Wolf Lake (2011) s01e05 Episode Script

Excitable Boy

1 Clue me in on something here.
I know you always dug her but what's the appeal? You don't see it? That's what I'm saying, I don't see it.
You're having a failure of imagination, my friend.
C'mon, Tyler, you gotta admit, the pills have taken their toll.
Granted, she maybe dead from the neck up.
But from the neck down, world class.
My view: never mind the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire.
My truck's outside.
It's a small town, Tyler, but you really need to expand your horizons.
You were always a huge fan of my truck.
We think we've come up in the world.
I'll get a room.
Mmm .
Why, we don't rate the house? I'll pass.
Now, I remember.
You like a little chase up front.
Then you flip open like a cheap suitcase.
C'mon, Tyler, we're closing anyway.
I dropped three $300 in here tonight, Brucie.
I say when we close.
You should put some alcohol on that.
Can everybody please just calm down? Goodnight, Power Rangers.
It's been a slice.
Hey! ( Thunder blasting ) Get a grip, girl.
Jane, Jane! Open up I don't have my keys! Jane, it's me Jane! Open UP! Please - .
Open up (Music plays) So, Larry is it? Barry.
Right, yeah, Barry.
Uh, I don't doubt you were living in Dallas in 1963 and working in the book depository.
Um-hm Yeah, your confession is definitely compelling but it has one very significant flaw.
Yeah, Ted Kennedy is still alive.
Oh, yes, he is.
He was on C-SPAN just this afternoon.
- Miranda! - So, as you can see I was on my way home and I felt tired.
What happened? Over there I just wanna-- Call the E.
Tell them I'm on my way.
Hey, what are you doing up? I know Two in the morning.
I should be asleep.
This is what, the fourth night? I can't sleep.
I just toss and turn and get all anxious.
I want to jump out of my skin.
Maybe you should go see Dr.
He'll just tell me it's a phase and he'll make me a balloon animal.
I'm not a kid anymore.
When is he going to realize that? I'm a "disturbed" teenager.
It came ! The one you've been waiting for from Italy, it's here.
What, you're not gonna open it up? I mean, this is from the University of Florence? You're not dying to know if you got accepted ? What if I didn't ? Yeah, well, this is parental privilege here.
We got in.
I did? I got in 1 Soph, I'm so proud of you.
This is great.
( Phone ringing ) Yes Donner.
Multiple contusions, mostly on her lower body, what looks like teeth marks on her arm and shoulder, and lacerations on her back.
So you agree, she was raped? Look, I've seen this girl come in and out of here more times than I can count.
Hey, she's a druggie.
Her blood alcohol is point-two-four.
Rape is a relative term.
Not to me.
'CO me.
Stay away from me ! There is no smoking allowed! You're going to lecture me too? Tell me you're hipper than that.
How're you feeling? Like I just won the lottery.
Listen, I know this is a terrible time but I some questions I have to ask.
I'm a Libra.
My favorite color is blue and I like my privacy! - What the hell? - Procedure.
We take pictures of assault victims.
- I'm not a victim! - What are you doing? I'm not a victim ! Miranda.
What are you doing? You can't go anywhere! Are these mine ? Painkillers? - Great What's this? - Anti-inflammatory.
They're boring.
Miranda, you don't have to be brave about this.
Just so you know, I'm never brave.
And I don't always know what I'm doing.
But I do tonight.
Miranda, please, let's go back.
If we want to catch the person who did this, we're going to need a rape kit.
What? To get samples.
Blood, saliva, DNA Seminal fluid.
Sounds like a blast, but I've got a goldfish at home that's waiting for dinner.
You don't want to see justice done here? You're new in town, so let me just clear some things up.
Things like Justice, Opportunity, Equal Rights, those are for the people on The Hill.
Down here, Justice is not only blind, she's deaf, dumb, has a flabby ass and hops around on one leg.
Miranda I'm alright, I'm alright.
Nothing three or four tons of makeup can't cover.
Here, come on.
Let me take you home.
Any idea who did this? Might be tough to find a suspect.
Right now, I don't even have a victim.
I These little town blues I I Are melting away I ) I'm gonna make a brand new-- I) I'd trade it all for perfect pitch.
It's one of the perks of managing the place.
I get to indulge my fantasies.
I'm John Kanin.
Yeah, I know who you are.
You're the guy who's looking for my brother's daughter.
I gotta hand it to you.
What do you mean ? Weaker men than yourself might've quit the picture by now.
Is that so? Um-hm.
I've sort of made an informal study of weakness.
Take me for example.
Who would blame me if I hung it up? If I laid rotting under a blanket somewhere in the back room? Not me .
I run a thriving business.
You might want to rethink that maid service.
