Wakefield (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Ladies and gentlemen,
your flight from London Heathrow
to Sydney is now ready for boarding.
For those passengers
requiring special assistance,
please make yourselves known
to boarding staff.
Come on. Last chance
to make your hats, everyone.
Best one wins a prize.
COLLETTE: Gonna be some
stiff competition this year.
Man, if I had a horse,
I'd name him Donkey Schlong.
I didn't mean that kind of stiff.
MAN: Alright. Are you
ready to come out?
Can you talk to me?
We had a fucking deal,
and you broke it.
JAMES: They wouldn't sign off
without me here, Leyla.
I don't care. Either
you get on that next plane
and get yourself
back to that hospital
No, I can't do that.
I've spent 18 months
working on this thing.
There's too much riding on it.
I know we had 600,000 in Zurich,
but that's been tapped out.
James, how exposed, are we?
Don't worry about it.
I've got it covered, alright?
You should never have let him go.
Your husband was here voluntarily.
You didn't tell me when he
discharged himself though
Well, I spoke to you on the phone
It was too late!
..but we weren't in a position
to stop him leaving.
He he presented as stable.
Yeah, of course he did.
That's what he does.
He's very good at it.
But we made sure that he left here
with his prescribed medication.
Oh, and how did that turn out?
Let's take this into the office.
Look, this is
a very unfortunate situation.
It is verging on negligence.
He lied to you. He lies to me
and he lies to himself.
He told you exactly what you wanted
to hear, and you believed him.
He won't be doing it again.
We'll make sure of it.
Come on.
Come on, stretch your legs.
TREVOR: All I'm saying is, I reckon
you need to start again, mate.
I mean, it's just
not working for you.
It's a bit lame, man.
Ooh, here he is!
Mr Wheeler Dealer's back!
Come on.
I got to, uh I gotta lie down.
Yeah! Nice to see you too!
I gotta lie down.
Alright. OK.
Where you going, mate?
Have a cry?
I'm training for Ninja Warrior!
(TEARFULLY) Everything's lost.
No, it's not lost.
Nothing's lost. You've still got me.
You've still got Ted. He adores you.
Can you just
can you focus on that?
Can you focus on us? Hmm?
I can't.
I don't understand.
You can't.
I can't because you won't let me.
You won't let me in.
(ECHOING) James?
Timothy. Didn't see you
out last night.
You getting soft, son?
Don't know how you do it, mate.
Gustaf, Alexandra.
Always a pleasure.
How great to see you, mate.
Clive. Morning.
No, I think we've got a great
opportunity ahead of us here, mate.
I'm looking forward
to hearing more about it.
Please, this way.
Some of the
underlying assumptions
..well, they're very optimistic.
Fortune favours the brave.
Now is the time to be brave.
We provide the opportunity
and Fort maximises the returns.
We've all done this
successfully in the past
and this situation
will be no different.
Yeah, this is not for us.
Oscar, I can assure you
The risk profile's just too high.
And frankly, I'm surprised you'd be
prepared to gamble like this.
If you don't this,
then someone else will.
I've always admired you, James -
your drive, your intellect.
But this?
This is not you at your best.
I'm sorry, mate.
What for?
All this.
Can you?
What's wrong?
Do you want to go
into the other room?
Watch TV?
Thanks for coming.
Can I get you anything?
Ted? You alright?
I know your dad's pretty agitated.
Do you wanna talk?
Hey, we're
we're looking after him.
It's OK.
He wants his meds from home.
He asked you for them?
He says the ones here are generic
and they're not working
the same way.
Leave his meds at home, OK?
We've got everything he needs,
and we're watching him
really closely.
You can't do that.
You can't put Ted in that position.
He's 16 years old.
Ugh. I need something
to take this away.
We can give you something to help
take the edge off the agitation.
I need it now.
No. No. Hang on.
We need to talk about
what just happened with Ted.
Why you asked him to bring in pills.
Tell me what's going on
in your head.
Are you thinking of suicide?
I don't want to be here.
I don't want to exist.
Anything but this.
I get it.
What do you get?
How do you get this?!
I've had some personal experience
with what you're going through.
That's why I can tell you,
you will get better.
Now, we can't say
how long it will take,
but if you lean on us,
get treatment,
one day you will feel yourself
turn a corner.
There's nothing. It's
You can't see the hope at the moment,
so you're just gonna
have to hang on.
Let us have the hope for you.
