or
- No, no, no.
At first, I had small, cute boobs.
They were smaller, but nice-looking tits,
- but so beautiful.
- Ah.
It's just that I like them
when they're really huge,
because the big titties
make men even hornier.
- It's pulling focus.
- So do I get the nipple
- or not get the nipple?
- Do it. It is what it is.
- Camera one, go.
- You get it, right?
Sure. You like it all huge,
you could say.
There's only one thing I have
that's small.
But I can show it to you
in private, honey.
She's having fun, huh?
She's a very grateful guest.
We thank you, Veneno,
for laughing
without me telling any jokes.
Oh, well, it poked out.
There it is.
I don't care that it's out, no.
- Do you wanna touch it?
- Uh, no, I'm sorry.
I'll let you give it a little touch.
- No, no.
- This is heavy, man.
No, no, no, no, touch it.
Touch me, Pepe.
- What's happening now?
- Come on. Be a man.
It has nothing to do with masculinity.
It has to do with decency, Veneno.
Here it comes. It's coming.
Here it comes.
Here it comes. It's coming.
I'm shameless, honey.
Of course you have.
Aren't they pretty?
Oh, my.
- She took 'em out.
- Both of 'em.
Pepelu, please, help us.
Well it could have been worse, people.
Put them back, 'cause there
There could be kids
watching the program, you know?
If there are any kids watching us,
tell them to get in bed.
It's late.
Okay, then,
uh, give it up for Cristina.
Oh, it's her.
Hey, girl, it's Cristina!
Gorgeous, girl! Love you!
- Thank you.
- You did great!
Such a bombshell.
You're a hooker
with a driver now, sweetie.
The Pretty Woman of West Park, honey!
- So scandalous.
- You were so sassy on the show.
- You saw me, girl.
- Scandalous.
That Pepe guy
wants to show you the stars.
You're crazy. Don't say that.
Let him have it, girl!
Girl, that was crazy.
How could you say all that?
It is what it is, Manolita.
I am very proud of you.
Stop that now, sweetheart.
Give me a kiss.
- I love you.
- Now back to work.
The world is yours.
You were on TV, right?
Jump on in, princess.
Fuck you very much.
Get lost! Go suck a dick
somewhere else!
What you want?
So I guess you're famous now.
How the tables have turned.
Life is unpredictable.
You bitch. Congrats!
Veneno, flash those boobs!
Give us an autograph, Veneno!
- Paca, my love.
- We're working!
Welcome back, star.
Oh, honey.
Did you watch it, Paca?
Of course I did.
You're a sculptured creature.
You're a human Venus.
Hah! I love you.
Now, tell me, did someone call?
No, honey, nobody called.
Not even my mother?
No. It was too late.
She must be asleep by now.
You're right. She must be.
Oh, I love you!
How's work tonight?
Well, so far, it's not too bad,
but now that you've returned,
I'm sure no one else
is gonna get a client
for the rest of the night.
Oh, bullshit. You've got
your own fans, you filthy bitch.
And speak of the devil, there's yours.
What the fuck? He's back?
- What does he want?
- You'll find out.
Hey, you asshole.
What are you doing here every night?
You homeless or what?
What has got you so excited?
- Haven't you heard the news?
- No.
You're talking to a big star now.
Is that right? Oh, interessante.
Why do you come here every day?
I have my Italian friends.
Their girlfriends are transvestites,
and they work here,
but I'm not into any of them.
Still haven't found the one, huh?
No, I haven't.
I only think about you.
Vuoi fare I'amore con me?
- Go away, nutter.
- Hey!
- I can't make love to you.
- Hey!
- I have work here.
- Come with me!
Aren't you a star?
A star shouldn't be working here.
Hop in.
What are you doing?
Get in the car.
Sui bracieri ardenti
E Radio Tirana trasmette
Mamma mia.
Uà fai paura.
Sei bellissima.
Ti piace?
Oh, sweet Jesus.
Mamma mia!
Give it to me.
Oh, my God!
Good morning, everyone.