I haven't seen a fresh towel in weeks.
Duly noted.
Miranda Devereaux, was she in here last night? As a matter of fact, she was.
Why? Notice anything unusual or out of the ordinary? Everything about Miranda is unusual.
In case you haven't noticed.
Who was she with? With? Miranda's not "with" anybody.
- Everybody's with Miranda.
- Meaning? She's one of these people of the world, you know? Jump-start on a frosty night.
The flame that makes all the shadows dance.
Did the flame leave alone? Didn't notice.
Well try to remember noticing.
She was assaulted and raped not ten blocks from here.
That bastard.
Who? Tyler Creed.
Thank you for bringing her.
You can go home to your own family.
I'm sure they've missed you.
Your work here is done.
Changing of the guard? NO.
What then? Humor your old man, Ruby.
Try to take the contempt out of your voice.
Tell me I'm free to go, and I will speak to you only on bended knee and in rhyming couplets.
You're free to go.
- What? - You heard me.
Under what conditions? None.
Well, one.
Your own good judgment.
There is the rub.
Ruby if you run to him, I can't protect either of you.
Because once John Kanin sees you, he won't settle for anything less than the truth.
And around here that doesn't exactly increase your life expectancy.
That's very clever.
You open the prison door with one hand and you consign me to a convent with the other.
I'm only trying to do what's best for you.
By marrying me off to Tyler Creed? I won't do it.
You never would do anything you didn't want to.
Even as a little girl.
( Child ) It's not fair, Ruby and you know it! All I ask is that you consider the consequences.
The choice is yours.
Sausage and hot cakes, elk jerky and scrambled.
You sure you don't want anything, Mr.
Blackstone? So you're just gonna sit there all morning or what ? It's kind of creepy, you know.
Like you're just waiting for something to happen.
Look at it this way.
I'm preventing somebody else from sitting here and ingesting a lethal dose of cholesterol and saturated fat.
Think of it as, uh a public service.
So, you're outta here, right? Rome OI' somewhere? Florence.
Ah, yes, workplace of Galileo.
Malodorous little man.
Chronically constipated.
anyway - I can't believe everybody knows already.
It's like six months away.
Thank your father.
He's done everything but skywriting it over the Community Center.
(Music plays) I wouldn't expect a tip from table four.
Cut, clarity, carats, color.
The Four C's.
Tough call.
Am I interrupting a quintessential moment? Actually, you're just in time to give me a second opinion.
Maureen, meet our new Deputy Sheriff.
Please, sit.
First things, first.
I didn't jump Miranda Devereaux.
Really? She marked you up pretty good there.
I've got witnesses.
Sounds like a solid case of assault.
If I decide to press charges.
Now you see, that kind of attitude just sets me off.
Kick starts this knee-jerk, macho cop, roust mode.
Makes me want to run her prints, trace this jewelry, order a colonoscopy just in case you're withholding evidence.
It can get real ugly, real fast.
What is it with me and the police? What am I putting out there? I think I need to visit my psychic healer.
Get my aura tweaked.
Where'd you go after you left here? - Home .
- Can you prove it ? - Don't have to.
- Yet.
You're a city Q“Y- Got some taste.
Pear or marquis? Expensive stuff.
She must be a very special girl.
Isn't that what we're all looking for? Isn't there supposed to be like some kind of warning before everything goes totally Star Wars? That is the warning.
Then what do I do now? Depends.
On? The strength of your other universe.
I felt fairly awesome.
I don't know.
I'm scared.
Feel free to jump in here with something encouraging.
Well, it will do wonders for your hair.
- (chuckling) - Thanks a lot.
Just know this.
You're stronger than you think.
I didn't hear you come in.
Your mother's? Oh, Regina.
A lovely person she was.
She was quiet, and private and kind.
And no one would argue with me if I added schizophrenic.
You've been drumming that into my head since I was nine years old.
Have I? Why do you take so much pleasure in reminding me of that? Nothing like a wedding to bring out the best of everybody.
Did I say that I was getting married? Aren't you? NO.
Your father will be very disappointed.
He's been very disappointed before.
You know I told him to let you stay in Seattle.
Why go to all that trouble when you'd be back on your own sooner or later.
I never would've left.
Yes, you would have.
And do you know why? Because everything there was a lie.
Because everything that you had with that man was a lie.
That's not true.
I know you.
And part of you is already bored.
Keeping your secret, resisting your nature.
Really, ask yourself: how long do you think you could have lasted? We are clan, Ruby.
And like it or not, we're incomplete without each other.
You went into shock.
That's perfectly normal.
But can you remember anything? Even a little detail from the time you left the club until when you were attacked? Why can't I smoke ? City ordinance It's not good for you.
