When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

When The Devil Calls Your Name
Idol Festival D-2
You think she is not a grade-one soul, don't you?
I'm not sure yet, so it's not bad to have a simple verification.
Chief Kang, you were in the NIS (National Intelligence Service), right?
Episode 5
Frigging is a swear word?
Sit down there.
I don't want to, I'm going to sit here.
Let's be clear. Frigging is not a swear word
and she is a grade-one soul.
- I can't say.
- What
- What again? What's the matter?
- First,
a grade-one soul does not exist.
Does not exist?
- It existed once.
- It existed once?
Yes, It was a long time ago.
But there's no chance that it exists now.
Think about it. A grade-one soul
needs to be more than just pure and clear.
Do you think such a soul can survive in this world?
Do you think that's possible?
Now, I know who you are.
You ordered me to bring someone else's soul and then demand a grade-one soul.
And now, you are telling me that grade-one souls do not exist?
You enjoyed your dog's hard work to find a grade-one soul that didn't exist for a month,
and you were just going to take my soul!
You never thought of extending my contract.
Sir Seo, I really wanted to find a grade-one soul too,
although the chances of its existence are as good as ant poop.
Don't come any closer.
You're a complete con artist.
That's your true color, you know, right?
Sir Seo, I feel a little bad
Let's think about it.
All right, let's sum it up. I find a grade-one soul, but you are saying one doesn't exist.
You definitely said souls who do not swear when you snap your fingers are grade-one souls.
So, she really is a grade-one soul.
So let's stick to the deal since you spouted the deal from your mouth.
Unfortunately, she is not a grade-one soul.
If not, then prove it! I'm going to get that kid's contract.
You can prove it before then. If you can't,
just keep the deal.
Okay. Let's do it.
- Okay, let's do it.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Why not?
Soul Entertainment
Idol Festival D-1
Do you want to poop? Don't go back and forth, just go to the bathroom.
If you're a big star and then suddenly
you're stuck and go down, it's like hell, right?
Why? Do you want to go down?
I mean, I'm just saying that
If a star was envied by everyone becomes ordinary in one day,
it will hard to endure that, right?
Would not such a person want to sell his soul to be popular again?
Can't you see I'm really busy?
If you have time to talk nonsense, why don't you take care of the mess you pooped out during the broadcast?
- What are you busy with?
- Be interested in your work!
Don't you know that there's a Idol Festival tomorrow?
CEO Ji, if I find someone, can she go on the stage tomorrow?
No bullshit.
- Ra In will sing? Put her
- Stop!
Please, can you let me work!
I'm leaving. You can work.
Could you do me a favor? Just smile!
Original, is it a bride?
You just need to take care of her legs.
And I've said it over and over again, I don't have that ability.
You turned me into a frog before. You revived me when I was dead!
You're my client. That ability only works for my clients.
That means that the only those who sold their soul to the devil are under the influence of the devil.
Why are you so uncooperative?
You don't want to stick to our contract?
I forgot you are a petty con artist.
You went too far again.
Don't do that. Help me, please.
Didn't you say that by your own mouth? You are in charge of the contract.
And I will prove that she is not a grade-one soul.
Let's do our own work. So annoying.
Okay then.
I'm talking about it because you don't know.
Ra In never gives up about guys she wants.
- Must I do this over and over?
- What should I do?
What do you think? You should take her to the hospital.
Two weeks' treatment?
Harib ! Harib ! Harib !
I told you about this a while ago. Today, I will reveal her.
The singer of this song, my new muse. Kelly.
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
I'll be an elevator. Don't climb the stairs one by one like everyone else.
Just climb to the top directly. As much as you can get up there.
- I told you I wanted to quit.
- Well, you can quit. Sing once and quit.
I won't ask you to do this again. Go up and sing your song.
And if you still want to quit, then you can.
Do you hear?
Your song.
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Hold my hand. I'm afraid now you will climb to the top and never come down.
You are a grade-one soul. You are my soul.
Kelly! Kelly! Kelly!
Do me a favor, I don't want then to see my face.
