Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022) s01e05 Episode Script

Pieces of a Man

(Imam praying in Arabic)
(congregation praying in Arabic)
(Imam and congregation praying)
Allahu akbar.
Allahu akbar.
- Imam: As-salaamu alaykum.
- Congregation:
As-salaamu alaykum.
- Imam: As-salaamu alaykum.
- Congregation:
As-salaamu alaykum.
Islam means
living in submission.
To be a Muslim
is to live in submission
to the will of God.
It is to cut bonds to
all the men we followed
in our lives.
Our leaders.
Our coaches.
Our fathers.
Your ancestors
were slaves to men.
From this day on
you are a slave to God.
Brother Lewis,
please come up.
This brother
has decided to open
his heart to Islam.
Allahu akbar.
If you're prepared
to walk the straight path,
say the words with me.
(speaks Arabic)
(repeats Arabic)
(speaks Arabic)
(repeats Arabic)
- Amen. As-salaamu alaykum.
- Wa alaykumu salaam.
The world will be
looking to you, brother.
More than most.
Who will you be to them?
Lewis Alcindor, Jr.
What is your name?
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
(sirens wailing)
("My Favorite Mutiny"
by The Coup playing

There it is ♪

Check it out ♪
Move, if you got the nerve ♪
Lash out for
your just desserts ♪
It's not just the worth ♪
Some of y'all heads
up in the clouds ♪
I'ma bring y'all
back to earth ♪
It's Black back to burn ♪
Bullshit y'all talkin' 'bout ♪
Out ya mouth ♪
I'm not concerned ♪
'Cause y'all got to learn ♪
It's y'all turn
like Detroit Red ♪
When his head
had a Ultra Perm ♪
The long walk'll
burn your bare heels ♪
So throw on your boots ♪
The game camouflaged
like army suits ♪
But I can see it
more clear ♪
'Cause I came with
The Coup in here ♪
Ring the alarm
and form the troops ♪
Send 'em out into the world
Go to war in a fluke ♪
Eye to eye with the enemy
you sworn to shoot ♪
Now comin' at ya neck
sick o' hearin' ♪
Something wrong with me ♪
Motherfucker somethin'
wrong with you ♪
When the chief just
way too smart to question ♪
The enemy the brothers
of a dark complexion ♪
The governments of the world
is shark infested ♪
They heavy on weaponry
like Charlton Heston ♪
Man, yeah,
it gets low here ♪
Real low
Know what I'm talkin' 'bout? ♪
Yeah, yo, it gets low ♪

- (static)
- (siren wailing)
Oh shit. You got
your game face on.
Just my face, Maurice.
It's scary nonetheless.
(sighs) What's the word
on Cowboy Clifton?
I got my eyes peeled.
Man, I hate scalpers.
I see that motherfucker,
I'ma give him a ass-whooping
- of a lifetime.
- Give him these instead.
That's a thousand tickets.
Tell him there's more
where that came from,
and he can spread the word.
Can't have this place
looking like a ghost town
on national TV.
So, I can't fuck him up?
Wait until he gets those
asses in those seats.
- Okay.
- Buss made some
changes to the VIPs.
Of course, he did.
No way we're getting
Dionne Warwick.
- You can always
say a little prayer.
- Is that a new awning?
Linda Zafrani:
He said it wasn't red enough.

No. No. Berenice, no!
No more of this Can-Can crap!
Come on!
This is seductive!
It's all legs!
No, it's all stiff!
I want freedom!
I want sex!
I want them calling
the Catholic League of Decency!
I think what you want
is a striptease.
Well, maybe if they just moved
their hips a little, you know,
- or work their hair?
- Jerry Buss: Exactly! How are
they gonna work the hair
with these buns
in there? Come on!
It's not ballet.
It's disco, Bernice!
Come on, girls.
It's this here!
Sex, you know?
It's women! It's their sex!
It's not just their legs!
Come on, girls.
Move it! Move your sex!
Good, like this girl here!
Like this tan girl!
There we go! Those are
the moves we're looking for!
Right there, right, Jeanie?
Let her choreograph it then.
- We're done!
- (music stops)
Wow. Bernice?
You're done? Okay.
They're wrong anyway.
We need to talk.
Great idea, Claire.
You're just a girl I wanna see.
I had a wiener from
the cart for lunch,
and it was sloppy.
- Heard oysters help with that.
- I'm being serious.
It was the casing.
When you bite into it,
it's gotta snap.
I know the feeling.
We're going to need you
to take a step back.
God is in the details, Claire.
That was our
second choreographer.
You've sent back
all the uniforms.
Because they stunk.
And if they stink, we stink.
- Only if we open!
- What the hell is that
supposed to mean?
Claire Rothman:
Apparently, our sound system
wasn't up to your
high standards.
what the hell is this?
My guy said these speakers
are supposed to be up already!
Same system as
Club Fantasia!
That's not the system
we permitted with the city.
Well, get a new permit!
In process,
as of this morning.
- We'll have it in
a week or two.
- A week or two?
Claire, you have got to put
some pepper on the ball.
That is pepper on the ball.
But, I don't suppose your
Fantasia friend mentioned that
before you ripped out
our entire sound system
because that's not his job
or yours. It's mine.
Claire, I'm not
opening this place
unless we're 110% ready.
You only get one chance
at a first impression.
That's why it's called
a first impression.
W-w-what is this?
Claire, come on.
This little door thing
should be flush with the bar.
Flush with the bar! Come on.
Let's care about stuff.
No more kinks!
Let's care about it!
Let's be perfect!
Jerry! We need to talk!
- Hello?! We need to talk!
- Hey, Frank.
Here we go.
I'll find another dance troupe.
And I'll
find another cigarette.
You yelling at me in
front of everybody? What?
- I gotta hear about this
from your mother?
- That's our bookkeeper.
She's a goddamn good one, too.
She found us a solution.
Excellent solution.
Give away the team?
To Joanne. It stays in
the family. Did you read it?
- She hates your guts.
- So what?
She loves me more.
Just like you, Frankie.
I was going to tell you.
- When, at my fuckin' funeral?
- I forgot!
- You forgot?!
- Frank,
look what we have!
Look what we did! Look at it!
The team we got!
We're Roman emperors!
Yeah, okay.
You're a Roman emperor.
Well, I got news for you.
Rome is fucking ruins,
and I don't think you're going
to be happy until we are, too!
I don't know, Jerry!
Maybe that will do it for you
because clearly
nothing else does!
Not the buildings,
not the broads,
n-not the friendship!
And pretty soon, it's gonna be
the same thing over there!
We're done.
We're done?
We're partners!
We're gettin' a divorce.
(opens car door)
(shuts door, starts engine)
(revving, tires squeal)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:
Allahu akbar.
Allahu akbar.
Allahu akbar
(praying in Arabic)
- (back cracks)
- (Kareem grunts)
(praying in Arabic)
(smooth jazz playing)

