Vividred Operation (2013) s01e05 Episode Script

Another Key

Tomorrow I'll still be smiling and going vroom-vroom!
10 million horsepower! Vroom-vroo—
Hey there!
G-Good morning!
"Episode 5 - The Other Key"
"Regarding Special Summer Classes - Summer School"
Next order of business.
In two weeks, special summer classes will begin.
The girls will be going to Shikine-jima,
while the boys will be going to Mt. Takao.
There, you will participate in summer activities with your groups.
Decide on your group members and a group leader by next Monday.
Take this seriously.
Furthermore, your group must consist of four or five members
The girl from this morning was her, wasn't it?
Time to eat!
Your lunch looks marvelous, Himawari-chan!
You're right!
When I said I was going to school,
my mom got really excited for some reason.
And when I said I'd made friends, she could barely contain herself.
So she decided to make enough to share.
I'll have some!
Don't mind if I do.
What a pleasant treat.
It's delicious!
Yeah, really delicious!
Your mother is a very good cook.
I'll pass that on to her.
Oh yeah.
For summer school, how about the four of us form a group?
I've never gone camping with friends before!
I can hardly wait!
Right, Himawari-chan?
I guess.
Soaking in the ocean, building sandcastles, making curry together
Not to mention fireworks and tests of courage.
Oh, and let's not forget watermelon smashing!
Um, I doubt we can get to all of those.
What? Come on
Hey, Wakaba-chan, who's that?
Oh, Kuroki-san.
That's Kuroki Rei-san.
Now that you mention it,
she always seems to be alone.
I saw her on my camera every now and then.
She seemed to never speak outside of class.
Hey, I have a suggestion, if you guys don't mind.
Have you decided which group to join for summer school?
Then wanna join ours?
I'm sure we'll have fun together.
I'll be fine on my own.
U-Um, what were you doing there this morning?
Do you like birds?
What are you talking about?
What a weirdo.
This is all the data we have on the transformations and power-ups
observed in the four Alone
that have shown up so far.
We've run it through every analysis we know of,
but we were unable to find any patterns.
Might it simply be a mechanical reaction?
One moment.
Bring up the Incarnate wave telemetry
reading from 12 milliseconds earlier again.
Take a look at this.
There are clear traces of outside interference.
It couldn't be!
A third party is affecting the Alone's behavior?
Hey, are they gonna fix our home?
Those monsters won't be back, will they?
How should I know?
Come on, let's go.
Watch out!
I'm home, Bisque.
It's not "morning."
It's "welcome home."
Mor Morning.
You know, Bisque, I saw a lovely white flower on the way to school today.
I looked it up, and it's called a lizard tail.
Such a nasty name for such a pretty flower.
Also, I heard the cuckoos calling.
It's the time of year when
they start looking for love.
Also, today
Bisque, what's wrong?
Hang in there. This won't take long.
Welcome back, Rei.
What do you want?
I believe you rescued a child.
According to the agreement,
you are not to interfere.
That was—
It would appear you are still hesitant
to lay waste to this world.
It is your heart which transforms the Alone.
The stronger your emotions are,
the more powerfully are the Alone reborn.
Yet despite this
I'm not hesitating at all!
They have not presented you with unlimited chances.
I advise you to keep your mission in mind,
lest you never see your world revived from its destruction.
Seven more shots.
My mission is to destroy the Incarnate Engine.
Using the Alone is not the only way.
A security robot?
Since when did they have these?
Riding on Puppy and going vroom-vroom!
I'm home!
Mother? Father?
Don't push yourself!
The doctor said you have to rest today.
You're still a bit feverish.
It's gone down a lot since yesterday though.
Where am I?
My place.
I'm the only one home today,
so make yourself comfortable.
Oh yeah!
Are you hungry? We have porridge.
No, not really.
Wait right there. I'll bring you a bowl.
Here. Open wide.
I can feed myself.