♫ Talking to yourself like a habit ♫
♫ will be fine. It's okay ♫
♫ Someday it will make me laugh ♫
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward than in the mirror ♫
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Even the soft tears I held back while counting the stars ♫
♫ will they all pass? ♫
♫ Both what happened yesterday and my weary spirit ♫
♫ which I want to set aside ♫
♫ At the head of the bed a small doll ♫
That's my song, that's my stage. Mine!
Yi Gyeong, I can't see your face at all.
Is it Yi Gyeong?
♫ am saying thank you for growing up well and enduring ♫
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads and the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ Over the days even my dreams will seem to be slowing down ♫
♫ Always resisting my dreams, I am very sorry. ♫
♫ I still can't say it.♫
I thought I could stop.
If I gave up like that, I thought it would be easy.
I am exhausted.
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads and the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ Over the days even my dreams will seem to be slowing down ♫
I think it's like a shelter, I can hide myself from the hot sun and the rain.
It is the eave-like existence I want. Music
Song for me.
Wow, as expected, the Artist of the Age, the ideas for Harib Town.
Everyone, were you surprised?
I, too, was blown away. Wow! Fantastic!
It is Harib's Muse, Kelly.
Everyone, we're here together for the 2019 Idol Festival.
Look, look. The new one piggybacks on the popular ones.
Because Joo Ra In is popular, that girl is trying to piggyback on her popularity.
Should they do this when a person is injured?
You can't do that in the entertainment business.
Did you see? Huh? Did you see? Did you see? Huh?
Idol Festival Highlight Video
It's occurring all over the world. The internet is going crazy.
Absence: Harib's Muse Kelly. Veil Removed.
Let's get a new song ready soon. You can't give them time to think.
We'll release an album and get ready for a tour as soon as possible.
I've told Kang Ha.
Let's have a drink to celebrate.
I think I have to go. Goodbye.
On a day like this, you should be slicing cake.
That's okay. Thank you.
Then, I'll give you a ride.
I'm going by bus. Thank you.
I'm crazy.
I'm crazy. I'm crazy.
Where is Gyeong?
She left.
She's busy so what could I do?
Why did you prepare so much?
It was a beautiful night.
What are you doing?
You can be honest to me.
Psycho, jerk. I will never call you those anymore.
You let her debut just from her talent without prejudice.
How can you touch my heart this much, Hyung?
If you hug me from behind once more,
I will kill you dead.
What a beautiful soul.
Let's eat.
Mom, I'm home.
Have you eaten, yet?
Are you crazy? Are you crazy?
I told you to lay low. Quietly!
Even if we lay low, they point fingers.
They finally started to forget it. Why do you draw attention?
Why do you beg for trouble?
- Today, I was just a replacement.
- Why do you only think about yourself?
What about us? You don't care about your family?
Am I not your daughter?
I know what you are worried about, Mom.
I won't be a singer.
I'll lay low until I die, so don't worry.
It's simple.
I just need to unveil one's vanity, lies, deception, and hypocrisy.
The end of the proof.
Isn't that too simple?
It's late-night where there are no cars or people around.
It's just a small wrongdoing
and your conscience is the only witness.
Manager Kang, can you wait for a green light for 5 minutes?
I see.
Then, is she the grade one?
Too early to conclude.
What exactly are the requirements to be a grade-one soul?
There are a lot. So many that you can't remember.
Right principles, how one manages against misfortune,
behaviors related to love and hate.
There's no need to make a checklist. Every aspect should be good.
What are you doing here? You are a big star.
- Out of nowhere, what star?
- You were amazing today.
Aren't you a star now?
That's just, how should I explain?
A speck of dust carried around by the wind, twinkled once.
The sun let me twinkle.
I was so happy.
- That's enough.
- Then you won't do music?
- No.
- Why?
Do music, get popular, and get loved.
That's how greed grows.
- But I shouldn't be greedy.
- Then why did you go on the stage?
At least once, I wanted to see the sunlight
so that I can remember the moment forever.
