White Lines (2020) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

[door opens]
[Clint] Have you been out all night?
Where you been, Zoe?
[clears throat]
Can I stay with you?
[new age instrumental music playing]
I don't know who I am on this island.
I'm doing things that just aren't me.
What do you mean by that?
[Zoe] Okay, so
last night, I, um
What were you doing last night, Zoe?
[crickets chirping]
[Kika] Boxer?
[in Spanish] What's up, Kika?
Where've you been?
My father's been in a serious accident.
I need you at the hospital now, please.
Okay, I'm on my way.
[PA announcement in Spanish]
[machines beeping]
[man, in Spanish] I'm afraid I don't have
much good news to tell you.
The accident has damaged the spinal cord
at vertebrae L1 and L2.
This may mean permanent loss of mobility
in the lower extremities.
We're doing tests,
but they're not encouraging.
[Boxer sighs]
We'll wait for these results, Dad.
And we'll get a second opinion.
Maybe a stem cell transplant, or
There must be something we can do.
Can he hear me?
Yes, he can.
Perhaps he needs time
to assimilate everything.
[Kika] Dad
I'm sorry we let this happen to you.
[Rafael] It wasn't your fault, Conchita.
It was an accident.
[Conchita] You know full well it wasn't.
Why don't you order me that gin and tonic?
I'm not ordering you anything.
This is a charitable foundation.
You're not in a good state.
Of course I'm not in a good state, Rafael.
I've been in a spiral of ambition
for 40 years.
Until last night.
When I got the call,
I felt a terrible nostalgia.
And guilt, like I'd been stabbed.
What are you going to do?
You should go to the police.
Really, Rafael.
All day with your gospels and God,
and you give me such vulgar advice?
The truce with the Martínez family
is well and truly over.
Why don't you tell me something useful?
Tell me.
Start by uniting your family.
Lay bare the truth.
[both chuckling]
[in English]
The body confirms what we suspected.
The major lead is the Calafat family.
[Clint] If I'm honest
I don't give a shit what happened
20 years ago.
There's a body now.
- Your son is dead.
- Exactly.
And my daughter is still alive.
Just between the two of us,
she's not right.
There's something up with her.
They've taken her passport.
There's a court case pending.
She got caught running from the police.
I need to get her out of here.
You'll have to wait.
- See what the judge says.
- Look, Juan Miguel, I came to you
as a friend, looking for help.
So stop talking to me like a cop,
all right?
If I don't get Zoe
off this fucking island,
she's gonna screw her life up.
And like you said,
I've already got one dead kid.
[ringing tone]
[clears throat]
Hiya, Marcus, it's Zoe.
[people on beach laughing]
[Marcus] Boxer killed the Romanians?
Yeah. That's what he said
and now I don't know what to do about it.
["Groovy Train" by The Farm playing]
- Where you broke all the rules? ♪
- Fuckin'
Wait a minute. Why are you here?
So I'd give you permission
to go to the cops?
You thought maybe we'd go together?
[Zoe sighs]
- Oh I don't know.
- Well, the answer's no.
That guy saved us. Don't you get it?
You and me both.
Look, I've been waking up
every 20 minutes
to check
the cops were still watching the house,
thinking that those psychos
would smother us all in our beds.
Well, you did not speak ♪
Boxer's a fucking hero.
Turned your back and flicked your hair ♪
- As if you did not care ♪
- Hiya, sweetie.
[Anna] What's up with you two?
Ah. No. I'll have the vino.
- [Anna] You know you're not supposed to.
- [Marcus] Yeah, I know. I know.
I don't care where you come from ♪
- [Anna] Don't tell anyone.
- [both chuckling]
It's all a sham ♪
[in Spanish]
How long has he been there?
Since about 10:00 p.m. last night.
We've always been very discreet.
Of course,
this hotel belongs to his parents
and he can do what he likes.
But I think this time, things have got
out of hand for Mr. Calafat.