Cheryl Pistono:
Happy first day.
You might actually enjoy it
if you put the paper down
and look out the window.
Can't turn the world off
just to have a pleasant morning.
Well, can you
drink your juice first?
Tom called.
He says with this recession,
my portfolio is down.
It would be unwise
for me to turn down
an extended contract.
Well, maybe it would be wise
for you to quit tomorrow,
and we run away and bum it
to an ashram somewhere.
I was hoping one more year
would be enough.
Well, who knows?
Maybe it'll be a good one.
You know, if nothing changes,
nothing changes.
(jazz continues)
(film projector whirring)
Lewis Alcindor, Jr., of
Power Memorial High school
with an epic showing
here tonight.
An extraordinary young man.
Alcindor leading
Wooden's Bruins
to a third consecutive
and lossless season.
My, oh, my
Announcer 2:
Young Lewis Alcindor,
now Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,
in his first season
after leading the Bucks
to a world championship.
(projector whirring)


Get past.
You're in early.
Bouncin' off the walls.
Figured I'd come here
and get some work done.
Oscar used to do the same thing
when we were in Milwaukee.
- The Big O?
- Day one as an assistant,
I made it my mission
to be the first to practice,
and I think Oscar made it
his mission to beat me.
- (laughs)
- So, as the season went on,
I showed up earlier and earlier,
he'd be there every damn time,
dripping sweat.
You know it's on now,
right, Coach?
About time.
What's wrong, Coach?
You ain't happy?
You tell me.
I wonder how you think
you've been performing.
Well, it's kind of hard to say
since we ain't played
a game yet, but
shot coming around,
feeling relaxed in the break.
Why? What you feelin'?
When I came in,
I thought you'd take charge.
I thought you'd direct the show.
Ain't that what I been doin'?
I mean, me and Norm.
You the one who
put us together--
Jack McKinney:
I'm not talking
about a point guard.
I'm talking about
a captain of the ship.
Right now,
when I look out,
I see four guys
rowing together,
and one big anchor left behind.
Earvin Johnson:
Well, yeah, but Kareem
the captain.
I can't go around as
a rookie, telling--
Somebody's got to.
You know, just at
the last practice
(quiet laugh)
Kareem came up to me,
the end of practice,
and he said, um
"When is that young buck
going to take over?"
For real?
Cap said that?
Unless you think
I should go to Norm.
Nah! Hell no, Coach! No, no.
I can't let the big fella down.
- I got you.
- I thought you might.
Go on. I'll rebound.

