Video Nasty (2025) s01e05 Episode Script
Pray for Our Souls
Since when did you drop
out of honours maths?
When you were out
sick. For weeks.
I caught my dad sleeping
with someone else.
You're going to have to tell
Con eventually, you know.
You actually think you're
going to meet your dream girl?
Shut up! That's not true, is it?
Now, we can get to
know each other fully.
There's some fucked up family,
and they're going to put us
on the hook for everything.
Detectives are keen to speak to
three teenagers from Ireland.
I slept with someone else.
Everything that's happened,
it's not your fault, OK?
Oh, God!
REPORTER: At first glance,
Ashdale is a typical English
village, but 300 years ago,
the people of this town
sacrificed some of their own
to save Britain from the
spread of the plague.
They quarantined themselves,
shutting the town off
from the outside world.
And though hundreds died,
thousands were saved.
Each year, the townspeople
march from the parish church
to the old village to commemorate
their ancestors' sacrifice,
burning straw dolls on a ceremonial
pyre, symbolising those who died.
Being from Ashdale,
embracing that heritage,
it's about playing our part to
keep the devil from the door.
And each year they add to the pyre
a symbol of something they wish
to purge from the world.
Well, it's the centenary,
so we're keen to
make a big statement
with our symbol this year.
Something that speaks
to society's problems.
With everyone doing their bit,
this is the town that
kept out the Black Death
and gave itself life.
Open up! Stupid!
Are you in there?
ZOE: There's obviously no-one
here, it's the middle of the night.
Why is it closed?
I thought they'd have
people working shifts.
If you were running a huge
manhunt for psycho killers,
would you run it out of here?
OK, well, we'll have
to get in somehow.
Are you sure this
is a good idea?
What else are we going to do?
If we wait outside, we're
sitting ducks. Yeah.
Sitting ducks holding a drill.
At least try and
hide it, will you?
Where? What, in my kecks?
Come on, let's try
round the back.
There has to be another door.
You have to find a weak spot.
OK, just give me
a shot, will you?
I know, Billy, I know what I'm
doing. Come on, give me a shot.
You're not even using the sharp bit.
Because I don't want to break it!
They're not going to sweat a window
when we show them what we found.
Do we really have to
listen to that all night?
Welcome to my world.
Can we not just wake them up?
Oh, no. She was very
clear on the phone.
No check in after 10pm.
What time does the station open?
The detectives won't be
there until nine. So
Are you all right?
After earlier?
I'm fine.
I've been saying the
same thing for ten years.
Doesn't make it true, does it?
I knew, though.
I knew all along.
I'm not stupid.
The more you know
BOTH: the more you
don't want to know.
Get some sleep
now. Big day ahead.
Everything OK?
Bit of a nasty kerfuffle.
Speak when you're spoken to!
I were
..barely there. I didn't
even see anything.
Joe's out looking.
Suited and booted.
He has his radio.
If anyone sees them
anywhere, we'll get them.
What then?
You don't need to
worry about that.
That's for the senior
members of the family.
Now, say your prayers
and get into bed.
BILLY: We need to eat something.
CON: Well, I need a drink.
What are you doing?
Don't mess with anything.
Should be something
here about those bodies.
I mean, what was that?
They're not going to leave murder
files lying around, are they?
These people are missing.
It should be big news,
posters, the lot. There
has to be something here.
What are you doing?
We can't wait till morning.
Have you thought about how
you're going to explain all this?
Emergency. Which
service do you require?
Hi! Er, hello, yes.
I need the police
to come right away.
Certainly, sir.
What's your emergency?
Well, we just need
to talk to them.
We'll explain everything
when they get here.
Tell them about the bodies.
That's not an emergency.
Is anyone hurt?
No, we're fine, but
it's very urgent.
OK, so what's the crime, sir?
No. You see, we actually
haven't committed a crime.
We're totally innocent.
We're in the police
station in Ashdale,
and we just need
someone to come.
So, you're in a police
station calling the police
to get them to come
to the police station.
Is this a prank? No, no!