He threw one of the plasma TVs
from the second floor into the pool
at six in the morning.
That was after he had twin girls
sing holy chants out on the balcony.
Then he emptied two fire extinguishers.
Oriol, it's Boxer.
Open the fucking door.
Please, Boxer, be discreet.
Now you want discretion?
Fuck's sake.
If you wanted someone discreet,
you should have called the police.
[Boxer whistles]
Come on.
Quickly. Quickly!
- [both groaning]
- Huh.
[door closes]
[Oriol groans]
I don't want to sound
like a hysterical mother,
but it looks like you've had
a rough night.
[Oriol grunting]
[Oriol sighs]
You're wrong.
I've had a fucking great time.
I took a toad's bodily fluid, you know?
[Boxer] I've not tried it.
[Oriol sighs]
Oh, yes, I saw things
I saw my mother with Axel.
[sighs heavily]
Did my father never ask you
to do anything to him?
Come on, Oriol, get up.
When he was with Kika,
he ordered you to beat him up.
Didn't he ever ask you to do anything
to him for fucking my mother?
Are you asking if I killed him?
You, my father
[both laugh]
I don't know what that toad was smoking,
but I think it's made you delirious.
[gl rolls]
Answer me, goddammit.
No, I didn't kill him.
Now let's go.
Something has happened.
Your father's in hospital.
I know, I know.
I saw him in the car, crushed like a can.
[muffled radio chatter in Spanish]
And it fucked me up, you know?
Because I'm sure
he was heeding the rules of the road.
I was the one driving
at 180 kilometers per hour,
drugged up to my eyeballs.
this had to happen to him.
How is he?
He went into surgery.
They operated last night.
It looks like he won't walk again.
You need to go and see him.
Fucking arsehole
Get off. Get off.
Come here. Come here.
You want to know what happened
to Axel Collins?
Want to know how I gave Axel a good fright
when your father sent me after him?
Well, this is what I did.
This is what I did!
[gasping and coughing]
Now get dressed.
Come on!
You have no fucking idea, Boxer.
You're his head of security
and you don't know shit.
Get ready for what's coming,
because it was the Martínez family
who did it, you imbecile.
And where were you,
when they almost killed my father?
Getting high, like me?
Or were you with Axel's sister,
playing "Let's find the killer"?
I'll wait downstairs.
["Hallelujah" by Happy Mondays playing]
Hallelujah ♪
- [Anna] Okay.
- What is that?
- Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
- Doctor's orders.
We're here to pull ya ♪
- [blows]
- Back in to do it all the same ♪
- I'm gonna give you an extra 50 mil.
- Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
Not sent to save ya ♪
- [groans]
- Just here to spank ya ♪
- [sighs] Christ.
- An' play some games ♪
- [chuckles]
- Do it long, long ♪
- Does it still hurt?
- [chuckles] Are you kidding?
I'm floatin' in a fuckin' spaceship, man.
[laughs] This is the best convalescence
in the history of medicine.
- Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
- [sighs]
He's a very, very good patient.
- As long as there's morphine on demand.
- [Marcus chuckles]
You're still the same
as 20 years ago, you.
Hallelujah ♪
we were all different 20 years ago.
Hallelujah ♪
Did you know
that Zoe once spied on us
- having sex?
- Anna!
- Hallelujah ♪
- [gasping]
[Anna] Come on. We were kids.
- I thought we put on a pretty good show.
- [laughs]
No one ever did it quite like us,
did they?
Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
- Do you know
- When Shaun William Ryder ♪
- Will lie down beside ya ♪
- I have come with him
- Fill ya full of junk ♪
- every time.
- Oh, my God.
- Hallelujah ♪
Hallelujah ♪
- In public, in private.
- Hallelujah ♪
Why should I be embarrassed about that?
And you know what?
You shouldn't be ashamed of looking.
I always loved how cheeky you were.
Always wanted to try new things, DJing,
smoking weed,
drinking Sex on the Beach, remember?