MAN: Mr Matos.
Mr Matos!
It's a waiting game, yeah?
Best thing for you right now
is distraction.
So, how about a, um, mandala?
Some colouring?
Yeah, well, I'm more
of a puzzle man myself.
How about this one?
Alright, here we go.
Gather round!
You are all going down!
'Cause I've got the winning
ticket right here. Whoo!
COLLETTE: Here we go! Oh, God,
they're so beautiful, aren't they?
Here is her trainer, Daniel Peters.
They're all good.
They're all beautiful.
Now, let's get to the race!
RACE CALLER: Just waiting
for the last couple
to move forward into the barrier.
They're all set now.
The starter has them.
They're off!
Racing in the Melbourne Cup.
MAN: Yes! Go!
Doctor Feelgood is crossing over
on the track,
followed then by Afterburner
No fuckin' way!
No! No!
Help! Fuckin' help!
TREVOR: Don't hog
all the pipe cleaners, man.
Look at that lovely detail.
Twist it, stick it, slick it.
You gonna have a go?
Oh, yeah! You were a milliner.
You used to make hats.
Yeah, those little hair thingies.
Maybe you could make me one
for tomorrow.
Got a spare 700 bucks?
Oh, come on, Tessa.
You've got talent.
You know, why not use it?
I stopped doing Easter bonnet
parades in kindergarten.
I've dressed premiers,
for fuck's sake.
I saved these for her.
They belonged to my mother.
I'll make sure she gets them.
Oh, and, uh, we used to always
celebrate Melbourne Cup with these.
(CLEARS THROAT) She's always
her best at Cup time.
They're lovely.
I was just thinking, um
Do you think it might help
if I saw her again?
Well, Tessa has a lot
of issues around loss,
so if you did want to re-engage,
we would need to make sure
that your intention
was to maintain contact.
Yes, of course.
Well, if you could just get those
to her, I'd be very grateful.
Of course I will.
She did it.
She got rid of all my stuff.
How could she?
I think she reached her limit.
She couldn't cope
with any more in the house.
But she did save what's in that bag
and she asked me to give you these.
(SIGHS) She knows I only eat dark.
I want you to have
a really good think
about what you can let go of
in here,
so that you can make room
in your life
for things like this,
that you really care about.
They pay you to say
this shit, do they?
I'll see you soon.
LINDA: Come on, last chance
to make your hats, everyone.
Best one wins a prize.
Looks like there's going to be some
stiff competition this year.
PETE: Oh, James. He's back.
What about these?
I'm reading them.
Which I'd have more time to do
if I didn't have to
do these stupid sessions.
Well, what about this?
Well, I've gotta have
something for the sun.
You're the ones who
make me go outside.
Do you want me to get cancer?
It's broken.
Tessa, we need to find something
that you can let go of.
I need them to sort the buttons.
It's quite a collection
you've got there.
They were my Gran's.
She and my Grandpa
had a tailor shop.
As tough as this is, you need
to get a handle on this problem
so that when you leave here
we have a chance of finding you
another place to live.
Um I need tools and materials.
Right. What for?
To make a fascinator.
OK. Uh
What, for me?
For a client.
Eh? Well, um,
craft table's still set up.
I need good tools.
And quality materials.
OK, well, yeah.
This looks really doable, so
The client's gonna
pick it up from my mum.
OK, well, remember,
if you're using tools
you've gotta work under supervision
in the Common Room.
Sorry, it's
It's that or nothing, so
Where'd these come from?
Hey, can I have some?
Press the button.
Bombs away!
Touch them and you die.
Fuck, why does she always get
the good stuff?
Yeah, well, I'm more
of a puzzle man too.
How about this one?
You know what? TV's pretty mindless.
Just try that for now.
How's it coming together?
Well, if you need a hand,
James is at a bit of a loose end.
Yeah, tell someone who cares.
Well, he took off.
He fucked up.
You ever fucked up?
Trevor! Come back down!
Ooh, I remember
looking at magazines
And never saw anyone
quite like me
It was hard
It was hard for me
I would never speak up out of turn
'Bout those blonde,
blue-eyed girls
They were beautiful
But it was hard
Hard for me to dream
I'll be my own homecoming queen
As long as it feels good to me
I'll be the boss of this town
You'll be your own
homecoming queen ♪
LINDA: Alright, everybody line up.
Prize time.
Well, you've all outdone yourselves,
but this year
the Fashion on the Ward goes to
Are you for real?! Look at this!