Look, we ' re gonna wrap this up, I promise.
Miranda, please, think.
There's gotta be something.
She's hiding something.
I hate putting her through this.
Maybe the two of us is overkill.
Why don't I try alone? Go easy on her.
So much for the ordinance.
Just so you know, I can't pay the fine, but I can do the time.
Look, Miranda, I've made this speech a thousand times.
So here goes a thousand and one.
I'm getting a headache already.
There's a sonofabitch out there who's going to do this again.
And if you don't help us, you're helping him.
You say there's no justice in this town, Miranda, well, let's change that.
Is that it? I figured you'd appreciate the condensed version.
Oh! Oh, I'm sorry.
I think you're sweet.
YOU are.
It's pretty weird Sure you're ready? Oh, hell, why not? That's the great thing about my reputation, it can't get any worse.
Start the tape.
(Music plays) ( voices whispering ) ( growling ) Hey, did she give you anything ? Oh, yeah.
Did she identify somebody? ( Miranda ) Do you promise not to freak out.
I know it sounds psycho, but that's what I saw.
I'll repeat it real slow.
It was a wolf.
Well, everybody said she's a headcase who needs to be shipped to Toon Town.
Tell me you agree and I'll drop this into cold case file.
Never think about it again.
Everybody's right.
She's a headcase.
She's a headcase who can sing her ass off.
I'll put that in my report.
Uh let's presume what you think you saw is not totally outside the realm of possibility.
You said wolf.
Is it a reddish wolf, grayish wolf, black wolf? Thick coat? I wasn't comparing outfits.
I was running for my life.
What about eye color? - Green, Blue? - Mean.
Where are we going with this? I'm just trying to get as specific as possible.
In most precincts, just wolf would be enough to narrow it down.
I wouldn't want your job if they gave me a million dollars.
We done? Yeah.
You know, there are two kinds of people in this town.
I still don't know which kind you are.
(Music plays) I Start spreading the news I ) I'm leaving today I ) I want to be a part of it I I New York, New York I I These vagabond shoes I I are longing to stray I ) Right through the very heart of it I New York, New York I') You did it, Brucie.
You sniveling bottom-feeding gimp.
What? You ran her down, and took her and you got to feel like a real man.
For what, five whole minutes? What the hell are you talking about, Tyler? Last night, we came back looking to party some more.
Saw your car, figured you'd still be here.
Nobody home.
So we decided to break in the back way.
Just like the old times.
You left your chair in the alley and your crutches.
SQ? You knew what the penalty is and I'm not going down for this.
You better talk to your big brother.
Get him to make this all go away.
You're desperate, Tyler.
Listen, I don't know-- Now, I'd off you myself for what you did to her.
I wouldn't mind being blamed for that at all.
Bruce: The man is dangerous.
Plus he shows no respect.
By disrespecting you, he disrespects me.
That's what I told him.
Bruce, you're my kid brother I love you.
What would you have me do? I don't know.
Whatever you think is appropriate.
Okay then.
You go on home then, I'll take care of it.
He won't bother you again.
Thank you.
Thank you, brother.
You know this place is still scary to me.
It's off limits.
It's your father's study.
Of course, it wasn't off limits to you, was it? Huh? Me, I was always upstairs in the sewing room, singing The Letterman's Greatest Hits to mom.
She'd always lie, and tell me how good I was.
Alright, brother.
Bruce, Yeah.
Tell the truth Did you hurt this girl? Uh-uh.
No, I swear--- Bruce .
Don't lie to me.
I'm not.
Why would I lie? Because you do.
I'm a screw-up, okay? I'm not a bad guy.
You want my help with Tyler Creed, don't you? Yeah.
And you know I would never use my power against my own family.
So, don't insult my intelligence.
Tell me what happened.
I didn't mean to.
I mean it's not like I planned it or anything.
You know, I just went out for a run.
Plus, I was hammered.
(chuckles) Hey, stuff happens.
You're never coming back.
I am.
Luke, my dad's going to be him in any second.
Nope, This town is just a speck in your rear-view mirror.
It's just for the summer.
And if he finds you here, he's I mean, how can this place compare with Italy, you know.
I mean, you'll be a sophisticated world traveler.
And how's anybody going to impress you after that? And who might want to impress me? Oh, you'll see.
You'll see, you'll be like, "Dear, Dad.
I'm having such an incredible time.
"This city is so amazing, and I'm learning so much "and I'm riding around on my little Vespa, I'm living La Vida Loca.
" "La Dolce Vita".
"La Dolce Vita".
"And I'm going to stay here forever and ever and ever.
Please, Dad, please" Don't you ever fantasize about anything beyond Wolf Lake? Why should I? I mean, I'm never gonna get to do any of it.