You were so alive.
[in Spanish]
You and I are going to be okay, Dad.
And if it's true that there's
nothing they can do, well
don't worry.
I'm going to install ramps
all over the island.
At home, in the clubs.
I'm going to install so many ramps,
you'll be able to go bobsleighing.
[door opens]
How is your father?
[door closes]
Mum, however many sweets you eat,
you're still going to smell of vodka
from here to Menorca.
Look, daughter,
you've inadvertently made a rhyme.
You're so dramatic.
The doctor says he won't walk again.
So I'm staying here,
by his side.
I'm not going to Miami.
I've done many bad things
in my life, Kika.
I always did better as a mother
to boys than girls
You can't aspire to be a good mother
if you take your knickers off
at the first opportunity.
[laughs] You're right.
But let me make one thing clear.
I could never have harmed a hair
on that boy's head.
Axel Collins.
The first time I saw him,
he talked to me about Mozart.
[Axel, in English]
This overture is savage.
[Conchita, in Spanish]
He was a working-class kid from Manchester
who dreamed of changing his life.
I was captivated by his enthusiasm.
So one night,
I organized a chamber music concert
at the foundation and
I made them play the opera Lucio Silla.
[singing aria]
He couldn't turn me down.
[aria continues]
[Kika] I remember that day well.
I couldn't believe he stood me up.
[aria continues]
[in English] Yes!
[in Spanish] He was one
of those energetic, charismatic men
who improves every minute of your life.
Just being with him was exciting and fun.
Axel was my boyfriend.
You were five years younger than him
and I was 15 years older.
I thought both of us had a chance.
[Kika] What chance?
You were my mother, for fuck's sake.
The wife of the man lying prostrate
in that bed.
One doesn't decide when to fall in love.
It's not that simple.
In any case, that night I gave him money
so he would leave you.
Well, I'm sorry, Mum,
because he never left me.
[motorcycle engine puttering]
[in English] Hey, schoolgirl.
[in Spanish] Look, idiot.
[in English] I waited all night for you.
Stop following me.
I don't want to talk to you.
Is that clear?
Something came up.
Don't try to explain.
I don't want to hear it.
I was with your mother.
She gave me this.
Five million pesetas
And in return, I leave you.
And you took it?
Of course.
Do you want to know why?
'Cause we're gonna rent that club
in the old town
and I'm gonna put your name on it.
And you're gonna walk
through those doors like a queen.
[in Spanish] You must have looked very old
and very menopausal
to give your daughter's boyfriend money
so that he would leave her for you.
He didn't leave either of us, honey.
I'm sorry I hurt you.
I'm not going to pretend
that it doesn't make me sick
to think one of the amazing fucks
I had with my boyfriend
was after he had been fucking my mother.
But unfortunately for you
you're not hurting me.
I'm not here to argue.
Only to tell the truth.
A daughter doesn't need the truth
from her mother.
A daughter needs to be taken care of,
Even if it's from the truth.
So you keep your truth
and do whatever you want with it.
[Kika laughs]
[Anna, in English]
So, were you out last night?
Your eyes are red.
[chuckles] No, I just didn't sleep well.
Oh, right, yeah.
'Cause, uh, my pupils get dilated
when I don't sleep too well.
[both laugh]
The truth is I slept with someone.
And I don't know what to do about it.
Well, how are you feeling about it,
Like I've betrayed my trust with Mike.
And with Jenny.
What am I supposed to say to her?
I'm her mother.
I tell her things like,
"Don't get pissed
and sleep with strangers."
Sex is meant to be playful.
- [sighs]
- It's transitory, it's
It's true.
It'll do wonders for your self-esteem.
Mike is gonna be thrilled.
[both laugh]
- Mike?
- Yes.
Zoe, you've come out here,
you're gonna go home
and you're gonna feel great
about yourself.
And then you're gonna wanna fuck him.
- Hmm.
- I just feel ashamed.
