We Are the Champions (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Dog Dancing

A great dance partner requires many skills:
Grace. Agility.
And an unstoppable drive towards mastery.
But the perfect dance partner.
Can only be found in a
being whose spirit is so pure
and whose heart is so large
that their connection to you
is one of effortless trust.
So, of course, the most perfect
dance partners known to man.
.Are dogs.
Is dog dancing.
Just focus on what you're doing.
Be calm. Everything will be fine.
Next competitor, from Russia,
Irina Kasheeva with her two-year-old
white Swiss Shepherd, Lasha.
Welcome to Irina Kasheeva!
There is a dream.
That is shared.
By every poodle in Paris.
Every Labrador in Lima.
Every mutt in Montreal.
And that dream.
Dog dancing is the sporting phenomenon
taking over the canine world.
This interspecies extravaganza
is more than a sport.
It's an art.
A "spart," if you will.
It is a very difficult sport.
Definitely the most difficult dog sport.
Dog dancing isn't just
about dancing dogs. Oh, no.
It's a duet,
and the human's gotta bring
their own boogie, big time.
The person has to be creative.
Have an understanding of the music.
The person needs dance abilities,
and then, in addition,
has to train the dog.
There are hundreds of
competitions around the world,
but there is one that
towers above them all:
The Open European Championship,
a.k.a. the O.E.C.
The Open European Championship
is the most important
competition in the world.
This year, being held in Italy,
in the picturesque village
of Cavaion Veronese,
which is about to be overrun by
every dog dancer worth their kibble,
all going for gold.
One thousand six hundred miles away,
in the small Russian village of Lukino.
The dog dancing dreams of Mother Russia
rest on the shoulders of one woman:
Polina Ilina.
On average, I'm here nearly
every day for about 7 to 10 hours.
When I'm here, I pretend
my phone doesn't work.
"The walls are made of
iron. There's no signal."
While some friends
might believe Polina's lies,
her best friend can
sniff right through them.
Ilim is a third-generation dancer.
I danced with his grandad and his mom.
Between them, Polina and Ilim have
won nearly every award in the sport.
Including the 2016 World Championship.
In fact, the only medal missing
from her shelves is O.E.C. gold.
The biggest in her sport.
Polina needs to win this trophy,
because it is the final piece
to fulfilling her life's vision.
To understand that
vision, we have to go back.
The 1990s.
Afraid your team might get beat by a dog?
For most people,
the '90s probably looked
like a good time to be a dog.
But for every Air Bud sinking
buckets or Beethoven tossing slobber
were untold hordes of oppressed pooches,
trapped in the tired
world of stuffy dog shows
doing events like obedience.
and, of course,
duck herding.
But then, one woman, one dog.
One dance that transformed
the world of canine sports forever.
Mary did a little bit of heelwork,
spiced up the heelwork a little
bit with twists, weaves, circles.
With the world watching, Mary
Ray and Kizzy introduced us to
what would soon be known
as "heelwork to music."
Around the same time, one Canadian trainer
was cooking up her own revolution.
For Carolyn Scott, however,
the focus was more on creativity.
Her style would be
called "canine freestyle."
Eventually, heelwork to
music and canine freestyle
became the new sport of dog dancing,
and changed the life of one young
computer programmer forever.
In 1999, an instructor showed us a tape.
It was of Mary Ray and Carolyn Scott.
It impressed me so much how
dynamic and joyful the dog was.
At that moment, I knew
that this was my calling.
With that calling came a vision:
Dog dancing at the Olympics.
But Polina knew this wouldn't happen
unless the sport was taken seriously.
So, she put in the work
teaching, training, competing,
until she created the purebred
army that is Team Russia.
Polina has a very, very good reputation.
She's a very successful competitor.
And also, as far as I can see,
she's the driving force behind
the success of the Russian team.
We're always top three and often win.
I guess you could say we're not that bad.
You could say you're not that bad.
Or you could say you're
the most successful team
in the history of dog dancing.
There hasn't been any other country
that has been so consistent,
which is the mark of a
very, very good teacher.
One for heelwork to music
and one for canine freestyle,
and Polina likes to win both.
Last year, we rolled through
Europe and won everything.
But this year, the challenge
is greater than ever before.
Last year's competitor didn't qualify
and this lineup is entirely different.
Russia's Team Heelwork
has some returning veterans,
including Polina herself,
but some members are
dancing for the very first time.
And on Team Freestyle,
everyone is a newbie.
On Team Freestyle, every
pair is competing for the first time.
The national team has
a reputation to uphold
and they feel that
weight on their shoulders.
There's no greater threat to
Polina's vision than her new student,
Irina Kasheeva.
Polina told me that I
qualified for the national team.
I didn't really believe it at first.
Do the "shy" move?
- Exactly.
- I thought about it.
You should have. You ruined your ending,
because you didn't do it.
It's my first time at a
competition like this.
We'll have to work hard to keep up.
This is going to be a
real challenge for Irina.
And our team is relying on her.
Irina must score high
for Team Freestyle to win.
And Polina needs them to win.