Mum'll be here at 10:00.
Great. Um, you gonna
give us a preview?
Tessa! That's amazing.
TREVOR: I'm pissed off!
Hey, look, thanks for coming in.
Ah, it's a pleasure.
Wait! Wait! Wait, wait.
I just wanna add this bit.
She's a perfectionist. (LAUGHS)
Gwen gave me no notice.
I've got hardly any materials
to work with. Shit tools.
There's nothing wrong with the tools.
And her new dodgy email
ended up in my spam folder.
Gmail's hardly dodgy. (CHUCKLES)
How'd you know it was Gmail?
It was you?
You made the order?
I wanted you to have
You're very talented,
and I'd be very proud to wear it.
You're not getting this!
You're not my client!
Well, you wouldn't have any clients
if it wasn't for me.
That's bullshit!
You can't talk to people.
I did all of that for you.
Oh, you're a selfish, selfish girl.
And you're a shit mother.
You don't care about
anyone but yourself.
That is never going to change.
in the Melbourne Cup.
..away from Skyfall, and Shirl's
Folly going fast in the early stages.
COLLETTE: Go, go, go!
Mischief Maker is up there too,
from Magnolia's Revenge
Can I go?
You don't want to see the end?
..followed then by Afterburner
No fuckin' way! No!
No! No!
Fuckin' help!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey. Hey. Hey. You're OK.
You're OK.
(SOBBING) Leave me!
Let me
Let me go!
Let me die!
Oh! Another sweep?
You don't think you're going a bit
overboard with all this?
Not at all.
It's a chance to raise the morale,
bring everyone together.
And that's a good thing, is it?
Yes, Pete.
If it gets people off their beds
and out of the foetal position,
I think it is.
2 each. It'll hardly
break the bank.
I don't actually think
I've got any
No, count me out. I've gotta prep
for this keynote speech.
You've got a keynote?
Gotta be in it to win it.
You never know - you might have
a bit of fun along the way.
Linda, this isn't just a sweep -
it's an actual betting slip.
Five dollars each way.
You just, you didn't
have to do that.
It's just a little flutter.
Well, it's very sweet.
Let's see.
Indian Summer?
I've always wanted to go to India,
and I was born in summer.
You can't have known that.
I mean, don't you think
that's amazing?
You know what else?
This morning in my horoscope it said
that one of my lucky numbers today
was gonna be 11.
Guess what number this is.
It was destined to be.
Let's hope the rest of the ward
gets as much out of it as you do.
Where's it going, boss?
Give it back! He's got my sweep.
It's not a part of God's plan.
It was part of MY plan,
dickhead, to win cash.
Pete, can you?
You might want to consider
the cruelty to the animals
Yeah, you might wanna shut up.
Just give me Afterburner,
you mad fuck!
Oi! Seffa!
The love of money
is the root of all evil.
Give it here.
That's from God!
Pulmonary haemorrhage, broken limbs.
There is no God.
Still a few hot tickets
left here, people.
Omar, what about you?
Wanna try your luck?
I don't think the Melbourne Cup's
high up on his priority list.
Here you are.
My shout.
Had a bit of a run on Melbourne
Cup decorations, but look at these.
Where are the horseshoes
we talked about?
And the jockey hats?
These are all they had left.
I can go back.
Look, I need you here.
I've got my second interview today,
clients to deal with,
and I'm trying to make this
a special day for everyone.
I can't do it all.
I know. I
I'll I'll go back. It'll be quick.
It'll have to do now.
Just, please,
if you could get them up
before the race is actually over,
that'd be a big help.
As for that,
can we tie it up properly?
It's an OH&S red flag.
I just never know
where I stand with Linda.
Ever crossed your mind
that's the way she wants it?
I know you don't like her, but that
doesn't mean she's a bad person.
If she makes you feel
like this, she is.
I'll be alright. Just being silly.
I just need a hug.
Don't know what I'd do without you.
Probably kill Pete.
You know, if my horse comes in,
I'm gonna take you out for dinner.
Um, you don't have to do that.
Yeah, the place
with the fancy napkins.
Let's just grab a pizza.
I mean, that place
is pretty expensive.
Well, you're worth it.
Sorry. Just tying up
a few loose ends on the ward.
Putting on my usual
Melbourne Cup shindig.
Clients love it.
I'm not sure we should be promoting
gambling in a facility like this.
