Vindication (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Made Like New

(humming music)
(coin tinkling)
(sirens blaring)
(car beeping)
- So, next week is chapter seven.
But, before we go, are
there any prayer requests?
Anything happening?
I'll start.
You know it's been
really great having Katie
back in the house, but if
you could keep her and Gary
in your prayers, there's
still a lot of healing
that needs to happen.
- And as you know,
Carol's having surgery again
so I would like us to
all lift her up in prayer.
- That's right.
Maybe one of us could bring her a meal?
- I'll do it.
- Also, this is not to leave this group
but Melinda told me that
she and Rick are separating.
- She told me the same thing.
- That's so sad.
- So, we really need
to lift them up right now.
- Definitely.
Anyone else?
Megan, how is Darren doing?
- He's okay, I guess.
I mean he's been going
to his meetings so, erm,
he says they're helping.
- That's good.
(motorbike revving)
- Yeah, I don't think he's using again
if that's what you're asking.
I mean, he, he has to
work a lot of late nights
but it's nothing like it used to be.
-That sounds good, man.
-All right.
- Follow me. (motorbike rumbling)
- Are you two still communicating well?
- Yeah, when we do talk,
but sometimes I'm afraid
of what he might say, so I just don't ask.
(Gary sighing)
(phone buzzing)
(clock ticking)
- Been a long time since I've
seen you read an actual book.
- Would you have noticed?
- What you reading?
- Does it matter?
- Ah, huh, guess it doesn't.
- It's about living your life, you know,
what would you do different
if you had a second chance.
- Hmm.
One of your mom's books huh.
- Okay, tell me, what would you do?
- I don't understand?
- If you could start over,
what would you change.
- Well, erm, I would
marry your mother again,
so you'd still be around.
- Good to know, but
not what I was thinking.
- Well, I don't know
what you were thinking.
- I don't know, like, if
you knew everything
that you know now, would it
change how you lived your life.
- Yeah, I think we have a pretty good life.
You should come down the station sometime,
you can see how bad it really gets.
- Hmm, I guess so. (light music)
- Looking for something?
- My Morgan silver dollar.
- Do you need to look for it now?
(drawer rattles)
- Do you have something else in mind?
- (laughing) No.
But I do have a favor to ask.
- Hmm, I like favors.
- Hmm, stop it.
(Gary laughing)
Do you remember that girl, Megan Rodgers
that I told you about?
- The one whose husband's an addict?
- [Becky] He went to rehab.
- Hmm, well what about him?
- I was talking to Megan and,
it sounds like he might be
slipping back into old habits.
- [Gary] Doesn't he have a sponsor?
- I don't know, maybe.
- So what is the favor?
- I don't know, can you do something?
Can you follow him around and check on him?
- (laughing) I cannot go
stalking random citizens honey.
I just, I have a full caseload.
Besides I'm too busy
for something like that.
- I guess we're both too
busy for a lot of things then.
(switch clicking)
(telephone ringing)
-I have a job, for you.
-So like,
who am I staking out?
- It's between us.
- Okay.
What are the deets?
-The what?
-The deets.
The details.
What is it?
Something big huh.
You know this is gonna be my first--
What you got?
- Picked up five more
tweakers over the weekend.
-Another meth lab?
-It looks like.
- Ah, I thought Frank just busted one up.
- Shut down one, two more pop right up.
- I hate those things.
I always come out smelling
like a chemical bath.
- Probably due for a new
suit anyway, aren't you?
- What's wrong with my suit?
- Ask your wife.
(ominous music)
- You like my suit?
- Hmm hmm.
When are we heading out for this?
- That is not for you.
This is off the record.
That means you don't talk about it.
You wanna know the deets?
(plane rumbling)
- You heading out?
- Yeah, I've got my meeting tonight, so.
What you drinking?
- It's a tea my grandmother used to make.
Can I ask you something?
- Sure.
- How are your meetings going?
- Hmm.
Nine months strong.
You know that, that part
of my life is over right?
- So you're coming
straight back afterwards?