We know who the killers are.
We found loads of dead
bodies in a slurry pit.
OK. Very funny.
Go sober up
and please keep this line
free for real emergencies.
No, just send a car, please.
But you better not
be wasting our time.
Thank you.
We need clear heads
when they get here.
Hello. You've reached
the Power household.
We're not in
They'd sleep through
a nuclear blast.
Do you want to try your place?
What was it like?
When she left?
I was just confused.
I didn't know what to say to
Billy, so I didn't say anything.
Can I ask you a
personal question?
It's a bit late for that.
Do you find me attractive?
It's just, Frank never
comes near me any more.
It's as though I'm invisible.
You are a beautiful woman.
I don't think
that's the problem.
What? What do you
think is the problem?
Tell me.
HE SIGHS You know,
this week has shown me
you two really
love your children.
But you do not love each other.
Not any more.
Just give me one second, OK?
Look. I'm sorry.
No. It's OK. I shouldn't
have said anything.
No. It's fine.
Do you know? You and
me, we should just
get off with each
other and get even.
He wouldn't even care.
You know that's not true.
You could kiss me right now would not fix even
one thing in your life.
It's Baltic in here!
Need some heat.
You'll waste the petrol.
Frank. Five minutes, Maureen.
It's all we need.
Not one thing.
Five people missing, it
should be national news.
Maybe it goes deeper.
Maybe everyone's in on it.
What's that?
It's her. It has to be.
Her name was Kate.
Fangoria Fangirl.
She was
She was the girl that
was killed in the woods.
We don't know that.
Maybe you were writing to
that mentaler all along.
You could have been on their
hook right from the start.
I wasn't!
They took her letters, all
right? And then they killed her.
How do you know? I just do.
He couldn't have written what
she wrote to me, all right?
She genuinely cared about
me and now she's gone.
We shouldn't be messing
with stuff in here.
Put it back. What's
your problem?
Nothing. We just We just don't
know anything about her, that's all.
Go easy on him, yeah? Why?
She's dead and he's
being a dick about it.
That's not fair.
You never told him this
whole trip was about her,
and I never.
Nobody's been honest with him.
Come on, take some.
What happened to clear heads?
You're not going to
have one in a minute.
What's going on?
A while back I came home early
from school one day and
..Dad was there.
And he was with
..other woman.
And they were know.
Well, not right in
the middle of it.
Sorry. Uh, um
He told me to keep it a secret.
Said he'd fix it.
He lied about that, too.
Around the time I stopped
coming out of my room.
That was cos of Dad.
Why are you only
telling me this now?
You had months, Zoe.
And you spent most of them acting
like I did something to you.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Con Just leave me alone!
RADIO DJ: Rise and
shine. It's 6am,
and we're starting
your day the right way.
I didn't mean to You know.
You're telling the wrong person.
I have a picture ♪
Leave it.
I like this song.
An image of you and me
And we're laughing
We're loving ♪
You actually think you're right
about everything, don't you?
What a horrible disease.
Biggest pricks in the
world always think
they're right about everything.
Don't be one of them, Billy.
Hold me now ♪
I'm so tired.
Warm my heart ♪
Of everything.
Let loving start
Let loving start
You say I'm a dreamer ♪
Sorry! You know,
that was I
We're two of a kind
Both of us searching
for some perfect ♪
No! Jesus.
We'll never find
So perhaps I should leave
I didn't Con, that wasn't
Yeah, and go far away
Oh, Jesus.
There's nowhere that
I'd rather be ♪
How did I not see it?
See what?
You don't have to
We nearly died, OK? Uh
You're obviously
more than friends.
What? What? I'm
We're not like
I'm not I'm not
saying that you're
It's just that Con
Shut the fuck up, Zoe!
Shit! Sorry! Sorry!
Forget I said anything!
Oh, warm my heart
Stay with me ♪
What the hell was
that, Zoe?! I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to Mean
to what? Ruin my life?
I'm really sorry.
You're sorry?
Look, listen, if
If you are
..then's OK.
It's him. Who?