We have prepared a special
program for you today,
starting with your horoscope,
brought to you by Esperanza Gracia,
who for sure shouldn't mess with Gemini,
as I am one, and I will remember.
Followed by the happy bit
with Paco Valladares,
our breaking news segment featuring
I'm leaving.
I'm flying to Italia.
- A flight to Italy?
- Mm.
interview him
especially for you.
Well, okay. Go, then.
Make sure you don't miss it.
But the biggest news of the day
is that a star was born last night
right on the shores of the Mississippi.
Her name is Cristina,
but everybody calls her by her nickname.
Everybody is talking about La Veneno,
who last night peaked
the ratings of The Mississippi.
And now let's get
to know La Veneno better.
- Ohh.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
Cristina La Veneno.
Yesterday, the audience discovered
a strong woman full
of dazzling self-confidence
- and incredible beauty.
- Oh, dear Lord.
Sure. You like it all huge,
you could say?
There's only one thing
I have that's small.
But I can show it to you in private, hon.
Uh, her name's Cristina
she goes by
a more suggestive name.
But back where?
Because when I came
out to the street for the first time
You mean tonight or when, exactly?
Because I can't tonight.
I gotta work.
Okay, then, uh, I'll bring two outfits
and my brand-new wig.
Well, I did a couple of times.
Very well, then. Thank you.
Sweet Jesus.
What happened?
we've received
so many reactions
from the audience about this new star.
They want me back tonight.
I'll be on TV again.
Really? I'll come along.
But don't you have a flight to Italy?
Italia will have to wait.
Excuse me.
Where's Mr. Navarro's office?
Yes, Cristina.
He's expecting you,
Second door on the left.
Thanks, my love.
He's my boyfriend.
He's Italian, like Count Lequio.
Do you know what this is?
I'm not sure, Pepe.
Test results from the doctor?
- Hmm.
- Are you okay?
Yes, I am. Don't worry.
That's yesterday's audience ratings,
and this right here is you.
- Am I that line?
- Mm-hmm.
So what are you saying?
That when you appear on-screen,
the audience pays attention.
- They wanna see you.
- They wanna watch me?
Yes, you. Cristina, you were
made just for television.
Like plastic or
No, dear, electromagnetic waves.
- Oh.
- I have two surprises for you.
First, if tonight,
you match that ratings curve,
I'll offer you a permanent job on TV.
A permanent job? But, Pepe,
my abilities are giving blow jobs
and fucking sideways, though.
I think we both know
you can do a lot more, Cristina.
You think so?
And the second one?
The second one
is that your parents are here.
What do you mean my parents are here?
They came to see you.
But that's impossible.
My parents are in Adra.
- No.
- Where are they?
- Tell me where they are.
- No.
- It's me they came to visit.
- You can't see them.
- What do keep saying that?
- You can't.
- Who says that?
- You cannot see them.
Not yet.
Please surrender
that moment to the program,
but mostly surrender it to the audience.
María José, good evening.
- Good evening.
- Do you feel all right?
Well, here we are.
- José, good evening.
- Good evening.
How was your flight today?
All good?
- Uh-huh.
- Yeah, a bit scary, but okay.
Right, uh
the person that we saw is your daughter?
I'm having a hard time saying daughter.
He's my son,
but, I mean, he has chosen that path.
That's my mother.
Are you hoping
she'd turn back into a man?
To me, he still is.
But he was telling us
Well, she was telling us
that back in your hometown,
everyone called her faggot.
Ah, they were all just jealous
because he was handsome.
But he was always,
always well thought of.
In Adra, everyone loved him.
Besides, he was very well raised.
I raised him well.
Well, she's here with us tonight.
Do I look pretty?
Bellissima, the most beautiful.
Let's go. We're ready for you.
Stand by. She's coming out.
- Cristina?
- And go.
Cue Veneno.
The mother can't be bothered to stand?
Honestly, I can't believe this.
Why is she even here, then?
Oh, hon.
Come on, for Christ's sake.
How hard can it be, eh?
Okay, number two, go.
Ah, that's my girl.
Look at you.
Look at you.
What a shame.
I'm ashamed of you.