You sure?
'Kay, here you go.
What do you think?
It's good.
I know, right?
Although my sister Momo made it, not me.
You really gave me a shock!
I saw you just lying there on the beach.
If the terns hadn't helped me out, I wouldn't have noticed you.
What were you doing there?
Taking a walk.
Hey, Rei-chan.
Can I call you that?
Do whatever you want.
Then you gotta call me Akane.
It looks hopeless.
It's damaged so badly that I can't recover any of the camera data.
They were originally designed
as disposable standalone units.
It's no surprise there were issues converting them for security use.
Professor, an Alone-like signal has been detected in Ogasawara waters.
Oh yeah, Rei-chan.
You'd better tell your family you're here.
Wanna use the phone?
It's fine.
They're too far away to reach by phone.
Oh, really?
You must feel lonely.
What about your parents?
Well, my father died in an accident when I was seven.
My mom was in the same accident, and she's been hospitalized in Atami ever since.
But I've got my sister and my
grandpa, so I'm not lonely at all.
Not to mention my friends!
Can I ask you something?
What is it?
If you could bring your father back If you could heal your mother
would you be willing to do anything?
I'd do anything within my power.
Unless it would hurt my friends or the people around me, that is.
"Treasure those around you. Treasure your friends."
My parents always said that.
If I betrayed their wishes to save them, they probably wouldn't appreciate it.
My key!
No! How can this be?
What's wrong, Rei-chan?
I can't find my key! It's missing!
Don't get up!
You have to rest!
Let go!
That's all that I have left of—
I'm sorry.
I'm okay now. Answer your phone.
Please. I'd like to be alone.
Oh, Mizuha-san? Yes.
I know you're there.
If so, then what are you doing here?
Duty calls.
An Alone?
Got it. I'll be right there.
Sorry, Rei-chan. I gotta go.
Rest up, okay? Promise me!
Mizuha-kun, are the girls there yet?
They should be arriving shortly.
The others
Texture on!
Where are you?
Incarnate energy has run amok.
At its hands, your parents, your friends, and the very world you lived in
have been obliterated.
Fate chose to end your world.
However, if you wish to change that fate, I am certain they will lend you help.
They exist in the gaps between beginnings and ends.
They have the ability to resurrect your world.
Please, bring it back!
Bring back everyone I knew!
However, they will require something of you.
Require something?
I must do this.
That's what I swore.
So please
Don't get in my way
I failed again.
My key?
Has your fever gone down?
Looks like you're fine.
Gosh, I told you to rest.
What were you doing there?
I heard that another monster appeared.
Ah, well you don't have to worry about that.
Um Th-The military went and beat it up!
I see.
Um, where did you
Well, I thought it might be somewhere on the beach where we found you,
so last night I asked Aoi-chan, Wakaba-chan, and Himawari-chan to help me find it.
This is the key to my former home.
It's full of precious memories.
I see.
Then it's a good thing we found it!
Hey, Rei-chan.
I really think you should join
our summer school group.
Me and the others all want to be friends with you!
I'm grateful you found my key.
But please stop being kind to me.
"Atami Medical Plaza"
Hello there.
Momo fell asleep?
Right after she said she'd wait for you.
So? Is your friend feeling better?
Come here, Akane.
I told Rei-chan we should be friends, but she said no.
I see.
So you don't want to be friends with this Rei-chan anymore?
Then don't stop reaching out to her.
So long as you never forget your affection for her, she'll come around someday.
No fair, Onee-chan!
Me too!
Come here, Momo!
"To be continued"
Isshiki Akane here!
Summer school starts next week!
I wonder what exciting things await.
Next time: The Story of How Kenjiro Tries
"Episode 6 - The Story of How Kenjiro Tries to Strengthen Everyone's Friendship Power, But Something Terrible Happens"
to Strengthen Everyone's Friendship Power,
But Something Terrible Happens.
It's gonna be great!
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