Wave Makers (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Wednesday afternoon.
See you then.
Okay, thank you.
-Okay, bye.
It's a petition.
Sign it.
Do you want to go to the parade
with us this weekend?
This time,
it's for the local residents' health.
Last time, it was anti-demolition.
"Reject pollution. Protect corals."
This is good.
I'm not going to the parade.
You're old.
Parades are too hard for you.
That's right.
My time is limited.
That's why I don't do
such unproductive things.
Sitting in the classroom,
watching irreversible things happen,
then regretting it
is what's unproductive, isn't it?
You can't object
as soon as you see development.
The EIA Act focuses on assessment,
not opposition.
To assess,
you need more professional capabilities.
You're a senior
and you're not preparing for the exam.
You keep going to the streets with people
to protest this and that.
After you graduate,
you won't have any professional skills.
Do you want people to laugh at you?
This is what you taught us.
The EIA Act is basically
a history of major disasters.
We must have enough people die
for the law to be changed.
Environmental assessment is the last line
of defense for the entire ecosystem.
In terms of environmental assessment,
what matters is scientific data
and professional discourse.
None of your demands
can produce objective data.
They're all based on feelings.
"I feel like this can be done."
"I feel like this can't be done."
-We do. We--
-You only got one thing right
among all your statements.
What is it?
No matter how good the law is,
if the government doesn't do its job,
it's useless.
Wait. Then why are you still saying
that my protest is useless?
We need more professional people
to supervise the government's
administration based on the law.
You need someone who can really cook
in the kitchen
in order to serve a table of good dishes.
Don't go to the parade on Saturday.
Come and find me.
I don't want to.
I'm officially announcing
my candidacy for legislator.
I've decided to go into the kitchen.
Are you coming or not?
Distinguished guests.
Let's raise our glasses
to congratulate
Mr. Chao Chang-tse for winning,
shall we?
Come on. Let's shout together.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
Good work, everyone.
-Good work.
-You can do it.
Your hair.
I'll fix it for you.
You fell for your former boss
because of the confetti on his head?
Is it very weird?
I get it.
A successful man showing his weakness
at the height of his success
is very hard to resist.
Mr. Chao.
For the speech tonight,
Chia-fei will take notes.
Sheng and I will inspect the venue.
Close the door.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Why do you always
get alone time with Sheng?
Do you like him?
We're together
since he speaks better Taiwanese.
He can socialize with the voters.
You and Sheng?
You just said "we."
I won't say that again.
Where are you going?
I'm afraid they'll come back later.
I told them to call me before coming back.
I'll ask them to bring back some food.
Do you love me?
I do.
Prove it.
It's impossible for me not to deal
with other men in my job.
You know that.
I want to build a huge castle
and lock you up.
I'm the only one with the key.
Are you a junior high student?
You say things you can't do.
Everyone who's in love
is like a junior high student.
Except you.
You're not as crazy about me
as I am about you.
I can be.
I just can't.
Because you think
I can't give you anything.
That's why you're going
to leave me one day, aren't you?
I won't.
You look so beautiful this way.
I want to remember the way you look now.
You don't trust me.
I trust you. It's just that…
It's just that what?
It's just that you're still so young.
You don't want to waste time
on an old guy like me.
It's my daughter.
Hey, Jung-chih.
She's not up yet?
Is she not feeling well?
Don't panic first.
I'll call your mom later.
And I'll be home tomorrow.
Okay, bye.
Are you going to call your wife?
I'm telling you. I saw her
getting into Mr. Chao's car before.
-Yes, I even saw them holding hands.
-Holding hands?
What's wrong with her?
-It's crazy.
-He can be her dad. Holding hands?
What the heck? Is he her sugar daddy?
-That's ridiculous.
-We digressed.
-This cake is good. Who bought it?
-I did.
-It's right across the street.
-It's delicious.
Did they find out
on the day of the business trip?
My colleagues started ostracizing me.
-In the last meeting, we…
-They say I'm doing it to get ahead,
-The review committee's required staff…
-but you can't hide these things, right?
The secretary…
The secretary-general will appoint one.
Then we amended
the first and third sections.
Article 50,
-What are you so nervous about?
Sit down.
Speak while sitting down.
Go on.
Those confidential documents
can't be transcribed,
photographed, photocopied,
-read aloud, recorded, or other copying…
-I was in hell for a year and a half.