Uh, take a seat, Cristina.
are you happy now, lad?
Come on, you asshole.
Just say, "girl."
Well, surely not with my life,
but there's no other path for me.
To make a living, I have to do that.
Now they're saying that I
might get a job on the show.
I don't know if that's true,
but it's what they said.
We'd be complete fools
if we didn't hire her after yesterday.
Did you refuse to see her?
No, I never refused to see him.
But the truth is
I'm shattered,
because he came to Madrid.
Look at him now.
You see, his siblings are good people,
good, hard workers,
very well regarded, respected.
No one no one can say otherwise.
To be honest
I've always been
very eager.
I had faith in him.
But it's just
that seeing him in this state,
my my right eye
got paralyzed, couldn't see.
- Hmm?
- Then the left eye followed.
Guess how long I was hospitalized?
Fifteen days. Huh?
Fifteen days
and he's to blame.
The fault is his and no one else's.
If your son's happy, who cares
if he's a boy or a girl?
I'll be clear.
When I when I go to the
When I go to the main square
in our hometown
- Yeah.
- They all ask me,
"Did you see your Joselito
last night?"
Or, "Oh, I saw Joselito,"
and they say that with a tone.
You wouldn't believe how much it hurts.
It kills me little by little every day.
Mom, please look at me.
Hey, I was looking for you, darling.
How you feeling, eh?
Oh, Mari, I-I didn't know what to say.
My mind went blank.
Did I disappoint Pepe?
Hell, no. Disappoint Pepe?
He is delighted. I am delighted.
We're all crazy about you.
Take this.
And we'll see you tomorrow.
No lie!
Go rest now.
But what is this?
What are you doing here all alone?
What's up with you?
Aw, such a pretty little thing.
Such a pretty little thing.
Her name is Marcela.
What a cutie.
Pepe rescued her.
Little lady was about to be
thrown off a village bell tower.
People from villages are filthy scum.
Well, she's lucky.
Now she's here with us.
That's the way this program is.
Welcome to Mississippi, Cristina.
Thank you.
And now let's put Marcela to sleep.
It's late for little kids.
Good night.
Mamma mia, quanti soldi.
And tonight we will go party.
Hell, no. No party.
You're a party animal.
Ladies and gents, the exceptional,
the unrivalled,
the fiery Cristina La Veneno.
We have the question of the day.
Is a woman born, or can she be made?
You're pretty much second class.
For me, you are half a women.
You're pretty much an asshole, period.
Let's go out tonight
and see who scores more.
Won't be you.
Unlike Veneno's,
these are the real thing.
- Check 'em out.
- Veneno!
These bitches are gonna blind me!
Now listen, you pack of envious hos.
These tits are Cartier, baby.
Hah. Better find
a dick to suck, slut.
- Hey, Christina!
- Cristina, over here, please.
Hey, Cristina,
I'm Lydia Lozano from Interview.
We wanna make a documentary
with you, 24 hours with you
from the moment
you wake up until bedtime.
- Ohh!
- One question!
- Cristina!
- Cristina!
Remember, Lydia Lozano
from Interview. Interview!
If I come in my panties tonight,
every single man in Spain
will get a "Paco Paco."
- What's a "Paco Paco"?
- Paco, Paco, Paco, Paco.
Every now and then,
you spit in your hand.
But stop, please. Stop that.
- It's the truth, my love.
- Holly, I feel like
Like you wanna dance a little.
No puedes vivir
Lleno de sospechas
Sin parar de fingir
Sal fuera de ti
Veneno pa' tu piel
Veneno pa' tu piel
Yo vivo la madrugada
Soy los besos, soy la cama
Y tú vives escondido
Pa' tu piel
Veneno pa' tu piel
Oh, my God. Oh, my God,
So much wealth in this place!
Here's to Cristina. To Cristina.
Hi, Veneno.
I would like to know if
If you get a boner
when taking it from behind?
I wanna know, can you tell us how you put
a condom on with only your mouth?
Can you have it between your tits
and at the same time give a blow job?