I came out here to find out
who killed my brother.
Nothing else.
[door opens]
I miss Mike and I miss Jenny.
- I don't know what I'm doing here.
- [sighs] Come here.
Axel died over 20 years ago. I
There's no point in me being here.
Sit down.
[Zoe sighs]
I just want to go home.
I'm so glad to hear you say that.
And I got some good news for you.
I've been with a policeman.
Someone with connections.
Fastest way to get you off the island
without charges
showed 'em your psychiatric reports.
We can tell them, you know,
you've had a a relapse.
Acute depression. Lost touch with reality.
I mean, nicking a load of cocaine?
You must have been totally delirious.
And what with the news
about your brother
You know, a a little crisis
is to be expected.
They'll want to cross-examine you,
I expect, but, you know,
it's obvious you're not well.
Any judge can see that.
Spanish, Chinese, whatever.
Here you are.
[phone rings]
Kika? Hi.
Are you in Miami?
I didn't go.
Something's happened.
My father's been in an accident.
Can I see you?
[Zoe] Yeah. Of course you can.
Where are you?
All right. Stay put, I'm coming now.
That was my friend, Kika.
Her father's been in an accident.
She's in a bad way.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Um Yeah, go.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Oh
Five days ago, I had a life in Miami
and my biggest worry was
a casting for a commercial, you know.
And you're like, "Shit!
What the fuck am I gonna do
with my life now?"
I don't
I'm sorry. I'm not making any sense.
No, no, you're making perfect sense.
Kika, four days ago
I was in Manchester
working in a library.
Next thing I know,
I'm on Ibiza and I can't get off.
God, I'm so sorry about your dad.
Thank you.
The only time I ever met him, I
basically told him
that he might have killed my brother.
I feel awful about that now.
It's okay.
I don't recognize myself in Ibiza.
I'm doing things that
I don't know, they just aren't me.
What things?
Oh, it's nothing.
No, come on.
Tell me. What things?
[ringing tone]
Okay, well
Let's see.
Shooting people with harpoons.
Running away from the police.
Lying to a judge.
Lying to my husband.
[Clint] It's Clint, Zoe's father.
I'm in Ibiza.
Has something happened with Zoe?
Well, you tell me.
I can't help but think,
"What the hell am I gonna do next?"
And it's infuriating because
I just want to find out what happened
to my brother.
If I carry on like this, I'm gonna
wreck my whole life.
I've gotta leave.
I've got to leave.
Are you sure you're okay?
Did something else happen?
[club music playing downstairs]
Fucking hell.
["Keep Control' (ARTBAT remix)"
by Sono playing]
Of me ♪
- Try to keep the frequency ♪
- [man] Are you okay?
Feeling good?
Keep control ♪
Of me ♪
- What are you doing?
- Accompanying you.
It's dangerous to be out here
alone at night.
Come on, get in the car.
No, I don't need you to drive me anywhere.
I don't need you to look after me,
I don't need you to calm me down
with whiskey and joints.
[sighs] I just need you
to stay away from me. All right?
[engine stops]
You killed those Romanians.
You murdered two people.
How can you do that?
If you don't strike first, they do.
And they never fail.
- Are you okay?
- No, I'm not okay.
- How can I be okay?
- Stop punishing yourself, for fuck's sake.
- You're not a murderer.
- I know I'm not a murderer.
But would you have killed them
if I hadn't said anything?
You did what you did
because of something I told you.
And I don't even know why I told you.
I don't know what's going on, Boxer.
[Boxer] Where are you going?
- Please let me take you back to my place.
- [sighs]
- I'll clear off, you can sleep there.
- I don't need to sleep.
I ju I just need to think, all right?
Because it just keeps playing
over and over again in my head.
I just I just need to forget it
for one minute and walk.
All right? I just need to walk.
Listen. Listen!
These guys were dangerous.
They were not going to let
something like this just go.
They were going to hurt Marcus.
Really hurt him.
Or his daughters.