It's amazing
that you endured it for so long.
Your arm was broken.
Humans are social creatures.
Being rejected hurts.
It activates the area of the brain
that senses pain.
Heartache is the same
as the pain of a broken arm.
Have you been a counselor before?
Don't you know
that every councilor is a counselor?
I worked for four years
in the 13th constituency of New Taipei.
What happened after that?
Can the password
be the date you got elected?
Isn't that too simple?
Let's add your birthday.
I want to resign.
No matter how hard I work,
they all think that I'm your mistress.
My job is totally worthless.
Why would you think that?
Is that what you really think?
It's because they don't get it.
They don't know you at all.
-They don't know how much you helped--
-I want to resign.
Would you like to run for city councilor?
Do you want to?
We keep talking about the alternation
of generations in the party now.
What is the alternation of generations?
The alternation of generations is
introducing talented young people like you
to our voters.
You're so beautiful
and you're so competent.
I'll do my best to help you.
I know my director wants to run too.
What should we do?
How can he compare to you?
Come on. How can he compare to you?
Trust me.
I'll introduce key party figures to you
who really have the power
to make decisions.
Then we'll run together.
We'll fight together.
City councilor Chang Ya-ching.
Come here.
-Hi. He's our director.
-Hello. Thank you.
-Please support me. Thank you.
-Please support him.
-Only support him for city councilor.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Hello, sir.
-Please support me.
-Here comes the candidate.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-You can do it.
-Go for it.
-The candidate…
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Support Lin Ching-tsan.
Hello, sir.
Yes, I'm Lin Ching-tsan.
Please support me.
-I'll support you.
-Thank you.
Hello, sir.
Please support me. I'm Lin Ching-tsan.
Thank you.
-Hello, sir.
-Next time.
I'll make sure you run next time.
It's not something I can decide on my own.
You can do it.
We're really not hiring right now.
But I heard
that you're really short-staffed.
Why can't it be me?
We already hired someone this morning.
I'm sorry.
I only found out later on
-that he kept telling everyone
-That's fine.
-that I'm incompetent
-Okay, it's fine.
-with a bad attitude.
-Compared to when you were in school…
-He didn't want me to get another job,
-Actually, no.
-so I can only stay by his side.
-A lot of classes have group discussions.
I learned a lot
of discussion skills in school
with colleagues and friends
and ways to solve problems.
However, I was stupid too.
Who would let a girl in her early twenties
get a very high position?
You're not stupid.
Who hasn't met a few jerks
when we were young?
I think Miao Shan-ju is different from me.
She had no feelings for him,
but I did.
I envy her so much.
She can very confidently
make these accusations,
but I can't.
Because I seriously loved him.
I never told anyone about this.
You're the first one.
Because I'm afraid that others
will think it's my fault if they find out.
It was my choice.
I chose to love him.
I chose to love a piece of trash,
but Miao Shan-ju didn't.
She's the most innocent person
in the whole matter.
But why?
Why are we always the ones
who leave in the end?
We call ourselves a progressive party,
but we never had
a Gender Equality Mediation Committee.
Is that reasonable?
Ms. Lin.
-Why didn't you tell me?
Why did you handle it yourself?
Do you fucking think
you're in charge here?
Ms. Lin.
I'll be honest.
Ms. Miao was just a minor staff member.
Mr. Chang has been with us for so long.
I can't possibly fire his people.
"A minor staff member."
So what if she's a minor staff member?
Is she like disposable chopsticks?
The most important thing now
is the election.
Let's talk about the rest
after the election, okay?
After the election?
Everything also after the election.
Regarding the death penalty,
I've already given in enough.
I didn't even know
that something like this happened
so close to me.
If I can't even protect my staff,
why should I become the president?
What kind of lousy chairperson am I?
What kind of lousy
secretary-general are you?
I can't believe I didn't know
this happened at our party!
I'm going to deal with this publicly.
You can't make this public.
If you handle this publicly,
it's like giving bullets to the opponent.
If the election is involved,
everything becomes muddled.
It can't be explained clearly.
People can ask you
to withdraw from the election
to take responsibility for this
and give justification to the people.
This will be the headline
of the MHD press conference.
What's next?
Every day…
Every single day,
what will they call the Justice Party?
The Sexual Harassment Party.
What about you?
What would you become?
The Sexual Harassment Party's chairperson.