Because there's someone
that Polina has to impress.
That someone is this guy, the
pinnacle of the pooch pyramid in Russia,
a.k.a. the President of the
Russian Kynological Federation,
the unsettlingly silent
"Dog Father" himself,
Vladimir Golubev.
Unlike many other teams,
our national team is sponsored.
Everyone knows there's
no such thing as a free lunch.
Or free kibble.
If we want them to keep sponsoring us,
we need to produce the best results.
If Polina can give Vladimir
the victory he wants,
he can offer her far more than just money,
because Vlad is the only
person in Russia powerful enough
to help Polina realize her Olympic dreams.
So, it's clear that the only
step forward for Polina's vision
is the top step of the O.E.C. podium.
While there are faster ways
to get from Moscow to Italy,
Polina's goal isn't speed.
Follow the words, not the hands.
Ceiling. Nose.
Ceiling. Floor.
If people go in their own
cars, they are separated.
When you all travel on
the bus, the team bonds.
We become friends.
I believe that helps us win.
So, the next person gets
a sticker and then what?
For Team Russia to win,
Polina will need every trick in her book,
'cause she has to turn the
newest member of the team
and the fluffiest member of the team
into champions.
Approach and give him the "shy" command.
And give him a treat.
Where should you be looking?
You look over here. Yes, very good.
Wrong! Only reward
him in the right position.
Every dog is unique and so is every person,
but these two are something else.
My dog's name is Kalashnikov.
At home, we call him Lasha.
You heard that right - Kalashnikov.
He's extraordinary.
He always wants to do stuff with me.
And that connection is vital,
because behind? That sunny demeanor
is a woman with a passion for action.
When I got my grandson,
I spent so much time? With
him his parents became jealous.
They would tell me, "That's enough."
But when I got Lasha,
I could give him all
the attention I wanted.
He's my dog and no one
can tell me, "That's enough."
He's not a grandchild.
That's all right, Irina.
Grandchildren are weak anyway.
They couldn't do a "Drunk
Bunny" if their life depended on it.
Irina is a very hardworking student,
but she has one big problem.
Sometimes she dances too hard.
That's right. Irina's great
flaw is dancing too hard.
Sometimes dancing makes me so happy,
that when everything is working,
I want to stay in the moment.
Irina loves to dance so much
that sometimes she forgets
she even has a partner.
It's crucial? She doesn't
let the dance consume her.
She has to stay focused and
lead Lasha through the steps.
It's morning in Cavaion Veronese.
Espresso will be sipped.
Biscotti crunched.
Vespas waxed.
The entire town blissfully unaware
that they are only moments
away from hosting a conflict
of global proportions.
Ladies, listen up!
You have four minutes for
prop set up and a sound check.
And the team order?
- Let's go shortest to tallest.
- Say what?
Why not blonde to blondest?
They have come in their hundreds
from Argentina to Austria,
the hottest heelworkers.
The fanciest freestylers.
All hell-bent on proving they
are the greatest dancers alive.
Shoulder blades together!
Stomachs in!
Tuck your butts!
For everyone on
Russia, the goal is simple:
To bring home first place.
And now, we will welcome.
Heelwork and freestyle
follow the same format.
.From Russia.
You add the scores of the top
three dancers from each country.
Highest score takes the gold.
Judges score heelwork to
music routines by difficulty.
And above all, precision.
Wonderful routine with Tamila
Butrimova and? Illai from Russia.
Tamila was able to
score a 25.76 for Russia.
Not bad.
But, this year,
the Italians,
the French,
and the Germans
have all come to this dogfight
ready to rumble.
We are ahead by one point, 1.20.
Most people in first place
might allow themselves a smile,
but not Polina.
Welcome, in the ring,
Svetlana Davydova from Russia.
Because at this level of
competitive dog dancing,
the line between success
and failure is wafer thin.
One missed cue, one stumble, even one bark.
.Could make or break your score.
Sveta, you got 23.91. A good result.
- It could have been better.
- Don't worry. I blame myself, too.
I blame myself more.
With Svetlana underperforming,
Team Heelwork drop into fourth place.
And to make things worse,
the competition has
saved the best for last.
These aren't just your everyday dancers.
These are the revolutionaries
changing the entire sport.
They are traditionally-trained dancers
who have redefined? What is
expected from the human partner.
The human dancing significantly evolved
during the last five, six years.
This evolution in sport
has opened the door for other
countries to launch a counterattack.
Incredible performance from Germany.
That moves them into first place.
This evolution is not one
that plays to Polina's strengths.
For despite all her success,
there is one area of dog dancing
that Polina has never truly mastered.
Honestly, I've never liked dancing.
Never in my whole life.
That's right,
the greatest dog dancer in
Russia is terrible at dancing.
For about four years, I've been
working with choreographers.
First, I had to learn
how to smile in the ring.
It's very difficult.
I see that some people
have a dance background
and they get higher scores.
For Russia to win the heelwork medal,
Polina will need the dance of her life.
Welcome to Polina Ilina
with Ilim from Russia.
I know I'm good in the ring,
but I have to keep learning,
because just being good
in the ring isn't enough.