(team chatter)
Come on, Cap! Run!
Run with the play!
Kareem looks like
a fuckin' tree trunk!
- I know. Keep it moving!
- McKinney: Move your feet!
Come on, Magic!
Show 'em how it's done!
Hey, Cooper!
Stay in the corner!
I'm coming to you, Cap!
Go to the basket, big man!
- Move your feet!
- Throw me the fuckin' ball.
This one's for you! Go get it!
(ball thuds)
(players chattering)
Thought you saw
me there, big fella.
Look, if you hit a spin
and rolled to the basket--
You can meet me where I'm at.
Yeah, but I'm
trying to get you
on the floor of
the offense, baby!
- Yeah, that sucked.
- Do you want me to, uh,
I can run a mini-clinic with
Kareem, zero in on his footwork.
- Call it!
- (blows whistle)
Bring it in, guys.
Alright, we've all seen enough
of these last few weeks
to know that if we play our game
and stick to the system,
nobody can beat us.
Just ourselves.
- Team on three!
- Let's go.
- One, two, three, team!
- Players: Team!
Hey, Cap, hold up.
Come on, man,
give me 15 minutes.
Practice is over, Houdini.
(door shuts)
- Boys.
- McKinney: I need good news.
It's trout season.
But I got somethin' better
for you in the meantime.
I spoke to
Spencer Haywood's agent.
He's available,
and he's motivated.
And humbled?
I need a role player,
not a star.
What fucking choice
does he have in the matter?
That ship sailed
four teams ago.
He knows it. Team knows it.
League knows it.
He's ready to roll up
his sleeves,
bang, bruise,
do the dirty work,
whatever it takes,
whatever you need.
Just so long as it
gets him one of these.
Well, we could use a lot more
of that attitude around here.
- Yeah, I saw that.
- Jerry, what the hell
do I do about Kareem?
- It's a brick wall.
- Well, don't offer
him any pork. (laughs)
How soon can we get Haywood?
Jerry West:
I think we can get this done.
He's ready to move.
Hey, Jerry. Hi, Jerry.
- (door shuts)
- (imitating West): Hey, Paul.
You're doing a great job
as assistant coach.
(normal voice):
I'm really trying my best.
(imitating West):
Well, I recognize that.
And I appreciate all
of your efforts.
- (knocking)
- Paul Westhead: Bus is waiting.
Yeah, what's he need?
No, the one with the wheels.
- Right.
- Brought you a little something.
I thought you might
wanna decorate.
- San Juan.
- Yeah.
It's the chicken wire game.
That was one angry mob.
I think that chicken wire
might have saved our lives.
Well, they're
a passionate people.
I guess I figured as far
as opening nights go
can't get any worse.
Not unless we lose
to the Clippers.
Fuck it. (sighs)
Let's go play some basketball.
Fuck it.
(energetic music playing)

DJ (on radio): Coming up,
the Los Angeles Lakers
take on
the San Diego Clippers
with announcers
Brent Musburger
Fucking amateur hour!
Those network nitwits
wouldn't know a decent
announcer from a Ken doll.
Hey, fuck 'em, right?
- I say we beat 'em
at their own game.
- Yeah.
Hey, I don't know
if you had a chance
to check out the tape
I cut together.
You know, the one
I did from training camp?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You know, tips from a pro.
Huh? I think we could
call it "Pat's Pointers."
Presenting "Pat's Pointers
with Pat Riley."
Brought to you by
AD Plumbing and Associates.
Pat Riley:
I mean, we could call it
"Chick's Checklist" or--
Patrick, do you
see what this is?
- Yeah, your hand.
- That's my fist.
When I close it while
we're on the air,
you close your mouth.
That's the most important
skill in this job.
That's you talking.
That's you shutting up.
Right, but when I am talking,
right? When I do talk,
you want it from,
like, an insider,
point of view, right?
I'm fisting you, Pat.
Now, pay attention.
There's a rhythm to it.
See? I call, you color.
Like a paintbrush,
with your tongue.
After a while, it'll be, uh,
like second nature to you.
(sucks teeth)
You won't even have to look.
You'll feel it when
you're getting fisted.
- (sucks teeth)
- Oh, I'm feeling it already.
- (snapping)
- Come on, Patricia.
We're walking.
Fuck it.
(locker room chatter)
Hey, Midnight.
Got your strings out.
Oh no, man, these are
my good luck charms.
Been doing this forever.
Yeah? You do it last year
when you blew your knee out?
Come on, man. Don't fuck
with a man's superstition.
For me, it was my lucky jock.
Back in Cleveland,
wore it all through
the playoffs,
all through the finals.
Right until I broke
my foot in half!
- (laughter)
- Shit, Chones!
- Go on, take it for a spin!
See what it fit like.
- That's fucked up, man.
That's disgusting, Chones.
(boom box playing)
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
All (singing):
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
- (laughter)
- Hey! It's EJ the DJ,
coming to you live
and direct from game one.
With a beat
to get you pumped.
Player: Okay! Okay!
Hey, don't worry.
I'm gonna be ready.
I'm gonna be ready.
What's up, Cap?
Just need some
orange juice now, right?
Fresh squeezed.
She turns me on and on ♪
Hey, don't tell me
this the place!
About to get up in these
Clippers' ass!
I thought you had to be
good-looking out in California.
Who let your ugly ass in?
- Abdul-Jabbar: Wood!
- Spencer Haywood: You know it.

Hey! As-salaam alaykum,
- (ding)
- Spencer Haywood.
It's a pleasure.
You may never heard of me,
but you've heard
of Kobe Bryant,
and LeBron James?
Straight out of high school
to the pros?
That never would've
happened without me.
See, I'm the man
who sued the league
just for the right
to play ball
and support my family
without four years of college.
Now, that didn't make
the owners all too happy,
so now I bounced around
a little in my time.

