Will Trent (2023) s01e05 Episode Script

The Look Out

Previously on Will Trent
You're the best I have.
Maybe it's time to get
over yourself and ask
for some help. Use Faith.
- She's smart, and she can read.
- Damn it!
Were you ever gonna tell
me about your reading?
Look, I get it. You don't want
people treating you different,
wondering if you could
do your job or not.
I can't believe you
have a college-aged son.
- How old are you?
- How old is your mom?
What is everyone staring at?
Everyone's very
interested in the fact that
you were at Will Trent's
house at 4:00 a.m.
Would you really want to be
in a relationship with someone
that reminds you of the
worst time in your life?
What is it with you and this dog?
Abandoned, misunderstood,
I mean, what's not to love?
Betty! Betty!
Betty, where'd you go, girl?
Geez, Will, I said I'm sorry.
I'm not scolding, just
trying to understand.
How'd you leave the door open?
It was a mistake. I I am
a walking mistake, Will.
How do you still not understand that?
- Has Betty run off before?
- No.
Did you know one in three pets
go missing in their lifetime?
Uh, is that reassuring?
I've been listening to this podcast
about responsible dog ownership.
I have a plan. We're
gonna find her. Here.
There's contact info on
Betty's previous owner.
This is the old lady that
died? What do I do with this?
I need you to interview next of kin,
anyone else that may have
had contact with Betty.
You want me to flag
Betty's credit cards, too?
Are you helping or not?
Oh, my God.
Betty, there you go, girl.
I got you. Ohh!
Am I absolved now?
So smart.
She got a better sense
than we knew, huh?
Yeah, she knows it's a big
ol' scary world out there.
And she's very small.
All right.
Look, um, I gotta go back to the office.
Faith's waiting for me
to finish up a report.
Do me a favor If you leave,
make sure the door is shut.
It was one ti The
dog didn't even leave.
I I I should not
sleep here anymore.
Oh, great.
I'm guessing it isn't about Betty, huh?
The dog is just another way for
you to show me what a mess I am.
No one is perfect enough
to live with Will Trent,
especially not me.
I've never asked you to be perfect.
Okay, the real problem here is
you don't want me to trust you.
Wow. I'm sorry. Did
Did you just solve me?
Well, that'd be nice for once.
Can you just admit you were
looking for an out and this was it?
Can you just admit
that none of your rules
or promises will make this work?
Ooh-weee ♪
Mama raised me a hustler ♪
Turn people to customers ♪
Ain't no love in these streets ♪
Your best friend don't trust ya ♪
Keep your enemies close ♪
Only when you're provoked ♪
Bro. Thanks for coming out.
Appreciate you, sir.
Thank y'all for coming out to my club!
Much love!
But these boys don't learn ♪
'Till they finally get burned ♪
Easy come, easy go ♪
- Hey! Give me the chain!
- Relax, man!
Come on! Come on!
Brooke, let him have it!
Get off!
Brooke! Brooke
Never dancing alone ♪
Like we got nothing to lose ♪
Never mind, never mind,
never mind, never mind ♪
How we feel today ♪
Never mind, never mind,
never mind, never mind ♪
Going out to play ♪
Ohh ohh ohh ohh ♪
Oh, can you feel it? ♪
- Up through the ceiling ♪
- Hey.
Ohh ohh ohh ohh ♪
- Hey!
- What's going on?
Did they tell you when your
office is gonna be ready?
The man who currently
occupies my office,
I hear his name is Tim,
he doesn't want to vacate.
So should I roll with it or
No, that's not gonna
work. I'll talk to Amanda.
Are you almost done?
I finished my half about an hour ago.
- Oh.
- I was being polite.
Well, send me what you got.
And, um, you can go home.
Good evening. This is
Officer Wirth of Atlanta PD.
Am I speaking to the
mother of Jeremy Mitchell?
What happened?
Officer Wirth? We spoke on the phone.
- Faith Mitchell.
- Oh, yeah. Your son's inside.
He was cooperative.
There's no contraband,
so don't worry about it. No charges.
Jeremy? Jeremy!
- Ma!
- Jeremy!
Are you okay?