Oh, it's just a bit of fun, really.
It's all tightly controlled,
like everything on Ward C.
You've been doing an excellent job
acting in the NUM's position.
Thank you.
I have to say, I do feel like
I have a lot to give.
Yeah, I can see that.
I'm sure you've got your pick
of strong candidates for the job.
I know Susan Wessar from Adventists
was thinking of applying.
To be candid, we prefer
to promote from within.
we're spoilt for choice.
I'd been led to believe
the other candidate had withdrawn.
No, still two strong candidates.
It's gonna be
a very tough decision.
Anyway, you're here now, and I'm
keen to know what your focus is.
I'm all about the culture, really.
Good culture leads to good outcomes.
Oh! Oh, you just missed Stephan!
TV's all hooked up.
Ah, he's got a race tip for you.
Shirl's Folly.
(QUIETLY) And he said
he'll see you tonight.
He seems nice.
And he he fixes things,
which is a bit of a bonus
Collette, I'm struggling
to understand something.
Nik told me he was gonna
withdraw his application,
but that doesn't seem
to be the case.
Oh, I'm not really over
what's going on with
He did mention he might have
a second interview, but I
And you didn't think to let me know?
Oh, I wasn't I didn't
I'll be off ward
if anyone's looking for me.
Come on, Afterburner, go!
Repent! Repent and dwell in
the house of the Lord.
Just give it a rest.
Come on, Afterburner, go!
And here comes Indian Summer.
It's Shirl's Folly
That's me! That's me!
Indian Summer ranges up and grabs
the lead now from Shirl's Folly.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
And Indian Summer wins
the Melbourne Cup.
The orderlies have taken James
to get him checked out.
I mean, he's fine.
He's OK.
Hello, boss.
Reporting for duty.
Where do you want me to start?
I don't.
That tip you gave me was bad.
No, no, but that wasn't my tip.
I told you, it came from Mario.
And this is what you're not getting
as thanks.
No, no, no, no, but
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Oh, come on, Eileen
Pretty red dress,
Eileen, tell him yes
Oh, come on, let's,
ah, come on, Eileen
That pretty red dress,
Eileen tell him yes.. ♪
RENUKA: Nik? Nik?
You wanna weigh in
on the flowers here?
Um, do I have to?
But you don't have to weigh in
on where you sit, either.
How much did you pay
for all of this?
Don't worry about the money.
Kiran and I will cover any gap.
I think the more prudent investment
in a marriage is spiritual.
There's going to be a lot of
spirituality at our wedding, Mum.
Just not your particular brand.
OK, can everyone just, ah, relax?
This wedding is
What did you call it?
A fusion.
So, why is there no room
for a Christian blessing?
Because we're not Christian.
And we don't want
a Christian blessing.
Alright. Let's, um
Can we talk about this later? Mm-hm?
Alright, you, pick the ones you want.
..dial it down, please.
It's a car crash in slow-motion.
I can see it coming.
You're still playing peacemaker?
Mmm. Someone's got to.
Well, those skills will come in
handy if you're going to be NUM.
I heard you got a second interview.
What about you?
You got a keynote.
That's impressive.
Well, we'll see.
Want me to run through it with you?
Thanks, no, I think I'm fine.
So, what, you can help me,
but I can't help you?
I'm not supposed to be helping
you, I told you that.
Yeah, but you've been
doing it anyway.
I suggested you see another psych.
But you know my history.
I don't want to have
to explain everything.
I'm part of your history.
It's not appropriate
and you know it.
Please, go and see someone.
I think you need to.
James, would you like one?
A-list stars in the marquee today.
Let's take a look.
Melbourne Cup's not high
on my priority list either, Linda.
Ward C has really thrown themselves
into the spirit of this.
What do you want from me?
I'd like us to be part of a team.
I'd like to do my job.
Brightening our clients' lives
is part of our job.
This is papering over the cracks.
Is that what it is?
Or is it
just that it wasn't your idea?
I never could believe
the things you do to me
Never could believe
the way you are
Every day I bless the day
that you got through to me
'Cause, baby, I believe
that you're the star
Everyone's a winner, baby,
that's the truth
That's the truth
Making love to you
is such a thrill
Everyone's a winner, baby,
that's no lie
That's no lie
You never fail to satisfy
Satisfy. ♪
RACE CALLER: Just waiting
for the last couple
to move forward into the barrier.
And they're all set now.
The starter has them.
They're off!