German, Greek, Civil Guard,
the girl from The Exorcist
I do it all, my love.
You're the type of guy that has his wife
locked up at home like she's in a convent
and then goes out
and fucks whatever's out there.
My pussy don't agree.
What an intellectual.
That's what you are.
Now quiet, you roofless man.
Pa' tu piel
Veneno pa' tu piel
Yo vivo la madrugada
Soy los besos, soy la cama
Y tú vives escondido
Pa' tu piel
Veneno pa' tu piel
Soy la magia, soy el hada
Que se clava en tu mirada
Soy la tentación prohibida
Que te va quemando el alma
Hey. Right?
You were wonderful tonight.
Thank you, juicy ass.
- Here's your water.
- My purse.
Cristina, dear, you're
a blessing to this channel.
Thank you. Please toss this.
- Who's this coot?
- The boss.
Ah. Ooh! See you later, honey!
Love you, girl!
- Cristina.
- Not now.
These are for you, Cris.
- Shit, Cristina.
- Hold these.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be back in three.
Ma chi cazzo
ti credi di essere? Eh?
Darling girl!
You are a sensation!
Fabulous! Oh!
Who is this guy? Eh?
- He's my new manager.
- Damn right.
Just wait for me in the car.
- Now come, come, come
- Just wait for me there.
There's someone who wants to meet you.
- Are you ready?
- Ah. But who is it?
You'll see. We're gonna
take you to Las Vegas, sweetie.
Hey, you like the booty shorts
for the boys?
I was close to fucking them.
Before that, look.
Jesus Christ. Sara.
What are you doing here?
Promoting the release of my new record.
Amados Mios, that's the name.
Oh, Sara.
You have to know that, for me,
you're the biggest star
Spain has ever made.
Thank you. I was really
looking forward to meeting you.
I love your attitude, my dear.
You're beautiful, and you've
got a spectacular body.
Thank you so much.
And that spark in your eyes, my dear.
Don't lose track, Cristina.
Keep going.
So let me know whenever you're free.
We can meet for coffee, Sara, huh?
You can tell this girl is dynamite.
She's a star.
She's the new face of
the Rumba Total. That's right.
Good luck, Cristina.
Can I ask you something?
Of course. What is it?
Would you give me an autograph?
Of course.
What does it say?
I don't have my glasses on.
"All my love, Antonia."
I'll never forget this.
Cristina, find yourself men
who'll teach you and don't diminish you.
By the time I was 22,
I had learned how to read
from a Nobel Prize winner.
My God, what a crazy world we live in.
You should see your face.
Hi, Dad.
For all of you
How are you?
- It's me, Joselito.
- Hi.
Can you put Mom
on the phone, please, Dad?
Joselito, it's really late.
I know that. It's just that
there's something I want to tell her.
I met Sara Montiel,
and she said I was beautiful.
Oh, that's great.
I'm very happy for you, Joselito.
She gave me an autograph.
She gave me an autograph for her.
Would you tell her?
I finally got her an autograph.
Okay, good. I'll tell her.
I'm still so amazed by you.
Do you see me on television?
Your mother sold it
when we came back from Madrid.
No TV at home.
You don't see me anymore?
No, I'm sorry.
Talk soon, Joselito.
I'm sorry to get personal,
but we know that you
have a particular taste
for interesting people,
specifically for older men.
What's going on, Cristi, huh?
What are you talking about?
You think I'm your servant, right?
Let go of me!
Perché touch those men's cocks, eh?
Puttana, perché?
What, and you expect me
not to grab the cocks?
Just look at you,
nothing more than a faggot.
You disgust me.
You owe me respect! Okay?!
You like to suck penis, don't you?
You like to do it?
Puttana di merda!
You think you can hit me,
you piece of shit?!
Get out of here.
Fuck off, asshole!
Sei solo una puttana di merda
Get out! I don't ever
want to see you again!
We're done!
I fed off the wisdom of the people
that I was lucky enough
to meet, and it wasn't easy.
It was not easy at all
to have Nobel Prize winners as admirers.
Huh. But we all know
that Hemingway was a famous womanizer.