-You think I don't know that?
Must you keep saying it?
Get out.
He's coming.
Do you want milk with that?
-Thank you for the school's help.
-No problem.
-Thank you.
-It's our pleasure. Thank you.
I didn't know you were coming.
I'll arrange a seat for you.
It's okay. I have a class to attend later.
Are you here to see Mr. Chao?
After passing through the auditorium,
he's at the lounge over there.
Mr. Fang-hao.
Is there someone named Alex
in your office?
Okay, thank you.
-Look, it's Chao Jung-chih.
-It's Chao Jung-chih.
-What is she doing here?
-Isn't she…
-The others…
-What's going on?
Hi, distinguished guests.
Our seminar is about to begin.
Please take your seats. Thank you.
BPL-related technologies
will be the focus
of our country's future development.
We'll build new recycling and composting
plants and biomass power plants
in the north, center, and south.
It's expected to attract 50 billion
foreign investment
-and create 30,000 jobs.
-Are you Jung-chih?
Energy transition…
Hi, I'm Alice.
You're even prettier in person.
Thank you.
What's that?
Mr. Chao has been feeling
a bit bloated lately.
Is that so?
He probably didn't tell you
since he didn't want you to worry.
I really want to get to know you,
but I'll…
It's okay. Go ahead.
Thank you very much, Madam President,
for that wonderful speech.
Madam President, Mr. Chao,
would you please stand up?
Let's take a photo together.
Thank you.
…hoping to further promote
more important cooperation
through important buyers
and technical experts
-in the energy industry.
-As if, 1,8 trillion dollars.
How did she come up with this number?
But it sounds so appealing.
People like
such a substantially effective policy.
That's the advantage of the ruling party.
Kai-kai, have the graphics
that dispute the data been shared?
How's the response?
It's the same.
All the likes and reposts
are from our supporters.
It was done
to stabilize our supporters' morale.
Do you think the MHD supporters
will repost them?
What if our own supporters
won't even repost them?
All right. What are you doing?
We still have time.
These polls are temporary.
We must look at the trend.
It's good that more and more people
question BPL's power generation now.
Lung, can you make another set
of graphics for LINE?
Mr. Chen, the media is fast.
Many news sites
have conducted instant polls.
How's the response?
Forget it. Don't tell me.
It's obviously
a one-sided support for BPL.
Do you need to register to vote?
-A few websites don't require it.
Send the URL to everyone.
Everyone, make sure you vote.
If possible,
tell your friends to vote too.
Appeal to them to vote, okay?
Everyone, let's win this. Okay?
I sent it to the group chat.
Remember to vote.
And share it.
It's Wen-chieh's death anniversary.
I've written the card.
Send it to the florist.
Is he still outside?
Help me prepare a gift
that a girl in her twenties will like.
I want Chien Cheng-li to quit
and keep quiet afterward.
Of course.
I don't want both departments
to have any conflicts.
Deal with it.
I'll do that at once.
If I win,
I can do whatever I want, right?
Thank you, Mr. Weng, for coming.
Based on Mr. Wen-chieh's wish
when he was alive,
Mr. Weng used the insurance payout
to set up
this financial assistance scholarship
to benefit local students.
Wen-chieh left his legacy.
A shining star, full of confidence.
Next, Mr. Li Tzu-chia.
Please say a few words.
Thank you to Mr. Wen-chieh.
I hope I can get
into Jianzhong Scientific Class.
I hope Mr. Weng will be elected too.
Then Mom and Dad will buy me a Switch.
You're so good with words.
Shout "victory"
and let the audience hear you,
then I'll give you a Switch,
no need to wait for your parents.
-All right. Next one.
Please support us.
Mr. Weng Jen-hsiung. Thank you.
-You have my support.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Hi, miss.
-I love you guys.
-It's ten dollars for a red bean cake.
We have taro, red bean, butter,
and shredded radish. Four flavors.
One red bean then.
One red bean?
Miss, we have a promotion now.
-Buy two, add ten dollars,
-If you need anything,
-and get a red bean soup.
-just tell GZD.
Miss, are you interested?
-Thank you.
-No problem.
Okay, I'll take two.
What kind of red bean
and red bean combination is this?
The soup is free.
-How nice.
Why did you come out?
I saw different voters out here.
I'm mingling with them.
You're working so hard.
The race is very tight this time.