- I was gonna grab a bite to eat,
maybe hang out with the guys for a bit but,
I don't have to if you'd
rather me just come back--
- No, it's fine.
Have fun.
I'll just probably go to bed early.
So I'll see you tomorrow.
- Okay.
Love you.
- Hey, I'm proud of you.
- I gotta go.
(door squeaking)
(suspenseful music)
(cars rumbling)
- [Gary] So he made his meeting, big deal.
- Well after the meeting
he went to a drive through
and grabbed some dinner.
-Now this is where
it gets interesting.
- What, did he supersize his meal?
- Why is that important?
-It's not.
-I can go back
and check the receipt.
- So, so after he hits the drive
through he doesn't go home
but he goes to one of
those storage unit places.
(engine rumbling) (ominous music)
(door rattling)
- What was in the storage unit?
- I don't know.
-You don't know?
-No, I don't know,
I couldn't see from where I was.
- Maybe he was just helping his buddy out.
- Ah, well, I'm glad you brought him up.
So, what I could see what the license place
of the motorcycle, registered
to a Richard Rawlings.
So I ran a CCH on this guy.
- Richard Rawlings, also known as Rooster.
Multiple drug offenses including possession
with intent to distribute.
- Yeah.
You know this guy.
- He was my daughter's dealer.
(spoon tinkling)
- It's like eight o'clock at night.
- So, quick caffeine or something.
- I've quit a lot of things.
- Came across your old buddy Rooster today.
have you heard from him?
-No, why would I?
-Hadn't tried to reach
out to you?
- Just curious.
- I'm just curious.
Are you capable of having a conversation
with me that isn't an interrogation?
- Where's my Morgan silver dollar?
- Gary.
- What are you talking about?
- Last time Rooster was in town,
a lot of stuff went missing.
Jewelry, electronics, your
grandmother's wedding ring.
- [Becky] Gary, that's enough!
- I don't have your precious coin, okay.
- [Gary] See you in the morning.
(door shutting) (insects chirping)
(ominous music) (garage door clattering)
(car pinging)
- Restaining the deck?
(Gary laughing)
- Found that in a dumpster last night,
curtesy of our old buddy Rooster Rawlings.
Think he's back in business.
-Cleaning houses?
-Cooking meth.
- I'm listening.
- You know the small labs
we've been busting up?
-What do they cook
their stuff with?
- Varies, drain cleaner,
battery acid, acetone.
- Paint thinner.
- Er, Rooster's small town dope dealer.
It's a little high tech
for him, don't you think.
- Two years downtown?
He makes some new friends.
He learns some new skills.
- All right, keep digging.
(door bell chiming)
- What time does your
husband normally get home?
- It just depends on if the shop is busy.
- Has he been later than normal recently?
- A little bit but I know he's working.
- What about finances,
hmm anything unusual,
ATM withdrawals,
suspicious banking activity?
- I don't think so.
-He's, he's been
going to his meetings.
He says he's doing really well.
So I don't really understand
what this is about.
- Do you recognize this man?
- Hmm, hmm hmm.
-Not at all?
-No, who is he?
- He's a known drug dealer.
And was recently seen in
the company of your husband.
(somber music)
- What?
Do you think he's using again?
- I don't know.
- He said he was doing really well.
- Has he been acting strange at all?
Has his routine suddenly changed?
- I mean nothing like before.
- Before?
- He would have a few really good months,
and then all of a sudden
he'd go missing for days.
Nobody knew where he was.
And he'd just show up, say he was sorry.
He was done until he wasn't.
- So what made him clean up?
- Dispatch I have a possible 11-24,
abandoned car in the
parking lot of Ron's Body Shop
over on Fifth.
-Copy that, 108.
Will send unit.
-108 requesting assist
with possible 11--
(faint radio sounding)
(horn blaring)
(ominous music)
- Buddy, time to wake up.
(window banging)
- (sighing) Do you have
any idea what it's like
to get a call like that.
- Yeah, I do.
I don't mean to dredge up bad memories.
We're just looking for information.
We can pick this up another time.
If you er, if you have any
questions just call me anytime,
or you can always get in touch with Becky.