Or you.
I couldn't let that happen.
It's a beautiful night.
I'm going to take a walk with you.
If you're not going back to the club,
neither am I.
["Tearing Me Up" by Bob Moses playing]
It all started
With a simple conversation ♪
♪It was on the weekend ♪
And she was talking me up all night ♪
Kept askin' if I was only fakin' ♪
She was there for the takin' ♪
Showin' me that she was all mine ♪
She told me she lived
Just around the corner ♪
I wanted to know her ♪
Yeah, she was makin' me lose my mind ♪
I didn't know quite what I was chasin' ♪
She left my heart racin' ♪
And all between it was just one night ♪
I don't know what you want from me ♪
So careless in my company ♪
Oh, if all that you say is true ♪
There'll be no gettin' over you ♪
So beat down playin' by your rules ♪
If you're a joker, then I'm a fool ♪
I guess there's no catchin' up to you ♪
If you don't want my affection ♪
[both laughing]
- Hey.
- Oh yes, please.
Are you hungry?
I am so hungry.
I don't remember the last time I ate.
Want some lasagna?
Do you like Portuguese wine?
I don't think I've ever tried it.
[Boxer] Mmm.
This guy kills a cop in the first minute
of the film,
but then he falls in love
and it turns into
this beautiful love story.
It started the whole
French nouvelle vague thing.
- It's it's a masterpiece.
- [chuckles]
That sounds great. I'll watch it.
[film dialogue in French]
Do you know, my father used to say to me,
"You'll find nothin'
worth havin' in a club."
How was it?
[both laugh]
It was the most beautiful fucking night
of my life.
[Boxer] I always got in trouble as a kid,
like the guy in Breathless.
Maybe that's why
my grandfather made me watch it.
So he could show me I didn't have to be
violent and miserable all my life.
That I could do
beautiful things too, like
who knows, falling in love.
So you've talked
about your grandfather lots.
- Yeah?
- What about your parents?
They ran off when I was five.
Where did they go?
They wanted to live their love affair.
I just got in the way, so
they never came back.
They abandoned me
because they wanted to have a good time.
I guess that's not so bad.
[both panting]
[Zoe] Never have I ever
had three or four orgasms in a row.
Or maybe it was just one
that just lasted forever.
- I don't know.
- [chuckles]
But I just want to go round there
and just do it all over again, but
I can't.
I've got to go home.
Before my whole life falls apart.
Maybe you should let it fall apart.
Mine has.
There's no turning back now and
there's no point in running away.
There is.
You think by going 2,000 kilometers,
you're gonna change anything?
- Leaving changes everything.
- No, it doesn't, Zoe.
You're the one who's changed.
[machines bleeping]
[Andreu, in Spanish]
You've ventured in at last.
If it hasn't occurred to you already,
you'll soon begin to think
you're here because of me.
It's true.
I had to choose, and a mother
always chooses her children, Andreu.
But this has been a wake-up call
to make me see that everything
that unites us is completely buried.
Like that boy who appeared
in our land in Almeria.
[Andreu] Mm-hmm.
Axel Collins had to come back
to make me see it.
Why would I care about the casino
if I went with you to France
on a motorbike instead?
Where is this coming from?
I'm going to retrace my steps, Andreu.
Well, don't count on me,
because I can't really walk.
[Conchita laughs]
We're going to go back
to where one can't return.
When did we stop enjoying ourselves?
Visiting cities
going to the beach,
giving each other gifts
that took days to choose.
Showing each other songs,
photos of our childhoods.
Laughing at your shorts
and my dresses.
When did we stop asking each other
about life, Andreu?
[in English] You all right, sweetie?
Earlier, you know, when you was
talking with Zoe about how you felt
when we made love
in public, in private
On every continent.
[chuckles] Yeah!
You sounded
proud and melancholy at the same time.
I felt like crying.
Like I was watching a film.
- But also really turned on.
- [giggles]
[laughs] No.