There was a stampede after the gunshot.
They think it's a hyperextended elbow.
Did they check you for a concussion?
- Yes, Ma. Nobody stepped on my head.
- You are 18 years old!
That is not even close to
old enough to be in this club.
And what if they found
a fake ID on you, huh?
That's a felony.
What? You got something to say?
You wanted me to stay
in town for college
so you can keep an eye on me!
Well, Ma, this is what happens!
And weren't you doing a lot
worse? I mean, you had a kid!
You're Trent, right?
Let me guess, you're here
to take the case from us?
Nope. Just a tourist tonight.
Yeah, well, that's too bad.
This stickup crew has
been working their way
around mid-town all over.
They show up out of nowhere,
and then they disappear just as fast.
What's their M.O.?
She's a warrior, bro.
She's gonna pull through.
Mr. Conlan, I need any description
- you can give me about the
- Sorry, Officer.
Look, I'm I'm Conlan's manager.
- Please.
- Let him go.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
What the hell was that?
You don't think a
description of a shooter
who was staked outside Conlan's club
is germane to the investigation?
He wasn't staked out.
Shooter pulled up across
the street in a silver sedan
30 seconds before the
Conlans came out the club,
which suggests someone
inside tipped him off.
Find that lookout,
you'll find your shooter.
That's it?
What's the capacity in
there? Couple hundred?
Just gotta figure out which one
of them tipped off the shooter?
I bet I could solve this tonight.
Screw you.
- How?
- Tonight.
Easy money.
We were supposed to be going home.
How did this happen?
Uh, you know, saw an opportunity
to make a little cash.
I'm sorry, you made a bet on this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, you know it's not gonna be
easy to find this lookout?
The club was at capacity
at the time of the shooting.
And everyone who wasn't
injured is long gone.
Except for my son,
Jeremy. He was injured.
Arm okay?
Yeah, I I think so.
This crew's been hitting
high-profile targets
always with precision timing.
Whoever this lookout
is, they have access
all over this town, not just here.
What about "Doe Peaches"?
Who is "Doe Peaches"?
Look, it's this account
that everyone follows
that posts anywhere that's lit.
- Oh, Deux Peches. It's French.
- Yeah.
I mean, clubs, suites at the Benz.
I mean, they're nonstop.
But no one knows who's behind it.
- Conlan's manager, right?
- Yeah.
You have a photo printer here?
If our lookout was
hanging in one location,
we can identify them from
the angles in these photos.
Uh ♪
I'm a rider, dedicated to my grind ♪
You can tell I'm gettin' mine ♪
By the emblems on the
cars when I slide up ♪
Got the things they admire
Bound to catch her
eyes with the jewelry ♪
Drippin' over my designer ♪
Shine like a diamond but brighter ♪
Cash money, stunna
mannie, fresh big timer ♪
Throwing shade and it's cool ♪
All that hatin' that they doing ♪
Ain't nothing but
more fuel to my fire ♪
Tip toe and dance on the wire ♪
25 on the dresser, talking
grands, not lighters ♪
Everything I touch gold,
I got hands like Midas ♪
Money phone, rubber bands
stretched like Pilates ♪
Never speakin' on the
bucks that I'm pilin' ♪
Stayed solid ♪
Make them G's move in
silence like Giannis ♪
Benzes give massages ♪
Keep ya mentions, keep ya comments ♪
We was made for that water,
we been swimming with piranhas ♪
Days for the fund ♪
Our lookout was standing right
here when they took this photo.
I need security footage
and credit card receipts.
The car outside matches the description
of the shooter's getaway vehicle.
Ava Green, 31 years old,
juvenile record for petty theft.
All right, search warrant's been signed.
We're ready to knock.
All right, we'll follow
you in. One night.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm sorry I gave you crap earlier
about being slow with the report.
Oh, that was you giving me crap?
- That's sad.
- Okay.
I'm only bringing it
up because it feels like
this one-man-show you're doing right now
is only to prove that you're the best,
even though you type with two fingers.
Still the best.
Police! Search warrant!
- Police!
- Aw, man!
Breach, breach, breach!
Hands where I can see them!