That psycho from the cow shed.
Come on! Quick!
Why did you bring us into the
only room with no windows?!
How was I supposed to know?
You know she's talking shite.
All that before,
she's probably drunk.
WHISPERS: Shut up! You
want to get us killed?
What are you doing here?
I answered the dispatch.
Yeah. Sorry.
I were up.
I thought I'd come in
early and check it out.
Looks like some jokers broke in.
Messing about.
All gone now.
OK, well, let's get this place
cleaned up and file a report.
Big day ahead with the festival.
Oh, and, um, the team are
coming down from Chesterfield
after the sightings yesterday.
Do you want some tea and toast?
Er, please.
Milk, two sugars.
No rush.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Why is everything spinning?
Cos you necked a load of whisky.
We We need to stop.
Where are we going?
Don't look at me.
The police station
was your big idea.
If he's police,
where does this stop?
Don't know. OK?
I don't know if we're in the Texas
Chainsaw or the Wicker Man here.
It's either one fucked up family
or a whole fucked up town.
Well, I'm not waiting
around to find out.
Where are you going?
Anywhere but here.
Just keep going.
Come on.
I'm not going with her.
Not after what they did to Kate.
I'm going back to get the tape.
Are you off your head? No.
No, no, no, no, no. I'm
finally seeing clearly.
Why are we running?
We're the ones with the drill.
That doesn't make
it a good idea!
That's a stupid drunken idea!
This is the part in the film
where you shout, "Don't go back!"
They killed her.
And I'm going to get that tape.
They don't get to win.
I'm not a loser, Con.
Oh, come on, I'm not
waiting! Wait, Zoe!
She's going the wrong way.
Is she? Yeah, where
the fuck are we?!
The quickest way to Chesterfield
is back through these woods.
Past that shed.
We can run in, we
can grab it quickly.
They'll be out
looking for us, so
Billy, don't be stupid.
Billy, stop! You're
being mental!
You're the mentaler!
Your whole family's messed up!
Even you.
Fuck you!
You're a dead weight.
I should have came by myself.
This is all your fault!
You're the one who's the weirdo.
Not me.
I know it's hard to hear
this, but the evidence
against them is substantial.
And when we find them,
they're going to be arrested,
and then they're
going to be charged.
Oh, really? So that's it, is it?
Well, I don't know
what else to say.
I mean, thanks for coming all
this way, but unless they get
in contact somehow, there's
not really much you can do.
Just let us do our jobs.
And what job is this, huh?
Because it seems you
have been standing around
while everyone else is
coming with pitchforks.
Well, I can assure you nothing
like that is going to happen.
They are going to be
arrested and charged
and then given a fair trial
by Her Majesty's Court.
Hang on a second.
Isn't it supposed to be
innocent until proven guilty?
Well, that's for the jury.
All we care about is
who we need to arrest.
And right now,
that is your kids.
Now, I know,
I know you probably thought they
were little angels, but this
This is what happens
without proper discipline.
You see, the thing is I
don't think this is helping.
Oh, wind your neck in, Lisa.
No-one asked you to row in.
Your children are guilty.
Face facts.
They're not who you
thought they were.
What an absolute prick!
Look, about yesterday
and the, um know. I think we
should talk about it.
My God, are you
actually serious?
Like, I can't deal
with this now. OK?
We'll talk about it later.
Thinks he knows everything.
That man has no tact.
Yeah, it's kind of
annoying, isn't it?
They're already tried
and convicted here.
We need to find them
before the police do.
Well, we are going to need
a full tank of petrol. OK.
Please, God, just get
me the fuck out of here.
Sorry for cursing.
I just want to go
back to being normal.
And I promise I'll be normal.
Fancy a lift, love?
Hey! Hey! Put it down, son.
So hard to get a
reliable battery.
Look, I don't want any
trouble, all right?
I just want to take
my tape and go home.
Those things have
poisoned your mind.
You're the one who's
fucking poisoned.
I read your letters, you know.
What you needed
was a good mother.
Don't you dare talk
about my mother.