Therefore, Miss Fortune cannot have a grade-one soul.
I shouldn't give her time to think through.
No, no.
CEO Kang Se Na: Good job. Loved the song.
PD Kim Ji Won: PD Ha, you've succeeded.
Director Park Son Il: PD Ha, take it easy.
Kang Min Joon: Aren't you giving me a song?
Reporter Kim Ha Eun: Harib, what is her identity?
Choi Joon Hyun: Harib, I enjoyed seeing it. Are the red boots your idea?
Reporter Park Hyeon Won: Where did you find someone like her?
Jong Jae Eul: You had some accident! Ha ha ha.
Si Ho: Hey, that's my song!
Lee Min Soo: Isn't that too much of a prank?
Oppa, you bastard, I will kill you!
Well, it has only begun and the attention is too much.
Yes, my precious grade-one soul.
I'll escort you to the top.
Seo Dong Chan.
A failed life. Failed songs.
Manager Kang, are you starving?
Are you concerned for me? I eat very well.
No, I just heard a loud
Oh, well, this lady is getting on my nerves.
You must all be busy. Thanks for accepting my invitation.
The reason
The reason I invited you here—
The reason why I invited all of you here today was to
let everyone know that after your contracts are up and I collect your
souls, I can gather all of you here at my demand.
You are all here today because there is something
that must be done urgently. Do you believe me?
We believe. We believe!
From this moment on, use your fingers.
Ma-li-cious forces.
Harib's Muse Kelly will be revealed?
Harib is also done I'm feeling angry.
What are these red boots?
Come in.
You need to take a look at this.
Wow, Kelly!
It's amazing. She will become a big star.
What's wrong now?
Look. Take a look. See?
It means it's working, huh?
The unknown new face
Ceo Ji. Did you drink all night?
Did I drink?
I couldn't sleep all night from answering reporters' calls. But that's okay.
Other managers and singers called me too. That's natural.
But why it was Si Ho's song? Why that song?
Time was running out, she had to do what she was good at.
She says this song belongs to her. Plagiarism
I composed this song and she remade it.
She has some music editing skills.
- Si Ho and Ra In, what will you do about them?
- I'll take care of that.
I'm thinking about a contract deposit of 400 million won, no 500 million won.
It's the first contract, so let's find a small 132 square meters apartment in Gangnam. What do you think?
Oh, why did we have to give so much to her?
No, I'm talking about Kelly. We need to sign a contract.
Too much? You know, if she gets to be a big star soon, we will have to change it again, it will be a bother.
Oh, oh, come on!
Hey. It's already all over the internet. The past shouldn't be taken lightly.
Past? What past? Oh, that? Your area of expertise.
Come on, CEO Ji! Exercise, don't just chug medicine.
Shut up.
I'm pissed. There'll be no difference whether I die from anger or get screwed by taking medicine.
You don't have a clue as to what will happen when her past is revealed?
No, I don't. But even if I did, I wouldn't change my mind.
I will definitely make her succeed.
Help me make her the best in three months.
I knew you were strange, but what you just said topped all you said in the last ten years.
- What's with the three months?
- Well. The faster, the better.
I get it, but do you really think this is the right decision to make?
There's no such thing as a right decision. We make a decision and then we make it right.
Just for three months, alright?
Support me fully so that she will be willing to give up everything including all her pride and self-esteem.
Did I miss something?
- Did she grab hold of your weakness?
- What nonsense!
I just don't want to lose her. What if she goes to another company?
You know I have a desire to win.
You don't want to win, you just hate to lose.
My soul depends on this.
PD Ha? In this world, there are swamps you can't escape from.
However, we don't know that until someone gets sucked in.
What does that mean?
What I'm saying is, if you see a swamp, don't go near it, to begin with.
I'm Harib, don't you know me by now? You don't think I can pull this off?
I know. I know all too well, which is why I'm telling you not to do it.
Please just listen to me this once and make a contract with her.
Either have her sign the standard contract, or you use up your assets and make a new one.
Okay, I'll do that! I'll give up my assets but you just stamp the contract, okay?