If you want to be noticed by
the judges and be remembered.
You have to know how to surprise people.
My mission in life is to show people
a dog is far more than just a pet.
They understand you more than you think.
I dance to show how
deeply we are connected.
How well we understand each other.
Dog dancing for me is.
It's everything I live for.
Polina scores an incredible 26.66.
A devilishly good score.
And enough for Team Heelwork to claim
yet another gold for mother Russia.
First place.
To Russia!
But the real challenge lies in Day Two,
when the world will learn if the rookies
of Team Freestyle? Are ready to play.
With the big dogs.
The nerves of Day Two begin early,
with Irina drawing the
last dance of the entire day.
Polina said we'll manage.
Even though we go one
before last, that we'll make it.
And while Irina tries not to
let the pressure consume her,
Polina is sizing up their rivals.
It's hard to tell if she's more
worried by the top tier opposition
or the fact that Vlad is here.
And he's brought an appetite for victory.
Herlinde Jans from
Belgium with Sharilin Kiki.
If Polina's Olympic dreams are to survive,
Team Freestyle need to deliver the goods.
They have to turn all their hopes, dreams,
and ambitions into gold for Vladimir.
But this year, the
competition smells blood.
Because everyone knows that Team Russia
is just a bunch of newbs.
Well, hot dog!
Looks like these newbs got moves.
Natalia and Luke kick off
Freestyle with a score of 25.6,
a very, very good start.
But when you're up against
the Kung Fu Panda herself.
Good. Just isn't enough.
Incredible performance from Czech Republic!
Natalia's performance was good enough
to get Russia into second place,
but second place is not
what Polina came for.
So how does it look?
We only have one point over Italy
and we're behind Czech Republic.
This next Italian will be very strong.
As with any major tournament,
the home team have a serious advantage.
From Italy!
An advantage that Team Italy
came fully prepared to exploit.
An incredible set of routines catapults
the Italians into first place,
leaving Russia in third.
But Polina was ready for this,
and next up is Russia's secret weapon.
Ilona Trepova, a beauty queen from
the tiny Siberian town of Tomsk,
and her dancing angel,
Masha the Rottweiler.
An incredible score of 26.83 puts Russia
exactly where Polina knows they belong:
First place.
So awesome!
Looks like the team might get #1.
It's possible.
Don't jinx it!
We shouldn't put that on Irina.
The final round begins
with Russia in the lead
by only fractions of a point.
And they are facing the toughest
opposition of the entire tournament.
Usain Bolt.
When you've got every person
in the crowd chanting your name,
a routine based on Rocky,
and knock out dance moves like this.
Gianni does it again.
.First place is guaranteed.
A stellar performance
puts Team Italy back on top.
And so it all comes down
to Irina.
Stay calm.
I understand that the way we
perform will not only affect us,
but also Polina.
Big responsibility.
From Russia, Irina Kasheeva
with her two-year-old White
Swiss Shepherd, Lasha.
I have to impress the judges.
Reach their souls.
For myself and Lasha.
And for my coach, Polina.
This is it.
Every pirouette,
every toe tap,
every Drunk Bunny has led to this moment.
Polina knows that Irina can dance.
And she can dance hard.
But will Irina dance too hard?
The judges see 60, 70 routines.
If one is like the other,
it's very difficult to judge.
Sometimes after watching 50, 60 routines,
the head of the judges is boiling.
But sometimes the light inside
a dancer burns so brightly,
it burns away the cobwebs from even
the most callous judge's heart.
And sometimes it takes a
newcomer to show the world
that there's no such
thing as dancing too hard.
Thank you, Irina Kasheeva with Russia.
Was it okay?
You moved on without looking.
You should have said, "Stay."
- But the rest was good?
- The rest was perfect!
Irina needs at least 25.3
for Russia to take the win.
My students are an extension of myself,
so passing my skills
on to them is priceless.
First place goes to.
I think of dog dancing
in Russia as my child
that I helped raise and grow.
And we just proved that when we show up,
the whole world will be watching.
Hello, Mr. Golubev.
What more could I wish
for a woman but happiness?
- Diamonds.
- Diamonds? Start big, huh? I like it!
As the president of the Federation,
I am, of course, happy you won.
We have a special leader among us.
I hereby award you the
Golden Pin of the Federation.
It turns out that Vladimir
actually can speak,
and that, when he does,
he's a rather lovely man.
It seems that Polina's Olympic dreams
are in safe hands.
All our team members did an amazing job.
I'm grateful to all our dogs.
I really want this sport? To
attract more and more people.
I want people to believe in
themselves, in their potential,
and for the sport to have a future.
I believe dog dancing
should be an Olympic sport.
I want more people to know about it
around the whole world, the whole galaxy.
If life is a dance,
then finding the right partner is the key.
Alone, we can only dance steps we know.
Together, every beat can be new.
So when you find the partner
that unlocks your moves,
whether they're chaotic,
or just plain odd.
Keep on dancing.
Because when we let the world
see the crazy magic in all of us,
that's when we become
the greatest breed of all:
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