- Freeze!
- Keep your hands up!
- Freeze!
- Hands up!
Give me your hands!
Hey, somebody pick up the back room.
Oh, my God.
- Ava Green?
- Just wait.
It wasn't me. I promise.
I had nothing to do with this.
Well, that's too bad.
I thought those Deux Peches
photos were pretty great.
Um thanks.
I still need to arrest
you now. Come on. Hmm?
There we go.
All right.
Let's see if I'm getting
paid tonight, huh?
Stand over here.
Tell me you found a
weapon on one of them.
We'll get these over to
ballistics in the morning.
- Flip a coin, right?
- Mm-hmm.
What about Conlan's chains?
Haven't found them yet.
Because they're not
here. We didn't do it.
- I mentioned that already, remember?
- She's lying.
We recovered stolen merch
from a dozen recent stickups.
Tell your guy outside to put his hand
on the hood of the
car, see if it's warm.
Oh, I love some good,
old-fashioned detective work.
Wait for it.
- Wait.
- All right. Car's cold.
Hasn't been used tonight.
"Solve it in one night," he says.
You owe that cop some money.
You found a stickup ring,
just not the one that
was working tonight.
Got two feet, walking out your life ♪
I'm done with the games, ay yay ya ♪
I guess none of these
people have seen a murder before.
They look like scared kittens.
Nah, I grew up on a street like this.
People here get blissed
on Xanax and pass out
watching cop shows
every night of the week.
Then why are they afraid of us?
Well, you know when you take
a toddler to Disney World
and he freaks out the first
time he sees Mickey Mouse?
Hey, can we get some light in here?
Well, that's powerful.
You should try it.
This is too much house for us.
Oh, come on. We deserve it.
Murder weapon?
Yeah, the shooter left it behind.
I hate guys who have guns like this.
It's like a weird fetish.
So, who is this?
Victim's Sean Hinchliffe.
He had the listing.
I took a witness statement from
the woman across the street.
She said that he arrived at 8:00 a.m.
to set up for the open house.
The door was left open.
She saw him laying on the ground
and ran back out, called 911.
Geez! This place is great.
What do you think, Polaski? I
could see you and Trent here.
I do not want to talk about that.
Whatever. I'd put an
offer in on this place.
Not on your salary.
There's a game room in the basement.
Well, there's our point of entry.
Yeah, we checked the Ring
Cam across the street.
No one else went in or out the front.
If you walk back through the woods there
about a quarter mile,
you'll hit a main road.
Okay, so our shooter
hoofed it through the woods,
came in through this open window,
waited for the Realtor to
show up, and executed him?
There's nothing of value in the house.
Expensive watch on the body there.
I'm just a renter.
Do people hate real
estate agents this much?
Did the HOA have business with him?
Mr. Hinchliffe was six months delinquent
on his membership dues.
I thought he was just the broker?
That's what he wanted everyone to think.
This sign over here,
"For Sale"? Fake news.
You want to give us the real?
He buys homes in good neighborhoods,
then he "sells" them
on a rent-to-own basis, no money down.
Wait, you're saying I could
buy this house for zero down?
Do your research.
You'll see it's a scam.
- How much money did he owe the HOA?
- $450.
Oh, and there's no chance
you'd kill him over that, right?
Let's try on a new motive for
someone coming after Conlan.
What if it's more than money?
He's the most popular
player in Tech history.
Played tight end like a
wide receiver and fullback.
Why isn't he playing pro?
He was a first-round
pick. Played for Seattle.
Was Rookie of the Year,
then tore everything
he could possibly tear in his left knee.
And surgery was a bust.
Hmm, just like that, huh?
Agent Trent? They need
you down in holding.
Well, what for?
The woman you brought in last
night has info on your shooter.
Is my phone safe? My whole life's on it.
And there's a ton of photos
I haven't backed up yet.
You'll get it back.
Do you know Larry Fink?
The photographer?
Yeah, I worked in a gallery once.
Your stuff, it, uh
it reminds me of some of his work.
Maybe a little bit of
William Klein mixed in.
I adore them both.
- Were you a buyer?
- Swept floors.