Fix the Si Ho and Ra In issue first. Let's tackle things one at a time, okay?
I see you were with Harib. Perfect.
I'm actually very disappointed.
I am definitely one of the collaborative CEOs of Soul Entertainment,
but at this critical moment when we're releasing a new artist, I am the only one excluded.
Does this situation make any sense to either of you?
I apologize, President, but—
Ugh, where is this cat ointment smell coming from?
"Got in through connections. Never heard of her." There isn't a single good comment.
But some people say the song is good.
Your mom must feel full without eating (saying he looks handsome).
You're unbelievable. Aren't you angry?
What's the use of getting angry? It will just make them more excited.
Anyway, I wasn't planning to do music again, and they just gave me one more reason not to do it.
- It's really tasty.
- Right?
During this state of affairs, humans don't usually react like this.
They're usually sick to the point of having depression or panic disorders.
They also take legal action against malicious commenters,
or they try to put the world behind them and disappear.
And others can't bear the pain in their hearts and end—
How can they be so weak as to do such things over one malicious comment?
Being attacked by anonymous comments is not something one can easily ignore.
Then have you also lived that wickedly in the past?
We need something even stronger.
I will run a macro.
Not comments!
A remake? It hasn't even been that long since the song was released. I don't understand why.
Don't try to understand it. Just get that it's a win-win situation.
If a cover goes viral, you also go viral.
- Have you seen my rankings?
- I have.
- After two days, they dropped out of the top ten.
- You're thirteenth.
- They like her song better!
- I guess so.
I can't do this. I can't accept this. It's my song, so if she ever
sings my song again, I'll never see you or the CEO ever again.
Si Ho!
It's yours from now on.
Hyung, do you think I'll change my mind because of a car?
- Do I seem like such a person to you?
- I'm doing this for you.
This is for your "big picture."
You're saying this kind of car is part of my big picture?
Oh, it must be cold in the winter— I, oh, hello!
As a refined musician Wow, it's up to 2000.
Just saying, our relationship—
Where are you going? Hyung, we're soulmates!
I love you!
I took care of Si Ho. Let's have a beer to celebrate.
Where are you going?
Drink it yourself.
Ji CEO, that—
That's Harib's car! Pull over!
Come here! You put that country bumpkin on my stage.
No, no, no!
No! Don't do it! Please!
If you must, hit me instead.
Move. This bastard screwed me over!
Let go!
- Hit me instead.
- What?
Don't be like this. Seeing you like this just makes me feel sorry.
I guess you've eaten. Already.
I forgot to tell you something.
You know that girl's an ex-convict, right?
You scared me. Are you a spy?
Isn't she a soul who sinned and received punishment for it?
If an ex-convict is a grade-one soul,
aren't you disregarding human society's laws of justice?
She's different from other convicts. She was a victim of domestic violence.
- What about the thievery?
- Well, that's
- Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?
- It seems you want to believe this soul is grade one.
You don't have a lot of time, yet you're putting in a lot of useless effort.
I'm simply doing you a favor.
I don't need favors. I'll never give up.
She's really a grade-one.
Fine, then let's go our separate ways.
I respect your belief.
That devilish bastard!
Seems like he's getting nervous.
World tour?
Strictly speaking, you are responsible for ruining the performance.
All we did was to deal with an emergency situation.
If we think about how many times we covered the accidents and scandals you caused,
it would be more fitting for me to break your other leg and blow up your car, don't you agree?
Fine. If that's what you really want. Well
So, don't think about it, just think about what's up front.
This drama is important. If you mess up again, you die, understand?
Anyway, Ra In,
what's your relationship with Mo Tae Kang?
Did something happen? Tell me without leaving anything out.
I saw a beast inside him.
It's an expression you don't feel in a normal man. It's like a beast from Hades.
Unni, I seem to have fallen in love.
His eyes make you feel naked and his voice
How shall I say — it's like an orgasm.
Does he like you back?
Of course, and very aggressively.
He said he'd be blind if he saw me.
Give him up or your world tour is toast!