He hit on everybody.
You know this better than anyone.
Hemingway was very Hemingway,
but I was very Antonia.
Why are you here?
Take me to Adra.
Excuse me?
I want you to drive me to Adra,
but I want to be taken in a limo.
I want them all to die
of jealousy by a simple look,
a simple look at a queen.
Who's that?
Not Cristina.
I'm your Joselito.
You came? Ah. Oh, God.
How could I not visit you?
Manolito, I wanted to see you so bad.
Oh, I've been longing
to hug you for years.
You look spectacular.
Do you want a lemonade?
What happened to your face?
I was on hormones for a bit, too
a little bit.
I went to Barcelona.
I got a procedure from
a trans woman named Marisol.
She said she was a surgeon, but
a total failure.
It got gangrenous
so they had to remove my tits.
I don't have money to pay for
a proper procedure, and so
Going back wasn't an option, either,
so I look like this.
Oh, Manolito.
I guess that wasn't for me.
But you, oh, you
You look simply stunning.
You know, I've been in the main square.
Yeah. I saw that
everybody was there,
even some of those errant bullies.
Well, people can be
really fake, you know?
People are totally crazy.
There's someone I didn't see.
I didn't see my mother.
No, they're gone.
I rang the doorbell, but no answer.
They left town.
I saw them packing their stuff.
My mother said they headed to
a spa because of the arthritis.
Didn't they know I was coming today?
The whole village knew, Joselito.
Forget about her, and let it go.
Let go. You're the most
beautiful woman in Spain, huh?
You know that. Hey!
You know what I'd give to be like you?
Got a boyfriend?
- Huh. An Italian.
- Oh!
With an arm for a dick.
- An Italian.
- Like the sweet potatoes,
you know, the ones we adore.
I miss getting ass-fucked so much.
He always speaks Italian.
I don't get a single word,
but I play along.
I bought an apartment.
I love it. It's a palace.
You're welcome to visit anytime, though.
Well, what would I do in Madrid?
Yeah, right, with this face in Madrid.
Nah, there's nothing to look forward to.
I'm gonna stay right here.
It's done.
I got you something.
What something?
I met Sara
And she gave an autograph for you.
You really met her?
We all know each other, Manolito.
Listen to me now.
Live your own life, Joselito
and live your life for me.
You hear me?
I love you.
I have to go.
The driver's waiting in the limousine.
See you soon, Manolito.
Every night
on the telly.
You have one new message.
I am very sorry, Cristina.
I'll never hurt you again.
I have never hit a woman before.
I don't know what happened.
I love you.
Give me another chance.
Please. Mi manchi, honey.
You have no more messages.
I'm home.
Come over.
Is it sore?
This? Hmm, not at all.
It's just a bang on a door, my dear.
Shit happens.
Hey, what happened to you?
Well, shit happens.
I was at a concert
and got thrown a tomato.
That's from a tomato?
I doubt that entirely, my friend.
No, no, no, no, no, but then
a guy got a little heated
and decided to get upgraded
to something more solid.
This was a cocktail glass.
Those motherfuckers.
Cocktail glasses.
What an upgrade.
Hey, love, you're
the lemon song guy, aren't you?
I am. My name's Juan Antonio,
and since I sing in Spanish,
Juan Antonio Canta.
Well, my name is Cristina,
and since I sting,
they call me La Veneno.
A pleasure.
You smoke?
Well, more for me.
Hey, my love
so why'd they throw those tomatoes?
'Cause I want to sing my own songs.
Obviously the concert is yours.
It's not set up for Marta Sánchez.
People don't want to listen to my songs.
They only want to hear that one song
and not even the whole thing.
The whole thing?
Well, but isn't it
just lemons up above, lemons down below?
No way. There's more to it,
way more, but the thing is,
when I came here,
I was forced to sing only the chorus,
you know, to make it easier,
to make it catchier to sing.
And, well, now here I am.
I want you to sing the whole thing.
The skipped part, sing it to me.
We're alone here.
Come on. Sing it now.
Tanto que hablar
Well, I love it.