But here I am,
my day in the sun.
You made it out alive?
And it was a close call, man.
I was about to be the only
Black man in Salt Lake City.
Tell me,
what motherfucker
take a team called "Jazz"
to Utah?!
Better not tell Miles.
Shit, man.
Where my locker at?
Have you ever seen
Cap hug somebody?
- (grunts)
- I saw him put Bruce Lee
in a sleeper hold.
- You know what they say
about Wood, right?
- What?
Word on the street,
dude cut the skin
off his own dick.
- Ooh!
- I heard that, too.
Circumcised his own self
with a rock and a razor.
Oh, hell no.
That don't even sound real.
I'd hate to be competing
with him for minutes.
- Jim Chones: That would be you.
- Good luck with that.
Nah. Nah.
Nah, that can't be true. Can it?
Believe it.
Fuck. Just got
some minutes, too.
- (knocking)
- Got a minute, Cap?
(masseuse rubbing hands)
Look like I'm goin' someplace?
(back cracks)
Well, cool! (laughs)
Big night tonight.
Can't wait!
We 'bout to put it on.
It's a game. We'll play.
Yes, sir!
Yes, we will.
So, um, wonder how you feel
the team been performing.
It is what it is.
Yeah. Yeah, good point.
See, I wasn't too sure about
the plan in the beginning.
Coach McKinney,
all them birds and bees.
Everybody wants to reinvent
the game of basketball.
But, you know, since we've
been running it in practice,
I think we gettin' a sight
of what it could be.
Me and the other guys.
But the biggest thing I see
is you and me.
Is that right?
Hell yeah! Long as
I've been watching,
you've been working
hard for every basket,
double, tripled
in the post.
But we get out and run
like McKinney say?
Man, my size, my skill?
I can get you the ball in ways
you ain't never got
the ball before.
Put another 10 points
on your average, easy.
Plus we be whooping
everybody, dig?
You got a lot of ideas,
young fella.
Ideas be talk, Cap.
This some shit I know!
Way I can move the rock?
What you can do with it?
(sighs) Man.
Us together?
That could be the thing to see.
Cap and Buck.
Magic and Kareem.
- (siren blaring
- (action theme playing)
Oh, oh! Kareem and Magic.
(siren blaring in reverse)
Ain't never been
a combo like it!
All-all we gotta do
is both show up.
(opera playing softly)
You two have fun.
- How many games have you played?
- Since I was a pup.
Yet never once
as a professional.
will be my 853rd game.
In this league.
In that time,
I've won
five MVPs
and a world
And that's not counting
college titles-- where
I assume your hubris
comes from--
winning one.
Since you don't strike me
as much of a historian,
I'll have you know
I won three.
And I would have
an Olympic gold.
Young Abdul-Jabbar:
As long as Black people in this
country continue to catch hell,
I will not be representing
the United States
at the Olympics.
But, there are more
important things in this life.
Enjoy game one.
(funky music playing)
(crowd cheering, clapping)
Lakers! Lakers! Lakers!
- Lakers! Lakers! Lakers! Lakers!
- (clapping)
First game! Let's go.
Announcer (on PA):
Ladies and gentlemen,
the visiting team
from the Pacific,
the Los Angeles Lakers!
(crowd booing)