So, how do you want to do this?
Should we wait for your attorney?
Oh, I don't think I have
one. Do I need one, though?
Can we just make a deal?
Well, you're a suspect
in an armed-robbery ring,
so let's find out.
Uh, I'll start with some context.
I'm an artist, as you said.
I did party photography
to pay the bills,
but it made me want to kill myself.
So I started Deux Peches
as an experiment to find an updated,
I don't know, neon-LED version
of what those old guys
Ms. Green, too much context.
One night, those two guys you arrested
figured out who I was and
told me I had to work for them,
so I did, for a tiny cut. Tiny.
You're admitting to being accessory
to a dozen armed robberies.
Do you have a name for me?
Sorry, I don't know who did this.
But I can tell you
all about Chris Con
Where are you going?
Look, you're fishing
for a deal with nothing,
it's gonna get you nothing.
I'm doing you a favor.
I'll let them know you want a lawyer.
Uh, thanks for coming in, guys.
So, uh, first of all,
I'm sorry to be delivering
such awful news about your boss.
For real. You have no idea.
It's like we're all dead now, too.
Vibes are a little off here, boys.
What's going on?
Sean controlled the payroll. Personally.
He paid our salaries in bitcoin
and kept everything in an
escrow wallet on the blockchain.
All right, so, I I'm not
a crypto girl,
but but what I'm gathering
is you're all real estate agents
working for bitcoin, and you're
worried you might not get paid?
There's no "might." If Sean's dead,
all the bitcoin he owes us is frozen.
And he owes us a lot.
Hey, buddy. You gotta
go to the bathroom?
- No.
- Yeah, you do.
Come on. It's over here.
I want to talk to you for a minute.
You seem a little different
from the other guys who worked for Sean.
They're all in sales. I I
handle the tech backend.
I bet you know how to access
the escrow they're worried about
with all Sean's money in it.
- N No, I don't have the key.
- Mm.
Just rip it off like a Band-Aid, buddy.
What do you know?
Someone accessed Sean's
wallet about an hour ago.
After he was killed?
So whoever killed Sean has the key.
Can you figure out who's
accessing the wallet?
Name's Pudge. I'm general manager here.
I was wondering, these,
uh, crime-scene guys,
any chance they'll be
out by the time we open?
Oh, what's the matter?
You don't think they'll
bode well for bottle service?
- No offense.
- We need to clarify Chris Conlan's
day-to-day around here.
We're investigating whether
he might have been targeted.
Unfortunately, I wasn't here for that.
Um, I opened up that day.
How is business? No money problems?
Nah, we keep cash
flow pretty consistent.
You know, Chris has
got athletes, singers,
movie stars coming in.
They bring the crowds along.
Well, he sounds like a good boss.
Chris is the most
generous guy I ever met.
I mean, he got me this
job after college ball.
Oh, you played at Tech with Chris?
Fullback. Ain't have what it took
to make it to that
next level like Chris.
I ain't know what to do with
my life before Chris saved me.
Uh, I asked for updates,
and all they tell me is the
"The next few hours are critical."
You've been with Brooke
since she got out of surgery?
Yeah, she was, uh, just
trying to protect me, you know?
I feel terrible.
It's like, uh I don't know.
Can you think of anyone
that might have had a reason
to come at you specifically?
If I knew someone was coming after me,
- I would've told you that last night!
- Mr. Conlan
I'm here to help.
I'm sorry, I haven't slept.
It's not easy seeing
yourself as a target.
Especially someone
like you. You're a rock.
You don't want to let people down.
- How do you know that?
- Pudge.
He told me you're the most
generous guy he's ever met.
You talked to Pudge?
I did, earlier today.
He said he never made
it to the pros like you.
- Was that ever a source of resentment?
- No.
Oh, come on, man. What? You think
You think he did this?
I didn't say that. Do you?
No! Pudge is Pudge
is like my brother.
Have you spoken to
him since the shooting?
No, I've been here with Brooke.
And he hasn't reached out to you at all?
Not even a text?
But he's like a brother, right?
Look, can I be honest?
Right now, I I just
want Brooke to be okay.
Of course. Yeah.