- Wait, Becky, Becky from my bible study?
- Yeah, my wife.
- She's your wife?
- Okay, let's start with a word of prayer.
Dear Lord, we ask that you--
- What is wrong with you?
- Megan, we were just getting started.
- You told your husband about Darren?
- I was concerned.
I, I thought he could help.
- By having him investigated?
- I'm so sorry.
- Yeah, well, I thought
this was a safe place,
you know, where we could all meet and talk
and share each other's burdens,
but instead you were just digging up dirt
to tell your husband.
Oh I have an idea.
Why don't I tell everybody
about your family huh,
would you like that?
- Megan, can we talk about this?
- No, I don't want to talk to you.
You've done enough.
Thank-you, I'm done.
(church bells chiming)
- You're home early.
- What did you do to Megan?
- (laughing) Question is,
what did you not tell her?
I simply talked to her about her husband.
-Because you asked me to.
- No, all I did was ask
you to check on him.
- And I did, and we found something.
- Stop it, stop being a
cop for just one minute.
-I can't!
-Well try for once!
- Her husband is mixed up
with one of Katie's old dealers.
And they're cooking
meth out of a storage unit.
You happy?
-Oh no.
- Yeah yeah, oh no.
And now I have to go and execute a warrant.
- Poor Megan, when?
- Tonight.
And you can't say anything to her.
- What are you doing?
- Putting our valuables
away in a safety deposit box.
- Katie did not take your stupid coin.
A woman in my group makes these.
I thought you might like it.
(Gary sighing)
(shoes clomping)
- All right darling, I'm heading out.
- Did you hear what I
said? (television chattering)
- Yeah, I heard you.
- Is everything okay?
- Erm, why don't you
stay in with me tonight
and skip your meeting?
- It don't really work that way.
- All right.
I'll see you later.
- Okay.
(door squeaking)
- Are you ready to wrap this up?
- Are you ready to deliver?
- Yep, you got the key?
- No, you got the key.
Do I have the key?
-You have the key.
Check the back.
I gave it to you.
- Darren, what are you doing?
- Megan, hey er, what are
you, what are you doing here?
- Me?
What are you doing here, and what is this?
And who is he?
- Er this is er, this is my friend.
- Just, stop lying to me.
You're sneaking
around, all the late nights.
It's not worth it.
- Babe, it's not, it's not
what you're thinking.
- We can't do this anymore.
- I promise you, it's not.
- Just tell me the truth, you owe me that.
- Okay.
(siren blaring)
-Police, hands in the air!
Show me your hands, now!
-What is this?
-Hands where I can see them!
-Easy, easy guys.
-Why don't you
step over here.
-Megan what did you do?
What did you, hey, what did you do?
Oh come on.
-Easy, easy, easy, easy.
- Open it up.
-Come on, let's go.
-No, I need to see this.
(door clattering)
(breath huffing)
(gentle music)
- Uncuff them, both of them.
(cuffs clipping)
- This is, well, it was gonna be a surprise
for your birthday.
-It was my grandmother's.
-I know.
I know I was supposed to dump it
but, I know how love you loved it and,
I met Richard at one of my meetings
and he needed some work
so I just asked him to help.
I figured why throw away something you love
just because it's broken when,
I don't know, maybe make it new again.
That's what God did for me.
- Darren.
-Love you.
-I love you too.
- [Richard] Detective Travis.
- Rooster.
- They actually call me Richard now.
Do you mind if I thank you?
I mean you bringing me in, you know
that's the best thing that
ever happened to me.
You know, don't get me
wrong, jail is tough man,
but er, you know,
I'm taking classes and got into counseling,
and I'm doing a lot better you know.
Here I got this.
It's thanks to you.
- I can't take that.
(coin tinkling)
- It's thanks to you, man.
(light music)
(coin tinkling)
(box clipping)
- Hey, did I ever tell
you where I got this?
- No.
- Your great grandfather, he er,
he gave it to me when I was five years old.
(suspenseful music)
Only thing of value he had.
I figured er, it's gonna be yours one day.
Might as well have it now.
(coin tinkling)
(upbeat music)
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