You are the one rascal who tries to trick me.
I'm sure she is a grade-one.
But what if I took the contract and she is not a grade-one?
Oh, she really is a criminal. If so
No, I should have faith.
I shouldn't fall for the evil bastard's trick
The doors are closing.
Nice to see you again.
Let's have a drink.
What the? Who was the one who told me to drink alone?
What's with you? Huh?
Hurry up. Just come on.
Ji CEO, take it easy.
What are you swearing about?
♫ How pretty
♫ The person who took my heart away
Don't laugh.
I'm still mad.
♫ The person who took my heart away
♫ On a fall night, you made me full of love so that I am unable to sleep.
♫ Your love made me laugh for a short period of time but it made me cry for a long time.
We enjoyed your performance!
So amazing!
Tae Kang!
Did something bad happen to him?
I know you're angry,
but it's also very complicated in my mind.
If not you, who will understand me?
Fine, you can hit me. If that makes you feel better, go ahead.
Are both of you losing your memory?
How can a person change that much in just a moment?
I didn't change that much, I just—
I'm not talking about you!
Oh, I see, then who are you talking about?
That bastard Mo Tae Kang!
What did that bastard Mo Tae Kang do this time?
Ah, right, he was your lover. Here you go.
You really are a f bastard!
It hurts. It hurts!
I got it.
Stop it, it hurts!
You still can't forget him, even though you hate him so much?
Just forget him. The current Mo Tae Kang is not the one you knew.
You can cry for a love.
You're really a child.
Are you serious? You're really leaving?
Winter of 1998
Didn't we live together just because we met and wanted to console each other?
Youare a real jerk.
The contract has begun and time is running out.
What's this?
A golden carriage to send you up to the top of the sky.
I'll drive you safely.
Once a person experiences the top of the world she will never come down.
She will want to stay on top forever.
- Please enjoy your meal.
- Yes, thank you.
Even it costs her soul.
What's with all this?
Since you've become my muse, this is a simple celebration dinner.
Muse? Since when have I become your muse? Are you serious?
Didn't you hear me? You are my muse, and I'm always serious.
Before, you said you felt bad when you heard my music.
Well, my mood changes back and forth a lot.
He's bipolar, bipolar— Must be delicious!
He has bipolar disorder.
I feel like I've truly become Cinderella.
Today's party was really fun.
Before I turn back into a pumpkin, I'll go clean up.
Again with the cleaning? Jeez.
Do I look like I'm joking around?
You are the one my company, my career and my soul are depending on.
Again with the soul thing?
I don't know if it's a coincidence or a fate, but we wrote a similar song.
That means you and I are probably connected by the spirit ring.
That's why I chose you as my muse and that's why I will make you a star.
I'll prove to the world that my music can succeed.
I sang my song. That's enough for me.
You still haven't gotten your head in the game. Do you not get what it means to be a muse?
You're my other half.
If you are satisfied and stubborn with this little song, you can leave.
You're going to spend your whole life talking about Harib plagiarizing,
and continue living like such a loser.
- That was quite harsh.
- Yes. It was mean.
I do not intend to talk to others about plagiarism nor live forever as a loser.
Nor do I have any intention to live as your muse.
Thanks for the meal.
No, you have to reach the top!
I'm bipolar!
I really am bipolar.
Why am I always going back and forth?
That was offensive, huh? So I'm just saying,
you can do everything you want.
Write lyrics, compose, produce, whatever.
If you want to play, play. If you want to dance, dance.
Do whatever you want.
I told you he's bipolar.
I really am.
If there is no more work to do, I'll take off.
Good bye.
Where do you think you're going? Don't go.
- Kang Ha, you prepared something, right?
- Right!
How can I let my muse sleep at the sauna?
Until you find a room, use it at your convenience.
It's like a pretty princess room.
You can change that design on your own if you want.
I appreciate your concern, but this is too much and uncomfortable for me.
I like my house.
You don't have a house, just use this room instead.
Thank you for today's dinner.
- Pink?!
- What's wrong with pink?
