Wind Breaker (2024) s01e05 Episode Script

A Gentleman

There's a sign displayed
at the entrance of this town.
A sign that was erected by the strong.
Bofurin is a group of Furin High students
who fight to protect the town.
Sakura, an outsider
who enrolled in Furin High,
on his first day during a lookout,
saved a middle school boy
who was chased by some guys.
However, the ones chasing the boy
were members of the Shishitoren,
a team that devotes itself to power.
Sakura's action escalates to an
all-out war between Shishitoren and Furin.
Shishitoren's leader, Choji Tomiyama,
then proposed a five-on-five match.
If Tomiyama were to defeat
the Furin's rep, Hajime Umemiya,
he along with the rest of Furin High
would fall into Shishitoren's hands.
And to take on that fight
they cannot afford to lose,
Sakura and the others
headed to Shishitoren's turf.
Welcome to our turf!
Thanks for having us.
Come on, over here!
Hurry! Hurry!
Choji, you don't have to run.
Still, this place sure is full of pubs.
There are a lot of pubs
in Shishitoren's turf.
This place is apparently
the biggest bar district in the area.
I heard it gets really lively at night.
Not a safe place to be, though.
By the way, why are you here?
You're not gonna fight, right?
Why, I was there when all of this started!
I'm involved in this!
Besides, I'm still part of Bofurin.
Even if I couldn't protect others
like the rest of you,
I want to at least be strong
enough to protect myself.
So let me learn a thing or two from this!
Suits yourself!
You get red so easily, Sakura-kun.
Shut up!
You shut up!
Sheesh, learn to take things seriously
for once.
And you should learn
to loosen up a bit, Hiragi.
-Sakura-san, let me message you
-before the fight!
-They seem reliable.
-I don't need it!
-Don't be shy!
Hey! Hurry! Hurry!
This way!
Once again,
to Shishitoren's headquarters.
Shishitoren's headquarters used to be
an abandoned theater named Orion Stars,
and now they just call it "Ori."
Okay, let's go!
The fighters have entered the ring!
Start already!
-It's Umemiya.
-The guy next to him's Hiragi?
Come on! Show your faces!
-Who's the guy behind 'em?
-Beats me.
Oh, I get it now.
"Ori" as in the word for cage.
A cage of beasts.
Will we be able to get out of here?
Can we make it back alive?
Didn't you come here to learn?
Keep your eyes forward.
Okay, guys!
Let's start our super-duper fun
one-on-one tournament!
Sheesh, they're really hyping this up
like it's some sort of festival.
All right, listen.
Things have gotten pretty big now,
but the main match is
between Tomiyama and me.
Nothing's riding on
your individual matches.
So just take it easy.
Screw that!
It doesn't matter if anything
is riding on them or not.
I have no plans of losing.
You heard him.
How reliable!
Now, Ume-chan! Let's do it! Hurry, hurry!
There, there. No tournament starts
with the generals' fight, okay?
Boss, can I go first?
That long mop over there's been staring
at me non-stop, it's gettin' on my nerves.
Wow, you got requested right
to the table, Sugishita-kun!
Sure, why not?
I haven't settled things with you yet.
But I don't ever wanna fight a guy
who'd lose to these lame-asses.
Hey, are you listening to me?
I'm telling you not to lose, okay?
-Get him!
-Kill him!
-Beat his ass!
Arima Arima
Oh, there he is!
Yukinari Arima. He seemed
to be quite a power type.
He once broke several bones
in a guy's ribs in one punch?
There, there.
Sugishita-kun's more or less the same,
so it should be fine.
I'd feel bad for him
if you lumped them together.
Your eyes really piss me off.
Whoa, Umemiya! What happened to you?
Don't look away durin' a fight, you moron!
You forgot the "-san"
It's Umemiya-san,
you moron.
Whoa, you got to be kidding me.
Huh? Seriously?
He beat Arima.
Do you know that guy?
Never seen him before.
Maybe he's a first-year?
In just one punch?
This can't be happening. Arima.
Wow! You're really tough!
What's your name?
Fight me next!
Stop it, Choji.
Sit still and wait for your turn.
Not only are they not worried
their guy lost,
they're even complementing the enemy.
I thought this too back then, but
those people are really insane.
Welcome back!
Man, you're as aggressive as usual!
How's your face? You all right?
You've always been so tough!
Sugishita-san is amazing!
He's perfectly fine
even after getting hit like that!
Well, that's him all right.
Are you not surprised at all, Sakura-san?
Well, I did fight him once already.
So you acknowledge his strength,
too, Sakura-kun?
No, I'm not!
I only said I know he's tough!
-What's that face for?
-Yeah, we believe you.
Then why are you smiling?
Kame-chan, how would you
beat that long hair guy?
Okay, let's move on to the next match!
Hey, you two over there.
Clear that up for us.
Hurry it up!
Yes, sir.
Man, he's heavy.