I'll be in touch.
I texted Pudge.
Told him we had a few more questions.
This is his place up on the left.
Hey, what happened to
that photographer girl?
- Her name's Ava.
- Oh, sorry.
Don't be. She didn't have anything.
Yeah, other than having a crush on you.
What are you talking about?
Damn! It's Pudge.
You're gonna pay attention, right?
I ran background checks on those
bros we had in here earlier,
and I got nothing, so I'm all ears.
You put some real work into this.
Dead Realtor no apparent motive.
But his real estate company
has a weird crypto angle.
Turns out he made a fortune in bitcoin
with a previous business venture.
How do you spend bitcoin?
You just turn it into real money.
But how?
Look, we're getting into
the weeds here, Polaski.
And slow down on the pretzels.
His partner in the other
venture was Gregory Pardee.
Do I want to know how these
two made a fortune together?
They made a deal with strip
clubs to sell collectible NFTs
of adult performers.
And, please, don't ask
me to clarify any of that.
Now, when he sold,
Hinchliffe walked away with $20 million
and cut out his old partner.
Can we link his old
partner to the crime scene?
Well, after Hinchliffe was murdered,
someone accessed his wallet and started
moving money into a different wallet
belonging to nobody other than
Gregory Pardee.
So he's the killer.
Wow. How did you figure this one out?
Oh, I, uh scared a nerd.
As you do.
Let's get a warrant.
Now you're sponging what I'm spilling.
I remember Pudge.
He caught a 70-yard
touchdown pass against FSU.
I mean, nobody figured he
could even run that far.
Well, we searched Pudge's apartment,
found a gun and Chris Conlan's
stolen chains in the freezer.
Pudge was the shooter?
That's just sad.
At least we're back on track with the case.
- What's your motive?
- Conlan's chains were insured,
so if Pudge needed some money,
could've seen this
as a victimless crime.
Are we boring you?
If you stand in the corner,
you'll get better service.
It's the M.E. They're
trying to give me an update
on the autopsy, but I'm
stuck on these three dots.
Hey, sorry.
Those stolen chains you
recovered are replicas.
Are you positive?
Lab report says they're worthless.
I can top that.
M.E. says that Pudge
didn't die from the fall.
He died by asphyxiation before
he fell off of the balcony.
It wasn't a suicide.
No, it was a murder.
So, to recap,
Nothing you came in here
to tell me is accurate.
It's late. Go home.
You'll get this tomorrow.
Although I wouldn't bet on it this time.
Go downstairs, tell the
cop, give me one more day.
Double or nothing.
You gonna be eating good here, Little B.
All right.
Smell good, doesn't it, huh?
Oh, you're slipping, Will Trent.
Damn it!
Well, I guess it's now
all you, Little B, huh?
Hey, it's still good.
You know
we need a little more flow in here.
Oh, yeah.
What the hell are you doing?
- Well, I'm gonna need that back.
- Uh, no.
You're You're done
here. What is going on?
Did you have a bad day at work?
W W Why are you here?
I came to get some stuff.
I need my winter face cream.
Well, you know, you have like
eight boxes that you left.
- You can take those, too.
- Yeah, all right, I will.
- Who's that?
- That's a, uh
photographer I arrested last night.
Ava. You arrested her?
Seems like just your type.
Why'd you bring her case file home?
Oh, well
I don't know.
Maybe she is my type.
No, no. No, no, no, no, no.
We are not doing this.
We are not doing this.
Wait, what? Why?
Because I'm doing you a favor.
I'm gonna get my boxes
while you're at work.
And, uh
good luck with Ava.
All right.
- Hey, Patrick.
- Evening, Mr. Trent.
- Oh!
- It's just me.
You scared the hell out of me.
What are you doing here?
Waiting on the full M.E. report.
Seemed like we could
use a boost, you know?
Yeah, I do know.
- You get into a fight?
- Cooking accident.
So that's not blood on your shirt?
Angie and I had a fight yesterday.
And we sort of made up right now.
And then we had another fight.
Is that what the bet
was about? Angie drama?
You're not sleeping here, are you?
No. No. Angie's gone.
