Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

Ashes to Ashes

Coffee and reindeer jerky.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
All the animals you see here,
they're mine.
I got them from my mother,
who in turn got them from her parents.
Now I'm the one making sure
that they're healthy and free.
You'd make a fine Sami girl.
-I'll put the kettle on.
Well, do you have
a man in your life yet, Kari?
I would like to meet the right one.
-At some point.
-One can get lucky.
You're all smiles?
I'm thinking of
having a second child.
I think becoming a mother again
would be great for me.
And I think it would
be good for Bilzi to be a dad.
That family feeling, you know.
All that.
-Don't you think?
-Yes, family is a wonderful thing.
Who knows, Kari
maybe life is a fairy tale. First you
have to go through a ton of shit.
But then you live happily ever after.
Hey, mama?
I've brought chocolates.
And flowers.
One can get lucky.
Lucky enough to die.
-Stop it.
-What do I have to live for?
I'm old and tired.
I'm rotting away here.
And my son is a fag.
You're well aware that I'm not.
Where's the Sami woman in your tent?
Where are my grandchildren?
What will become of my bloodline?
I don't want to hear about
that whoreson Daza,
who your father fucked into existence.
That bastard is living on your land,
sitting by your table.
I'll go get some coffee.
And a vase
Miss Bilzi is getting a vase.
Hurry up, Miss Bilzi,
a vase for your primulas.
Okay, let's put the stage there.
And then the arts and crafts stalls
Just put them wherever you want them.
Helene? Helene?
We must decide what to auction off
and what to raffle off.
You figure it out.
You have
stolen my heart.
My sister, my bride.
You have stolen my heart, with
Why are you quoting the Song of Solomon?
Please, let me speak.
I'm in love with you.
You don't need to say anything now.
Listen, Odd.
You have tattoos, eat frozen pizza for
dinner and live in a studio apartment.
-I'm old enough to be your mother.
-Age doesn't matter.
Perhaps not now,
but in ten years I'll be an old crone.
You're always on my mind!
I love your sermons,
your way of walking down the aisle
Odd, listen.
I can't have kids.
My flesh is sagging off my bones.
I stand there preaching and singing
hymns, but I'm empty inside.
I have nothing left to give.
Go home, google "mature women"
and try to meet someone your own age.
-Hi! Where are you headed?
-Dad's place.
Not in the woods. There are wolves.
Backtracking all the way around
the forest would take forever.
And dad says there are no wolves here.
Ride with me.
Dad can drive you home afterwards.
-I have chopped wood.
-I like to chop.
-This is Elena.
And this is Siri and Marin.
I'm Marin. I'm Finn's daughter.
I'm Elena. I'm nobody's anything.
What's going on here, Finn?
Elena lives here, for the time being.
And who is Elena?
My maid, sort of.
Where in the world is Elena from, then?
-Well, fuck me.
Is this how you deal with our divorce?
By buying an Eastern European whore?
Do you think Marin
will be spending her weekends
with you and that prostitute?
Get in the car, Marin. Come on.
Human trafficking
is men selling women for prostitution.
Men selling women
as if they were sheep.
I know.
We've learned about it in school.
Did you see her face?
That's the face of a battered woman.
Look at my face, Marin.
Look at my face!
This is the face of a free woman.
-We don't know how that happened.
-But we do know that those women
get subjected to violence
if they don't do as they're told.
Abused by their pimps. It's awful.
If you don't want to see your father
again, you have my full support.
I do want to see him.
It looks like the coffee is ready,
so I'll be on my way. Bye!
-Take care.
I brought chocolate Swiss rolls. Expired
a few weeks ago, but perfectly fine.
I'll go get some milk.
Oh, I've done it again.
Poor Nils.
I've lost my wedding ring too.
I don't get it, Ingrid.
I don't think you seem that confused.
And now I don't remember
if you like your coffee white?
There is a liar here.
There are lies and deceit
in this house.
Forked tongue
-You had another fit.
-What did it say?
You said there was a liar in this house.
Hungerholt speaking.
Hello, anybody there?
Hi, Mom. It's me.
I'm here for the rent.
-I'll transfer the money.
-We usually pay in cash here.
Why let the authorities
meddle in our affairs?
I'm short on cash,
but I can make a withdrawal
-and drop by your office?
Hey, where does one go out
to have some fun?
-Have some fun?
-You know, dancing, meeting people.
There's no dancing here.
I get it,
but this is the deal of a lifetime.
Thirty-two inches.
Crystal clear technology.
Do I look like a scrap merchant?
You look like a man who recognizes
a good deal. 1000 kroner for you.
Gold and jewelry.
That's what I buy, Willman.
Nine hundred?
-I'll give you 500.
But it's the last time you come here
with brown goods. Get it?
Six hundred? Come on
Come on.
Hi! A bottle of tequila
and two glasses, please.
You two look tired.
May we hold your tits?
What a charmer!
Take a look around, Kari.
If I were you, I'd lower my expectations
Or just stay single.
I'm dead to my family.
To my mom, my dad, my siblings.
I don't exist anymore.
I grew up with Jehovah's Witnesses.
In a congregation near Norheimsund.
That was my whole life.
Everything I knew.
But I don't want to go back there.
I want a family.
I want love.
I refused Marin to see her dad.
I'm going to file for full custody.
He punched me, he's a drunkard,
and he bought a whore.
I also think that
That you and I should have a baby.
Become a real family.
-That's not going to happen.
-Why not?