Oh, Jesus. No!
Since when did you drop
out of honours maths?
When you were out
sick. For weeks.
I caught my dad sleeping
with someone else.
You're going to have to tell
Con eventually, you know.
You actually think you're
going to meet your dream girl?
Shut up! That's not true, is it?
Now, we can get to
know each other fully.
There's some fucked up family,
and they're going to put us
on the hook for everything.
Detectives are keen to speak to
three teenagers from Ireland.
I slept with someone else.
Everything that's happened,
it's not your fault, OK?
Oh, God!
REPORTER: At first glance,
Ashdale is a typical English
village, but 300 years ago,
the people of this town
sacrificed some of their own
to save Britain from the
spread of the plague.
They quarantined themselves,
shutting the town off
from the outside world.
And though hundreds died,
thousands were saved.
Each year, the townspeople
march from the parish church
to the old village to commemorate
their ancestors' sacrifice,
burning straw dolls on a ceremonial
pyre, symbolising those who died.
Being from Ashdale,
embracing that heritage,
it's about playing our part to
keep the devil from the door.
And each year they add to the pyre
a symbol of something they wish
to purge from the world.
Well, it's the centenary,
so we're keen to
make a big statement
with our symbol this year.
Something that speaks
to society's problems.
With everyone doing their bit,
this is the town that
kept out the Black Death
and gave itself life.
Open up! Stupid!
Are you in there?
ZOE: There's obviously no-one
here, it's the middle of the night.
Why is it closed?
I thought they'd have
people working shifts.
If you were running a huge
manhunt for psycho killers,
would you run it out of here?
OK, well, we'll have
to get in somehow.
Are you sure this
is a good idea?
What else are we going to do?
If we wait outside, we're
sitting ducks. Yeah.
Sitting ducks holding a drill.
At least try and
hide it, will you?
Where? What, in my kecks?
Come on, let's try
round the back.
There has to be another door.
You have to find a weak spot.
OK, just give me
a shot, will you?
I know, Billy, I know what I'm
doing. Come on, give me a shot.
You're not even using the sharp bit.
Because I don't want to break it!
They're not going to sweat a window
when we show them what we found.
Do we really have to
listen to that all night?
Welcome to my world.
Can we not just wake them up?
Oh, no. She was very
clear on the phone.
No check in after 10pm.
What time does the station open?
The detectives won't be
there until nine. So
Are you all right?
After earlier?
I'm fine.
I've been saying the
same thing for ten years.
Doesn't make it true, does it?
I knew, though.
I knew all along.
I'm not stupid.
The more you know
BOTH: the more you
don't want to know.
Get some sleep
now. Big day ahead.
Everything OK?
Bit of a nasty kerfuffle.
Speak when you're spoken to!
I were
..barely there. I didn't
even see anything.
Joe's out looking.
Suited and booted.
He has his radio.
If anyone sees them
anywhere, we'll get them.
What then?
You don't need to
worry about that.
That's for the senior
members of the family.
Now, say your prayers
and get into bed.
BILLY: We need to eat something.
CON: Well, I need a drink.
What are you doing?
Don't mess with anything.
Should be something
here about those bodies.
I mean, what was that?
They're not going to leave murder
files lying around, are they?
These people are missing.
It should be big news,
posters, the lot. There
has to be something here.
What are you doing?
We can't wait till morning.
Have you thought about how
you're going to explain all this?
Emergency. Which
service do you require?
Hi! Er, hello, yes.
I need the police
to come right away.
Certainly, sir.
What's your emergency?
Well, we just need
to talk to them.
We'll explain everything
when they get here.
Tell them about the bodies.
That's not an emergency.
Is anyone hurt?
No, we're fine, but
it's very urgent.
OK, so what's the crime, sir?
No. You see, we actually
haven't committed a crime.
We're totally innocent.
We're in the police
station in Ashdale,
and we just need
someone to come.
So, you're in a police
station calling the police
to get them to come
to the police station.
Is this a prank? No, no!
We know who the killers are.