Yi Gyeong, I just want you to accept Harib's invitation and have a happy ending.
You wanted to do music.
It's a wonderful opportunity that people dream about.
I do want to do music, but I don't want to become Cinderella.
Yi Gyeong
And Harib will thank me for turning him down later.
- But you have no clue what I'm talking about, do you? - I don't.
But you know what I mean, right?
Of course, and I am always thankful to you.
Then I'll take my leave.
Hold on.
Take this. He told me to give this car to you.
You take jokes too far.
Anyway, I'm off. Bye.
But he told me to give you this car
Take care!
What's this?
There's no way to find the owner and no one is watching.
If I don't take it, someone else will.
And 50000 Won (around $50) is a bit too much to throw away.
At this point, no matter how conscientious a human is,
he will make excuses for the decision and want to justify it.
Take a look.
There is only a tiny difference between good and bad.
But there!
This was on the ground. I hope it's owner finds it.
She's an interesting woman.
♫ If I go to Busan
♫ Will I be able to see you again?
♫ Oh my god!
I can't really sing right now. I think it's because of the wind.
How are things going on your side?
Very well.
Are things working out on your side?
Of course, things I do always work out perfectly.
But wasn't she the one you felt so sorry for?
You care more about yourself than you are sorry.
Mr. Seo, your conscience seems to come and go depending on time and place.
Thank you, I'll take care of my own conscience, so just admit she is a grade-one soul.
Of course, that's what you'd like to believe.
Did not that kid hit you? Like this?
Like this?
Just stay still.
Well, what I did was wrong. Even if I'm right, it's cheap—
Did you invite me all the way out here to hear nonsense?
I thought it would be nice to have a class outside for once.
Someone told me songs are made half of the voice and half of air, and the air here is nice.
So according to you, everyone in the Himalayas is a singer?
What's a meal to you humans?
If we don't eat it, we die. If we eat too much, we die. And until we die, we eat it every day, I guess?
If we don't eat it, we die. If we eat too much, we die. And until we die, we eat it every day
Must be inconvenient to be human.
Even if it's inconvenient, it's better than being a devil bastard. I like being human.
A devil bastard?
Since I hear it so often, I think I've gotten used to it.
I need to feed a meal (to someone).
- You want to eat together?
- Let's go!
- Have you finished your talk?
- Please don't be like that.
What are you talking about?
- What are you talking about?
- Don't stand like that, better than me next time.
What is it? What do you want?
Something we eat every day, something we die without, let's eat it together.
Meal. Meal. Meal.
You have nothing more to say? Only talking about food.
I saw a beast inside him.
It's an expression you don't feel in a normal man. It's like a beast from Hades.
Right now, I'm incredibly hungry.
You beast!
- Crazy, crazy.
- Is one a beast when he wants to eat?
I don't know.
I thought it was the common thing to do when one gets hungry.
- Shall we, Section Chief Kang?
- Yes.
- Let's go.
- Where?
To eat something!
You told me to bring my manager with me everywhere.
We will take my car.
Don't act like it's the first time you've come to my house. Get out.
Y-Your house?
I'll make you some ramyun, so let's have that.
Ramyun doesn't count as a meal?
I'm hungry, so let's just go.
I guess it doesn't.
I was on stage.
A huge one.
It was really like a dream, but then it ended.
I guess I wanted to brag about it to you, Ajussi.
But you would just tell me to go home if you saw me right now.
- Kelly?
- Why are you here?
This is Seo Dong Cheon's house. Do you know him, too?
- "Searching for Sugarman?"
- Yes.
In South Africa, there was a legendary singer who disappeared after two albums were released.
Two passionate fans tracked the singer.
Was it Sixto Rodriguez?
Right! So you know it, too?
Seo Dong Cheon is my superman. I'm currently looking for traces of him.
Is that why you came to Korea? Really?
The local grandma neighbor said he sometimes walks by to collect mail.
Today, I came and got lucky.
Tadaa! I got hold of one of the letters!
What brings you here?
I missed a friend who lived here—
A friend?