Let's go, Cap! Let's go!
(booing continues)
Yeah, yeah, whatever.
- (booing, cheering)
- Oh, boo yourself!
James Powell, who was
gunned down on Thursday
by NYPD Lieutenant
Thomas Gilligan.
Gilligan claims the young man
charged him with a knife,
but bystanders
from Powell's
ninth grade class
insist he was unarmed.
Protesters from the Congress
of Racial Equality
plan a rally in
the evening hours outside
the 123rd Street Precinct.
While Black nationalist
Malcolm X
- People gonna get
they heads beat in.
- (turns off TV)
Jesus watches over
fools and babies.
Two things this city's
full of, tell you that.
Hot out there.
Gettin' hotter.
I'm glad you got
the early shift.
The kid was
sitting on his stoop.
You think the bullet
knew the difference?
I think the cop did.
What did you say?
What'd you say?
Father of us all.
This meal is a sign
of your love for us.
- Cora Alcindor: Yes.
- Al Alcindor: Bless us
- and bless this food.
- Cora: Mm-hmm.
And help us to give Your name
the glory each and every day.
- Cora: Each day.
- Al: Through Jesus Christ,
our lord.
- Amen.
- Cora: Amen.
(Kareem praying in Arabic)
(praying, stops)
("Brick House" by The Commodores
playing on boom box)
We down four,
but we about to be up 20!
Shake it, Jack!
Shake your hair!
Come on now, baby!
(crowd cheering)
(ding, ding)
Not in the mood.
That's my concern.
I know my system
takes adjusting to.
Another coach,
another system.
Yeah. And I'm sure
that that gets tiring,
but I need your help.
We're playing
four-on-five out there.
I need you running the floor
with everybody else.
(crowd cheering)
This team is looking
to its leader.
The game'll slow down
in the fourth.
They'll put the ball
in my hands.
End of the night,
we'll have my 30 points,
10 boards.
My guess? I'll lead the team.
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
(whistle blowing)
Chick Hearn:
Number 24, World B. Free,
with the ball.
He's a hot shooter tonight.
- (crowd cheering)
- Off to Bryant on the wing.
(players chattering)
- (whistle blows)
- Out of bounds.
Oh, my goodness.
And now we've got a contest.
Everybody wants to play ref.
Last touched by
gotta be,
it's gotta be Laker ball.
(crowd clamoring)
Come on, ref.
Let's get an answer.
from his foot!
Come on, call it, ref.
(crowd jeering)
And so it is, Laker ball.
- Time out, time out!
- (whistle blows)
McKinney is off the bench
for time.
And let's see
what happens here.
(players chattering)
(crowd booing)
They're gonna take
a time out.
Now, folks,
if you're just tuning in,
you're late for
a very close contest,
but a disappointing one
at that
for these
highly touted Lakers.
Down by one with
four seconds to play,
facing an opening
night belly flop
against their lowly
siblings to the south.
Well, I tell you, Chick,
the, uh, difference here
seems to be Kareem.
He's put up solid
numbers in the fourth,
but every touch,
he slows the pace.
Now, if I'm the coach,
the first--
Who knows what evil lurks
inside your pipes?
Adee do, that's who.
That's Adee Plumbing.
Find them in the Yellow Pages.
Magic, take it in.
back-screen for Norm.
That's first option.
Second option,
Jamaal with a jumper. Right?
- No Cap?
- That's a play.
- Team on three.
One, two, three
- All: Team!
Norm Nixon:
You should go holler
at your boy, Silk.
- Me?
- Y'all both Muslims, right?
I'm not dying in a holy war.
(crowd cheering)
Let's go, fellas, let's go.
Come on!
Come on,
let's go win this thing!
Let's go!
(crowd cheering)
Magic Johnson
to inbound the ball,
and Jellybean Bryant
defending him.
Congratulations to
Jellybean Bryant,
his new son, Kobe,
is here in the audience.
Kobe Bean.
I'm not making that up.
- I believe it's Japanese.
- (baby crying)
Looking for Nixon
who's stacked and
struggling to get open.
The Lakers really
need a bucket here.
And Wilkes on the right side
looking to get free.
Kareem is single,
double, triple teamed
right in the center there.
The Clippers doing
everything they can
to keep the ball
out of his hands.
Jamaal free in the corner.
He's going for it.
But no!
He finds Kareem with
the skyyyyyyhoooook!
(jet plane roaring)
(crowd cheering)
- It's good! It's good!
- Oh my!
And Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
has just handed the Lakers
their first victory
of the season.
(laughs) And Magic Johnson
out there, hugging Kareem
like he's just won Game Seven
of the World Championship.
Patrick, that's why they
call him Magic Johnson.
What you doin'?
Get the fuck off me!
Hey, we won, Cap!
Look at all them fans!
- We got 81 more
games to go.
- Damn right!
You hit 81 more
shots like that,
I'ma give you 81 more hugs.
Come on, Cap, get happy!
- Get with it, baby!
- Holy cow, big fella!
- What a shot!
- Allahu akbar.
Unbelievable! Abdul-Jabbar
gives God the glory,
but seals the victory tonight
for the Lakers
with a miraculous
shot at the buzzer.
Jack. Hey!
- We're off to the races.
- Yeah.
- I wanna see the stat sheet.
- Okay, stat sheet.
Why? What's up?
I'll be goddamned.
30 and 10.
- Huh?
- It's just exactly
what he said.
Jack. Hey.
- We won.
- Yeah, yeah.
Reporter (on TV):
With a final score of 103-102,
the Lakers off to a somewhat
questionable beginning
of their season
earlier tonight,
pulling out a win
with a buzzer-beater
against the lower-ranked
despite new owner Jerry Buss
paying an arm and a leg
on personnel this off-season.
Let's be perfect!
This was a game
to be part of
You won't be happy
till we're in ruins, too.
incredible action.
Now moving on to hockey
('70s rock music playing)
Four, five, six, seven, eight.
Yes, you guys. Love it!
Good. Stay together.
I see you, Marie! Sharp!
Four, five, six, seven, eight.
Go one two, one two
You don't know how
hard it was for me
to get in that
dance company.
Bernice thinks I'm 19.
Look, it's only three nights
a week and practices,
and you'll be dancing for
the biggest stars in Hollywood.
I'm talking Michael Jackson,
Stevie Wonder.
- He can't see!
- He'll hear the applause.
Head girl?
And choreographer.
What do you say?
dancing, dancing ♪
- Yeah!
- (ding)
(needle scratching)
(jazz piano playing)