At least until, you know,
our next thing happens.
We fight like as if we're never
gonna see each other again.
But, of course, we always do.
M.E. report.
- You want to work?
- Please.
Pudge had a broken hyoid.
- Bruising suggests manual strangulation.
- Means it was personal.
Pudge wasn't a small guy.
Killer had to be someone
bigger and stronger.
All of his friends
were football players.
Swing a cat.
Whose idea was it
for you and Angie to
work in the same building?
I don't remember.
We've been circling around
each other like gravity.
Well, maybe it's time for someone new.
That's one of the greatest
breakup songs of all time.
- They can never be ♪
- Not even top three.
- Do you even know this song?
- Of course I know this song.
My father owned a record store.
She's gone ♪
Nevertheless, your opinion is incorrect.
It's this, followed by
Lauryn Hill's "Ex-Factor"
- and Usher's "Burn."
- Okay, unh-unh.
So, Prince, "Nothing Compares 2 U,"
Beyoncé, "Hold Up,"
"Thank U, Next," Ariana Grande.
You lost me on the last one.
Angie's favorite is,
uh, "Back to Black."
- Amy Winehouse?
- On the nose, I know.
Well, the heart wants
what the heart wants.
Pudge would've known
those chains were replicas.
Right? Him and Conlan
were like brothers.
Why steal them?
Oh, we can't let this
build go unnoticed. Hang on.
Hey, Patrick. Can you turn that up?
Okay, I will give this to you.
- It is a powerful crescendo.
- It's still building.
It's still going.
She's go-o-o-o-o-ne ♪
Oh, I ♪
I better learn how to face it ♪
She's gone, she's gone ♪
I can't believe that
she's gone, oh, I ♪
I'd pay the devil to replace her ♪
She's go-o-o-o-o-ne ♪
Oh, I ♪
Come on, man. Where's your "A" game?
Chris Conlan wasn't the victim.
I'd pay the devil to replace her ♪
She's gone, she's gone,
she's gone, she's gone ♪
This is the service entrance
to Pudge's apartment building.
Conlan knew we were gonna talk to Pudge.
So he got there first and killed him.
Conlan's finances weren't
as tidy as Pudge said.
Debt was coming due, so
he insured the chains,
got a set of replicas made,
and arranged for them
to be stolen by Pudge.
Conlan didn't tell his
wife it was gonna happen.
Too much pride. Didn't
think she'd get involved.
Yeah, but she did, the gun went off,
and now Brooke's hanging on by a thread.
Pudge did a lot for Conlan.
But he wasn't gonna take the fall.
Conlan had to kill him.
Conlan did all this to himself.
I didn't kill Pudge.
I I could never kill anybody.
Stop right there.
All right? You don't even believe that.
So you're just gonna sit there
and let us think that
your "brother" robbed you?
I would've given
anything to Pudge, okay?
He didn't need it.
He lived simple.
I asked him for help.
Oh. So the insurance
fraud was your idea.
Okay, you were at Pudge's
apartment the day he was killed.
At the same time he was killed.
I was there.
We had words.
I put hands on him, too.
Yeah, but this was all your idea.
So how were you mad at him?
'Cause I told him I said,
"Make sure the gun isn't loaded!"
I mean, how easy is it?
Pudge does not slip, okay? Not ever.
So when Brooke caught that bullet,
I had to hear from Pudge
what really happened.
Okay. All right.
What'd he say?
He said he was sorry.
And then I I And
then I walked away.
- No, I don't buy that
- That's God's truth, man.
- That's God's
- All right? I don't buy it.
Sorry's not enough, right?
You still didn't know why it happened.
And that's what drove
you crazy, isn't it?
That's why I called Lucas, man.
Look, he told me to go home,
so I I went home.
He always told me
the same fire that got me in the pros
is gonna send me straight to hell.
Well, I guess he was right, huh?
Let's entertain what Chris just told us.
If they discussed keeping
the gun unloaded, then I agree
and I think it's unlikely
Pudge would screw that up.
Have ballistics check the gun
we found in Pudge's freezer.
I think someone handed Pudge
a different loaded gun
and told him to use it.