An ajussi who plays the guitar.
A ajussi who plays the guitar?
Stop there, girl!
I told you to stop!
Ah, really!
Come here!
You're dead when I catch you!
Are you blind, Ajussi?
What is it? What is it?
Let go!
Let go!
I told you to let me go!
You wench.
Follow me! Follow me!
Follow me, bitch.
Stop this!
Who are you?
I'm her father.
Really? You're her father?
What are you doing to someone else's daughter?!
Even my family was not on my side.
But the ajussi who just met me took my side.
I'm playing this especially for you.
- It's different from other songs, so listen closely.
- Yes.
It starts like rock music.
He had some dandruff on his hair and smelled a little of alcohol.
Strangely, I didn't hate it.
I even forgot I was sick and tired of the smell of alcohol.
Thanks to him, I started to have a dream.
It's a relief that he wasn't a bad person.
He's a bad person.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have disappeared without a word.
True, that's pretty bad.
When you smile, you're really pretty.
Excuse me? Did you just curse?
Yes. Ah, right! I have something to show you.
You're a die-hard fan, aren't you?
Amazing. If Dong Cheon saw this, he'd be really happy.
He said the last time he saw CEO Lee Choong Ryeol was ten years ago.
CEO Lee?
- From Heart and Soul?
- Yes.
I only asked you to find out about one person. What's been taking you so long?
Harib, that person
who exactly is he?
President Ma, I was the person who asked you to find that out.
This is the first time in 30 years of my career that I've come across a person like him.
That person doesn't have a past.
He does have a citizenship number,
but there was nothing about his hometown, friends, family, birthplace or school.
- Nothing?
- Nothing.
He's either fallen from the sky, perfectly forged a new identity,
or was a feral child.
He's no ordinary man, that's for sure.
No ordinary man?
But doesn't he remind you of someone?
Yeah. Now that you mention it.
What's wrong?
Nothing, don't worry about it.
But how did you come to know Seo Dong Cheon among so many singers?
My mom had Seo Dong Cheon and Heart and Soul's music albums.
I happened to listen to them and I liked them a lot. I often enjoyed them.
But when my mom found me listening to his music, she got angry.
I happened to play Seo Dong Cheon's music and she was so angry that she destroyed the piano.
Don't you think this sounds so familiar?
I realized it when I watched a Korean drama.
Seo Dong Cheon's my dad.
- What?!
- I think I'm his son!
- Are you serious?
- Yup.
- Eat.
- Okay.
Real estate agent
- Yes.
- Dad
The owner of the house showed up?
Ah, the new owner?
You are quite lucky, young lady.
Seems like you have done good deeds in your past life.
You should know I worked really hard for you because you're so poor.
The garden is so fantastic.
Even bees are dancing around. Would you like here?
Have a look. Look at the flowers.
How delicate.
It's a swing.
Miss, say hello. This is the new owner.
I don't know where to begin to express my gratitude
Why are you here?
I bought the house, duh.
She is so happy that she doesn't know what to say. Let's look inside, too.
Come in, young lady.
Miss, come in.
Miss, do come in.
Goodness, it's like a completely new house.
He has an artistic sense.
This is a penthouse. Who would believe that this is a cheap room on the roof?
Because of this place, all of the houses around will have their market value go up.
Come here. Look at the pastel-toned wallpaper.
He does appreciate women's tastes.
How delicate and detail-oriented he is.
Will you get through it all in a day? Take your time to look around.
Excuse me.
- You don't have to thank—
- I see everything's easy for you.
I, well, will go now.
Is there something you don't like?
Di you think I would be thankful if you found me a house just because I am totally broke?
You helped the bad people thrive even more (by purchasing this house from the previous owner).
What's more, I didn't even get a single apology.
But why are you butting in my life and dealing it without my permission?
Geez, you left without resistance when I told you to leave. Why are you making a fuss about it?
I heard a newlywed would move in here.
Because of me, now there are more victims with this situation.
Are you Mother Teresa?
The owner who kicked you out of here and the owner who scammed you were a couple.