A party member who left is running.
He's quite powerful.
Three equally strong contenders,
so it's very hard.
No wonder my dad
is working so hard this time.
Transport starts at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m.,
then he stands at intersections
and walks around markets.
There are meal parties at night too.
I'm just here to help,
so I can work in shifts.
However, I think Uncle Jen-hsiung
sleeps less than five hours a day.
He's the one who wants to run.
Do you still want to run for office?
Doesn't my dad want you to run?
He did ask me.
If you want to run, I can wait.
Sometimes, I think
elections are quite demeaning.
You keep smiling all day.
Begging people here and there
to vote for me.
Do I really need that one vote?
We really need that one vote.
If you can't control Chien Cheng-li,
then don't let him work for you.
Mr. Hsu.
It's really not that serious.
Mr. Kao has also dealt with it.
The Press Department
is just making too much fuss.
Let me tell you.
The chairperson already knows about this.
Do you think I have nothing better to do?
What did the chairperson say?
What else can she say?
Of course she's furious.
tell Hsiao-chien to take a long vacation.
He can say his wife
is preventing miscarriage
or any of those reasons will do.
Tell him to return in a month or two
and use family issues
as a means to resign.
Don't let any more people know about this.
Handle it quietly.
It's general election time.
Hsiao-chien has been going
to Pingtung for over a decade.
Especially with Hakka people,
he can just call them
and they'll all come.
Who will do that now?
I'll get you someone else.
Everyone's workload is so heavy now.
Which unit will be willing
to release people?
If I tell you
I'll give you someone, I will.
The times have changed.
Everyone has a phone.
They can conduct searches,
record audio and video.
Let me ask you.
If that girl from the Press Department
posts Hsiao-chien's video
and puts us on an online trial,
can we still run for office or not?
I'm just worried if Hsiao-chien
will say ridiculous things.
We'll give him compensation.
I'll provide that.
I think he wouldn't dare.
Otherwise, who'd recommend
a job for him in the future?
All right.
You've worked hard too.
I know you won't do anything out of line,
but you must manage your staff.
If you can do something before,
it doesn't mean you can still do it now.
The line between men
and women must be clear.
I'm sorry.
I'll handle it.
Reserve a time this week
to go to the karaoke bar.
Okay, I got it.
Where did you go
during the awards ceremony?
You couldn't even sit still.
I went out for a walk.
You're disrespecting your brother.
It's your brother's name on the stage.
That's right.
If Wen-chieh knows he can still campaign
for you after he's gone,
he'd be so happy.
What are you talking about?
What are you doing?
After working for the headquarters,
you can now give me advice?
Any more advice, Ms. Assistant Director?
That's enough.
You're being so mean for a minor thing.
What about you?
Mr. Legislator, what advice do you have?
Not only do you scold people
at the Legislative Yuan,
but you also scold your kid.
Is this an interpellation?
Your daughter isn't a GZD official.
There's no media filming you here either.
Why can't you speak to your child nicely
instead of scolding her?
Who would want to talk to you
in the future?
She just doesn't want this occasion
to become a campaign.
Do you understand?
It's from the chairperson.
I'll go for a smoke.
I'm your mom.
I'm your dad's wife too.
I must take revenge for my husband.
You said your brother
is still campaigning for your dad
even after he is gone.
You're so mean.
How about this?
Let's service the voters now.
It seems like
you're very unsatisfied with Mr. Weng.
Miss, what is your wise opinion?
How would I dare to have one?
I just hate that
the election is all he thinks about.
He even used Wen-chieh's death
anniversary for campaigning.
He's completely using him.
All right.
I've heard your opinion.
I'll let Mr. Weng know.
There's no need.
But he couldn't control
what happened today.
Those caps and fans
were made by supporters.
How can we stop them
from distributing them?
Actually, that's not
what you're concerned about, right?
Anyway, nothing is more important
than getting elected.
I was just Wen-chieh's substitute.
If Li Tien-cheng had scolded Wen-chieh,
Dad would surely quarrel with him.
My brother is a man.
He wouldn't have this kind of problem.
He'll still defend you.
Just not in the way you want.
Is that so?
In what way then?
Why do you think your dad
must keep running for office?
For the family's interest.
If he's really after some interest,
after being in politics for so many years
and having great connections,
people would be lining up to hire him
as an independent director
as soon as he retires.
