White Wall (2020) s01e05 Episode Script


We have 650 tons of nuclear waste in temporary containers.
- And the oldest ones are already eroding.
I don't wanna be responsible of
turning our country into a nuclear wasteland.
There's something in the structure
never seen before.
No one knows what it is.
It's a miracle.
Why are you so popular?
- I shot someone.
It was carrying something.
- What are we?
I don't like these insinuations:
- Are you afraid mom will know?
We must go
- You heard that?
I was supposed to drop a Geiger counter
but it was replaced with something else.
It's older than the bedrock around it.
What's he thinking blowing up the nuclear waste?!
- Don't go to work tomorrow.
The opening ceremony is
to give people peace of mind.
Solution sold worldwide.
It's hollow and there's something inside.
"People have always feared the future."
"Every generation thinks
judgement day is imminent".
"Every generation has its own unique set
of problems and fears"
and every generation has solved their problems
and conquered their fears now it's our turn."
"This project began 35 years ago"
and over the years many have feared that what
we were aiming at was impossible to achieve."
"But through determination, hard work, trust
and cooperation we have achieved it."
"We have solved one of the defining
problems of our generation."
"At long last we can move on."
There is water but
it cannot exist in liquid form.
It's -153 at the poles and
-63 at the equator line.
- It's not good.
Sorry, dear I wasn't listening.
Why don't you build something instead?
I did but I'm out of white blocks.
- We'll get some new ones.
I told you I ran out.
Is it gonna warm up in here?
It's like an icebox!
You asked for me?
- Yes.
They're telling me you told
the PR team to move their truck.
Road needs to be 6 meters wide.
I'm just doing my job.
Yes, I know that.
You do realize it's a big day today.
We need everyone to work together.
We have protesters shouting outside, as expected.
We need to present a strong
and united team when the guests arrive.
The Minister of Finance will be here.
Our CEO, investors, the media
and we're live streaming.
I don't want any surprises.
- Then we want exactly the same thing.
The drone was carrying a bomb I think.
A bomb?
Somewhere near the capsules
but I'm not 100% sure.
Maybe they're just playing me.
Who are they?
- Activists or Astrid.
If there is a bomb
- Why haven't you told me before?
Because she told me
they have someone working from the inside.
If there's a bomb
why didn't they detonate it yet?
Maybe they're waiting for
all the reporters to be here.
So our options are
either to cancel the ceremony
or round up everyone
and search every inch of the plant
before the ceremony.
Someone will notice that.
- We cannot wait.
Someone must have helped her in
and gave her our shifts schedule.
Damn you!
- Ok.
Ok we'll go through the system
and see who has access
to other people's shift table. Ok?
Ok we do that.
She said her father built the bomb.
Who is he?
Do you know his name?
No it's all she said.
I'll see you tonight.
- Bye.
- Did you get some sleep?
- What you've been thinking about?
About 1.8 billion years and you?
- "Hollow".
Drill into it was a stupid idea.
- Why?
'Cause we didn't know it was a sort of capsule.
- That doesn't mean it's dangerous.
So you're ok with piling uranium on top of it.
- I'm not saying that.
But that's what's happening.
- I know.
I'll give you a ride.
Hop in.
Anna and Joakim are on their way.
I'm waiting for them.
Ok then.
I'll see you later.
- Welcome.
Did you have a nice trip?
How are you?
- Fine.
Where do I sleep?
- I'll show you.
Congratulations, you did it.
- Not yet.
Same old
Have you already packed?
- There's not much to pack.
I was thinking of selling the furniture
to my replacement.
Who is it?
- I don't know yet.
They haven't found the right person yet.
Shall we eat?
I'm starving.
Take that off
- Quit touching me all the time!
We'll eat right away.
Aren't you going at the inauguration?
I'll go a little later.
- Ok.
Do you believe to my and Christopher's theory
about the age of that thing?
Yes why
- I don't think Lars does.
- You and Lars what's the story?
No story.
- No story?
Just be careful, ok?
What are you doing?
- Hey!
Nothing where are the others?
- Drinking coffee or something
You wanna see the place?
- Don't you have work?
It's ok.
We have reason to believe there's a bomb in the storage area.
- A threat was called in or?
The drone that flew over the fence
possibly dropped a bomb.
The activist flying the drone had a change of heart
and decided to talk with us.
So you caught her?
No, she's been in contact
with one of our guards.
Ok let's think about this for a minute.
What's to think about? We just get everyone
out discretely and then we
There might be a bomb here
Based on information you got from an activist
whose sole goal is to stop the opening
How many bomb threats we had over the years?
30? 50?
How many daily cyberattack attempts?
- I don't think she's bluffing.
Thank you very much for your thoughts on the matter.
- Yes but
Of course there's a bomb threat today
I'd be worried if there wasn't one.
Treat it like all threats
and everything will be just fine.
But I
- Stop freaking me out, for God's sake!
What the hell
Where the hell have you been?
- I needed to be alone.
I've been looking for you everywhere!
Where are you going now?
Don't do it.
- What is it I shouldn't do?
Set it off.
I'll tell everyone.
- You flew it in.
Maybe but at least you'll be arrested
and won't be able to harm anyone.
Disable it.
All the time we put into it
- "We"? You deceived me!
We wanted to save the environment!
- We will.
A single crack in one of the capsules
- will contaminate the whole area.
No one will be able to
set foot there for centuries.
What about the people?
- There's no shortage of people in the world.
How can you say that?
Just call the only number in it.
Simple but effective
although I was never going to do it.
I was just putting them to the test
a real threat which they couldn't escape.
So you're not going to do it?
- That was never my plan.
Help me out.
Get in.
On the shelf.
Open the door!
Open it!