Uh Look, I don't know if it's love
or the opium, but
I was hard like a dog.
I was walkin' on air. It's
the happiest I've felt in ten years.
[chuckles] Maybe in me whole fuckin' life.
Crying and being turned on
- don't usually come together.
- I know, I know, but when they do
it's fuckin' amazing.
[Anna chuckles]
Now you're making me horny.
- We shouldn't.
- Why not?
Because you've fractured your tibia
in two places.
- So what? Me cock's not fractured, is it?
- [both laugh]
I don't give a fuck about me tibia.
There's one on the other leg.
But I can't live without you.
Look, you're gonna have to face this.
You're gonna have to throw yourself into
finding out who you really want to be.
But from now on,
you're gonna have to do it on your own.
Wait, what do you mean?
I agreed to continuing these calls
out of friendship.
I've been working with you for 15 years.
But I I'm not sure they're a good idea.
What we're doing, it's not therapy.
Has something happened?
Your dad called me.
I might seem crazy to you,
but by the standards of this island,
I think I'm pretty normal.
You check up on me, you follow me around,
- and you call my therapist.
- Yeah, I talked to her.
And I told her that you can't be fixed
with just a few phone calls.
If you think you need therapy,
- go and find a proper therapist
- I don't want therapy.
I don't feel ill. You're the one
who's making me feel like that.
You're the one using my medical history
- to get me out of trouble.
- Trouble?
You're looking at two to four years
in prison.
- I'll face it. I'll go to trial.
- Oh!
Oh, what a bloody stupid thing to say.
- I'm not depressed, Dad.
- Well, why are you stealing drugs, then?
Because I'm trying to work out
who the hell I am.
I'm trying to I'm trying to work out
- who I'm meant to be.
- [sighs]
Dad, I can't do that with you breathing
down my neck. I need you to go.
So, what are you really like, then?
I'm a girl
who was stranded at 15
when her brother left home.
Oh, Christ, not your bloody brother again!
Thank God he left when he did,
otherwise you would have ended up
just like him.
Do you know why I jumped out that window?
Do you think someone does that
because their brother disappears?
No. That would make you sad,
or depressed, maybe.
But you don't try and kill yourself.
When Axel left
I thought
I'm gonna have to spend
the rest of my life with you
in thisgrim, serious world
with your rages and your silences.
Do you know how it feels to lose your mum
when you're just a child
and you're not even allowed
to talk about her in your own home?
And then the same thing happened again
with Axel.
Do you know how that made me feel?
Mike gave me a helping hand
and I learned to settle for what I had.
But that meant being
a totally different person.
Living a life that wasn't mine.
I need ya to leave.
That way, I can find out who I am.
Who I was meant to be.
[Clint] I'm leaving Ibiza, Juan Miguel.
- What?
- Zoe's staying here.
I'm goin' home.
[Juan Miguel] What's going on, Clint?
[Clint] Oh, she's stubborn
as a mule, that one.
Have the Calafat family
threatened you again?
Is that why you don't want to know
about the investigation?
No, it's not that.
["Outro" by M83 playing]
I'm the king of my own land ♪
♪Facing tempests of dust ♪
I'll fight until the end ♪
Creatures of my dreams ♪
Raise up and dance with me ♪
Now and forever ♪
I'm your king ♪
[automated voice]
You have one new message.
Message received at 8:34 a.m.
[Boxer] Hey.
You've gone, Zoe.
You left in the middle of the night again.
I guess hooking up
with a nightclub bouncer
wasn't what you imagined.
You probably think it was just a
crazy night.
it wasn't what I was planning either.
But sometimes we are too narrow-minded
with our dreams.
A friend had an accident.
[sighs] I should have been there for him.
Perhaps I could have stopped it.
But you know what?
I wouldn't change it for anything.
Feeling your warm skin
on my back last night
was the closest I've come to love
in ten years.
Now and forever ♪
I'm your king ♪
I like how you kiss.
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