Veronika (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

The Seance

He was injured or something,
but he was there.
He's got a whole hockey team to
How is Tomas? Did it hit him hard?
This thing with Hanna.
He was so dedicated with her.
Let me go!
It's unlike her, partying like this,
I hope it's not because she
was taken off the relay team.
He's contacted you.
What does he want?
She wanted you to have pills.
She was very decisive, your mum.
Did something happen?
I've seen Sten Ljungman.
Come. Sit.
Did you medicate me
when I was little?
You weren't well.
I felt it was the only solution.
And at the time, it was.
You were having hallucinations.
You said you saw Dad.
What if I really did see him?
Are you unwell again?
You have to go on sick leave,
It cannot be allowed
go as far as last time.
-Think of Liv and Simon.
-For how long did you give me pills?
For as long as it was necessary.
How long?
-Until you moved out.
-Until I moved out?
You remember
those iron supplement pills
you took?
That was the medicine.
So that autumn, when I moved out,
when I felt so awful, was that
Was I having withdrawals?
And you told me to go to the doctor
and get sedatives prescribed.
-You me a fucking drug addict!
-I gave you a life, Veronika.
You were happy.
You met Tomas, you got an education,
you had children.
None of that would have happened
if I hadn't medicated you.
How do you know?
He said he got money.
That you gave him money. What money?
We didn't have any money.
Ivar gave us the money.
The accident happened
at his factory.
He understood that we'd struggle,
economically, after Dad died,
so he wanted to make a contribution.
And you used that money to drug me?
I don't know what to say, Veronika.
You needed it.
Those pills.
You needed them.
And you still need them.
What are you doing?
You're the lady from the store
My name is Veronika Gren,
I'm from the police.
Okay, why are you
sneaking around here?
Because we've taken another look
at Josefin Forss' case
and I need to ask some questions.
Okay. You'll have to talk to Anita.
I don't understand why
you're asking these questions.
Josefin's murderer was convicted.
He's in prison.
It is actually about another case,
we're seeing some crossover.
What do you mean by crossover?
Unfortunately I can't get into that
because of the ongoing
investigation, but
do you know if Josefin knew
The ice hockey player?
Is he involved somehow?
Did she know him?
No, I don't think so.
My daughter rode horses,
that's all she did.
She was talented, she competed.
She had really good results,
she was
She was my little
little girl.
To lose
And you were inseparable.
Like sisters.
Julia and Josefin.
I would never have
managed without you.
When I'm with Julia, it's almost
as if I'm with Josefin.
Where did you get that necklace?
It was Josefin's.
It was? Let me see.
I haven't seen it before,
who gave her that?
I don't know.
She gave it to me.
Simon. How is everything?
-Is the hearing protection working?
When you're doing homework,
is there any difference?
Yes, because Dad usually helps me
with that, Mum doesn't have time.
It's like that sometimes.
Alright, go on your break now.
See you, good work today. Bye.
Looking good, Liv.
Come on! All the way.
Great, good work.
Tomorrow we'll do reaction training
and starting technique.
Good work today.
This is the focus I like to see.
Listen, I was thinking,
I think it's time for you
to get your spot on the team back.
Seriously? Thank you so much!
You don't need to thank me.
I'm sorry about the other day.
That's okay.
We've all had our first
and only time getting drunk.
It happens to the best of us. What's
important is what you do from here.
It'll be good.
Hi, Sofia, Veronika here.
I think I have to
call in sick today.
I don't know, maybe something I ate.
Yes, thanks.
Where did you have sex?
We were always
in my dad's hunting cabin.
Where is that?
It's at Jalmossen.
Where Hanna was found murdered.
Hey, Sofia?
-Is Veronika off, sick?
Yes, unfortunately.
So you met there,
to have strangulation sex.
Things like that can easily
go too far, right?
We don't do open practices.
I'm sorry, are you talking to me?
You heard me.
I don't consider myself a spectator,
if that's what you mean.
If you go after Alex,
you go after the whole team.
My name is Veronika.
Do you mind if
I record this conversation?
I'm part of a new group
with the police,
we're mapping out
deviant behaviour in convicted
So this is not an interrogation?
Why didn't you say that
to start with?
Yes, that's fine.
You are convicted of,
and have confessed to,
a large number of
sexual assaults against children.
And the murder of Josefin Forss.
Is that correct?
Mm. That's right.
-Among your victims
-No, not victims.
Among your acquaintances,
Josefin stands out.
Matilda, five years old.
Saga, ten years old.
Ingrid, six years old. And so on.
Josefin was older.
She was a teenager, so that's
an uncommonly big age gap.
So my question is,
why did you contact Josefin?
It was easier.
Sex drive is already developing when
the fetus is still in the womb.
Did you know that?
At a very young age, preschool age,
some children start to masturbate
and have crushes.
Why deny it?
Forbid what is a natural human urge.
Who does that?
The parents.
They want to protect
their innocent little children.
Panicking at the thought that
their offspring could feel
sexual urges and pleasures.
And even long to feel a connection
and love for
another adult than them.
If we just step back a moment,
you said it was easier with Josefin.
It got too complicated,
always keeping the parents away.
Much easier to find
fairly young girls online.
You know
I give you a designer handbag,
you give me pictures.
But Josefin
She lied.
She lied? About what?
She seemed much younger at first.
In the photos she sent,
she wasn't nearly as
And I don't tolerate any dishonesty.