(music continues)
Young Abdul-Jabbar:
You're still my father.
But you don't want
your father's name.
Alcindor was
a French plantation owner.
Our people are Yoruba tribesmen.
- You taught me that.
- I taught you so you'd
know your history.
Not throw it all away
to rile up some white folks
with a bullseye
on your back.
Look, God gave me a voice.
He put me here.
It is not on you
to change the world.
Then who?
I need to do more with my life
than play a game that makes me
rich and makes them happy.
I know that's all
they want to see,
but it's on me if
I don't show them more.
(jazz continues)
It must have been hard
for you coming up.
Must feel good
to belong to somethin'.
So what does it mean?
The name?
Servant of the Almighty.
I saw his face when
he was hugging you,
hanging off your neck
like a damn koala bear.
You know I can't dig
the clown show.
- (laughs)
- Dancin' and grinnin'
for the crowd.
- So you mad 'cause he happy?
- You know it's more than that.
When we came up,
we put it on ourselves
to stand for something more.
The Supreme Court
will take up the case
We took the boos.
We took the hate.
to sue the NBA for
the right to leave college
Black man, you took the league
to the Supreme Court.
It was a racist-ass rule,
and you made a difference.
Look, I'm not saying
that I regret it,
but there's been time I did.
I mean, shit, you talkin'
about four teams in 10 years?
You talkin' about
every owner in the league
treating me like a pariah.
Once you ring
the white man's bell,
they don't forget.
And they drove me to
a dark, dark place.
Like, I'm angry at the man.
I was angry at the brothers
who I helped make it easier for.
I was just angry,
and that anger
it almost burned me up.
I heard stories.
I worried about you.
Whatever you heard,
it was worse.
I mean, I went 12 rounds
with that demon.
He knocked my ass out.
But here you are.
And I shouldn't be.
I got a second chance at life.
You know it all
come back to you.
You and me both.
(players chattering)
Get your money, man.

- What's the word?
- I don't know.
He was holding it.
- I couldn't see anything.
- Goddamn, Midnight.
- Can't you do anything right?
- You go take a look then.
I don't even believe
any of this anyhow.
Man cutting his own dick.
About to get your ass in there.
I got money on that thing.
What y'all talking about?
This thing?
Yeah? Feast your eyes.
- Goddamn.
- See, y'all done y'all
shit at the hospitals.
Those cats'll trim you up
like a cheap-ass steak.
- Oh my god, it's swingin'.
- I'm from Mississippi.
Down there, we like to handle
things a little differently.
We like to take matters
into our own hands.
So, I grabbed it,
I held it down like
a copperhead snake,
I did the deed.
- Damn
- Nixon: Hey, pay up.
You heard him.
- Give me my money.
- Cooper: Shit.
- Nixon: Cool. Cool.
- I told you not
to make that bet.
- I know.
- I told you--
That's my money, man!
- Shit, I earned this.
- (laughter)
- Sorry, Stormin'.
- Come on, y'all
are stupid, man.
- Mr. Jabbar.
- Peace.
- (showers running)
- (clears throat)
Yo, you got
a minute, Rook?
Let me holler at you.
- (door shuts)
- (Kareem sighs)
So, what's up, Cap?
I've had a little while
to get to know you now.
- Mm-hm.
- I've seen your game up close.
I wanna let you know that
I appreciate the
youthful energy you bring.
(laughs) Word? Well
Thanks, Cap.
- That's somethin' else.
- You're welcome.
But this is bigger
than the game.
How you comport yourself,
- how people receive you
in the public eye?
- Mm-hmm.
That's how the world
sees all of us.
You sayin' I don't act right?
I'm saying
if you want respect
within this team,
young brother,
you have to show some.
I have to show some respect?
For this team?
The team that you
don't even run for.
The team that I've been
workin' my ass off
trying to bring together?
That team?
We all call you Cap,
but you ain't leading
shit 'round here!
You stoppin' it.
We out there running
like Ferraris,
while your old ass moving
like a Cutlass on two flats!
- What did you say to me, boy?
- You heard.
Everybody else just
too afraid to say it.
Evil as you is,
walkin' around
mad at the whole world--
Get in! Get in there!
(players shouting)
Get your hands off!
Get your goddamn hands off me!
Get your fucking hands off me!
Get your hands off me!
(soft jazz playing)
- Shit.
- What the fuck
wrong with y'all, man!
What the fuck was that?
(breathing heavily)

Announcer (on PA):
At center,
seven-foot-two, from UCLA,
number 33,
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
(crowd booing)