Can't leave this town, you know that.
It doesn't seem fair.
Hill People can never put themselves or their clan at risk.
They drum that into you since preschool.
The world begins at Wapiti Pass and ends at county line.
Anything beyond that is deep space.
It's there to explore.
Isn't it? If we were meant to explore, we would've been given safer blood.
My dad's home, I can hear his Explorer.
You can? That's at least a block away.
We'll have to talk about that some time.
Very revealing.
Especially the part about being Yoko Ono's love slave.
But the fact still remains that John Lennon's killer, Mark David Chapman was apprehended at the scene and is still in prison.
It's on the Internet, you can check it out.
Hey! Hey, what the hell is going on here? I better confess to a crime.
What is this, an epidemic? I raped Miranda Devereaux.
- What? - I raped her! You gotta lock me up.
Now .
Alright, come on Hey, you can't do this.
I've got rights.
Where's that guy Kanin? I want to see him.
What, where're they going? What C'mon, man, you're the sheriff! Do something! Thanks for calling me, Matt.
I know it was hard for you.
Oh, ffff I'm sorry it had to come to this.
C'mon, Sheriff ! C'mon, man Shut up, Bruce.
You're too late, brother.
You can't lay a finger on me now.
My man Kanin called the troopers.
They're on their way.
Tonight I'm gonna be dining cafeteria-style.
In a state correctional facility, one in a county where your name don't be diddly.
100 year old? Hey, that's mine.
Don't think you can seek refuge in the human justice system.
It's just not gonna happen.
The hell it isn't.
You know, I might get eight years for this.
But it sure beats our law.
I mean, come on.
A death sentence for an error in judgment with an ungulate? One that's a whore? But it's kind of funny how this turned out.
What with you always getting the good cards, me always drawing the Joker.
There's something in you that likes sitting in that chair, doesn't it ? It's like a built-in excuse.
Yeah? Well, I'm gonna outlive you cancer boy.
Ain't that a mother nudge: Y? Bruce, I can't let you put the rest of us at risk.
You know that.
It's time to do the right thing.
"Do the right thing".
I know what you're trying to say.
You want me to throw myself on the sword, land on the grenade 'Tia a far, far better thing I do' blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Well you're not going to guilt me into it.
- Bruce, listen.
- Um-um-um Finish it It will be quicker that way.
You sonofabitch ! I should have been a better brother to you.
I'm sorry.
John? John? John? I don't know what it is, but I always get a big kick pissing in another man's bowl.
Where's John? Planning a little R and R.
Answer the question.
I found you before, Ruby.
I can find you again.
Remember that little "bargain" we talked about ? I thought I would take it out of the realm of the theoretical.
Consider yourself proposed to.
Look what my brother kept in a lockbox.
Microphone? A book of dirty limericks.
Toenail clipper.
Box of refills for a mechanical pencil.
Not much of a legacy.
I imagine there won't be a mad scramble for the toenail clippers.
Let's hope he left a will.
You've had a hard day, Will.
Why don't You just go home "9? How can I do that after what I've just done? After all the things I've done.
Because that's where you live, man.
The woods are beautiful this time of the year.
Maybe a good long run is just what I need.
Want something for your sinuses? Ragweed's bad this time of year.
I'll take my chances.
Matt: Okay, close your eyes.
In a perfect world, this would come wrapped in this, but it's been a tough day.
Oh, my God! It's an eighty-millimeter refractor telescope on an equatorial mount.
Dad, this is I love it! Let's set it up, come on.
This should impress those professors in Florence when you show up with your own gear.
What? You know, I'm remembering I told Cyrus Wurtzel I'd be back at camp this summer.
I'm sure I'm only his arts and crafts counselor, and I've been going there for like eight years.
So, just all the sudden, boom.
Never see those people again? It's suddenly hitting me.
Honey, it's just a summer camp.
I'm sure Mr.
Wurtzel he'll understand.
I just don't feel right about it, that's all.
And who am I kidding anyway? Me an astronomer? You've always dreamed of that.
I really want to work with kids.
Plus, I'll get paid at camp.
Wait, wait, wait a minute.
What are you telling me? I'm reconsidering.
Reconsidering? It's just that I don't think Florence is the right thing right now.
It's going to be really expensive.
Let me worry about that.
Look, how can you compare Camp Walla-Walla with six weeks in one of the cradles of Western civilization? It's my friends.
And my last summer.
There's something you're not telling me.
I'm not telling you what? I don't know.
Look, tell you what, take a couple of days and think about this.
You don't have to decide tomorrow.
Dad, I'm not going.
( Playing piano ) (Music plays) - ( metal clanging ) - ( wolf crying ) Ahh, God! Thank God.
(gunfire) (Music plays)
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