Such a shame they won't
let you sing the whole song.
careful with television.
It only wants more and more
catchy choruses from you.
And if you keep giving it to 'em,
you may end up singing that
and nothing more.
Juan Antonio, rehearsal.
Nice to meet you, my love.
Silence, please.
Juan Antonio, ready, and rehearsal's up.
Un lemon y medio lemon
Y dos limones y medio lemon
Tres limones y medio lemon
Cinco limones y medio lemon
Seis limones y medio lemon
Siete limones y medio lemon
Ocho limones y medio lemon
Un lemon y medio lemon
Dos limones y medio lemon
Tres limones
Marcela, what are you
doing here all alone?
Who's looking after her right now?
Each of us a little.
Listen, Pepe told me
he wants to speak to you.
Come on. Let's go.
He's in his office.
Tres limones y medio lemon
Mari, for Christ's sake,
mind your own business.
I'm sorry, but it is my business.
It is when the team calls,
asking me if we are
really so fucking stupid
to risk everything
we have achieved so far.
Do you really want to go
back to Channel Three?
We got kicked out of there two years ago.
- It's for the money.
- No.
May I?
Just a second, dear.
Are you sure?
Mari, it's not a good moment.
Now do me a damn favor,
and get out of my office.
That's always been your style, hasn't it?
What's going on?
Have him. He's all yours.
Sit down.
Sit, and take off your shades.
Cristina, take them off now.
I know what's wrong.
Who did that?
A client, right?
It was a client.
Listen, Cristina.
For, uh, the program, for us,
you're very important,
and my responsibility
is to look after you.
Don't worry about me, Pepe.
I can look after myself. Please.
No, you can't do that, Cristina.
You gotta quit the streets,
never go back to the Park of the West.
No going back to the Park of the West?
That park is where all of my friends are,
all of my family.
That's my place.
No, you're wrong,
and the sooner you realize that,
the sooner you'll grow.
Are you gonna pay me as much money
as I make working
in that park? Are you?
- Excuse me?
- You heard me, my love.
Unless you and the show
pay me what I earn there,
my pussy will not leave the streets.
But, Cristina, that's not fair at all.
It is what it is, Pepe.
As you wish.
Out of my office.
All right, out it is, then.
She seems unstoppable.
She hires gunmen, and she's
more and more sophisticate,
but where does she train herself?
Where does she live?
Mari. Cristina here.
What's going on?
Not a single call this week.
Timing is looking really
tight this week, Cristina.
But you said the same thing
last week and the week before.
Well, we'll see if next week
we can squeeze you in, all right?
Next week?
Should I call again tomorrow?
Listen. Don't worry.
We'll give you a call, okay?
Yeah, right.
You'll call me, sure.
I'll be waiting, Mari.
Stop calling them.
Let them call you instead.
Manola, you stay out of it.
I'm quite worried and fed up right now,
so I don't need your comments.
for answers that might shed
some light on the situation.
Let's see the report.
still on the scene
collecting evidence
I can't believe
all you ever do is get high!
- Huh?
- What the fuck
do you think my house is, an after-party?
- Shut up!
- Respect my home!
- Stop it, you two.
- Did you hear me?
I don't want your lazy ass here
getting high all day.
- Shut up!
- You're just a fucking junkie,
and I can't stand you.
- A junkie?
- Get out!
Cristina! Please stop.
A junkie? And you? Huh?
Nobody loves you.
Not the television show.
Not even your mother.
Not even my mother?
Yeah, and who loves you?
If it wasn't for me,
you'll be giving blow jobs
at the Black & White.
You think you are
the prettiest, right? Right?
Go get ass-fucked, you jerk!
- Fuck you!
- Please stop it.
- Puttana di merda.
- All right, enough.
- Just get out.
- I'm going to hit you.
- What? You gonna hit me?
- I will! Sì!
You gonna hit me?
You're such a bastard!
Get out of my house!
- You can't tell me!
- Fuck off. Get out of here.
- What do you want?
- Get out of here!
Get the fuck out!
Fuck off, you son of a bitch!
Cristina, please calm down, sweetheart.