James Powell, gunned down
by NYPD Lieutenant
Thomas Gilligan
Young Abdul-Jabbar:
I need to do more with
my life than play a game
that makes me rich
and makes them happy.
Malcolm X:
We don't hate anybody!
We love our
own people so much,
they think we hate the ones
who are inflicting
injustice against them.
Lew is the-- probably
the deepest boy
on the entire team,
concerned about many things
other than just basketball.
- Protesters:
What do we want? Freedom!
- (gunshot)
- Malcolm X: But I think
that the white backlash--
- (gunshot)
Fred Hampton:
The people are gonna have
to stand up against--
Young Abdul-Jabbar:
God gave me a voice.
He put me here!
Imam: What is your name?
("Pieces of a Man" by
Gil Scott-Heron playing)
I saw him go to pieces ♪
I saw him go to pieces ♪
He was always
such a good man ♪
He was always such
a strong, strong man ♪
As-salaam alaykum.
Wa-alaykum salaam.
Welcome, brother.
It's rare we have a man
of your stature
in this humble
place of worship.
It's been a while since I've
seen the inside of a mosque.
Well, Allah's glad to have you,
brother, just the same.
All is well?
(sighs) I can't say it is.
I can't seem to pray on it.
I try.
I say the words,
five times a day.
But they're not
coming from my heart.
They used to.
Are you afraid
God is lost to you?
- Maybe I'm afraid to face him.
- Mm-hm.
When I came to Allah
as a younger man
my faith was purer.
For the first time in my life,
I felt I had a purpose.
I made myself
a rich man.
Famous for
because I put a ball
into a basket.
But now, I see this world.
I see a world
that is no better
for my being here.
And yet,
He still shines
his light on you.
People booed me
when I changed my name.
And now, they cheer me, and
it feels exactly the same.
I hate them for it.
I push them away
because they all see a hero.
And I see a clown.
Then you've forgotten
your own name.
Servant of the Almighty.
God's instrument.
Not God.
It ain't on us
to take His place.
All we can do is be
examples of His love.
That's why He made
you so strong.
So you could walk His path.
That's why
He made you tall,
so other men could see
and become inspired.
And that's why He gave
you knees, brother.
So you can kneel
with everybody else.
- (jazz music)
- (quiet prayer)
Can I pray with you?
(reciting prayer)
(jazz continues)
Host 1 (on radio):
I'll tell you, buying a team
ain't like buying a building.
I think this guy is
clearly out of his league.
Host 2 (on radio):
He thinks this team
is just another boat or car
- to show off.
- (mocking)
I really don't know
what's worse,
the fact he doesn't know
what he's doing
or the fact that
he thinks he does.
Host 1:
No, he's finding out
losing games never
looks good on anyone.
Host 2:
He's treating this franchise
like his plaything,
like it's just another pair
of dungarees for him to trash.
Host 1: Yeah, stupid
and cocky is a bad mix.
- Jerry: Fuck you.
- Host 2: I'm telling you,
this guy needs to go
back to real estate
and leave pro sports
to the pros.
Why don't you go
fuck yourself?
(knocking, door opens)
Got something to show you.
I thought you said you
weren't gonna be ready
for a week or two!
I pulled some strings.
Promised the inspector
tickets to the Ice Capades.
We're ready to open! Yeah?
If you like what
you see, and, uh,
- this is-- this is you.
- (laughs)
Look at that. Fantastic.
Did you check out
the sound system?
Is it perfect?
Well, Jeanie
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it sounds great.
And wait for the best part.
("Ring My Bell"
by Anita Ward playing)
My love for you ♪
So long I've been saving ♪
Tonight ♪
Was made for me and you ♪
You can ring my bell ♪
Ring my bell, my bell ♪
You can ring my bell ♪
Ring my bell, my bell ♪
Ring-a-ling-a-ling my ♪
Bell ♪
Ring my bell ♪
Ring my bell,
ring your bell ♪
You can ring my bell ♪
Ring my bell,
my bell ♪
Ring-a-ling-a-ling ♪

- Jerry: Wow. Ladies.
- (laughs)
That was amazing,
That ain't ballet,
I tell you that.
Now, that is a vision.
That is female empowerment
right there.
- You said it.
- Incredible!
Claire, I can't believe
you pulled it off.
- Thank you.
- We officially have a vision.
- Look at this!
- (sighs)
- (cheerleaders panting)
- We really did it.
What's this here?
Wait, I thought we said
we're going to fix this.
It's supposed to be flush here.
- Yeah, I'll, uh, we'll give
maintenance a call right away.
- (bang)
Yeah, you can really notice
it there, so, you know
Maybe I can just get it--
get it to set down.
- (slam)
- Why isn't this flush?
(pressing buttons)
(shaking machine)
Ow oh.
(elevator beeps)
It's Jeanie!
Why are you here?
I'm here to pick you up.
Monopoly, that's Thursdays.
This isn't Thursday.
The-the home opener.
Yes. Yes.
And that's why
I'm going to bed.
I can't stand to watch my son
humiliate himself.
But it would mean so much
to him to have you there,
Oh, you have certainly
swallowed the line.
Uh-uh. He needs us
when he's down.
When things are looking up,
he'll be looking somewhere else.
You just go, sweetie, go! Go!

(funky music playing)

(crowd cheering)
Frank Mariani:
Jeanie called, said you
had a little bar fight.
The bar won.
Well, uh
I wouldn't count you out.
I'm sorry, Frank.
(pouring drink)
Yeah, well, you know.
Where would I be without
Jerry fuckin' Buss?
- Happy.
- Hm!
I'm the happy one.
Bored. That's what I'd be.
You know what I can't
stop thinkin' about?
Remember the Comstock building?
When did we buy that? '63? '64?
You had your eye
on that one for years.
I have never wanted
anything more in my life.
And the day we closed,
I went up
to the top floor, and I stood
in the middle of that room,
and I cried.
Tears of fuckin' joy, Frank.
And then, five minutes later,
it was just another
fuckin' thing that I owned.
We made a hell of
a killing on it.
This was supposed
to be different.
- This was supposed to last.
- This? This?
This is-- It is!
And it will be!
And we'll make it so!
It's going to be great!
- It's going to be fucking great!
- Until it's not enough.
You said it.
What's wrong with me?
What am I going to do then?
I don't know, I'm not--
I'm not-- I'm not a shrink.
I don't know. (sniffs)
What am I going to tell you
that you don't already know?
There's more to
the cliff than the edge.
You got to give
yourself permission
every once in a while
to take a step back,
enjoy the fuckin' view.
I heard that somewhere.
I mean (sniffs)
It ain't a bad view.
(crowd cheering)
Let's go! Lakers!
Let's go! Lakers!
A chant now from
this rabid crowd.
Anticipation through the roof
for the home opener
of what promises to be
what everybody hopes will be
a special kind of season
for these Lakers.
- (muffled crowd cheering)
- (players chattering)
- Y'all ready?
- Come on, boys!
Alright, alright!
Bring it in, bring it in!
Keep the pace up.
Lakers basketball.
Let's go, fellas.
Team on three.
(muffled cheering continues)
- One, two, three, team!
- Players: Team!
(players whooping, clapping)
(energetic music playing)