Yeah, but who else knew about the plan?
Lucas, because Chris called him.
But why give Pudge a loaded
gun in the first place?
Because he wanted him to shoot Conlan.
- Hmm.
- There you go.
Geez, Will. Why didn't
you tell me Pudge was dead?
Because you're in jail, for crimes.
I also could've told you
Chris didn't kill Pudge.
Talk to me about Lucas.
- The man's a leech.
- Do you see him out a lot?
How else would he try to sleep
with every woman in Atlanta?
You said you have an archive
of all your party photos, right?
Oh, wow.
I see your cop buddies
had some fun in here.
Well, it was pretty
messy when we got here.
How'd you get this place anyway, huh?
I thought you said
your cut of those, uh,
stickups was "tiny."
My aunt owns the building.
When I told my family I
wasn't going to college,
she didn't want to see me homeless.
And that was like 15 years ago.
Now rents are through the roof.
She'd murder me to get me out.
- Not really, though.
- That's great.
Can you, uh, show me the year
where Chris was playing in Seattle
- and Lucas was back here having fun?
- Yep.
There you go.
Um, could you, uh
I'm not a computer savvy guy, so
It's two buttons. Back and forth.
I believe in you, Special Agent Trent.
Where do you think you're going?
I've been in jail for two days.
All right, well, I
trust you're not gonna
do something stupid, so
Lucas and Conlan's wife.
I forgot I even took those shots.
Yeah, too spicy for Deux Peches?
Well, everybody thought what
Lucas was doing was so gross,
it wasn't worth gossiping about.
Chris deserved better.
Could you, uh, print this photo?
Well, this is exactly what I need.
All right, let's go. Whoa.
I can't put you back in jail like this.
So don't, then.
- Wait, you think Lucas killed Pudge?
- No.
No, he's a good man, and he's selfless.
Real selfless.
Let's not even talk about that yet.
How'd we get here, Chris? Huh? I mean,
you needed cash, but the club
wasn't the problem, right?
You kept the house full.
Pudge kept the costs down.
- You two were a team.
- Problem was
all of the side hustles and
investments you did for Lucas.
Not to mention, he spent more
than everyone else on
your squad combined.
No, Lucas was doing what
I wanted him to do, okay?
I pushed him.
- I needed him.
- He's been in your ear
for so long, how can you be
sure what's him and what's you?
I mean, look at this. Look!
It happens more than you think.
All right, sometimes
the people closest to us,
they can blind us.
Lucas saw his shot with
Brooke and he took it.
No, he didn't have to kill me to get it.
I love Brooke,
but if she told me it
was over, I'd let her go.
Yeah, but you had a prenup,
and so if she left you,
then Lucas would be left with nothing.
Wait, so this was all about money?
It's bigger than that.
Think back on it, Chris.
What's the one thing Lucas
has always wanted, huh?
- Your life.
- So I
I put Pudge in the middle of this.
- I got him killed.
- No!
Lucas killed Pudge.
- You hold him accountable.
- How?
The gun. The gun that was
used to shoot Brooke,
Lucas took it out of Pudge's apartment.
It ties him to everything.
We just gotta find that gun.
I know where he keeps it.
All three of us use the safe.
Only Lucas kept a gun in it.
- It's right here.
- All right, just open it.
Let us handle whatever's inside.
I don't know what's
happening. He must have
He l He locked me out or something.
Come on.
- Stop that!
- Okay, who else was allowed access?
Just Pudge. Now I guess only
Lucas can open it.
Should we regroup?
Maybe we could still end this right now.
Chris? What's going on?
A Are you out?
I didn't I didn't
know where else to go.
It was, uh, hours of questions,
then they said, uh,
I could just go home.
What did you tell them?
The truth.
Look, bro, they, uh they got a tip.
And And they're
looking for a gun now.
Can you just be happy I'm out, man?
Look, stay where you
are. I'm coming to you.
I'm happy, buddy, okay?
I'll wait here for you.
I hate him.
Hey, you can do this.
Lucas arrives, unlocks the safe,
you call for us, then we arrest him.
- Got it?
- Yeah.
We need to get out of sight.
