Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Introducing Naoya and Gamers Meetup (Part II)

You sent Hana-chan and Kabakura
to the store, didn't you?
It couldn't be helped.
Kabakura wanted to buy an Ichiban Kuji.
Right now, they're selling uh
I didn't know you had your ears pierced.
Since when?
I pierced my ears for the first time
when I was in high school.
I didn't know you used to be a bad boy.
It was only during summer vacation.
It was because of the "rashness of youth."
Stop it.
You're going to make me mess up.
Your earlobes are thin.
Was it because of a heartbreak?
No way.
I was just trying to act cool.
I used to think acting like an adult
would make me become an adult faster.
That's what I used to think.
It's part of your personality.
You're kind of impatient and childish
Well, I really was a kid.
But, hearing you point it out hurts.
What do you mean?
Did you become the adult you wanted to be?
I want to be a kid forever.
Surrounded by your beloved toys!
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
The graphics were so amazing!
It was really cool, right?
After I saw the broadcast,
I re-watched all the old episodes
I recorded right away!
What a classic hot-and-cold plot!
Begins with cold action, then the other side
responded by acting hot
Come on! I've donated so much money already!
Is he
No way.
He just fell asleep. Anyway
Their new drink looks really delicious!
Let's try it next time!
They had two new ones.
Right. It looked so delicious.
May I have a special berry-on-top yogurt frappe
with crushed nuts and extra whipped cream,
regular size, please!
Thank you for your order.
That will be 620 yen.
I've been dying to try their new frappe!
I would have invited Hirotaka too
if he liked sweets.
Let me confirm your order.
One special berry-on-top yogurt frappe
with crushed nuts and extra whipped cream,
regular size.
Is that correct?
Oh, I don't need a lid.
Then I'll put some extra whipped cream on top.
Oh, thanks!
I've never seen this barista before.
He's kind of cute.
-Excuse me!
-Oh, yes!
Thanks for waiting.
Wow! Amazing!
That's a mountain of whipped cream!
I tried my best!
Please be careful not to spill it!
Um, I've been wondering
about something for a while
Huh!? What is it?
Oh, no! Did I stare at him too much!
You're Narumi, right?
No way! I didn't recognize you!
I thought so.
Long time no see.
You dyed your hair, didn't you?
Hey. I'll be on my break soon.
-Can I come over to talk?
-Of course.
-Come! Come!
Hey. What's going on?
How would I know?
judging from the friendly atmosphere,
they're probably
Cut it out!
Stop tapping your thumbs!
You're the one who asked.
Kabakura still idolizes Narumi.
I'm going to go talk to
Calm down, Bakakura.
This is between them, right?
Outsiders shouldn't interfere.
I thought you hated it when
people did stuff like that.
But I can't ignore it.
I'm sure Naru has dated a lot of
different types of people before.
I think it's good that they're able to
talk to each other as friends.
Well, I guess you're right
-Which one?
-This one!
This one is a rare cat!
Are you sure?
They're really close to each other.
Is that kind of distance normal?
That's about normal for Naru.
Haven't they ever heard of personal space?
You're a lot more sensitive about that kind of stuff
than you look.
What do you mean by that!?
I mean, why are you mad, anyway?
You're not her father.
I'm not mad!
Maybe I'll try playing too.
I'm not saying anyone did anything wrong or bad.
I'm just saying that if it were me,
I wouldn't want to see it.
That's all.
Well but you know
If I were the person involved,
I'd want to know the truth.
If I were the person involved.
Well, I don't want to dig up the past.
If she really is innocent,
then she could prove it if we talked to her.
Since they're dating each other,
I think they shouldn't ignore any doubts.
That's what I'd think
if I were the person involved.
What are you talking about?
Let it cool down before you drink it.
What Huh!?
Uh Are you trying to ask why I'm here?
I'm just here because I was invited.
By Koyanagi.
He recovered after his nap.
I was wondering what you were typing! You
I did it for their own good!
What do you mean by that, you idiot!
I told you I'm sorry, right!?
You never said that!
-So, this is a rare cat?
-It's a different one! It's so cute!
Nifuji no way
He's going over!
Momose. I hope everything will be okay
He's just my friend now.
Everything is not okay, right!?
Wait! Nifuji!
Kabakura still idolizes Narumi.
Why are you here, Hirotaka?
Naoya Nifuji.
He's Hirotaka's younger brother.
He's younger by seven years.
When we were in elementary school,
we used to play together at Hirotaka's house.
This is his brother Hirotaka.
I don't care who that guy is.
You should have told me
you work in the same office as Narumi.
I was surprised.
You should have told me you work so close.
I was surprised.
Huh? I told you the other day, right?
So, he's his younger brother.
Who's the one who said that he's her ex?
Oh, Hirotaka.
Can I stay over at your place tonight?
Your place is close to my college,
so it's convenient for me.
Hirotaka is already sleepy.
I want to go to your place too!
Can you take me?
Don't miss the second half of Uki Uki Watching!
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
I hung up your necktie and jacket
on a coat hanger.
Can I bring everyone some drinks?
Let me help, Nao. He's useless.
If you're sleepy, go take a shower first.
Sorry for coming over even though you're tired.
This guy really wanted to come over.