Many checked the shifts table.
If you do, it remains saved here.
Who's on the list?
- Almost everyone.
Anything on her father?
- Nothing.
What do we do then?
- We start searching the storage area.
We're looking for a device
that the research crew failed to recover.
If you find it, don't touch it.
Call us and we'll take care of it.
We have to finish before the ceremony starts.
Today is a special day.
Today we don't worry about tomorrow,
we just celebrate we're living.
The inauguration of the
Swedish Kingdom's final repository. Hip-Hip-Hurray!
Now we can proudly brag and
reflect our image on the outside world.
Sweden: a cutting-edge Country.
This day marks a new era
we forget what it's been and glance at the future.
Consider our creation for a second
and God bless whoever says the opposite.
- May I see your invitation, please?
Remember me?
Magnus Ahlbäck, Martin's son.
Of course! Nice to see you.
- Likewise. It's been a long time.
I bet you weren't expecting this
when you were digging for minerals.
I just wanted to say hello.
The Minister of Finance is about to arrive.
- Thank you. Excuse me.
Hello. Lovely to see you.
Great to have you here. Please, follow me.
- Nothing.
Bring it down!
No aerial footage without my permission.
Oskar, switch to channel 24.
Oskar here.
- How's going?
Nothing so far.
They'll broadcast live with a drone.
I can't keep it down forever.
You can sit there. I'll see you later.
- Good luck.
Ok, everybody, if you're not already seated
then please take a seat. Thank you.
We are about to start.
I just wanna take the chance
to welcome everybody
Where have you been?
- Down there.
We found something.
Row 15.
but through determination, hard work,
trust and cooperation we have achieved it.
We have solved one of the
defining problems of our generation.
At long last we are moving on to a new era.
Thanks you, Lars Ruud,
director of Ecso Engineering.
We have a few more speeches
but soon we will be able to watch
the first capsule
Where is it?
You can go now.
Everybody, we found it.
Go back to your respective positions.
What now?
We should evacuate the whole area.
We can evacuate people but
how do we move the capsules?
If it goes off, we're done.
We must deactivate it.
- "We"?
Unless what?
- It fell from the drone without exploding.
We move it.
- I'm not touching that!
Now the moment has arrived
to move from words to action.
In just a moment we'll have a live stream
from the capsules facility where everything should be ready.
Are you ready?
- Yes.
Ok, here we go.
Ok, I think we'll continue with an animated film
about the production process here at Ecso Engineering.
to isolate nuclear waste, installing
cast-iron containers inside copper capsules.
Copper is a noble metal
that in an oxygen-free environment
deep in the bedrock will not corrode,
meaning it will not rust.
What the fuck
I have orders to close all entrances.
Oskar, are you out yet?
- This idiot won't let me out.
Let me talk to him.
- Atte.
Tino here.
- Tino, open the gate now!
Oskar Osk
- Atte, you hear me? Shit
Ladies and gentlemen,
the streaming is running again.
Now the first capsule is in motion.
Slowly but surely moving
towards the tunnels system.
And now there are drinks for everyone.
I don't feel good, it's the heart.
Could you walk me out?
Magnus, did you see Helen?
- No still pretending everything is normal?
The ceremony is over.
- So we pat each other on the back and have beers
Shut up.
I'll be right back.
We close tunnel C6 and
we drill a microscopic hole
No we don't
- Then we'll know.
We'll stop speculating and
we'll finally tell.
It's affecting us, don't you see?
Can't you see it's affecting everyone
who's been in contact with it?
What you mean by "affecting"?
Magnus went almost crazy.
- He only needed sleep.
Axel has changed he knows what it is.
- What?
After he saw it,
he built a whole white capsule.
He knows something.
- There must be a normal explanation
He didn't see any papers or drawing
- You don't know that.
I do know that!
If he's a math genius
he probably figured out the shape himself.
He's 8
- So what do we tell Gina?
"We have this little boy, 8 years old,
he built this Lego capsule now we can't store the"
You're not listening!
- I am listening!
No you're not!
We cannot destroy it!
It was for your own sake.
I was trying to protect you.
You helped them.
- Yes.
I'm disappointed
- Me too.
I just wanted the mine closed for good.
By risking innocent people's lives?
- Yes.
How well do you know
the people you helped?
Did they find it?
- Find what?
Find what?
- I haven't come to excuse myself.
I came to say what I said and leave. Now.
At least, it'll buy you some time.
Goodbye, Astrid.
I have a debt of gratitude with you.
We all do.
Who should know, knows.
We'll never talk about what happened,
you hear me?
I'll find out who did this.
Do that.
- Hi.
Can I sit there?
- Sure.
You look like you had a long day.
It was pretty long.
So, when does the party start?
- Hey.
So this is where you hide.
The kids seem to be having fun.
What a shitty day
Are you mad at me?
- No.
I can't go to Stockholm, not yet.
- I knew
We have
We found something in the tunnels
- Ok, ok.
I must find out what it is.
I'm sorry.
You didn't answer about the hotel.
- I know.
A lot has happened
- You know what it means for me.
If you
When you'll be finished with this
you don't have to come to Stockholm.
Not for us, anyway.
So, how's going out there?
Getting lucky? Getting drunk?
One can't help but be moved
by all of today's speeches.
All those proud smiles before the cameras.
You could really see the relief.
"We did it!"
Once I really thought we had
everything under control.
You're not that strange!
I almost forgot what we're doing here.
Burying our sins and celebrating it.
Only fools do what we did.
We're all in it,
directly or indirectly.
We accept it with our silence.
We only see what's before our eyes.
We celebrate winning a battle
even if we're losing the war.
So let's raise our glasses today
for Homo Sapiens did it again.
We showed the world who's boss!
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