I should've just let Jeremy
go out of town for school.
But it's so damn expensive.
He can take out a loan.
You want to know how much I'm
paying in interest on mine?
And let's just be clear.
That photographer doesn't
have a crush on me.
Are you still thinking about that?
She just doesn't want to go to jail.
You people are still here?
We're working. Can you leave?
I'm just here to get the bank deposit.
It's not like I want
to micromanage the kid.
But I'm his mom, you know?
You open that with your index finger?
- That's not a thumb scan?
- No.
Chris, you gotta talk
How long you been
playing me, Lucas? Huh?
Was it all about Brooke?
This your plan from the
beginning, you tapeworm?
- Tapeworm?
- Yeah!
You've been sucking every
dollar you can from me,
and I see it now.
God, I have been paving
the road for your stupid ass
every since you were in middle school.
And what do I have to show for it?
How about the townhouse I
bought you in Buckhead, huh?
Oh, oh, you mean the
townhouse where you get
to bring your little side
pieces whenever you want,
and I get to front the property taxes?
Tell me, how much of
my life should you get?
You don't deserve any of this!
You couldn't even work
your way back into the pros.
You gave up.
Hang on. Hang on.
What did the cops say to you, Chris?
Anything the cops say can be a lie.
No, I know what you did.
Chris. Put the gun down.
No, I'm not gonna do that.
Chris, look at me.
Hey. Look at me.
I know, all right? We got him.
Easy. Easy, easy.
You're done here.
Turn around.
Hey, friend. Are you Gregory Pardee?
Why do ask, Red?
'Cause you've been poking around
a dead guy's crypto wallet.
That's why.
Got a little warrant here
to collect your electronics.
Hell no. I hate cops!
Want me to post your search
history for everyone to see?
- Stay out of my life, perv!
- Okay.
30,000 miles above, we high altitude ♪
Geez. Uh, he might be armed!
Louie for the luggage to
pack all of the valuables ♪
Rollie on my wrist,
though, you foolin' ♪
That's too many swords.
If you think I got
time, for some down time ♪
Win or lose, this what I do ♪
Aah! Okay, okay! I give up.
I have ADHD. I just
I say things sometimes.
It's real
It's okay. We're not here for you.
Hey. Do you know who
gave you that tattoo?
Yes, of course, I do.
I know what it means.
You're here because someone
sold you to that freak.
I'll bet somebody's
said this before, but
I can help you.
And I'm going to.
What's this?
He is our liaison for the prosecutor
that handles trafficking cases.
And I just don't want this
girl to fall through the cracks.
So I gotta stay on it start to finish.
You're disturbingly cheerful right now.
Well, we cleared a murder and
rescued a trafficked woman.
Uh-huh. Um, did Gregory Pardee
say something to piss
you off back there?
You were a little rough on him.
No, we didn't have any backup,
and I had to make sure I was in position
to maintain control of the suspect.
Hey, what was that tattoo
your girl had on her?
That's Zero Mile.
That's the trafficking ring
that Vice has been after for years.
I got close a few times, but
This girl's my shot.
I know that I can get
her to turn witness.
So, the D.A. Office said
they're gonna keep the
felony off your record.
It'll just be probation and a fine.
I owe you so much for this.
Well, your photo brought the case home.
It's a fair deal.
We make 'em every day in this building.
Well, I can't really thank
the building, can I? So
You want to hang out sometime?
Or I could go back to my life of crime?
Or you could hire me to be
your kooky forensics girl
who finds evidence in the
most unlikely of places.
I can get the funny
glasses and everything.
Ava, um, I gotta be honest with you.
I'm not ready to jump
into something new.
- Not yet.
- Bad breakup?
She's still around. Kinda.
She might always be around.
Is that a riddle? Is she a ghost?
I'll keep an eye out for your photos.
I'd appreciate that.
And remember, Special Agent Trent,
It's never too late
to decide you're ready
to jump into something new.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Yeah, I ran, and I said I
would try not to do that,
so here I am.
I had a crazy day, and I just
You want to talk about it with me?
I do.
It's okay. Shh, shh, shh.
Does she get a vote?
No way.
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