So, you killed her?
She disappointed me.
And when I didn't want to pay,
she tried to leave.
I couldn't let that happen.
Is Josefin the only older girl
that you've been in contact with?
Let me put it like this
It's not particularly difficult.
Teenage girls'
need for affirmation is insatiable.
Either they're self absorbed
or they're broken.
Either way, they just
want to be seen.
You said that Josefin looked older
in the pictures.
Was it her age in itself, or her
appearance that disappointed you?
What do you mean?
I mean, as long as
the girls look young,
it doesn't really matter
whether they're 12 or 16?
Now I know why you're here.
You're wondering if I murdered
Hanna Hagman.
Did you?
Did you murder Hanna?
We're done.
What the hell are you doing?
I'm not involved, talk to Roland.
I don't think you do.
I just want to ask you a question
about the game in Leksand, 2017.
How should I know?
That was ages ago.
Because you took his spot.
The first and only time you played
as forward in the starting lineup.
You scored three goals,
you won with a big lead.
You don't seem to understand.
It's a young girl's life
we're talking about here.
Hi, I'm upstairs.
-Ah, there you are.
-Are those the new shoes?
-Yeah, they're really cool,
but can I go play?
Yeah, dinner isn't ready yet.
Is Veronika home?
No, she hasn't come home yet.
Listen, Tomas, I have to
talk to you about something.
I'm worried about Veronika,
she's not well.
All this digging into the past
is not good for her.
What do you mean?
This thing with the therapy and
she's thinking about Bengt's death.
It's just throwing her off-balance.
I mean, she's very stressed.
She's got a lot at work.
It could be that.
Can you talk to her?
Thanks for you help tonight.
-What are you doing here?
-I was just leaving.
-Let's not forget my bag.
-She's bought shoes for Simon.
What was that about?
How's it going, with Susanna?
Because you haven't really told me
anything you've talked about.
Nothing in particular has come up.
We talked a little about my dad.
I thought this is what you wanted?
Yeah, I want you to get better.
That's what I want.
I'm worried about you.
Ann-Charlotte is worried about you.
We can see that something's wrong.
You can talk to me.
You're becoming unwell again, right?
Like before, when
-Can I have ice cream?
-Yes, of course.
Hey, just one for you.
No, well
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Welcome back, I hope you feel
You've got a visitor.
-Hi, Johan.
How can I help you?
I can't let go of what you said,
that it's a young girl's
You have to understand that Alex
he is the team.
I've understood that Johan.
But this isn't about
ice hockey anymore.
I understand that your loyalties
are with the team, but
Veronika? Can you come
into my office a moment?
I got a phone call from Anita Forss.
What were you doing there?
At the stables.
I was thinking that Josefin's
murderer maybe killed Hanna as well.
Right, does Nassir know about this?
Yes, he doesn't think
there's a connection.
No And this is Nassir's case.
Your job is to assist him,
not to run your own investigation.
I really think that
listen carefully.
You call in sick, and go, on your
own initiative, to the Forss family.
In spite of your superior telling
you not to continue on that lead.
This is a warning.
Alex wasn't even there.
-At the game?
-He wasn't in Leksand that weekend.
-He has no alibi.
-I'll be damned
Good work, Nassir.
We can bring him in then.
We're done here.
Will he be interrogated right away?
No, Nassir wanted him
to sweat overnight.
Hey sweetie.
They told me you needed new ones.
-I can't stay very long today.
Simon told me
a girl has been killed.
They think they've caught
the perpetrator.
But you're not so sure.
Maybe you could talk to them?
With who?
The girls, of course.
Oh right. No, they're dead,
That's a shame.
How awful.
Hi, excuse me.
I'll be back tomorrow.
Yes, you go, see you.
Am I interrupting?
No, not at all.
I just found out that you
helped me and my mum with money,
when I was little.
I just wanted to say thank you.
That was so long ago,
you don't need to thank me.
Yes, I do.
Dad, I have to go, okay? See you.
I just wanted to tell you
that Liv is really happy
that you're giving
her another chance.
Yeah, well, if you deserve it, you
get a spot. The same for everyone.
She's really motivated.
That's good. We've got practice now.
-See you.
Hi, Veronika.
Hi. Can I come in?
Yes. Yes, of course.
It's a shame Veronika
couldn't be here today either.
But it's okay if just one of us
answer the questions, right?
Yes, of course. No worries.
I'm assuming you've got
the same knowledge
of Simon's life and behaviour,
so it's fine.
It's pretty common that one
of the parents fill those forms out.
But in 90% of cases,
it's the mothers.
Yes, I would imagine so.
Yes well, I'll leave you alone
for a bit.
Yeah, alright.
I haven't done
anything like this before.
That's okay.
I'll help you.
I've tried contacting him, myself.
But I can't get through.
And Martin, he's
He's has shut himself off.
It's like when his sister died.
His family just stopped talking
about her, as if she didn't exist.
Which makes it We can't..
Oskar existed.
He exists.
And he needs to know
that I love him.
That I miss him.
Give me your hands.
I want you to close your eyes.
I don't know if this will work.
Let him come.
You have to let him come here.
What do you feel? Is he here?
Can you speak to him?
What's wrong, Veronika?
Let me go. Veronika.
Let me go.
Let me go!
That wasn't Oskar.
I want you to leave. Out.
Out! Get out of here.
Go away!
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