He'd have left a long time ago
if he wants to earn money.
Your dad isn't interested in money.
What he likes is authority.
Yes, authority.
What's so bad about authority?
Aren't human
and labor rights authorities too?
You're referring to entitlement.
What dad wants is power.
Without power, how can you change society?
Same-sex marriage can only be passed
if GZD legislators are the majority.
I know he voted in favor of it,
but that was what the party
wanted him to vote.
In reality, he…
He doesn't accept me and Julia.
I can't answer on his behalf,
but regardless,
he hopes that you can live
in a fair society.
As long as he keeps giving chances
to people like Li Tien-cheng,
as long as people like this exist,
this society will never be fair.
Whether to accept homosexuality or not
is a personal choice,
but same-sex marriage legalization
is a political issue.
That's why I know your dad really needs
people like Li Tien-cheng.
They follow the Justice Party's stance.
They'll even convince people
what to vote for.
It's more useful than us convincing them.
Anyway, they're opposing
the Democracy and Peace Party.
I know that you feel hurt because of him,
but I've never seen him
push for other laws
as seriously as he did
for same-sex marriage.
You also know
that if he wants to deal with something,
he really has his ways.
I'm telling you these things today
to let you know
that your dad…
I know.
He's just not good at chatting.
That's so true.
He only asks, "Is the food delicious?
Is the food enough?"
Thank you so much for joining us.
Actually, when Nan-chi came to me,
I was a bit surprised.
However, I didn't hesitate at all.
Of course I'll continue to follow
energy-related technical research.
That won't change
even if I'm running for office
or if I get elected.
My mentor always tells me
that the realization of Buddhism
in the human world is doing good.
We must do more things
that benefit all beings.
People who can serve
are those who can exist in the future.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity
to go and serve people.
-You're too kind.
-You're too kind.
Come on. It's ready.
Come this way, please.
-Come here.
-What do you think?
The polls show
that he can help you get 20% more
support from the male population.
You really need this.
Besides, his professional skills
and image as an energy expert
can end the impression that GZD is against
development and environmental protection.
With He Jung-lang's help,
we have a great chance this year.
What's the disadvantage?
The disadvantage is that
he's a very devout Buddhist.
Sometimes, being too religious
isn't a good thing.
Let's just take note
and pay attention to that.
I didn't expect him to say yes.
Thank you.
By the way,
Hsiao-chien's last day is this Friday,
just for your information.
I quit drinking.
Just drink a bit.
I'm sorry.
Don't be silly.
-Come on.
-Come on.
I'll drink with you.
GZD held a Central
Standing Committee meeting today
to discuss the expectations
of Taiwan's biomass energy development
and also questioned the superplastic BPL.
Let's see the latest statement of GZD.
I, Weng Wen-fang, the spokesperson,
will relay Ms. Lin Yue-chen's speech after
the Central Standing Committee meeting.
The full text is as follows.
"Today, I'm so glad to invite
Professor Lo Hsiao-wen
-to share his views
-How do you think I did?
-on biomass energy development in Taiwan."
-You're all right.
You must smile more.
If you don't smile,
you look mean.
Like when you sold
the election small items before,
you were so nervous
as if they weren't salable.
You must relax and smile.
You don't smile either.
I'm at home. I'm not asking for votes.
Why would I keep smiling?
Using the people's worry
about the garbage problem…
All right.
If you see something I need
to pay attention to in the future,
you can tell me.
"We think we should be more cautious
and need to reassess."
That's what was said after
the Central Standing Committee meeting.
That's all for today's press conference.
Thank you.
Let's see tomorrow's weather changes.
Dad, I have a friend
whom I've known for five years.
Ms. Chu?
After the election,
can I invite her for a meal here?
Doesn't she have food at home?
Come on. Let's eat.
-Let's eat.
We have food in our home.
Let's eat.
Let's eat.
Eat up.
Chien Cheng-li will resign this week.
I know this isn't the result you want.
Like you, I also want
to handle this based on the law.
However, during election time,
everything will be twisted and magnified.
The parties will have to bear a lot
of social pressure that they shouldn't.
From a personal standpoint,
I certainly hope that our party can hold
its first-ever Sexual Harassment
Investigative Committee meeting
and give justice
to all female party workers in the past.
But from the standpoint of party workers,
I know that it's too risky to do that.
I don't know
how it will affect the election.