Racing in the Melbourne Cup.
And Superconductor
one of the first to leave
RACE CALLER: And Superconductor
one of the first away
from Skyfall and Shirl's Folly
going fast in the early stages
Where's James?
Indian Summer takes up
a prominent position
Go, go, go!
Can I go?
You don't want to see the end?
TESSA: Help!
Help! Fucking help!
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, you're OK. You're OK.
Hey, hey.
Leave me.
Just leave me.
Hey, hey.
Just let me Let me die.
No. No.
Let me die.
I want you to do something for me,
Now when you're tempted to do this,
picture your son's face.
Picture Ted, right at the moment
he learns what you've done.
Now, if that's what you have to do
to stop yourself,
then do it.
And and keep doing it,
because if you kill yourself
..your son will never get over it.
Thank you.
We were all there.
I didn't even see him leave.
Smells a bit.
It's got healing properties.
James is fine.
He's been checked out.
He'll be back soon.
Come here. Come here.
Guess what? My horse won.
So I'm taking you out to dinner
You're coming.
No argument.
It'll do you good.
Sorry for the wait.
You ready?
Yeah. Yeah.
This place is seriously expensive.
Well, cheers.
To fancy napkins.
(LAUGHS) Fancy napkins.
Mm, and to good luck.
Not that I believe in that, but
Why not?
Because everything happens
for a reason.
Well, things happen.
That's it.
But then everything's random
and life has no meaning.
Maybe it has whatever meaning
you give it.
You don't seriously believe that.
Yeah, I'm not sure what I believe,
Well, I believe in you.
And I don't care what you say.
I was meant to get Indian Summer,
and here we are.
Look, Collette
I should take this.
Oh, take it.
Just give me a sec, yeah?
I'm on my my phone my maps.
I can I can only get 3G. Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, OK.
I'm due at this conference and
And you're lost?
I was so close. I was so close.
Slow down.
But then my phone is just doing
all this random shit
and David isn't answering
his phone
Kareena, can you see the nearest?
I can't be late for this.
They're probably already
waiting for me.
What is wrong with me?
I'm a fucking doctor.
Kareena, just stop talking
and listen.
Um, now look for the
nearest cross street.
It's Lang Lang Street
in Bullaburra.
OK, I've got it.
You're close.
Once you're on Lang Street,
take the second right.
Then left on Ashleigh.
Then right at the roundabout.
Second second right.
You got it?
Thank you.
It's OK.
You're gonna be great.
Go well, yeah?
Goodnight, Kareena.
Do you know what?
I think I think you're right.
This place is not cheap.
Do you mind if we?
I have made dinner.
Sorry, I was out.
It's still warm.
I already grabbed something.
you don't have to look after me.
You're my son, Nikhil.
Of course I look after you.
ALL: Toora loora, toora loora
Toora loo rye aye
Come on, Eileen ♪
I can't do this.
She just tried to convert
the bloody dressmaker.
I can't have her there.
(SIGHS) Reni
I'm sick of this shit.
Listen, if you bar her from the
wedding, there's no way back from it.
Our family's fucked.
Just, you know, just talk to her.
I have.
No. I mean, really talk to her.
I can't.
Why not?
She's not as fragile
as you might think.
I'm not taking the risk, and I don't
see you taking it either.
Mum, you don't need to do that.
I want to do this.
OK, well
..we need to talk, so
Renuka doesn't want me
at the wedding.
I heard her.
No, she wants you.
She just doesn't want Jesus.
You can't separate me from my faith.
No-one's trying to separate you,
but you need to tone it down.
I can no more do that
than cut out my own tongue.
I see the looks between you.
I hear the things you say.
Do you think it's easy for me?
Sneered at by my own family.
We can't talk to you without
everything coming back to Jesus.
Jesus saved me!
Without him
..I wouldn't be here.
Losing Dilshan
..was beyond anything I could bear.
I know. I was there.
I found you, remember?
I can't undo that, Nikhil.
I I don't understand
why you hit me that time.
The noise.
I was dancing.
I'm sorry, Nikhil.
I'm so sorry.
It's alright.
It's alright, I
We'll sort things out with Reni,
..you've got to stop blaming yourself
for Dilshan.
It wasn't your fault.
Wilson's Leap.
I don't think Wilson
stood a chance, somehow.
Poor bastard.
Was that a smile I just saw?
A smirk, maybe?
I'll get one out of you one day.
And I reckon it won't be long.
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