I'm Sami.
Hell if I'll let my blood
get watered down.
-What are you doing?
-I'm good enough to live here.
Good enough to scrub your toilet.
Good for a fuck, but not good enough
to bear your child?
I'll stay at the motel with Marin.
It was nice while it lasted.
Let go. Let go!
Why do you think Horagallis
was everything to me?
I have no idea.
He was the closest I could get.
I've fucked my fair share of women.
I wondered
why none of them got knocked up.
I've been to many of the fine Norwegian
I've jacked off in those fine,
little cups of theirs.
Been through
a bunch of examinations.
But there's nothing to be done.
We will never talk about this again.
Here we have the not-paid bills.
The paid bills.
Letters from the bank.
And just some other stuff.
Where I come from, you have to know
numbers, or someone will fuck you over.
So, when are you going back to Albania?
I can't go back to Albania.
You ruined my face.
I cannot work. I have no money.
And I need money.
To go back and
Open a kiosk.
Twenty-four thousand euros.
I thought we could sing "Timeless",
by Postgirobygget.
It's a nice Norwegian pop song.
And it's upbeat.
Are you a lesbian?
Since you're wearing men's clothes.
That's how the Oslo lesbians look.
-May I just have a quick word with you?
So you guys just listen to the song
and pay attention to the lyrics.
Rumors are flying around
in the teachers' lounge.
You're planning something other
than a psalm at the church bazaar?
-Our tradition is to sing a psalm
at the church bazaar.
That's what we usually do.
-And everybody's happy.
I didn't think
that bazaar was very church-like.
I'm sure you'll find
a nice psalm in that book.
How is it going with you and Marin?
It's not really working.
Luring her in, you know.
-Have you considered working out?
-Working out?
Well You're a bit chubby.
Girls usually prefer athletic bodies.
Just put your running shoes on!
I'm so glad you shared that with me.
That thing with your semen quality.
The two of us shouldn't have secrets.
Luckily, solutions do exist.
Sperm banks
Anonymous donor. No one would know
that the child isn't yours.
We just inject, I get pregnant,
and out comes a baby.
Didn't I tell you that the two of us
would never mention this again?
Didn't I?
Hey, honey. I was on my way out.
Does he hit you?
Marin, just stay out of it. Okay?
So this is the face
of a free woman, then?
Rumor has it that Bilzi
shot two of Finn's sheep.
Rumors, rumors
-They say the new teacher is a lesbian.
-That must be a private matter.
One of Stein's whores
moved in with Finn.
That's definitely a private matter.
Håvard has applied for
a hunting license for the wolf.
Good thing we're not wolves, then.
And a customs service task force
is on its way.
-What was that?
-The customs service.
Their task force. Is on its way.
A task force? Why?
They want to nail bootleggers.
To inspect the vans around here.
-That's very short notice.
-They'd rather come unannounced.
-What's that smell from you?
-Smells like women's perfume.
-It's just deodorant. It was on sale.
That's quite a deodorant.
Today we bring you gin.
Russian gin?
Yeah. The real shit.
The good news is that you get it
for the same price as vodka.
Gin is much more sophisticated
than vodka.
They sell gin and tonic
to the ladies at all the
-It's Willman.
-Customs service sent a task force.
-I can't hear you. Speak louder.
I said that customs service
has sent a task force.
-Into the microphone, for fuck's sake!
-A task force!
I don't know when they're coming,
or when they'll be leaving.
So stay off the roads,
unless you're clean.
-No, thanks.
-No, thanks.
-What's wrong with gin?
Our customers drink vodka.
Call when it's a regular shipment.
Customs agents are around,
so you'd better hide that gin, and fast.
What do we do?
Drive home with all that shit?
Want to cross the border with
1200 bottles of gin? No, me neither.
Fucking Sami!
Yes! I'll be right there!
My grandfather had sheep.
Where's our flat screen?
That's our TV.
And we don't watch much TV anyway.
Hey It's time to take a little pill
again, so you'll get some
You seem a bit uneasy.
Maybe you should take that pill.
-Ingrid, come here
-I can walk on my own.
-One cups of tea.
"One cup of tea."
-One cup of tea.
-Two cups of tea.
Five hundred.
I applied for a hunting license.
-A wolf hunt. That'd be something!
-Shut up! It's your turn.
Picking off Finn's poor sheep
will get old at some point.
I raise 5000.
Bilzi. Lend me 5000.
-No borrowing in the middle of a hand.
-Come on!
-It's alright, this one time.
-I call.
-Alright, good luck.
-I'm out.
-Me too.
-Here we have a king high straight.
-Not bad!
Better luck next time, Bilzi.
-Slow rolling is not alright, Bilzi.
-It's quite alright.
We've found a number of ways to
clear off that debt of yours, sheriff.
It's me.
Your husband.
Your evil bastard of a husband.
Your wreck.
Your miserable coward.
Your rotten asshole.
He's the one.
He's the one who just came home.
It's from a book.
A cook book.
Hi, Finn.
We have a small problem.
Customs service is on the prowl.
We must hide the gin.
-Gin, gin.
-I don't want your gin here.
We'll pay one thousand per day.
You could make a pretty penny before
those damn customs agents go home.
Bloody hell.
Too much on my mind.
It's pure anatomy.
When all the blood goes to your head,
there's not enough left for your cock.
All that jabber of yours
about kids and sperm quality.
And the Fins who have gone to Finland
with all the booze.
And all those buyers
who are fucking pissed off now.
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