This place seems to have a lot of potential.
This place?
They are not legally married but they are couple and scam people together
If I hadn't purchased this place, those newlyweds would have been scammed and gone broke.
Why don't you know how considerate I am?
I doubt you know the meaning of being considerate.
Ah, right, that's possible since you've always been a star composer.
That's a prejudice!
Fine, once you take a look at this,
you will realize how considerate I really am. Take a look.
There is no company to offer this much to a newbie.
This is the best spec one can dream of in Korea.
But, what is this?
The singer will devote everything including her soul?
What? Was there something like that in there?
Ah! Forget that. We can take it out. Then it's all good.
Ah! Forget that. We can take it out. Then it's all good.
Who wrote such a thing?
Anyway, thanks for your consideration all this time.
I won't forget what you did for the rest of my life.
So please stop it now.
Regarding this house, thank you for trying to be thoughtful.
I'll leave first.
Hold it!
Let's start it with humble size, 20,000 seats.
And then, let's make a concert hall like a Carnegie Hall.
Kelly Hall, a stage just for you.
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Both the long long roads ♫
♫ and the unfamiliar tomorrow ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
She doesn't want to be a star, she doesn't want the house, she doesn't want the car,
and I don't even own an exclusive concert hall (but I offered her one)!
What more can I do, huh?!
This is worth investing in.
If there is promising land on sale, please give me a call.
- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.
Get in, Honey.
How kind of you.
Stand by.
Shut it! Is this your car?
Honey. What's wrong?
What's wrong you ask?
Stand by.
- On.
- You live off my life like a parasite.
Darn, you bitch must have gone crazy.
Where did you siphon the money after you sold the building before?
Frigging bastard. You''re the one who has had a hidden lover for the last ten years.
I knew you would show your true color to me so I put them under my name. So what?
I knew it ever since you signed the divorce papers.
Give me back my money. Give it to me.
What are you doing?
Do you know our child is yours?
Don't you think he resembles your friend, Bong Sik?
You total bich!
I am done with you.
Let go.
Is this what their victim wanted?
I can't bear it.
I don't think your contract thing is going well as I hear it.
I don't think your plan is working out either since you're not talking about it.
Take it easy.
Don't you think you're too rude to me? I am a devil.
You brought this on yourself. Am I only the one who's rushing?
Why don't you prove that Yi Gyeong is not a grade-one soul quickly?
I think something doesn't feel right between us. You became demanding.
What relationship? I refuse to have anything to do with the devil.
I will just do my stuff, and you do your devil stuff,
got it?
But still, I'm a human to be feared, ah, I meant devil.
Oh, really? Then, put me back to death.
Nothing's working out and there's no joy in life.
The side-effects seem to be strong.
Then, you should've played with me moderately.
Don't you think? Don't you?
Move. It's hot.
Hot? How can a devil feel hot?
I heard you made hell like a sauna? How about taking a swim?
- I'm right, aren't I? Aren't I? Am I not?
- I should just—
Kill me! Go ahead!
So scary!
It scared me to death.
♫ I will sing a song for you ♫
♫ I will sing my song for you ♫
♫ The song I memorized with tears, for tens of times, hundreds of time, thousands of times ♫
♫ I will sing my song for you ♫
When the Devil Calls Your Name
Just take my soul and everything!
Your soul is retrieved.
The world where your soul is does not exist.
I think I'm going to be a singer. I think I can do it well.
Please take care of me, Harib PD.
Why do you want to ruin your life?
Oh, my god!
It's spreading in real time.
Take care of it yourself, Producer Ha!
You crazy devil!
You don't think it's too much?
I told you to prove she is not a grade-one soul, but you use blackmail?
They are more evil than the devil himself.
Leave her alone. Don't ruin her life, she is already at the bottom.
Mind your business.
I found it when I went to Mr. Seo Dong Cheon's house. Do you know anything about him?
I'm going to take your soul.
I need to take it.
You aren't Mo Tae Kang, are you?
You're right. I'm not.
♫ I will sing my song for you ♫
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