So if drastic reforms are to be made,
we must wait until after the election.
I promise.
Win or lose,
I'll look into this myself.
Who should take responsibility
and who's hiding the truth
will be made clear then.
Thank you, Ms. Lin.
I'm the one who should thank you.
Thank you for being willing
to stand up for your colleague.
Otherwise, we'll quickly forget the reason
why we're working so hard.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-The breakfast last time…
You want me to provide…
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I know that the things
that make you uncomfortable
are also happening
in every corner of Taiwan.
I fired the person who hurt you,
but I know that what I'm doing
is far from enough.
Please wait for the day
when this society catches up with you.
I will move forward for this goal.
Do you believe her?
She's a woman too.
I want to try again.
We can't rely solely on those
at the top in promoting reforms.
I want to keep working in my position.
To change this environment,
I must find the battle position
that belongs to me.
Elections are the fastest
and most direct way to do it.
So what position do you want?
I'll help you.
There's no extra pay.
I really like my job as an aide,
but I've already failed before.
I've also failed before,
but that's fine.
Just stand up again.
Where's Mom?
She's still sleeping.
Okay, I'll get going first.
It's not easy to love one person forever,
Are you seeing someone?
It's nothing.
I can't believe you're smoking.
Mr. Hsu, Mr. Kao, Pin Chieh, Shi-ming,
Yi-ju, and Mr. Sheng-ming are in the room.
Give me one.
It's an occasion to shake hands
and become best friends.
We're all adults.
I know.
I already know
what song I'm going to sing.
Even if the world goes against me
I like you so much
-I like you so much, we can't be apart
-You can do it, Mr. Kao.
-This is the only truth I believe in
-Come on.
-Mr. Hsu.
-No restrictions, invincible
-Thank you. Come here.
-I like you so much
-Come sing with me.
-I'm slowly becoming intoxicated
-Good work.
-We must relax a bit.
-Finally, I don't want to be sober
-But the election is coming up.
-There's no need to be sober
-We can't have entertainers.
-This prank
Order whatever you want, okay?
-Okay, here.
Mr. Sheng-ming,
thank you for your hard work.
-Well, it's part of my job.
-Thank you. No.
-I'm sorry about last time.
-All right.
-Don't say that.
-I should be sorry.
-Let's work together.
-Here's to you, Mr. Sheng-ming.
-Let's work together. Pin Chieh.
Drink however much you want,
bottoms up for me.
-I like you so much
-Come on. Here comes Mr. Lai.
-Mr. Lai.
-Mr. Lai.
Mr. Lai.
-Mr. Lai, it has been a while.
-You even brought wine.
-See how polite he is.
-You're ridiculous. This is my district.
-Mr. Lai.
-You didn't tell me you were coming here.
-Mr. Lai.
-What are you doing?
Let's make Sheng-ming
and Wen-fang sing a duet.
-Mr. Lai, I'll pick a song for you.
-You should've thought it through before.
-"Sad Heart."
-Come on.
Whose song is this?
-Come on.
-It's mine.
Weng Wen-fang.
-Mr. Sheng-ming.
-Mr. Sheng-ming.
-Come on.
-Come on.
-I can't sing.
-How can I tell you how I feel?
I thought about it all night
Until I felt embarrassed
I can't speak at all when I see you
I can only lower my head
-Mr. Sheng-ming.
-How can I tell you how I feel?
Tell you that I only think about you daily
-Let's drink.
-I feel
-Like the spring breeze
-We've been waiting for this.
I can only write
A love prompt delivery letter
A love prompt delivery letter
Only a letter
Can completely express my love
Your gentleness, your loveliness
-Your beauty, your style
-Your beauty, your style
-Let me fall
-Let me fall
-Into your boundless sea of love
-Into your boundless sea of love
Yes, love is in the air.
Attention, everyone.
We're taking off.
The Taipei District
Prosecutors Office sent news
that there's really malfeasance with BPL.
Attention, everyone!
The tables are turning!
-The tables are turning!
-The tables are turning!
-The tables are turning!
-I knew there'd be trouble with BPL.
-They're doomed this time.
The Democracy and Peace Party
is a disgrace.
The tables have turned!
-The tables have turned.
Keep singing.
-Keep singing.
-I feel like the spring breeze
I can only write
A love prompt delivery letter
-A love prompt delivery letter
Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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