We found loads of dead
bodies in a slurry pit.
OK. Very funny.
Go sober up
and please keep this line
free for real emergencies.
No, just send a car, please.
But you better not
be wasting our time.
Thank you.
We need clear heads
when they get here.
Hello. You've reached
the Power household.
We're not in
They'd sleep through
a nuclear blast.
Do you want to try your place?
What was it like?
When she left?
I was just confused.
I didn't know what to say to
Billy, so I didn't say anything.
Can I ask you a
personal question?
It's a bit late for that.
Do you find me attractive?
It's just, Frank never
comes near me any more.
It's as though I'm invisible.
You are a beautiful woman.
I don't think
that's the problem.
What? What do you
think is the problem?
Tell me.
HE SIGHS You know,
this week has shown me
you two really
love your children.
But you do not love each other.
Not any more.
Just give me one second, OK?
Look. I'm sorry.
No. It's OK. I shouldn't
have said anything.
No. It's fine.
Do you know? You and
me, we should just
get off with each
other and get even.
He wouldn't even care.
You know that's not true.
You could kiss me right now would not fix even
one thing in your life.
It's Baltic in here!
Need some heat.
You'll waste the petrol.
Frank. Five minutes, Maureen.
It's all we need.
Not one thing.
Five people missing, it
should be national news.
Maybe it goes deeper.
Maybe everyone's in on it.
What's that?
It's her. It has to be.
Her name was Kate.
Fangoria Fangirl.
She was
She was the girl that
was killed in the woods.
We don't know that.
Maybe you were writing to
that mentaler all along.
You could have been on their
hook right from the start.
I wasn't!
They took her letters, all
right? And then they killed her.
How do you know? I just do.
He couldn't have written what
she wrote to me, all right?
She genuinely cared about
me and now she's gone.
We shouldn't be messing
with stuff in here.
Put it back. What's
your problem?
Nothing. We just We just don't
know anything about her, that's all.
Go easy on him, yeah? Why?
She's dead and he's
being a dick about it.
That's not fair.
You never told him this
whole trip was about her,
and I never.
Nobody's been honest with him.
Come on, take some.
What happened to clear heads?
You're not going to
have one in a minute.
What's going on?
A while back I came home early
from school one day and
..Dad was there.
And he was with
..other woman.
And they were know.
Well, not right in
the middle of it.
Sorry. Uh, um
He told me to keep it a secret.
Said he'd fix it.
He lied about that, too.
Around the time I stopped
coming out of my room.
That was cos of Dad.
Why are you only
telling me this now?
You had months, Zoe.
And you spent most of them acting
like I did something to you.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Con Just leave me alone!
RADIO DJ: Rise and
shine. It's 6am,
and we're starting
your day the right way.
I didn't mean to You know.
You're telling the wrong person.
I have a picture ♪
Leave it.
I like this song.
An image of you and me
And we're laughing
We're loving ♪
You actually think you're right
about everything, don't you?
What a horrible disease.
Biggest pricks in the
world always think
they're right about everything.
Don't be one of them, Billy.
Hold me now ♪
I'm so tired.
Warm my heart ♪
Of everything.
Let loving start
Let loving start
You say I'm a dreamer ♪
Sorry! You know,
that was I
We're two of a kind
Both of us searching
for some perfect ♪
No! Jesus.
We'll never find
So perhaps I should leave
I didn't Con, that wasn't
Yeah, and go far away
Oh, Jesus.
There's nowhere that
I'd rather be ♪
How did I not see it?
See what?
You don't have to
We nearly died, OK? Uh
You're obviously
more than friends.
What? What? I'm
We're not like
I'm not I'm not
saying that you're
It's just that Con
Shut the fuck up, Zoe!
Shit! Sorry! Sorry!
Forget I said anything!
Oh, warm my heart
Stay with me ♪
What the hell was
that, Zoe?! I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to Mean
to what? Ruin my life?
I'm really sorry.
You're sorry?
Look, listen, if
If you are
..then's OK.
It's him. Who?
That psycho from the cow shed.