I wonder what he always eats?
No, it's okay.
It's just that I didn't sleep yesterday.
My brother doesn't do anything himself.
He's got a problem.
What about you, Narumi?
Do you cook?
Well Uh
Oh. I do cook a little.
Just a little
Your eyes aren't open.
Did you stay up all night playing games
on a weekday?
-Squidly, I did.
-Don't joke around!
So jealous!
I want to play the Squid Girl that invades using ink too!
You should just stick to Animal Crossing.
What did you say!?
The hardcore gamers are scary!
I'll just stick to Animal Crossing.
You're one of those hardcore gamers yourself.
Right, Nifuji's little brother?
Uh I'm not really sure.
Do you go to the ocean and the forest
for work?
Huh? Did I say something wrong? Sorry.
I don't know the specific terminology
and I still don't have a lot of real world
common sense.
But, this is so nice.
It's like a classic office conversation!
It's admiring!
Blood Type Blue!
He's a non-otaku!
This is bad
I let my guard down
What did I say during our conversations
until now?
And what am I supposed to talk about in the future?
Shall we?
You never waver, do you, Hirotaka?
You really like games.
I'll let you use the GameCube controller today.
I'll just watch.
But, you're right.
No matter how old they are or what they like,
everyone can enjoy game.
And on top of that, giving Hirotaka a controller
always puts him in a good mood.
Let's have a team battle.
Since they're here,
the Nifuji brothers should be a team.
But, I'm not very good
and I'm sure I'll slow Hirotaka down.
Are you okay with that?
See? Look at him.
His face is saying he doesn't want to.
It's okay!
I'm sure he's just sleepy.
What did you say?
"I'll help my little brother! Leave it to me!"
What a great big brother you are!
I never said that.
What a great big brother you are!
Ugh. I don't care anymore.
Well, compared with Nifuji,
no one is good,
so let's just have fun.
I'm not good either, so it'll be okay!
I'm going to choose this guy.
Oh, good choice, Nao. Nice taste!
-That character is good for beginners.
That's an almighty character
that can handle any type of battle.
-Good choice.
-Yay. I'll do my best!
Wait, Hirotaka!
Talk to Nao before choosing the stage!
It's okay.
I don't know anything. So, I'm okay with any stage.
What am I going to do!?
What is this? I'm going to fall off!
The ground is shaking!?
Calm down.
Jump! Jump! Keep your balance.
I'm getting in Hirotaka's way.
I'm going to run to the right! Oops, too far!
I fell off.
I got the item!
I did it!
Does this mean I'm invincible?
You're invincible! You're invincible!
-Now! Go help!
Hirotaka, I'll be right there
I can't stop!
Hey. He fell off by himself.
I dodged the attack!
Now it's my turn
Which button is for punching?
No, idiot! That one is for
I blew myself up!
I'm not coming back to life anymore
He's really bad.
Next, let's choose somewhere
where it's hard to fall off.
This stage is a little too hard, isn't it?
Hirotaka, sorry.
It's okay.
-Actually, it's easier for me this way. Thanks.
Then all's well that ends well?
You should get mad at him, Nao.
The game ended with Hirotaka winning by himself.
No can do
He's knocked out.
I can't believe he fell asleep
while holding a controller.
He looks like a kid when he's asleep.
Hirotaka. You'll catch a cold.
Oh. He's completely out.
Once he falls asleep, he won't wake up.
Leave him to me!
It's getting late. I'll walk you to the station.
It's okay. I'll walk these two myself.
But, you guys live in the opposite direction,
Don't worry about it.
Then I'll walk with Narumi.
I said don't worry about it.
What's wrong?
You know, Nifuji's little brother
I don't know what you're up to,
but she has a boyfriend,
so, don't make things complicated.
Sorry! I wasn't trying to do anything like that!
I didn't notice.
Sorry, Narumi!
No, it's okay.
Well, it's hard to notice just by looking.
I said too much again.
I didn't know you two were dating,
Narumi and Kabakura.
What!? No What!? Oh Huh?
Huh? Was I wrong? But, you just said
You're right! I'm the one
who's complicating things!
What I meant was it's not me!
Oh, dear.
The reason I said that just now
was as more of a father-figure
I can't wait any longer.
Do you understand now, little brother?
In other words
I'll use this when I write romance!
I'm taking notes!
He's with me
And, she's with him.
and my brother are
I know how you feel.
But, anyway I guess
I'm dating your brother.
But, things aren't that different
from how they were before
Calm down.
He really does have feelings for Momose
Sorry. I was
worried for a long time.
I thought my brother
would turn into the type of person
who was fine with being alone.
I was always hoping
you'd stay by his side.
Thank you!
Sure! Getting this group together is easy.
Let's play games together again anytime!
You're acting like a father!
Take care of your little brother.
Huh? What's gotten into you all of a sudden?
And teach him how to play games a bit.
It'd just be a waste of time.
I want a frappe.
Introducing Naoya and Gamers Meetup (Part II)
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
I'm only going to do this once.
So, watch closely, okay? Here I go.
Do it again!
Do it again!
I told you I'm only doing it once, right?
This is a true story.
Even though you cried for real?
Yeah. He never did it again.
Show me that magic trick too.
-Here I go.
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