There's no way we can carry him
all the way off the stage.
Let's just dump him off here.
Sheesh, he's always actin' like
he's the boss, but look at him now.
Serves you right.
How mean
Hey, your little chatty chatter
is annoyin' the hell outta me.
Don't you all dare to go braggin' about
being the devotees of power again.
Just watchin' you is making me
feel embarrassed, you scrubs.
Sakura-kun, nothing you say
is going to get through.
These kind of kids won't understand
unless they get beaten themselves.
Huh? Then why don't you try it?
You're not the one who's
going to face that kid.
Back off.
Okay, let's go next!
Next, next! Who's up next?
Then I'll
Don't be silly.
Based on the order, I'm next.
Who're you callin' silly?
Hey, little boy.
You seem really stressed.
Why don't we exercise a bit?
Numa-chan! Get him!
-Fight! Fight!
-Take him down!
When you said you came
to usurp the leadership
I thought you were stupid.
Are you tryin' to pick a fight with me?
Sure, I'll take you on!
Calm down.
I thought you were just
howling empty threats.
But I found there is a solid core
in both your words and actions.
And that makes me think
you're pretty cool.
So, in order not to lose to you,
I'm going to give it my all, too.
Just get up there already!
Get him good!
Send him flying!
Tell me, what's his deal?
Oh, Kanuma-san, right? Wait just a second
Nah, I'm not talking about him.
Huh? You mean Suo-san?
He's been famously strong
ever since his middle school days.
I could tell that just by looking.
Anything else?
What? Just by looking?
Who cares about that now?
Well, about that
He's famous,
but there aren't a lot of details
about him, like who he won against.
Huh? What's up with that?
Yeah, I've heard his name quite a lot,
but I don't know any details about him.
He went to a different middle school, too.
I don't know much about Suo either, but
it is clear to me now I met him
He's a gentleman.
It's you guys' fault that Arima's
Oh? You know
how to be mad for your friend?
That's quite different from back then.
Armia and I were always together
Anyone would be pissed
if their bro got beat into the ground!
You only wail when you're the victim?
You're just like a whiny child.
He's gentle huh?
You must've had it so hard, little boy.
Would a gentle person make such a face?
Tantrums are only cute when kids do them.
Now, why don't you join me and take
a step up the stairway to adulthood?
What happened just now?
He got behind me in a flash!
That movement
He must've practiced some martial arts.
In that case, I just have to hit him
fast enough so he can't dodge!
That was quite a fall.
You asshole!
I've got a question for you.
What do you think is needed
for someone to become an adult?
Why don't you join me and take
a step up the stairway to adulthood?
Stop spouting nonsense!
It's like he fell on his own.
You moron!
-Take this seriously!
-Why're you letting him toy with you?
Stop fooling around, Kanuma!
Are you messing with us?
They don't know anything
Me? Fooling around? Every time
I try to push, pull, or grab him,
he turns it around on me
in a blink of an eye!
If you guys have stuff to say,
then go ahead and fight this guy!
He's not just gentle, huh?
There isn't a shred of gentleness in him.
He's sure got quite a rotten personality.
He's keepin' a guy weaker than him
in play, making a fool of him,
and showing off an overwhelming difference
in strength endlessly.
If it were me up there,
I'd much rather die.
I see
I won't end up like that, though.
Yeah, it does sound morbid.
Well, I'm sure he has his own thoughts
about watching the Shishitoren punks.
But I'm surprised to see him
get this emotional.
This is probably
one of those cases, right?
When someone close by
is drawing out that side of him.
Now he mentions that
I'm going to give my all, too.
What do you think I could do
to make him fight me seriously?
Huh? Why would you?
You punk!
You punk!
Come on, get the hell up!
Stop screwin' around, Kanuma!
Are you even being serious right now?
Huh? No way
At this rate
Have you finally figured out the answer?
How about I
No, no, no
This isn't happening! Not happening!
This is
not happening!
How about I take a guess
on what you're thinking right now?
You're imagining yourself being
that very thing you once laughed at.
That's the answer to my question.
What you need to become an adult?
It's the power of imagination.
Come on.
Now you've got that done,
you're on the right track!
Let's move on to the next step
before you forget!
What do you think is necessary
to strengthen that imagination?
The answer is
to make your imagination into reality.
-All right, stop.
That's enough.
Sorry, eye-patch-kun. Can you step down?
Huh? It's over?
Don't embarrass us any further.
Though, I guess it's not
an embarrassment anymore.
Since you're not one of us anymore.
To become an adult means to
engage in other people's feelings.
For that, you'll need both
imagination and experience.
Good for you.
You've managed to at least
take one step up those stairs.
Shishitoren's headquarters sure
has a strong atmosphere.
Is this a run-down theater?
Oh, I've heard about the
shark movie with this poster.
Huh? This one is also a shark movie?
This one, too?
Hey, look. This one too.
All sharks
No wonder it went under.
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