Relax. Calm down,
Put something on,
and let's go to West Park.
Come on. Let's go, Cristina.
Come on. Let's go.
I'm not going to the park, Manola.
Why not? Well, then,
please have a drink,
and lay down, relax,
and we'll see you tomorrow.
You don't get it, do you?
That park is for you two,
just a pair of prostitutes.
You're crossing the line.
Please stop.
What line am I crossing?
This is my house.
Haven't you noticed
where you all are standing?
What the hell are you?
- What am I?
- Huh? A star?
A star. That's right.
Yeah, I have it all.
And I have my house,
my boyfriend, lots of cash.
Boyfriend? The one
that just stormed out?
At least I have a boyfriend, my dear.
- Is that a boyfriend?
- But you, what do you have?
Years piling up,
and a disease that's
devouring you from the inside.
- Cristina.
- My God, Cristina.
Fuck off now.
I'm leaving, Paca.
What are you doing, Cristina?
For God's sake.
- Back off now.
- Jesus, Cristina.
- Back off, Paca.
- Have you no pity
or sense of shame?
After everything she's done for you?
- Go with her.
- Let's go, Paca.
Just go. Leave with Manola.
Get out!
Paca, let's go.
Leave the star alone.
Prostitutes don't belong here.
Enjoy yourself, big star.
Come on, Paca.
Hi, Loli. Welcome.
So Loli is your name, right?
Yes, that's right.
Eh, I've heard you are
some sort of goddess
of the night in Madrid, is that true?
Well, yeah.
To be perfectly honest,
professionally I'm very good at my job.
By job and professionally,
what do you mean?
Exactly what is it that
Well, prostitution of course, my dear.
Prostitution, yeah, and how
do you hook the clients?
What do you do?
Well, I like to be playful,
my hair, the killer eyes, my hips.
I like to be seen to be admired.
One of the things I love
is to feel wanted.
Tell me I'm the most beautiful.
You are the most beautiful.
You are.
Say it to me, you dog.
You're the most beautiful.
Ah, do you like my dress?
- Yes.
- Oh, you like my tits, huh?
- Oh, Veneno's tits!
- Yes.
Tell me I'm beautiful.
- You're the most beautiful.
- I'm a goddess.
- Say it.
- You're a goddess.
Don't I look like Brigitte Bardot?
- I'm Raquel Welch.
- Yes.
- Who am I?
- La Veneno.
- I'm La Veneno. Say it.
- La Veneno. La Veneno.
- Say it!
- La Ven La Veneno.
I'm a goddess. Say my name.
La Veneno.
I'll do as you say.
I won't go back to West Park,
but I'm gonna need one thing from you.
Bring my mother.
I need to see her.
But tell us, why are you so scared of
How I would be scared of the truth?
I am not scared of the truth.
In fact, we we have a lot of documents.
- Mama.
- I have a video
that can corroborate it,
plain and simple.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Stop, stop, stop.
Look at me.
- you have a video?
- Yes, of course I do.
- You do?
- Mm-hmm.
But how did you get it all of a sudden?
I can't tell you who my source is.
If you didn't wanna see me
then why'd you come to the show?
I enjoy having nice things
and living the good life.
I love the chance
to be on television, Joselito.
Wait. Do you do you think
that your childhood was
more difficult than mine?
Oh, poor thing.
They called you faggot in Adra.
What do you know about my childhood?
You don't know about my father,
all those nights coming back drunk
and then beating all of us. Huh?
No, Joselito.
You are not special.
I might not be special to you.
But everyone else loves me.
Why don't you love me?
I used to love Joselito.
I don't know who you are.
Cristina, you gotta get ready.
Come on, my love.
Let's go.
Ladies and gentleman, here comes
the most twinkling TV star,
Cristina La Veneno!
Uh, María José, tell us,
uh, do you feel proud of your daughter?
I mean your son, your daughter.
I'm not sure which word
you'd like to use.
I'd say my
Say, "your son."
Don't choke on it.
Say, "your son."
My dad calls me "daughter."
You call me "son."
