Vinland Saga (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

The Troll's Son

Hey. Don't we have any more booze?
It's my painkiller.
Aren't we there yet?
That place where they're supposed
to give us the money.
Don't be in such a hurry.
We're almost there.
The Troll's Son
Damn it.
-My whole body hurts.
-I want to find me a nice girl.
Who's going to watch the ships?
We're just here to rest our bones.
We're not going to stay here for long.
Get up.
Hey. Don't run away.
I'll kill you if you move.
Don't let anyone get away.
We're going to have trouble if this gets out.
Two on the right.
And then the guy ate it.
He didn't even know what it was.
-My head hurts.
-I drank too much.
What happened?
Did you have a hard time falling asleep?
There was a noisy little fly in my room.
A little fly?
Who's that? A survivor?
No. It's the son. The Troll of Jom's kid.
He's still alive?
Too much trouble for the early morning.
This is revenge for my father.
I challenge you to a duel.
Impressive, kid.
I'm so scared.
What are you going to do, Askeladd?
What a pain.
Come on.
You should have cut off my head
while I was asleep.
I'm the son of Thors.
I'd never do something
so cowardly.
Wow, I'm so scared.
-Did you hear that, Askeladd?
-Kill him, kid.
Get him.
So, you think you're a warrior?
All right. Come at me.
Yeah. Just like that.
Someone dig him a grave.
Damn. Damn.
You can't let your sword
swing you around like that.
You're so brutal.
Maybe he's dead already.
Come on.
We confirmed it.
Here's your money.
Thank you very much.
Say thanks to Floki for me.
I can't get too friendly with the villagers.
By the way, I have a message for you.
A message?
"How was Thors's final moment?"
It was nothing special.
He just died a normal death.
What? You're still alive?
You look terrible.
Want some?
It's not healthy to deprive yourself.
What's wrong with him?
We were only trying to help.
Damn it.
Damn it all.
He died an honorable death.
Thors sacrificed himself for us.
I'm sorry, Helga. Ylva.
My words cannot express how sorry I am.
He's already dead.
No one can do anything about it now.
Crying about it will just make you hungry.
Time to get back to work.
I'm going to find him, no matter what.
No matter how many years it takes.
Well, I never thought he'd live a long life anyway.
It's hard having a strange dad like him.
Your little brother is missing, too, right?
Are you okay, Ylva?
I'm so busy, now that the men are all gone.
You're crazy, Ylva.
Mother, how are you feeling?
Yes. I feel much better.
Sorry to rely so much on you, Ylva--
Okay, okay.
It's okay. Don't get up.
Oops, I forgot about the sheep.
Okay, okay. Sorry I'm late.
I must shear the sheep when spring comes too.
I got the first hit.
I'm so busy.
We don't have enough people to pitch in.
Maybe I should get a husband.
Let's go to sleep.
You can go to sleep first.
I'm going to finish this.
But it's dark already.
You'll make a mistake.
That's enough.
Get some rest.
But I'm almost done.
I'm okay. I'm not tired.
I'm going to kill him.
I'm going to kill him, no matter what.
You're working hard.
How is it?
Have you gotten used to using a sword?
You. It's your fault.
You used me as a shield.
That's why my father
You coward.
Your father really was strong.
But he was naive.
That's all there is to it.
Don't make fun of my father!
Well. You're just weak.
I ran into that kid in the forest.
What? He's still alive?
The blood of the Troll of Jom runs through his veins.
He's not going to die that easily.
Like father, like son.
You can't let your sword
swing you around like that.
We ended up staying here for a long time.
I feel great now.
What a comfortable village.
Someone's coming.
I'm Thors' son, Thorfinn.
In the name of Odin, the Almighty,
I challenge you to a duel.
Come on. You're so annoying.
You're pretty brave.
Accept the duel, Askeladd.
It's decided, then.
It's the leader's job to meet his men's expectations.
I, Askeladd, son of Olaf,
swear in the name of Odin
that I accept your duel,
because I have no choice.
Come on.
Are you that eager to go meet your father?
It's over.
He can't win.
Come on.
Have you finished?
How boring.
Get up.
This is a duel.
I think that's enough. He's going to die.
What's wrong?
You're the one who told me to kill him.
That's it. I've had enough.
I don't enjoy killing kids.
What do you mean?
I'm busy too.
I haven't lost.
Fight. You coward.
You're persistent, kid.
It's not over yet.
It's not over until I kill you.
I swear, I will kill you.
Try achieving something great on the battlefield.
You're a Viking, right?
I'll reward you with a duel.
That's a promise?
Right. A promise between warriors.
I'll achieve something in no time.
And then
you'll die
by my hands.
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