Ladies and gentlemen,
prepare to meet your
Los Angeles Lakers!
(crowd cheering)

(shutters snapping)
But first, introducing
Hey, stick around.
I gotta go drain
the weasel though.
Your weasel's gonna
wanna see this.
So is yours.
Code red. Go! Go!
the Laker Girls!
(crowd cheering)
("Ring My Bell"
by Anita Ward playing)
(cheering continues)
My love for you ♪
So long I've been saving ♪
Tonight ♪
Was made for you and me ♪
You can ring my bell ♪
Hey, where's
your grandma?
Oh, she's under the weather,
wasn't feeling up to it.
Ah, first of many, right?
Ring my bell,
my bell ♪
Ring-a-ling-a-ling my ♪
Bell ♪
Ring my bell ♪
My bell, ring my bell ♪
You can ring my bell ♪
Ring my bell, my bell ♪
Ring-a-ling-a-ling ♪

(crowd cheering)

You can ring my bell,
you can ring my bell ♪
Ding dong ding,
ah Ring it ♪
- (buzzer blaring)
- (crowd cheering)
Ring it, ring it,
ring it, ring, ah! ♪
You can ring my bell,
you can ring my bell ♪
Ding dong ding ah! ♪
- (buzzer blaring)
- Hearn: Whoa!
Magic with eyes in the back
of his head. Oh my.
Oh, you gotta love
the effort by Kareem
on both sides of
the floor, Patrick.
Crowd is on its feet,
and listen to 'em roar.
(crowd cheering)
I'll tell you, Pat,
the Lord and four disciples
could not beat
the Lakers right now.
Yeah, I see
Jack McKinney smiling.
You know, Chick, I think, uh,
Kareem is smiling, too.
- We'll check the skies.
It's a full moon.
- (whistle blows)
And the Bulls are gonna
take a timeout on the floor,
and we'll take it right
there with 'em right here
on the Lakers
Basketball Network.
("Get on Down"
by Rokotto playing)

(crowd cheering)
Nah, Cap. That's old school.
You gotta bring it up.
Hit me up here!
Let's go!

Let's go! Let's go!

Everybody ♪
You've got to,
you've got to get on down ♪
Hearn: Holy cow!
The Lakers are off
to a blistering start.
My friends,
Jack McKinney is making
John Wooden
look like Grandma Moses.
Everybody ♪
You've got to,
you've got to get on down ♪
Everybody ♪
You've got to,
you've got to get on down ♪
Westhead: Hey!
I stole these from
the visitor's locker room.
- (Jack laughs)
- I think they lost so bad,
they needed
something stronger.
- I'll drink to that.
- Good. Join me!
Does it feel the way
that you pictured
in your head
all these years?
I, uh, see you smile?
There! (laughs)

Okay. No more basketball.
It's your day off.
McKinney: Oh
- I don't want to jinx it.
- You've earned a day off.
Anyway, I'm taking
the car with Cassie.
So, why don't you go meet Paul
for some tennis or something?
- The fresh air will do you good.
- Mm.
(laughs) That doesn't
sound like an answer.
- I love you.
- Claire McKinney: I love you.
Have fun.
I, I love the colorful
clothes she wears ♪
And the way the sunlight
plays upon her hair ♪
I hear the sound
of a gentle word ♪
On the wind that lifts
her perfume through the air ♪
I'm picking up
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
I'm pickin' up
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
Good, good, good,
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
Good, good, good,
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
Close my eyes,
she's somehow closer now ♪
- (brakes squeal)
- (honks horn)
Softly smile,
I know she must be kind ♪
When I look in her eyes ♪
She goes with me
to a blossom world ♪
(brakes click, tires skid)
I'm pickin' up
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
I'm pickin' up
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
Good, good, good,
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪
Good, good, good,
good vibrations ♪
She's giving me
the excitations ♪

Ah, ah, my, my,
what elation ♪
I don't know where
but she sends me there ♪
Oh, my, my,
what a sensation ♪
Oh, my, my,
what elation ♪
Oh, my, my, what ♪

Gotta keep
those lovin' good ♪
a-happenin' with her ♪
Gotta keep
those lovin' good ♪
a-happenin' with her ♪
Gotta keep
those lovin' good ♪
a-happenin' with her ♪

Ah! ♪
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