I'm right in front of you,
and still the world could up and end,
and you'd still call me
your son, Joselito.
You have to at least give me that
I've spent many years calling you my son.
Sure, I was born with a flute,
but now I've got a harmonica.
Who's sitting in front of you, a guy?
- No.
- Who is sitting here?
No, no, no, I know you had a procedure
and turned into a woman.
Well, that's it.
Exactly. I'm a woman.
Haven't you seen my rack?
I just don't get it.
By rack, you mean your breasts?
I mean, I hide my pussy in my crack!
María José, you haven't answered.
Do you feel proud of your son?
how could I feel proud of this, huh?
Don't you think your son
has had his share of pain
to make it here?
Well, yeah, just like I have.
Both of us have had
our share of pain, us both
I'm the only one who has suffered.
Can't you remember the beatings
you gave me for being a faggot?
Excuse me?
My mother almost beat me to death.
Have you forgotten about that, too?
María José, huh?
Okay. I'm gonna
tell you one thing here.
There are many like him, tons of them.
Some are shameless,
and others are more discreet.
They're gays dressed as men, okay?
And there are gays that,
even though that's the case,
are more sensible
with the people around them.
And what would you like me to be?
One of those manlike gays
who have a wifey at home,
but then at nighttime,
they go out with the other guys
to get ass-fucked?
- No, no, no.
- Want me to be one of those?
- I don't want that.
- Like the one we both know
you don't want me to talk about?
I'd better shut up, be quiet,
because if I turned out this way,
it's because genes
have played a role, Mom.
Well, that is how genetics work, right?
Oh, no, it wasn't my father's family.
It's in your family's genes.
You hear me?
Okay, okay.
Drop it, Cristina.
Let's not not get into that today.
Uh, María José,
what happened in the village?
Well, nothing.
To be honest, I mean, back home,
yeah, there were some people
that did turn against him,
but I guess it's normal.
And who are those people?
Tell me, huh?
All their children
are either drug addicts
or even homeless
and living on the street.
They had better bite right down
on their own tongues,
because I had no idea
how to even smoke a joint
or drink a whiskey.
- Are you listening?
- But I maybe
All I want is a nice outfit.
- But I've never had any drugs.
- But you
So the gossip spreaders should
learn what honesty tastes like
and take all those words back,
because gossip rots on the tongue.
- But
- Both gossip
and emotional blackmail.
What are you implying?
What are you even trying to say?
I can say whatever I want to.
No, you can't say that, Joselito.
- I say whatever I want.
- You must stop.
There's no Joselito here.
Cristina Ortíz Rodríguez.
Remember that, Mom.
What you mean is that you have always
been someone truthful to yourself
and that you have followed
the path you chose.
I can say out loud this girl
is transgender, oh, yes, sir.
I have no reason to deny it.
Do you understand?
But back in that small town,
I had to apologize for doing this
or doing some other shit.
My mother says they were jealous
of me for being handsome.
Well, it wasn't because I was handsome.
I was gay, and they hated me for it,
and they couldn't even look at me.
Do you understand now?
Mother, do you see now?
Now you know.
Ladies and gents, Cristina La Veneno.
Are you okay?
Cristi. Cristi.
Take the dress off!
Take this off of me!
Shh. Shh.
I'm here for you.
It's gonna be okay.
I'll be here for you forever.
Hey, the mug is mine.
Pepe, what's happening?
It's over.
What's over? What do you mean?
Everything. We're getting fired.
Wait. What?
That's right.
But now what?
There's nothing left for us here.
- Leave.
- Excuse me, Mr. Navarro.
I've been told that I have
to ask you to leave the TV set.
best of luck.
What are you still doing here?
Do you need a lift somewhere?
Where are you going?
I don't know.
You coming?
Yeah, just a sec.
I'm so sorry, Cristina.
That's heavy, right, Cristina?
See you later.
Es más caprichosa que tú
De reírte en el suelo
Joselito, Cristina Veneno
Televisión, realidad
Llámalo destino
Llámalo casualidad
De reírte en el suelo
Joselito, Cristina Veneno
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