Come on! Quick!
Why did you bring us into the
only room with no windows?!
How was I supposed to know?
You know she's talking shite.
All that before,
she's probably drunk.
WHISPERS: Shut up! You
want to get us killed?
What are you doing here?
I answered the dispatch.
Yeah. Sorry.
I were up.
I thought I'd come in
early and check it out.
Looks like some jokers broke in.
Messing about.
All gone now.
OK, well, let's get this place
cleaned up and file a report.
Big day ahead with the festival.
Oh, and, um, the team are
coming down from Chesterfield
after the sightings yesterday.
Do you want some tea and toast?
Er, please.
Milk, two sugars.
No rush.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Why is everything spinning?
Cos you necked a load of whisky.
We We need to stop.
Where are we going?
Don't look at me.
The police station
was your big idea.
If he's police,
where does this stop?
Don't know. OK?
I don't know if we're in the Texas
Chainsaw or the Wicker Man here.
It's either one fucked up family
or a whole fucked up town.
Well, I'm not waiting
around to find out.
Where are you going?
Anywhere but here.
Just keep going.
Come on.
I'm not going with her.
Not after what they did to Kate.
I'm going back to get the tape.
Are you off your head? No.
No, no, no, no, no. I'm
finally seeing clearly.
Why are we running?
We're the ones with the drill.
That doesn't make
it a good idea!
That's a stupid drunken idea!
This is the part in the film
where you shout, "Don't go back!"
They killed her.
And I'm going to get that tape.
They don't get to win.
I'm not a loser, Con.
Oh, come on, I'm not
waiting! Wait, Zoe!
She's going the wrong way.
Is she? Yeah, where
the fuck are we?!
The quickest way to Chesterfield
is back through these woods.
Past that shed.
We can run in, we
can grab it quickly.
They'll be out
looking for us, so
Billy, don't be stupid.
Billy, stop! You're
being mental!
You're the mentaler!
Your whole family's messed up!
Even you.
Fuck you!
You're a dead weight.
I should have came by myself.
This is all your fault!
You're the one who's the weirdo.
Not me.
I know it's hard to hear
this, but the evidence
against them is substantial.
And when we find them,
they're going to be arrested,
and then they're
going to be charged.
Oh, really? So that's it, is it?
Well, I don't know
what else to say.
I mean, thanks for coming all
this way, but unless they get
in contact somehow, there's
not really much you can do.
Just let us do our jobs.
And what job is this, huh?
Because it seems you
have been standing around
while everyone else is
coming with pitchforks.
Well, I can assure you nothing
like that is going to happen.
They are going to be
arrested and charged
and then given a fair trial
by Her Majesty's Court.
Hang on a second.
Isn't it supposed to be
innocent until proven guilty?
Well, that's for the jury.
All we care about is
who we need to arrest.
And right now,
that is your kids.
Now, I know,
I know you probably thought they
were little angels, but this
This is what happens
without proper discipline.
You see, the thing is I
don't think this is helping.
Oh, wind your neck in, Lisa.
No-one asked you to row in.
Your children are guilty.
Face facts.
They're not who you
thought they were.
What an absolute prick!
Look, about yesterday
and the, um know. I think we
should talk about it.
My God, are you
actually serious?
Like, I can't deal
with this now. OK?
We'll talk about it later.
Thinks he knows everything.
That man has no tact.
Yeah, it's kind of
annoying, isn't it?
They're already tried
and convicted here.
We need to find them
before the police do.
Well, we are going to need
a full tank of petrol. OK.
Please, God, just get
me the fuck out of here.
Sorry for cursing.
I just want to go
back to being normal.
And I promise I'll be normal.
Fancy a lift, love?
Hey! Hey! Put it down, son.
So hard to get a
reliable battery.
Look, I don't want any
trouble, all right?
I just want to take
my tape and go home.
Those things have
poisoned your mind.
You're the one who's
fucking poisoned.
I read your letters, you know.
What you needed
was a good mother.
Don't you dare talk
about my mother.
Oh, Jesus. No!